专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (河北专用)(含答案)

专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (河北专用)
(2024·河北·中考真题)The Hutuo River is the mother river of Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei. About 20 years ago, it was dirty and almost dried up. Thanks to the government’s work, it has become much cleaner.
Wu Wenzhong, a 58-year-old villager, lives near the river. “My friends and I often played with water, swam and caught fish in it when I was a child. I liked catching fish best,” he said. He remembers that the villagers had to cross the river by boat at that time. But as time passed by, it got dirty and started to dry up.
To remediate (修复) the river, the government do a lot of things. They clean the river up and build levees (防洪堤) . They plant trees, grass and flowers to green the riverside. They set up fences (防护栏) and put up “No Swimming” signs along the river to protect people. They stop factories from putting waste water into the river. They keep an eye on the river to make sure it stays clean for the fish, birds and people who live nearby. They also have a long-term plan to keep the river in good condition.
Now, there are more than 20 kinds of birds living around the river. It becomes a home for birds again. People can enjoy a day outdoors with the beauty of nature along the river. Wu and other villagers are happy to see the river looking good again.
The Hutuo River’s story shows that when people work together to take care of nature, good things can happen.
1.What was Wu Wenzhong’s favourite activity when he was a child
A.Boating. B.Swimming.
C.Planting trees. D.Catching fish.
2.Which question can help readers know the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.How does the river look B.When do people green the riverside
C.Why is the river important D.What do the government do for the river
3.What do we know about today’s Hutuo River
A.Many birds live around it. B.Factories get water from it.
C.Over 20 kinds of fish live in it. D.Villagers make boats near it.
(2024·河北·中考真题)Mike, a 12-year-old boy, lived in a hillside village. His neighboring village was famous because of a great discovery there. In 2003, paleontologists (古生物学家) found the bones (骨头) of the largest dinosaur (恐龙) in Europe in a field near his neighboring village.
Mike liked dinosaurs more than anything else in the world. He also believed that there was an amazing dinosaur bone under the ground of his own village. His dream was to be the first person to find it.
One summer morning, Mike was exploring (勘查) in a field near a river. He looked up to see his two friends Fern and Pepe running toward him with a colorful kite. Mike enjoyed playing with his friends and began to fly the kite with them. As he ran, he fell to the ground. “I caught my left foot on this grey object,” he said.
“A rock,” said Fern.
Mike looked at it carefully. “I don’t think it’s a rock,” he said excitedly.
“Let me pull it out,” said Pepe.
“No,” said Mike. “It’s better to leave the object right here.”
Mike and the boys ran to school to tell their teacher. The teacher called the paleontologist’s office. The next day, a paleontologist came to the village to examine the object. “It could be a dinosaur bone,” he said. Soon, many paleontologists came and more bones were found. They turned out to come from a new kind of dinosaur.
Fern asked, “What do we call this dinosaur ” “Interesting question,” said one of the paleontologists, “we’ll call it Mikesaur!”
4.Why was Mike’s neighboring village well-known
A.Scientists often visited it. B.It was the largest in Europe.
C.High hills were behind it. D.A great discovery was made there.
5.What was Mike doing before he met his friends
A.Flying a kite. B.Exploring in the field.
C.Collecting grey objects. D.Giving a report to his teacher.
6.Why did Mike say “It’s better to leave the object right here.”
A.He thought it was a rock. B.He thought it was a common bone.
C.He thought it was difficult to move. D.He thought it was something valuable.
7.What do you think most probably happened next
A.Fern got an expensive gift. B.The teacher sent Pepe to hospital.
C.Mike felt proud of himself. D.More people moved into this village.
(2024·河北·中考真题)At an early age, we start learning how to manage money by watching our parents’ spending habits. Don’t worry if we haven’t learned well how to save or spend money. The following life lessons about money can help us form good spending habits.
Money doesn’t grow on trees. As kids, we don’t often think about where money comes from. We need to know that our parents work hard to make money, and that it may be used up one day. Going to their workplaces to watch how they work is a great way to understand money is not that easy to make.
