专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (贵州专用)(含答案)

专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (贵州专用)
Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous paintings of all time, in 1503. He was working on a special painting for a church at the time, but it was not going 1 (good). The woman who can be seen in the Mona Lisa is said to be Madonna Lisa del Giocondo. She was the wife of an Italian businessman. Her husband asked da Vinci 2 (paint) a portrait (肖像) of her.
After da Vinci finished the painting in 1506, he was invited by the French King to visit France 3 he took the painting with him. Today the Mona Lisa is kept in the Louvre, an art museum in Paris, and it is seen by about six million 4 (visit) a year.
The painting measures (测量为) only 77 centimeters by 53 centimeters and is painted 5 oil on wood. In 1911, Vincenzo Peruggia, a worker at the Louvre, stole the painting. He took it out of the museum by hiding it under 6 (he) coat. Two years later, police officers found 7 painting when he tried to sell it.
In 1962, the Mona Lisa was 8 (take) to Washington and New York for artwork shows. For the journey, the museum 9 (want) to insure (给……投保) the painting. The insurance company set the value of it at 100 million dollars, making it the most 10 (value) painting ever! Today, the value of the painting would be over 700 million dollars.
Each year, billions of pounds of garbage end up in the oceans. Sometimes people throw away water 11 (bottle) or other plastic. They do not recycle their garbage. People may not know that wind 12 rain can move garbage from land to sea. Plastic takes a very long time to break down. It can remain in the oceans 13 hundreds of years. Plastic pieces are very 14 (danger) to sea animals.
One group, Washed Ashore, came up with a new idea 15 (tell) people about the problems in the oceans. First, they take the garbage from 16 beach. Then, they clean and sort it. 17 (final), they work with the plastic pieces to make huge works of art. The artwork is mostly of sea creatures (生物).
Washed Ashore has 18 (create) more than seventy of these works of art. Some of 19 (they) are now traveling in a show all over the world. Each piece shows the effects of trash.
In one show, people learn how plastic fools fish and other sea animals. They think the plastic 20 (be) food, eat it, and get very sick or even die.
This would not happen if people used less plastic and did not litter. The plastic would not end up in the ocean.
(2022·贵州遵义·中考真题)Who were the 21 (popular) stars during the winter holiday Maybe the Beijing 2022 mascots(吉祥物). Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon. As we know, it was hard 22 (get) Bing Dwen Dwen during that time. Now you can see 23 (they) on the big screen! The movie Me and My Winter Games 24 (come) out in February, 2022. This is the first time in Olympic history that mascots have starred in a movie.
In 25 movie, Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon travel to four different 26 (world) and meet many friends, such 27 the Monkey King, the Calabash Brothers, Vick and so on. They visit the Snow and Ice Fair. They pull together to challenge the scary but 28 (excite) skating games. They have trouble getting away from the snow storm. 29 the journey is full of risks, they spend a happy and surprising vacation.
“Our film is a gift for Beijing 2022.” said the movie’s producer. “Through it, we show the cheerful, open and 30 (confidence) spirit of China.”
A vegetarian (素食者) is someone who doesn’t eat meat. Being a vegetarian has become a popular choice. 31 (实际上), one in 200 kids in the US is a vegetarian. Most people choose to be vegetarians for many reasons.
First, they believe that a vegetarian’s diet 32 (对……有好处) their health. It usually has less fat than a diet (饮食) that includes meat. Vegetarians eat a low-fat diet to keep fit. A vegetarian diet also provides many vitamins that people can’t 33 (从……得到) the meat. These vitamins protect people from some diseases.
Second, many vegetarians are 34 (对……担心) how animals are raised and killed for food. They hope animals can be better treated.
Finally, they think 35 (成为一名素食者能帮助地球). People use more energy, water and land to raise animals for food than to grow fruit and vegetables. Also, animals put greenhouse gases into the air. These gases cause global warming.
