专题04 补全对话--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (新疆专用) (含答案)

专题04 补全对话--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (新疆专用)
(2024·新疆·中考真题)(Summer holiday is coming. Two friends are talking about their plans.)
A: What are you going to do this holiday
B: 1
A: What can you do there
B: 2 What about you
A: 3 I am going to learn to take photos.
B: 4
A: Because I want to take photos for my family when we travel.
B: Wow. 5
A: Beijing.
B: Sounds great! Have a good time.
A: The same to you. 6
B: Bye!
A.I can read books to children.
B.Why are you going to do that
C.I’m going to volunteer in a children’s home.
D.I want to take up a new hobby.
F.Where are you going
Two friends are talking on the phone.
A: Hello, Mike speaking.
B: Hi, 7 . How is it going
A: Not bad, Laura. 8
B: I am writing a report about the future jobs.
A: Sounds interesting! 9 when you grow up
B: I want to be a doctor in the future.
A: Great! 10 this job
B: I think it is difficult but meaningful.
A: I agree. I believe you can make it.
B: 11 .
A: You’re welcome. See you then!
B: See you!
(Two friends are talking about one’s new job)
A: Hey, Sam, you look so happy. Is there any good news
B: 12 , I have got a new job.
A: A new job It seems that you like it very much. 13
B: A computer programmer. You know I am good at computer programming.
A: Congratulations!
B: 14 . I will have a celebration party in my house tomorrow. Would you join us
A: Yes, I’d love to. 15
B: Let’s meet at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.
A: OK, see you!
B: 16 !
A: Could you tell me something about your home town Is it quite near the sea
B: Oh, no. My home town is about 200 miles from the sea.
A: Oh, I see. 17
B: Not really. It’s got a population of about 15,000.
A: And is it a very old town
B: Yes, it is. 18
A: Really It must be quite an interesting place then.
B: Yes, it is. We get a lot of tourists. 19
A: Well, what do the tourists do there
B: 20 . There are some great restaurants in the town.
A: 21
B: No, there isn’t any. But there are a few lovely mountains near the town. They are very good for skiing in winter.
A: 22
B: You are right. It’s very cold.
A.In fact, tourism is our main industry (产业).
B.I think it must be very cold in winter.
C.They can walk through the town and look at the old buildings.
D.And is it a very big town
E.Many of the houses were built in the 18th century.
F.And what about museums
A: What are you going to do after class, Carl
B: 23
A: Do you have time to review today’s lessons after that
B: 24
A: It seems that you always have time to study and play!
B: Yeah, it’s cool, isn’t it
A: 25
B: I play hard after working hard. I only sleep for 5 hours so I have more time to study every evening.
A: 26 You won’t be able to think clearly the next day.
B: Perhaps you’re right! 27
A: Maybe you can save time by reading before class. It works for me.
B: What’s the difference
A: Read 30 minutes before class, find out difficult parts and ask questions. It will be easier for you to follow the teacher. 28
B: Sounds like I need some changes.
A: Yeah,
A.Yes, I have enough time to study.
B.But I don’t want to miss anything fun.
C.I’m going to fly kites with my friends.
D.Yes, but how do you find time for everything
E.Not having enough sleep is a serious problem.
F.In this way, you may save one hour of studying after class.
A:Hi, Li Hua. 29
B: I’m making a plan for our graduation ceremony. Would you like to join me
A: 30 When is it
B: Next Sunday morning. But I have no idea how to show thanks to our teachers.
A: Let me see. 31
B: Good idea. I’ll buy some in a shop.
A: Better not. The cards in the shop are not special.
B: That’s right. 32
A: Why not take photos with our teachers and stick them to the card
B: 33 Photos can record our happy moments. 34
A: No problem. I’m good at it.
A.How about giving them thank-you cards
B.What are you doing
C.That sounds great!
D.Sure. I’d love to.
E.Can you help me take photos
F.Do you have any better ideas
W: Hi, Jane. 35 last Saturday
M: I went to the old people’s home.
W: Sounds great! 36 go there alone
M: No, I went there with my classmates.
W: 37 at the old people’s home
M: We talked with the old people. We also sang and danced for them.
W: It’s so kind of you! 38 again
M: Yes. We will go there again next month.
W: Can I go there with you next time
M: 39 . I’m glad that you can join us.
A: Hi, Eric. You were not here yesterday afternoon. 40 with you
B: I was ill. I had a fever and coughed terribly. And my head hurt as well.
A: I’m sorry 41 . How are you feeling now
B: I’m feeling much 42 . My fever’s gone and my head doesn’t hurt any more. But I still cough a lot.
A: 43 yet
B: Yes, I have. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a couple of days.
A: So why don’t you take the doctor’s advice and stay at home
B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons. You know, we’ll have an exam next week.
A: Don’t worry! I can help you with your lessons. You should take care of yourself first.
B: Thanks so much.
A: 44 .
A 45 How do you usually go to school 46 What should I get for my sister 47 Let’s meet at the park gate at 9 a.m.. 48 Can you come to my party on Friday evening 49 Would you mind not talking loudly here B A.OK, see you then. B.Yes, I’d love to. C.Why not buy her a hat D.Sorry, I won’t. E.By subway.
A: May I help you
B: 50 . I’d like to borrow some books on western culture and customs.
A: You can check for them on the computer first.
B: OK. 51 may I borrow at a time
A: At most 5.
(Ten minutes later)
B: I’d like to borrow these three books. How long may I 52 them
A: Two weeks.
B: Two weeks I’m afraid I can’t 53 them until I’ve finished my project.
A: In that case, you must renew them before. If not, you’ll have to 54 a fine(罚款).
A: Hi, Nelly.
B: Hi, Claire. I was just about to call you. Look, I’ve got two tickets for a basketball match on Saturday morning. Would you like to come
B: Oh, well, 55 . But, I am studying for my exams, and well, I’m sorry I can’t.
A: OK. Don’t worry. Some other time then, I suppose.
B: Oh, Yeah. Sure. 56 I think she’s free at the weekend.
A: Susan Good idea! Could you tell me her telephone number
B: 57 . Just a moment, please. It’s 398-6157.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: My pleasure. And 58 .
A: The same to you! Bye!
B: 59 !
A栏 B栏
60 Hello, may I speak to Tom 61 Why not go camping this weekend 62 May I take your order 63 Is your brother heavy or thin 64 Wish you a good future and every success! A.That sounds great. B.Yes, some rice and beef. C. Hold on, please. D.Thanks. The same to you. E. He is of medium build.
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.F 6.E
7.It’s Laura (speaking)/This is Laura (speaking)/Laura speaking 8.What are you doing/What are you busy doing 9.What do you want to be/What are you going to be/What will you be 10.What do you think of/How do you like/How do you feel about 11.Thank you/Thanks/Thanks a lot
12.Yes 13.What’s your job/What is it 14.Thanks 15.When shall we meet 16.See you
17.D 18.E 19.A 20.C 21.F 22.B
23.C 24.A 25.D 26.E 27.B 28.F
29.B 30.D 31.A 32.F 33.C 34.E
35.Where did you go 36.Did you 37.What did you do 38.Will you go there 39.Of course you can
40.What’s wrong 41.to hear that 42.better 43.Have you seen the doctor 44.You are welcome
50.Yes, please
51.How many books 52.keep 53.return 54.pay
55.I’d love to 56.Why not ask Susan
57.Of course 58.Have a good time 59.Bye
60.C 61.A 62.B 63.E 64.D
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




下一篇:专题04 短文填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (贵州专用)(含答案)