专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (湖南专用)(含答案)

专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (湖南专用)
1.(2024·湖南·中考真题)英语课上老师要求以“Sports make us better”为话题开展三人一组的讨论。假定你是李华,将代表小组在全班发言,请根据以下信息写一篇英文发言稿,内容包括:
1. 介绍你们各自喜欢的运动;
2. 谈谈运动对你们的影响。
1. 文中不得出现人名和校名等真实信息;
2. 写作词数为80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Hello, everyone,
I’m Li Hua from Group One. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
That’s all. Thank you.
School Activity When on May 4
Where go to the Sunshine Farm
How take the school bus
Who 45 students and 2 teachers
What (1) food museum: learn more about rice (2) field: learn to harvest (收割) rice; help to carry rice
Feeling (s) exciting/happy/interesting/fun...
Dear Steve,
How is everything going I’d like to share something with you. I took part in an amazing school activity.
Best wishes!
Zhang Lin
参考词汇: 为……做贡献 make contributions to
Hello, everyone! I’m Li Hua from Class 2003.
Thank you for your listening!
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’d like to be a volunteer in this “Telling Xiangtan Stories, Spreading Local Culture” activity.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
3.词数60﹣80。开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
参考词汇: habit take exercise finish
Good morning, everyone!
That’s all. Thank you!
(3)不少于50词(文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。
Labor education is becoming more and more important among teenagers._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

学做美食 学做手工 学会游泳 学一门乐器 其他
35% 25% 20% 15% 10%
参考词汇:做传统手工make traditional handicrafts
An English website invited me to do a survey about what skills students of Grade 9 in our school will learn in the coming summer vacation. Here are the results.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8.(2024·湖南长沙·二模)假如你是李华,你校校刊以“How often do you help do chores at home ”为主题对学生在家做家务情况进行了调查。请根据下列图表简要描述学生在家做家务的调查结果,并分析原因,最后谈谈你对做家务的看法。
Reasons: 1. don’t have enough time; 2. ...
Opinion: 1. develop one’s independence; 2. ...
1. 文章需包含以上所有要点,可适当发挥;
2. 80词左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数);
3. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名。
Doing chores is important for students and we learn a lot from it. According to a survey from our school,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9.(2024·湖南娄底·二模)健康的饮食关系到青少年的身心健康成长。请你根据以下提示的内容,以“Healthy Eating”为题写一篇作文。
Healthy Eating
要点:1. 保护环境的重要性。
2. 措施:不坐小汽车,步行或乘坐公交车上学;离开教室时关灯;平时节约用水,购物时用可回收利用袋,不用塑料袋;不乱扔垃圾……
3. 号召同学们积极参与到保护环境中来。
4. 词数:80词左右,文章开头已经给出,但不计入总词数。
关键词:environment, instead of, take an active part in, protect
Hello, everyone,
The earth is our only home _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. 要点齐全,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文流畅;
3. 80词左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数,文中不得出现真实人名和校名)。
It is time for me to say goodbye to my junior school life. I am here to say thanks to
12.(2024·湖南郴州·二模)你校英文报就“如何保护视力”这一话题征稿。请根据右边图示,以“How to Protect Our Eyesight (视力)”为题投稿。
How to Protect Our Eyesight
Purposes spread the traditional virtue (美德) , honor the old...
Activities clean rooms, put on shows
Feelings build a harmonious (和谐的) society...
1. 参考提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);
4. 词数:不少于80词。(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。)
Honoring the old is the traditional virtue of China.
So let’s take action right away.
14.(2024·湖南湘西·二模)随着社会的快节奏发展,压力已成为一个普遍的社会问题,学生也面临各种各样的压力。全国心理健康日到来之际,为了促进学生快乐学习,健康成长,幸福生活,我校校报开展以 “Less Stress, Better Life” 为主题的征文比赛。请根据提示内容,用英语写一篇短文,阐述中学生压力大的原因并且提出恰当的减压方法,
Reasons for the stress: ·have lots of schoolwork and exams ·don’t know how to get along with others ·....
