牛津译林版暑假五升六英语语法预习感叹句、祈使句 讲义+练习 (含答案)

感叹句what / how的使用
1. what的使用,what用于修饰名词或者名词词组;做题时找准感叹句中的主语,再看主语前面的单词的词性; Eg: What good news we heard! We heard是这句话的主语和谓语动词,而we前面的单词news是名词,所以用what.
What的类型:what + a / an +adj. +名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他!
what + adj. +名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他!
what +adj. +不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他!
2. how的使用,how用于修饰副词或者修容词,做题时,方法同上。
Eg: How good the news was! 这句中的主语是the news, 而主语前面是good, good是形容词, 所以用how.
How的类型:How + adj./ adv + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他!
注意: 1. 感叹句what / how的本质作用,只是起到增强语气的作用,在句子中不会充当任何的成分。做完题目后,可以去掉what/how。来还原句子,检测答案对不对。
2. 感叹句what一词,一定要考虑名词的单复数问题以及名词的不可数性问题。
3. 若在词汇的正确形式中遇到感叹句,切记去感叹词what; how; 然后将句子还原来做题。
祈使句分类:肯定祈使句 ----- A. 行为动词原形 + 其他
B. Be 动词 + 其他
否定祈使句 ----- A. Don’t 行为动词原形 + 其他
B. Don’t be 动词 + 其他
C. No + ving
特殊祈使句:Let sb. do sth. / Let sb. not do sth.
祈使句的回答:用will或者won’t来回答。 如果句子是肯定,就用will; 如果是否定,就用won’t.
Eg:---- Don’t drive so quickly, Bobby. ---- Ok, I won’t.
祈使句的反义疑问句: Let’s的反义疑问句, shall we
其余的祈使句的反义疑问句,will you
注意: 1. No + 名词,名词一般是复数
2. 祈使句和反身代词的内容放在一起时,注意反身代词的单复数问题。
3. 注意祈使句和一般现在时句子的区别 Eg:
感叹句 / 祈使句基础题练习
( )1. How ________the woman is to save the boy from the danger of earthquake.
A. brave B .interesting C. natural D. strange
( )2.—So many people like to watch The Voice of China.
— ____ wonderful it is ! I like it very much..
A. How B. What C. What an D. How a
( )3. —______ hard Tony is working! —Yes. We should learn from him.
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
( )4. ______ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer!
A. What B. What an C. How D. How an
( )5. Look at the smog (雾霾). bad weather it is!
A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
( )6. ______ great picture! Who painted it
A. How B. What C. How a D. What a
( )7. --- It’s reported that some famous singers will give a performance in Yangzhou.
---Wow, ________.
A. how exciting news B. what exciting news
C. what an excited news D. how excited the news is
( )8. __________great fun they are having in the sitting room!
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
( )9. ___ nice weather it is!
A. What a B. What C. How D. How a
( )10. Listen! ______ sweet voice she has!
A. What a B. What C. How D. How a
( )11.-- unusual music he is playing! --- Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.
A. How B. What an C. How a D. What
( )12. ---What ___________ he tells us !
A. an exciting news B. exciting news C. excited news D. an excited news
( )13. ______ exciting sport it is to climb the mountains!
A. How B. How an C. What a D. What an
( )14. --– _______ useful information you gave us! Thanks a lot!--– You are welcome.
A. How B. What C. What an D. What a
( )15. ________ funny story! I really want to listen again.
A. What B. How a C. How D. What a
( )16. Her doctor said: “________ work so hard”
A. Stop B. Don’t C. Can’t D. No
( )17. Jack, ________ to be here at 8 o’clock
A. is sure B. is sure that C. will be sure D. be sure
( )18.________ when you cross the road.
A. Do care B. Care C. Be careful D. To be careful
( )19. ________him the secret.
A. Don’t tell B. Not to tell C. Not telling D. No telling
( )20. ________ in bed. It’s bad for your eyes.
