专题06 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (湖北专用)(含答案)

专题06 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (湖北专用)
1. 根据上图所给提示,适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;
3. 词数80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
I often read books in my free time. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.(2024·湖北武汉·中考真题)本周英语课学习围绕主题“Tomorrow’s Life”展开。请你根据以下提示问题从生活、工作、家庭等方面,写一篇英语作文,描绘25年后你的生活。
Where do you want to live and work
What will your family be like
How are you going to spend your free time
Something more about your future life.
My life will be very different in 25 years.
Dear schoolmates,
Good morning! I’m glad to make a speech here.
That’s all. Thank you!
4.(2023·湖北黄石·中考真题)请以“Put yourself in others’ shoes”为主题写一篇英语短文,讲述自己换位思考的故事和体会。
1. 努力学习各种知识, 丰富大脑;
2. 积极参加体育锻炼,增强体质;
3. 勇于面对不同挑战,永不放弃;
4. 乐于寻求他人帮助,学会合作;
5. 你的看法……
1. 文中不得出现真实的人名或地名;
2. 语言通顺,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 要点齐全,内容可适当发挥;
4. 词数:100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
参考词汇:发射 launch (v. );丰富大脑 enrich one’s mind;乐于 be willing to do;合作 cooperate(v.)
Dear teenagers,
I’m Li Hua from Jingmen. China launched the Shenzhou-16 successfully on May 30th this year. One of the astronauts Gui Haichao is our model. As teenagers, we can learn a lot from him to realize our dream.
The Students’ Union
1. 性格开朗,待人友善;
2. 面对困难,勇于挑战;
3. 对园艺兴趣浓厚,了解园林文化;
4. 有做志愿者的经历;
5. ……
1. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
2. 语言通顺,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 要点齐全,内容可适当发挥;
4. 词数:80—100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
参考词汇:The Third (Jingmen) Garden Expo in Hubei Province湖北省第三届(荆门)园林博览会;garden culture园林文化;gardening园艺
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Li Hua from Jingmen. Can I have the chance to work as a volunteer in The Third (Jingmen) Garden Expo in Hubei Province _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
7.(2022·湖北襄阳·中考真题)“双减” 政策实施以来,同学们有了更多的课余时间参与自己感兴趣的活动,你一定也和同学们共同参与、合作完成过一些活动吧。尤其在冬奥会成功举办之后,“一起向未来” (Together for a shared future!) 的理念更是深入人心。请结合你的特长或爱好,根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你与同伴共同参与、合作完成的一次活动。
(2) 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
(3) 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
提示:1. 爱护眼睛的重要性;
2. 保护视力的方法:保持饮食均衡、勤做眼保健操、控制屏幕使用时间、养成良好的生活习惯;
3. ……
注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;
3. 80词左右(文章开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
have/keep a balanced diet (保持饮食均衡)
control the screen time (控制屏幕使用时间)
Good morning, everyone! My topic today is “Protecting Our Eyes”. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
That’s all. Thanks for your listening!
9.(2022·湖北荆州·中考真题) “双减”政策(double-reduction policy)实施后,你们学校开展了丰富多彩的课外活动。假设你是李华,请给你的美国笔友Tom写一封信,谈谈你参加课外活动的情况。
1. 介绍你们学校开展的课外活动;
2. 叙述你的一次课外活动经历;
3. 说说你的体会。
1. 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。文中不得出现真实的学校名称和人名;
2. 词数:80 词左右(书信开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。
Dear Tom,
How’s it going Let me tell you something about our after-school activities.
