专题03 任务型阅读--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (河北专用) (含答案)

专题03 任务型阅读--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (河北专用)
Nature has many ways to solve problems. We humans learn a lot from animals and plants in nature. There is a science about how we copy great ideas from animals and plants to create helpful products. It is called biomimetics (仿生学) .
Some animals such as this sugar glider have wing-like structures (结构) to help them fly from tree to tree. When they jump, they spread out their arms and legs to help them fly down easily. Wing-suits, a kind of clothes, can let people experience flying. The idea of these clothes comes from the sugar glider.
Some animals have structures used for self-protection. An armadillo has a hard cover that can protect it from other dangerous animals. When an armadillo feels that it is in danger, it will change into a ball. Once the dangerous animal goes away, it comes out of the ball. The armadillo has taught people to create a backpack with a hard surface. The surface of the backpack protects things inside from being broken.
Plants have helped people come up with amazing inventions, too. Perhaps the best-known example is Velcro (尼龙搭扣) . It includes two pieces of cloth. They stick to each other when they are pressed together. Velcro is used on everything from handbags to clothes. The idea of Velcro is from burrs (带芒刺的小果实) of a plant. They have special structures to allow themselves to stick to people’s clothing or hair. They are taken to other places in this way.
From these examples, we can see biomimetics is widely used in our daily life. What other problems will nature help us solve in the future Let’s wait and see!
1、2题完成句子; 3-5题简略回答问题。
1.We humans learn a lot from .
2.The sugar gliders spread out to help them fly down easily.
3.What will an armadillo do if it feels that it is in danger
4.Where is Velcro used
5.What do the kind of plant and two kinds of animals in the text have in common (依据短文内容从两个不同的方面回答)
Last week we went on a school trip to a science museum. Ms. Liu, the guide, showed us around a smart home.
We started with the front door. Ms. Liu asked me to ring the doorbell. I didn’t notice the tiny camera that was fixed just above it. After I pressed (按) the doorbell, the camera sent a live video (视频直播) to the home-owners. “They can electronically open the door when they are not at home,” said Ms. Liu.
The other thing I couldn’t see on the door was a lock. “There must be one,” I thought. At this time, Ms. Liu took out a smart phone and put it against the door. And it opened. “Oh, the key is on the smart phone.”
After entering the living room, I saw a computer on a table. By using the computer, the owners can control how much energy is used. In this way, they can manage their living cost.
One of the rooms I wanted to see most was the bedroom. To my great surprise, the bed disappeared into the floor at the touch of the smart phone. The window has a smart blind (百叶窗). It can be raised and lowered with a voice.
As I left the smart home, I looked back on what I had just seen. Scientists often say that these products are improving our life. I think the technology in the smart home may make us lazier. However, there is no doubt that it will become more popular in the homes of tomorrow.
6.Ms. Liu showed the students around in a science museum.
7.The home-owners can electronically when they are not at home.
8.Where is the key to the door
9.How can the owners control how much energy is used
10.Do you like the technology in the smart home Why or why not
“I could tell it was him by the way he walked.” If you’ve ever said that, you understand biometrics(生物识别技术). Biometric technology is an important topic in our work and private lives. It includes the use of finger prints or knowing a person’s voice. It is the science about what a person looks like and how a person does things. Like tree leaves, no two human beings are exactly the same. They’ve got different eyes and different hair. And everyone has a different way of walking or moving.
This technology can tell you from others. At the moment if you travel through an airport, you need your ID card or passport. If you go to your bank to get some money, you need a card and a special number. But what should you do if you lose your passport or forget your number Biometric technology can solve this problem. The technology is becoming more and more popular with old people because they no longer need to remember their passwords(密码).
This technology is all around us in our life. We use them to unlock a smart phone, get into our homes, start our cars without a key or even pay for our shopping.
Nothing is perfect. People are worried about the safety of their private information. However, the technology will become much better in the future, and it will become more and more important in our daily life.
11.Biometric technology includes or knowing a person’s voice.
12.What are people worried about
13.Where can the technology be used according to the text (至少写出文中提到的两个地方)
Do you have a sweet tooth Are you a fan of chocolate If you are answering “yes” to both of these questions, then the Lindt Home of Chocolate should be a good place to go.
The Lindt Home of Chocolate is the world’s largest chocolate museum. It is in Zurich, Switzerland. It was firstly opened to the public in September 2020. If you are looking to take some great photos at the museum, look no further than the chocolate fountain (喷泉). The fountain is about nine meters high. Around 1,500 kilograms of melted (融化的) chocolate is flowing in it. To the disappointment of chocolate lovers, they can enjoy the fountain but they are not allowed to put their hands into it.
