【核心素养】 Unit 2 Wildlife protection Period 2 Reading and Thinking分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版必修第二册

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Unit 2 Period 2 Reading and Thinking分层练习
语言能力 掌握有关野生动物保护的重点句式。
学习能力 学会通过语境理解单词的含义。
思维品质 懂得用辩证思维思考野生物种濒临灭绝的原因
文化意识 建立起保护地球的主人翁意识和责任感。
1. Human life is regarded as part of nature and, the only way for us to survive is to live in h    (和谐) with nature.
2. Traffic issues not only affect our everyday life, but may also t    (威胁) people's lives.
3. Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from a   (攻击).
4.I'm also r   (提醒) of the danger they are in.
5. This is why we're here — to o   (观察)Tibetan antelopes.
6.I'd like to r   (预订) a table for three for eight o'clock.
7.Elephants need large living spaces, so it's difficult for them to a   (适应) to the changes.
8. We should take proper m   (措施) to improve our environment.
9. We must make people a    (意识到)of the problem and help protect the e     (濒危的) wildlife before it is too late.
10. Many s   (物种) have died out as a result of man's activity.
11.Many people don't realize the   (important) of health until they lose it.
12.These left-behind children had always been longing   (see) their parents and get love and care from them.
13.The album contains twelve songs in all, many classics   (include).
14.One minute she burst into   (tear) and the next she burst out   (laugh). We just couldn't catch her mood at any moment.
15.Now you are not allowed to go into the meeting room because a secret plan   (make) there.
16.The father was surprised   (learn) that his son spent money like water.
17.According   the weather report, there is heavy rain this evening.
18.I was hiking with my friends in a wildlife park when Lucy   (bite) by a snake.
19.Great attention must be paid to   (develop) education, especially in the countryside.
20.We should take action so as to protect the river   being polluted.
Some of the greatest problems we face today are connected with the gradual destruction of our environment. Brown clouds, wildlife extinction, 21. water.These 22. all seem so huge.So my family do what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we don't have to 23. . But does it do any good
I recently learned something about flamingos(火烈鸟). These beautiful birds gather in 24. groups of a thousand or more. Every year, when the time 25. for migration,a few flamingos start the process by taking off from the lake. But none of the others seem to notice, 26. the tiny group returns.
However, the next day they 27. again. This time a few more struggle along with them, but the vast majority still 28. no attention, so these pioneers come back.
Then one day something 29. . The same small group of birds takes wing and a tiny number more join, just as before. And this time their total number, though still quite 30. ,is enough to tip the balance (起决定性作用). 31. one, the whole group takes flight and the migration 32. . What a(n) 33. sight it must be—thousands of flamingos flying to the sky at once!
A few can make a 34. . It's true that all of the great problems of the world have been solved due to the 35. efforts of a few.
21.A.removed B.polluted C.deserted D.used
22.A.choices B.costs C.profits D.problems
23.A.drive B.reduce C.cycle D.stand
24.A.unusual B.different C.huge D.similar
25.A.comes B.passes C.varies D.moves
26.A.but B.when C.so D.and
27.A.gather B.try C.sing D.observe
28.A.attract B.require C.escape D.pay
29.A.approaches B.works C.changes D.disappears
30.A.significant B.reasonable C.mass D.small
31.A.As B.Above C.On D.At
32.A.continues B.recovers C.finishes D.begins
33.A.familiar B.strange C.alarming D.poor
34.A.beauty B.decision C.difference D.mistake
35.A.useless B.tireless C.extra D.special
Bergl doesn't consider himself the next Thomas Edison, He's just a man loving animals, Africa and adventure, Yet, Bergl might have invented a tool as great as the light bulb (灯泡) ―a tool that uses modern-day technology to solve an almost prehistoric (史前) problem.
The tool is called the SMART. It is designed to be waterproof (防水的) , shockproof and poacher (偷猎者) proof. Bergl worked with worldwide wildlife groups to develop it in 2011. Since then it has been seen in more than 55 countries where poachers have forced the best-known but most endangered animals to nearly die out .
