专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (贵州专用)(含答案)

专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (贵州专用)
Do you speak a dialect (方言) in daily life While many Chinese people speak putonghua, some local dialects are in danger of disappearing (消失). To save them, the Chinese government started the Chinese Language Resources Protection Project (中国语言资源保护工程) a few years ago.
This project looks at how people talk in 1,712 places. Their languages include 103 dialects that are almost gone. It has helped China to build the largest language resource library in the world. There’s an online library where people can learn dialects from over 5.6 million audio clips and over 5 million videos.
________ According to Harold Palmer, a world expert on language, “dialects are a key to store local cultures. Language clearly shows the history and beliefs of an area,” he said.
Scholar Zhang Hongming talked about his concerns about the disappearing of dialects. “For about over 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and Suzhou, children aged 6 to 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. Young people above 15 years old sometimes speak it, but not very well. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear,” he said.
So how did China make this big library “A big national effort has been put into the project to make it happen,” said Cao Zhiyun, an expert on the project. “Over five years, more than 350 universities and research groups joined in, along with over 4,500 experts and more than 6,000 dialect speakers.”
The project is now entering into its second part. This includes creating digital (数字化的) tools like apps and mobile dictionaries to help people learn dialects.
1.The Chinese Language Resources Protection Project was started ________.
A.to create digital tools B.to store local cultures C.to save local dialects
2.Which sentence can be put in ________
A.Why is it important to protect the dialect culture
B.How can we make good use of the dialect culture
C.What are people doing to spread the dialect culture
3.What does the underlined word “concerns” in Paragraph 4 mean
A.Worries. B.Doubts. C.Suggestions.
4.The writer shows China’s efforts on the project in Paragraph 5 ________.
A.by comparing ideas B.by listing numbers C.by explaining reasons
Hongqi School Sports Day!A day of fun and exercise! This year, we have some new sports and games for you to take part in! You can choose to join in: Sign up (报名) for the following workshops (讲座): Sports workshops are run by skillful coaches. They will teach you more about the sports and how to do them. There are only a few spaces for each workshop. Sign up early to get your first choice! Time: Friday, October 18, 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Place: the Students’ Sports Center Call Mr. Li at 293-7742.
5.Students can choose to join in ______ on the Sports Day.
A. B. C.
6.What do we know about the workshops
A.They are run by skillful coaches.
B.There are three workshops in all.
C.Each workshop has many spaces.
7.How long will the Sports Day last
A.7.5 hours. B.8 hours. C.9 hours.
8.We can most probably read the text from ______.
A.a science website B.a travel magazine C.a school notice-board
(2024·贵州·中考真题)Some people are worried about the effect that social media has on the lives of young people. The following text was written by a reporter: He tried to find out whether social media has a positive or negative effect on children.
1. Social media websites are communities where users can share photos and talk to each other online. They are very popular—millions of people use social media every day. Although some people think social media is a positive thing, many are worried about the negative effects it can have on young people.
2. James, a 15-year-old student, thinks that social media has many benefits. “I get very nervous when I talk to people in real life—I find it so much easier to express myself when I use social media. Another advantage is that I hardly ever forget anyone’s birthday now because I can look it up online!” Lots of users agree that social media helps young people stay connected to their friends and make new friends from around the world.
3. However, social media also has many problems. Social media may help young people find friends, but it also makes it easier for bullies to hurt them. Some parents believe that social media makes it harder for families to spend time together. They say their children are so crazy about social media that they ignore (忽视) the rest of their family. Many teachers think social media can distract (使某人分心) their students from schoolwork.
4. There is no doubt that social media has some problems, and it is very important to avoid spending too much time online. However, generally speaking, social media can be a positive thing for young people. It is a way for nervous people to make friends and for young people to stay connected.
9.What docs the underlined word “They” in Paragraph I refer to
A.The photos shared online. B.The social media users. C.The social media websites.
10.What does James think of social media
A.It makes him ignore his family.
B.It distracts him from schoolwork.
C.It helps him express himself better.
11.Which is the correct structure of this text (P1=Paragraph 1)
A. B. C.
12.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Why Is Social Media So Popular
B.Is Social Media Really a Problem
C.What Is the Future of Social Media
Could you imagine being in a car driven by a computer, not a human Recently, China has made a big step toward self-driving technology. Since August 2022, driverless taxis can run on roads in Wuhan, Chongqing and Shenzhen.
