专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (江西专用)(含答案)

专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (江西专用)
Anansi the Wise
Some people think they know everything. Anansi the spider didn’t think that. He was a 1 spider. And he knew to have real wisdom (智慧). He had to learn more.
One day, Anansi found a (an) 2 gourd on the ground and he had an idea. “ 3 I get advice from others and put it in this gourd, then I’ll be wiser than anyone else in the world.”
So, he went from house to house and asked the other creatures (生物), “What’s your best piece of 4 ” And they were all happy to share their wisdom, because they could see that Anansi 5 it.
The snail (蜗牛) said, “Don’t be in a hurry. 6 is not a 100-meter race.”
The butterfly said, “Life is short. Enjoy every day.”
The ant said, “You’ll 7 be great on your own. Everyone needs the help of others.”
Anansi was very happy with all this advice. He took it and put it in 8 gourd. And when he’d filled the gourd, he thought to himself, “Now, I have more wisdom than anyone else. I must 9 the wisdom, so no one can steal it.” He 10 and saw a hole high up in a tree, and he had an idea.
Anansi held the gourd in two legs and tried to 11 the tree with his other six legs. But the gourd was too big and he couldn’t climb. His son was nearby watching him. “Daddy,” he said, “why don’t you 12 the gourd to your back and then climb the tree ” “That’s very good advice,” said Anansi. “Thank you for sharing it with me.” And then Anansi realized that advice is only 13 when we share it with someone.
So, he climbed the tree with the gourd on his back. And when Anansi reached the 14 , he held the gourd up to the wind. All the advice flew into the sky and traveled 15 the land. And wisdom came to everyone.
1.A.quiet B.crazy C.poor D.clever
2.A.empty B.small C.soft D.broken
3.A.So B.If C.Before D.Although
4.A.news B.work C.advice D.wood
5.A.stood B.forgot C.missed D.needed
6.A.Action B.Sport C.Life D.Health
7.A.always B.often C.never D.usually
8.A.his B.her C.its D.their
9.A.find B.sell C.hide D.collect
10.A.fell asleep B.showed up C.ran away D.looked around
11.A.hit B.climb C.pull D.shake
12.A.send B.hand C.turn D.tie
13.A.simple B.useful C.interesting D.real
14.A.top B.house C.ground D.mountain
15.A.across B.with C.into D.under
(2023·江西·中考真题)Saving Baby Elephants
Mishak rubs (擦) his eyes when he prepares warm milk. Like other people looking after babies, he is 16 . It is 5:30 a.m., and he hasn’t had much sleep. Mishak sits next to the baby elephant, smiles and makes sure she finishes the breakfast.
Mishak is a 17 from an elephant rescue (救援) center. 18 , many elephants meet problems, so they need rescuing here. For one thing, hunters 19 elephants for their ivory. For another, people build homes and plant fields where 20 used to live. Hungry elephants walk into the villages and fields to look for food. They often cause serious damage(破坏), so farmers kill 21 . As a result, adult elephants often leave their babies behind.
When a baby elephant 22 its mother, it’s also in great danger. This is because it needs its mother’s milk for about four years. 23 this milk, the baby has little chance to live. Research shows that elephants, like people, have 24 . If the mother elephant dies, the baby elephant often becomes sad and ill.
The center’s job is to raise these baby elephants and send them back to the 25 step by step. First, keepers take turns looking after the baby elephants 26 they don’t want an elephant to depend on one of the keepers too much. Then keepers take the elephants into the forest. This is a(n) 27 part of the process because the elephants learn how to eat in the wild and communicate with others. When an elephant is four and no longer needs 28 , keepers move it to the wild. This makes elephants become 29 . It often takes them eight to ten years to get used to the wild.
At bedtime, Mishak has to lie down and 30 with his baby elephant. Mishak says that when he leaves the babies, they cry. Does he need an alarm to wake up “Oh, no,” he says. “The elephants are our alarms.”
