专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (广西专用)(含答案)

专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (广西专用)考 2年模拟 (广西专用)
(2024·广西·中考真题)Have you ever imagined what bees can do with their tiny brains Now scientists are looking into a bee’s brain.
Clint Perry, a scientist, has spent much time studying how bees think. He says studying bees is not very different from studying other animals. “The main difficulty is to design (设计) an experiment (实验) bee and get what we want,” he says. “With humans, we can ask them a question and get an answer. But we can’t use the same way to get an answer from bees. They are just trying to get sugar. Bees like sugar.”
The fact that bees like sugar is helpful for scientists to design experiments. For example, in one experiment, Perry gave bees a task: to find delicious sugar on a landing place above a black bar (棒). Perry made the task easier or harder by moving the landing place farther from or closer to the black bar. He found that bees would avoid the task when it was difficult. And when the task was easy, bees would try it.
As for humans, we might choose not to take a test when we weren’t ready for it. And we might choose to take the test when we were well prepared. In the same way, bees seemed to make decisions like humans.
Perry points out that we are not sure whether bees actually make a thoughtful choice from experiments. Now scientists still do not know how bees manage to do so much with their tiny brains. But learning more about how bees’ brains work could help us learn more about how our own brains deal with information.
1.What did Perry study in his experiments
A.How bees sleep. B.How bees think. C.How bees dream.
2.What can we know from Paragraph 2
A.Bees can talk. B.Bees are lazy. C.Bees like sugar.
3.What would bees do when the task was easy according to Paragraph 3
A.They would try it. B.They would avoid it. C.They would praise it.
4.What’s the importance of looking into bees’ brains
A.It helps us learn how human brains work.
B.It tells us how to make thoughtful choices.
C.It lets us know how to deal with information.
5.Where is the article probably taken from
A.A travel magazine. B.A sports magazine. C.A science magazine.
(2024·广西·中考真题)Betty lived in a small town. Beautiful flowers were seen everywhere in the town. Because of the shyness, Betty just stood with few words in public. The shy girl hardly talked to people in social activities. She was often considered as a quiet girl in the community. She felt like a wallflower and wondered if she would go unnoticed all the time.
However, her closest friend, Fiona, was completely different. Fiona loved to communicate with others and she encouraged Betty to change. She told Betty that life wasn’t always as beautiful as roses and that everyone was able to make it full of roses.
With the encouragement of Fiona, Betty began to change. Instead of being a wallflower, she started attending a community theater class. She took an active part in acting in the theater group. Her gift for acting began to shine. However, new difficulties were never far away. One of Betty’s classmates became a thorn (刺) in her side. The classmate was not satisfied with her achievements, but Betty continued to deal with the situation. She managed to show herself and became friends with the classmate. All the changes made her feel fresh every day.
Betty’s hard work paid off when the town’s famous director, Mr. Johnson, watched one of her plays. He liked her acting so much that he offered her the lead role in his new play. Betty’s moment arrived. People were happy to watch her show.
Finally, Betty became a confident (自信的) girl. Her change was like a beautiful rose in full flower. She encountered many difficulties which taught her that there’s no rose without a thorn. But those thorns helped her develop her abilities. Betty proved (证明) that personal changes were possible for anyone.
6.Why did Betty stand with few words in public
A.Because she was shy. B.Because she was great. C.Because she was tidy.
7.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Betty’s encouragement. B.Betty’s changes. C.Betty’s gift for acting.
8.What can we infer (推断) from Paragraph 4
A.Johnson was good at writing.
B.Directors often act in plays.
C.Betty did well in her show.
9.What does the underlined word “encountered” probably mean in Paragraph 5
A.Gave. B.Met. C.Forgot.
10.What does Betty’s story tell us
A.The more changes we make, the more confident we are.
B.Friendship makes it possible for everyone to change.
C.It’s possible for everyone to make a change.
(2023·广西·中考真题)Southern white rhinos (犀牛) mainly live in Africa. They are very large in size, about 4 metres long, 1.75 metres high, and over two tons in weight. There are two horns (角) on the nose. The front horn is over half a metre long, while the other one is smaller. Southern white rhinos are not really white. They are grey in colour. “White” may come from the Afrikaans word for “wide”. It has some connection with their wide mouths.