SMART works as a very simple smart phone―it lets the user record what they see, like animal sightings. changes in animals and illegal activities If a park ranger (管理员) sees something that is very important, that information can be sent to the cloud (云) and sent out to the base camp so they can take action and stop the killing
Bergl and his workmates travel to African wildlife reserves now and then They teach park rangers in some of the most remote countries how to use SMART. "SMART makes collection of information easier It allows us to pay attention to the things that really important. according to what the information is telling an,"Aid Skim Young, manager of the Etosha National park in Namibia, "thanks to SMART, most of Africa's endangered animals seem to be coming back."
Bergl never plans to make money from his small but great invention. SMART is free and doesn't even have a patents(专利).
36.What can we learn about SMART
A.It looks like a light bulb.
B.It was invented by Bergl alone.
C.It is used to prevent pouching.
D.It can help deal with water problems.
37.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.How SMART was created B.What SMART is like.
C.Why SMART got popular. D.How SMART works.
38.What does Aid Young think of SMART
A.It is very helpful. B.It is easy to hold
C.It doesn't cost much. D.I will be used widely.
39.Which of the following can best describe Bergl
A.He dislikes taking risks in life.
B.He's determined to succeed in life.
C.He's a creative and giving person
D.He never wants to depend on others.
Finding fish is going to get harder as climate change continues to heat the world's oceans. A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years have reduced the sustainable catch of 80 species of fish and shellfish. The sustainable catch refers to the amount of some species that can be harvested without doing long-term damage to the health of populations.
Overfishing has made that decline worse, researchers say. Overfishing refers to catching so many fish that the size of the population falls. In some parts of the world, such as the heavily fished Sea of Japan, the decrease is as high as 35 percent. That's a loss of more than one in every three fish.
Researchers examined changes in 235 populations of fish and shellfish between 1930 and 2010. Those fish populations spread far apart across 38 ocean regions. Temperature changes varied from one ocean site to another. But on average over that time, Earth's sea-surface temperatures have risen by about half a degree Celsius.
On average, that warming had caused the sustainable catch to drop by 4.1 percent, the study found. About 8 percent of the fish and shellfish populations the team studied saw losses as a result of the ocean warming. However, about 4 percent of some populations increased. That's because certain species have thrived in warmer waters. One example is a kind of black sea fish. It lives along the northeastern U.S. coast. As warming continues, these fish will reproduce faster until they reach their limit.
About 3.2 billion people worldwide rely on seafood as a source of food. That means it's urgent for commercial fishing fleets(捕鱼船队) and regulators(监管机构) to consider how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea.
40.What does the new study discover
A.Overfishing is to blame for fish's bad health.
B.Warming seas cause fewer fish and shellfish.
C.Seafood matters to people's health worldwide.
D.The living regions of fish and shellfish are different.
41.What does the underlined word "thrived" in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Survived narrowly. B.Disappeared soon.
C.Decreased sharply. D.Developed quickly.
42.What do we know about species of fish and shellfish
A.About 8 percent of them suffered from a great loss.
B.About 35 percent of them survived in the Sea of Japan.
C.About 3.2 billion people have been saving seafood as it is the source of their food.
D.About 80 percent of the fish species have died out because of warming seas in the past 80 years.
43.Where is the text probably from
A.A cooking guide. B.A science magazine.
C.A news review. D.A health brochure.
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Unit 2 Period 2 Reading and Thinking分层练习
语言能力 掌握有关野生动物保护的重点句式。
学习能力 学会通过语境理解单词的含义。
思维品质 懂得用辩证思维思考野生物种濒临灭绝的原因
文化意识 建立起保护地球的主人翁意识和责任感。
1. Human life is regarded as part of nature and, the only way for us to survive is to live in h    (和谐) with nature.
【解析】【分析】句意:人类生命被视为自然的一部分,我们生存的唯一途径是与自然和谐相处。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用名词 harmony ,作介词in的宾语,构成in harmony with 与……和谐一致 ,故填 harmony 。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语in harmony with。
2. Traffic issues not only affect our everyday life, but may also t    (威胁) people's lives.
【解析】【分析】句意:交通问题不仅影响我们的日常生活,而且可能威胁人们的生命。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用动词 threaten ,作谓语动词,may是情态动词,后接动词原形,故填 threaten 。
【点评】考查动词,掌握 threaten 的应用。
3. Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from a   (攻击).