16.A.nervous B.down C.tired D.shy
17.A.teacher B.keeper C.doctor D.policeman
18.A.Unluckily B.Finally C.Excitedly D.Suddenly
19.A.buy B.kill C.keep D.collect
20.A.hunters B.elephants C.adults D.keepers
21.A.us B.it C.her D.them
22.A.loses B.helps C.saves D.follows
23.A.By B.For C.As D.Without
24.A.foods B.homes C.friends D.feelings
25.A.center B.zoo C.wild D.city
26.A.unless B.but C.or D.because
27.A.easy B.fast C.important D.strange
28.A.milk B.fruits C.grass D.leaves
29.A.brave B.popular C.friendly D.patient
30.A.work B.play C.study D.sleep
(2022·江西·中考真题)Sit With Us
You’re at your new school. It’s lunch time, but you don’t have anyone to sit with. You want to join someone at their table, 31 you’re not sure if they’re friendly. What do you do Natalie’s 32 of solving the problem was to create an app. She knows what it feels like to be alone at a new school. She found it difficult to make new friends and had to 33 a new table at lunch every day. If she sat 34 , she felt lonely. But if she asked to join someone and was 35 , she felt embarrassed. She created a lunch-planning app to help students like 36 find people to have lunch with.
The app — called Sit With Us — is 37 . If a student is having lunch in the afternoon, he or she can create an invitation. Other students can open the app and 38 that invitation. They can then use the app to decide when and where to 39 . This allows students to make 40 online instead of face-to-face. This is the reason why it works so 41 : it lowers the risk of being refused, and the embarrassment that goes along with it.
Natalie is 42 to see that people are replying to her app actively — especially those who suffer from bullying (遭受欺凌). Soon after she made her app available to the public, she won a prize for it. She 43 appeared in many news stories.
Natalie was even asked to speak at a university. In her 44 , Natalie wanted people to know that you don’t have to do something 45 to change lives. Sometimes, a simple thing — like having a friend to enjoy lunch with — can make all the difference.
31.A.so B.or C.for D.but
32.A.habit B.course C.method D.question
33.A.search for B.fix up C.give out D.get away from
34.A.on time B.in a hurry C.by herself D.in public
35.A.called B.refused C.discussed D.believed
36.A.us B.it C.her D.them
37.A.cheap B.simple C.private D.noisy
38.A.miss B.make C.send D.accept
39.A.stop B.study C.meet D.exercise
40.A.plans B.trouble C.reports D.dinner
41.A.late B.well C.hard D.loudly
42.A.upset B.sorry C.happy D.angry
43.A.also B.just C.still D.seldom
44.A.book B.talk C.school D.picture
45.A.big B.new C.similar D.enjoyable
(2024·江西景德镇·三模)Chinese traditional culture is made up of many customs and traditions passed down through generations (世代).
One important value is “filial piety”, which means 46 and caring for elders. This is really important in Chinese families and communities, and it means having good 47 with family and others in the community.
In China, people celebrate lots of traditional festivals around the year. The most important one is the Lunar New Year, also called the Spring Festival. Families 48 for big dinners, give lucky money in red envelopes, and set off fireworks (烟花) to 49 the new year. There are also other festivals like the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Double Ninth Festival. These festivals have special customs, food, and 50 that show Chinese culture.
Art is also important in Chinese tradition. Calligraphy (书法) and brush painting are very valued 51 of art. Calligraphy is a way of writing that is also beautiful and 52 . Brush painting often shows nature, 53 Chinese people like to respect and enjoy nature.
Traditional Chinese medicine is a very old way of keeping the body 54 . It uses things like acupuncture (针灸), herbal remedies (草药), and qigong to prevent sickness and help the body get better 55 . In Chinese culture, people think that the mind, body, and spirit are all connected, and that is 56 they use these methods to stay healthy.
Chinese food is famous all around the world for its delicious taste. There are many different styles of Chinese food, 57 hot food in Sichuan and delicate (精致的) dishes in Guangdong. Each place has its own special cooking 58 and Chinese food reflect the country’s geography and diverse (不同的) population.
Today, people in China are working hard to 59 their traditional culture. They want to make sure the customs are passed down to future generations. These efforts help keep Chinese traditions 60 and make people proud of their cultural heritage (遗产).
