专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考英语+2年模拟 (重庆专用)(含答案)

专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (重庆专用)
(2024·重庆·中考真题)On Saturday morning, all the summer world was sweet and fresh. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step, except Tom Sawyer.
Aunt Polly made him paint their fence (栅栏) as a punishment. It was 90 feet long and 9 feet high. He stared at the fence, and all gladness left him. He painted one board and stopped. “This will take forever,” he sighed (叹气).
He knew the boys with all kinds of toys would soon come along and make fun of him —the very thought of it burnt him like fire. At this dark and hopeless moment, an idea came to him! He went back to work quietly.
Ben Rogers came along the road. He was singing happily and carrying a big apple.
Tom went on painting—paid no attention to him. Ben stared a moment and called Tom.
No answer. Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep. Ben called him again.
“Why, it’s you, Ben! I wasn’t noticing.” Tom turned suddenly and said.
“I’m going to swim,” said Ben. “Do you want to come Oh, you have to work, don’t you What a pity!”
“I’m not working.” Tom answered carelessly. “Well, maybe it is working, but I like it.”
“What ” shouted Ben. “You like it ”
“Well, I don’t see why I shouldn’t,” Tom kept painting, and said. “Boys don’t get to paint a fence every day.”
That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped eating his apple and watched Tom for a while. Tom swept his brush gently back and forth. The fence looked clean and white. Before long. Ben really wanted to paint, too! “Let me try a little,” he begged (乞求) Tom.
Tom considered, “No, Ben, I can’t. Aunt Polly warned me to do it well. Only one boy in a thousand has the talent to paint.”
“Oh, please, Tom,” said Ben. “I can do it. I’ll be very careful. I’ll give you half my apple. Wait, I’ll give you all of it.”
Tom gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. Tom rested under the tree. He ate the apple and smiled.
Other boys came, too. By early that afternoon, Tom had got many new toys, ________ Aunt Polly was so pleased that she gave Tom a shiny red apple.
1.What did Aunt Polly make Tom do as a punishment
A.She made him paint their fence. B.She made him plant the trees.
C.She made him carry some apples. D.She made him work with Ben.
2.Why did Tom survey his last touch with the eye of an artist
A.Because he really loved to paint the fence.
B.Because he didn’t want to have a talk with Ben.
C.Because he wanted to be an artist when he grew up.
D.Because he wanted to make Ben interested in his work.
3.Which sentence can be put in the ________
A.and he had returned the apple to Ben. B.and the fence had got three coats of paint.
C.but other boys had made fun of him. D.but he had finished the work by himself.
4.Which of the following best shows the changes in Tom’s feelings in the story above
A. B.
C. D.
(2024·重庆·中考真题)China is developing rapidly, with its people living a peaceful and happy life. While developing itself, China never fails to offer a helping hand to its friends.
On the Road to Peace
China has now been part of the UN peacekeeping missions (任务) for more than 30 years. UN peacekeeping missions provide different services including protecting civilians (平民).
In April 2023, the Chinese peacekeepers carried out an important task in Sudan. They successfully sent more than 1,100 people to safe places.
Into the Disaster Area (灾区)
In disaster areas, uniforms with “China Rescue (救援)” on the back offer a sign of hope and love. The Chinese rescue team is known for its quick and well-organized search and rescue work.
When earthquakes happened in Afghanistan and Nepal in October 2023, “China Rescue” quickly took action to transport things needed to the disaster areas.
Railway of Friendship
There are many high mountains between China and its neighboring country, Laos. The China-Laos Railway has broken through those barriers. This amazing achievement was made possible by the Lao workers and a large number of Chinese workers. They traveled far from their homes to build 1,035 kilometers of railway lines, including 301 bridges and 167 tunnels (隧道).
The peacekeepers, “China Rescue” and railway workers, are just some of the many thousands of Chinese who have spent all of their time and energy helping others around the world. Their selfless actions and tireless efforts bring honor to their homeland and help to build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.
5.When did the earthquakes happen in Afghanistan and Nepal
A.In April 2023. B.In May 2023. C.In September 2023. D.In October 2023.
6.What does the underlined word “barriers” mean in the passage
barrier /’b ri (r)/n.[C] plural barriers
A.A barrier is something such as a rule or law that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved.