【解析】【分析】句意:扎西和其他志愿者日夜看护羚羊,保护它们免受袭击。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用名词attack ,此处是泛指,应用复数形式,作介词from的宾语,故填attacks 。
4.I'm also r   (提醒) of the danger they are in.
【解析】【分析】句意:我也想起了他们所处的危险。 was不是助动词。 这里是sb be reminded of sth某人被提醒…… ,根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用动词 remind ,与助动词was ,构成一般过去时的被动语态,故填 reminded 。
5. This is why we're here — to o   (观察)Tibetan antelopes.
【解析】【分析】句意:这就是我们来这里观察藏羚羊的原因。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用动词 observe ,此处不定式作目的状语,故填 observe 。
6.I'd like to r   (预订) a table for three for eight o'clock.
【解析】【分析】句意:我想订一张八点钟三个人的桌子。 would like to do sth,想要做某事 ,根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用动词 reserve ,此处不定式作宾语,故填 reserve 。
7.Elephants need large living spaces, so it's difficult for them to a   (适应) to the changes.
【解析】【分析】句意:大象需要大的生活空间,所以它们很难适应这些变化。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用动词 adapt ,此处不定式作主语, it is +adj+sb to do sth对某人来说做……是怎样的,固定句型,adapt to something,适应某事物,故填 adapt 。
8. We should take proper m   (措施) to improve our environment.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该采取适当的措施来改善我们的环境。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用名词 measure ,此处是泛指,应用复数形式作宾语, take measures to do,采取措施做某事 ,故填 measures 。
9. We must make people a    (意识到)of the problem and help protect the e     (濒危的) wildlife before it is too late.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,并在为时已晚之前帮助保护濒危野生动物。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,第一空应用形容词 aware ,作表语;第二空应用形容词 endangered ,修饰名词 wildlife ,作定语。故答案为:aware;endangered。
10. Many s   (物种) have died out as a result of man's activity.
【解析】【分析】句意:由于人类的活动,许多物种已经灭绝。根据句意和汉语提示,结合首字母,应用名词 species ,单复数同形,many后接复数名词,故填 species 。
11.Many people don't realize the   (important) of health until they lose it.
【解析】【分析】句意:许多人直到失去健康才意识到健康的重要性。此处名词作宾语, important “重要的”,形容词,其名词形式是 importance,不可数名词,故填importance。
12.These left-behind children had always been longing   (see) their parents and get love and care from them.
【答案】to see
【解析】【分析】句意:这些留守儿童一直渴望见到父母,得到父母的关爱。long to do sth.,固定短语,“ 渴望做某事”,不定式作宾语,故填 to see 。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及不定式作宾语以及固定短语 long to do sth.。
13.The album contains twelve songs in all, many classics   (include).
【解析】【分析】句意:专辑共收录十二首歌曲,其中包括多首经典歌曲。此处是独立主格结构, many classics 与 include 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,故填included。
14.One minute she burst into   (tear) and the next she burst out   (laugh). We just couldn't catch her mood at any moment.
【解析】【分析】句意:前一分钟她泪流满面,下一分钟她就放声大笑。 我们只是无法随时捕捉到她的心情。burst into tears,固定短语,“突然哭起来”;burst out laughing固定短语,“突然大笑起来”,动名词作宾语,故答案为:tears;laughing。
【点评】考查名词和非谓语动词,以及固定短语burst into tears和burst out laughing。
15.Now you are not allowed to go into the meeting room because a secret plan   (make) there.
【答案】is being made
【解析】【分析】句意:现在不准你进入会议室, 因为正在制订一项秘密计划。此处是原因状语从句的谓语动词,与主语 a secret plan 是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合语境应用现在进行时,故填 is being made 。
16.The father was surprised   (learn) that his son spent money like water.
【答案】to learn
【解析】【分析】句意:父亲得知儿子花钱如流水,大吃一惊。be surprised to do sth. ,固定短语,“对做某事感到惊讶”,不定式作原因状语,故填 to learn 。
17.According   the weather report, there is heavy rain this evening.
【解析】【分析】句意:根据天气预报,今晚有大雨。according to…,固定短语,“根据……”,故填to。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语according to…。
18.I was hiking with my friends in a wildlife park when Lucy   (bite) by a snake.
