
1. [T] [F] 2. [T] [F] 3. [T] [F] 4. [T] [F] 5. [T] [F]
6. [T] [F] 7. [T] [F] 8. [T] [F] 9. [T] [F] 10. [T] [F]
12. Max is Mary’s uncle. [T] [F]
13. Mary’s uncle is thirty years old. [T] [F]
14. Mary’s uncle lives in Washington. D.C. [T] [F]
15. Mary’s family and her uncle aren’t going to have a big family reunion this Christmas. [T] [F]
16. Mary enjoys playing with the cute cat every day. [T] [F]
17. Where does Sam live
[A] Near a rood. [B] On a farm. [C] In a forest.
18 What do Sam and his family do on sunny days
[A] Sit under the old tree. [B] Plant trees. [c] Cut down trees.
19. Sam feels ________ when the man wants to build a new road.
[A] [B] [C]
20. The old tree says trees and people are friends because trees can ________.
[A] help people build the rood
[B] gave people fruits to eat
[c] make the air fresh and the farm green
21. What does Sam think of the old tree
[A] The old tree is very brave.
[B] The old tree is sorry.
[C] The old tree is fresh
don’t which singer strong practise interested than cook good cooking school
It’s a sunny day. Children are having a class at 22.__________. The teacher says. “Come on, everyone! It’s time to play in the club (俱乐部). What do you like doing And 23.__________ club do you want to join ”
Betty, Sally and Peter are 24.__________ friends. They have different interests. Batty likes music best. She wants to be a 25.__________. “Let’s join the Music Club.” says Betty. But Sally and Peter don’t want to join the Music Club because they 26.__________ like music.
Sally is good t running Sally thinks doing sport makes people healthy. She likes sport better 27.__________ music Sally wants to have a 28.__________ body. Sally wants to join the Sports Club! She needs to 29.__________ a lot.
Peter likes 30.__________. He can make sandwiches and pa for his parents. He likes food best He wants to be a famous 31.__________ in the future.
Some other children are 32.__________ cooking too. They say, “Good! Let’s come and join the Cooking Club!” “Oh, yes! That’s the club for me!” says Peter.
A. How long does it take you to go back B. It’s famous for colourful flowers. C. He is two years younger than I am. D. Why don’t you take the plane to Yunnan E. Who’s that cute boy in the photo
Tom: Look! 33.________________________________________________.
Lily: He’s my cousin. He lives in Yunnan with my amt and uncle.
Tom: He looks much younger than you.
Lily: He is. 34.________________________________________________.
Tom: How often do you see each other
Lily: Every Chinese New Year. I often go back to Yunnan with my family before Chinese New Year.
Tom: 35.________________________________________________.
Lily: It takes us ten hours by train.
Tom: 36.________________________________________________. It’s faster.
Lily: I enjoy travelling by train.
Tom: What is Yunnan famous for
Lily: 37.________________________________________________.
33. [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 34. [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
35. [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 36. [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
37. [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Dear Aunt Peggy, How are you Let me tell you something about my new school. Now I study in Jones Primary School. It’s very big with a beautiful garden. My new school is not so close to my home. I need to get up earlier and go to school by subway every day. My class teacher, Miss Jenny, teaches us maths. My classmates come from different countries. One of them is called Emily. She goes to school on the school bus. She is from Canada, and she can draw very well. She is good at ant. We usually talk in English, so I think my English is better now than last two months. There are many different sports teams like swimming, basketball and tennis in my school. But I only joined the badminton team. The coach said I played very well, and someday I would play for China in the Olympic Games and win a medal! I’m looking forward to seeing you. Yours, Amy
38. Where is Amy’s new school
[A] It is far from her home. [B] It is close to her home. [C] It’s close to a garden.
39. How does Amy go to the new school
[A] Walk to school. [B] By subway. [C] On the school bus.
40. What subject does Amy’s class teacher teach
[A] Art. [B] English. [C] Maths.
41. Amy’s English will be better than before because ________.
[A] she can usually practise English with Emily
[B] her English teacher can teach well
[C] she likes reading English stones
42. Which sport team did Amy join in Jones Primary School
[A] Badminton team. [B] Basketball team. [C] Swimming team.
Bread In Beijing, many people like eating white bread and hotdogs. They can buy them in supermarkets. From wheat to bread 1. Farmers grow wheat on farms. 2. They take grain from the wheat. 3. People take the grain into a mill. 4. In the mill, the grain is ground into flour. 5. Bakers buy the flour and make dough with water, sugar and butter. 6. They put the dough into an oven to bake bread. wheat mill flour dough When you enjoy eating fresh bread with your family, try to think about how bread is made.
43. Where do people buy bread
[A] Supermarkets. [B] Mills. [C] Farms.
44. How many kinds of bread does the article mention (文章提到)
[A] 2. [B] 3. [C] 4.
45. Put these pictures in the correct order. (结合短文给图片排序)
[A] 4-1-2-3 [B] 2-4-1-3 [C] 4-2-1-3
46. Who gets grain from the wheat
[A] [B] [C]
47. In the article (文章), “ground” means “________”.
[A] a small bag
[B] a piece of land
[C] making something into small pieces
48. This article is about ________.
[A] different kinds of hotdogs
[B] the making of bread
[C] farmers’ job
49. 作文
Dear Frank, I’m glad to receive your letter. I know you have some problems with your future plan. Now I’m writing to share my ideas about it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope my letter can help you. Have a good time. Best wishes. Yours, Lele
22. school 23. Which 24. good 25. singer 26. don’t 27. than 28. strong.
29. practise 30. cooking 31. cook 32. interested
33. E 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. B
38. A 39. C 40. C 41. A 42. A
43. A 44. A 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. B
Dear Frank,
I’m glad to receive your letter. I know you have some problems with your future plan. Now I’m writing to share my ideas about it. I want to be a teacher in the future. As a teacher, my duties are important and I want to teach children all kinds of knowledge. It is interesting and I'm happy with them to study and play. And it is safer than other job. Students are all respecting teachers. To be a teacher, I will study harder. If I can’t get this job, I am also interested in cooking. I can cook delicious food for people. Is it useful for you I hope my letter can help you. Have a good time.
Best wishes.



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