46.A.reminding B.respecting C.reducing D.relaxing
47.A.orders B.chances C.relationships D.situations
48.A.bring out B.grow up C.get together D.knock into
49.A.mark B.record C.memorize D.celebrate
50.A.events B.sports C.lanterns D.challenges
51.A.rules B.forms C.steps D.methods
52.A.ugly B.humorous C.awful D.creative
53.A.but B.unless C.though D.because
54.A.warm B.real C.healthy D.exciting
55.A.wildly B.naturally C.bravely D.exactly
56.A.what B.how C.why D.when
57.A.like B.during C.between D.with
58.A.time B.style C.game D.class
59.A.hold B.accept C.describe D.protect
60.A.alive B.social C.strange D.unusual
(2024·江西九江·三模)Wang Jibing is a delivery (投递) man living and working in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. One day in 2019, Wang had a(n) 61 experience. A customer left a wrong 62 for the order. He searched three buildings and climbed eighteen floors before he finally delivered the food to the 63 , who scolded (责骂) Wang for arriving late.
“If I had argued with him, I might have got negative feedback (差评) and lost my 64 . I had no choice but to say sorry all the time,” recalled Wang, who makes about 6, 000 yuan a month 65 delivering food.
On his way home that day, Wang wrote a poem, Man in a Hurry, to 66 his feelings. Actually, Wang has been writing poems for many years. Wang’s poems are simple and real. He often 67 them with his friends.
In 2022, one of Wang Jibing’s friends posted Man in a Hurry online. It 68 became popular and was viewed over 20 million times. The next year, Wang 69 a collection of more than 180 poems, under the same title. His poems and stories deeply touched people who share similar struggles in 70 lives.
In April, 2023, Wang published his second poetry collection, titled I Love This World Clumsily, which 71 about 130 poems.
So far, Wang has written about 5, 000 poems. “Those poems came to me 72 and I enjoyed writing them very much,” he said. “However, the most important thing for me is to 73 my family. So I will 74 with my present job. Poetry is like a break from stress and away to record my life. 75 there is pain, stressful situations and struggles in life, poetry makes me confident and happy.”
61.A.exciting B.sad C.meaningful D.interesting
62.A.address B.number C.name D.pack
63.A.actor B.nurse C.customer D.driver
64.A.menu B.project C.key D.job
65.A.by B.at C.for D.in
66.A.explain B.express C.exchange D.exercise
67.A.sells B.shows C.shares D.tells
68.A.hardly B.clearly C.quietly D.quickly
69.A.discovered B.published C.bought D.invented
70.A.his B.your C.their D.our
71.A.includes B.saves C.spreads D.divides
72.A.normally B.finally C.beautifully D.naturally
73.A.send B.refuse C.support D.praise
74.A.begin B.deal C.play D.continue
75.A.So B.But C.Although D.Because
Most people will remember the excitement of receiving their first letter from a pen pal. The 76 of receiving those letters is beyond description.
Chen Man-lin, a 15-year-old Hong Kong student, was very happy. Her pen pal was orbiting in the Tiangong Space Station when he wrote inspiring words to her. When Chen 77 the national letter-writing activity named “Sending My Dream to Tiangong” to write to the 78 on Tiangong, she wrote a letter the same evening. In her letter, she detailed every moment of her own planned 79 toward contributing (贡献) to national aerospace (航天航空) development, and what she knew about astronauts and the national aerospace development program. Chen’s 80 to write the letter was more than just an impulse (冲动). Her 81 in space had begun at the age of six 82 she watched the live broadcast from orbit (轨道) of a science lecture. She poured that passion for space into her letter, as well as some of her problems over her studies in life.
The three-page reply from Shenzhou XIV astronaut Chen Dong, 83 about a month later. As one of the 30, 000 students from all over the country to take part in the activity, Chen was 84 chosen to receive a reply, the only one in Hong Kong. To encourage the students, Chen Dong recalled 85 he became an astronaut step by step. He also shared his tips for overcoming the difficulties when studying physics and other 86 necessary to achieve his goals. He hoped that young Hong Kong people could follow 87 dreams and make contributions to the country.
