【核心素养】 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 4 Listening and Talking分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版必修第二册

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Unit 1 Period 4 Listening and Talking分层练习
语言能力 掌握有关景点介绍、历史文化解读等话题的重点句式。
学习能力 学会如何得体大方的开展对话。
思维品质 多角度理解导游的特质与工作能力
文化意识 了解俄罗斯历史与文化,感受世界文化多样性与魅力。
1.Only in this way can we keep   (平衡) between study and pleasure.
2.I'll help as much as I can, but there is a    (限制) to what I can do.
3.Wait and play are both necessary to health. The    (前者) gives us energy and the latter gives us rest.
4.It was amazing that she solved the problem    (创造性地) last night.
5.This bridge is a     (遗迹) of ancient times.
6.Her     (提升) to sales manager made us happy.
7.He is well     (保护) so he looks younger.
8.Everyone can greatly improve the    (质量) of life.
9.Police have already    (确认)around 10 murder suspects.
10.They export their products to markets    (遍及) the world.
11.There are good chances of     (promote) in this firm.
12.There's balance between use and     (preserve).
13.She began putting some of her own     (create) writing on the website.
14.The writer sent him     copy of the book.
15.By asking others     help them, they finally succeeded.
16.E mail is becoming the     (prefer) method of communication. It's faster than traditional mail.
17.Since the 1970s many new     (apply) have been found for me.
18.We would like to show cultural relics    the public.
19.I saw a house, the windows of     were broken.
20.Frederick William Ⅰ, to     the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.
"Cultural Heritage Day" falls on the second Saturday of June every
year. Many celebrations are held and all cultural relic protection sites are (1) to open for free to the public on the day. There
is no (2) that different kinds of celebrating (3) across the country will arouse(唤醒) public (4) of the importance of cultural heritage
protection and (5) the young people to love the fine (6) culture of the motherland.
faces a heavy task to protect and rescue its cultural (7) .
We need to consider seriously the (8) of the lack of awareness about cultural
heritage protection. (9) , Heritage Education is one of our main
cannot (10) value cultural heritage if they do not know (11) it is important or how to protect it. Over the
past seven years, CHP has (12) over a hundred educational seminars(研究会) to different groups, (13) as schools, government offices, (14) the general public. Many people have attended
CHP seminars. Typically, each seminar lasts two to three hours and (15) of an informative presentation, (16) by a longer question and answer session and
discussion. Each attender (17) limited knowledge of cultural heritage (18) it to be just the Forbidden City(紫禁城) and the Great Wall. People often think that the duty only (19) to the government. So "Cultural Heritage
Day" will be a welcome (20) to educate a wide public on world heritage
(1)A.forbidden B.suggested C.made D.designed
(2)A.need B.doubt C.wonder D.reason
(3)A.parties B.activities C.actions D.ways
(4)A.awareness B.knowledge C.affairs D.opinion
(5)A.inform B.advise C.persuade D.inspire
(6)A.natural B.modern C.traditional D.ancient
(7)A.discoveries B.treasures C.relics D.wonders
(8)A.harm B.record C.meaning D.importance
(9)A.So B.Instead C.And D.Thus
(10)A.properly B.simply C.carefully D.entirely
(11)A.what B.why C.how D.when
(12)A.thought B.read C.insisted D.presented
(13)A.so B.very C.such D.quite
well as B.as much as C.as good as D.as long as
(15)A.consists B.becomes C.lies D.forms
(16)A.recognized B.asked C.answered D.followed
(17)A.of B.with C.for D.at
(18)A.considered B.understood C.realized D.concluded
(19)A.comes B.stands C.belongs D.calls
(20)A.possibility B.matter C.opportunity D.chance
Maaseik, a city in
Belgium, has opened an exhibition of about 200 relics and treasures of the Tang
Dynasty (618 CE-907 CE), showing China's
golden age of ancient civilization (文明).
