专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考+2年模拟 (河北专用)(含答案)

专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (河北专用)
Rick, a school boy, had a love for playing video games. Every day, his 1 reminded him to take some exercise instead of playing video games. However, he didn’t always 2 .
Once again, Rick’s mom told him seriously that his eyesight (视力) might get poor if he spent too much time on video games. It was a pity that he still didn’t listen 3 . He kept playing. One day, during a math class, Rick’s teacher got upset when he couldn’t give an answer to a question like “2+2= ”. After class, the teacher asked him why he couldn’t solve such a 4 problem. Rick said that he knew the answer 5 couldn’t see the board clearly. His teacher was worried and 6 his parents.
Realizing what had happened, Rick’s mom warned him again that it was harmful to his 7 to play video games too much. And Rick’s dad took him to an eye doctor for a check-up. The 8 showed that his eyesight had weakened. After asking about his habit of using eyes, the doctor advised Rick to take action to protect his eyes.
From that day on, Rick decided to 9 playing video games and take some exercise every day. Later Rick fell in love with sports and 10 his school soccer team. Now he has become stronger and healthier. His eyesight has also got better.
1.A.friends B.parents C.teachers D.coaches
2.A.listen B.guess C.report D.search
3.A.clearly B.bravely C.patiently D.correctly
4.A.single B.similar C.special D.simple
5.A.or B.so C.but D.and
6.A.phoned B.followed C.answered D.accepted
7.A.ears B.eyes C.arms D.hands
8.A.cost B.name C.date D.test
9.A.give up B.fight for C.depend on D.believe in
10.A.joined B.managed C.supported D.introduced
Some people have no interest in sports. They think that sports make them 11 and smell bad. They say, “Why waste time playing sports ” To these people, I politely say, “You have not discovered the 12 of sports!”
Let me share with you a basketball game I played two weeks ago. Our parents and friends were there to 13 us. A lot of people were watching. We all wanted to 14 the game in front of so many people.
The game was 15 over and we were one point behind. Our coach called us together and said, “Okay, this is it! Either we score now or the game is over. Let’s work hard to score. Even if we don’t score, 16 we know that we have tried our best. So, boys, don’t think too much. It doesn’t matter if we lose. Just do it.”
Well, in the last 17 of the game, we truly scored and two teams tied (打成平局)! We went into overtime (加时) and we lost in the end. But after the game, the coach hugged all of us. He told us that he was 18 because he had never seen a team try harder than us.
To be honest, I 19 a lot of pleasure in playing sports. It makes me happy and comfortable. That’s why I play sports whenever I get the chance. So my 20 is to choose a sport and keep doing it. Your body will thank you and your mind will be ready to work well.
11.A.lazy B.tired C.ugly D.stupid
12.A.price B.time C.fun D.level
13.A.call B.praise C.help D.cheer
14.A.win B.watch C.join D.report
15.A.suddenly B.nearly C.finally D.recently
16.A.at first B.at once C.at times D.at least
17.A.month B.week C.hour D.minute
18.A.brave B.active C.proud D.honest
19.A.feel B.face C.guess D.give
20.A.advice B.order C.action D.interest
Lily was a cheerful girl. She always had a big smile on her face. One day, she 21 an old man named Grumble sitting beside a river. The old man looked 22 . Lily wanted to make him smile, so she walked up to him with a friendly greeting. “Good morning, Mr. Grumble! Why the long face ” she asked.
Grumble said, “What’s there to be happy about Life is full of 23 .” Lily laughed and replied, “Troubles are like dark clouds. They pass, making way for the sun to shine again. You should try looking on the 24 side!”
Lily made a bet (打赌) with Grumble, saying, “I bet I can make you 25 by the end of the day.” Grumble challenged her, “You’re welcome to try, but it won’t be 26 .”
For the rest of the 27 , Lily did all kinds of funny things to make Grumble laugh. She told jokes, sang like nobody was watching, and made faces. However, Grumble was 28 unhappy. As the sun began to set, Lily 29 to give it one last try. She took a deep breath and broke into a funny dance.
Surprisingly, Grumble couldn’t help it. He let out a chuckle (咯咯笑声), and then another. Before he knew it, he was laughing heartily, his sadness giving way to 30 . Lily won, but more importantly, she showed Grumble that becoming cheerful was not difficult.
