
专题四 阅读理解
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my birthday party. I’m very happy. This is my new friend. She is Tina. She is from Taiwan(台湾). She is a pupil. She likes pineapples(凤梨). She has a dog. Look, it is under the chair. It is my new friend, too. It is fat. It has four short legs. It is so cute.
1.Tina is from ______. ( )
A.the UK B.China
(1) Amy has one new friend. ( )
(2) Tina is a girl. ( )
(3) The dog is under the desk. ( )
Teacher: Let’s go to the zoo!
Children: Great!
Teacher: Look at the birds! How many birds do you see
Children: 1, 2... We see 13.
Teacher: Come here, children! How many fish do you see
Children: 1, 2... We see 20.
Teacher: Amy, how many tigers do you see
Amy: I see 18.
Mike: Wow! Look at the monkeys!
Amy: How many monkeys do you see
Mike: I see 17.
Amy: 17 No, the brown one is a bear!
Children: Haha!
A. B. C. D.
E. F. G. H.
(1) The children see twelve fish. ( )
(2) The children see thirteen birds. ( )
(3) Amy sees eighteen tigers. ( )
(4) Mike sees sixteen monkeys at first (起初). ( )
(5)The brown one is a bear. ( )
My name is Mike. I’m from the UK. I’m 11 years old. I like strawberries very much. This is my friend Tom. He is from Canada. He is 13 years old. He likes watermelons. Amy is fourteen. She is my friend, too. She is from the USA.She likes pears.
A. B. C. D.
E. F. G. H.
Name Country Age Favourite fruit
Mike UK 6 strawberries
Tom 7 8 watermelons
Amy 9 fourteen 10
I’m Tom. I’m 12. I’m tall and thin. I have many toys and fruits. I have 15 cars, 13 boats and 6 kites. I have 16 apples, 18 bananas and 2 watermelons. Look! My cars are on the desk. My boats are in my toy box. My kites are under the desk.
11.—How is Tom
—He is tall and .
12.—How many bananas does Tom have
—He has .
13.—Where are the cars
—They are on the .
14.—What are in my toy box
—The .
15.—Where are the kites
—They are the desk.
Hello! My name is Linda. I’m tall and thin. I like apples. Look, this is my room(房间). I have a bed, a desk and a chair. A bag is on the desk. A is on the desk, too. A is under the chair. A is on the chair. A is in the toy box. I have a toy bird on my bed. It’s blue and white. It is beautiful. I like it.
16.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。
(1)Linda is short and thin.( )
(2)The toy bird is blue and white.( )
(3)Linda likes grapes.( )
A.cap B.car C. book D.ball
( ) The old king dies (去世). The new king asks (要求) the Yu players to play one by one. (一个接一个)
( ) The king (国王) likes many Yu (竽:乐器) players to play together.
( ) One, two, three, four and five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
( ) Quietly (悄悄地), Wuzi runs away (逃跑).
( ) Wuzi can’t play the Yu, but he comes too.
( ) I want more. (更多)
19.(1) The title of the story is _____. ( )
A.The King’s Yu Player B.The Yu Player
(2) 这个故事的中文版是_____. ( )
A.东郭先生 B.滥竽充数 C. 叶公好龙
I’m Li Ming. I’m a boy. I’m eleven years old. I’m in Class One, Grade Four. I like pandas. I can draw them. I like noodles, but I don’t like rice.
I’m Gao Jun. I’m a girl. I’m ten years old. I’m in Class Two, Grade Four. I like spring(春天). I like flying a kite. I like apples and grapes.
My name is Lisa. I’m eleven years old. I’m in Class Three. Grade Four. I like music(音乐). I can sing ABC song. I like hot dogs, but I don’t like hamburgers.
A. B. C.
(1) Li Ming doesn’t like noodles. ( )
(2) Lisa likes hot dogs. ( )
(3) Gao Jun and Lisa are ten years old.
(4) They are in the same(相同的) grade. ( )
Hello! I’m Jack. I’m nine years old. I’m tall(高的). I can play ping-pong. Sun Yingsha is my favorite table tennis player(最喜欢的乒乓球运动员). I like yellow shoes very much because of(因为) her shoes. I want to be a person like e on!