We shouldn’t spend all our money in one go. It’s important for us to have a budget (预算) . In other words, we need to think about how much money we have and what we really want to spend it on. Realizing that our pocket money can’t cover everything we want, we should make smart spending choices.
We should set a clear goal and watch our money grow. If we wish to own a new bicycle but can’t afford it, we can save our pocket money. How Write down how much money we have in a notebook and watch it grow. After we have enough, we can buy that wonderful bicycle we’ve dreamed about! Reaching our goal will greatly satiate us.
We can talk with our parents about how money is used and where money goes. Do you know what a bank account (账户) is If not, communicate with our parents. We can also go to the supermarket with our parents to experience how money is spent in the real world.
Without doubt, we should treat money in a right way. Actually, learning about money isn’t a hard job. From these lessons, we can get a sense of money management and right money values step by step!
8.Where does money come from according to the text
A.Parents’ hard work. B.Kids’ life lessons.
C.Good spending habits. D.The bank account.
9.What does the writer want kids to do by giving the example of buying a bicycle
A.Buy a wonderful notebook. B.Make a free spending choice.
C.Set a goal of saving money. D.Have an experience of shopping.
10.What does the underlined word “satiate” mean in Paragraph 4
A.Relax. B.Interest. C.Surprise. D.Satisfy.
11.Which of the following will the writer probably agree with
A.Adults can make money grow more.
B.Kids should have a money spending plan.
C.Parents may give kids lots of pocket money.
D.Supermarkets will be places to change money.
12.What is the best title for the text
A.Causes of Spending Money B.Ways of Managing Money
C.Purposes of Treating Money D.Conditions of Saving Money
Chat (聊天) Today
Hi, Li Jian! Are you there Hi! I’m here! What’s up, Wang Hao Good. Mr. and Mrs. Sun are old and they are part of our “Help at Home” program. We can go and do something to help them. Yes! When I’m doing shopping with Mum, but I’ll be back at five. Maybe at 5: 15 I’m doing my science project. Can we meet 30 minutes later OK. Where At the city library Oh, no. What about the sports center Sure. Zhao Min says he can clean their house and Zhang Fan says she can feed their cat and I’ll water their garden. I can make soup for them. Good! See you there at 5:45! See you.
13.What are Wang Hao and Li Jian mainly talking about
A.Playing sports. B.Going shopping.
C.Helping an old couple. D.Doing a science project.
14.Where will Wang Hao and Li Jian meet
A.At the city library. B.At the sports center.
C.At Li Jian’s home. D.At the supermarket.
15.What will Zhao Min do
A.Feed the cat. B.Make the soup.
C.Clean the house. D.Water the garden.
(2023·河北·中考真题)Progress means the act of going forward. Making any kind of progress can make us healthy and happy in life. By setting and actively working towards our goals, we can make progress in our life.
To make more progress in life, start looking at problems in a different way. Whatever happens, if we think positively, it can be useful and helpful. We need to know that problems are part of our life. After we solve problems one after another, we can make more progress and become stronger.
Having confidence (信心) is helpful for us to make progress. Confidence comes from different places, such as proper education, training or having good relationships. We should also stay with people who believe in our success and actively support us. These people can help push us towards progress.
Slow progress is still progress. Just as the old saying goes, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Progress usually comes a lot more slowly than we expect. Even if progress is slow, try not to be worried. One important thing is that we keep taking steps towards our goals, and another is that we clearly remember what our goals are all the time. The actual speed isn’t important.
The road to progress is not always smooth. Most progress often comes with setbacks along the way. Sometimes, maybe it feels like we’re taking one step forward and three steps back, but it won’t always be like that. Keep going towards our goals and we can much more easily make the progress we want.
Progress doesn’t always happen in a straight line. As long as we keep working, we will achieve higher levels.
16.What does progress make us do
A.Set lifelong goals. B.Go forward easily.
C.Live healthily and happily. D.Think about new things.
17.What does Paragraph 3 tell us
A.We should support different people. B.Some people can push us to failure.
C.Confidence helps us make progress. D.Different schools expect the same progress.
18.What does the writer say about slow progress
A.It often goes smoothly. B.It still means progress.