Your friend,
Li Hua
1. 你最喜欢的一项运动;
2. 这项运动的好处(至少2点);
3. 做这项运动时的注意事项(至少2点);
4. 建议人们多运动。
1. 文中必须包含所有提示要点,可适当发挥;
2. 条理清晰,字迹工整;
3. 词数为80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数;
4. 文中不得出现真实人名和地名等相关信息。
Nowadays, more and more people take part in sports to keep healthy._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11.(2024·湖北襄阳·二模)当下,全国各地文旅系统都在“发大招”吸引游客,抖音国际版(TikTok)发起了“Tour China in ________”为主题的英文宣传视频征集活动,向世界展示中国。请根据以下征集要求,结合你拍摄的本地风土人情视频,用英文写一篇短文(解说词)。
Notice Hi, friends ! This is Tour China at TikTok! Tourists from around the world get excited to crowd into safe, cultural, friendly China. How are you going to attract them to your place You can tell them about the interesting places, colourful culture, delicious food, or anything special in your hometown. Share with us at TourChina@! TikTok International
1. 请用你要介绍的地点,将文章标题补充完整;
2. 你的英文解说词里至少包含征集通知中提到的两项(黑体部分);
3. 词数 80 词左右,文中不得出现个人真实姓名和校名等信息。
Tour China in ____________
Dear friends, Since the film YOLO came out, Jia Ling, the director and actress, has become my idol (偶像). I learn a lot from her and improve myself. Who is your idol Why do you like him/her What do you learn from him/her Share with me! Yours, Lucy
Dear Lucy,
I am happy to hear from you.
13.(2024·湖北咸宁·二模)学校英语周活动将举行英语演讲比赛。本次演讲比赛的主题是The Person I Want to Thank Most。假如你是李华,将代表你的班级参加比赛,请根据通知要求用英语书写一份演讲稿。具体通知如下。
Dear schoolmates,
It’s my pleasure to give a speech here. When it comes to topic-The Person I Want to Thank Most
That’s all. Thanks for listening.
Dear Billy,
Best wishes,
Li Wei
Who’s your hero in Chinese culture
Why do you admire him or her
What can you learn from him or her
Something more about the topic.
Dear Michael,
I’d like to introduce my hero in Chinese culture to you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What volunteering activities do you have in your school
When do you usually do volunteering work
How to join the volunteering activities
Something more about the volunteering.
Hi, Judy!
I’m looking forward to your exchange visit. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hope this helps and see you soon!
Li Xin
17.(2023·湖北武汉·模拟预测)假定你是李华,一名英国交换生Chris 向你咨询中国人日常生活中的基本社交礼仪,如待人接物、餐桌礼仪、参加聚会等。请你根据以下内容提示给Chris写一封邮件,介绍你所知道的相关礼仪。
What do you usually do when you meet people for the first time
How do you behave properly at table
What are we supposed to do when you go to a party
Something more about the Chinese customs.
Hi Chris!
I’m looking forward to your exchange visit.
I hope the above is helpful and see you soon!
Li Hua
18.(2023·湖北武汉·模拟预测)你将参加学校“My Hobbies”的主题征文活动,请根据以下内容提示问题描述你的兴趣爱好和相关观点。
(1)What are your hobbies
(2)Why are hobbies important for students
(3)How can we students balance(平衡)schoolwork and hobbies
My Hobbies
Everyone has hobbies._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I often read books in my free time. Reading brings me both pleasure and knowledge. I enjoy exploring different worlds and ideas through books. My favorite types of books are storybooks and science books. Storybooks take me on adventures with exciting characters, while science books teach me amazing facts about the world. I have a habit of taking notes while reading to remember important points and sometimes I draw mind maps to understand complex ideas better. This helps me appreciate the books more and learn effectively.
My life will be very different in 25 years. I think I’ll be a reporter in Beijing. I will live in an apartment with my sister because I don’t like living alone. And I can play with her in my apartment. My parents will travel around the world and enjoy themselves. I will meet a lot of interesting and famous people and I will go to another place on business. I will have many different pets. Maybe I will keep a pet turtle. I think I will go shopping with my sister and do some reading as long as I have time. And I will go to London on my vacation.
I’ll work hard to achieve my dream. I’m sure my life in 25 years will be better and better!
Dear schoolmates,
Good morning! I’m glad to make a speech here.
Now more and more people are interested in travelling. I think trip is an opportunity for us to experience life and increase knowledge. At the same time, it can also broaden our horizon.