The exhibition, which opened on May 11
and will continue until Oct. 20, is part of the city's effort to create a
centre of Chinese culture. Belgian Princess Mathilde formally announced the
beginning of the exhibition, titled “China's Golden Age: Treasures from the
Tang Dynasty”.
The items, including gold plates and
silver wares for royal families, Tang Dynasty tri-colour glazed figurines (小雕像) of women and paintings, have recently been on exhibit in the Dutch
city of Assert.
All of the exhibited items are from
Shaanxi Province, China. Its provincial capital Xi'an was the most populous (人口多的) city in the world and once the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The
Tang period is generally regarded as a high point in Chinese civilisation-equal
to, or better than that of the earlier Han Dynasty (202 BC—220 AD), a golden
age of Chinese culture.
Several years ago, said Dirk Verlaak,
vice-mayor of Maaseik, his city and Assen teamed up to host history and culture
exhibitions of China's first two imperial dynasties, the Qin (221 BC—207 BC)
and the Han. The Chinese relics and treasures attracted 350 000 visitors in
Assen and 190 000 in Maaseik.
"Westerners don't know much about
China's ancient civilisation and history, and we hope the new exhibition in
Maaseik can attract more visitors," said Verlaak.
(1)Maaseik held the exhibition in order to ________.
A.make money B.educate people
C.attract foreign visitors D.spread Chinese culture
(2)Which of the following statements is NOT true
A.Dirk Verlaak is interested in Chinese history.
B.All the items in the exhibition are from China.
C.Assert attracted more visitors than Maaseik several years ago.
D.This is the first time that Maaseik has held such an exhibition.
(3)What's Dirk Verlaak's attitude toward the exhibition
A.Doubtful. B.Confident. C.Worried. D.Excited.
(4)What would be the best title for the passage
A.Tang Dynasty Treasures Exhibited in Belgium
B.Tang Dynasty Treasures Discovered in Belgium
C.Chinese Culture Goes Around the World
D.Chinese Civilisation Attracts Foreigners
China is making great effort to protect its
cultural relics. In early May, State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH)
added 1 943 unmovable cultural relics sites to the list. So the number of these
sites on this list will increase to 4 295.    
The newly added sites were reviewed (评审) by more than 130 experts. They spread around Shanxi, Henan, Hunan,
Hebei and Jiangsu provinces, including 795 pieces of ancient architecture and
516 ancient ruins.    
In an interview, the head of the SACH said
that new types of cultural relics sites have been newly listed to get
protection at first, including industrial relics, rural architecture and cultural
landscapes.     For example, some are in the north China's
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
Despite great achievements during the years
of effort, problems still exist.     Historic relics get stolen and antiques are
taken abroad secretly.
The head of the SACH said that people has
faced a challenge to the protection of cultural relics for a long time. So, balancing
the relationship between economic development and protection of history is
important.     He also used good examples of protection, describing
how some cultural relics sites have become education bases for young people and
popular tourist places, where a lot of people spend their holiday.
A. All of them
need protecting as quickly as possible.
B. They also
include outstanding modern architecture.
C. The SACH has
found a total of 4 295 cultural relics.
D. Many relics
have been destroyed in the process of urban construction.
E. Cultural relics
sites should become positive factors to improve economic development.
F. When talking
about protecting the cultural relics, the head of SACH ordered some to be
G. Moreover, many
of the new sites also include valuable cultural relics from ethnic minority
regions (少数民族地区).
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Unit 1 Period 4 Listening and Talking分层练习
语言能力 掌握有关景点介绍、历史文化解读等话题的重点句式。
学习能力 学会如何得体大方的开展对话。
思维品质 多角度理解导游的特质与工作能力
文化意识 了解俄罗斯历史与文化,感受世界文化多样性与魅力。
1.Only in this way can we keep   (平衡) between study and pleasure.
【解析】【分析】句意:只有这样,我们才能在学习和快乐之间保持平衡。“ 平衡 ”应用 balance ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 balance 。
2.I'll help as much as I can, but there is a    (限制) to what I can do.