C.It sometimes stops progress. D.It always gives us a clear mind.
19.Which word is close to the underlined word “setbacks”
A.Prizes. B.Advantages. C.Excuses. D.Difficulties.
20.Which can be a proper title for the text
A.Ideas about Making Progress B.Keys to Speeding up Progress
C.Meanings of Having Confidence D.Suggestions on Relationships
(2023·河北·中考真题)Do you do team projects at school I do a lot. I enjoy team projects because I like sharing ideas with other people. Of course, team activities aren’t always easy. You need to know how to work well together. Here are some suggestions to make team work easier.
Know the goals Make sure everyone understands the goal of the project. If you’re doing a class project, you need to check the teacher’s instructions carefully and ask questions whenever something isn’t clear. There’s a popular saying: If you don’t know where you’re going, you probably won’t get there.
Assign (指派) roles Everyone should have a role in the team. For example, there should be a leader who helps everyone make decisions. There might be a note-taker who writes down the team’s ideas during meetings, and a time-keeper to control the time. There might also be a fact-checker or a group speaker.
Divide the work For large projects, the work can be divided into smaller tasks. Then you can choose tasks that you do well or enjoy. Of course, you shouldn’t always do the same task. It’s good to try new things, even if they’re difficult!
Make a plan After you divide the work, write down a plan on paper. You can use a calendar to help you. List all the tasks and think about when each one must be finished. It’s important for everyone to follow the plan. And if you can’t finish your part on time, tell the others as soon as possible.
Try to be positive (积极的). Everything is easier when you’re enjoying yourself in the team.
21.How does the writer begin the text
A.By telling a story. B.By asking a question.
C.By showing a saying. D.By sending a message.
22.What is the leader’s main job in the team
A.Controlling the activity time. B.Writing down the team’s ideas.
C.Making speeches for the team. D.Helping the others make decisions.
23.What should you do after dividing the work
A.Set a clear goal. B.Work out a plan.
C.Decide everyone’s role. D.Check the teacher’s examples.
24.What is the writer trying to do in the text
A.Introduce the teacher’s instructions. B.Give information about smaller tasks.
C.Explain the method to do team projects. D.Describe the importance of creative ideas.
(2023·河北·中考真题)My best friend Bill is always trying to find out ways to give the environment a helping hand. One day, Bill brought some green cakes to school. At lunch, he shared his cakes with us. “Delicious!” “Wonderful!” Everyone liked the cakes and wondered how he made them.
The story goes back a few weeks. Bill’s family likes fruit very much. His father especially loves watermelons. He eats a lot of them in summer. They always throw away the skins (皮).
After seeing the cleaner working hard to pick up the heavy rubbish pail (桶), Bill said. “There must be a good way to use all the watermelon skins.”
After a lot of thinking, he decided to make something with the skins. First, he made the skins into juice. Then he carefully made his delicious GREEN cakes.
Once he tasted the cake, he knew his cakes were a great by-product (副产品) of the watermelon eating. And it was nature friendly too.
From now on, he doesn’t need to worry about the heavy waste from eating watermelons. And everyone always wants more of his special cakes.
25.What did Bill share with his classmates one day
A.Something he bought. B.Something he made.
C.Something he planted. D.Something he picked.
26.What do we know about Bill’s family
A.They work very hard. B.They like fruit very much.
C.They help pick up the rubbish. D.They enjoy making green cakes.
27.What will Bill most probably write in his diary
A.I made very good cakes and everyone enjoyed them.
B.I worked with the cleaner and my parents praised me.
C.I made some fruit juice but my classmates needed more.
D.I tried to help others but I worried about the heavy waste.
(2022·河北·中考真题)Nobody wants to lose, but we must accept that losing is a part of life. After all, we can’t win all the time. However, we can learn something valuable from every failure(失败). This may help us succeed in the future. So we must know how to be a good loser.
We must not be afraid of losing. When we lose, just take it with a smile and look on the bright side of it. Failure can’t be avoided in our life. Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb(灯泡). When he was asked how he felt, he said that he hadn’t failed 10,000 times but had learned 10,000 things which didn’t work. We must know that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved success although they failed many times.