Chinese-American community groups are preparing to hold their second International Confucius Cultural Festival(国际孔子文化节) 36 September 8th in Flushing Queens, New York City. The festival 37 (hold) once a year. The event is not only to honor the world-famous Chinese thinker, 38 also a chance to celebrate Chinese culture. One of 39 most important parts of the festival is to recite the Di Zi Gui. It is a book based on Confucius’ teaching. In this book, Confucius told people 40 to be good persons and get on well with 41 (other). This book is translated as Standards for Being a Good Pupil and Child. During the festival, people can also enjoy Chinese 42 (tradition) dances, Shandong folk music and photo shows. The groups hosted the first International Confucius Cultural Festival on September 28th last year. It aimed to celebrate the 2,572nd anniversary (周年) of the birth of Confucius (551BC-479 BC).
Confucius 43 (be) also a great educator and a philosopher, and he set up Confucianism. He was the one 44 opened up private schools and received students from every walk of life without 45 (consider) their social status (地位).
To work towards a peaceful life, you should always try to develop good relationships with the people around you. Be kind and help those in need. Do this not only for family and friends, but also for the people who 46 (live) in your neighborhood.
People in your community might have different ways of living and 47 (think). This doesn’t mean that they’re wrong and you’re right. If everyone had the same ideas, the world would be 48 boring place.
Today, in many 49 (city), people usually lock their doors after work and don’t see their neighbors much. Social interactions (相互影响) are often 50 (limit) to a “Hi!” on the street. However, there may be times when someone does something that upsets you. If this happens, discuss the matter in a 51 (friend) way. This allows you to express your ideas without 52 (make) your relationship damaged. Avoid arguments, especially ones that judge the nature of the person rather than the actions. For example, your neighbors are playing loud music while you try to fall asleep. Should you politely 53 (suggest) they turn it down 54 should you angrily shout at them The first choice is wise. By calmly examining any problems, you create the relationship of mutual respect and understanding. After all, good neighbors are 55 (good) than distant relatives.
Dear David,
How is everything going We are facing 56 long summer vacation. I’m writing to tell you about our 57 (discuss) in our class for the coming vacation.
All the students have their own plans about how 58 (spend) a meaningful summer vacation. Half of the students plan to travel at home and abroad. They want to relax 59 completely and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Thirty percent of the students plan to read more books. They believe that 60 (read) can increase knowledge. It can also make people much 61 (smart) and more independent, and develop more interests. 20% of them plan to take up some social practice activities. They want to get self-improvement and make new friends to have a 62 (color) life.
I’m going to take part 63 social practice activities, too. I want to learn something new and get good experience from these activities.
64 the junior high school life will end soon, it will stay in our hearts forever.
Best 65 (wish) to you!
Li Hua
Have you ever seen fireflies Fireflies are small insects. You can’t see them 66 any seasons except summer. The lights made by fireflies are probably one of the most magical things to see on a summer night. Do you wonder how fireflies make this light
There 67 (be) a part that can make light under a firefly’s stomach. Fireflies take in air and use it 68 (produce) light with special cells (细胞). Different kinds of fireflies have 69 (they) own special flash patterns, just like humans have different languages. They use these flash patterns to find other members of their group.
Fireflies 70 (main) use the light to get friends’ attention. The males (雄性) fly around while turning their lights on and off, hoping to get the attention of a female. They try to flash very quickly because the 71 (fast) the males flash, the more attention they can get from females. Fireflies also use the light to make their 72 (enemy) scared.
73 you haven’t seen many fireflies lately, you are not alone. 74 number of fireflies may be dropping because of some reasons, such as light pollution and the use of chemical medicine. Another important reason is that fireflies’ living places are destroyed by humans. Luckily, Chinese scientists recently 75 (find) three new firefly kinds in Yunnan. Yunnan might have the right environment for these magical insects to live in.
Wuxi city in East China’s Jiangsu Province is known as the “Home of the Erhu”, because it is the birthplace of many Erhu masters. Walking around Wuxi, you can often hear the 76 (wonder) sound of the Erhu. Originally, the Erhu 77 (call) Huqin, a musical instrument in northern China. It dates more than a thousand years back to the Tang Dynasty (618~907). 78 modern times, with the development of Chinese operas, the Huqin was renamed the Erhu and later it spread throughout China.