B.A barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from municating. or working with each other.
C.A barrier is something like a wall that is put in place to prevent people from moving easily from one area to another.
D.A barrier is a natural object that prevents something or someone from moving from one place to another.
7.What is the passage mainly about
A.China’s selfless and tireless railway workers.
B.China’s actions to help people around the world.
C.How the Chinese peacekeepers help people abroad.
D.Why Chinese people can live a peaceful and happy life.
8.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read this passage
A.Science. B.World. C.Sports. D.Travel.
Diagram(图表) or Survey Result
①AI (artificial intelligence人工智能) and machine learning refer to the ability of machines to learn and act intelligently. It means they can make decisions, finish tasks, and even tell the possible future results based on what they learn from data(数据).
②AI and machine learning already play a bigger role in everyday life than you might imagine. Health care, banking, video games, every search on the Internet you make..., all are driven by AI.
③AI is going to change almost every field of modern life. Stephen Hawking said, “Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history.” And Hawking added at once, “Unluckily, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.”
④ ▲ , especially when you consider some countries are racing to develop AI-enabled autonomous weapons(人工智能自主武器). It is also going to change and take the place of many human jobs. The same worries also come from the public. According to the survey result from Centre for the Governance of AI, 91% of the people (tend to and totally) agree that “AI is a technology that requires careful management” in Europe.
⑤But rather than agreeing with an idea of a helpless future where all human jobs are given over to robots, some people believe AI will make on working lives better. It will improve the work of humans, and new jobs will appear to take the place of the old ones.
⑥What’s more, machines become more intelligent and they are able to finish more human tasks. Things which only belong to humans lie creativity and critical(批判性的) thinking, will become even more valuable in the future.
⑦Like it or not, AI is here. Maybe changing ourselves and managing it well are the best way out. Just as Benjamin Franklin once said, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”
9.Which paragraph does the diagram mainly support
A.② B.③ C.④ D.⑤
10.Which sentence can be put in the ▲
A.As we know, there are possible huge risks for society and human life
B.Also, you can find AI serving our daily life in every possible field
C.Without doubt, AI is a fantastic technology to lead us into the future
D.Humans are surely more creative and better at many things than AI
11.What’s the purpose of writing the passage
A.To warn us that AI will take humans’ place.
B.To show us that there are a lot of uses of AI.
C.To tell us that many people are worried about AI.
D.To suggest we prepare for the changes brought by AI.
12.Which of the following shows the structure of this passage
A. B. C. D.
(2023·重庆·中考真题)Prince Caspian’s parents died. He lived with his uncle, Miraz, the King of Narnia and his aunt. Though he had wonderful toys, he liked best the last hour of the day when the toys had all been put away and Nurse would tell him stories.
He didn’t care much for his uncle and aunt, but about twice a week his uncle would ask him to come and have a walk together.
One day, while they were doing this, the King said, “Well, boy, we must soon teach you to ride and use a sword. You know we have no children, so it looks as if you might have to be King when I’m gone. How shall you like that, eh ”
“I don’t know, Uncle,” said Caspian. “What do you wish ” asked the King. “I wish-I wish—I wish I could have lived in the Old Days,” said Caspian.
Up till now the King had been talking in a tiresome way, which made it quite clear that he wasn’t really interested in what they were saying, but he suddenly gave Caspian a sharp(锐利的) look.
“Eh What’s that ” he said. “What old days ”
“Oh, don’t you know, Uncle ” said Caspian. “Once there was a White Witch(女巫) and she made herself Queen of the whole country. And she made it so that it was always winter. And then two boys and two girls came from somewhere and killed the Witch and they were made Kings and Queens of Narnia. And so they ruled for a long time and everyone had a lovely time, and it was all because of Aslan.”
“Who’s she ” said the King. If Caspian had been a little older, the tone(语气) of his uncle’s voice would have warned him it would be wiser to shut up. But he talked on...
13.What was Caspian’s favourite hour during a day
A.When he played with wonderful toys.
B.When his uncle had a walk with him.
C.When he learned to ride a horse.
D.When Nurse told him stories.
14.What does the underlined word “tiresome” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Fantastic. B.Boring. C.Funny. D.Wrong.