【解析】【分析】句意:我会尽我所能提供帮助,但我能做的有限。“ 限制 ”应用 limit ,此处名词作主语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 limit 。
3.Wait and play are both necessary to health. The    (前者) gives us energy and the latter gives us rest.
【解析】【分析】句意:等待和玩耍都是健康所必需的。 前者给我们能量,后者给我们休息。“ 前者 ”应用 former ,作主语,根据谓语动词 gives ,应用单数名词,故填 former 。
4.It was amazing that she solved the problem    (创造性地) last night.
【解析】【分析】句意:昨晚她创造性地解决了这个问题,真是太神奇了。“ 创造性地 ”应用 creatively ,此处修饰动词 solved ,作状语,故填 creatively 。
5.This bridge is a     (遗迹) of ancient times.
【解析】【分析】句意:这座桥是古代的遗迹。“ 遗迹 ”应用 relic ,可数名词,此处作表语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 relic 。
6.Her     (提升) to sales manager made us happy.
【解析】【分析】句意:她晋升为销售经理让我们很高兴。“ 提升 ”应用 promotion ,不可数名词,此处作主语,故填 promotion 。
7.He is well     (保护) so he looks younger.
【解析】【分析】句意:他保养得很好,所以他看起来更年轻。此处是谓语动词,“ 保护 ”应用 preserve ,结合句意和空前的助动词is,可知应用一般现在时的被动语态,故填 preserved 。
8.Everyone can greatly improve the    (质量) of life.
【解析】【分析】句意:每个人都可以大大提高生活质量。“ 质量 ”应用 quality ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 quality 。
9.Police have already    (确认)around 10 murder suspects.
【解析】【分析】句意:警方已经确定了大约10名谋杀嫌疑人。“ 确认 ”应用 identify,此处是谓语动词,根据句意和空前的助动词have,应用现在完成时,故填identified 。
10.They export their products to markets    (遍及) the world.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们将产品出口到世界各地的市场。“ 遍及 ”应用 throughout ,介词,此处介词短语作定语,故填 throughout 。
11.There are good chances of     (promote) in this firm.
【解析】【分析】句意:在这家公司有很好的晋升机会。此处名词作介词宾语, promote “促进,宣传”,动词,其名词形式是 promotion “提升”,不可数名词,故填 promotion 。
12.There's balance between use and     (preserve).
【解析】【分析】句意:使用和保存之间存在平衡。此处名词作介词宾语, preserve “保存”,动词,其名词形式 preservation ,不可数,故填 preservation 。
13.She began putting some of her own     (create) writing on the website.
【解析】【分析】句意:她开始将自己的一些创意作品放在网站上。此处形容词作定语, create “创造”,动词,其形容词形式是 creative “有创造力的”,修饰名词 writing ,故填 creative。
14.The writer sent him     copy of the book.
15.By asking others     help them, they finally succeeded.
【解析】【分析】句意:通过请别人帮助他们,他们终于成功了。ask sb. to do固定短语,“要求某人做......”,故填to。
【点评】考查固定短语,掌握ask sb. to do的应用。
16.E mail is becoming the     (prefer) method of communication. It's faster than traditional mail.
【解析】【分析】句意:电子邮件正在成为首选的通信方式。 它比传统邮件更快。 prefer和 method 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填 preferred 。
17.Since the 1970s many new     (apply) have been found for me.
【解析】【分析】句意:自 二十世纪七十年代以来,我发现了许多新的应用程序。此处名词作主语, apply “应用,申请”,动词,其名词形式是 application ,many后接可数名词复数,故填 applications 。
18.We would like to show cultural relics    the public.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们想向公众展示文物。show sth. to sb.固定短语,“给某人看......”,故填to。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语show sth. to sb.。
19.I saw a house, the windows of     were broken.
