人教版八年级上册预习Unit 1Where did you go on vacation单元基础练习(无答案)

八年级上册预习Unit 1单元基础练习
1.Learning is a lifelong journey y for it brings us_______ new every day.
A. everything B. nothing
C. anything D. something
2.一Would you mind my closing the door It's too cold outside.
-_______You can do it !
A. Certainly. B. You'd better not.
C. Of course not.
3. May I have some more chicken It_______ so delicious.
A. feels B. smells C. tastes D. sounds
4.They had great fun _____ tennis.
playing B.to play C.play D.played
5.Children, follow your heart and never let ________ steal your dreams.
A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.nobody
6.Have you seen my mobile phone, Sam I can’t find it________.
A.everywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.anywhere
7.He was waiting _______ the bus stop _________ about 2 hours.
A.for: for B.for: at C.at ; for D.for;in
8.Mr. Black is a disabled man, so he can’t look after________well.
A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself
9.Yesterday Mom________ me some money to buy a dictionary.
A.gives B.gave C.has given D.was giving
10. You are so sad all day. Maybe you need_______ like me to listen to your troubles.
A. someone B. everyone
C. anyone D. no one
1.My school life is ________(wonder). I like my new school.
2. I bought a new bike for________(I) last month.
3. I didn’t go _________(somewhere) last weekend. I just stayed at home.
4. There was___________( anything) wrong with my radio, so I had it fixed yesterday.
5. I often clean my room by___________( my) on weekends.
Hemingway wrote___________ ___________ ___________ books in his life.
My uncle___________ ___________ America___________ ___________ last month.
How about _________ ________ ________ ________
Tom didn’t go ________ ________.
This Saturday she has to _________ ________ ________ at home.
Around the world, summer vacation means long days, sunshine, swimming, sleeping in and, most importantly, no school.
Hundreds of years ago, students took the summer off to help their parents in the fields. Today, though, summers are full of fun-no work. A summer vacation means so many opportunities for kids: extra classes, sports, hobbies or catching up on studies.
If you're lucky, during the weeks away from school, you can volunteer, travel or go to a camp. It's time to do a part-time job to learn a new skill. You may hang out with friends all day. Some kids just kick off their shoes and jump into rivers and swimming pools.
If you're not so lucky, summer vacation may mean summer school-a long, hot summer inside the classroom.
Whatever your plans, make this summer a good one. Take on a project. Learn something! Help someone! Make this summer one to remember.
1.What does summer vacation mean all over the world
A. Long days. B. Activities. C. No school. D. All above.
2.What did students do in their summer vacation hundreds of years ago
A. They studied in extra class. B. They worked in the fields.
C. They volunteered. D. They went abroad.
3.Do students need to go to the classroom in summer vacation
A. No, they don't. B. Yes, of course. C. Maybe, some will. D. Sure, they will.
4.If you want to leam a new skill, you may ___.
A. do a part-time job B. sleep C. kick off your shoes D. jump into rivers
5. What is the best title for this passage
A. World of Summer B. The History of Summer
C. Unlucky Summer D. Old Summer




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