15.What can we infer from the passage
A.Caspian didn’t live with his uncle and his aunt.
B.Caspian wasn’t satisfied with his present life.
C.Caspian thought this uncle was a great king.
D.Caspian had an enjoyable walk with his uncle.
16.How did the King feel at the end of the story
A.Proud. B.Worried. C.Angry. D.Calm.
(2023·重庆·中考真题)The Chinese pingfeng (folding screen) is an ancient invention and traditional Chinese furniture (家具). Its earliest common use dates from the Han Dynasty. The term pingfeng means protection from wind, showing its purpose at the very beginning.
As time passes, it has been made into different sizes with colourful paintings. On screens usually appears a dragon. It’s a symbol of light, growth and life-giving water. It also stands for nobility and power. The peacock, a beautiful bird, can be seen on screens, too. It’s a symbol of everlasting life. Beautiful flowers, which mean wealth and good luck, are also chosen as a popular design of the pingfeng. All the designs carry people’s beautiful wishes.
Behind the pingfeng lies an interesting story. In the past the unmarried daughter of a rich family was not supposed to see or be seen by men except her father, brothers or very close male cousins. When an admirer paid a visit however, she might take a secret look at him from a screen behind which she would be completely hidden. Her father would discuss poems with the young man and ask him to create one. If the daughter and her father were satisfied with the young man’s poem and his looks, she might agree to take him as a husband.
Today the pingfeng is back in fashion for its beauty and its practical (实际的) use as furniture. Acting as a moving wall or divider, it can be the perfect match (相配) for modern sofas and walls, which adds style to them.
The pingfeng is more than beautiful furniture.
17.What was the pingfeng used for at the very beginning
A.Protecting people from wind. B.Dividing a room.
C.Making a room beautiful. D.Hiding a person.
18.Which design is a symbol of wealth and good luck
A.The dragon. B.The peacock. C.The water. D.The flowers.
19.How does the writer develop his idea in Paragraph 2
A.By telling a story. B.By giving examples.
C.By comparing differences. D.By explaining the result.
20.What is the best title for the passage
A.The Practical Use of the Pingfeng
B.A Beautiful Story of the Pingfeng
C.Old Pingfeng in Modern Homes
D.The Hidden Beauty of the Pingfeng
(2023·重庆·中考真题)Do you love yogurt Homemade yogurt tastes delicious, and making yogurt is easy and fun. Let’s have a try!
21.What does the writer think of making yogurt
A.Difficult and boring. B.Easy and fun.
C.Difficult but fun. D.Easy but boring.
22.What is the first step to make yogurt
A.Pour the milk into a pot. B.Mix the milk and yogurt starter.
C.Add some honey or fruit. D.Cover the pot to keep it warm.
23.How long will you wait before the yogurt is ready
A.4 hours. B.6 hours. C.9 hours. D.12 hours.
(2023·重庆·中考真题)① Green is the color of nature and the symbol of life. For thousands of years, humans have followed the laws of nature to live in harmony (和谐) with nature.
② That has been seen in ancient Chinese houses. Ancient Chinese often built their homes at the foot of the mountain with a river running nearby. The mountains could stop the cold wind from the north and the river provided water for life. Most houses were also built facing south or west so that the rooms were able to get enough sunshine in winter and keep cool in summer.
③ In modern times, humans didn’t follow the laws of nature during fast development. Luckily, it’s never too late to make changes.
④ Green development is the goal of all countries. On April 23, 2016, China signed the Paris Agreement on climate change, giving a strong push to the international efforts against global (全球的) warming.
⑤ Also in China, the government added green development to the country’s work plans. From 1999 to the end of 2018, by carrying out Mother River Protection Operation, China raised 600 million yuan to build over 5,700 green projects. Through international cooperation (合作), over 98.32 million trees were planted across China.
⑥ Denmark is a leading country in wind and solar technologies. This year Denmark has started the “Power-to-X” plan, providing about 1.25 billion kroner (about 1.27 billion yuan) for projects producing hydrogen (氢气).
⑦ Builders across the world are also playing a role in green development. In Chicago, pressed newspaper, recycled glass and plastic are used on buildings. In Bali, the green school is made from bamboo. The school gets its electricity (电) from solar panels (太阳能电池板), water power and a generator that burns farm waste.