Ways to lower stress: · do sports ·....
Less Stress, Better Life
Less Stress, Better Life
Nowadays, stress has become a common problem in the society. We teenagers also have a lot of stress while growing up. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15.(2023·湖南湘西·三模)假如你是李华,上周参观了一个“废物利用◆创新环保”主题作品展。变废为宝,低碳生活从我做起。请你根据下面表格信息,以“Make good use of the waste”为题写一篇短文,在英语角上介绍该展会中你最喜欢的展品(须选择表格内两项展品中的任意一个)并分享自己对环保的想法。
What were on show What they are made of/from How they are made What you think
A cat house model car … waste paper/clothes plastic bottles used wood and glass …(考生自拟内容) save energy …(考生自拟1个观点)
Make good use of the waste
16.(2023·湖南娄底·三模)No.1 Middle School决定开设劳动课程。为了解学生需求,学生会围绕“我最想掌握的劳动技能”对学生进行问卷调查。假如你是学生会主席李华,给学生处主任Mr. Green写一封邮件,简要描述调查结果,谈谈你最希望在劳动课中学习的技能和理由,并对教学活动给出建议。
Most Wanted Skills
Dear Mr Green,
According to the survey, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
17.(2023·湖南怀化·三模)为落实国家“双减”政策,各学校均开设了课后延时服务活动,如体育活动、阅读、艺术兴趣小组及各种社团活动。这些活动不仅给我们留下了很多美好的回忆,也让我们收获很多。假如你是李华,请你以“My favorite school activity”为题写一篇短文,内容包括:你最喜欢的活动,你为什么喜欢它,你参加这项活动的收获以及你的愿望。
1. 内容可适当发挥,使行文连贯
2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、学校名称等信息;
3. 词数60—80。
参考词汇: Double Reduction Policy(双减政策) after-class service activity
My favorite school activity
18.(2023·湖南株洲·二模)假定你是李华,本周学校将举办一场以“My Hometown”为主题的英语角活动,请你按要求准备发言稿。
Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua. Now please allow me to say something about my hometown.
19.(2023·湖南衡阳·三模)假如本周学校将会开展“My dream job”的主题英语演讲比赛,要求每一位同学谈谈自己的梦想职业。请你根据提示,准备一篇发言稿。
Good morning, everybody. I want to be
Hello, everyone,
I’m Li Hua from Group One. Below, on behalf of our group, I will report on our discussion. Cindy’s favorite sport is volleyball. She often plays volleyball with her friends. By playing volleyball, she has become more confident and healthy. Frank loves riding a bicycle best. By riding a bicycle, his body has become stronger and stronger. I like playing basketball. If I have time, I often go to the park to play basketball with my friends on weekends. Playing basketball has taught me the spirit of teamwork and never giving up.
That’s all. Thank you.
Dear Steve,
How is everything going I’d like to share something with you. I took part in an amazing school activity.
On May 4, we went to the Sunshine Farm. We took the school bus there. There were 45 students and 2 teachers in the bus. At first, we went to the food museum where we learnt more about rice. Then we went to the field. We learnt to harvest rice from farmers and we also helped farmers to carry rice. At 5 o’clock, we went home. Though we were a little tired, we were very happy.
From this experience, we learnt the importance of saving food and we will cherish food from now on.
Best wishes!
Zhang Lin
Hello, everyone! I’m Li Hua from Class 2003. Everyone has his own dream job. Some people want to be engineers, some people want to be scientists and others want to be cooks.
As for me, my parents want me to be a doctor because they think it is a good job. But I want to be a teacher. In order to make my dream come true, I must study hard and get good grades. If I meet difficulties, I will come up with ways to solve them. Of course, I should get along well with others. After all, teachers are good with their students. I also help others with both study and life.
In a word, I will study hard and I believe my dream will come true.
Thank you for your listening!
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’d like to be a volunteer in this “Telling Xiangtan Stories, Spreading Local Culture” activity.