Why do we develop self-driving cars
Self-driving cars bring us many benefits. They use computers to sense the things around them and make better use of space. This means fewer traffic jams and better parking of cars. For disabled or blind people, self-driving cars can also help them get around more easily.
According to official statistics, each year, more than 1.35 million people are killed on roads around the world, and more are injured. It’s reported that self-driving cars could reduce road accidents by 90 percent and save governments a lot of money. The main cause of car accidents is human error(错误). By using computers, self-driving cars don’t make poor decisions or lose focus like humans do.
But self-driving cars aren’t perfect. If something unexpected on the road happens, self-driving cars can’t react(反应) as fast as a human driver could. Also, during weather events like heavy snow, self-driving cars wouldn’t see the lines on the road easily. It might lead to an accident. The car’s computer system would be broken by someone, causing it to crash or change its direction.
It’s clear that there is still a long way to go to make self-driving cars a common and safe sight(景象) on our roads. And China is taking the lead in making this happen, said China Daily.
13.What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Disabled people. B.Self-driving cars. C.Taxi drivers.
14.What do we know about self-driving cars
A.They cannot make good use of space.
B.They always react faster than humans.
C.They do not lose focus like humans do.
15.We can infer(推断) that China ________ in self-driving technology.
A.will make greater progress
B.aided many other countries
C.is going to cut its total costs
16.The writer writes the text to ________.
A.encourage more people to buy self-driving cars
B.tell people several advantages of self-driving cars
C.introduce the present situation of self-driving cars
The old lanes(巷子) of the Beijing hutongs, many were there hundreds of years ago during the Ming and Qing dynasties. They keep not only the traditional culture but also the way of life in the past. People can go shopping, eat delicious food, and watch the street life by visiting the Beijing hutongs. What’s more, it’s a good way to learn more about the daily life of people in Beijing.
A hutong is a lane formed by traditional courtyard compounds(筑有围墙的院子) on both sides. The compounds are called siheyuan, meaning “four joined-together courtyard.”
The hutongs have interesting names, which tell their origin(起源), location, or history. They are in these gray lanes where kids talk and play.
One of China’s most famous writers, Laoshe, was born in siheyuan in the west of the city. The memories of his childhood in hutongs were so important to him that even after he had been away from Beijing for more than 20 years, he still clearly remembered them and wrote them into a novel called Four Generations under One Roof.
Now, Beijing still has about 400,000 siheyuan for people to live in. However, most hutongs are in great danger because more and more new buildings have been built. So, we should try our best to protect hutongs, the treasure of traditional culture.
17.What can we learn about the Beijing hutongs
A.They have a short history.
B.They are far from siheyuan.
C.They have interesting names.
18.The writer would most probably talk about _________ after Paragraph 5.
A.how we can know the Beijing hutongs better
B.what we can do to protect the Beijing hutongs
C.why many new buildings were built in Beijing
19.What could be the best title for the text
A.Laoshe—A Well-known Chinese Writer
B.Beijing Hutongs—The Treasure of China
C.Siheyuan—A Picture of the Qing Dynasty
20.We may read this text from the section of _________ in a newspaper.
A.Culture Window B.Famous People C.Eating Customs
21.How long do teenagers need to sleep at least every day
A.Seven hours. B.Eight hours. C.Nine hours.
22.What time do people feel the sleepiest during a day
A. B. C.
23.The writer proves a lack of sleep plays a role in accidents by ________.
A.asking questions B.listing numbers C.giving examples
24.Which of the following can be put in ▲
(2022·贵州遵义·中考真题)Data Set to Move Out West
The China International Big Data Industry Expo 2022(大数据工业博览会) was held online in Guiyang on May 26. More than 100 famous companies from China, Germany, Japan and other countries attended the expo on “cloud”.
You may have heard a lot about word “cloud”. The name might make you think that it’s just like real clouds. But in fact, it is not the clouds in the sky but the “cloud” that saves your photos, emails, movies, music and so on.
The “cloud” is made of millions of hard drives(硬盘), computer servers and underground cables(电缆). When you open a website online, you are actually asking a server to give you data. And the data may transmit thousands of kilometers from a data center to your computer, through underground cables.