Losing is not very disgraceful. We must accept our failure and learn to take advantage of it. Remember that it can be helpful. Take action to walk out of it. When we lose, think about what we did and how we can improve. If someone else can help, we’ll be lucky enough. Maybe he or she has been through the same experience before. Many people enjoy helping others solve problems. This can save us a lot of time in learning how to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
We should face our failure when we lose. There is only one winner in every competition. Some win, while some lose. That is a usual way of life. If we offer our congratulations(祝贺)to the winners and share in their happiness, we won’t feel sorry for our failure.
In a word, being a good loser will help us to succeed in life. It might be painful at the beginning, but there are many advantages. Good losers set examples to us, and most importantly, they finally win.
28.What can we learn from every failure according to the text
A.A way of life. B.A valuable thing. C.A general rule. D.A secret of success.
29.In the writer’s eyes, why did Edison achieve success
A.He got help from others. B.He happened to make it.
C.He avoided possible mistakes. D.He saw the bright side of losing.
30.What does the underlined word “disgraceful” probably mean
A.Bad. B.Personal. C.Dangerous. D.Interesting.
31.What does the writer advise the losers to do in a competition
A.Express the regrets. B.Forget the failure.
C.Share in the winners’ enjoyment. D.Join in another competition.
32.What is the best title for the text
A.Ideas about How to Avoid Mistakes B.Experience in Dealing with Problems
C.Advice on How to Be a Good Loser D.Advantages of both Success and Failure
(2022·河北·中考真题)Presentation(展示)skills are important at school and in other areas of life. Some people don’t like giving presentations because they don’t know what to say or because they get nervous about public speaking. Here’s some advice to help you make presentations easier and more enjoyable.
1. Get organised
The best presentations are well planned and clearly organized. Think about topics(话题)and choose a proper one. In one topic, three or four main ideas will be fine. The beginning of your presentation should be interesting. For example, you can tell a short, funny story to make people laugh.
2. Use photos or videos
Try to use photos or videos. These things make your performance more exciting and help you remember what you’ re going to say. However, you shouldn’t use too many. The “star” of your presentation should be you, not your photos or videos.
3. Practice before your performance
You need to practice many times before the “big day”. Practice saying any unusual words. Then write the main ideas on small cards to help you remember. Practice in front of a mirror and time your presentation. Finally, you can record your performance or ask a friend to watch you and then make suggestions for improvements.
4. Connect with your audience(观众)
Always look at the audience when you speak. Stand up straight, but don’t stand still or move around much. Finally, be sure to thank your audience when you finish speaking. It’s a simple but good way to end any presentation.
33.How can you interest your listeners at the beginning
A.By listing your ideas. B.By telling a funny story.
C.By standing up straight. D.By saying simple words.
34.Which is the “big day” according to the text
A.The day you prepare videos. B.The day you get some advice.
C.The day you visit your friends. D.The day you make a presentation.
35.What is the good way to end your presentation
A.To repeat topics. B.To show thanks.
C.To make suggestions. D.To share main ideas.
36.Which question could best help us find out the writer’s purpose
A.Did the writer try to teach us skills
B.Did the writer help us understand ideas
C.Did the writer invite us to attend a course
D.Did the writer ask us to be polite in public
(2024·河北邯郸·三模)“Are you cold ” This is a question I’ve heard many times since I came to China. I often wear a light jacket and T-shirt during winter, when most other people are wearing heavy clothing. I understand that people are sometimes confused (困惑的) or worried when I wear so little clothing during winter. But when my Chinese friends refuse to eat or drink cold things, even during the heat of summer, I become the one who is confused. They believe that cold food and drinks might harm their health. Where does this belief (信仰) come from
My friends said their parents taught them that cold food and drinks are bad for your body. One friend even told me that cold liquids, such as ice water, can cause the fat in your stomach to become solid (固体) .
But after doing some research of my own, I wasn’t sure if this was truly the case. According to an article I read on Snopes, a website, the food that you eat will quickly match your own internal temperature. This means that it doesn’t matter if you eat something hot or cold. The temperature of the food or drinks will match your own temperature anyway.