In addition to the fountain, the museum has many other things to offer. The exhibitions (展览) introduce the history of chocolate to visitors. Along the way, there are plenty of tasting chances. The museum even has a space for chocolate-making classes. Visitors can learn to design and make their own chocolate there.
Switzerland is known for its high-quality chocolate. In the eyes of the Swiss, this tasty brown food stands as a national pride. Almost everyone in the country takes chocolate seriously. The Lindt Home of Chocolate is expected to spread the love for chocolate.
1~2 题完成句子;3~5 题回答问题。
16.If you are a fan of chocolate, the Lindt Home of Chocolate will be to go.
17.To their disappointment, chocolate lovers can enjoy the fountain but they are not allowed to .
18.How high is the chocolate fountain
19.What is the Lindt Home of Chocolate expected to do
20.Would you like to visit the Lindt Home of Chocolate Why or why not
Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. Your friends will listen to you when you speak, will take care of you when you are sick, and will be together with you in your journey through life. Everyone needs friends. Friendship can make us happier. How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other Here is some advice about finding and keeping your friendship.
★Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with.
★You should make friends with a person who has something in common with you.
★Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble. Friends should always be ready to help each other.
★Believe in each other. This is the most important thing in a friendship.
★Even the best friends may have a quarrel sometimes. If this happens, don’t let your quarrel last too long. Try to make up with your friends soon. Friendship is a kind of treasure in our life. It is like a bottle of wine, the longer you keep it, the better it will be.
21.The most important thing in a friendship is to .
22.Friendship can make us .
23.When your friend is in trouble, what should you do
24.If I am angry with my friends, can I quarrel with him or her
25.What will happen if you keep your friendship longer
As a child, I was a quite active boy. I was running around and getting hurt almost every day. My mom was worried. A neighbor advised me to learn to fish. I liked the idea, but my mom said no. A few years ago, I almost lost my life in a river. Then, I was kept away from any body of water!
At last, my mom wanted me to read books. Every day, she made me sit on a chair and read for an hour. As a boy, I liked playing outside and cried a lot. Then, my uncle, a teacher, came to help. He brought me many books and told me to pick one and read just the first twenty pages. “If you’re still bored after that, just put it down and pick another one,” he said.
I started off with The Enormous Crocodile (《巨大的鳄鱼》). After twenty pages, I was lying on the floor and laughing. This crocodile wants to eat children for a change, so he makes himself look like a seesaw (跷跷板) on a playground. Next, I read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Fantastic Mr. Fox. Both stories were exciting and easy to understand.
As time went on, I started reading longer and more serious books. I was in the middle of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when my mom said I should spend more time playing outside. But the book was too interesting to put down. To this day, I make time to read every day.
If you haven’t yet experienced the fun of reading, take my uncle’s advice and find the “Right” books. They’ll give you enjoyment, teach you something new, and even change your life.
26.The writer’s mother didn’t let him learn to fish because he almost in the river years ago.
27.At first, the writer’s mother let him read books for every day.
28.What did the writer think of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
29.What does the writer advise us to do in Paragraph 5
30.What is your hobby How does it influence you
(2024·河北·模拟预测)Do your pets understand everything you say It sounds too good to be true, but scientists have started using AI to help communicate with animals.
Professor Bake told Scientific Magazine that AI allows humans to use technology to watch and understand animals’ sounds and signals (信号), so we humans can try to speak back to them. She said trying to communicate in animals’ language could be better than teaching them how to use human sign language. AI is already helping us communicate with bats and bees. This could change what we know about these animals and our relationships with them.
Professor Bake explained how Scientist Tovel had used recordings and AI to understand bats. “Bats have their own language. They often argue over food. They have different names, or signature calls,” she said, “but unlike human mothers, mother bats lower their voice when speaking to their babies.” Their voice can never be heard with human ears. But AI makes this possible because a computer can be trained to listen like a bat.
Actually,AI has so far achieved a lot in this field. For example, the computer not only listens but also watches bees’ body movement to understand what they are expressing. Bake said scientists now know how bees say things such as “be quiet” or “stop”. Scientist Landlof even created a robot Honeybee that entered a bee’s home. It was able to communicate with other bees when it wanted them to stop doing something or fly.
31.AI helps people use to communicate with animals.
32.AI is already helping us communicate with .
33.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to
34.How does the computer understand what bees are expressing
35.What things do you think Honeybee can say
To our surprise, people make a huge amount of rubbish in their daily life. We should save the environment. The following 3 Rs rules may help us.