⑧ Following the laws of nature is the only way out. A small move in one country may influence the global community as a whole. Let’s join our hands to make the world a better place for now and future.
24.What do we know about the ancient Chinese houses
A.They were built on the mountains. B.They were built far from rivers.
C.They were built facing south or west. D.They were built to get enough wind.
25.How does the writer develop his idea in Paragraph 7
A.By explaining the results. B.By raising questions.
C.By comparing differences. D.By giving examples.
26.Which of the following would the writer agree with
A.Everyone is part of the green development.
B.Green buildings are the future of the world.
C.Green development is just protecting nature.
D.The future of humans depends on technology.
27.Which is the best structure of this passage
A. B.
C. D.
(2022·重庆·中考真题)The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was a great success. China has kept the promise to hold a green Olympics. Many green actions made it possible, like providing environmentally friendly smart beds, using new energy(能源) cars, supporting sporting places with 100% clean energy and reusing rain and snow water.
Take making ice as an example. China didn’t use R507, a common material to make ice, because it isn’t friendly enough to the environment. Through 18 months’ hard work, China independently developed the CO direct cooling technology.
A net of tubes runs under the ice. High-pressure liquid(液态) CO goes through them to create heat(热) exchange. The CO evaporates(蒸发) under the ice surface. The evaporation takes in heat and turns water on the surface into ice. And the CO goes into another circle. This technology helps to make ice better and faster. And above all, it is much greener because there’s no new CO produced. Among all the 15 ice sporting places in the Winter Olympics, 7 used the CO direct cooling technology to make ice. As a result, much less pollution was caused.
Beijing did so much more to save energy. Beijing built the new sporting places with green materials. As for the old ones, Beijing used new glass walls to take the place of traditional walls to let more natural light in. 70% of the waste heat was also reused to keep warm and dry. And a large number of new energy cars were used at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is the first to truly achieve carbon neutrality(碳中和), and it has set new standards in green technologies. Some newspapers say China has set an example for the world in environmental protection and green development.
28.How long did it take China to develop the CO direct cooling technology
A.18 months. B.100 weeks. C.15 days. D.7 years.
29.The writer writes Para. 3 to show ________.
A.why the CO goes into another circle
B.how the new ice-making technology helped
C.how sporting places used the new technology
D.why the liquid CO runs through the net of tubes
30.According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that ________.
A.all the buildings will be built with glass walls in the near future
B.the CO direct cooling technology may be widely used in the world
C.the high-pressure liquid CO will totally take the place of R507 soon
D.no new standards in green technologies may be set after the Olympics
31.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A.A New Green Ice-making Technology
B.Green Technologies Used in Sports
C.A Shared Future of Green Development
D.The Green Beijing Winter Olympics
(2022·重庆·中考真题)①On January 4, the China National Traditional Orchestra(中央民族乐团) played some well-known traditional music in their concert. Audiences(观众) enjoyed the beautiful sounds guzheng, the powerful tunes of suona, the tearful notes of erhu and so on. Each traditional Chinese musical instrument tells its own story.
②“I’ve fallen in love with the sounds of traditional instruments, especially pipa, a four-stringed(弦) instrument with a history of more than 2,000 years. It can produce different sounds, such as the sounds of falling snow and raindrops. Every time I listen to a pipa tune, I have a strong feeling of peace,” said Yang Tian, an audience of the concert.
③However, a recent report suggests. ________ To wake up people’s love for traditional music, something creative has been done.
④In some traditional music concerts, VR(虚拟现实) technology is used to bring the star sky or the beautiful sandy view of Dunhuang to the music hall. It makes the experience like watching a 3D movie.
⑤Li Xiaobing, a music teacher from Beijing, mixes traditional folk(民间) singing, opera and Chinese instruments through technology. People are surprised at his works and they love them!
⑥Some musicians try to add something new to traditional music. They bring modern music like pop and rap into traditional music. When the east meets the west, the new form of music wins the hearts of both the old and the young.
⑦Traditional music shows the beauty of our culture, and with some creativity, great things happen.
