专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (广西专用)(含答案)

专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (广西专用)考 2年模拟 (广西专用)
1.(2024·广西·中考真题)假定你是李华,你的外籍朋友Sam知道你将参加你校举办的课本剧比赛(textbook play competition),他对此很感兴趣。请你用英语写一封邮件,告知他相关的情况。内容包括:
Dear Sam,
How is it going I’m glad to tell you something about the coming textbook play competition in our school. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
2.(2023·广西·中考真题)艺术充满魅力,艺术课使校园生活丰富多彩。你校英文周刊以“My favourite art course”为题向同学们征稿。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 学校开设的艺术课(如音乐、绘画、舞蹈、书法、戏剧等);
2. 你最喜欢的一门艺术课及其开课情况(如上课时间、活动等);
3. 喜欢的理由。
1. 词数为80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;
4. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:art course(艺术课),painting(n.绘画),calligraphy(n.书法),drama(n.戏剧)
My favourite art course
Art courses are important at school. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3.(2022·广西桂林·中考真题)看图作文:自从2021年党中央颁布“双减”政策以来,孩子们的课余生活变得丰富多彩了。请看下面这张照片,这是大明一家在公园里度周末时照的。假如你是照片中画画的男孩大明(Daming),请以“A Happy Family Day”为题,写一篇英语短文,准备在班里作文课上展示。
Family members Activities
grandma, dad, mum, Daming, brother, sister take pictures/photos 照相 paint/draw a picture 画画 sit on the grassland 坐在草地上 drink/have tea 喝茶 ride a bike 骑自行车 read a book 看书 play with (toys/a pet...)玩(玩具/宠物……)
A Happy Family Day
Hi, everyone. I’m Daming. I feel happy because we have less homework now. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4.(2022·广西玉林·中考真题)双减(double-lightening the burden)背景下,作为义务教育阶段的学生,应该怎么做才能成为德智体美劳全面发展的人(all-round citizens)?请你根据以下内容,写一篇英语短文。
参考词汇: 仅供参考.
The policy of “double-lightening the burden” was carried out. As middle school students, what should we do to be all-round citizens
参考词汇:the Spring Festival couplets 春联 put up 张贴 experience 体验
Dear David,
How’s it going _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
6.(2024·广西贺州·三模)坚持能让我们在困难面前不会低头,在失败面前不会气馁,在成功面前不会止步。无论做什么,贵在坚持。请你根据以下要点和提示,以“One Thing I Keep Doing”为题,用英文写一篇80词左右的小短文。
One Thing I Keep Doing
It’s not easy but very important to keep doing one thing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7.(2024·广西柳州·三模)好习惯成就更好的自己。良好的习惯对于青少年的健康成长起到了至关重要的作用。初中三年,你培养了哪些良好的习惯?请你以“Good Habits for a Better Me”为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的良好的习惯以及这些习惯带来的好处。
1. 你有哪些好习惯?(学习、运动、生活等方面)
2. 这些习惯给你带来了哪些好处?
3. 呼吁大家养成好习惯。
1. 词数为80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;
4. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:manage 管理;develop 养成
Good Habits for a Better Me
As we all know, good habits are the key to success.
8.(2024·广西·二模)时光荏苒,转眼初中三年的学习时光即将结束。你校英文周刊以“The changes of me in the past three years”为题向同学们征稿。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 你以前的情况;2. 你的变化;3. 这些变化对你的影响。
1. 词数为80左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实的姓名及学校名;4. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:used to do sth 过去经常做…… influence vt. 影响
The changes of me in the past three years
How time flies! Our middle school life is coming to an end. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9.(2024·广西玉林·一模)今年4月4日,厦门16岁张智勋同学临危不乱,地震发生时迅速抱起同桌冲出教室避震的新闻温暖了无数人,这一抱向我们展现了最真挚、感人的同学情。三年同窗共读,你与身边的同学一定也有很多感人故事,请以“The Touching Friendship Among classmate”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。
1. 分享一个亲身经历的同学间的感人故事 (故事发生的时间,经过,结果等);
2. 谈谈这个故事对你的启发;
3. 此事件对我的影响 (后来我怎么做……)
参考词汇:difficulty困难 experience 经历 from then on从那时候起
The Touching Friendship Among classmate
There’s an experience that always warms my heart and reminds me of the touching friendship among classmate.