Information Card (信息卡)
Name Jack
Age 22 A.8 B.9
Look(外貌) 23 A.short B.tall
Can 24 A.play ping-pong B.make cakes
Favorite player 25 A.Wang chuqin B.Sun Yingsha
Favorite colour 26 A.red B.yellow
1.B 2.B 3. F T F
1.句意:蒂娜来自______。A英国,B中国,根据“She is Tina. She is from Taiwan(台湾).”,可知蒂娜来自中国,故选B。
2.根据“She is from Taiwan(台湾).”,可知蒂娜来自台湾,选项B是台湾,故答案为圈B。
3.(1)句意:艾米有一个新朋友。根据“This is my new friend. She is Tina. It is my new friend, too.”,可知艾米有两个新朋友,故答案为F。
(2)句意:蒂娜是一个女孩。根据“She is Tina.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
(3)句意:狗在桌子下面。根据“She has a dog. Look, it is under the chair.”,可知狗在椅子下面,故答案为F。
4.圈B C D E H 5. F T T F T
4.根据全文可知看到了鸟,鱼,老虎,猴子和熊,故答案为圈B C D E H。
5.(1)句意:孩子们看到十二条鱼。根据“Teacher: Come here, children! How many fish do you see Children: 1, 2... We see 20.”,可知孩子们看到20条鱼,故答案为F。
(2)句意:孩子们看到13只鸟。根据“Teacher: Look at the birds! How many birds do you see Children: 1, 2... We see 13.”,可知题干与对话相符,故答案为T。
(3)句意:艾米看到了十八只老虎。根据“Teacher: Amy, how many tigers do you see Amy: I see 18.”,可知题干与对话相符,故答案为T。
(4)句意:迈克起初看到了十六只猴子。根据“Amy: How many monkeys do you see Mike: I see 17.”,可知迈克起初看到了17只猴子,故答案为F。
(5)句意:棕色的那只是一只熊。根据“No, the brown one is a bear!”,可知题干与对话相符,故答案为T。
6.D 7.B 8.E 9.A 10.G
6.根据“My name is Mike. I’m from the UK. I’m 11 years old.”,可知迈克11岁,故选D。
7.根据“This is my friend Tom. He is from Canada. He is 13 years old.”,可知汤姆来自加拿大,故选B。
8.根据“This is my friend Tom. He is from Canada. He is 13 years old.”,可知汤姆13岁,故选E。
9.根据“Amy is fourteen. She is my friend, too. She is from the USA.”,可知艾米来自美国,故选A。
10.根据“Amy is fourteen. She is my friend, too. She is from the USA. She likes pears.”,可知艾米喜欢梨,故选G。
11.thin 12.eighteen/18 13.desk 14.boats 15.under
11.句意:—汤姆怎么样?—他又高又_______。根据“I’m tall and thin.”,可知汤姆又高又瘦,故答案为thin。
12.句意:—汤姆有多少根香蕉?—他有______。根据“I have 16 apples, 18 bananas and 2 watermelons.”,可知汤姆有18根香蕉,故答案为eighteen / 18。
13.句意:—汽车在哪?—它们在_______上。根据“My cars are on the desk.”,可知汽车在桌子上,故答案为desk。
14.句意:—我的玩具箱里有什么?—________。根据“My boats are in my toy box.”,可知玩具箱里有船,故答案为boats。
15.句意:—风筝在哪?—它们在桌子_______。根据“My kites are under the desk.”,可知风筝在桌子下面,故答案为under。
16. F T F 17.
16.(1)句意:琳达又矮又瘦。根据原文“I’m tall and thin.”可知琳达又高又瘦。所以题干叙述错误,故答案为F。
(2)句意:玩具鸟是蓝白色的。根据原文“I have a toy bird on my bed. It’s blue and white.”可知琳达床上有一只玩具鸟。它是蓝白色的。所以题干叙述正确,故答案为T。
(3)句意:琳达喜欢葡萄。根据原文“I like apples.”可知琳达喜欢苹果。所以题干叙述错误,故答案为F。
17.A帽子,B汽车,C书,D球,根据原文“A is on the desk, too. A is under the chair. A is on the chair. A is in the toy box.”可知一顶帽子也在桌子上。一本书在椅子下面。一个球在椅子上。一辆车在玩具盒子里。故答案为。
18. 5 1 2 6 4 3 19. A B
首先介绍国王的爱好,The king (国王) likes many Yu (竽:乐器) players to play together.
吹奏的人很多,One, two, three, four and five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
国王想要更多,I want more. (更多)
不会吹奏的武子也来了,Wuzi can’t play the Yu, but he comes too.
老国王去世,新国王的要求变了,The old king dies (去世). The new king asks (要求) the Yu players to play one by one. (一个接一个)
武子没办法在假装吹竽了,Quietly (悄悄地), Wuzi runs away (逃跑).
20. 21. F T F T
20.图片A是一个人在唱歌,根据“My name is Lisa. I’m eleven years old. I’m in Class Three. Grade Four. I like music(音乐). I can sing ABC song.”可知丽萨喜欢唱歌,故选第三段。
图片B是一个人画了一幅熊猫的图片,根据“I’m Li Ming. I’m a boy. I’m eleven years old. I’m in Class One, Grade Four. I like pandas. I can draw them.”可知李明喜欢熊猫,而且能把熊猫画出来,故选第一段。
图片C是一个人在吃葡萄和苹果,根据“I’m Gao Jun. I’m a girl. I’m ten years old. I’m in Class Two, Grade Four. I like spring(春天). I like flying a kite. I like apples and grapes.”可知高军喜欢吃葡萄和苹果,故选第二段。
21.(1)句意:李明不喜欢面条。根据“I like noodles, but I don’t like rice.”可知李明喜欢面条,故答案为F。
(2)句意:丽萨喜欢热狗。根据“I like hot dogs, but I don’t like hamburgers.”可知丽萨喜欢热狗,故答案为T。
(3)句意:高军和丽萨十岁。根据“I’m Gao Jun. I’m a girl. I’m ten years old.”“My name is Lisa. I’m eleven years old.”可知高军10岁,丽萨11岁,故答案为F。
(4)句意:他们都在同一个年级。根据“I’m in Class One, Grade Four.”“I’m in Class Two, Grade Four.”“I’m in Class Three. Grade Four.”可知他们都读四年级,故答案为T。
22.B 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.B
22.根据“I’m nine years old.”,可知杰克9岁,故选B。
23.根据“I’m tall(高的).”,可知杰克个子高,short矮的,tall高的,故选B。
24.根据“I can play ping-pong.”,可知杰克会打乒乓球,A打乒乓球,B做蛋糕,故选A。
25.根据“Sun Yingsha is my favorite table tennis player(最喜欢的乒乓球运动员).”,可知杰克最喜欢的运动员是孙颖莎,故选B。
26.根据“I like yellow shoes very much because of(因为) her shoes.”,可知杰克最喜欢的颜色是黄色,A红色,B黄色,故选B。