32.Which of the following can be put in the ________
A.pipa can not produce the sound of falling snow
B.traditional music is much better than modern music
C.the number of traditional music listeners is dropping
D.more young people show interest in traditional music
33.To wake up people’s love for traditional music, Li Xiao bing ________.
A.tells many tearful stories B.makes good 3D movies
C.mixes traditional music D.sings pop and rap songs
34.The structure(结构) of the passage is ________.
A. B.
C. D.
35.According to the passage, the writer believes ________.
A.traditional music should only be played in concerts
B.the ways to play traditional music must be changed
C.traditional music must remain unchanged all the time
D.traditional music with creativity will be more popular
①In December 2023, history was made by a Boeing 787 crossing the Atlantic Ocean using a new kind of fuel (燃料). This fuel is made from leftover cooking fats, including fats from animals. This kind of fuel is good for the environment and is called biofuels (生物燃料).
②Airlines are starting to use this greener fuel to depend less on fossil fuels (化石燃料) for many reasons. It cuts down air pollution and is good for our planet since it breaks down naturally. The US Department of Energy says that the eco-friendly fuel can cut down greenhouse gas emission (排放) by 70% (燃点), making them safer to deal with, store and move.
③However, there are disadvantages we must consider. A key problem is the large amount of materials required for biofuel production, which often leads to the “food vs. fuel” argument. For example, every year, about 70 billion animals are killed, mostly for people to eat, but if we wanted to fuel a flight from New York to Paris using only pig fat, we would need about 8,800 pigs. Unluckily, only increasing animal farming to meet this need would require even more resources (资源). Besides, the production of biofuels can lead to a rise in global food prices, probably causing hunger. In the worst case, food prices can rise to a point where millions of people may no longer be able to afford basic food, which may even lead to the death of many people in poor areas.
④In fact, biofuels are already in use around the world and the rapid growth of biofuel production is likely to continue. However, finding the proper way to grow biofuels to meet different needs at the same time will remain a matter of research.
36.How does the writer lead into the topic of the passage
A.By telling a story. B.By listing numbers.
C.By making a survey. D.By giving an example.
37.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.The reason for causing hunger. B.Biofuels’ popularity with airlines.
C.An argument about “food vs. fuel”. D.Disadvantages of producing biofuels.
38.What’s the writer’s attitude (态度) towards biofuels
A.Uncertain. B.Uninterested. C.Supportive. D.Worried.
39.What would be the best structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
(2024·重庆江北·二模)Over 400 pieces of Dehua white porcelain (德化白瓷) were shown in the National Museum of China in Beijing. This type of porcelain comes from Dehua county in Fujian Province where it acquires its name and has a history that goes back to the Song Dynasty. Now, it’s famous all over the world.
Dehua white porcelain is known for its snow white color. An artist named Chen Chao says that it’s white because kaolin (高岭土) found in Dehua county has only a little iron.
This makes the porcelain as white as jade (玉石). In France, it’s called “Blanc de Chine”, which means “white from China”. The porcelain is also praised for its “eggshell technique”, which is very old. This technique has gotten better over time. Now, workers can make the porcelain as thin as paper or an eggshell. At the show, the artwork “Paper” drew much attention. It looks exactly like a roll of paper on the table, but actually it’s a piece of porcelain. Many visitors wondered ________. The process starts with putting kaolin on paper. Then, the paper and kaolin are heated in a kiln (窑) for a few days until they turn into what the maker wants them to be. By then, only the kaolin is left.
Heating the shaped kaolin is not easy. Workers must be very careful to make sure the clay stays the same when it’s heated. The temperature and the mix of the clay are key. Every component in the mix must be just right.
In 2006, Dehua white porcelain was named a part of China’s national intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产). By mixing old Chinese art skills with new science, Dehua white porcelain helps to grow the pride of Chinese culture.
40.How does Dehua porcelain get its name
A.From its special shape. B.From its place of production.
C.From its material. D.From its inventor.
41.Choose the best sentence to fill in the blank “________” in Paragraph 3.
A.how many colors it could be B.how it could be made from kaolin
C.how long it takes to make the artwork D.what shapes kaolin could be made into
42.Why is Dehua white porcelain famous
A.Because of its long history. B.Because of its making process.
C.Because of the kaolin full of iron. D.Because of its color and thickness.