10.(2024·广西·三模)每个学生都有自己的梦想职业。你校英文周刊以“My dream job”为题向同学们征稿。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿。
参考词汇: effort (n.努力), play a role (发挥作用), achieve (vt.实现)
My dream job
Everyone has his dream job. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ordering food online (网上点餐)
Advantages 方便快捷;美味可口;减少外出,……
Disadvantages 塑料包装污染环境;饮食习惯不够健康;……
Your opinion ……
参考词汇:减少外出reduce going out;塑料包装plastic packages
注意: 1. 内容必须包含表格中的所有信息;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不得透露个人信息;
4. 词数 80 左右(短文首句已给出,不计入总词数)。
Ordering food online
Nowadays, many people prefer ordering food online.
成员 Lucy Alice You
劳动项目 做家务 种蔬菜 做饭
时间 每周末 暑假 有空时
地点 家里 爷爷的农场 家里
好处 提高责任感 锻炼身体 表达爱意
1. 内容必须包含表格中的所有信息;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不得透露个人信息;
4. 词数80左右(短文首句已给出,不计入总词数)。
参考词汇:build up responsibility (提高责任感), grow vegetables (种蔬菜)
It’s well-known that “Labor is the most glorious (光荣的)”. Everyone in our group likes laboring.
13.(2023·广西南宁·三模)今年暑假你最想做的事情是什么?和家人一起旅行,放松身心?还是发展兴趣爱好,学习一项新技能,或者参加社会实践,做志愿者服务社会……学校英文校刊以“The thing I want to do most”为题征稿,请你根据以下内容和要求写一篇短文投稿。
参考词汇: relax body and mind 放松身心 volunteer志愿者 intend to do sth. 打算做某事
The thing I want to do most
The thing I want to do most this summer holiday is_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
参考词汇:trouble(麻烦), encourage (鼓励), confident(自信的), friendship (友谊)
Dear Tang,
It’s lucky for me to have a friend like you.
Dear Sam,
How is it going I’m glad to tell you something about the coming textbook play competition in our school.
First of all, we plan to hold it in the school hall. Then the beginning of the competition is 3 o’clock on the Friday of next week. Besides, there are many exciting activities on that day. We will read texts and have discussions. We will have role play and students will try their best to show themselves. There is no doubt that we will have a good time.
In a word, I want to invite you to take part in it. We are all looking forward to seeing you on that day!
Li Hua
My favourite art course
Art courses are important in school. We have many art classes in our school, such as music, painting, dance, calligraphy, drama and so on. However, my favorite art class is painting.
I attend three classes a week which are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Our school holds a painting competition on June 30 every year.
I enjoy painting because it brings me happiness. With my crayons, I can paint a vibrant world and anything that catches my fancy. Additionally, drawing allows me to express my emotions through pictures when words fail me.
A Happy Family Day
Hi, everyone. I’m Daming. I feel happy because we have less homework now. So I went to the park with my family last Sunday. Look! This is a picture of my family in the park. My father was taking pictures. My mother was reading. My grandpa and grandma were sitting on the grass and drinking tea. The little boy who was drawing is me. My brother was riding a bike. My sister was playing with her toys. We enjoyed ourselves in the park.
The policy of “double-lightening the burden” was carried out. As middle school students, what should we do to be all-round citizens
First, we should develop good study and reading habits. We should also actively participate in sports and labor to improve our life skills. We also need to help do some housework, and cultivate rich hobbies at the same time. Second, we need self-discipline. No matter what, we should make a plan and stick to it. Finally, we should study hard and become useful people to society.
I believe that if we do these, we will be able to become people with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor.
Dear David,
How’s it going Spring Festival couplets are also called spring stickers. The ancients put up the word “Yichun” on the beginning of spring, and then gradually developed into spring couplets, expressing the good wishes of the Chinese working people to ward off evil spirits, eliminate disasters, welcome good fortune.
Our city will hold an art exhibition of Spring Festival couplets in the stadium on June 28. In this exhibition, you can enjoy the exhibits, experience the activity of putting up Spring Festival couplets, and feel the atmosphere of Chinese New Year. If you can come, you will be very happy.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
One Thing I Keep Doing
It’s not easy but very important to keep doing one thing. One of the things I keep doing is reading books.
The reason why I keep reading is that I think reading is important to me. I can not only get knowledge and open up my eyes, but also learn more about the world by reading. Besides, reading can make my life colorful and bring me happiness. There is a magic world in the books.