Happiness is a choice, and we can find it when we choose to see the brighter side of life.
21.A.noticed B.chose C.told D.understood
22.A.happy B.sad C.relaxed D.nervous
23.A.surprises B.changes C.troubles D.wonders
24.A.left B.blind C.clean D.bright
25.A.smile B.know C.miss D.accept
26.A.serious B.safe C.easy D.great
27.A.minute B.hour C.day D.week
28.A.even B.still C.almost D.soon
29.A.decided B.hated C.refused D.forgot
30.A.health B.praise C.wealth D.joy
I love to share things with my friends and family. Sometimes I share food, sometimes I share video clips (短视频) and sometimes I share my feelings. Sharing is a way of 31 valuable memories and a bridge with others.
One time, I shared a large pizza with my best friend after school when we were both 32 . We had it in a park and talked about our day. The pizza tasted more delicious than usual. We laughed a lot and felt 33 to each other. I recall that moment of sharing from time to time. It’s a nice 34 that I will never forget.
Another time, I shared a funny video with my mom—a clip of a cat playing the piano. She 35 it on my phone and then said, “Thank you, Roger. I felt so tired today, 36 this video really made my day.” I didn’t 37 such a simple act of sharing could make such a big difference to the people around me.
Sharing is not only about giving but also about receiving. Sometimes people share things with me, and I 38 enjoy their kindness. For example, my teacher shared a book with me that he thought I would like. It was a science fiction novel about space travel. I got interested in it. After reading it, I shared with him my 39 on the book. Sharing my reading experiences has become a special way for me to 40 him ever since.
In my eyes, sharing is a way of expressing ourselves. It can make our lives colorful.
31.A.protecting B.hiding C.checking D.creating
32.A.hungry B.thirsty C.excited D.sick
33.A.farther B.closer C.nicer D.worse
34.A.journey B.address C.experience D.present
35.A.put B.watched C.left D.took
36.A.and B.but C.so D.or
37.A.express B.guess C.hear D.expect
38.A.almost B.hardly C.really D.easily
39.A.uses B.results C.thoughts D.choices
40.A.connect with B.wait for C.care about D.take after
When you have problems, what will you do Will you ask your parents, your teachers or your friends for help Do you know how to 41 your problems in a right way Here are some good 42 for you.
★Ask someone for help. You’d better 43 others about your bad feelings. Remember that many people will love to help you. Don’t be hard on yourself. When you have problems, find someone you 44 and ask him or her for help.
★Do something relaxing. You can do something to make yourself feel relaxed. Speaking out your feelings 45 is a good way. For example, when you feel angry, you can say “I am so angry!” loudly. After that, you may feel relaxed. You can also take some exercise, listen to music, keep a diary, play with a pet, go 46 a walk and so on. These things can help you get a 47 feeling.
★Be calm. When you have problems, you should 48 to be calm. Don’t be nervous. Don’t be 49 of the problems. Don’t rush to 50 decisions. You should try to understand more about your problems with the help of others. Then you can find good ways.
41.A.deal with B.ask for C.talk about D.care for
42.A.habits B.suggestions C.reasons D.answers
43.A.give B.teach C.tell D.bring
44.A.refuse B.dislike C.warn D.trust
45.A.quickly B.slowly C.quietly D.loudly
46.A.to B.for C.in D.of
47.A.better B.worse C.more D.fewer
48.A.accept B.stop C.begin D.learn
49.A.proud B.strict C.afraid D.full
50.A.make B.put C.set D.take
(2024·河北承德·二模)Hundreds of years ago, life was much 51 than it is today. People didn’t have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.
But life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is 52 . Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It 53 our fish and pollutes our drinking water. 54 pollution makes us talk louder and become 55 more easily. Air pollution is 56 most serious kind of pollution. It’s bad to all living things in the world.
Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt (被子) 57 a city. This kind of quilt is called smog.
Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water 58 it is thrown away, they mustn’t blow dirty smoke into the air.
We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not 59 it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are 60 people driving, there will be less pollution.
Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution.
51.A.harder B.easier C.richer D.happier
52.A.population B.pollution C.economy D.life
53.A.takes B.eats C.drinks D.kills
54.A.Water B.Light C.Noise D.Air
55.A.angry B.pleased C.tired D.relaxing
56.A.a B.an C.the D.不填
57.A.in B.over C.through D.below
58.A.before B.after C.because D.so
59.A.catch B.spit C.throw D.step
60.A.more B.less C.farther D.fewer
I used to walk around the store with my parents constantly begging for something. I remember the sight of all the colorful bags of chips and candy that I asked my parents to buy for me. I cannot remember a time when I didn’t beg for 61 at the store.