【答案】was bitten
【解析】【分析】句意:我和朋友们在野生动物园徒步旅行时,露西被蛇咬了。此处是时间状语从句的谓语动词,与主语Lucy与bite是被动关系, 应用被动语态。结合主句时态可知用一般过去时,故填 was bitten。
19.Great attention must be paid to   (develop) education, especially in the countryside.
【解析】【分析】句意:必须高度重视发展教育,特别是在农村。此处to是介词,应用动名词作宾语,故填 developing 。
20.We should take action so as to protect the river   being polluted.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该采取行动保护河流不受污染。protect... from... 固定短语,“保护……不受……(危害)”,故填from。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语protect... from...。
Some of the greatest problems we face today are connected with the gradual destruction of our environment. Brown clouds, wildlife extinction, 21. water.These 22. all seem so huge.So my family do what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we don't have to 23. . But does it do any good
I recently learned something about flamingos(火烈鸟). These beautiful birds gather in 24. groups of a thousand or more. Every year, when the time 25. for migration,a few flamingos start the process by taking off from the lake. But none of the others seem to notice, 26. the tiny group returns.
However, the next day they 27. again. This time a few more struggle along with them, but the vast majority still 28. no attention, so these pioneers come back.
Then one day something 29. . The same small group of birds takes wing and a tiny number more join, just as before. And this time their total number, though still quite 30. ,is enough to tip the balance (起决定性作用). 31. one, the whole group takes flight and the migration 32. . What a(n) 33. sight it must be—thousands of flamingos flying to the sky at once!
A few can make a 34. . It's true that all of the great problems of the world have been solved due to the 35. efforts of a few.
21.A.removed B.polluted C.deserted D.used
22.A.choices B.costs C.profits D.problems
23.A.drive B.reduce C.cycle D.stand
24.A.unusual B.different C.huge D.similar
25.A.comes B.passes C.varies D.moves
26.A.but B.when C.so D.and
27.A.gather B.try C.sing D.observe
28.A.attract B.require C.escape D.pay
29.A.approaches B.works C.changes D.disappears
30.A.significant B.reasonable C.mass D.small
31.A.As B.Above C.On D.At
32.A.continues B.recovers C.finishes D.begins
33.A.familiar B.strange C.alarming D.poor
34.A.beauty B.decision C.difference D.mistake
35.A.useless B.tireless C.extra D.special
21.句意:我们今天面临的一些最大问题与环境的逐渐破坏有关——棕色云层、野生动物灭绝、水污染。A. removed"移除";B. polluted"污染";C. deserted"抛弃";D. used"使用"。根据上文"Some of the greatest problems we face today are connected with the gradual destruction of our environment."我们今天面临的一些最大问题与环境的逐渐破坏有关;以及空前" Brown clouds, wildlife extinction"棕色云层、野生动物灭绝。可知,此处上下文说的是对环境有破环作用的问题,故选B。
22.句意:这些问题看起来都很严重。A. choices"选择";B. costs"花费";C. profits"利润";D. problems"问题"。根据上文"Some of the greatest problems we face today are connected with the gradual destruction of our environment . Brown clouds, wildlife extinction"我们今天面临的一些最大问题与环境的逐渐破坏有关。棕色云层、野生动物灭绝。可知,此处说的是对环境有破坏作用的问题,故选D。
23.句意:我们在不必开车的时候走路。A. drive"开车";B. reduce"减少";C. cycle"循环";D. stand"站立"。根据空前"We walk"我们走路,可知此处说的是不必开车,故选A。
