
(一) 录音中有五组对话,每组对话听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。
1. Where was the cup made
A. In Shandong. B. In Hebei. C. In Jiangsu.
2. How long does Lisa read and speak English every day
A. For 20 minutes. B. For 40 minutes. C. For 60 minutes.
3. What did David do yesterday afternoon
A. He went to the cinema. B. He went to a supermarket. C. He went to a hospital.
4. What’s the relationship of the two people
A. They are brother and sister. B. They are parent and child. C. They are strangers.
5. What are they talking about
A. About Chinese festival. B. About Chinese cities. C. About Chinese food.
(二) 录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。
6. What is the man doing
A. He is asking the way. B. He is working in a bank. C. He is buying food.
7. Where is the man going
A. To the bank. B. To the supermarket. C. To the bus station.
8. ________ is 4 kilometers far from here.
A. The bus stop B. The subway stop C. The bank
9. How will the man go to the bank
A. By bus. B. By subway. C. On foot.
10. Where are the two people
A. Near the bank. B. Near the supermarket. C. Near the subway stop.
(三) 录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。
11. Who is Amy
A. An American girl. B. A Chinese girl. C. An English girl.
12. Amy used to ________.
A. speak Chinese well B. be afraid to speak Chinese C. sing Chinese songs
13. How does Amy improve herself
A. By learning from her classmates.
B. By singing songs and dancing.
C. By learning Chinese stories.
14. What is Amy going to do
A. She is going to take part in the concert.
B. She is going to dance in the concert.
C. She is going to teach English in China.
15. What’s the passage mainly about
A. What Amy likes. B. How Amy has changed. C. Why Amy was in China.
Asking for directions is important. However, people become confused (困惑的) easily 16 listening to someone giving directions. So 17 attention when listening to someone showing directions. 18 , he or she may tell you, “Go down the street and turn right at the first crossing. Walk 2 miles, and then you will find a movie theater and a bank across from the theater.” After listening to someone providing directions in English, are you 19 Here is some 20 to help you remember the directions.
Be sure to ask the person giving directions to slow down or repeat politely; Repeat each direction the person gives. This will help you remember the 21 of streets, turns, and crossings; 22 , repeat the whole set of directions.
Of course, remember to be polite when you ask for directions. Here come two tips:
Use greetings and polite expressions
23 the conversation with a greeting is a must like “Good afternoon!” or “Hello! May I ask for some help ” Remember to finish 24 polite expressions such as “Thank you!” or “Have a nice day!”
Use modal verbs (情态动词)
For example, it sounds more polite to say, “Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to the nearest bookstore ” 25 it sounds impolite if you say, “Tell me the way to the nearest bookstore.”
16. A. when B. before C. how D. where
17. A. have B. let C. pay D. give
18. A. What’s more B. For example C. Besides D. However
19. A. good B. clear C. tired D. happy
20. A. message B. idea C. advice D. way
21. A. colors B. sizes C. names D. pictures
22. A. Firstly B. Next C. Then D. Finally
23. A. Starting B. Forgetting C. Keeping D. Ending
24. A. for B. to C. with D. at
25. A. And B. But C. So D. Because
“Made in China” is a label (标签) that can be found on many products in our life. Products produced in China have become a necessary part of the market. These products below will give people an idea of how much our market is shaped by Chinese production.
In America, many experts believe that it is almost impossible to have a meal without food produced in China. Products such as chips and garlic (大蒜) are produced in China. Many canned (罐装的) foods on the market are also made in China.
Chinese factories produce winter coats, gloves and hats for people around the world. T-shirts and suits are among the things sold to people around the world from China. Sports caps are also produced in China.
Educational toys such as the Rubik cube (魔方) are created in China. Piggy banks are also produced in China. Remote (远程) control cars are produced there as well, And pet toys are often made in China, too.
Your briefcase (公文包) is probably made in China. Chinese factories also produce schoolbags. Suitcases (手提箱) are made in China, as well as shopping bags. Wallet and mobile phone cases are also produced in China.
Click (点击) here to know more.
26. What is necessary for the market in the passage
A. Chinese products. B. Chinese traditions.
C. Chinese cars. D. Chinese education.
27. How many kinds of products are mentioned in the passage
A. Two. B. Four. C. Six. D. Eight.
28. What is TRUE according to the passage
A. China has the largest food factory. B. Chinese factories produce books.
C. Chinese education is really good. D. Bags made in China are popular.
29. Who may be most interested in this passage
A. A worker who works in a factory.
B. A worker who wants to find a job.
C. A student who likes reading international news.
D. A reporter who likes Chinese traditional culture.
30. Where can we read this passage
A. In a teacher’s diary. B. On the Internet.
C. On a TV program. D. In a supermarket’s ad.
The earliest use of lanterns was to provide light for reading and working. Now, lanterns have become a symbol of national pride in China and are used to decorate (装饰) homes and public places.