When I was about twelve years old, my dad always 62 my begging and told me with a frustrated (使人挫败的) face, “You can waste all the money as you want when you have a job.” I listened, but I never really heard the 63 . he was trying to get across to me. Since I wanted so many things and my parents were not going to buy them for me, I decided to make money as a 64 myself. I remember the feeling of getting new money in my pocket, then throwing it out within the next week.
A few years later, I was a freshman in high school and did not feel like looking for a new job. One day, I saw people handing out flyers (传单) at school. I wasn’t 65 at first because I thought was fine making money by babysitting. But once I 66 thought about the money I could make, I applied to work as a lifeguard advertised on the flyer.
After a few months’ training, I could finally start the job. But the more money I made, the less I 67 spend. As the work and pay increased, so did my responsibility with money. Instead of 68 my money on useless things, I started saving up. I finally realized that money meant so much more to me because I was the one 69 for it. Now, I have 5, 000 dollars in my bank account, and I limit myself to what I buy. My life has permanently (持久地) been influenced because I know the 70 of money. It is more than what I can spend.
61.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
62.A.met B.changed C.forgot D.refused
63.A.reply B.story C.message D.news
64.A.babysitter B.advertiser C.safeguard D.salesgirl
65.A.involved B.interested C.accepted D.pleased
66.A.proudly B.slowly C.seriously D.secretly
67.A.wanted to B.to wanted C.start to D.started to
68.A.cutting B.raising C.receiving D.wasting
69.A.working B.saving C.longing D.begging
70.A.limit B.value C.power D.supply
Michelle is an old lady. Last year, she noticed a lot of rubbish at the park near her home. She wanted to do something 71 in her free time. So she picked up a bucket (桶) and got into 72 at once.
Since then, almost every day, she walks to the park to pick up cups, paper and other 73 . She can fill up six buckets of rubbish a day. She often 74 with people while picking wastes. They usually have a great talk. Surely, people are very 75 for her work. Some of them even clean up a bit more themselves.
In Michelle’s words, working in the park help her stay active 76 . It also helps make her community a better place. “I always 77 people should be giving to their community. When I was a teacher, I felt that was my mission (使命) in life,” she said. “When I retire (退休), I start to think, what can I 78 doing And I think this is something I can do.”
79 Michelle, she usually takes a day off when she goes on vacation. But she tries to visit the park each day. “If anyone wants to join me to 80 , just look for the lady with the orange bucket,” she said.
71.A.dangerous B.fair C.good D.silly
72.A.difficulty B.action C.trouble D.illness
73.A.tools B.gifts C.products D.wastes
74.A.works B.lives C.talks D.plays
75.A.thankful B.beautiful C.peaceful D.careful
76.A.hardly B.suddenly C.easily D.early
77.A.think B.worry C.forget D.guess
78.A.avoid B.remember C.finish D.keep
79.A.Because of B.Instead of C.According to D.Thanks to
80.A.take out B.help out C.check out D.look out
In 2019, a group of friends and I took part in an event in India. The event was to 81 money for a charity (慈善机构). About 30 82 attended the event (事件). Each team had a car, which they 83 to the east of India. The journey took eight days.
We used a 84 to ask our friends and family for donations. It was really 85 to receive their donations online. Our team raised around $4, 000, and 86 total, the event raised around $17, 000.
And of course, the 87 itself was lots of fun, too. We drove for about twelve hours every day, 88 saw some beautiful things along the way. We even 89 have a game of football with the local people! It was an experience I would 90 forget, and hopefully the money we raised would go some way to making people’s lives better.
81.A.make B.save C.raise D.give
82.A.people B.teams C.games D.cars
83.A.drove B.came C.walked D.took
84.A.bag B.box C.card D.website
85.A.difficult B.interesting C.easy D.excited
86.A.in B.on C.to D.with
87.A.money B.journey C.charity D.time
88.A.and B.but C.so D.for
89.A.used to B.held to C.led to D.managed to
90.A.also B.even C.never D.still
(2024·河北廊坊·二模)World Book Day falls 91 April 23th every year. It was 92 by the UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. Many countries 93 World Book Day. On that day in the UK, millions of students can buy books of special 94 , much lower than usual in any bookstore. It has been done since 1998. 95 do people like reading Firstly, reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent (勤奋的). 96 , reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Besides, reading gives us 97 about other cultures and places of the world. When we read, we may find many things that we don’t know well. We would have to think about them or do more reading to 98 out the answers. The more we read, the 99 we know. What’s more, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.