24.句意:这些美丽的鸟类聚集在一千只或更多的大群中。A. unusual"不常见的";B. different"不同的";C. huge"大的";D. similar"相似的"。根据空后"groups of a thousand or more"一千只或更多的……群中,可知,这些鸟聚集的群非常大,故选C。
25.句意:每年,当迁徙的时候,一些火烈鸟都会从湖中起飞,开始迁徙。A. comes"来";B. passes "通过";C. varies"变化";D. moves"移动"。根据空后"for migration"为了迁徙。可知,此处说的是迁徙的日子到来的时候,故选A。
26.句意:但其他鸟似乎都没有注意到,所以这一小群鸟又回来了。A. but"但是";B. when"当……时候";C. so"因此";D. and"和"。根据空前"But none of the others seem to notice"但其他鸟似乎都没有注意到;以及空后"the tiny group returns"这一小群鸟又回来了。可知,上下文之间为因果关系,空白处应填表示因果关系的连词,故选C。
27.句意:然而,第二天他们又再试了一次。A. gather"聚集";B. try"尝试";C. sing"唱歌";D. observe"观察"。根据上文"Every year, when the time 5 for migration, a few flamingos start the process by taking off from the lake. But none of the others seem to notice, 6 the tiny group returns."每年,当迁徙的时候,一些火烈鸟都会从湖中起飞,开始迁徙。但其他鸟似乎都没有注意到,所以这一小群鸟又回来了;以及空后"again"再一次,可知,这一小群鸟尝试迁徙不成功,第二天再次尝试,故选B。
28.句意:这一次,又有一些人和他们一起奋斗,但绝大多数鸟仍然没有注意到,所以这些先行者回来了。A. attract"吸引";B. require"要求";C. escape"逃跑";D. pay"付"。根据上文"But none of the others seem to notice so the 6 group returns ."但其他鸟似乎都没有注意到。这一小群鸟又回来了;以及空前"but the vast majority still"但绝大多数鸟仍然……。可知,此处说的是大多数鸟没有注意到那一小群鸟要迁徙,pay attention固定短语,"注意……",故选D。
29.句意:然后有一天事情发生了变化。A. approaches"接近";B. works"工作";C. changes"变化";D. disappears"消失"。根据下文"The same small group of birds takes wing and a tiny number more join, just as before. And this time their total number, though still quite"和以前一样,同样的一小群鸟开始飞翔,还有一小部分鸟加入。这一次他们的总数尽管仍然相当……;以及"is enough to tip the balance"已足以起决定作用。可知,与之前相比,这次发生了变化,故选C。
30.句意:这一次,它们的总数虽然仍然很小,但足以起决定作用。A. significant"重要的";B. reasonable"合理的";C. mass"一大群的";D. small"小的"。根据上文"The same small group of birds"同样的一小群鸟;以及空前"though still quite"虽然仍然很……,可知,此处上下文说的是这些鸟的群体数目仍然很小,故选D。
31.句意:作为一个整体,整个团队都起飞了,迁徙开始了。A. As"作为";B. Above"在……上面";C. On"在……上";D. At"在"。根据空后"the whole group"整个团队,可知,此处说的是这些鸟作为一个整体,空白处应用表示"作为"含义的介词,故选A。
32.句意:作为一个整体,整个团队都起飞了,迁徙开始了。A. continues"继续";B. recovers"恢复";C. finishes"完成";D. begins"开始"。根据空前"the whole group takes flight"整个团队都飞起来了,可知,此处说的是迁徙开始了,故选D。
33.句意:成千上万的火烈鸟同时飞向天空,这一定是多么令人震惊的景象!A. familiar"熟悉的";B. strange"奇怪的";C. alarming"令人震惊的";D. poor"穷的"。根据空后"thousands of flamingos flying to the sky at once"成千上万的火烈鸟同时飞向天空。可知,这么多火烈鸟同时飞向天空,令人震惊,故选C。
34.句意:少数鸟可以有所作为。A. beauty"美人";B. decision"决定";C. difference"不同";D. mistake"错误"。根据上文"And this time their total number, though still quite 10 , is enough to tip the balance (起决定性作用). 11 one, the whole group takes flight and the migration 12 "这一次,它们的总数虽然仍然很小,但足以起决定作用。作为一个整体,整个团队都起飞了,迁徙开始了。可知,此处上下文说的是一小群鸟经过多次尝试,做了一件改变了整个鸟群的事,make a difference固定短语,"有影响",故选C。
35.句意:的确,由于少数人的不懈努力,世界上所有的重大问题都得到了解决。A. useless"无用的";B. tireless"孜孜不倦的";C. extra"额外的";D. special"特殊的"。根据上文"And this time their total number, though still quite 10 , is enough to tip the balance (起决定性作用). 11 one, the whole group takes flight and the migration 12 "这一次,它们的总数虽然仍然很小,但足以起决定作用。作为一个整体,整个团队都起飞了,迁徙开始了、可知,一小群鸟的不懈努力,使得整个鸟群开始了迁徙。由此可知,此处上下文说的是世界上所有的重大问题的解决是因为一小群人的不懈努力,故选B。
Bergl doesn't consider himself the next Thomas Edison, He's just a man loving animals, Africa and adventure, Yet, Bergl might have invented a tool as great as the light bulb (灯泡) ―a tool that uses modern-day technology to solve an almost prehistoric (史前) problem.