【解析】【分析】句意:我看到一所房子,窗户被打破了。 the windows of were broken 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 a house ,在从句中作介词of的宾语,应用关系代词which,故填which。
20.Frederick William Ⅰ, to     the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.
【解析】【分析】句意:琥珀屋所属的弗雷德里克威廉一世决定不保留它。 to the amber room belonged 是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 Frederick William Ⅰ ,指人,在从句中作介词to的宾语,应用关系代词whom,故填whom。
"Cultural Heritage Day" falls on the second Saturday of June every
year. Many celebrations are held and all cultural relic protection sites are (1) to open for free to the public on the day. There
is no (2) that different kinds of celebrating (3) across the country will arouse(唤醒) public (4) of the importance of cultural heritage
protection and (5) the young people to love the fine (6) culture of the motherland.
faces a heavy task to protect and rescue its cultural (7) .
We need to consider seriously the (8) of the lack of awareness about cultural
heritage protection. (9) , Heritage Education is one of our main
cannot (10) value cultural heritage if they do not know (11) it is important or how to protect it. Over the
past seven years, CHP has (12) over a hundred educational seminars(研究会) to different groups, (13) as schools, government offices, (14) the general public. Many people have attended
CHP seminars. Typically, each seminar lasts two to three hours and (15) of an informative presentation, (16) by a longer question and answer session and
discussion. Each attender (17) limited knowledge of cultural heritage (18) it to be just the Forbidden City(紫禁城) and the Great Wall. People often think that the duty only (19) to the government. So "Cultural Heritage
Day" will be a welcome (20) to educate a wide public on world heritage
(1)A.forbidden B.suggested C.made D.designed
(2)A.need B.doubt C.wonder D.reason
(3)A.parties B.activities C.actions D.ways
(4)A.awareness B.knowledge C.affairs D.opinion
(5)A.inform B.advise C.persuade D.inspire
(6)A.natural B.modern C.traditional D.ancient
(7)A.discoveries B.treasures C.relics D.wonders
(8)A.harm B.record C.meaning D.importance
(9)A.So B.Instead C.And D.Thus
(10)A.properly B.simply C.carefully D.entirely
(11)A.what B.why C.how D.when
(12)A.thought B.read C.insisted D.presented
(13)A.so B.very C.such D.quite
well as B.as much as C.as good as D.as long as
(15)A.consists B.becomes C.lies D.forms
(16)A.recognized B.asked C.answered D.followed
(17)A.of B.with C.for D.at
(18)A.considered B.understood C.realized D.concluded
(19)A.comes B.stands C.belongs D.calls
(20)A.possibility B.matter C.opportunity D.chance
(2)考查名词。句意:毫无疑问,全国各种各样的庆祝活动会唤起文化遗产保护重要性的公众意识并激励年轻人热爱祖国美好的文化传统。A:need“需要,必要”;B:doubt“怀疑”;C:wonder“奇迹”;D:reason“理由,原因”。there is no doubt...固定句式,“毫无疑问......”,故选B。
(5)考查动词。A:inform“告知,通知”;B:advise“建议”;C:persuade“说服”;D:inspire“激励,鼓舞”。inspire sb. to do sth.固定短语,“激励某人做某事”,故选D。
(7)考查名词。A:discoveries“发现”;B:treasures“宝藏”;C:relics“遗产”;D:wonders“奇迹”。根据上文中的“ China's ‘Cultural Heritage Day' falls on the second Saturday of June every year.”可知此处应该是“文化遗产”,选C。
