
1. A. a company B. a factory C. a hospital
2. A. write letters B. read books C. learn English
3. A. a diving team B. a chess club C. a football match
4. A. Passengers are angry with the driver.
B. The driver is trying to stop the car.
C. The car carries four passengers.
5. A. These sweaters are cheap.
B. These sweaters are good.
C. These sweaters are for you.
6. A. At my home. B. With my friends. C. Last night.
7. A. It's a storybook. B. 20 yuan. C. In that bookstore.
8. A. Certainly not. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, it's my pleasure.
9. A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. Congratulations.
10. A. Thumbs-up. B. Shake hands. C. Wave goodbye.
III. 听对话和问题, 选择正确答案(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)
11. What will the boy do this afternoon
A. B. C.
12. Where will Jane go this afternoon
A. B. C.
13. Which club did the boy join
A. The basketball club.
14. What will the woman do today B. The football club. C. The tennis club.
A. Go to work.
15. When will they go shopping B. Visit her friends. C. Go to the hospital.
A. This evening. B. Tomorrow evening. C. The day after tomorrow.
16. What languages are used in Singapore
A. English. B. Chinese. C. English and Chinese.
17. What does the Merlion look like
A. It looks like a lion. B. It looks like a fish. C. It's half-fish and half-lion.
18. What is Jack
A. An artist. B. An engineer. C. A teacher.
19. How many years has Jack collected old things
A. 8. B. 10. C. 12.
20. What can Jack move anywhere he likes now
A. Some rooms. B. The front door. C. The whole house.
V. 听短文填空(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)
Information Sheet
Competition The 8th Radio School FM 21. ____________Competition
Requirements(要求) Be under 22. ____________years old
Time Send personal information forms by the 28th of 23. ____________
Place Railway Station Sports 24. ____________
Prize A(n)25. ____________for two at Sunlake
26. —Dad, you are wanted____________ the phone.
—I'm coming.
A. with B. by C. for D. on
27. The two girls look almost the same. I find____________ hard to tell who is who.
A. it B. me C. you D. them
28. You've done a good job, and I'm sure you can do it ____________
A. worse B. worst C. better D. best
29. —Can I use your computer for a moment
— Sorry, I____________ it.
A. used B. use C. am using D. was using
30. Don't discuss the problems with your partner unless you____________ to do so.
A. ask B. are asked C. will ask D. will be asked
31. —Do you know that we'll have a meeting at three this afternoon
—Yes. Jack____________ me about it.
A. will tell B. was telling C. tells D. has told
32. We want to know____________ he will come back, as we are worried about his safety.
A. how soon B. how often C. how much D. how long
阅读下面短文, 从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Every summer holiday, I will go to my grandparents' beach house. The house is only five minutes' walk from the beach. One afternoon, my grandparents and I took the dog for a 33 on the beach. I took off my shoes and ran after the dog. We had so much 34 that we forgot the time. It was getting quite dark 35 we realized it. In the darkness I 36 on something sharp(锋利). I let out such a big 37 that my grandparents ran over to me in seconds. When they took a close 38 , they found that it was a piece of glass from a 39 bottle. I felt better after a few minutes and wanted to go back home. But my grandparents said, "How about looking around and picking up all the broken pieces of glass and bottles Then the beach will be 40 for everyone." I nodded my head and started working with them. After half an hour we 41 more than ten bottles and lots of small glass pieces. Knowing that no one would get 42 , we went back home happily.
33. A. job B. meal C. walk D. visit
34. A. luck B. food C. fun D. work
35. A. because B. once C. if D. before
36. A. stepped B. turned C. got D. climbed
37. A. question B. bottle C. box D. cry
38. A. test B. look C. rest D. try
39. A. colorful B. full C. broken D. beautiful
40. A. open B. safe C. free D. easy
41. A. looked up B. filled up C. broke up D. picked up
42. A. hurt B. sick C. ready D. killed
阅读 A、B、C 三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
It was break, and Mrs. Ford's class was playing soccer. Emma kicked the ball hard and it landed in an old park next to the school. Yuki ran to get it, but she fell over an old tire(轮胎)and hurt her knee.
"Mrs. Ford, that old park is awful! No one could play there without getting hurt. Maybe we could fix it up," said Yuki.
Mrs. Ford sighed(叹气), "I think it would cost about $11,000. The school can't pay for it.”
"We could have a school sale to get some money!” shouted Emma.
All the children and teachers thought it was a good idea. They held the school sale on Sunday. Each class had a booth. Some booths had games and prizes. One class sold hot dogs. One class painted people's faces. Everyone had a great time.
On Monday, Mrs. Ford's class added up the money from the school sale. "Oh, no!" Yuki said. “We only made $316!” No one spoke. A few children sighed.
Then the headmaster Mr. Peter came. A reporter from a TV station was with him. After knowing that the children didn't make enough money, he made the school on the news that night. The reporter said, "Viewers(观众们), I know you care about the kids. We are short of money. But we could help fix up this park in other ways. Please think about it." The whole town learned about the park.
The next week, Mr. Peter came to the classroom and asked Mrs. Ford to bring her class out to the parking lot. The children could not believe what they saw! Several trucks from different stores arrived one by one and brought all the things they needed. That weekend, children, teachers and parents fixed up the park together.
After a week, the park was ready to open. When asked to name the park, Mrs. Ford's class chose "Rainbow Park”.
"Rainbows are made up of lots of different colors,” Yuki told the reporter. "A lot of different people made this park. It's like a rainbow."
Mrs. Ford smiled, "We may not have enough money, but we have lots of caring people!"