The tool is called the SMART. It is designed to be waterproof (防水的) , shockproof and poacher (偷猎者) proof. Bergl worked with worldwide wildlife groups to develop it in 2011. Since then it has been seen in more than 55 countries where poachers have forced the best-known but most endangered animals to nearly die out .
SMART works as a very simple smart phone―it lets the user record what they see, like animal sightings. changes in animals and illegal activities If a park ranger (管理员) sees something that is very important, that information can be sent to the cloud (云) and sent out to the base camp so they can take action and stop the killing
Bergl and his workmates travel to African wildlife reserves now and then They teach park rangers in some of the most remote countries how to use SMART. "SMART makes collection of information easier It allows us to pay attention to the things that really important. according to what the information is telling an,"Aid Skim Young, manager of the Etosha National park in Namibia, "thanks to SMART, most of Africa's endangered animals seem to be coming back."
Bergl never plans to make money from his small but great invention. SMART is free and doesn't even have a patents(专利).
36.What can we learn about SMART
A.It looks like a light bulb.
B.It was invented by Bergl alone.
C.It is used to prevent pouching.
D.It can help deal with water problems.
37.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.How SMART was created B.What SMART is like.
C.Why SMART got popular. D.How SMART works.
38.What does Aid Young think of SMART
A.It is very helpful. B.It is easy to hold
C.It doesn't cost much. D.I will be used widely.
39.Which of the following can best describe Bergl
A.He dislikes taking risks in life.
B.He's determined to succeed in life.
C.He's a creative and giving person
D.He never wants to depend on others.
【解析】【分析】本文是新闻报道。贝格尔发明了一款名为 SMART 的智能设备,它可以有效防止非法偷猎。
36.细节理解题。根据。第二段中的"The tool is called the SMART. It is designed to be waterproof (防水的) , shockproof and poacher (偷猎者) proof.(该工具称为SMART。它的设计是防水的、防震和防偷猎者的)"及"Since then it has been seen in more than 55 countries where poachers have forced the best-known but most endangered animals to nearly die out(自那以后,它就应用在55多个国家,在这些国家,偷猎者曾迫使最著名但最濒危的动物几乎灭绝)" 可知 SMART 主要被用来防止非法偷猎。我们了解到SMART是C项"It is used to prevent pouching.(它是用来防止非法偷猎)"符合题意,故选C。
37.主旨大意题。通读第三段"SMART works as a very simple smart phone―it lets the user record what they see, like animal sightings, changes in animals and illegal activities. If a park ranger (管理员) sees something that is very important, that information can be sent to the cloud (云) and sent out to the base camp so they can take action and stop the killing. (SMART是一款非常简单的智能手机,它可以让用户记录他们看到的东西,比如动物的出现、动物的变化和非法活动。如果是公园管理员看到一些非常重要的信息,这些信息可以发送到云并被发往大本营,以便他们采取行动阻止杀戮)"可知,该段主要介绍 SMART 是如何帮助公园管理员防止非法偷猎的,阐述SMART 的工作原理。因此,第三段主要是关于D项"How SMART works. (SMART的工作原理)"符合题意,故选D。
38.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的""SMART makes collection of information easier It allows us to pay attention to the things that really important. according to what the information is telling an,"Aid Skim Young, manager of the Etosha National park in Namibia, "thanks to SMART, most of Africa's endangered animals seem to be coming back."("SMART使信息收集变得更容易,它让我们能够关注真正重要的事情。根据信息所传达的信息",纳米比亚埃托沙国家公园经理艾德·斯克里姆·扬说,"由于SMART,大多数非洲濒危动物似乎都回来了")"可知,艾德·斯克里姆·扬认为,在SMAR 的辅助下,使信息收集变得更容易,非洲的许多濒危动物的数量在回升。因此,艾德·斯克里姆·扬认为SMART的是A项"It is very helpful.(这很有帮助)"符合题意,故选A。
39.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据最后一段"Bergl never plans to make money from his small but great invention. SMART is free and doesn't even have a patents(专利). (贝格尔从来没有打算从他小小但伟大的发明中赚钱。SMART是免费的,甚至没有专利)"可知,本文讲述了贝格尔发明的智能设备 SMART可以有效防止非法偷猎,但是他并没有从这个发明中赚钱,可见他是一个富有创造力和大公无私的人。因此,以下最能描述Bergl的一项是C项"He's a creative and giving person(他是一个富有创造力和大公无私的人)"符合题意,故选C。
Finding fish is going to get harder as climate change continues to heat the world's oceans. A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years have reduced the sustainable catch of 80 species of fish and shellfish. The sustainable catch refers to the amount of some species that can be harvested without doing long-term damage to the health of populations.