Last Wednesday, we went on a trip to Yixing. Yixing is a modern and tidy city, where there are many places of interest. It was a fine warm day. In the morning, we climbed the hill in the Bamboo Park. On the way, we met an Australian. He was kind and patient. We had fun practising speaking English. In the afternoon, we rowed boats along the underground river in the Shanjuan Cave. It was a great day.
I think if we want to attract more tourists, we should provide better service for tourists.
That’s all. Thank you!
Put Yourself in Others’ Shoes
Putting yourself in others’ shoes is a communication skill. It can help us to understand each other. So it’s necessary for us students to learn it.
Three months ago, I asked my parents to buy me a mobile phone, but they refused. I was angry and didn’t talk with them for weeks. But they cooked me delicious food every day as usual. I felt so sorry because I knew my parents loved me so much and they could do everything to help me. At last, my father told me that my life would be more beautiful if I learned to put myself in others’ shoes.
I’ll never forget this lesson: We’d better keep calm and think about it from another direction when something unpleasant happens.
Dear teenagers,
I’m Li Hua from Jingmen. China launched the Shenzhou-16 successfully on May 30th this year. One of the astronauts Gui Haichao is our model. As teenagers, we can learn a lot from him to realize our dream.
If we want to realize our dreams, first of all, we should work hard to learn all kinds of knowledge to enrich our brains. Second, we should take an active part in physical exercise to build up our body. The body is the root of everything. Third, we must be brave enough to face different challenges and never give up. Finally, when you are in trouble, be willing to ask others for help. Besides, it is important to learn to cooperate with others.
In my opinion, we need a firm heart if we want to realize our dreams. We should have a strong sense of purpose and work hard to do it step by step.
The Students’ Union
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Li Hua from Jingmen. Can I have the chance to work as a volunteer in The Third (Jingmen) Garden Expo in Hubei Province As a volunteer, not only can I help people in need, but also I can learn a lot from the experience.
Outgoing and energetic, I get on well with others. When facing challenges in life, I always choose to deal with them bravely instead of staying behind. Gardening is exactly what I’m fond of and I have a good knowledge of different garden cultures which are quite helpful for the job. Last but not least, my experience of being a volunteer in the Flower Expo last year won high praise from others.
I hope to work as a volunteer in The Third (Jingmen) Garden Expo in Hubei Province so as to help people know more about the different garden cultures in Hubei Province.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
I like playing basketball very much. I can play basketball very well. If I have time, I often go to the park to play basketball with my friends.
Last term, our school organized a basketball match. Our class chose me as its leader. We used our spare time to practice playing basketball and teamwork. Sometimes some students didn’t play well. I would teach them how to play basketball better. Through our efforts, we won the first place at last. Although we were tired, we were very happy.
8. Good morning, everyone! My topic today is “Protecting Our Eyes”.
Nowadays more and more students are nearsighted. As we all know, the eyes are the windows to the soul. If there is a problem with the eyes, there will be a lot of trouble in life and study. So we should try our best to protect our eyes. Here are some suggestions.
First, we should keep a balanced diet. Second, we should do eye exercises frequently. Third, we should control screen time. Finally, we also need to form good living habits.
In a word, eyes are so important that all of us should do what we can to keep them healthy.
That’s all. Thanks for your listening!
Dear Tom,
How’s it going Let me tell you something about our after-school activities.
There are over 20 students’ clubs in our school. There are art clubs, basketball clubs, calligraphy clubs, etc. I am in the basketball and chess clubs. We often have a basketball match on Friday. Last week, our basketball match was really exciting. All the players tried their best to score. Finally, we won the game only by one point, but we were quite happy.
The activities not only build up my body and mind but also provide a perfect platform and rich choices for my future development. Besides, they also free me from the heavy work of study.
Your friend,
Li Hua
Nowadays, more and more people take part in sports to keep healthy. Of all sports, I like swimming best. Because it can not only be good for my health, but also make me relaxed.
However, we should pay attention to this sport. First, we had better not swim too long. Because it may let us have a cramp in the leg. Second, we had better not swim in the evening, which makes us too excited to go to bed.