The Erhu plays 79 lead role in many Chinese folk orchestras (乐团), just as the violin does in Western orchestras. The Erhu 80 the violin also have similar parts, both made up of a body, a bridge, strings and a separate bow.
The player 81 (usual) holds the Erhu on the leg, holding the neck with his left hand and pressing the strings with his fingers, while drawing the bow with his right hand. As the bow runs against the strings and vibrates (使振动) 82 (they), beautiful music leaps out.
The Erhu 83 (be) seen as an oriental folk instrument. Today, it can be seen playing on the same stage with various Western instruments, such as piano, violin and guitar, in many international 84 (concert). This not only 85 (add) new possibilities for music creation, but also brings richer enjoyment to the audience (观众). If you’re interested, you might as well find a piece of Erhu music and listen to it!
The Book of Songs is one of the most important Chinese 86 (classic). It is not only the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry (诗歌), but also the 87 (early) collection (集) of poetry in China. It has collected all kinds of 88 (music) works from Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period. The poems 89 (create) over 500 years ago, but many poems in it were not worked out by one person but lots of poets. When I read this book, I feel like I’m having 90 talk across time and space with people from thousands of years ago. It’s just like stepping into their time.
Among all the poems in this book, my favorite is called Homecoming After War (《采薇》). This poem 91 (main) talks about how soldiers had to leave their homes 92 (fight) for many years. They missed their homeland very much, but they could not return because 93 the war. By reading the poem, we can understand 94 these soldiers went through, feel their sadness, and see how hard the war can be.
The Book of Songs is a special book. It touches 95 (we) hearts. And it makes us feel something deep inside.
Most people remember their childhood by looking at old photos or videos. But for some, they choose to remember it by 96 (make) models of their old homes where they grew up. Among them is Du Yi, 97 Chinese miniature (缩微模型) artist, who used to make models of historic buildings.
One day, a friend asked him to make a model of his old home 98 the countryside. He thought it was meaningful, 99 he helped. After he posted a short video online, thousands of people 100 (follow) him. Today, he has over 200,000 followers online.
Du often makes the miniature house 30 times 101 (small) than its real size. It usually takes him one to two months to make a model with the pictures provided by customers. Hundreds of small 102 (piece) and about 50 different materials, including wood, paper, and materials straight from nature 103 (use). He often visits the villages to 104 (close) look at the details (细节). His miniature houses are sold at a starting price of around 20,000 yuan.
“When I first saw the model of my old home, it took me back to my childhood. Grandfather taught me how to farm and make toys from things around 105 (we),” says Hao Wei, one of Du’s customers.
When a skillful hand meets the need of people, a good business starts.
The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table. When I was still little, my whole family would get together on different 106 (tradition) festivals to have dinner. Do you know 107 we kids like to play games best We liked hide-and-seek under the table. When I got a bit. 108 (old), my aunt brought back her boyfriend for the 109 (one) time and my grandma cheerfully added another seat to the round table. It 110 (seem) a little more crowded, but we all felt much closer to each other. When I was twelve, my grandpa passed 111 . That made us feel sad.
However, when the whole family got together once again, we 112 (complete) agreed that his chair, his bowl and his chopsticks should remain the same. Even though 113 (he) seat was empty, we felt like that he had never left us.
We all have a table like this in our homes. It is 114 sign of reunion of our family, showing our feelings. Although the reason why we come together may be different, the 115 (feeling) behind it are the same.
In Chinese history, Sun Yet-sen is always regarded as “the Father of the Revolution(革命)” or “the Father of the Republic”. The 116 (China) people will long remember the great man who made a contribution 117 China’s revolution.
Sun Yet-sen was born in a farmer’s family in 1866. As a teenager, his thought was affected by the battles in which the people 118 (fight) against the Qing dynasty. He went to Hong Kong, Honolulu(檀香山)and Guangzhou for 119 (west) education. In1892, he graduated from a university in Hong Kong. While he was working 120 a doctor, he made a preparation for a revolution community. In 1984, he and his friends set up Xingzhonghui in Honolulu. He led several 121 (battle) against the Qing dynasty but failed.