43.What does the underlined word “component” mean in Paragraph 4
A.Temperature. B.Technology. C.Process. D.Material.
44.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Dehua white porcelain bridges the old and the young.
B.Dehua white porcelain spreads Chinese culture around the world.
C.Dehua white porcelain takes its leadership in the china making industry.
D.Dehua white porcelain plays an important role in increasing people’s confidence in Chinese culture.
(2024·重庆北碚·二模)①Have you ever thought about how babies learn to speak A recent study led by David, a researcher from Florida Atlantic University, found that babies learn to speak not only by listening to sounds but also by watching people’s lips (嘴唇) move. This happens as babies start making clear words like “mama” or “dada” for the first time. They need to learn how to move their lips to make the sounds they hear.
②According to the previous (之前的) research, babies learn to connect sounds with mouth movements fast. When they turn one year old, they look at your eyes more. This means that talking to babies eye-to-eye is better for their language skills than just letting them watch DVDs.
③But David went a step further. He and his student Hansen tested nearly 180 babies, groups of them aged 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months. They tried to find out how these babies reacted to the sound of their mother language and another language.
④They showed videos of a woman speaking in English to babies of English speakers. They found that when the speaker used English, the 4-month-old babies gazed (凝视) mostly into her eyes. The 6-month-old babies spent the same amounts (数量) of time looking at both the eyes and the mouth. However, when babies reached 8 to 10 months old, they focused more on the mouth instead of the eyes. At 12 months, the babies started looking back at the eyes, like what they did at 4 months.
⑤What happened when these babies who are used to English heard French The 12-month-old babies studied the mouth longer, just like younger babies. By focusing on the mouth movement, they tried to collect more information to understand the strange sounds.
⑥“The results of the research show babies watch mouths to learn their first language and look at eyes by 12 months old. They watch mouths longer when they hear a new language.” says Duke University scientist Greg. He adds excitedly, “I have never thought babies would learn language like this. The results of the research are blowing my mind. So I want to learn more about it. Learning how babies learn is important to unlock the secrets of human development.”
45.What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A.Babies learn to move their lips because they enjoy it.
B.Babies learn to communicate by using body languages.
C.Babies learn to say “mama” only by listening to the sound.
D.Babies learn to speak also by watching the lip movement of other speakers.
46.Which of the following shows the right change of babies’ eye gaze according to Paragraph 4
A. B. C. D.
47.What does Greg mean by saying “blowing my mind” in the last paragraph
A.He finds the results surprising and fantastic.
B.He disagrees with the findings of the research.
C.He thinks it’s easy to understand the results.
D.He finds the results boring and unimportant.
48.What’s the best structure for the passage
A. B.
C. D.
(2024·重庆北碚·二模)Soapy wanted three months in a nice, warm prison (监狱), with food and good friends. This was how he usually spent his winters. Because, three newspapers did not keep out the cold.
There were many easy ways to go into prison. Soapy began to try his first plan. He would eat dinner in an expensive restaurant. Then he would tell them he had no money and they called a policeman. The policeman would arrest (逮捕) him. “How clever I am!” he thought proudly.
Soon Soapy came to a bright restaurant on Broadway. He just had to get to a table in the restaurant and sat down. But when Soapy went into the restaurant, the waiter saw his dirty old trousers and terrible shoes. ________ Soapy felt a little bit disappointed. He was on the street again.
Now he had to think of something different. Soapy walked away from Broadway and soon he found himself on Six Avenue. He stopped in front of a shop’s window and looked at it. It was nice and bright, and everybody in the street could see him. Slowly and carefully he picked up a stone and threw it at the window. The glass broke with a loud noise. Soapy didn’t move and smiled. “I’ll be in prison now.” He thought.
A policeman came up to Soapy, “Who did that ” he asked.
“Perhaps I did,” Soapy answered.
But the policeman knew that people who broke the window did not stop to talk to the policeman. They ran away. And just then the policeman saw another man, who was running to catch a bus. So the policeman ran after him. Soapy watched for a minute. Then he walked away. No luck again! A sense of anger boiled up inside him.
49.What does “first plan” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.To work as a waiter in an expensive restaurant.
B.To break the window of a nice shop on Broadway.
C.To eat in a restaurant without paying any money.