The arrival of a letter from space was also a 88 gift to mark the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. “I’ll do as he 89 in the letter; study harder and 90 to stay healthy. I look forward to contributing to national aerospace development in the future,” said Chen.
76.A.report B.beauty C.message D.kindness
77.A.thought about B.cared about C.talked about D.learned about
78.A.astronauts B.writers C.parents D.teachers
79.A.vacation B.journey C.race D.interview
80.A.purpose B.chance C.decision D.notice
81.A.habit B.style C.story D.interest
82.A.when B.as long as C.as soon as D.as far as
83.A.posted B.left C.arrived D.brought
84.A.suddenly B.luckily C.widely D.truly
85.A.when B.where C.why D.how
86.A.abilities B.skills C.subjects D.hobbies
87.A.his B.their C.our D.your
88.A.proper B.possible C.fair D.useful
89.A.ordered B.promised C.prepared D.Advised
90.A.find out B.come out C.work out D.look out
You may have played Ant Forest. It is a game. Users collect “energy” to grow 91 “trees” online. Amazingly, when this “energy” reaches a certain level, real 92 are planted in deserts by some organizations and companies in China! It seems that our country’s effort, along with India’s, has made a 93 world.
A 94 by NASA in February showed that China and India have made the Earth greener over the past two years. Since 2000, the Earth’s green leaf area has 95 by over 5 million square kilometers. That’s as 96 as the Amazon rainforest! NASA said this is 97 due to big tree-planting programs in both countries.
“China and India cover only 9% of the planet’s land area in vegetation (植被), 98 they did one third of the increased greening for the whole world,” said Chi Chen, the study’s lead author and a researcher at Boston University. China was the 99 contributor (贡献者), adding 25% of the increase, while India added 6.8%.
100 the past ten years, China has done a great job of greening the land. Since 1978, China has had a national forestation (植树造林) project 101 as the “Great Green Wall”. Trees have been 102 in thirteen provinces in northern China to act as windbreaks (防风林).
With China’s success in forestation, the United Nations Environment Program 103 China is a good example for others to follow. “China is one of the most 104 countries in greening the desert. It also has 105 to share with the world,” said UNEP Executive Director Erik Solheim.
91.A.his B.your C.our D.their
92.A.trees B.flowers C.rice D.grass
93.A.richer B.younger C.greener D.cleaner
94.A.plan B.study C.search D.surprise
95.A.happened B.increased C.checked D.repeated
96.A.large B.long C.heavy D.deep
97.A.quickly B.suddenly C.mostly D.shortly
98.A.and B.so C.or D.but
99.A.small B.main C.secret D.ancient
100.A.Over B.Above C.Under D.Before
101.A.taken B.known C.turned D.knocked
102.A.saved B.wasted C.cut D.planted
103.A.believes B.falls C.wonders D.questions
104.A.necessary B.careful C.successful D.silent
105.A.subjects B.visitors C.periods D.lessons
(2024·江西南昌·二模)Getting Your Sleep Cycle (周期) Right
Warning: this article may make you want to yawn (打哈欠). Why It’s because we’re looking into the world of sleep cycles.
Our bodies sleep in 90-minute cycles, experiencing five to six each 106 . At first, you enter a light stage (阶段) of sleep when your muscles (肌肉) 107 . Then, the body temperature drops, and the heart beat slows.
Next comes 108 sleep. It’s difficult to wake up this stage. This is when your body repairs 109 and builds up energy (能量) for the day ahead. 110 , you get into the rapid eye-movement (REM,快速眼动) sleep stage. It is when most dreaming happens. 111 REM sleep, the cycle repeats.
Waking up in the morning in the “wrong” stage can make you feel especially 112 . An app called Sleep Calculator can help you avoid this. It’s a tool made to work out the 113 bedtime for you based on your wake-up time.
Developed by the UK company Hillarys, this smart calculator considers the 114 cycles our bodies go through each night. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl (猫头鹰), simply input your wake-up time , 115 the calculator will work its magic, suggesting the perfect bedtime to make sure that you 116 and shine with a spring in your step.
