专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (重庆专用)(含答案)

专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (重庆专用)
In the world that we are creating very quickly, we’re going to see more and more things that look like science fiction, and fewer and fewer things that look like jobs. For example, our cars are very quickly going to start driving 1 . That means we’re going to need fewer drivers. At the same time, there might be some new kinds of 2 in the future. Let’s have a look at some of them.
Robots will become more common in our homes and schools, so we’ll need people who know 3 to fix them. These workers will be like robot doctors, finding out what’s wrong with a robot and helping it get better.
Imagine going on vacation to space! In the future, more people might be interested in space travel, so we might need g 4 who can show tourists around the stars and planets.
As AI (人工智能) is developing fast, we’ll need people to check that it works properly. We call these people AI rule keepers. They will make 5 that AI won’t do anything harmful to humans.
School might look different in the future, with lessons designed just for you. Then we’ll need p 6 learning planners. These planners would create special learning plans 7 each student, so that everyone could get what they need to succeed.
These are just a few examples of the jobs we might have in the future. The best way to get ready for these future jobs is to be open to new ideas and never 8 learning. Knowledge will remain important, and problem solving and critical (批判性的) thinking skills will be needed for our future education and work.
“Do you get enough sleep ” The answer is probably no if you ask a tired student who is always taking a nap (小睡) on a classroom desk. “I couldn’t get to sleep and experienced a restless night again.” You may often hear such words from an adult. Not having enough 9 is a common problem around the world.
However, sleep is just like food and water to us. 10 of us can live if we don’t sleep at all. Sleep experts say that an adult requires 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night and a teenager needs 8.5 to 9.5 hours. Anything less could be h 11 to our health.
According to a study, sleeping only five hours a night for a week is like having a blood-alcohol (酒精) level of 0.1 percent. That is above the safe driving limit (限制) in most countries. Most people probably wouldn’t take an exam or go to work if they get drunk. But 12 enough sleep, they still do these things. As a result, they 13 in the exams or perform badly at work. What’s worse, doctors and nurses often work long hours. When they are sleepy, they might hurt a patient or even 14 a patient’s death by accident.
15 sleep is so important, many people these days are not getting enough. In a survey, twenty percent say that daytime sleepiness influences their daily work. They feel it hard to pay full attention during the day. However, they don’t seem to care. Some even show off how energetic they can be the next day just with little sleep. It may be time to wake up and 16 the way we think. We should realize that not sleeping enough is a serious problem.
After exercising, the first thing that you want to do is to drink up a glass of cold water. When the water travels down your throat, you will 17 so good. However, you are often told not to do so. Is drinking 18 water really unhealthy
Cold water is said to slow down a person’s digestion(消化). Having cold water or a cold drink makes your body’s temperature l 19 . Cold water causes your blood vessels (血管) to become narrower (更狭窄的). So, the body needs to burn energy to bring your 20 back to normal. At the same time, less energy is used for digestion.
Think of your digestive system as a burning pot. If someone suddenly poured cold water into this pot what would 21 Doing this would be dangerous. Similarly, when you drink cold water while eating, it is 22 adding water to a burning pot. Of course, it isn’t that bad, but it is a good way to explain why drinking cold water during meals maybe a bad idea. 23 you cannot control your urge(冲动) to do so, drinking water at room temperature is a better choice.
Traditional Chinese medicine suggests trying to avoid drinking cold water. And modern studies in Europe point out drinking cold water causes headaches. Scientists are doing more research on this. Maybe in the future t 24 can give us more helpful information.
Many successful people follow a similar routine (常规). This helps them make the best use of their days. This also helps sleep well at night. One of the most important things successful people do is to get ready for the next day the night before. Let’s see 25 they do that.
Learn to relax
Successful people say it is important to relax. Some enjoy listening to music, w 26 others like taking a bath before going to bed. Studies show that a 15-minute bath an hour or two before bedtime helps them sleep better. Sleeping well tonight means a good day tomorrow.