Where are these data centers In China, most are now in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. They take up lots of land and energy. Recently, China has made plans to build 10 data center groups in right areas. Many are in western and northern parts of China like Gansu and Guizhou. There is more land in these areas. They also have more green energy, like wind and solar energy. This can make the datacenters more environmentally friendly.
Building data centers can help the development of these areas. Nowadays, big data has become a key industry in Guizhou.
25.What is the “cloud” in the passage used for
A.Saving data. B.Taking photos.
C.Changing the weather. D.Opening a website.
26.Which can take the place of the underlined word “transmit” in Paragraph 3
A.be copied B.be received C.travel D.record
27.The data center is built in Guizhou because_________.
A.people in Guizhou are friendly
B.there is more land and green energy
C.the environment here is well protected
D.Guizhou is very beautiful and colorful
28.What can we know about data centers according to the passage
A.They don’t need a lot of energy.
B.There are only 10 data centers in China
C.Most of them are in the south of China.
D.Data centers can help cities to develop.
29.What is the passage mainly about
A.西气东输 B.南水北调 C.西电东送 D.东数西算
(2022·贵州遵义·中考真题)In traditional Chinese performing arts, there are many classic roles, like sheng, dan, jing, mo and chou. Most people usually pay little attention to chou. However, it is a very important part in traditional Chinese operas. The reason is that it joins beauty and ugliness together perfectly. In the past, the chou performer was the first one to get dressed and have his make-up done.
Usually there are two kinds of chou on the stage, wen chou and wu chou. Wen chou often has a white dot painted on his nose and takes the roles of fisherman, boatman, servant and so on. The other kind is wu chou. Wu chou performers often wear tight clothing(紧身衣) and move quickly. They are good at martial arts(武术) and can jump several meters high. They usually express themselves in loud voices and play humorous roles, for example, kind thieves.
Chou performers often make people laugh by their spoken parts and body language, instead of singing skills. Whether they look ugly or beautiful, whether the roles they play are officials or thieves on the stage, chou roles are all humorous characters who appear in funny faces. They use the roles of chou to bring out the good qualities in people. Maybe it is the charm(魅力) of traditional Chinese operas.
Next time, when you are enjoying a traditional Chinese opera you can probably understand the different beauty behind it.
30.The role of chou is important in traditional Chinese operas because_________.
A.most people usually pay much attention to it
B.it joins beauty and ugliness together perfectly
C.it is funny and makes people laugh and happy
D.the chou performer was the first to get dressed
31.Which picture is the role of chou in traditional Chinese operas
A. B. C. D.
32.A kind thief in tight clothing on the stage maybe a role of _________.
A.wu chou B.wen chou
C.sheng D.dan
33.Chou performers often use_________ to make people laugh on the stage.
A.dancing skills and spoken parts
B.singing skills and body language
C.painting skills and spoken parts
D.spoken parts and body language
34.What can be the best title of the passage
A.Roles in Chinese Operas B.Chou in Chinese Operas
C.Stares about Chinese Operas D.History of Chinese Operas
(2022·贵州遵义·中考真题)Today is June 26th, the International Anti-drug Day(国际禁毒日). When people talk about drug fighting, a name will probably appear in our minds—Lin Zexu, who is remembered as a national hero in China. Since 1839, we Chinese have always been fighting a great war against drugs.
Now, Peng Taizhen from Yunnan province has been supporting the work of drug fighting in her own way.
Peng’s husband, Zhang Congshun, was an anti-drug police officer. One day in 1994, when he was fighting with a group of drug criminals and trying to save his partner, he got seriously injured and died later. Peng had to raise their sons by herself.
All of her three sons became police officers after graduating from college. Sadly, her youngest son, Zhang Ziquan, lost his life at the age of 36 while he was working on a drug case in December, 2020.
“My husband died, leaving many unfinished things in crime fighting behind him. But we still have sons to continue along the way. If I had the chance choose again, I would still stand behind them firmly.” Peng said.
Peng Taizhen is truly a heroine, a great mother as well as a good wife. She has made such a great contribution(贡献) to anti-drug fighting!
35.Lin Zexu is remembered as a(an) _________ by us Chinese.
A.artist B.national hero
C.writer D.police officer
36.What did Peng’s husband die for
A.Saving his partner. B.Helping his son.
C.Protecting the villagers. D.Fighting the virus.
37.Which statement is TRUE about Peng Taizhen
A.Her husband died in December, 2020.
B.Her youngest son lost his life in 1994.