Reduce We can reduce waste by using things wisely. People cut down millions of trees in order to make paper. However, people don’t save paper and waste a lot of paper carelessly. We may have no trees in the near future if we don’t save paper. Besides wasting paper, people also waste other things. They don’t know how to deal with the waste in some big cities. That’s why people need to make waste less.
Reuse We should think about how to reuse the used things before we threw them away. The clothes which are too small or you are still usable. We wash our old clothes and give them to the people who can’t afford new clothes. Family members can share the clothes with each other.
Recycle Recycling some rubbish such as empty cans, plastic bottles and used paper is very easy. We can make some money by recycling it. For example, used plastic bottles can be collected and smashed (粉碎). It can be made into usable plastic things again. So why not try our best to recycle things as many as possible
36.We can reduce waste by .
37.We wash our old clothes and give them to the people who .
38.Why do people need to make waste less
39.What can be recycled according to this passage
40.In this passage, which rule do you like best Why
It might be fun to use your smartphone (智能手机), but be careful. Too much screen time may be harmful to your health.
It is bad for your eyes. A researcher says the problem comes from the blue light that the screen gives out. Looking at a smartphone for along time can cause eye strain (劳损), headaches and dry eyes. So it is a good idea to take a break every 15 minutes when you are using a smartphone.
Screen use can do harm to children’s brains. A new study shows that using screens too much can influence how children’s brains grow. If children use screens for more than one hour a day, they might have lower levels of white matter in their brains. White matter is a key to the development of language and reading skills. So it is wise to cut down the time of children using all kinds of screens.
Using screens too much will influence your sleep. According to a study, about 5% of the people between the ages of 13 and 64 use electronics (电子设备) before bed, especially the young people under 20. And most of them don’t sleep well. Why That is because the light from those screens may make you excited. Then it’s hard for you to get enough sleep. So you’d better turn off smartphones, TVs and other screens an hour before your bedtime.
1 题完成句子;2~3 题简略回答问题;4 题找出并写下全文的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
41.The that the screen gives out is bad for your eyes.
42.What is white matter according to the passage
43.Why does using screens too much influence your sleep
A tea-picking robot goes through rows of Longjing tea plants in Hangzhou’s West Lake, East China’s Zhejiang Province. The 550-kg robot picker is a useful helper for local tea planters this season. The Qingming Festival, which falls on Wednesday this year, is the major harvest (收获) period for spring tea, and the local tea gardens are quite busy these days.
Longjing tea, also known as West Lake Dragon Well tea, is a kind of green tea. As one of China’s 10 most famous teas, it is famous for its green color, light smell, smooth taste, and beautiful shape.
“The beautiful forms of a bud (芽) with one leaf or a bud with two leaves are considered as good tea. And the picking work of such tea leaves is mostly done by hand, and it’s very difficult to be replaced by machines,” said Jia Jiangming, developer of the robot.
However, most of the tea pickers in the production areas of Longjing tea are all in their 60s, few are in their 50s, and hardly any young people do this. That’s why Jia and his team started to develop tea-picking robots as early as 2019.
Earlier this year, Jia’s robot helper was developed into its fifth generation. It can now recognize buds and leaves with 86% accuracy (准确性) and pick a tea leaf in 1.5 pared with the third-generation robot last year, this new robot’s overall tea-picking success rate rises from 40 percent to 60 percent.
The new robot can do as well as a human tea picker. Though the robot is still being tested, they plan to improve it, allowing the tea industry to enjoy benefits brought by modern technology in the coming future.
46.A tea-picking robot is helping in Hangzhou’s West Lake during the busy harvest season for spring tea.
47.What is West Lake Dragon Well tea famous for
48.Why did Jia’s team develop tea-picking robots
(2023·河北衡水·二模)Months ago, a new kind of transportation came out. A company called Sky Drive gave a demonstration(示范)of its new flying, the SD-03. The small car flew around for four minutes, staying about three to six feet off the ground. The SD-03 is powered by batteries(电池)and has eight motors(发动机).
What made this test flight special was that a pilot was on board. Tomohiro Fukuzawa, who leads Sky Drive, said, “Of the world’s more than 100 flying car projects, only a few of them have succeeded with a person on board.”
Many companies around the world are working to develop flying cars. Some governments, including Japan’s, agree with the idea, hoping that in the future flying cars will be useful for short trips like taxi rides in cities. Flying cars could also save time and reach places that can’t be reached by roads. Nothing is easy! There are also many challenges in the way. Controlling a flying car is so difficult that most people won’t be able to do it. Some people believe flying cars will reduce traffic jams. However, new systems will be needed to help control traffic in the air. With lots of cars flying around, the new systems may be too difficult for humans to manage. Also, flying cars will be very expensive.