It’s also worth noting that you shouldn’t just 117 your sleep cycle whenever you want. Many young people go to bed 118 and get up late, such as sleeping from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m. They 119 as long as they have 8 hours of sleep, everything will be fine.
But in fact, our bodies can tell the 120 , especially by using light and temperature. If we wake up too late, we may feel a bit like a zombie (僵尸). That’s why sometimes we feel even more tired after oversleeping.
106.A.hour B.night C.week D.month
107.A.move B.exercise C.pull D.relax
108.A.quiet B.bad C.deep D.quick
109.A.itself B.himself C.herself D.yourself
110.A.Firstly B.Normally C.Simply D.Finally
111.A.In B.After C.During D.Before
112.A.tired B.hungry C.good D.sorry
113.A.free B.local C.late D.perfect
114.A.sleep B.rest C.food D.life
115.A.but B.and C.so D.since
116.A.eat B.rise C.think D.drink
117.A.start B.change C.open D.close
118.A.early B.alone C.happily D.late
119.A.find B.report C.think D.forget
120.A.weight B.place C.time D.height
(2023·江西南昌·模拟预测)It’s hard to turn down a tasty banana. They taste good and you don’t have to wash them before eating them. 121 , British scientists say that the fruit may disappear by 2050.
One reason for this is climate(气候) 122 . Scientists at the University of Exeter collected data(数据) from 27 countries that 123 86 percent of the world’s bananas. They found that climate change has improved growing 124 in 21 of these countries. In the past 6 years, the average yield(平均产量) 125 1.37 tons of bananas per hectare(公顷).
However, if temperatures keep rising, this advantage will disappear. Ten of the countries, 126 India, the world’s biggest producer of bananas, will produce fewer bananas. By 2050, the fruit may 127 .
Shouldn’t bananas grow more easily if it’s 128 outside In fact, the 129 temperature range(范围) for growing bananas is between 24℃ and 32℃. They will stop 130 if the temperatures get too high.
Diseases are 131 danger to bananas. Unlike other plants, the bananas we grow come from shoot cuttings(茎段) rather than seeds(种子). This means that all banana plants have the same genotype(基因型). In other words, if a disease is able to kill one plant, it 132 kill them all.
One disease that hurts bananas 133 is called Panama. Caused by fungus(真菌) in the soil, it spreads easily. It has spread across South Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Australia. If one banana plantation 134 from the disease, it will take 30 years 135 it is able to grow bananas again. Scientists haven’t found a cure for this disease yet.
121.A.As a result B.For example C.Therefore D.However
122.A.change B.choice C.corner D.course
123.A.pronounce B.punish C.produce D.process
124.A.conversations B.degrees C.conditions D.directions
125.A.has reached B.will reach C.reaches D.reached
126.A.except B.beside C.including D.without
127.A.die out B.give out C.pick out D.hang out
128.A.hot B.hotter C.hottest D.hotly
129.A.perfect B.patient C.plastic D.private
130.A.appearing B.growing C.changing D.spreading
131.A.other B.the other C.any other D.another
132.A.must B.need C.could D.should
133.A.carefully B.seriously C.quietly D.comfortably
134.A.suffers B.hears C.prevents D.choose
135.A.across B.until C.through D.after
(2023·江西上饶·模拟预测)I’ve never been the biggest fan of musicals. They often seemed 136 to me, and I would often 137 the time while watching one.
So when my friend suggested that we go to see the 138 You’re a Good Man, Charie Brown last weekend, I wasn’t very 139 . I thought I was about to 140 the process of half-hearted attention to the plot (情节) and characters, checking my phone during the performance. With nothing else to do, I finally 141 to go with him.
Shortly after the musical began, Charlie Brown appeared first sitting down with a sandwich. At the beginning, he was portrayed (描绘) as a(n) 142 boy, with nobody eating with him during lunches. Then he 143 a girl also having lunch alone and decided to go over and start a 144 . But quickly he became nervous thinking that the girl might hardly 145 him. 146 as the performance progressed, I was surprised to see Charlie’s courage and he and the girl chatting happily. One of my favorite 147 was that Charlie sang a song for his courage to make friends. “I am 148 than before!” he shouted.