Southern white rhinos live on grass, leaves, fruit and so on. They have very poor eyesight. However, they have good hearing and an excellent sense of smell. Their skin (皮肤) is nearly 5 cm thick but is very sensitive. During the day, they try to find a cool place to avoid sunburn. Southern white rhinos lie in mud (泥浆) when they can, as it sticks to their skin and protects them from the bright African sun.
Some humans kill rhinos for their horns. They sell horns to those who believe horns have magic powers or can treat sickness. It puts southern white rhinos in danger.
Now many actions are taken to protect southern white rhinos. The international trade in rhino horn has been stopped in the world. Besides, many protected areas have been built, especially in South Africa. Up to 2020, more than 20 countries have made rules to protect southern white rhinos. Today the number of southern white rhinos has increased to over 20,000 in the wild.
11.Where do southern white rhinos mainly live
A.In Europe. B.In America. C.In Africa.
12.What colour are southern white rhinos
A.Red. B.Blue. C.Grey.
13.What does the underlined word “sensitive” probably mean in Paragraph 2
A.健康的 B.敏感的 C.光滑的
14.Why do some humans kill southern white rhinos
A.For their horns. B.For their meat. C.For their noses.
15.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.Ways to feed southern white rhinos.
B.Actions of protecting southern white rhinos.
C.Places for southern white rhinos to live in.
(2023·广西·中考真题)Peng Shilu was born in a family of heroes in Haifeng, Guangdong in 1925. When he was less than five years old, his parents died. The young boy was taken care of and protected by the poor, and he moved between different families and lived a difficult life. The people’s kindness influenced him deeply at his early age.
In 1940, Peng Shilu was taken to Chongqing. Later, with the help of the CPC (中国共产党), he went to study in Yan’an. In 1951, he went abroad to learn chemical engineering. When he completed his studies, he got an excellent grade.
In 1956, Peng Shilu was asked, “Are you willing to change your research field ”
“Of course, as long as the motherland has a need!” With the strong belief (信念), Peng Shilu began to study nuclear power (核能) at once. In the early 1960s, China’s development of nuclear submarines (核潜艇) was almost a “blank”. Peng Shilu and other scientists were learning, exploring and practicing. In 1970, China’s first nuclear submarine was built. In 1974, China became the fifth country in the world to have a nuclear submarine.
Peng Shilu worked very hard. He spent all his life on nuclear power. “I have only done two things in my life. One is to build nuclear submarines and the other is to build nuclear power stations,” said Peng Shilu.
He died on March 22, 2021, at the age of 96. As a pioneer in nuclear power, he is remembered by the people and the country. On March 3, 2022, he was named “Touching China’s Figure of the Year 2021”.
16.What influenced Peng Shilu deeply at his early age
A.The scientists’ spirit. B.The people’s kindness. C.The teachers’ words
17.Why did Peng Shilu change his research field
A.The field was easier
B.He wanted to be famous
C.The motherland had a need
18.When was China’s first nuclear submarine built
A.In 1970 B.In 1956 C.In 1940
19.Which of the following best describes Peng Shilu
A.Honest and polite
B.Humorous and strict
C.Hardworking and selfless
20.What’s the best title for the text
A.A Pioneer in Nuclear Power
B.A Suggestion for Further Study
C.A Study on the History of the CPC
(2022·广西桂林·中考真题)China’s Twenty-four Solar Terms is considered to be the country’s fifth great invention. It has been added to UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录).
The Twenty-four Solar Terms was invented by ancient Chinese. At that time, most people were farmers. They had to learn about the movement of the sun in a year and do the farming accordingly. The Twenty-four Solar Terms shows the changes of climate, seasons and some biological phenomena (生物现象). For example, Rain Water is between February 18th and February 20th. When it comes, the temperature goes up, snow melts and there will be more and more rain. Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter are openings of the four seasons. Awakening of Insects is between arch 5th and March 6th. During this period, many living things come out after a long winter of silence.
The Twenty-four Solar Terms shows ancient Chinese people’s wisdom. Now it is added to UNESCO’s heritage list. This means that it is accepted and will be accepted by more and more people in the world.
21.Why did ancient Chinese invent the Twenty-four Solar Terms
A.Because they wanted to tell the differences of four seasons.
B.Because they wanted to learn something about the sun.
C.Because they wanted to help them do the farming.
D.Because most of them were farmers.
22.When is Rain Water
A.It is between February 18th and March 20th.
B.It is between February 18th and February 20th.
C.It is between March 5th and March 6th.
D.It is between March 18th and March 20th.