My name is Li Hua. I am 14 years old. I’m such an outgoing boy that it’s easy for me to communicate with others. In addition, I’ve got varied hobbies, such as reading books, doing sports and performing the cross talk. I am interested in Chinese traditional culture. I often read books about them. And I also take part in many activities like this. I think this activity is very meaningful. It can make more people learn about our local culture. It can help to promote cultural exchanges and development. If I am chosen to be a member of this activity, I will try my best to do it.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Good morning, everyone!
As students, we can also choose good living habits. In daily life, we should insist on exercise, don’t stay up late and get enough sleep. We should insist on eating breakfast, more fruit and vegetables, and less junk food. At home, we should be considerate of our parents and do more housework. As students, we should also choose good study habits. We must listen carefully and take notes frequently in class. We must finish our homework on time and read widely. We should also insist on reading every night. Finally, we should develop good healthy habits and keep the classroom and bedroom clean. We should wash our hands before eating and pay attention to the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
That’s all. Thank you!
Labor education is becoming more and more important among teenagers. We can help our parents take out the rubbish and do the dishes. In school, we can clean the classroom and grow vegetables. We can also clean up city parks and plant trees. Taking part in labor can not only improve our life skills, but also enrich our spare time. I hope we can take part in labor as much as possible.
An English website invited me to do a survey about what skills students of Grade 9 in our school will learn in the coming summer vacation. Here are the results. Thirty-five percent of the students plan to learn how to cook. Twenty-five percent of the students are going to learn how to make traditional handicrafts. Twenty percent of them plan to learn swimming. Fifteen percent of them plan to learn a musical instrument. Ten percent of them plan to do other things. I’m going to be a volunteer to teach the children English in the countryside. I think we should do what we can to help people in need.
Doing chores is important for students and we learn a lot from it. According to a survey from our school, most of the students do chores 3—4 times a week. 25% of students do chores twice a week. 20% of the students do chores every day. However, we find that 15% of students never do chores.
Students may think they are too tired on weekdays to do chores. Some even think it’s their parents’ job. Others think they don’t have enough time.
But I think everyone should share the work and sometimes we can take some break from schoolwork by doing chores. Also, it can develop our independence. So I suggest we should do some basic housework every day, like making our own bed or sweeping the floor.
Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is important for us in our daily life. Food can give us energy and help us build up our body.
Some of my friends have healthy eating habits. They eat fruit and vegetables every day. They have meals on time and never miss any meal. However, some of my friends like junk food. And they often miss breakfast because they get up late.
I think everyone should have healthy eating habits. First, we should have enough clean food each meal. Second, it’s important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food provide us different nutrition we need every day. Third, we should hve a regular meal. In this way, we’ll be strong and healthy, and we’ll do well in our study.
Hello, everyone,
The earth is our only home, so it is of great importance to protect the environment. As teenagers, there are a lot of things we can do to protect it.
First, we can help clean the park or school once a week. Second, we should save water in our daily life. Third, we should take a bus, ride a bike or walk to school. Fourth, we should use paper bags instead of plastic bags when shopping.
Let’s get together and take action to protect the environment.
It is time for me to say goodbye to my junior school life. I am here to say thanks to my English teacher Mrs. Zhang.
She is very kind and patient. She has helped me a lot in my studies since I came to this school. When I was in trouble, she used to encourage me and give me some good advice. At one time I failed to pass an English test and I was very sad about it. She came and cheered me up. She told me some good ways to improve my English. With her help, I have made great progress in English.
I’m so thankful to her for her kind help that I will work harder and try to do better in the future. I will take part in more activities to make my life more colorful. I hope she will become better and better.
How to Protect Our Eyesight
Eyes are very important to us. However, many students have poor eyesight. In order to protect our eyesight, we should follow these suggestions.
In my opinion, it’s important to have good eyesight. We should develop good habits of using our eyes. For example, we’d better take a break after reading for 45 minutes. We can do eye exercises and do more sports. They are helpful to protect our eyesight. Besides, enough sleep is important, too. We also avoid reading and watching TV under the poor light.
