
一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共 20分)
1. What does Kate think of Robert
A. He is kind. B. He talks too much. C. He is friendly.
2. How many times has the woman been to Singapore
A. Twice. B. Three times. C. Four times.
3. Which place in Sally's city has the longest history
A. The History Museum. B. The Red Star Square. C. The Long Bridge.
4. Who. is the woman probably
A. The boy's doctor B. The boy's classmate. C. The boy's mother.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. Internet language. B. Scientific language. C. Daily language.
6. How long has the boy had the bike
A. For four years. B. For five years. C. For six years.
7. Why does he sell it
A. He doesn't like it. B. He wants to buy a new one. C. He doesn't need it anymore.
8 What is the problem with the girl
A. She can't finish homework first.
B. She can't choose her own clothes.
C. She has too many strict rules at her home.
9. What does John think of the girl's parents
A. They love the girl.
B. They hate the girl.
C. They're not strict enough with the girl.
听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12 三个小题。
10. When is the best time to visit Mount Huang
A. In February. B. In October. C. In December.
11. What can you enjoy while you are climbing the mountain
A. White clouds. B. Wild animals. C. Talk shows.
12. When will the sky there look beautiful
A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the early morning.
听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第15 三个小题。
13. Where has the man been teaching now
A. In a big city. B. In a small town. C. In a small village.
14. What did the man bring for the children in the school
A. Some desks and chairs. B. Some books and clothes. C. Some books and food.
15. Who is willing to donate (捐赠) some money and books to the poor children
A. Lucy. B. Dave. C. Dave's friends.
16. ___________ 17. ___________ 18. ___________ 19. ___________ 20. ___________
A. 根据所给单词选出读音正确的音标。
21. /ju: / A. jump B. slump C. muse D. function
22. /e/ A. she B. eve C. scene D. wreck
23. /ɑ: / A. flat B. gap C. trap D. vast
24. /a / A. blind B. wit C. wrist D. shift
25. /a / A. goat B. moonlight C. toil D. mountain
B. 选出划线部分与其它读音不同的一项。
26. A. 'break |fast B. 'weather C. 'beach D. 'heal thy
27. A. 'in |ner B. 'is |use C. 'mis' |sion D. re'vise
28. A. 'pu |pil B. a muse C. sub'tract D. 'hu |mour
29. A. 'mo |dist B. 'mo /tive C. exp'lode D. 'log |ic
30. A. ob'tain B. 'pas |sage C. 'na/ tion D. 'la |bel
If your plant has turned brown and lost some leaves (叶子) . don't give up. Here is some ad-vice for you to plant. But it takes patience (耐心) and time.
Think about the water Too much water is bad for plants. Over-watered plants may grow brown or yellow leaves that make them look dead, But if you forget to water your plants, the leaves will become dry. So water is the most important. → Notice your lighting situation If you recently moved your plant to a new place, it might not get enough light. Even if you didn't move it, its lighting situation might change. Try to move your plant to a sunnier window if it needs a lot of light.

Feed your plant carefully If the leaves grow slowly, you may give the plant some food, like fertilizer(肥料).It can help the plant back to heath. But don't feed them too much. Or the roots will be hurt. ← Find a humid place Plants “drink” water through leaves as well as roots(根). So keep your plant in a humid place where it's not too sunny or too dry to help it grow healthily
31. What do you think is the reading about
A. Where the healthy plants grow. B. What the health y plants are like.
C. Why the plants become unhealthy. D. How to help plants grow healthily.
32. Which of the following pictures shows “humid”
A. B. C. D.
33. What is the most important for a plant according to the reading
A. Water B. Light C. Fertilizer D. A humid place.
34. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Plants may grow more leaves if they have more water.
B. Plants get water through their roots and leaves.
C. Too much fertilizer will make the plants grow healthily.
D. The plant will enjoy the same light if you don't move it.
35. Where may we read the passage
A. In a geography book. B. In a history book.
C. In a science magazine. D. In a medical report.
Mr Guo is a teacher from Xi'an. He asked his students to hand in their homework through QR code (二维码) . “We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate (使产生) the code and in the end everything gets easier.” said Guo, “When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat. Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work everywhere using my computer or telephone.
The QR codes can be sent to Mr. Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans (扫描) his students' QR codes. their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework be-comes more creative, with many pictures, music and even videos.
Guo's students like the new way and think it is interesting. “We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun.” Said Tingting, a student of Guo's.
“The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share. Guo said,” It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I don't want my students to fall behind the times.