(8)考查名词。A:harm“危害”;B:record“记录”;C:meaning“意思”;D:importance“重要,重要性”。根据下文“the lack of awareness about cultural heritage protection”文化遗产保护意识缺乏,可知是一种危害,故选A。
(9)考查副词。根据上文“我们要认真考虑缺少文化遗产保护意识的危害”;以及下文“遗产教育是主要的解决办法之一”,可知,上下句之间存在因果关系。so尽管表示“因此”,但后面不用逗号,是连词;thus “因此”,是副词,后有逗号,故选D。
(10)考查副词。句意: 如果人们不知道这件事为什么是重要的,就不能正确评价文化遗产。A:properly“适当地”;B:simply“简单地,仅仅”;C:carefully“小心地,仔细地”;D:entirely“完全地”。故选A。
(11)考查宾语从句。句意: 如果人们不知道这件事为什么是重要的,就不能正确评价文化遗产。此处是why引导的宾语从句,故选B。
(12)考查动词。句意:在过去的七年里,衞生防护中心为不同团体举办了一百多个教育研讨会,例如学校、政府办公室,以及公众。A:thought“认为”;B:read“阅读”;C:insisted“坚持”;D:presented“赠与,介绍”。present sth. to sb.固定短语,“向某人介绍某事,给某人某物”,故选D。
(13)考查形容词。句意:在过去的七年里,衞生防护中心为不同团体举办了一百多个教育研讨会,例如学校、政府办公室,以及公众。such as固定短语,“像,诸如”,故选C。
(14)考查固定短语。句意:在过去的七年里,北京文化遗产保护中心(CHP)为不同团体举办了一百多个教育研讨会,例如学校、政府办公室,以及公众。A:as well as“除了.....还....,以及”;B:as much as“和......一样多.;C:as good as“和.....一样好.;D:as long as“只要,和.......一样长”。故选A。
(15)考查动词。句意:一般来说,每次研讨会持续两到三个小时,内容包括详尽的介绍,接着是更长时间的问答会议和讨论。A:consists“组成”;B:becomes“成为”;C:lies“躺,位于”;D:forms“形成”。consist of固定短语,“由......组成”,故选A。
(18)考查动词。句意:对文化遗产知识有限的与会者认为那里只有紫禁城和长城。A:considered“认为,考虑”;B:understood“理解”;C:realized“实现,意识到”;D:concluded“得出结论”。consider sb./sth. to be 固定短语,“认为某人/某事是......”,故选A。
(19)考查动词。句意:人们通常认为责任只属于政府。A:comes“来”;B:stands“站,忍受”;C:belongs“属于”;D:calls“大喊,打电话”。belong to固定短语,“属于”,故选C。
Maaseik, a city in
Belgium, has opened an exhibition of about 200 relics and treasures of the Tang
Dynasty (618 CE-907 CE), showing China's
golden age of ancient civilization (文明).
The exhibition, which opened on May 11
and will continue until Oct. 20, is part of the city's effort to create a
centre of Chinese culture. Belgian Princess Mathilde formally announced the
beginning of the exhibition, titled “China's Golden Age: Treasures from the
Tang Dynasty”.
The items, including gold plates and
silver wares for royal families, Tang Dynasty tri-colour glazed figurines (小雕像) of women and paintings, have recently been on exhibit in the Dutch
city of Assert.
All of the exhibited items are from
Shaanxi Province, China. Its provincial capital Xi'an was the most populous (人口多的) city in the world and once the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The
Tang period is generally regarded as a high point in Chinese civilisation-equal
to, or better than that of the earlier Han Dynasty (202 BC—220 AD), a golden
age of Chinese culture.
Several years ago, said Dirk Verlaak,
vice-mayor of Maaseik, his city and Assen teamed up to host history and culture
exhibitions of China's first two imperial dynasties, the Qin (221 BC—207 BC)
and the Han. The Chinese relics and treasures attracted 350 000 visitors in
Assen and 190 000 in Maaseik.
"Westerners don't know much about
China's ancient civilisation and history, and we hope the new exhibition in
Maaseik can attract more visitors," said Verlaak.
(1)Maaseik held the exhibition in order to ________.
A.make money B.educate people
C.attract foreign visitors D.spread Chinese culture
(2)Which of the following statements is NOT true
A.Dirk Verlaak is interested in Chinese history.
B.All the items in the exhibition are from China.