First Chinese lanterns were invented in the Eastern Han Dynasty (朝代). And then lanterns became widely known by common people, especially during the time of festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, lanterns were made in order to celebrate people’s peaceful life.
There are three main types (各类) of lanterns that are used in China.
The most common type of lantern is the hanging variety (悬挂种类). These decorative lanterns are hung in both homes and public space. You can see lanterns decorating streets, public buildings, and shops. Lanterns hung during Chinese New Year are thought to bring good luck.
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, you can see a special type of floating (浮着的) lantern being released (放) into the right skies. They are beautiful to watch and are often released in large groups.
Lantern celebrations, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, took place near rivers and lakes. This variety comes in many different shapes. They are flown (流动) on the water in large groups to create a beautiful scene.
Although there is no longer a practical need for Chinese lanterns, they are still made, used, and enjoyed by Chinese people during festivals. The streets in both big cities and small towns are decorated with red lanterns during different festivals.
31. Lanterns today are ________ the earliest lanterns.
A. the same as B. similar to C. different from D. cheaper than
32. When were the first lanterns invented
A. In the Han Dynasty. B. In the Tang Dynasty.
C. In the Ming Dynasty. D. In the Qing Dynasty.
33. What do Paragraphs 4-6 mainly talk about
A. What lanterns are used for.
B. What the three main types of lanterns are.
C. Why people like lanterns.
D. Where lanterns are used in our daily life.
34. What does the underlined word “practical” mean in Chinese
A. 实际的 B. 花哨的 C. 多余的 D. 费力的
35. Lanterns are still made, used and enjoyed by Chinese people today. Which reason isn’t mentioned in this passage
A. To celebrate a better life. B. To decorate our home.
C. To provide light for studying. D. To bring good luck.
Many people dream of travelling to Europe. Whether you are taking your first trip by yourself, going there with a little money, or just searching for new cities, cultures and food, Europe has something for everyone.
Europe is one of the most interesting continent (大陆) you can visit. It has a deep-rooted (根深蒂固的) history and welcomes cultures from all over the world. And it’s one of the easiest places to travel around with the convenient transportation (交通).
There are several parts of Europe: Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe and Western Europe. Among these, the eastern one is a good choice for travelers who want to save money. Northern Europe is known for its natural phenomenon (现象) — the Northern Lights. If you want to see them, you need to visit in the winter only when conditions are at their best. Southern Europe is made up of all the countries close to Mediterranean (地中海) and it’s known for its natural wonders and ancient history. Western Europe is the most popular part of Europe, and it has lots of famous spotlights, like the Eiffel Tower and the Van Gogh Museum.
If you are backpacking (背包旅行) through Europe, the best time to travel is from November to March, when you’ll find cheap tickets for planes and hotels. However, if you are planning a ski (滑雪) vacation, you’ll find large crowds of travelers. The busiest time of year for Europe is summer. From June to August, travelers from all over the world go to this place to enjoy the good weather.
36. Why do many people travel to Europe according to the passage
A. Because they can spend less money on hotels.
B. Because they can enjoy different cultures and food.
C. Because they can buy lots of cheap clothes.
D. Because they want to find part-time jobs while travelling.
37. Southern Europe is famous for ________.
A. good transportation B. famous museums
C. natural wonders and history D. cheap products
38. What does the underlined part “this place” refer to(指代) ?
A. Europe. B. Western Europe. C. Southern Europe. D. Eastern Europe.
39. What can we learn from this passage
A. We can visit the Eiffel Tower in Northern Europe in summer.
B. You can spend the least in December if you backpack in Europe.
C. Only a few people would like to ski in winter in Europe.
D. Eastern Europe is the most popular in travelers’ hearts.
40. What’s the best title
A. Good experiences in Europe B. History of Europe
C. Travelling in Europe D. Weather in Europe
41. People usually listen to rock music when they watch ball games. You may feel the energy of music in life.
42. Scientists found out the energy (能量) of music long before. Scientists at the University of Missouri found that listening to happy music can make people feel good and full of energy.
43. Other studies also showed that happy music isn’t the only helpful music. When people are sad or lose something, sad music can be helpful.
44. Angry music can be helpful, too. When people are upset, listening to angry music will help them deal with the feeling. Sure, if you are in a normal mood, angry music might not help.