Put the phone down
Studies show that the blue light from a phone is bad for our sleep. Successful people c 27 their phone use. They don’t sleep with their phones nearby. They put phones away an hour 28 bedtime and they use an alarm clock to wake up.
Think about today
Before sleep, it helps to think about the day. Many 29 people think about the good things from the day. This helps them to learn and to change. It also 30 them to make a plan for a good (perhaps even better) day tomorrow.
Make a 31
Many successful people make plans for their activities the next day. It helps them sleep well. This is important because sleeping b 32 sometimes makes everything seem worse the next day. Making plans also helps them wake up relaxed, happy and ready for the new day.
As students, you should study hard. More importantly, you should study in a smart way. Try these methods below.Spaced Repetition
According to Ebbinghaus, you’ll 33 easily if you don’t review in time. After you read your study material for the first time, you’d better come back to it 6 hours later, then 24 hours later, 3 days later, 7 days later or even 14 days later and above. Repeat it 34 least 5 times, and you can almost remember everything. Jim Kwik's Technique(方法)
According to Jim Kwik, an expert on reading and the memory, the key to understanding your reading material is to ask question. You can put a line down the 35 of a piece of paper. On the left, take notes of key information,while on the right, write down 3 kinds of questions—how, when and why. Among the questions, the most important 36 is how you can use the key information. Connect it with the knowledge you’ve 37 known. And think about what real life problems you can solve by using it. This helps to keep the information your mind.The Feynman Technique
Studies show students can understand what they’ve learned better when they 38 someone else. The Feynman technique includes 4 basic steps. First, study. Second, teach what you’ve just learned to someone with zero knowledge of the subject in 39 words. Third, find out which parts you can explain well and which parts you can’t. Go back to the book and try to understand the topic once again. Fourth, repeat the steps above 40 you can explain the topic without looking at the book.
Miss Wang recently had a worrying experience.
One morning, just as she arrived at her 41 , Wang noticed some missed calls from her mother. “It must be something very important,” she thought to herself.
Right away, she called her mother 42 quite worriedly. To her surprise, Wang found her mother only wanted her charger (充电器), which Wang took to the office by mistake.
When Wang hurried home from her office, she found her mother’s 43 was still 70% charged. And her mother was worried that it would run out of power as she continued using it.
Now Wang realizes the seriousness of the problem. Her mother 44 eight hours a day playing games, reading news and watching short videos online. And her mother has problems like poor eyesight, headache and so on.
This story is not special and Wang’s mother is not 45 . She is just one in a growing population of the old who lose themselves in playing with phones. As the old have 46 chances to join in social activities, a smart phone is the best way to kill time.
But too much time on phone can cause many problems. “Be careful when using your phones, 47 you will be easily fooled!” Although the old are always warned like this, online frauds (欺骗) still happen to them. Now there are more family problems. Action should be taken.
For the old, they should control their screen time and get enough rest. The young, for their part, should often visit the old, and help them learn more about online safety so that they can 48 themselves. Also, the young can do more activities with the old like talking, walking and traveling, or encourage them to learn something at the universities for the aged.
You know you really want to get good grades. At the same time, your parents have put the pressure on you, or you promised yourself you would do 49 than before. But you keep getting distracted (分心的) and can’t focus on study! Here are some tips that help you be focused!
Don’t pay attention 50 the specific distractions (使人分心的事). For example, you’re trying to study in the library and you keep getting distracted by someone texting. Take down this distraction, then tell yourself to overcome 51 . Keep doing this every time the distraction comes up, and eventually you will no longer notice it.
Give yourself a break from worry. Life can be really busy, 52 it’s OK if you think of other things while studying. You can 53 5 minutes thinking about everything that’s on your plate, but then tell yourself it’s time to focus on the main task for now: studying.
Set a main 54 . When you are about to take an exam, it’s easy to think you need to study everything. Break things down and finish small goals one by one. This can 55 things easier and you can be less distracted.
