
注意 事项 1. 学生要写清校名、班级、姓名、学号。 2. 书写字迹要清楚、卷面要整洁。 3. 本卷共3页,答卷时间为60分钟。
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )
6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( )
( ) 1. When is Lucy going to fly her kite
A. B. C.
( ) 2. Which one is Bob’s T-shirt
A. B. C.
( ) 3. Which one did Fred NOT do
A. B. C.
( ) 4. How is Tina feeling now
A. B. C.
( ) 5. Where are they now
A. B. C.
Mark Ted
Emma Steve
Rose Puff
( ) 1. When is Ben’s birthday
A. September 3rd. B. September 13th. C. September 16 th.
( ) 2. What will the weather be like tomorrow
A. B. C.
( ) 3. What will the family do at home Put the pictures in the correct order. (请把图片按照将要发生的顺序排列)
A. b-a-c B. c-a-b C. a-b-c
a. b. c.
( ) 4. Who is going to look after the dog
A. Carol. B. May. C. Ken.
( ) 5. They’re talking about ________.
A. how to water the plants
B. how to help Grandma Li
C. how to get to Grandma Li’s home
My Role Model
Name: ____________ Age: ____________ Personality (性格): ____________ and helpful Hobby: ____________ I wish her ____________ every day!
1. duck bird panda ____________
2. school park shop ____________
3. cashier teacher taikonaut ____________
4. could spent made ____________
5. where why how ____________
A. Be careful! A man is falling down the stairs!
B. The sun is shining brightly. Wear your hat.
C. They’re playing hide-and-seek.
D. He’s talking on the phone.
E. The boy runs quickly.
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )
A. mistake B. seed C. joy D. bark E. teach
( ) 1. It’s a very happy feeling.
( ) 2. It’s a short loud sound that a dog makes.
( ) 3. It is something you did that was not quite right.
( ) 4. It means “to show people how to do something”.
( ) 5. It’s a small thing that you put in the ground to grow a plant.
Everyone needs food, water, a home and clothes. These keep us 1 and warm. We need fruit and 2 , such as (例如) ranges, tomatoes, potatoes, and onions. We want other food, like ice cream, 3 we don’t need it, because it is not healthy! We use money (钱) to 4 things we need and things we want. It 5 important to buy things we need FTRST!
( ) 1. A. health B. healthy
( ) 2. A. vegetables B. vegetable
( ) 3. A. and B. but
( ) 4.A. buy B. bought
( ) 5. A. is B. are
A. before B. hard C. now D. great E. helped F. classmates
( A ) My name is Gary. I’m a monitor (班长). I wasn’t a good pupil __________. ( ) 1. My __________ didn’t like me because I was rude (粗鲁的). I didn’t listen to my teacher. ( ) 2. One day. Miss Jones had a __________ idea. She asked, “Gary, do you want to be a monitor ”
( ) 3. After that, I wanted to be a good monitor. I often __________ others. ( ) 4. I also worked __________. I was polite (有礼税的), too. I wanted to be a good monitor. ( ) 5. My classmates like me __________. They like to play with me. I know I am a good boy now!
( ) 1. This is a Chinese food restaurant.
( ) 2. You can buy two kinds of sandwiches.
( ) 3. The small size of cola costs five dollars.
( ) 4. You have 26 dollars. You can buy a hot dog and a cake.
( ) 5. You have 12 dollars. You can buy a checse sandwich and a tea on Saturday afternoon.
Dear Fangfang, I want to thank you for looking after me. We live in the same building. When you knew my mum was in the UK, you often helped me with my Chinese and cooked for me! Thank you for all the delicious food you cooked! Hope to see you again! I will miss you! Mandy Dear Miss Liu, Thank you for everything! You taught me I so many things. You helped me understand how numbers work. I will try to be a better i student in middle school. I’m sorry for often talking in your class. Best wishes to you! Mandy
Dear Tingting, I’m sorry to tell you that I’m going back to the UK soon. You’re the first friend I made in our class. We live far away from each other, but you always invited me to your home! Your mum is good at cooking. I tried my first Chinese food at your home! It was delicious! Good luck in your middle school life! Mandy
( ) 1. Fangfang is Mandy’s ________.
A. teacher B. classmate C. neighbour (邻居)
( ) 2. ________ often cooked food for Mandy.
A. Fangfang B. Miss Liu C. Tingting
( ) 3. Picture ________ shows Miss Liu’s class.
A. B. C.
( ) 4. Why did Mandy write to these people
A. To make friends with them.
B. To say goodbye to them.
C. To ask them for help.
( ) 5. According to (根据,按照) the messages, which sentence ISN’T true
A. Mandy is going back to the UK.
B. Mandy is a quiet girl in Miss Liu’s class.
C. Tingting’s home isn’t close to Mandy’s.
Last Saturday was Mum’s birthday.
“Shall we go out today ” she asked. “I need to wash the car,” answered Dad. The children shook (摇动) their heads. They all had other plans. Mum was sad. “They all forgot my birthday,” she thought. She decided (决定) to go to the cinema.
As the door closed, Dad smiled. “Good!” he said. “We have lots to do before the party. Where are Mum’s presents ” Jane pointed behind the sofa. Mark took out a shopping list. “I’ll do some shopping now,” he said and went out. “I’ll clean the rooms,” said Ken.
An hour later, Ken could smell something good. “Have you finished Mum’s cake ” he asked Dad. “Yes,” said Dad. Mark was back with the shopping. “What’s that noise ” he shouted. “It’s Jane,” said Ken. “She’s choosing some music for the party.”
Three hours later, everything was ready. “Where’s Mum ” asked Ken.
Dad pointed at his mobile phone and said, “Look! There’s a message!”
“Gosh!” said Dad. “This really is a surprise party!”
( ) 1. How many children are there in this family
A. Five. B. Four. C. Three.
( ) 2. Which thing did the children NOT do
A. Go shopping. B. Make a cake. C. Clean the rooms.
( ) 3. Why did the family members tell Mum they were busy
A. They forgot it was Mum’s birthday.
B. They wanted to have a surprise party for Mum.
C. They knew about Mum’s meeting with Aunt Lucy.
( ) 4. Why did Dad say, “This really is a surprise party!” in the end
A. Because Mum knew about the party.
B. Because Mum was surprised in the end.
C. Because Mum didn’t come home for the party.
( ) 5. Which sentence is NOT true
A. This story happened at a weekend.
B. Mum’s presents were behind the sofa.
C. Mum was sad because no one went to the cinema with her.
When is your birthday What presents did you get on your birthday
What did you do on your birthday How did you feel And why
1. pig (或tiger等不唯一,下同). 2. library 3. nurse 4. did 5.what
七、选句配图:1. C 2. B 3. D 4. E 5. A
八、按义选词:1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. B
九、完形填空:1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A.
十、读图选词:1. F 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. C.
十一、读菜单,作判断:1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
十二、读留言,作选择:1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B
十三、读故事,作选择:1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C
My birthday is on the fifth day of May. Last month I spent a happy birthday with my classmates. They are friendly and always kind. I got many beautiful presents on my birthday, such as story books and delicious chocolate cake, we sang songs together, ate the birthday cake, talked about some interesting things together. Of course, we had a good time. And I felt happy because of classmates’ friendship.