“Reading 100 a full man.” Books, magazines, newspapers can help us to know more about the outside world and perfect us. So it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.
91.A.by B.in C.on D.at
92.A.get up B.put up C.give up D.set up
93.A.connect B.celebrate C.control D.communicate
94.A.price B.way C.method D.prize
95.A.What B.When C.Why D.Who
96.A.Secondly B.Third C.Thirdly D.Second
97.A.sentences B.advice C.suggestions D.ideas
98.A.look B.find C.go D.point
99.A.smaller B.less C.fewer D.more
100.A.makes B.wants C.moves D.hopes
Rick was a young boy who was angry at everything around him. To calm Rick down, his mom came home with a canvas (画布) and paint. “Whenever you feel 101 about something, paint it instead of getting angry.”
Though not that happy, Rick gave it a try. After creating many paintings, he took his artwork to his mom. “Tell me, Rick. What are these 102 about ”
“The first is about some kids who show off their new clothes. The next is about my teacher who always tells me that I did something 103 . And the last painting is about my schoolmate who said I should change my attitude. They all make me so angry.” Rick’s mom took Rick by her side and told him, “Don’t you see, Rick You’re getting so angry but you never try to understand 104 .”
Then she explained 105 , “All the people you were angry at did nothing wrong. The kids were showing off their good clothes but never 106 at you for being poor. Your teacher scolded (责备) you but that was because you 107 trouble in class. And your schoolmate was only trying to help you correct your 108 .”
“Next time you get angry, take a deep breath 109 walk away for a while. And when you come back, talk to the person you’re angry at. You might calm down in this way.”
Rick took his mom’s 110 and became less angry. He even started to feel happy around other children.
101.A.great B.bad C.nervous D.wonderful
102.A.paintings B.clothes C.schoolmates D.stories
103.A.real B.right C.wrong D.good
104.A.when B.why C.how D.what
105.A.carefully B.luckily C.proudly D.excitedly
106.A.looked B.called C.laughed D.shouted
107.A.caused B.met C.overcame D.gave
108.A.position B.mistakes C.methods D.abilities
109.A.but B.because C.and D.so
110.A.suggestions B.wishes C.promises D.treatments
It was about 11:00 a. m. on 5th April, 2022, not far from a bridge in Mianzhu, Sichuan. Suddenly a white car sped up, ran into a guard rail(护栏), and 111 up in the river below. Soon there was a crowd. Many of them didn’t even know how the 112 happened.
At the critical(危急的)moment, Wang Minghong, 113 to the guard rail as fast as possible and jumped into the river.
“I was with my wife, and we were on our way home,” said Wang, “All of a sudden, I heard a great 114 and saw a car fall into the river. And there were people in it. I knew I had to try to 115 them.”
So Wang was in the water, and another man was there too, trying to help. They swam to the car and got two women out before it was upside down. However, the third passenger couldn’t move in the back seat. And there was no way that the two of them could get the door 116 .
Wang swam back to the crowd and shouted that they needed help. And soon he got 117 tools. And several more people jumped into the river, one by one. They worked together as a 118 team. And a few minutes later, someone broke the window, and finally, they got the passenger out.
119 Wang and other people, the people in the car were saved.
We often hear time changes and that people 120 with time. But heroes don’t. They come forward in times of difficulty, with the look of common people.
111.A.ended B.made C.turned D.cleared
112.A.program B.accident C.party D.interview
113.A.walked B.rode C.ran D.drove
114.A.wind B.laughter C.voice D.noise
115.A.refuse B.save C.pass D.introduce
116.A.open B.closed C.right D.wrong
117.A.beautiful B.modern C.enough D.magic
118.A.honest B.fair C.smooth D.strong
119.A.Thanks to B.Opposite to C.According to D.Instead of
120.A.appear B.change C.grow D.compete
Stand in front of a mirror and look at it. How much do you really know about the 121 in it
Liu Yue, a teacher, has recently given her students a 122 tool. “People call it the Johari Window,” said Liu. “It has four areas about one’s self: open area (that everyone knows about), hidden area (that only you know), blind area (that everyone knows except you) and unknown area (that nobody knows). Using this tool, students did a good job 123 themselves.”