Go offline. Social media and online games are the biggest challenges of keeping focused. Try keeping your phone in another room while you’re studying. Also, you can turn off your phone or keep it 56 .
Out for traveling is always a hot topic, including choosing where to stay, what to eat and when to set out. However some of us would never dream of s 57 a room with many strangers. Here are some tips for you to have a better stay at a hostel (青年旅社).
Care about 58 more
This is the most important rule for many travelers because a lot of the time, you’ll be sharing the bedrooms and bathrooms with other people. If you’re arriving at a hostel very 59 at night while others are probably sleeping, you’d better walk into your room quietly. Also, when you enter a room full of sleeping travelers, don’t turn on the light.
Choose where you chat wisely
You’d better find a right 60 to communicate with your mates at a hostel. Traveling can make us tired, and you might find that there are always some people sleeping whatever the time of day. Though they won’t say they expect silence, you can still help them rest well 61 having louder conversations inside.
Bring enough things
It’s necessary for you to pack an eye mask, 62 you would never know when the light will be turned on in the bedroom. And with lots of people sharing the same bathroom, there might not be enough slippers (拖鞋), so you may also need to carry a pair of slippers. What’s more, in order to make sure the things in your boxes are s 63 , don’t forget to bring a lock.
It may seem like a lot to remember, but after your first experience at a hostel, you may feel it’s so cool to 64 at a hostel during travel that you will never want to go to a hotel again!
What are moments of happiness in your life that you can remember Let’s look at some of the teenagers’ answers.Forever Friendship
In my whole life, 65 is better than friendship. In the autumn of 2023, I had a difficult time with the great pressure of my schoolwork. Feeling stressed out, I was cheered up by my friends who invited me to hike in the forest. 66 hiking along a country road, I shared my worry. Their comforting words and support, however, helped to clear away my terrible thoughts, filling me with a 67 of joy, which helped me to keep going on the hike and also going on my life journey.Family Love and Happiness
On a peaceful afternoon, I visited a small village in Ningxia. I took a photo of a heart-warming scene through my camera: a grandfather held his hands together with his granddaughter. As he lifted her high 68 his shoulders, their shared joy was to clear to everyone. In that magical moment, I clicked the shutter (按下快门) to k 69 the little girl’s smile and the grandfather’s kindly expression forever. This simple moving moment taught me that happiness often lies in the simplest acts of love and joy shared with our loved ones.
P 70 Comics with Passion
I feel my happiness when I’m painting. Last year, I began creating Yuan, a Chinese boy, as the main character in my comics (动漫). As a Swiss boy who’s deeply 71 in Chinese culture, I found inspiration in Chinese costume dramas.
Painting Yuan’s story has become my safe space, where cultural lines disappear. That’s why the bright colors of the East mix peacefully with the art styles of the West. I realized I was doing 72 than just painting a comic. I was making up a story that reflects my passion (热情).
During ancient times, children didn’t have a smart phone, iPad or computer to enjoy themselves. However, they came up with many interesting 73 to play in their childhood.
Kicking stone balls
Kicking stone balls is one of the best examples of such games. D 74 the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was very popular, especially in the northern part of China. As it was too cold there in winter, people often played stone balls to keep 75 . Stones were made into small balls and kicked with feet.
Flying kites
Kites have quite a long history—it was invented in the Dongzhou Dynasty. At that time, there was no paper, so the earliest kites were all made of wood 76 of paper. Nowadays, the three most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite, which each has its own colors and sizes.
Playing hide-and-seek (捉迷藏)
Hide-and-seek is another traditional game for children. There are 77 ways to play. One way is covering a child’s eyes while other kids run around to tease (逗弄) him. If he catches a player, the player will take his place and continue to catch others. The second way is more common. Players hide first and one child must try to find 78 .
79 shadow plays (皮影戏)
The most similar thing to watching a film or television for fun during ancient times was to watch a shadow play. Folk artists control puppets (木偶) b 80 the screen and tell stories to music.