23.What happens when Awakening of Insects comes
A.Summer begins. B.The temperature goes down.
C.There will be more and more snow. D.The snake comes out after a long winter sleep.
24.How many solar terms are mentioned in the article
A.Two solar terms are mentioned. B.Four solar terms are mentioned.
C.Five solar terms are mentioned. D.Six solar terms are mentioned.
25.According to the passage, which of the following is Not True
A.The Twenty-four Solar Terms shows that ancient Chinese people were wise.
B.The Twenty-four Solar Terms is one of the four great inventions.
C.The Twenty-four Solar Terms is added to UNESCO’s heritage list.
D.The Twenty-four Solar Terms is accepted in the world.
(2022·广西桂林·中考真题)If you want to make yourself happy, then you should know what to do. Here are some suggestions for you.
Get enough sleep. Enough sleep makes you healthy. A healthy body brings you more fun. You should sleep for 7 to 9 hours each night. Make sure to go to bed and get up around the same time every day.
Eat healthy meals. Another thing you can make yourself happier is to eat three healthy meals a day. It will provide you with energy, and make you think well. No matter how busy you are, be careful of what you eat. Because it can improve your happiness.
Find time to relax. You should try to give yourself at least 30 minutes a day for relaxation. You can’t spend every second of your day working, or you’ll feel tired and terrible. You may read a magazine, watch TV or talk to your best friend on the phone to relax yourself.
26.According to the writer, we should sleep for ________ each night.
A.1 to 2 hours B.3 to 4 hours C.7 to 9 hours D.12 to 15 hours
27.The writer suggests that we go to bed and get up around the ________ time every day.
A.early B.same C.different D.late
28.Healthy meals can provide us with ________.
A.energy B.sleep C.suggestions D.ways
29.We may ________ to relax ourselves according to the writer.
A.eat some snacks B.have some drinks C.work all day D.talk to the best friend
30.The writer gives ________ suggestions to make us happy.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
What can trees tell us about climate (气候) change Quite a lot, actually! But to understand what the trees tell us, we first have to understand the difference between weather and climate.
Weather is a specific (具体的) event — like a rain storm or hot day — that happens over a short period of time. Weather can be tracked (追踪) within hours or days. Climate is the weather conditions in a place over a long period of time (30 years or more).
Scientists at the National Weather Service have been keeping track of weather in the United States since 1891. But trees can keep a much longer record of Earth’s climate. In fact, trees can live for hundreds — and sometimes even thousands — of years!
One way that scientists use trees to learn about past climate is by studying a tree’s rings. If you’ve ever seen a tree stump (树桩), you probably noticed that the top of the stump had some rings.
These rings can tell us how old the tree is, and what the weather was like during each year of the tree’s life. The light-colored rings represent (代表) wood that grew in the spring and early summer, while the dark rings represent wood that grew in the late summer and fall. One light ring and one dark ring represents one year of the tree’s life.
Because trees are easily influenced by local climate conditions, such as rain and temperature, they give scientists some information about that area’s local climate in the past. For example, tree rings usually grow wider in warm, wet years and they are thinner in years when it is cold and dry. If the tree has experienced difficult conditions, such as a drought (干旱), the tree might hardly grow at all in those years.
31.What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A.Telling stories about the weather.
B.Telling stories about the climate.
C.Compare the weather and the climate.
32.When would dark rings would appear
A.In spring. B.In summer. C.In the late summer and fall.
33.Which picture shows the rings in dry seasons
A. B. C.
34.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE
A.Climate is a specific event.
B.These tree rings can tell us how much the tree is.
C.Trees are easily influenced by local climate conditions.
35.What is the text mainly about
A.The life of a tree.
B.Trees and climate change.
C.The need to plant trees.
(2024·广西贺州·三模)China’s 15-year-old Chen Ye won gold in the men’s park final of skateboarding (滑板男子碗池决赛) at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou on Sept 25.
Chen started getting into this sport in 2016. “I remember one day I went to a sports store, and by chance, I saw a skateboard. I decided to give it a try,” Chen told China Youth Daily. Although it was really challenging to stay on the board at first, Chen found it very interesting. “Every time I did some difficult skills, I felt the happiness of making breakthroughs (突破),” said Chen.
Gradually, Chen needed a better skatepark for training. To meet the need, his father decided to make a skate bowl himself. “He would work on it late into the night, sometimes until three or four in the morning,” said Chen. “I’m really thankful for my father’s support.”