But on the other hand, when I get sick, my Chinese friends often tell me “drink some hot water and have a good rest”. And I have to say, following this advice often does make me feel better.
37.What makes the writer become confused
A.Wear heavy clothing in winter. B.Saying no to eat or drink cold things.
C.Turn over the table while eating. D.Wearing light clothing in summer.
38.Why do the Chinese say no to cold food and drinks according to the passage
A.They learn it from their friends.
B.Parents always order them not to do that.
C.Cold food and drinks might be bad for the health.
D.Cold food and drinks must cause stomach cancer.
39.Which word is close to the underlined word “internal”
A.inside B.outside C.normal · D.special
40.When the writer gets sick, his Chinese friends often tell him to ________.
A.take some Chinese medicine. B.drink some ice water.
C.eat food with less fat. D.drink some hot water.
41.What is the best title of the passage
A.Different table manners. B.Great culture.
C.Different beliefs. D.Perfect eating habit.
(2024·河北唐山·三模)Happiness has become a big deal in the past ten years. Hundreds of books, speeches and even the media tell us that happiness is within our reach. All we have to do is to follow some simple steps, like going to deep thoughts, living in the moment and doing yoga (瑜伽). But if you are going through a difficult time, none of these may work.
In fact, feeling deeply sad is a normal (正常的) part of getting better. It is said that if you are going through a hard time, it’s important for you to do something that can make you feel better. Here are some skills that have helped me and many people. Perhaps they can work for you too.
Looking at water while you are in nature can bring quietness. Being outside is also good. But if you’re not anywhere near an ocean, lake or river, looking at shapes of moving water on TV can be soothing.
But if you have lost the ability to find some pleasure in your daily life or from the people around you, think about the time you were at your happiest. Doing this actually sends chemicals to your brain, and it can make you feel better. If it still doesn’t work, something worse may have happened to you. You’d better think about getting yourself checked out by doctors.
We can’t allow our feelings of low points to rule our lives, but we can’t think little of them, either. They must be treated carefully so that we can move on.
42.According to the passage, if you are in a difficult time, ________ may be helpful.
A.going to deep thoughts B.doing yoga as much as possible
C.living in the moment D.doing something that can make you feel better
43.You can feel ________ when you look at water in nature.
A.excited B.sad C.quiet D.nervous
44.The underlined word “soothing” in the passage means “________ ”.
A.nervous B.comfortable C.crazy D.excited
45.If you don’t have ability to find any happiness in your daily life, you should ________.
A.go to see a doctor B.look at water in nature
C.watch TV D.think about the sad time
46.What is the best title for the passage
A.How to Find Happiness B.Our Feelings
C.Water Can Make You Quiet D.Happiness Is a Kind of Feeling
(2024·河北张家口·三模)Everyone has a better self in their hearts. But for many people, it is hard for them to make a change for that, especially a big one. Once we fail in that, we are less likely to do well in the future. Success leads to success, and failure repeats failure. But by taking small steps, we all can be a better one. Here are three practical examples.
Tidying your house. No matter how large or small a house you have, you may often delay the “spring clean” again and again until the summer comes. A big clean is seldom enjoyable, but you can tell yourself, “Today, I will do the bedroom, and nothing more.” Or, “I will do the chairs this morning, and the tables this afternoon.” It will probably take you longer, but it gets done.
Sporting achievement. To many people around the world, running a marathon (马拉松) is usually something impossible. But anything is simply one small step after another. Those great runners often repeat, “Just to the top of that hill,” or, “Just one more mile,” over and over—until one mile becomes 26.2 miles.
Changing your character (性格). There’s a lot of truth in the power (力量) of habit. When we do a thing over and over, our brains will form a fixed mind-set. It’s impossible to “be kind” overnight. It takes small change step by step. So, try to do one kind thing before lunch. Do another one before you go to bed. Over time, you will easily and habitually do kind things one day. You’ve become kind.
Rome was not built in a day and so does making changes. Slowly, slowly and over great time, great things can be done.