45. These studies helped scientists and doctors develop the music therapy (治疗). Today, there are a large number of trained music therapists in the USA. They help people improve different kinds of skills with music.
A. Tom was very angry because he argued with his best friend, and he didn’t know what to do.
B. Music therapists use music as a tool to help people in life.
C. Jackson is watching a football game. He wants to be more excited.
D. Amy is a ping-pong player on her school team. She was very sad because she lost the ping-pong game yesterday.
E. Jenny wants to feel good and full of energy when doing housework.
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Traditional festivals of China are colorful and rich in content (内容). This is an important part of Chinese 46 . The forming process of traditional festivals is a growing process of traditional cultures. These festivals all developed from ancient times. From these festivals, the lifestyles of ancient Chinese can be seen 47 . The developing process of traditional festivals is very 48 , and they also go into people’s life slowly. The old festivals in China can date back to very long ago.
Most traditional festivals appeared 49 Qin Dynasty (朝代). The earliest festival was about worship (敬奉). Famous people 50 a role in the development of the festivals.
In Han Dynasty, most festivals had formed in basic. Politics and economy (政治和经济) were good in Han Dynasty, and these are very important conditions for the festival. In Tang Dynasty, festivals were not just about worship. They had 51 meaning. 52 of that, festivals became fantastic and colorful. People enjoyed 53 on these festivals. 54 , poets have written lots of good poems (诗) on the festivals in history. These poems spread quickly and became popular among people.
Traditional festivals are treasure in Chinese culture. We should 55 them.
46. __________ 47. __________ 48. __________ 49. __________ 50. __________
51. __________ 52. __________ 53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________
Speaking English fluently (流利地) might be difficult for you now. But all you need are the right ways and confidence (自信). I have prepared some advice 56 you.
Stop being a student
The right attitude (态度) can make the 57 (different) between failure and success. Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and think of yourself as someone who 58 (speak) English. It’s a small change, 59 it will make you feel more confident and help you use the English you already know better.
Try to learn sentences
Speaking English fluently means being able to express (表达) your thoughts and feelings. You should try to speak English in full sentences, so why not 60 (learn) it in full sentences You’ll find that English is more useful in your life if you study whole sentences, rather than just words.
Practice makes perfect
Studying English for 61 hour once a week isn’t usually enough to make any real progress. The best way to 62 (quick) improve English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day.
Don’t be afraid 63 (make) mistakes
Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those 64 (rule) and words together into a simple sentence. Don’t let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking. Even if you think you are making a mistake, keep speaking anyway. Most of the time, people will understand what you are trying to say. The more you speak, the 65 (easy) it will be.
56. __________ 57. __________ 58. __________ 59. __________ 60. __________
61. __________ 62. __________ 63. __________ 64. __________ 65. __________
David was a third grader in my class. His worry about failure (失败) kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He seldom answered my questions — he was afraid of making mistakes.
I tried my best to build his self-confidence. But nothing changed until the middle of the term, when Miss Lee, a new teacher, came. She was young and patient, and she was loved by every student including David. It was she who made a big difference to David later.
One morning, they were doing math problems at the blackboard (黑板). David had copied the problems at the blackboard clearly and carefully. But he missed the fourth problem and began to cry.
Suddenly, a smile appeared on Miss Lee’s face. From the desk, she got a box filled with pencils. “Look, David,” she said kindly. “I’ve got something to show you.” She took out the pencils and placed them on his desk.
“Look at these pencils, David,” she continued. “They are Mrs. Green’s. See how the erasers are worn (磨损) That’s because we make mistakes, too. But we erase (擦除) the mistakes and try again. That’s what you should learn to do, too.”
She patted (轻拍) him on the back and stood up. “Here,” she said, “I’ll leave one of these pencils on your desk, so you’ll remember that everyone makes mistakes, even teachers.” David looked up with love in his eyes and a smile. That together with Miss Lee’s encouragement, made him understand what the meaning of making mistakes is — it’s all right to make mistakes, as long as you erase them and try again.
66. Why did David seldom answer his teacher’s questions
67. Who made David change a lot
68. What was Miss Lee like
69. Why did Miss Lee leave a pencil on David’s desk
70. What can you learn from the passage
我们每一位淄博人都以家乡为傲。假设你是来自淄博的李华,请你以“Beautiful things in Zibo”为题,写一篇80词左右的英文短文,介绍一下家乡之美,内容包括本地特色产品是什么,这些特色产品由什么制成,以及它们为什么是本地特色等。
提示:陶瓷 ceramic 烧烤 barbecue




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