However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, it's unnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their home-work. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesn't take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students' work at any time. And it's also an easy way to share homework with other students.
36. According to the passage, students can keep their homework on __________.
A. WeChat B. QQ C. email D. blog
37. Guo's students think the new way is __________.
A. strange B. boring C. interesting D. unnecessary
38. What does “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A. The paper is not easy to keep. B. Keeping and sharing the code easily.
C. Trying to use new technology in education. D. Education itself is a kind of creation.
39. Some parents are worried, because they think their children will __________.
A. talk with teachers face to face B. spend too much time on computers or phones
C. not like the new way of handing in homework D. find the QR codes too difficult to use
40. What's the main idea of the passage
A. Teachers needn't check homework any more.
B. Students needn't hand in homework any more.
C. Using QR codes makes checking homework easier.
D. Some parents are worried about their children.
What colors do you like, red, green or blue In fact, colors not only affect (影响) our lives but are widely used in our language.
For example, if a man has “a green thumb (拇指) ” , he must be very good at gardening (栽培花木) . He surely has a beautiful garden. If a person is “feeling blue” , that means she he is unhappy and sad, We need to cheer him up. And did you ever tell a “white lie (谎言) ” If you want to tell your friend bad news but don't want to hurt his feelings, you can tell him a white lie. See! Colors are often used in our language. Don't you think they are interesting
However, people who are color-blind can't see the difference between one color and another. For example, red, green and yellow may look like gray (灰色) to them. Some of them my see red as green, and others may see blue as yellow. It is quite inconvenient because they can't see the right colors of the traffic lights, so they can't drive cars. They also have problems using computers.
Parents may notice their child is color-blind when the child is leaning the colors. They can use color-blindness tests, along with other eye tests, to check their child's eyes.
41. I love plants and take good care of my garden. Which is TRUE about me
A. I feel blue B. I'm color-blind
C. I tell a white lie. D. I have a green thumb
42. I told my mom a white lie last night because __________.
A. my lie was about colors B. my face turned white when I told a lie
C. I didn't want her to worry about me D. white was my favorite color
43. Which of the following is NOT true about color-blind people
A. They can't see the difference between one color and another.
B. Red, green and yellow may look like gray to them.
C. They may feel safe when they drive cars.
D. They have problems using computers.
44. What's the Chinese meaning of the word “inconvenient”
A. 不方便的 B. 不肯定的 C. 不好玩的 D. 不恰当的
45. What does the text mainly talk about
A. Colors in people's lives. B. Colors and traffic.
C. Colors and a blind man. D. Colors and children.
Doing the broadcast calisthenics (广播体操) during breaks in the morning is almost a rule in Chinese schools. 46 He led his students to do the shuffle dance (鬼步舞) during school breaks.
Every morning, the 41-year-old headmaster Zhang Pengfei danced with about 700 pupils on the playground. 47 “I thought we needed a change because the students have been losing interest in doing the broadcast calisthenics, ” Zhang said.
Last summer, the headmaster met a group of people who were doing the shuffle dance at a public square. 48 Later he realized that the dance would be great for kids, because the music was full of energy (活力) and it really made people happy. Last October, he made it a school activity during the morning breaks. 49 “I sometimes catch some students watching different dance videos and learning new moves! ” said the proud headmaster.
The video of Zhang dancing with his students has gotten really popular online. “ 50 I wish he would teach me,” one person said. “Such an amazing thing to see so much energy! Great teacher,” another said.
A. He thought it was a better way for the students to exercise.
B. The students and even the teachers loved it!
C. This is the coolest headmaster ever!
D. Last year, a primary school headmaster in Shanxi broke the rule.
E. Then he decided to learn the dance himself.
46. ___________ 47. ___________ 48. ___________ 49. ___________ 50. ___________
Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you. Life is like a long trip. It can be easy or hard. Smile at life and you will get a surprising 51 .
When I was just a little child, I loved 52 very much and I could not stop eating them. My parents 53 my teeth so they decided not to keep any candies at our home. This was a big problem for me at first because I could not get candies. However, I 54 a way very soon to solve this problem-I asked for candies from my neighbors, of course, with a big smile and this worked 55 every time. Later, I heard a saying that “You can deal with anything if you smile”. I 56 that is right!
Every morning, I give myself a big smile in front of the mirror. This way always cheers me up. I think I can 57 to be happy or unhappy.