Overfishing has made that decline worse, researchers say. Overfishing refers to catching so many fish that the size of the population falls. In some parts of the world, such as the heavily fished Sea of Japan, the decrease is as high as 35 percent. That's a loss of more than one in every three fish.
Researchers examined changes in 235 populations of fish and shellfish between 1930 and 2010. Those fish populations spread far apart across 38 ocean regions. Temperature changes varied from one ocean site to another. But on average over that time, Earth's sea-surface temperatures have risen by about half a degree Celsius.
On average, that warming had caused the sustainable catch to drop by 4.1 percent, the study found. About 8 percent of the fish and shellfish populations the team studied saw losses as a result of the ocean warming. However, about 4 percent of some populations increased. That's because certain species have thrived in warmer waters. One example is a kind of black sea fish. It lives along the northeastern U.S. coast. As warming continues, these fish will reproduce faster until they reach their limit.
About 3.2 billion people worldwide rely on seafood as a source of food. That means it's urgent for commercial fishing fleets(捕鱼船队) and regulators(监管机构) to consider how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea.
40.What does the new study discover
A.Overfishing is to blame for fish's bad health.
B.Warming seas cause fewer fish and shellfish.
C.Seafood matters to people's health worldwide.
D.The living regions of fish and shellfish are different.
41.What does the underlined word "thrived" in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Survived narrowly. B.Disappeared soon.
C.Decreased sharply. D.Developed quickly.
42.What do we know about species of fish and shellfish
A.About 8 percent of them suffered from a great loss.
B.About 35 percent of them survived in the Sea of Japan.
C.About 3.2 billion people have been saving seafood as it is the source of their food.
D.About 80 percent of the fish species have died out because of warming seas in the past 80 years.
43.Where is the text probably from
A.A cooking guide. B.A science magazine.
C.A news review. D.A health brochure.
40.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years have reduced the sustainable(可持续) catch of 124 species(物种) of fish and shellfish. "一项新的研究发现,在过去80年里,海洋变暖已经减少了124种鱼类和贝类的可持续捕捞。可知这项新研究发现了海水变暖导致鱼类和贝类减少。故选B。
41.考查词义猜测。根据倒数第二段中的"However, about 4 percent of some populations increased."然而,大约4%的数量增加了;以及"One example is a kind of black sea fish. It lives along the northeastern U.S. coast. As warming continues, these fish will reproduce faster until they reach their limit."一个例子是一种黑海鱼。 它生活在美国东北部海岸。 随着气候持续变暖,这些鱼将更快地繁殖,直到它们达到极限。可知有些物种发展迅速,That's because certain species have thrived in warmer waters.意思是这是因为某些物种在温暖的水域中发展迅速,"thrived"意思是"发展迅速",故选D。
42.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的"About 8 percent of the fish and shellfish populations the team studied saw losses as a result of the ocean warming."研究小组研究的大约8%的鱼类和贝类种群由于海洋变暖而减少。故选A。
43.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years have reduced the sustainable(可持续) catch of 124 species(物种) of fish and shellfish. "一项新的研究发现,在过去80年里,海洋变暖已经减少了124种鱼类和贝类的可持续捕捞;结合全文,可知这篇文章主要讲了一项新的研究发现,变暖的海洋减少了鱼类和贝类。该文章最可能出现在一本科学杂志上。故选B。



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