C.Only one of her sons is a police officer.
D.She is a very great wife and mother.
38.How many people mentioned in the passage have made great contributions to drug fighting
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
39.What is the purpose of writing the passage
A.To express our thanks to Ms. Peng
B.To know about Lin Zexu and his stories.
C.To remember the International Anti-drug Day.
D.To pass on the spirit of our drug-fighting heroes.
HENRIK VIBSKOV Polo Dress Fit Predictor Find out your size The model is 170 cm and wears size S. INFORMIATION Mid-length Dress in Green 212392F099021 Half sleeves and three buttons at the front. 88% Cotton, 12% Silk. Made in Russia. Free shipping on orders over $350. Taxes and duties included.
40.This dress is mainly made of ________.
A.cotton B.silk C.wool (羊毛)
41.How many buttons does the dress have at the front
A.2. B.3. C.4.
42.Where is the dress made
A. B. C.
43.You can buy a ________ size of this dress now.
A.small B.medium C.large
What would the life be like if you could only use one hand Every year, 1,500 babies are born in the US without arms. Many more children lose hands in accidents.
Some of these children can use man-made arms or hands. These are called prosthetics (义肢). They cost thousands of dollars. As kids grow, they need new, bigger ones. Over time, the cost adds up. Many families cannot afford it. This is a problem.
________ Some of the volunteers are students. At Alexandria Country Day School (ACDS) in Virginia, a group of sixth-graders work in teams, printing prosthetics in their science class. They are using 3D printers to make prosthetics. These printers are not common printers. They print with plastic. In 90 minutes, the class can finish making about nine prosthetics.
Taylor Grace Peterson, a student from ACDS, seemed amazed by the 3D printed hand. She said it was “pretty cool” to be able to make a hand for a kid in need.
The students work with a nonprofīt (非营利的) group called e-NABLE. It has 16 designs for 3D printed hands. The prosthetic hands are made from everyday materials. A hand can be made for less than $50, as long as you have a 3D printer.
Then the hands go to the children in need all over the world. A 10-year-old boy in New Mexico first received the hand they made. He was born without a left hand. The boy is a huge fan of Denver Broncos (the name of a football team in America), so the students made his prosthetic hand with the team’s colors: orange and blue.
Using a 3D printer is a very cheap way to make prosthetics. Lieberman, the students’ science teacher, said there was also one big advantage. “If the hand they made for a child is the wrong size, we can adjust (调整) it or send him or her another one,” Lieberman said.
44.Paragraph 2 mainly talks about the ________ of the prosthetics.
A.shape B.color C.disadvantage
45.Which of the following can be put in the ________.
A.Now the science teachers are giving them a hand.
B.Now volunteers in the world are stepping up to help.
C.Now volunteers are teaching them to use prosthetics.
46.What can we learn from the passage
A.Many families can’t afford the printed hands because they cost a lot.
B.Students print the prosthetics with materials that cost more than $50.
C.The boy in New Mexico has received an orange and blue prosthetic hand.
47.What’s the best title for the text
A.Let Me Give You a Hand B.Protect Your Hands C.Let’s Join E-NABLE
(2024·贵州贵阳·二模)A long time ago, people were very different from the way we are now. Over time, the human body changes to adapt to a new way of life. Can we expect the human body to change in the future For sure. The development of technology is changing how we live. What kind of changes can we expect
In the future, people will probably be even taller. Most of us now have much better food than people in the past and we grow more. However, our muscles will not be as strong as now because we won’t do a lot of physical work.
We are already using our feet less, and our hands more. So we can expect that our legs will get shorter and our feet will get smaller, and at the same time, our fingers will get longer. And our fingers and our eyes will both get better because they’ll have to do more work together.
It’s very possible that people will have four toes, not five. The little toe really isn’t needed any more, so it will probably disappear sometime in the future.
Now, what about the ______ It’ll get smaller, perhaps, because technology improvement will mean that we don’t need to talk so much, and also because our teeth will get smaller.
Last but not least, people won’t have much hair on their bodies as now, as we don’t need it to keep ourselves warm any more.
Will all these things happen If so, when These are questions no one can answer for sure.
48.What does the underlined phrase “adapt to” most probably mean in Paragraph 1
A.Be pleased with. B.Be used to. C.Be beneficial to.
49.Which of the following can be put in ______
A.mouth B.toe C.nose
50.We can infer (推断) that ______ from the text.