A smile makes people feel 58 . Smiling at others is special. It may make others feel comfortable. When somebody pushes you carelessly, an argument cannot solve the problem. If you give him or her a smile and tell him or her “Never mind. ” when he or she says sorry to you, 59 terrible will happen.
Now I'm getting older and older, and there will be more and more 60 in life. But I re-member I should always smile at life.
51. A. way B. suggestion C. idea D. result
52. A. vegetables B. candies C. fruits D. cakes
53. A. thought about B. worried about C. looked for D. looked after
54. A. found B. lost C. remembered D. forgot
55. A. badly B. well C. quickly D. hard
56. A. predict B. promise C. refuse D. guess
57. A. report B. agree C. choose D. get
58. A. cool B. cold C. warm D. hot
59. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
60. A. mirrors B. problems C. friends D. neighbors
come take true loud buy surprised another why think she
One evening, an old lady went shopping in the supermarket. She 61 lots of toys for her grandson, including a knife. When she came back to her car, she found a man with red hair starting the car and 62 two sitting at the back. She was surprised. She realized that they would drive her car away. Then she took out the toy knife without 63 and pointed at the men in the car, “Get out of the car! ” She shouted 64 . The men in the car got so terrified that they ran away quickly. The lady made sure that all the men had gone. Then she 65 out the key to start the car. To her 66 , she couldn't. She tried again and again and finally she knew 67 -it wasn't her car! She looked around and saw 68 own car not far away. When she came back to her car, she saw the men 69 up to her with a policeman. She thought it was time for her to tell the 70 and make it clear. After hearing her story, the policeman began to laugh. Her face turned red.
61. ___________ 62. ___________ 63. ___________ 64. ___________ 65. ___________
66. ___________ 67. ___________ 68. ___________ 69. ___________ 70. ___________
During the Warring States Period (战国) , the Qin army marched (进军) on Handan. Seeing that Handan was 71 danger, Prince Pingyuan asked the State of Chu for help. He wanted to pick 20 talented people to go with him. However, he could only find 19 people. Then, 72 man named Mao Sui volunteered.
Prince Pingyuan said to Mao Sui, “I hear 73 a person with talent is like an awl (锥子) in a cloth bag. Its sharp (锋利的) point will soon pierce (戳穿) through the bag. I 74 never heard about you, maybe you don't have any talent.”
“What I'm asking you now is to put me into that bag. If you do that, I will pierce through it,” Mao Sui said confidently.
In the end, Prince Pingyuan allowed Mao 75 join his team, and Mao did very well. Now the phrase “Mao Sui recommending (推荐) himself” is used to show someone who volunteers to do a job.
71. ___________ 72. ___________ 73. ___________ 74. ___________ 75. ___________
A: Hi, Sara! It's Friday again. Do you have any plans for Saturday
B: No, Helen. What about you
A: 76. ____________.
B: A Chinese culture party 77. ____________
A: It will be in our school hall.
B: 78. ____________
A: All my classmates and our Chinese teacher will go to the party.
B: 79. ____________
A: We'll dress up as the poets (人) in ancient (代的) ) China and read their poems.
B: Sounds interesting. Who will you dress up as
A: L Bai. He is my favorite poet.
B: 80. ____________ I look forward to your performance.
A: Of course you can! Let's meet at 8: 00 on Saturday morning.
当前,全市各学校正开展“好书伴我成长”活动。请你根据活动主题并结合表格中所给信息,以“Growing Up with Good Books”为题,用英语写一篇 80词的倡议书,向全校同学发出倡议。
读书的益处 获取知识,增长见识,使人快乐……
存在的现象 听音乐,看电视,上网,占用了大部分业余时间……
发出倡议 多读书,读经典好书。向世界传播 (spread) 中国传统文化。让读书成为我们生活的一部分。
要求:1. 倡议书应包括以上所有要点;
2. 倡议书的开头已给出,不计入总词数。
My dear friends,
Reading is very important. ___________________________________________________________________
一、1—5 BBCCA 6—10 BCCAB 11—15 ACCBA 16—20 CDAEB
二、21—25 CDDAD 26—30 CDCDB
三、31—35 DAABC 36—40 ACCBC 41—45 DCCAA 46—50 DAEBC
四、51—55 DBBAB 56—60 DCCDB
五、61. bought 62. another 63. thinking 64. loudly 65. took 66. surprise 67. why 68. her ing 70. truth 71. in 72. a 73. that 74. have 75. about
六、76. I plan to go to a Chinese culture party.
77. Where will it be
78. Who will go to the party
79. What will you do at the party
80. Can I go to the party with you



