
(学科:英语 时间:60分钟)
学校: 班级:
第一部分 听力部分
1.( )A. B. C.
2.( )A. B. C.
3.( )A. B. C.
4.( )A. B. C.
5.( )A. B. C.
6.( )A. B. C.
7.( )A. B. C.
8.( )A. B. C.
9.( )A. B. C.
10.( )A. B. C.
A. garden B. clinic C. playground D. library E. classroom building
16. Lisa 17. Jason 18. Sue 19. Tom 20. Michael
21. Name
22. What’s the date today It is 1st.
23. What does she do at school ( ) A. She sings and dances. B. She plays games. C. Both A and B.
24. Does she get sweets ( ) A. Yes, she does. B. We don’t know. C. No, she doesn’t.
25. How does she feel ( ) A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Angry.
第二部分 读写部分
A. fever B. library C. nearby D. China E. crowd
( )26. Not far.
( )27. A symptom with a high temperature in the body.
( )28. A place where we can read or borrow books.
( )29. A lot of people get together.
( )30. The name of our country.
A. lost B. spilled C. kicked D. hit E. left
June 20th Thursday Sunny
I had a bad day today. In the morning, I 31. the milk when I had breakfast. After breakfast, I 32.
a boy on my way to school. I rode the bike too fast. When I sat down in the classroom, I found I 33. My English book at home. In the afternoon, when I came back home, I found I 34. my key to the door. So I went to the park. I played football with my friends. But I 35. the football into the lake.
Luckily, my teachers, parents and friends cared for me and helped me. And I will be more careful in my daily life.
A. cross the street B. push in the crowd C. keep quiet D. fly the kite E. fall into the water
Know and follow rules 36. It’s not safe to near wires. 37. You can’t when the lights are red. 38. In the reading room, we should . 39. Don’t . You may step on other’s foot. 40. The ice is not thick enough. You may .
A. No, it isn’t. B. Where can I find the hospital C. What’s the matter with you D. It’s near a supermarket. E. The hospital is right beside it.
Lisa: Hi, boy. 41.
John: My right arm hurts badly. 42.
Lisa: Please walk on, and then turn left at the first corner.43.
John: Is it far
Lisa: 44.
John: Is it on the right of that gray building
Lisa: Right. That is the supermarket. 45.
John: I see. You are so nice. Thanks a lot.
Lisa: You’re welcome.
134th Labour Day Carnival May 1-5, 2024 9: 00 am--11: 30 am, 2: 00 pm--6: 00 pm. Near Beihai Park Music shows and traditional games Free food and drinks (No food and drinks by yourself) Ticket: 100 yuan for adult(over 18 years old) 50 yuan for children(over 14 years old) Free for children(under 14 years old) Te1: 1866627534
46. This is the May Day.
A. 34th B. 14th C. 134th
47. Where is the Labour Day Carnival held
A. In the park B. At school C. Near Beihai Park
48. When can you go to the Labour Day Carnival
A. 9:30 am, May 6th. B. 3:00 pm, May 3rd.
C. 1:30 pm, May 4th.
49. You and your parents will go there. How much will you pay
A.200 yuan B.300 yuan C.250 yuan
50.海报中画横线“free”一词的中文意思是 .
A.自由的 B.免费的 C.空闲的
Tim:Can I go with my pet
What A Poor Day!
On Sunday, Ben rides a bike with his friends. But he rides too fast and falls off his bike. An Ambulance comes. The man takes a look.52. "Take it easy," the man says. 53. He is afraid. He doesn’t want to go there.
54. The doctor checks Ben’s foot. There is a fracture. Ben’s foot is put on a cast. 55. Grandma visits Ben with some fruits. Two weeks later, Everyone welcomes Ben.56. They are happy.
A. Ben takes an X-ray. B. He has to stay in bed. C. Ben’s dad makes a cake for him. D. His left foot hurts badly. E. The man takes Ben to the hospital.
( )57. There is a fracture.
A Ben needs to take a temperature. B. It's not easy for Ben to stand up.
C. Ben hurts his right foot.
Different hobbies
Glad to meet you guys! I am Chris. I'm ten years old. Different people have different hobbies Today I'd like to introduce the hobbies of my family. My dad is a famous musician. He likes music best. He can also play the piano very well. He has even performed overseas and got millions of fans. I am so proud of him. And My mom also has a hobby. She keeps different pets, such as birds, cats and turtles. She is my biggest fan.
I started to know classical music from my dad when I was 5. I am a big fan of him. I wish I could be a great musician like him. I listen to all kinds of music. I love country music and pop songs better. There are so many nice musicians. They are good at playing different kinds of instruments(乐器). I go to see their concerts(音乐会). It's nice to see them face to face. I can learn a lot from them.
Do you have hobbies I'd really like to know about your hobbies.
( )59. A. B. C.
( )60. Chris has been in love with music for ten years.
( )61. Chris's dad is not a famous musician.
( )62. Chris's mom is a fan of him.
( )63. Chris's mom keeps fish at home
( )64. Chris wants to be a scientist like his dad.
65. My name is Chris.
I am ten years old.
I keep a cat.
I like listening to music.
26.C. 27.A. 28.B 29.E 30.D
31.B. 32.D 33.E 34.A. 35.C
36.D 37.A. 38.C. 39.B 40.E
41.C. 42.B. 43.E. 44.A. 45.D
任务一:46.C. 47.C. 48.B 49.A. 50.B
任务二:Can I do my homework there (不唯一)
任务一:52. D. 53. E 54.A. 55.B 56.C
任务二:57. B.
任务三:58. Ben should stay in bed and can't move frequently.
任务一:59. C
任务二:60.F. 61.F 62.T 63.F 64.F
任务三:My name is Haiping. I am nine years old. I keep a dog. I like reading story books. They are interesting.



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