D.To steal some expensive things from the restaurant.
50.Which sentence can be put into “________” in Paragraph 3
A.A stranger warmly offered Soapy a nice drink and invited him to stay.
B.A policeman who was having dinner there asked Soapy to join him.
C.The waiter asked Soapy to wait for a moment while he cleaned the table.
D.The waiter’s strong hands turned Soapy around and moved him quickly outside.
51.How did Soapy’s feelings change in the story
A.afraid—disappointed—worried—angry B.proud—disappointed—happy—angry
C.proud—surprised—worried—peaceful D.afraid—surprised—happy—peaceful
52.What can we infer from the passage
A.Soapy’s efforts to get arrested often faced unexpected problems.
B.It was the man who was running to catch a bus broke the window.
C.Soapy went into the restaurant with dirty trousers and terrible shoes.
D.Soapy really enjoyed spending time in prison during summer months.
(2023·重庆渝中·模拟预测)Candy is smart, talented and really nice. As a team leader, she wishes Frank, a member of her politics project, did his part as required. But rather than criticize (批评) him, only to find that Frank kept falling behind. It ended up that other team members, who had to take on more work, while Frank himself complained that he was not treated fairly.
How did poor Candy get into this mess The primary reason was that Candy failed in a key part of leadership—the duty to provide clear feedback(反馈)for team members. This isn’t simply a duty but a correctness.
Failing to question or criticize Frank’s work, Candy was in fact unkind. Many people are not a failure, like Frank. They’re just in the wrong place, and still left in the dark. What they really need is feedback from their leaders. However, Candy didn’t bring out a gift in Frank.
A leader had better use open, honest, continuous and clear feedback to help solve someone’s best fit in their job or in the organization. This method also avoids surprises. It’s not uncommon to see someone suddenly removed from a team. Maybe it serves them right, they wouldn’t have been caught off-guard (猝不及防) because they would have been receiving open, continuous and clear judgment of their performance.
Then why is it so hard for leaders to give good feedback People always like to be liked, so they avoid anything that may cause unpleasantness. But that kind of feedback usually helps members find the right place for them. If you just only like to be liked, the chance of being respected is really low. However, you have a chance of being liked. Of course, the most difficult part for a nice leader is criticizing someone.
Back to Candy’s case. Not telling Frank how he was on the team only made a hard situation worse. But with a different mindset, she could have led her team to success and have been a likeable and critical leader.
53.The word “gift” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ________”.
A.present B.ability C.pride D.praise
54.According to this article, what is necessary between leaders and team members
A.Being nice to team members is likely to win leaders great respect.
B.Criticizing team members results in serious complaints to the leader.
C.Open and honest communication is a must for leaders and team members.
D.Praise and encouragement from leaders bring out better team performance.
55.Based on the passage, which of the following is TRUE
A.Candy should patiently encourage Frank to try his best.
B.Candy should gradually kick Frank off her team.
C.Candy should politely show Frank the improvement he made.
D.Candy should clearly tell Frank her judgment of his performance.
56.What is the best title of the passage
A.Become a Good Leader B.Set a Good Team
C.Frank’s problem D.Cindy’s Worry
(2023·重庆渝中·模拟预测)Do you have good friends Do you sometimes feel so close to them that they are like family to you
It turns out that this isn’t just an expression. A study has found that you and your friends have more genes (基因) in common than strangers do. Researchers looked at the genes of 1,932 people and compared them in pairs of unrelated friends and strangers. They found that friends have 1% of genes that match.
1% of genes may not sound like much to us, but to geneticists it is a larger number. In fact, this is the same amount of genes you share with your fourth cousins.
So do you happen to become friends with people who share your genes Not at all. In fact, it is evolution (进化) that brings you together.
People who share certain genes also share skills and have similar likes and dislikes. In ancient times, it was important that people who were alike stayed together. For example, people who had a similar susceptibility (易感性), giving them a better chance to stay alive.
Among all the genes studied, those producing a change in sense of smell were the most similar in friends. This is probably because people who smell things in the same way are more easily drawn to similar environments. For example, people who like the smell of coffee may hang out at cafes more often and as a result are more likely to meet and become friends with each other.
With these findings, researchers have developed an interesting test called the “friendship score”.