Mr. Fukuzawa wants the SD-03 to be able to fly two passengers on trips of up to three miles by 2023. He hopes people will be able to fly anywhere inside Tokyo in just ten minutes by 2050.
51.The SD-03 flew around for minutes, staying about three to six feet off the ground.
52.Why was this test flight special
53.How is controlling a flying car for most people
The BBC celebrated 100 years on Oct. 18. To celebrate the day, it brought out a 100 second video showing BBC hosts (主持人) making silly mistakes or forgetting their lines. It’s British humor. Humor is a big part of British daily life. Although they don’t make jokes all the time, it is true that most conversations have some humor even if they are talking about bad things that have happened. Let’s have a look at the British special ways to be humorous,
British people are quite outgoing. They like to make fun of themselves and laugh at just about anything. They make fun of each other, lightly making one another angry and then laughing about it. For example, if their friend makes them fall down and says “enjoy your trip”, they call this kind of joking between friends “banter”.
British people love being sarcastic (挖苦的)—when they say one thing but mean another. Like if their friend has got a bad haircut and they say “Wow that’s the best haircut I’ve ever seen”, when they both know it’s really bad. Similar to this is the understatement (淡化), like saying “it’s a bit windy”, when there’s a huge storm outside.
They also love their awkward (尴尬的) situations. The British can be quite awkward people not knowing what to say in social situations or saying the wrong thing to the wrong people, or just being a bit strange in pubic. Mr. Bean making a fool of himself in front of people is a good example.
Another thing they love doing is being “deadpan”. They always like to tell funny things with a serious face. This makes us feel that they aren’t telling a joke. So, the next time you meet a British person and don’t understand their humor, don’t worry, it’s very understandable.
56.Making fun of and laughing at each other shows that British people are .
57.What may it mean if a British says “Your bag looks nice.” in a sarcastic way
58.What is an awkward situation for British people (One example is OK. )
1.animals and plants in nature 2.their arms and legs 3.It will change into a ball. 4.Velcro is used on everything from handbags to clothes. 5.①They have special structures. ②They help people to create helpful products.
6.a smart home 7.open the door 8.On the smart phone. 9.By using the computer. 10.Yes. Because it is very convenient.(言之有理即可)
11.the use of finger prints 12.People are worried about the safety of their private information. 13.At the airport./In our work./At home./In our daily life.
14.This technology can tell you from others. 15.这种技术在我们的生活中无处不在。
16.a good place 17.put their hands into it 18.It is about nine meters high. 19.It is expected to spread the love for chocolate. 20.Yes, I’d like to. Because I love chocolate./No. I don’t have a sweet tooth.
21.believe in each other 22.happier 23.We should give a hand. 24.Yes./Yes, you can. 25.The longer you keep it, the better it will be.
26.lost his life 27.an hour 28.It was exciting and easy to understand. 29.He advises us to find the ‘Right’ books. 30.My hobby is swimming. It makes me strong and healthy.
31.technology 32.bats and bees 33.Hearing mother bats’ voice. 34.By listening and watching the body moment of bees. 35.“Be quiet” or “Stop”.
36.using things wisely 37.can’t afford new clothes 38.Because they don’t know how to deal with the waste in some big cities. 39.Empty cans, plastic bottles and used paper. 40.I like the rule of “Reduce” best. Because there will be less waste if we use things wisely, and our city will be cleaner and more beautiful.
41.blue light 42.White matter/It is a key to the development of language and reading skills. 43.That is because the light from those screens may make you excited. 44.Too much screen time may be harmful to your health. 45.所以你最好在睡觉前一个小时关掉手机、电视和其他屏幕。
46.local tea planters 47.It is famous for its green color, light smell, smooth taste, and beautiful shape. 48.Because most of the tea pickers are old and hardly any young people do this. 49.Earlier this year, Jia’s robot helper was developed into its fifth generation. 50.新机器人可以做得和人类采茶者一样好。
51.four/4 52.Because a pilot was on board. 53.Difficult. 54.Months ago, a new kind of transportation came out. 55.飞行汽车也能够节约时间,并且能够到达公路不能到达的地方。
56.quite outgoing 57.Your bag looks bad. 58.Not knowing what to say in social situations /Saying the wrong thing to the wrong people./Just being a bit strange in pubic.(写出一个即可) 59.Humor is a big part of British daily life. 60.他们总是喜欢一本正经地讲一些有趣的事情。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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