47.What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A.Everyone can be a better one. B.Everyone has a big dream.
C.Failure is the mother of success. D.There’s no way to success.
48.What does the underlined word “delay” probably mean
A.Hear of. B.Put off. C.Put up. D.Look at.
49.In the writer’s eyes, what makes those great runners
A.Having good luck. B.Being kind to others.
C.Getting help from others. D.Sticking to what they want.
50.Which is a proper structure (结构) of the text
A. B. C. D.
51.What is the best title for the text
A.Become Better Little by Little B.Live a Successful Life
C.Make a Difference to the World D.Change Your Character
(2024·河北邯郸·三模)These days, we easily feel stressed as we need to do lots of work every day. It’s important to know how to solve problems and find ways to relax.
We should try organizing our problems from most important to least important as well as most urgent (紧急的) to least urgent. If some problems are both important and urgent, such as studying for a next-day test, do those tasks first. Once those are done, work on things that are important but not urgent, such as preparing for the final exams. From there, we can work on problems that are less important. Organizing our work this way helps a lot in knowing what to do first and not worrying about the rest.
Sometimes we feel stressed because we are not able to complete the task by ourselves. It’s better to ask someone for help. If we stick to doing these tasks ourselves, it can make us more stressed and upset. Open your mouth bravely, and someone must give you a hand.
Still, sometimes we don’t feel relaxed even after organizing our work well. That’s okay. We can try to plan some exercise in our daily life. It doesn’t even have to be a big trip to the gym, although that surely helps. It could be something as small as walking around the neighborhood for 10 minutes. Also, we can try different activities together with our family members or friends.
We can try meditation (冥想). Again, this does not need to be anything special. Just set aside 10to 20 minutes with a timer, sit upright, close your eyes, and focus only on breathing. If other ideas come up, accept that they are there and let them fall away on their own.
By trying these steps, we will go a long way toward feeling relaxed and peaceful when finishing all of the work.
52.In which order should we organize our tasks
a. Both important and urgent tasks. b. Less important tasks.
c. Important but not urgent tasks. d. Neither important nor urgent tasks.
A.a→b→c→d B.a→c→b→d C.d→c→b→a D.d→b→c→a
53.What does Paragraph 3 tell us
A.Always complete the tasks by ourselves. B.We can tell the truth to other people.
C.Try to give a helping hand to others. D.We should ask for help sometimes.
54.What does the writer advise us to do to relax in Paragraph 4
A.Go on a big trip. B.Take a walk around.
C.Spend time organizing our work well. D.Do the same activity every day.
55.What should we do when other ideas come up during meditation
A.Lie down and set a timer. B.Try to breathe gently.
C.Just leave them alone. D.Open and then close our eyes.
56.Which can be a proper title for the text
A.Ways of Organizing Tasks B.Advice on Dealing with Stress
C.Advantages of Taking Exercise D.Keys to Keeping a Peaceful Mind
(2023·河北保定·三模)The day I learned to tie my shoes still brings to mind happy memories of my childhood.
I was nervously looking forward to beginning my first grade at school. My mom recently finished making some new clothes and buying new shoes for me.
The shoes were black-and-white saddle oxfords(马鞍鞋), typical schoolgirl shoes back then. I thought they were very pretty and I certainly took pride in them. But I worried about what I would do if they became undone while I was at school, because I didn’t know how to tie them.
Living on a small farm in the foothills of North Carolina, and being something of a Tomboy(假小子), I spent much time with my dad. I would do things like handing him the tools when he was repairing something. Dad was a good hand when it came to fixing things. Also, his work shoes had laces(鞋带), too. That made him the perfect person to teach me how to tie shoes. He showed me the steps again and again, and then had me try to copy what he did a few times. At last, I got it!
I happily wore my new saddle oxfords to school, I could tie the laces so well that they hardly ever needed retying(重新系). Even now, whenever I tie something, I will remember the wonderful times I spent with my father.
57.What made the writer worried when she began her first grade at school
A.She didn’t have any friends at school.
B.She had to go to school by herself.
C.She didn’t know how to tie her shoes.