It can help tell how likely two people will be friends by studying their genes.
So, here is a question for you: would you like to take this test and know in advance (提前) who your friends are going to be.
57.What does the author mean by saying “It turns out that this isn’t just an expression”
A.Friends look like our cousin.
B.Friends share 1% of genes with us.
C.Friends feel close to our family.
D.Friends can help us when we feel cold.
58.The writer takes the example of ancient people in Paragraph 5 to ________.
A.study how ancient people dealt with the cold
B.predict that similar environments lead to friendship
C.prove that it is evolution that brings friends together
D.explain why ancient people gave each other chance to keep alive
59.According to this passage, what is the right relationship
A.Evolve same skills and hobbies → Same Genes → Become friends
B.Same Genes → Evolve same skills and hobbies → Become friends
C.Same Genes → Become friends → Evolve same skills and hobbies
D.Become friends → Evolve same skills and hobbies → Same Genes
60.You decide to use the “friendship score” described in the article to make an App based on the purpose of the score. What’s the best name for your new App
A.Hello Gene! B.Gene Test C.Green Finder D.Gene Friends
(2023·重庆渝中·模拟预测)Are you interested in the painting Do you think it was drawn by a child or an artist
In fact, it’s a painting by Craigie Aitchison. Born in 1926, the Scottish artist is best known for his simplistic style and bright color.
Aitchison started in law studies and changed to art in the early 1950’s. He spent two years studying painting in London but from the beginning, his painting was quite different from anything that was taught by his professor. He didn’t want to follow any tradition and painted the way he liked.
In 1955, he went to study in Italy. He toured the country enjoying the landscape and the bright sunlight there. He also fell in love with early Italian paintings with their simplified description of events. So he always loved using thin and broad areas of pure color to put clear light into his painting and to express a mood of poetic charm. This led him to take up painting colors thinly one on top of another from light to dark, but he was never sure what the results would be. He said, knowing I’m going to put anything on top. Anyone can do the colors—you can buy them. I simply notice what you put the colors next to.”
Although some people laughed at his paintings, like most talented people, Aitchison overcame others’ doubts and became a successful painter. His paintings were mostly portraits(肖像画), sceneries, life and flower pieces.
Since moving to London years ago, he has not been part of the Scottish painting scene. However, his work still influences young British painters now.
In 1988, Mr. Aitchison was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Arts in U.K. His works are in the collections of the National Galleries of Scotland, the Tate Gallery in London, among others. The artist died in 2009 in London.
61.The article mainly tries to ________.
A.describe specific works by Craigie Aitchison
B.teach readers how to paint like Craigie Aitchison
C.explain how Craigie Aitchison learnt painting
D.introduce Craigie Aitchison to the readers
62.After reading the passage, can you guess which picture might be Aitchison’s work
A. B. C. D.
63.What might a visitor at an exhibition(展览)say about Aitchison’s work
A.I love his recent paintings of Scotland, which are very similar to a number of other Scottish painters.
B.I wonder if his law training helps him at all, especially in selling his work.
C.You can still see the influence of his trip to Italy in some of these pictures.
D.You can find he didn’t learn from his teacher carefully.
64.What do you think is the structure of the passage Fill in the blank.
Paragraph ________ introduce(s) the artist.
Paragraph _________ talk about _________.
Paragraph _________ describe(s) Aitchison’s achievement.
A.1, 2; 3, 4; Aitchison’s career as an artist; 5, 6, 7;
B.1; 2, 3, 4; Aitchison’s trip to Italy; 5, 6, 7;
C.1; 2, 3; Aitchison’s life as a student; 4; 5, 6, 7;
D.1, 2; 3, 4, 5, 6; Aitchison’s move to London; 7;
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C
5.D 6.D 7.B 8.B
9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D
13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C
17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D
21.B 22.A 23.C
24.C 25.D 26.A 27.C
28.A 29.B 30.B 31.D
32.C 33.C 34.B 35.D
36.D 37.D 38.A 39.C
40.B 41.B 42.D 43.D 44.D
45.D 46.C 47.A 48.B
49.C 50.D 51.B 52.A
53.B 54.C 55.D 56.A
57.B 58.C 59.B 60.D
61.D 62.C 63.C 64.A
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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