In China, May 12th is the Day of Disaster Prevention and Reducing. Every year, accidents and disasters cause thousands of deaths and the loss of countless money. It’s necessary for us to learn how to keep safe when facing dangerous situations like fire accidents, 81 and earthquakes.
When fire accidents happen, the first thing is to decide whether to escape (逃离) or stay. If the fire is above your floor, you can try to go down the stair well (楼梯间) and rush out of the building. However, if you find the fire is on your floor or b 82 your floor, it’s best to keep your doors and windows closed and wait for help, because the stair well now is sure to be too smoky for you to escape safely. That’s because fire and smoke can spread much faster than you think. They can 83 a whole 30m room in less than one minute.
Storms usually come with signs. The sky will become dark and wind will start to blow before a storm strikes. If you are at home, use bookcases or other large and strong things to block (挡住) the windows. And quickly stay away from them as 84 as you can when the storm starts, because you may get hurt by the broken glass or even be blown out of the windows if you are too close to them. All these can help stop things from being blown in and prevent you from being blown out. After the storm, the water may be cut off. And the water you find may be seriously polluted. So, remember not to drink any water unless it’s safe and clean.
85 it is impossible to stop earthquakes, we can get ready for them. During normal days, you should find out the f 86 way from your home to a safe open ground. When earthquake happens, the less time used to get to a safe place, the more possibly you’ll survive. Also, it’s important to have a bag with enough water and food within your reach. You could be trapped (困住) in a building for hours or even days. Having a bag like this can provide you with 87 necessary to live on when trapped for a long time.
Accidents and disasters can’t always be avoided. Only by 88 for them, can we survive them and have a better and safer tomorrow.
Go, an ancient strategy (策略) game, is usually played for fun. However, its smart moves and skills can also help us deal with real life’s challenges b 89 . Let’s explore below.
Staying Calm
In Go, being calm is the key to w 90 . In life, when we face problems, staying calm helps us have a clear understanding of the situation and find solutions. We should avoid making quick decisions that could lead to big mistakes. Taking a moment to breathe and think clearly can make a big difference.
Planning Ahead
Go players plan their moves carefully ahead of time. Similarly, in life, we should set goals and make plans 91 we take action. We need to have an open mind and change our plans when things change.
Being 92
In Go, players wait for the right moment to make a move. In life, we also need to wait calmly for something. Some problems take time to solve, and we must keep trying until we find the best solution. There’s no need for 93 to get upset while waiting.
Thinking Long-Term
In Go, players think ahead about how their moves will 94 the game. In life, we should think long-term too. We need to consider how our actions today will make a difference to our 95 , which helps us make decisions that will benefit us in the long run.
By using Go strategics in daily life, we can become better 96 dealing with challenges and making smart decisions. Let’s use the wisdom (智慧) of Go to achieve success in both the game and life!
The story happened 97 the beginning of the 20th century. There was a successful American shoe-making company. Because of market changes, the sales of the company went 98 sharply. The boss was worried about this, so he held a 99 to discuss this problem. One of their decisions was to open new markets abroad. Soon the two best salesmen in his company were sent to Africa to do a survey first.
100 the two salesmen left for Africa on the same boat, they went to different countries. Within a month, the first salesman finished doing his survey of the African market. He made a call to the boss, telling him to give up his plan. He said “Boss, it is bad news. The weather here is so 101 that people here all go barefoot. 102 wears any shoes. There is no market for us here!” The salesman sounded pretty unhappy.
After a few days, the second salesman 103 the boss. He was quite excited and said, “Boss, good news. It’s a fantastic place which can offer a huge market. No one here wears shoes. We are going to sell thousands of pairs and make a lot of money. All we need to do is to 104 them the importance of wearing shoes on the hot road.”
The way we spend our time can be put into three “bottles”. These are the Necessary Tasks Bottle, the Voluntary Tasks Bottle and the Happiness Bottle.
Every day, we spend time 105 the Necessary Tasks Bottle with useful things, like making money, doing housework, and paying bills.