He never gave up his effort. In 1905, he and Huang Xing set up Tongmenghui in Tokyo. He based his idea of revolution on three principles 122 (call) the Three Principles of the People. In 1911, he and his men achieved the victory of the Xinhai Revolution. They brought down the Qing dynasty 123 set up the Republic of China in 1912. Sun Yet-sen was elected as the 124 (one) president of the Republic of China.
As a revolutionary, Sun Yet-sen lived most of his life in disappointment. But he faced up to the failure 125 (brave) all the time. Full of regret, he passed away at the age of 59.
February 6th is National Chopsticks Day. For about one quarter of the world’s population, chopsticks are the eating utensils (餐具) of 126 (choose) for every meal. Just as western children learn to use knife and fork, Asian children learn to use chopsticks, and they 127 (quick) become good at using them. To Asian people, forks are 128 odd (奇怪的) utensil.
Chopsticks can be made 129 wood, bamboo, plastic, fine china or metal. In China they are called kuaizi, 130 means “quick little bamboo fellows”.
Chopsticks have 131 (be) in use for over 5000 years. However, forks were not used in England 132 1611. Chopsticks originated in China, and are used in all Asian cultures. How 133 (they) use was introduced to other countries is not known.
Take part in National Chopsticks Day, and use chopsticks for all of your 134 (meal). Chances are (有可能), you will eat Chinese or other Asian food with chopsticks. But you can eat any food with chopsticks on the day. 135 (make) the day really special, use chopsticks on a homemade Chinese dish. Have fun with chopsticks on the day. Make a game out of picking up peanuts or jelly beans with them.
Here 136 (be) a touching moment in my life that I will never forget.
I still remember that was a 137 (rain) day. I failed an exam and I felt very upset. What’s 138 (bad), I didn’t bring 139 umbrella. Countless raindrops 140 (beat) against my body, which seemed that they were laughing at me. 141 (sudden), the raindrops disappeared. When I looked up, I saw a big umbrella and the smiling face of my classmate, Mike. He looked at me kindly and said, “ 142 the exams are important for us, an exam doesn’t mean everything. I believe you can get good grades next time.” His 143 (word) really touched my heart and cheered me up. After that, I studied harder and made great progress.
It’s necessary to care 144 others around us. I think everyone should treat others with true heart when they have trouble 145 (deal) with something.
1.well 2.to paint 3.and 4.visitors 5.with 6.his 7.the 8.taken 9.wanted 10.valuable
11.bottles 12.and 13.for 14.dangerous 15.to tell 16.a 17.Finally 18.created 19.them 20.is
21.most popular 22.to get 23.them 24.came 25.the 26.worlds 27.as 28.exciting 29.Although 30.confident
31.Actually/In fact 32.is good for 33.get from 34.worried about 35.being a vegetarian can help the planet
36.on 37.is held 38.but
39.the 40.how 41.others 42.traditional 43.was 44.who/that 45.considering
46.live 47.thinking 48.a 49.cities 50.limited 51.friendly 52.making 53.suggest 54.Or 55.better
56.a 57.discussion 58.to spend 59.themselves 60.reading 61.smarter 62.colorful 63.in 64.Although/Though 65.wishes
66.in 67.is 68.to produce 69.their 70.mainly 71.faster 72.enemies 73.If 74.The 75.found
76.wonderful 77.was called 78.In 79.a 80.and 81.usually 82.them 83.is 84.concerts 85.adds
86.classics 87.earliest 88.musical 89.were created 90.a 91.mainly 92.to fight 93.of 94.what 95.our
96.making 97.a 98.in 99.so 100.followed 101.smaller 102.pieces 103.are used 104.closely 105.us
106.traditional 107.where 108.older 109.first 110.seemed 111.away 112.completely 113.his 114.a 115.feelings
116.Chinese 117.to 118.fought 119.western 120.as 121.battles 122.called 123.and 124.first 125.bravely
126.choice 127.quickly 128.an 129.of 130.which 131.been 132.until 133.their 134.meals 135.To make
136.is 137.rainy 138.worse 139.an 140.beat 141.Suddenly 142.Although/Though 143.words 144.about 145.dealing
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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