People sure change! Everybody loves Charlie Brown because he is Charlie Brown — the shy but brave kid. To see Charlie 149 himself for a better kid was eye-opening.
Actually, musicals aren’t always so 150 .
136.A.boring B.educational C.funny D.interesting
137.A.forget B.check C.save D.spend
138.A.opera B.movie C.concert D.musical
139.A.uneasy B.excited C.upset D.touched
140.A.enjoy B.design C.repeat D.remember
141.A.continued B.begged C.agreed D.volunteered
142.A.smart B.brave C.honest D.lonely
143.A.described B.heard C.noticed D.thought
144.A.research B.project C.story D.conversation
145.A.turn down B.laugh at C.look for D.talk to
146.A.But B.So C.Because D.And
147.A.characters B.scenes C.places D.words
148.A.more lonely B.more careful C.shyer D.braver
149.A.accept B.change C.require D.question
150.A.wonderful B.crazy C.bad D.fantastic
(2023·江西赣州·模拟预测)China is the nation of etiquette (礼仪). Chinese people are 151 the most hospitable (好客的) people in the world. If 152 visit a Chinese family, they would be 153 at the warmth that they would receive as guests.
When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you and 154 you snacks like biscuits or candy. Someone in the family will also chat with you, never letting you feel 155 .
At the same time, other family members will be busy 156 a meal for you. Chinese people treat their guests 157 a big meal. They always provide more food than the guests can eat. On the table, the guests must be the 158 to eat. Perhaps one of the things that surprise a (an) 159 guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for guests, which won’t happen at Western tables. The Chinese family 160 to make you feel at home. As you finish eating, the host usually says, “It seems that you didn’t eat much. Please have 161 .” You tell them you are full, 162 they still put more food in your bowl.
163 warm and hospitable has been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. As Confucius (孔子) said 164 years ago, “To meet friends from a place far away, how 165 we are!”
151.A.between B.among C.during D.in
152.A.teacher B.foreigner C.foreigners D.teachers
153.A.surprised B.surprise C.surprising D.surprises
154.A.serve B.serving C.serves D.served
155.A.lonely B.sad C.happy D.tired
156.A.prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.to prepare
157.A.to B.as C.for D.at
158.A.first B.second C.last D.third
159.A.Eastern B.Southern C.Western D.Northern
160.A.get in their way B.go out of their way C.lose their way D.get their own way
161.A.more B.less C.many D.little
162.A.so B.but C.because D.if
163.A.Be B.Do C.Being D.Doing
164.A.thousands of B.thousand C.thousand of D.thousands
165.A.happily B.unhappy C.happy D.unhappily
1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.A
16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.B 21.D 22.A 23.D 24.D 25.C 26.D 27.C 28.A 29.A 30.D
31.D 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.C 37.B 38.D 39.C 40.A 41.B 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.A
46.B 47.C 48.C 49.D 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.D 54.C 55.B 56.C 57.A 58.B 59.D 60.A
61.B 62.A 63.C 64.D 65.A 66.B 67.C 68.D 69.B 70.C 71.A 72.D 73.C 74.D 75.C
76.B 77.D 78.A 79.B 80.C 81.D 82.A 83.C 84.B 85.D 86.C 87.B 88.A 89.D 90.C
91.D 92.A 93.C 94.B 95.B 96.A 97.C 98.D 99.B 100.A 101.B 102.D 103.A 104.C 105.D
106.B 107.D 108.C 109.A 110.D 111.B 112.A 113.D 114.A 115.B 116.B 117.A 118.D 119.C 120.C
121.D 122.A 123.C 124.C 125.A 126.C 127.A 128.B 129.A 130.B 131.D 132.C 133.B 134.A 135.B
136.A 137.B 138.D 139.B 140.C 141.C 142.D 143.C 144.D 145.D 146.A 147.B 148.D 149.B 150.C
151.B 152.C 153.A 154.C 155.A 156.B 157.A 158.A 159.C 160.B 161.A 162.B 163.C 164.A 165.C
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (河北专用)(含答案)

下一篇:北师大版数学八升九暑假作业专题复习提升专题八 三角形中位线的应用技巧(含答案)