Starter Welcome to junior high! 随堂小测及答案(外研版2024七上英语)

Starter Welcome to junior high! 随堂小测
1.初级中学_______________________ 2. red scarf________________________
3.为...做准备_______________________ 4. in the future _______________________
5.交新朋友_______________________ 6. first day_______________________
7.运动鞋_______________________ 8. a orange cap_______________________
9.带某人参观_______________________ 10. a bit nervous_______________________
1.Like I said, you're always welcome___________ (stay).
2.Mum, I want to learn___________ (study) English.
3._________ (this) are my favourite books.
4.Today is my __________ (one) day in this new school.
5.The red_________(scarf) are on sale now.
6.Don't forget____________(hand) in your homework tomorrow.
7.Did you enjoy _________(you) last night, Lisa
8.Everyone __________ (like) this movie because it is very interesting.
9.There are six__________(build) in our school.
10.The food in this restaurant is __________(health) and delicious.
( )1.There are ten _________ in our school.
A. man teacher B. man teachers C. men teacher teachers
( )2. There is _____ book on the desk,_____ book is Lily's.
A. an; a B.a; an C.a; the; the
( )3. My sister ______ likes this movie.
A. too B.also C.isn't D. doesn't
( )4. How about______ there by bus
A.go B. to go C. going D.goes
( ) 5. My mum _____ a dress today.
A. puts on B.wears C. dresses
( )6. There ______ some pencils in my pencil case. B.are C. have D.has
( )7. Lily likes playing ______ piano but she doesn't like playing _____ basketball.
A./;/ B.the; / C./; the D.the; the
( )8. My mum wants to go there by plane______ my father wants by car.
A.and B.or C.but D. because
( )9. Lisa often helps me _______ my English.
with C.on
( )10. We should get______ at English because it is important.
A.good B. better C. best D.well
1.请为运动会做准备。Please ________ ________ ________ the sports meeting.
2. 你可以在这交新朋友。You can________ ________ ________here.
3.请把花瓶放到架子上。Please_________the vase ________ the shelf.
4.你想要哪种书 ________ ________ ________ books do you want
5.我需要进行自我介绍。I need to________ ________.
1.We will visit Beijing next week.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)
_________ _________ _________Beijing next week
_________,_________ _________.
2.I cleaned the room yesterday.(改为否定句)
I _______ _______ the room yesterday.
3.The boy's name is Peter.(就划线部分提问)
_________ _________ _________name
4.My hobby is reading books. (就划线部分提问)
_________ _________ _________
5.There is an apple on the table.(改为复数)
There _________ _________ _________on the table.
Miss Wang: Good morning, class.
Students : 1.____________, Miss Wang.
Miss Wang: Let's introduce yourselves first. 2.____________
Han Lu : My name is Han Lu.
Miss Wang: 3._______________
Han Lu : My hobby is playing basketball.
Miss Wang: How do you feel your first day in junior high
Han Lu : 4.__________
Miss Wang: Great! I hope you will have fun here.
Han Lu : 5._________
I'm a bit nervous, but I can make some new friends here. Good morning. C. Thank you.D. What's your hobby E. What's your name
Look! This is Tom's 1.______. It's very nice. There 2._____ a desk, a bed and two chairs 3.______ it. The desk is near the window.You can see 4.______ English books and beautiful flowers on 5.______. Under the desk, there is a ball. The bed is next to the desk. Tom's 6.______ are under the bed. There is a 7._____ of China on the 8.______. There is a photo of his 9._____ on the wall, too. You can see his parents and 10._____ in the photo.
( ) 1.A.bed C.desk
( ) 2.A. is B. has C.have D.are
( ) B.on D.under
( ) 4.A.some B. any C.a
( ) 5. A. this B. them C. these
( ) 6.A.bag B.cap C. shoes
( ) 7.A. picture C. maps
( ) 8. A. wall B. desk C.bed D.chair
( ) 9.A. family B.parents C. friends D. teachers
( )10.A.her B.he C.him D.she
Look at the boy. His English name is Mike Smith. His Chinese name is Li Hai. He is from England. He is twelve years old. My name is Hao Gang. Tom is my English name. I'm from Shanghai. I'm thirteen. Mike and I are good friends. We are in Grade Seven.I am in Class Three and he is in Class Five. Today is Thursday. We plan (计划) to go swimming after school.
( )1.How old is Li Hai
A. 10 years old. B.11 years old. C. 12 years old. D.13 years old.
( )2. Where is Tom from
A. America B.England C.France D.China
( )3. What class is Li Hai in
A.Class 2 B.Class 3 C.Class 4 D.Class 5
( )4. What day is it tomorrow
A.Wednesday B.Thursday C.Friday D.Saturday
( )5. Which one is TRUE
A. Mike and Tom are in the same grade.
B. Mike and Tom are in the same class.
C. Mike and Tom are from the same country (国家).
D. Mike and Tom are not good friends.
一、1. junior high 2.红领巾 3. be ready for 4.在未来 5. make new friend 6.第一天 7.sports shoes 8.一顶橘色的帽子 sb. around ... 10.有点紧张
二、1. to stay 2. to study 3.These 4.first 5. scarves 6. to hand 7. yourself 8. likes 9.buildings 10.healthy
三、1--5 DCBCB 6 -- 10 BBCAB
四、1. be ready for 2. make new friends 3.put; on 4. What kind of 5. introduce myself
五、1. Will you visit; No, we won't 2. didn't clean 3. What's the boy's 4. What's your hobby
5. are some apples
六、1--5 BEDAC
七、1 --5 BAAAD 6 --10 CDAAC
八、1--5 CDDCA
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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