D.She didn’t know any of her classmates.
58.Which is the proper word to describe the writer’s father
A.Brave. B.Patient. C.Humorous. D.Active.
59.What is the main idea of the text
A.My first grade school life.
B.Happy times with my father.
C.Ways to tie shoes with laces.
D.New clothes and shoes for me.
(2023·河北唐山·二模)It was the weekend. Jade was enjoying a rest in the garden. Just then, she saw Karen riding a bike past her house. Jade thought that a nice bike ride with her friend would be fun. “Hi Karen!” called Jade. “Do you mind if I join you for a bicycle ride ” “That would be great!” answered Karen. So Jade hurried off to get her bicycle. The two friends rode off.
“Why don’t we ride down to the forest That will be exciting,” suggested Jade. “The road to the forest is very bumpy (颠簸的)” said Karen. She always took care when out riding her bike. “Oh, come on!” said Jade. Carefully riding their bikes between the rocks and fallen branches on the road, the two friends finally ached the forest. Jade picked some beautiful flowers and handed half of them to Karen. “Here’s your reward (奖励) after that long ride!”
After a break, the girls decided to head for home. They got on their bikes but a bad luck! They discovered that they both had flat tyres (轮胎瘪了). “I told you the road was terrible, and now look what happened!” Karen said. “I’m sorry,” said Jade.
“Don’t worry, it’s not that bad. I’ve had an idea,” said Karen kindly. “Did you see that empty truck We can ask the driver to take us home. And we can pick some flowers for everyone!”
“That’s a wonderful idea,” said Jade. They went over to the driver to ask for help and the driver agreed happily. Getting into the truck, Jade said, “Thanks, Karen. You always look on the bright side of any problem!”
60.According to the passage, how did Jade and Karen feel when they arrived at the forest
A.Angry. B.Tired. C.Happy. D.Surprised.
61.What do we know about Karen
A.She likes taking risks. B.She looks on the bright side.
C.She is good at driving a truck. D.She knows the truck driver well.
62.What is the best title for the text
A.A Friend in Need B.A Disappointing Day
C.A Truck in the Forest D.An Unforgettable Bike Ride
(2023·河北唐山·二模)Dear Sofia,
I can’t believe another year has flown by! I thought I’d write and let you know what we’ve all been up to.
So far, the second year at university has been a lot harder than the first. I had to pull a few all-nighters (通宵达旦) to get my coursework done on time. I even considered leaving the basketball team, but friends persuaded (说服) me to keep at it and I’m glad they did, because it does give me a welcome break from the library.
I decided to take up the chance of a year’s work placement (实习岗位) before my final year. It was hard to find one, though. Placements got taken quickly. Thankfully, my cousin Rob helped me get one, in a big company and with good pay. I’m hoping everything will work out well.
I’m hoping to get to France in the New Year, so I can see my sister and her family there. She had another baby in June. Hannah and Kristin are enjoying having a little brother to play with. They love the of Marseilles and I can’t see them ever moving back. I’m also planning to visit my grandma and grandpa over the holiday. Grandma’s not in the best of health and looking after her is lots of work for Grandpa. He still hangs on to his old car, although he does find driving a lot more difficult than he used to.
Anyway, I think that’s all from me.
With much love,
63.How is Rose going with her university life
A.She sometimes has heavy schoolwork. B.She is ahead of most students.
C.She is considering giving up. D.She is falling behind.
64.What does Rose think of work placements
A.They are in great need. B.They are easy to find.
C.They are not necessary. D.They do not pay well.
65.How are Rose’s grandparents
A.Their health is in bad condition. B.Grandma has a lot of work to do.
C.Grandpa has to look after Grandma. D.Their life is getting better and better.
(2023·河北衡水·三模)Jacky feels different these days. He isn’t as playful as usual and doesn’t like to talk much. Some of us may feel like Jacky sometimes. When unexpected things happen, we can feel like this. There are also some other things that can put us in bad moods. Here are some examples. We might feel bad if we’re not getting along well with our friends, or if we do poorly on an exam. Having bad moods too often can affect our mental (心理的) health. The 4 habits below can harm our mental health.