A.it’s good for people to have these body changes
B.all these body changes will happen in the future
C.no one is sure when these body changes will happen
51.What could be the best title for the text
A.Future Life B.Body Changing C.Unknown Questions
ChatGPT is back in the headlines! OpenAI, the company behind the popular chatbot, has now introduced a powerful new language model: GPT-4.
On March 14, GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than the previous GPT-3.5. One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger (充电器), GPT-4 can tell why the picture looks strange or funny.
But GPT-4’s developments don’t stop there. The new language model can code (用代码编写) classic games in a matter of minutes, and produce the code and layout for a website based on a hand-made drawing. It can also change the tone and style based on what you ask it to do. GPT-4 is much better than the older GPT at passing tests, which may worry teachers. According to CNN, GPT-4 did really well on a law school test, with a score in the top 10 percent of test takers. But GPT-3.5 only got a score in the bottom 10 percent.
GPT-4 will also see greater use as a tool to power other apps and services. For example, the language learning app Duolingo plans to use GPT-4 in their upcoming Duolingo Max function. Users can learn language by talking with AI. Another app, Be My Eyes, will have a digital assistant to help blind people better understand the world around them. The government of Iceland also plans to use GPT-4 to protect the Icelandic language.
There are still problems with the new language model, however. GPT-4 still struggles to get completely correct answers, especially with newer information after September 2021. GPT-4 also sometimes “hallucinates (产生幻觉)”, meaning that it will insist that wrong information is true.
52.The writer introduces one of GPT-4’s features by ________ in Paragraph 2.
A.giving an example B.making a survey C.asking a question
53.Which of the following abilities of GPT-4 are mentioned
①understanding pictures ②coding classic games
③producing the layout for a website ④changing the tone and style
⑤getting completely correct answers ⑥powering other apps and services
A.①②③④⑤ B.①②③④⑥ C.①②③⑤⑥
54.What is the correct structure of the passage
A. B. C.
55.What does the passage mainly want to tell us
A.No pains, no gains. B.Knowledge is power. C.Each coin has two sides.
(2023·贵州铜仁·二模)Jamie Oliver wants to change peoples’ lives and he is using food to do it. Oliver, a chef (厨师), shares his ways of cooking healthy food through his magazine, cookbooks and television shows. He is also changing lives through his Italian restaurant, Fifteen.
Fifteen started in London, England. It’s a place to teach young people to work in a kitchen. Oliver hopes to create a kitchen that can help young people get a fresh start and a chance to become chefs. Every September, a new group of 18- to 24-year-olds start to work at Fifteen. When they start, they are usually not good enough. But they will do much better soon. In the 12 months of working and studying, the student chefs learn kitchen skills as well as the importance of using fresh meat and vegetables and how to create new dishes.
And their learning doesn’t stop with cooking food. The students also learn how to deal with customers. In a word, Oliver makes young people believe in themselves and helps to bring them a good future.
The restaurant’s name, Fifteen, comes from the number of students the restaurant had when it started in 2002. Today, Oliver has three of these restaurants, and a few hundred students have finished their learning. After leaving Fifteen, some students have their own restaurants or work in some of the best kitchens around the world; others have their own TV shows. They’re all great examples of what young people can do if they get the chance and help.
56.What can we know about Fifteen from the first two paragraphs
A.It serves fast food.
B.It is an Italian restaurant.
C.It is famous because of a TV show.
57.How long will a new student group stay at Fifteen
A.For 9 months. B.For 12 months. C.For 18 months.
58.Which of the following do the students learn at Fifteen
①some kitchen skills ② how to create new dishes
③ the importance of health ④ how to deal with customers
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④
59.Which can be the best title for the passage
A.Healthy eating B.A chance for Oliver C.A restaurant for change
(2023·贵州铜仁·二模)Why is the population of dolphins(海豚) growing smaller and smaller
Dr. Janet Mann and Dr. Jana Watson-Capps are scientists. They wanted to know why almost half of the baby dolphins die and how mother dolphins help to keep them alive.
The scientists had two ideas. The babies live in Shark Bay(海湾), home to many sharks(鲨鱼). Maybe sharks eat them. The scientists also noticed that some babies seem weak. Maybe they die because of that.