Reading has changed me a lot. I feel relaxed when I read. Thanks to reading, I’ve made many friends. We often talk about the books together and share our opinions and feelings.
In a word, reading is very helpful and meaningful for me, so I hope I can read more good books in my free time.
Good Habits for a Better Me
As we all know, good habits are the key to success. Good habits make us better people. During my three years in junior high school, I’ve developed many good habits.
First, I have developed a habit of setting goals and planning my time effectively. I know what I need to do and when to do it. This helps me do well in school and have time for fun. Second, as the saying goes, “Health comes first.” So I usually do some sports after school. I always play basketball with my friends, which is good for my health and makes me relaxed. Third, I try to be on time for everything in my daily life. This shows respect and helps me remember my duties. What’s more, I never stay up too late so that I can have enough sleep.
Good habits have helped me in many ways. They make me healthier, happier, and more responsible. I think everyone should have good habits to be their best selves. Let’s all try to have good habits!
The changes of me in the past three years
How time flies! Our middle school life is coming to an end. Three years ago, I was short and a little shy. I was afraid to make friends. And in my free time, I used to play computer games. However, I have changed a lot in the past three years.
I have become taller and more outgoing. Now, I have a lot of friends. I often study or do sports with them instead of playing computer games alone. I have also developed some good habits, such as going to bed early, eating healthy food and so on.
All these changes influence me a lot. They make me become stronger and healthier. What’s more, they make my life colourful.
The Touching Friendship Among Classmates
There’s an experience that always warms my heart and reminds me of the touching friendship among classmates.
Two years ago, I broke my leg while playing basketball. However, I didn’t want to miss school. Seeing this, my classmates took turns carrying my books and supporting me on the trip to school each day. With their help, I managed to catch up with all the classes and did well in all my studies.
I am so moved by their truly help. From this experience, I realize that the real friendship between classmates is that whenever you are in difficulty, they are always ready to help.
From then on, I made up my mind to study even harder than before, and tried my best to help my classmates with their studies, or helped them out when they were in trouble.
My dream job
Everyone has his dream job. A dream job plays an important role to people because it can keep us going. My dream job is to be a doctor. Here are some reasons.
First, the doctors have saved many lives in the COVID-19 outbreak. They are my role models. Second, more good doctors are needed today. I want to be one of them. Besides, I like taking care of others.
To achieve my dream, I am going to make great efforts to enter a good medical college. I will try my best to learn much knowledge. I believe I can become a good doctor who respects life.
Ordering food online
Nowadays, many people prefer ordering food online. On the one hand, ordering food online has many advantages. First of all, ordering food online is convenient and easy. There are all kinds of delicious food offered online. We can also go out less. On the other hand, it has many disadvantages. The plastic packages can pollute the environment. And the safety of the take-away food often makes us feel worried.
In my opinion, home-cooked food is safer and more delicious than take-away food. If we have time, we’d better cook food by ourselves at home. What’s more. I think ordering food online should only be used when it needed.
It’s well-known that “Labor is the most glorious”. Everyone in our group likes laboring. At our class meeting, we shared our labor experience with our group members.
In Lucy’s spare time, she does housework at home every weekend. In this way, she builds up her responsibility. In Alice’s opinion, she would like to grow vegetables during summer vacation on grandfather’s farm. Growing vegetables is like doing exercise, which can help her have a stronger body. As for me, I cook meals for my parents when I am free. I regard it as a good way to show love to my family.
Labor is a good way for teenagers to develop independence. Let’s take action to take part in it.
The thing I want to do most
The thing I want to do most during the summer holiday is to visit Xiamen. First of all, I have never been to Xiamen before, so I want to go there very much. Secondly, it is said that the scenery is so fascinating that it is truly worth visiting. There are so many things I can do there. For example, Gulangyu Island is a good place for sightseeing. Then I can also taste the delicious seafood there. At last, I hope to visit Xiamen University, which is very famous in China and is also my dream university. It is such a wonderful place that I can’t wait to go there!
Dear Tang,
It’s lucky for me to have a friend like you. Thank you for your help. When I have math problems, you always help me to work them out. I’ve got better grades in math. If I have any trouble, you will encourage me not to give up. We often read books and do sports together. Because of your help, I’m more confident than before. I’m going to a good high school with you. Because it’s my dream.
I hope our friendship can last forever. I believe you’ll have a nice future.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (重庆专用)(含答案)

下一篇:专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (湖南专用)(含答案)