“I’m most curious about my blind area,” said eighth-grader Yang Manfei. “So I did a survey with my friends.” The results showed that Yang easily gets impatient. “That’s a bad habit I’ve never 124 !” Yang said.
“I find the unknown area most amazing,” said Sun Boyin. “It means everyone has lots of potential (潜力).” When Sun 125 middle school, he was not good at math. “But I tried my best and did lots of math exercises. Now I’m much 126 at math. The unknown part of my math ability is getting clearer!” Sun said.
When it came to the hidden area, most students kept 127 and sat still. “I’m afraid to show my secrets deep down,” said Li Yixuan. Then one classmate 128 and said his favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. Li thought, “Can I 129 show my childish hobby Perhaps not. I want my classmates to see me as a big person, not a silly kid.” But then Li realized that he didn’t think that classmate silly. Li thought his classmate had the 130 to be himself.
“Show yourself and make yourself better—that’s the best lesson I learned,” Li said.
121.A.area B.tool C.person D.cartoon
122.A.medical B.useful C.healthy D.careful
123.A.seeing B.setting C.hiding D.enjoying
124.A.feared B.realized C.guided D.judged
125.A.met B.needed C.passed D.entered
126.A.quieter B.better C.angrier D.stricter
127.A.surprised B.happy C.silent D.hurried
128.A.took up B.gave up C.grew up D.stood up
129.A.busily B.cleverly C.freshly D.bravely
130.A.chance B.course C.courage D.culture
(2023·河北邯郸·三模)Games and sports teach people a lot of useful skills, as well as helping them to 131 healthy.
Lots of people love team sports. They enjoy being a member of a team so they have the chance to 132 the matches and events. They also enjoy sharing the 133 or failure with others. While playing, people have to 134 each other. If they can’t do that, they can never win. Team games also teach you that 135 is not the end of the world. You will always have 136 opportunity and you will be more successful against your competitors next time.
However, there are many people who just don’t like team sports. They have to find other 137 to exercise. Perhaps they had a bad 138 with a kind of sport when they were younger. Maybe they feel embarrassed because they think they’re not very good at a sport. Team sports are 139 about competitions, and for some people, this is too stressful. So individual(个人的)activities are more suitable for them. For example, during the COVID-19, many people exercised in their houses by following work-out videos posted online. Hundreds of free workouts were produced online every day, so you could do sports 140 leaving your own house.
Whether team sports or individual activities, always lead positive lives!
131.A.keep B.continue C.grow D.bring
132.A.look forward to B.wait for C.put on D.take part in
133.A.score B.effort C.success D.result
134.A.become B.support C.save D.find
135.A.winning B.playing C.challenging D.losing
136.A.some B.another C.other D.the other
137.A.places B.time C.ways D.space
138.A.interest B.information C.direction D.experience
139.A.seldom B.usually C.never D.hardly
140.A.about B.for C.from D.without
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.A
21.A 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.D
31.D 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.C 39.C 40.A
41.A 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.D 46.B 47.A 48.D 49.C 50.A
51.A 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.A 56.C 57.B 58.A 59.C 60.D
61.A 62.D 63.C 64.A 65.B 66.C 67.A 68.D 69.A 70.B
71.C 72.B 73.D 74.C 75.A 76.C 77.A 78.D 79.C 80.B
81.C 82.B 83.A 84.D 85.C 86.A 87.B 88.A 89.D 90.C
91.C 92.D 93.B 94.A 95.C 96.A 97.D 98.B 99.D 100.A
101.B 102.A 103.C 104.B 105.A 106.C 107.A 108.B 109.C 110.A
111.A 112.B 113.C 114.D 115.B 116.A 117.C 118.D 119.A 120.B
121.C 122.B 123.A 124.B 125.D 126.B 127.C 128.D 129.D 130.C
131.A 132.D 133.C 134.B 135.D 136.B 137.C 138.D 139.B 140.D
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:2025届高中化学一轮复习第十章:练习二 物质的分离、提纯和检验(原卷版 解析版)

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