A. Not to read B. Don’t read C. Don’t to read D. Not read
( )21. ________ Your child. We’ll look after him.
A. Not to worry about B. Don’t worry about C. Not worry for D. Don’t worry with
( )22.You are very tired. ________ a rest.
A. Not have B. Do not have C. Be have D. Have
( )23 _____ in the street. It’s dangerous.
A. Not play B. Not to play C. Don’t play D. Don’t to play
( )24 ______ tell a lie.
A. Be B. Not C. No D. Don’t
( )25.Please ________ look outside. Look at the blackboard.
A. not B. don’t C. aren’t D. can’t
( )26. Please ______ me some money.
A. lend B. lending C. to lend D. be lend
( )27. ______ go to the bookshop.
A. Let’s B. Don’t let they C. Let we D. No let me
( )28. When you watch a film, please ________.
A. quiet B. be quiet C. be quietly D. quietly
( )29. _____ the boxes. You may use them later.
A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Kept
( )30.____ up early tomorrow!
A. Getting B. Get C. To get D. Got
1. What great fun we had ________(fly) kites in the zoo last week!
2. How happy I was _______(see) you again!
3. ______(What / How / What a) good weather it is today!
4. ________(What / How / What a) nice advice(建议) she gave me!
5. ______ (What an / How / What a) useful book you bought for me!
6. Bobby, _______(not be) late for school again.
7. Lily__________(not be) sad for this.
8. ______(Be) quiet, boys and girls.
9. Let her ________(not make) any noise(噪音).
10. Let _______(him) ________(have) a good rest.
11. ______(Put) on your coat, Tom.
12. Let’s go swimming, _________ _________
13. Let us go out for a walk, _________ ________
14. ---- Don’t be late for school again. ---- OK, I ________.
15. What a good time we had _________(play) football in the street.
16. ________(not) speak with your mouth full of food and _________(be) polite.
17. Let’s _________(not say) anything about it.
18. There is a sign. It says “No ____________(litter).”
19. Look at the poster! It says “No ________(camera). ”
20. The sign means “No _________(park) here.”
1. ______ fun it is to play with the dog!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
2. ________ great success the film is!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
3. _____ silly he is to ask the question!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
4. Listen! How nice the music ________!
A. sounds B. is sounding C. sound D. listens
5. _____ time flies!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
6. _______ the boy looked at his son!
A. How angry B. What angry C. How angrily D. What angrily
7. --- _______ useful robot you give me! ---- I also have _____.
A. How; it B. what an; it C. How a; one D. What a;one
8. ___ exciting news it is!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
9. ___________ he is!
A. How brave man B. What a brave man C. How the brave man D. What brave men
10. ---__fresh the air is! --- Let’s ______ out for a walk.
A. How; to go B. what; go C. What; to go D. How; go
11. Let her __________quick on the road.
A. not B. don’t be C. not be D. doesn’t be
12. --- Please don’t forget to do your homework. --- OK, ________.
A. I will B. I do C. I don’t D. I won’t
13. If you don’t have a pet, _______ kind to the animals around you.
A. / B. do C. be D. should
14. --- Don’t be so noisy in the library, _________
A. won’t we B. will you C. do you D. are you
15. ________ here on time, or you will be punished(惩罚).
A. Be B. Do C. Don’t D. Doing
16. Could you please _________so loudly
A. talk B. not to talk C. to talk D. not talk
17. Would you please _______ me a hand
A. give B. don’t give C. to give D. giving
18. Lily, _______ in the street.
A. not play B. doesn’t play C. don’t play D. plays
感叹句 / 祈使句基础题练习
1. flying 2. to see 3. What 4. What 5. What a
6. don’t be 7. isn’t 8. Be 9. not make 10. him have
11. Put 12. shall we 13.will you 14. won’t 15. playing
16. Don’t be 17. not say 18. littering 19. cameras 20. parking