Follow these suggestions and I think we’ll have better eyesight.
Honoring the old is the traditional virtue of China. In order to spread the traditional virtue, we will visit the old people’s home to send warmth to the elderly. We will do lots of things there. First, it’s necessary for us to clean their rooms and wash their clothes. Second, we will also put on some interesting shows and make dumplings together with them. Besides, we will have a better understanding of the life in the past by listening to their old stories. It will also make them feel warm when they talk about those experiences. Through this activity, we can not only spread the spirit of honoring the old but also build a harmonious society. So let’s take action right now.
Less Stress, Better Life
Nowadays, stress has become a common problem in the society. We teenagers also have a lot of stress while growing up.
The main reason for stress is schoolwork and exams. Students have been competing with each other since they were very young, which brings them too much stress. Some students don’t know how to get along well with others. This can also bring them stress and worries. I’ll give you some ways to relieve stress. First of all, you need to do sports as much as possible. In addition, you should be brave enough to express your ideas. Try to communicate with your classmates as often as possible.
In my opinion, stress is not a bad thing. Proper stress is beneficial to our growth and development. If a person doesn’t have stress, he will become lazy easily. We should learn to face stress in our life.
Make good use of the waste
Hello, everyone! I’d like to tell you something about the show “Make good use of the waste”.
A number of creative works were on show, including a cat house, a model car, clothes and so on.
Of all the works, I was most interested in a model car. It is made of used wood and plastic bottles. They are glued together and painted in different colors so the model car looks fashionable. Plastic bottles are made into a chair of the car. I felt amazed at how waste could be put to such good use. It really helps to save energy. It won’t pollute the environment. Besides, it also improves students’ creativity.
Most Wanted Skills
Dear Mr Green,
According to the survey, 38% of the students want to know how to keep an animal. 36% of the students wonder how to plant. 19% of the students want to seize the skill of house cleaning. And the rest want to know other skills.
As for me, I want to learn the skill of house cleaning. I think it is necessary for us to help parents to do chores. It is also our duty. Most of us don’t know how to keep the house tidy and clean. If we don’t know how to keep our rooms organized, how can we keep our study or even our future organized
I hope we can take courses about the house cleaning. On Mondays and Fridays, school can hire or invite a skilled housewife to teach us the skills. In this way, we students can not only know the work of parents but also seize the skills.
Li Hua
My favorite school activity
School life is very important. Thanks to Double Reduction Policy, our school succeeded in having after-class service activities this term.
My favorite club activity is the Reading Club. I love reading, so I became a member of the club. I read the four great classical Chinese novels and some history books. In my opinion, reading has changed me far more than I expected. I am not as shy as I used to be and I’m willing to try something new. Reading opens up a new world to me. What’s more, I was so lucky to make lots of friends who shared the same interest with me in the club. It not only leaves us good memories, but also makes us learn a lot.
Our school life is so rich and meaningful that I enjoy it very much. I hope the after-class service activities will be better and better.
Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua. Now please allow me to say something about my hometown.
It is in the south of China with an area of about 210,000 square kilometers. Great changes have taken place here in recent years. Many new factories, houses, roads and bridges have been built, which shows that my hometown is developing rapidly. It has a long history and there are many places of interest, such as Yuelu Academic Yard, Dongting Lake and the memorial hall of Chairman Mao. My hometown is also famous for its special food—the spicy crayfish, which is really delicious. What’s more, the weather here is rather comfortable. It’s not too hot or too cold.
I really hope you can visit my hometown and have a good time here.
Good morning, everybody. I want to be an English teacher when I grow up.
I think English is very interesting. I like it a lot. And I am also good at it. Besides, I am good with kids. To be an English teacher, I have to work really hard. I need to spend more time practising English every day. I also need to learn about how I can teach students well.
If I keep working, my dream will come true.
Thanks for your listening.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (广西专用)(含答案)