As a junior high school student, Chen needed to find a balance between his schoolwork and skateboarding. His only privilege was being free from P.E. classes, during which he would do schoolwork because he needed to practice in his own skate bowl for hours after returning home.
He trained in the morning, studied in the afternoon and sometimes had to extra (额外的) classes with the teachers’ help. While getting ready for the competition this year, Chen even disagreed with his father over his study schedule. He wanted to train for more hours at night to avoid interfering (干扰) with daytime classes.
Looking at the seven years of learning skating, Chen said this experience made him stronger and more confident to do something he truly loves.
36.How many years has Chen Ye learned skateboarding
A.Six years. B.Eight years. C.Seven years.
37.What did Chen’s father do for him to support his training skateboarding
A.Bought a skate bowl for Chen.
B.Helped Chen to train skateboarding.
C.Made a skate bowl by himself for Chen.
38.What does the underlined word “privilege” mean in Chinese
A.特权 B.自由 C.空间
39.Why did Chen disagree with his father over his study schedule while getting ready for competition this year
A.He hated to have classes.
B.He didn’t like his father’s help.
C.He wanted to train more hours on skateboarding at night.
40.What’s the best title of this passage
A.Chen Ye and Studying
B.Chen Ye and Gold Medal
C.Chen Ye Loves Skating and Studying
(2023·广西梧州·一模)China is a big country of food and its food culture is well-known in the world. From ancient China to modern China, food recipes (食谱) have been developed all the time, and some recipes are not only popular in China, but also all over the world.
Rice noodles cooked with river snails (螺蛳粉), a kind of popular street food of Liuzhou in Guangxi, are becoming a popular snack at home and abroad.
Known as Luosifen in Chinese, the dish is usually sold from roadside stands (路边摊) in night markets in Guangxi.
The dish was listed as part of Liuzhou’s intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in 2008 and became popular after being introduced in the food show A Bite of China in 2012. Since then, Luosifen restaurants have developed quickly across the country.
It’s said that 28.4 million packets (包) of Luosifen were sold on Taobao last year, becoming the most popular snack on the online marketplace.
According to the commerce office in Liuzhou, the value of prepackaged Luosifen reached about 5 billion yuan in the first half of the year.
It was also one of the best-selling foods during the COVID-19 in China.
Experts said that a total of around 7.5 million yuan’s (about $1.1 million) worth of Luosifen was exported from Liuzhou from January to June in 2020, eight times the total export value in 2019. In addition to the traditional export markets, including the US, Australia, France, the delicious dish has also been delivered to new markets such as Singapore and New Zealand.
On July 14, 2020, over 14,000 packets of Luosifen produced by Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd. (有限公司) were exported to Russia.
41.Where are rice noodles cooked with river snails usually sold
A.On the roadside stands. B.In the supermarket. C.In the big restaurants.
42.Luosifen restaurants have developed quickly all over the country since ________.
A.the year 2008 B.the year 2012 C.the year 2019
43.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “export” in Chinese
A.进口 B.扩充 C.出口
44.Which of the following markets is new for rice noodles cooked with river snails
A.America. B.Australia. C.Singapore.
45.What does this article mainly talk about
A.Food. B.Education. C.Sport.
(2023·广西梧州·一模)Job wanted
Teacher Work for new child-care program on weekdays. He should have at least two years’ teaching experience. Call 921-5565. Driver We need a man aged from 30 to 45. He needs to work in the evening and on the weekends. Call Peter at 697-3135.
Cook A part-time with experience. Prepare lunch for five students. Monday-Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Call 758-6328. Babysitter A caring woman with experience to take care of a 2-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl in our home. 25 to 30 hours from Monday to Friday. Call 275-4213.
46.How many children does the babysitter need to take care of
A.2. B.4. C.6.
47.The cook needs to work ________ day(s) every week.
A.1 B.2 C.5
48.The ________ needs to work on the weekends.
A.cook B.babysitter C.driver
49.If Tim wants to work for new child-care program, he could call ________.
A.697-3135 B.921-5565 C.758-6328
50.If one wants to work as a cook, he/she needs to prepare ________ for the students.
A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C
6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C
11.C 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.B
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.A
21.C 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.B
26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.B
31.C 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.B
36.B 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.C
41.A 42.B 43.C 44.C 45.A
46.A 47.C 48.C 49.B 50.B
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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