We then fill 106 bottle with Voluntary Tasks. These are things we do for others, we may not enjoy, but we do them anyway. This bottle gets filled with tasks like taking children to activities, cooking family meals, and washing clothes for family.
107 , we often forget to fill the third bottle—the Happiness Bottle. This is the bottle we fill with activities that make us happy. Is your Happiness Bottle sometimes 108 at the end of the day Between doing all the Necessary and Voluntary Tasks, time flies by, and before we know, it is time for bed. We all have days like that.
This is why each day we have to try to fill out Happiness Bottle. I fill mine by going to the dancing class. And I always leave classes more 109 than when I arrive. This week, I had fun joining in a guitar practice in my neighborhood. We showed our musical talent and
practiced music for charity. It was a time of fun, friendship and music-making. At the end of the evening, my Happiness Bottle was filled to top.
The challenge for each of us is to not let the day go by 110 filling our Happiness Bottle. That takes some planning. Many of us probably need to 111 happiness activities down on our schedule (日程表). If we don’t do that, we will have to fill our schedule with those Necessary and Voluntary Tasks.
Think about how your 112 is being spent. Are you doing enough activities that bring joy to your life Or are the Necessary and Voluntary Tasks using up all your time At the end of the day, hopefully we’ve done all we can to make sure that our Happiness Bottle is filled.
What is friendship Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is like a hidden treasure or sunshine to everyone. It can bring us warmth and happiness. If you are 113 trouble, your friends will help you or encourage you. If you are successful, your friends will offer to celebrate 114 with you.
I have a good friend called Alice. She is a patient and outgoing girl. We study in the 115 school. We often go home and do our homework together. With her help, I made a lot of progress in my school work. We never tell 116 because we know good friends should trust each other. I think our friendship will 117 forever.
118 , more and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of friendship. They work hard to make money to afford what they have always dreamed of. As a 119 , they have little time to enjoy life with their friends. I expect more and more people can pay more attention to themselves and their friends. When staying with our friends, we can talk together, laugh together, and even cry together.
120 of us can live happily without friends.
One bright morning, I was out for my usual run when I met an elderly lady who was waving her phone and talking to me in a language I couldn’t understand. It sounded like she was in a hurry to get somewhere. I quickly realized that she was 121 and couldn’t speak any English.
She showed me a map app on her phone, but I had no ideas 122 to read it. So, I quickly got a translation app online and we used the app to communicate. She spoke into the microphone in her language and it translated her words into English for me to understand. I put in some words 123 my reply to her and we were able to communicate!
I soon knew that she needed to get home, which was a long walk away. She didn’t want to use any public transportation but I offered to walk her to a bus stop where she could call her daughter for a 124 . Then her daughter could drive her home. As we walked, we laughed and joked, 125 we couldn’t understand each other’s language. It was a pretty fun experience!
Along the way, the elderly lady kept 126 me for my time. I had to keep reminding her that it was no trouble at all and saying that it was my pleasure to help her. Finally, we reached the bus stop and she made her call. We said our goodbyes and she gave me a heart-warming message that made me happy the whole day. Even today, I 127 hold that warm feeling in my heart.
Nowadays, as technology has progressed and changed our world day by day, there’s always 128 that never changes. If you help a stranger find his or her way, maybe you will also get help from another stranger sometime in the future when you get lost in a strange city. We might lose our way but there is always a way to help.
Creativity is called the top way to produce. For a long period of time, humans are improving their teaching methods to develop it. But what is creativity In short, creativity is from zero to one. That m 129 creating something new out of nothing. But how can people develop creativity Here are some ways.
Not just accept what is taught.
For many people, they get knowledge mainly by memorizing or imitating (模仿) what teachers, parents or others teach them. But they aren’t creating anything. In fact, they just repeat what 130 else has already done. What’s better, they can follow others’ steps and improve. For example, when others are used to paying through paper money and credit cards, the first one who comes up with the QR code (二维码) is creative, because he 131 up the old way to pay the bill.