Let’s do sports from now on and enjoy it.
Tour China in Xiangyang
Hello friends, welcome to Xiangyang!
Xiangyang is a beautiful city in China. It has a long history and rich culture. There are many famous attractions in Xiangyang, such as the ancient city wall, Longzhong Scenic Area, and Tangcheng Film and Television City. Xiangyang is also known for its delicious food, such as beef noodles and sesame seed cakes. People in Xiangyang are very friendly and hospitable.
If you have the chance to visit Xiangyang, I’m sure you will definitely have a great time!
Dear Lucy,
I am happy to hear from you. My idol is Andy Lau. He is a very famous super star in Hong Kong. The reason why I like him is that he is very hard-working. He is successful not only in acting but also in singing. What’s more, it is reported that he loves his parents very much and he is filial to them. Besides, he is extremely handsome.
As a result of above, I want to grow into a person like him, who always sets a positive example for the youngsters. Moreover, I have learned a truth from him: No pain, no gain.
Dear schoolmates,
It’s my pleasure to give a speech here. When it comes to the topic—The Person I Want to Thank Most, that must be my English teacher—Mr. Zhang. He is very kind and knowledgeable. He takes good care of everyone.
I still remember that once I fought with my friend, he was not angry with me or shouted at me, instead, he asked me why patiently and taught me how to get on with my friend. With his help, I not only made great progress in English, but I also became a better myself.
I’m very thankful for all that he has done for me. I really want to say “Thank you” to him and I’ll try my best to be a good student.
That’s all. Thanks for listening.
Dear Billy,
I’m so happy to know that you plan to visit China during the Dragon Boat Festival.
The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth Chinese lunar month. People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival by holding different kinds of activities, like making and eating zongzi. One of the most exciting activities is watching the dragon boat races. It is really fun! These activities are held in memory of Qu Yuan, a great Chinese poet.
The Dragon Boat Festival not only plays an important part in the traditional Chinese culture, but also brings people the joy of life. So it’s very important to us.
Hope this helps and see you soon!
Best wishes,
Li Wei
Dear Michael,
I’d like to introduce my hero in Chinese culture to you. The hero in my eyes is the Monkey King. He is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.
The Monkey King isn’t a normal monkey. He has a magic stick and can make 72 changes. That’s the reason why he has been loved by the children at home and even abroad for many years. I really admire him mainly because he is clever and brave enough to fight bad people and help the weak.
From the Monkey King, I realize that we should try hard to help people in need. And we should also learn to be brave in the face of any difficult situations, which helps make us stronger and stronger.
Hi, Judy!
I’m looking forward to your exchange visit. There are all kinds of volunteering activities in my school. Let me introduce some of them.
We can collect rubbish in the city park. We can also help the children who are in Children’s Hospital and cheer them up. Besides, we can do volunteer work in the Old People’s Home. I usually choose to help the sick children, because I like to stay with them. Also, I can get on well with children. If you want to join these volunteering activities, you can send an email to school students’ union. We usually do these activities at the weekends. I think you can get a lot by doing volunteering work.
Hope this helps and see you soon!
Li Xin
Hi Chris!
I’m looking forward to your exchange visit. China is a country with a long history, so there are many customs here. Let me tell you some of them.
First, you are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. Second, you should bring a gift when you are invited to a party and be sure to arrive on time or a few minutes earlier. Third, when you eat meals with others, it’s rude to point at others with your chopsticks. And don’t make noises when you have your soup. It’s also impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food.
I hope the above is helpful and see you soon!
Li Hua
My Hobbies
Everyone has hobbies. I like playing basketball. I’m on the school basketball team. If I have time, I often go to the park with my friends to play basketball. I think hobbies can not only make us relaxed, but also make us healthy. So I think hobbies are very important for us. But we need to schedule our time rationally. We want to ensure that students who complete their learning tasks can continue their interests.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:专题05 选词填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (贵州专用)(含答案)

下一篇:Module 4 Unit 1 Insects 词汇语法句型讲义+练习(含答案)