Sleep too little
A lack of sleep can make us feel bad.
Lack of exercise
For the best result, try to do no less than 30 minutes of exercise three to five times a week.
Bad diets
Studies have shown that eating cakes and bread in large quantities, and low amounts of fruit and vegetables will increase the risk of depression (沮丧) and mood disorders.
Being inside all day
Spending the most of our day indoors can increase our risk for depression.
Don’t be afraid of having bad moods. The tips below can help us overcome them.
·Accept our moods
No one can be happy all the time. Our friends and parents can also have bad moods sometimes. Bad moods are normal. Accept this first and then we can find ways to deal with them.
·Let our bad feelings out
When we feel unhappy or upset, don’t hide our feelings or pretend nothing is wrong. We can find a comfortable way to let them out.
·We can talk to our parents or friends.
·We can write about our feelings in our diary.
·We can read our favorite books.
·We can play sports or do some other kinds of activities.
·Set a new goal
Messing up (搞砸) something can put us in a bad mood, too. But we can just try harder next time. For example:
·We didn’t win a soccer game. Try to score a goal next time.
·We didn’t do well on an exam. Try to get five more points next time.
·We had an argument with our friend. Next time, try to talk to him or her in a nice way.
·Remember that bad things will end
No matter what makes us feel bad, it will end at last. Remembering this will help us feel better.
66.What can affect our mental health
A.Feeling different sometimes. B.Doing well on exams.
C.Getting along well with our friends. D.Having bad moods too often.
67.For the best result, we should exercise ________.
A.at least 30 minutes three to five times a week B.no more than 30 minutes three to four times a week
C.no less than 30 minutes twice a week D.at least 30 minutes twice a week
68.How many examples does the writer give on messing up something
A.Three. B.Four. C.Seven. D.Eight.
69.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.How to be different. B.How to exercise.
C.How to get rid of bad moods. D.How to get rid of bad diets.
70.If Jacky reads about the article, what will he probably do to make himself playful again
A.He will probably have a talk with his parents.
B.He will probably argue with his friend.
C.He will probably remember his bad feelings.
D.He will probably mess up something.
Dear readers, China is getting stronger and stronger. And China’s products are everywhere around the world. They are popular not only because of the good price but also because of the good quality. There are many famous products in China. Now our newspaper, Changing China, is collecting the introduction of special local products.
①Name: kite Made in: Weifang History: Over 2,000 years Material: Bamboo, paper or cloth or plastic, string Use: Sending messages (in the old days); for fun and exercise (today) Meaning: People’s wishes for a better life ②Name: china Made in: Jingdezhen History: About 4,200 years Material: clay Use: Being enjoyed by people; holding things Meaning: A symbol of traditional Chinese culture
There are some ways you can contact us: *Send an e-mail to us. The e-mail address is newchaningchina@. *Leave a message on our WeChat public account “巨变中国”. *Write to us, No.75 Heping Rd, Xi’an. Come and introduce the special products in your hometown!
71.What kind of writing is the text
A.News. B.Story. C.E-mail. D.Notice.
72.In ancient times, the kites were used to ________.
A.hold things B.celebrate the festival
C.send messages D.keep healthy
73.The underlined word “contact” probably means “________” in the text.
A.agree with B.communicate with
C.compete with D.make friends with
74.What’s the purpose of the passage
A.To show how strong our country has become.
B.To make people know more about kites and china.
C.To show good price and quality of China’s products.
D.To ask more people to introduce their special local products.
1.D 2.D 3.A
4.D 5.B 6.D 7.C
8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.B
13.C 14.B 15.C
16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A
21.B 22.D 23.B 24.C
25.B 26.B 27.A
28.B 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.C
33.B 34.D 35.B 36.A
37.B 38.C 39.A 40.D 41.C
42.D 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.A
47.A 48.B 49.D 50.C 51.A
52.B 53.D 54.B 55.C 56.B
57.C 58.B 59.B
60.C 61.B 62.D
63.A 64.A 65.C
66.D 67.A 68.A 69.C 70.A
71.D 72.C 73.B 74.D
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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