The scientists found sharks are less dangerous to dolphins than people thought. Mother dolphins are good at making sharks turn away from their babies. Dolphins swim better than sharks and can easily get away from sharks. Also, dolphins do other things to protect their babies. The Shark Bay is full of sharks in spring and summer, when the water is warm and mother dolphins rest in shallow(浅 的 ) water instead of in deep water,where they can easily see sharks coming. Baby dolphins rest with their mothers because it is safe.
The scientists also found mothers take special care of weak babies. They spend more time under their mothers than the strong ones. The scientists call this the “baby position” because only babies that are still nursing swim under their mothers like that.
The scientists were able to show that when baby dolphins die, it is usually because they are weak, not because sharks eat them. Mother dolphins do their best to help their babies.
60.How many baby dolphins die
A.Few of them. B.Almost half of them. C.Most of them.
61.What can we learn from the text
A.Dolphins can get away from sharks if they see them coming.
B.Mother dolphins can’t protect their babies from sharks.
C.Sharks are better swimmers than dolphins.
62.Which picture shows “baby position”
A. B. C.
63.You may probably read the text in a ________.
A.guide book B.geography magazine C.science report
Throwing tomatoes-SpainSpain takes “tomatoes fights” to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in August. Trucks(卡车)carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd.
Rolling cheese-EnglandThis festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It takes place on Cooper’s Hill. A large wheel of cheese is rolled down Cooper’s Hill. The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese.
Burning man-The United StatesThe Burning Man Festival lasts a week. It is from the Monday before Labor Day to Labor Day (which falls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture(雕塑)of a man.
Pouring water-ThailandThe Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day, Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other, pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land.
64.Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May
A.Spain. B.England. C.The United States.
65.Which festival is held in the Black Rock Desert
A.Throwing tomatoes. B.Rolling cheese. C.Burning man.
66.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The tomatoes are thrown into the crowd to eat.
B.Not all the festivals above fall on the single day.
C.Burning a large real man is the best part of Burning Man Festival.
67.Where probably does this passage come from
A.A tour guide. B.A science report. C.A story book.
(2023·贵州铜仁·三模)From early childhood, we are looking for our most prized friends. Friends have a great influence on us. You can’t change the people around you, but you can choose your friends wisely.
Are your friends helping you develop in any way, say they help you with a healthy lifestyle or have rich professional experience that you can learn from Good friends can help you become a better person. In short, do you see meaningful growth by getting along with them
Good friends whom you can trust will create a safe environment for you to share your deepest truths. They will likely let your secret remain a secret. They will hold you up in good esteem (尊重) in public. They will keep their words. Their actions will match their words. And if you goofed up, they would even help you out of tricky (棘手的) situations with their well-meaning advice.
Good friends who value you will create space in their life for you. In today’s fast-paced age, we are often noticing how we spend our time, and if you find your friends making time and space for you(陪伴).
Yes, your friends have a role to play when you’re going through a crisis, say a heartbreak or the loss of job. They will help you with good quality counsel (建议)
In a nutshell, a good friend is also a guide to you. With these tips, you can create a pool of good friendships for life. Remember what you choose for yourself today has an important bearing on your tomorrow.
68.According to the passage, who can you choose as a friend ________
A.Grace, who loves telling everyone your secret.
B.Lucy, who seldom spends her free time with you.
C.Tina, who can give you some useful advice when you lose a job.
69.What does the underlined phrase “goofed up” probably mean ________
A.had a healthy lifestyle
B.made a mistake
C.had rich professional experience
70.Which question can best express the theme of the fourth paragraph ________
A.Do you see yourself being valued
B.Do your friends help you develop
C.Can you depend on your friends for well-meaning advice
71.What does the passage mainly talk about ________
A.The importance of good friends.
B.The tips of choosing friends wisely.
C.The advice on getting along with others.
1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B
5.B 6.A 7.A 8.C
9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B
13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C
17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A
21.B 22.A 23.C 24.B
25.A 26.C 27.B 28.D 29.D
30.B 31.C 32.A 33.D 34.B
35.B 36.A 37.D 38.C 39.D
40.A 41.B 42.C 43.A
44.C 45.B 46.C 47.A
48.B 49.A 50.C 51.B
52.A 53.B 54.B 55.C
56.B 57.B 58.C 59.C
60.B 61.A 62.B 63.C
64.B 65.C 66.B 67.A
68.C 69.B 70.A 71.B
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