Don’t be afraid of 132 .
Looking for safety and comfort is the nature of humans. Most people spend their time and effort running after a life 133 ups and downs. But creativity requires the spirit of taking risks. If people go mountain climbing, two roads are given-one is by taking the cable car (缆车), and the other is by climbing on a small road full of falling rocks. Which road do they prefer There’s no doubt that most people prefer taking the cable car because it’s 134 and comfortable. But most people see the same views. Only people on the other road see different ones.
Choose to live in an encouraging environment.
Encouragement is quite important to make people active in both action and thought. People can easily get active sometimes, but they can 135 keep active. Although not everyone is born in an encouraging environment, there are still ways to improve the environment as they grow up. For example, 136 some people are new in a company and want to develop well, they can choose to learn from those who often encourage them.
Even today, many years later, I can still clearly remember that special day when I took part in a piano concert. It was my 137 time to play the Canon in D (D大调卡农) in public. I was only nine years old and I wasn’t yet confident about my piano skills. 138 I had been practicing the piece for a long time before the concert, I still felt nervous and was afraid to walk out on the stage (舞台).
My piano teacher tried to comfort (安慰) me. “R 139 !” she said. “Don’t be so nervous. You can play very well. Just feel free to show your true self to the audience (观众).” “But with 140 around, I will be alone on the stage,” I replied. “So many people in the music hall will be looking at me!” My teacher suggested I ignore (忽视) and just focus on my own performance.
Soon, it was my turn to perform. I 141 a deep breath before starting to play the piece. At first I still felt a bit nervous, but soon after, I paid full attention to my performance and became lost in the beautiful music that I was playing. The audience cheered as soon as I finished my performance. I knew my first show was a great s 142 and I was so proud of myself at that moment.
This valuable experience has had a great influence 143 my life. Since then, whenever I feel nervous about an upcoming performance, I first try to calm myself down, and then just bring out the 144 in myself.
1.themselves 2.jobs 3.how 4.(g)uides 5.sure 6.(p)ersonal 7.for 8.stop
9.sleep 10.None 11.(h)armful 12.without 13.fail 14.cause 15.Though/Although 16.change
17.feel 18.cold 19.(l)ower 20.temperature 21.happen 22.like 23.If 24.(t)hey
25.how 26.(w)hile 27.(c)ontrol 28.before 29.successful 30.helps/encourages 31.plan 32.(b)adly
33.forget 34.at 35.middle 36.one 37.already 38.teach 39.other 40.until
41.office 42.back 43.phone 44.spends 45.alone 46.fewer 47.or 48.protect
49.better 50.to 51.it 52.so 53.spend 54.goal 55.make 56.silent
57.(s)haring 58.others 59.late 60.place 61.without 62.because 63.(s)afe 64.stay
65.nothing 66.When 67.feeling 68.over 69.(k)eep 70.(P)ainting 71.interested 72.more
73.games 74.(D)uring 75.warm 76.instead 77.two 78.them 79.Watching 80.(b)ehind
81.storms 82.(b)elow 83.fill 84.far 85.Although/Though 86.(f)astest 87.something 88.preparing
89.(b)etter 90.(w)inning 91.before 92.Patient 93.us 94.influence/affect 95.future 96.at
97.at 98.down 99.meeting 100.Though 101.hot 102.Nobody 103.called 104.tell
105.filling 106.another 107.However 108.empty 109.happily 110.without 111.write/put/take note 112.time
113.in 114.it 115.same 116.lies 117.last 118.However 119.result 120.None
121.lost 122.how 123.with 124.ride 125.though 126.thanking 127.still 128.something
129.(m)eans 130.someone 131.gives 132.risks 133.without 134.safe 135.hardly 136.when/if
137.first 138.Although/Though 139.(R)elax 140.nobody 141.took 142.(s)uccess 143.on 144.best
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




下一篇:专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (广西专用)(含答案)