43. Yuki wanted to fix up the park to____________.
A. have the school on the news B. have a school sports meeting there
C. make her parents proud of her D. make sure kids won't get hurt there
44. The students got money for the park by____________.
A. holding a school sale B. turning to their parents for help
C. working for a TV station D. asking the headmaster to pay for it
45. How did the children feel when they saw the trucks in the parking lot
A. Angry and nervous. B. Surprised and happy.
C. Sad and worried. D. Safe and peaceful.
Dear Tyler, My husband is a great dad. He cooks breakfast before work every morning, does our daughter's hair and coaches her basketball team. However, I think he's pushing our 10-year-old daughter a little too hard. Every day after school, he has her practicing basketball for hours before she does her homework. She's a really good player, but I can tell that she's tired out and not having as much fun as she used to. Last week, he said he would find her a professional(职业的)coach. I'm not sure whether I should step in because he's such a caring dad. What are your thoughts Truly, Sandy
Dear Sandy, As a youth(青年)sports coach, I've seen it all from moms and dads who take their kids' games too seriously(认真地). The biggest problem here is that your daughter seems to be enjoying basketball less than she used to. It's your job now to help your daughter and husband. There's nothing wrong with telling your husband to back off a bit. Sometimes parents forget that these are school children, not professional athletes. Sure, I love sports, because they teach kids teamwork and how to face difficulties. But if all that gets in the way of kids being kids, then I have a problem with it. All parents of youth athletes need to remember that this is about the kids, not about us. Yours truly, Tyler
46. What is a problem with Sandy's husband
A. He is too lazy to do any housework
B. He doesn't care about their daughter.
C. He is too serious about their daughter's basketball.
D. He never helps their daughter with her homework.
47. How is Sandy's daughter doing with basketball
A. She is losing interest in it. B. She is working hard on it.
C. She is planning to give it up. D. She is good enough to be a professional athlete.
48. What does Tyler want parents to do
A. Be good parents. B. Fall in love with sports.
C. Let kids be kids. D. Spend more time with kids.
Cultural differencecs are not just in the way we act or the food we eat. Sometimes it is a matter of the things we say and don't say or the questions we ask or can't ask. Let's talk about some questions in small talk.
One question that makes me uncomfortable is: How much do you make In America, we don't often talk about salary, even between family members. So you can see why, when someone I don't know well asks me, I will be uncomfortable.
Another question about money is: How much did it cost This is another question we don't often ask or care about in the US. If someone buys a gift, they won't think it is polite if we ask the price. For the Chinese, the question is part of everyday small talk.
The next question is about relationships. If I meet a Chinese girl and ask her about her boy friend, it will easily make her uncomfortable. But in the US it is part of usual small talk. We will often talk about relationships in America while in China it is not common to talk about them.
49. Cultural differenecs aren't showed in____________.
A. the things we say B. the food we eat
C. the way we act D. the job we do
50. What does the underlined word "salary” probably mean here
A. 矛盾 B. 薪水 C. 背景 D. 家事
51. Which question is part of everyday small talk in China according to the passage
A. A question about price. B. A question about family.
C. A question about weather. D. A question about relationships.
52. In America, it is common to ask "____________" according to the passage.
A. How old are you B. How much did it cost
C. How is your boyfriend D. How much do you make
IX. 任务型阅读(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
阅读下面短文, 按要求完成 53~57 题。
Rock climbing(攀岩)did not become a sport until in the late 1900s. But now it has become a popular activity.
Rock climbing is not a very easy sport. Rock climbers need lots of practice. What most people don't know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind.
To climb successfully(成功地), one must use wonderful skills. One of the most important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up, the closer you are to the rock face, the easier it is to climb.
Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Chess players or problem solvers may love rock climbing, because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. If you enjoy a difficult game and love the challenge, you can consider rock climbing.
53、54 题完成句子: 55—56 题简略回答问题: 57 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
53. Rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your________________________.
54. When you climb rocks you must have____________ parts of your body on the rock face.
55. When did rock climbing become a sport
56. Why may chess players or problem solvers love rock climbing
57. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
X. 词语运用(包括A、B 两部分, A部分5分, B部分5分, 共10分)
A)根据句意, 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(共5 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分5分)
pollute pride divide attention use
58. You must give your full__________ to what you are doing.
59. The__________ car in this store is quite cheap.
60. Mum__________ the cake into four and gave one piece to Jenny.
61. People should recycle to help decrease__________.
62. The teacher took__________ in helping his students win the English competition.
B)根据句意, 用括号内所给汉语的适当形式填空。(共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分)
63. The girl____________________(付款)500 yuan for the new sweater yesterday.
65. How many____________(解释)the problem to beginners.
64. It was difficult to__________(座位)does the theatre have
66. Tom spends the___________(最少的)time on his hobbies of the three boys.
67. Among all the students, Mary___________(出色)for her excellent grades.
68. 请按照书写格式和要求抄写以下内容。
The 10-minute break should be a time for children to relax after a busy class, so they can take the chance to get some fresh air and rest their tired bodies and minds.
69. 保护环境是每个人的责任和义务, 我们在生活中的点滴改变就能使环境有所改变。假如 21 世纪英文报纸正在征文, 请以“What Can We Do for the Environment”为题, 写一篇短文:
提示:(1)The importance of protecting the enviroment;
(2)What can we do (give three examples or more);
(3)Call on(号召)everyone to take action.
要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥。
(3)词数: 70 字左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。
It's everyone's duty to protect our environment. ____________________________________________________