C.Assert attracted more visitors than Maaseik several years ago.
D.This is the first time that Maaseik has held such an exhibition.
(3)What's Dirk Verlaak's attitude toward the exhibition
A.Doubtful. B.Confident. C.Worried. D.Excited.
(4)What would be the best title for the passage
A.Tang Dynasty Treasures Exhibited in Belgium
B.Tang Dynasty Treasures Discovered in Belgium
C.Chinese Culture Goes Around the World
D.Chinese Civilisation Attracts Foreigners
(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“showing China's golden age of ancient civilisation”;第二段中的“to create a centre of Chinese culture”可知,这次展览的主要目的是传播中国文化。故选D。
(2)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“Several years ago, said Dirk Verlaak, vice-mayor of Maaseik, his city and Assen teamed up to host history and culture exhibitions of China's first two imperial dynasties”可知,在几年前曾经举办过秦、汉两代历史文化展。可知这次并不是第一次举办这样的展览。故选D。
(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“…we hope the new exhibition in Maaseik can attract more visitors”我们希望新的展览会吸引更多的游客,可知他对本次展览充满了信心的。故选B。
(4)考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了比利时城市马赛克举办了一场中国唐代文物的展览会。可知标题用Tang Dynasty Treasures Exhibited in Belgium合适,故选A。
China is making great effort to protect its
cultural relics. In early May, State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH)
added 1 943 unmovable cultural relics sites to the list. So the number of these
sites on this list will increase to 4 295.    
The newly added sites were reviewed (评审) by more than 130 experts. They spread around Shanxi, Henan, Hunan,
Hebei and Jiangsu provinces, including 795 pieces of ancient architecture and
516 ancient ruins.    
In an interview, the head of the SACH said
that new types of cultural relics sites have been newly listed to get
protection at first, including industrial relics, rural architecture and cultural
landscapes.     For example, some are in the north China's
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
Despite great achievements during the years
of effort, problems still exist.     Historic relics get stolen and antiques are
taken abroad secretly.
The head of the SACH said that people has
faced a challenge to the protection of cultural relics for a long time. So, balancing
the relationship between economic development and protection of history is
important.     He also used good examples of protection, describing
how some cultural relics sites have become education bases for young people and
popular tourist places, where a lot of people spend their holiday.
A. All of them
need protecting as quickly as possible.
B. They also
include outstanding modern architecture.
C. The SACH has
found a total of 4 295 cultural relics.
D. Many relics
have been destroyed in the process of urban construction.
E. Cultural relics
sites should become positive factors to improve economic development.
F. When talking
about protecting the cultural relics, the head of SACH ordered some to be
G. Moreover, many
of the new sites also include valuable cultural relics from ethnic minority
regions (少数民族地区).
(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“China is making great effort to protect its cultural relics. In early May, State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH) added 1 943 unmovable cultural relics sites to the list. ”中国在文化遗迹保护方面一直在努力,今年又在不可移动的文化遗迹名单上增加了1943处。 A. All of them need protecting as quickly as possible.“它们都需要尽快地得到保护”,符合题意。故选A。
(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“including 795 pieces of ancient architecture and 516 ancient ruins”可知,这些新增加的文化遗迹包括795件古代建筑式样和516处古代废墟。B. They also include outstanding modern architecture.“它们也包括一些杰出的现代建筑式样”,是对此话题的进一步说明。故选B。
(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“For example, some are in the north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region”可以判断,前面说明的是少数民族地区的一些有价值的文化遗迹。故选G。
(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“problems still exist”可以判断出,空处内容应为在文物保护工作中遇到的问题。故选D。
(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段主要说明人类应该在经济发展和保护文化遗迹之间取得平衡。E. Cultural relics sites should become positive factors to improve economic development.“文化遗迹应该成为增进经济发展的积极因素”与段落大意相吻合,故选E。



上一篇:6.2参观花圃暑假预习练 北师大版数学四年级上册(含答案)

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