
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. Where is Jane doing volunteer work
A. In the zoo. B. In the library. C. In the hospital.
2. When did the man visit Qinghai Lake
A. Last May. B. Last August. C. Last October.
3. What are they talking about
A. A band. B. A song. C. Rock music.
4. How long has Bob had the new camera
A. For one week. B. For two weeks. C. For three weeks.
5. Who did Tina learn playing the violin from
A. Her father. B. Her teacher. C. Her classmate.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What did Rob do at the old people’s home in the morning
A. He read newspapers. B. He played cards. C. He did some cleaning.
7. When did Rob come home yesterday
A. At 9 am. B. At 5 pm. C. At 7 pm.
8. How long has Tony had the bike
A. For four years. B. For five years. C. For six years.
9. Why does Tony sell it
A. Because he doesn’t like it.
B. Because he wants to buy a new one.
C. Because he doesn’t need it anymore.
10. Who is writer of The Little Prince
A. A French pilot. B. An American singer. C. An English pianist.
11. Why did the little prince leave his planet
A. Because he felt lonely.
B. Because the rose made him sad.
C. Because his planet became dangerous.
12. What do people think of the story of The Little Prince
A. Common. B. Serious. C. Moving.
13. How many times has the girl read Three Days to See
A. Twice. B. Three times. C. Five times.
14. What does the girl think of the book
A. It’s educational. B. It’s interesting. C. It’s relaxing.
15. Where are the two speakers
A. In a bookstore. B. In a library. C. In the classroom.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
A. B. C.
D. E.
16. ________ 17. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. ________
A Versailles Bike Tour Take a tour of Versailles in a different way—by bicycle! It’s the only way to see Versailles’ large gardens and you’ll get to see the beauty of Versailles that most visitors miss. You’ll also enjoy a picnic by the Grand Canal (大运河) and then take a tour of the Palace of Versailles.
Basic Information: Lasts: 9 hours Where to meet: Outside of the subway station (Line 10) in Paris Where to dismiss (解散): Return to the same point and depart (离开) at about 6: 00 pm. Means of transportation (交通方式): Together with the guide, you’ll walk to the RER train station to travel to Versailles by train. Then pick up your bike at an office just 5 minutes from the Palace of Versailles.
What You Will Enjoy: ☆A visit to Versailles’ village market to buy cheese, bread, wine and anything else you wish for your delicious picnic lunch. ☆A bike ride through the gardens behind the palace. Bring your camera for pictures. The garden s are beautiful in every direction. ☆Arriving at the far end of the Grand Canal, you’ll sit down for a picnic. ☆Cycle back to the palace and have a look at the lives of the King. You’ll visit the Hall of Mirros, the King’s State Apartments and so on.
Ticket Prices: Man: 50 dollars Woman: 40 dollars Kids 12-18: 20 dollars (children under 12 can’t take part) For more information, please visit www.
21. When should the visitors and tour guide meet at the subway station
A. At about 9: 00 am. B. At about 11: 00 am.
C. At about 1: 00 pm. D. At about 2: 00 pm.
22. Where will the visitors have a picnic
A. In the gardens of Versailles. B. By the Grand Canal.
C. At the RER train Station. D. In the Hall of Mirrors.
23. If 14-year-old John and his parents take part in the Versailles bike tour, how much will they spend
A. 60 dollars. B. 70 dollars. C. 90 dollars. D. 110 dollars.
24. What can you do to know more about the tour
A. Give them a phone call. B. Go to their office to ask.
C. Write a letter to them. D. Visit their website.
25. In which part of the newspaper may we read the text
A. History. B. News. C. Travel. D. Arts.
John liked saying “yes” to others. He thought it was a lovely word.
One day, during lunchtime at school, John’s friend Chorro asked John to give him his lunch. Chorro seemed to forget his lunch every day, but he never cared. He knew John would only say yes. Sure enough, John gave his lunch to Chorro, although he was very hungry.
The next morning, the teacher asked everyone to hand in their homework. Chorro didn’t do his. He wasn’t worried at all, because he had a good friend. “John, give me yours!” said Chorro.
John didn’t want to do that. If he did so, he would have nothing to hand in. But John liked to say yes. Finally, Chorro happily handed in “his” homework to the teacher.
The teacher asked John, “Where is your homework, John ”
John didn’t want to lie. “I gave it to Chorro,” he replied.
“What ” The teacher’s eyes were wide open. The answer wasn’t what she had expected. But she wasn’t angry. Instead, she asked patiently (耐心地), “Why did you give your homework to Chorro ”
“Because he would be punished (处罚) without my homework. I’m a kind person. If someone needs my help, I should say yes!” said John.
The teacher smiled and said, “It’s good to be kind, but you must be kind to yourself first and only say yes to things you’re happy to do. I hope you can understand this.”
26. What happened during lunchtime
A. John didn’t eat anything. B. Chorro was hungry all noon.
C. John forgot to bring his lunch. D. Chorro shared his lunch with John.
27. Why wasn’t Chorro worried about not doing his homework
A. Because John had already done his homework for him.
B. Because he knew the teacher would not punish him.
C. Because he didn’t have to hand in his homework.
D. Because he knew John would give his homework to him.
28. What does the underlined word “so” refer to
A. The thing that John gave his homework to Chorro.
B. The thing that Chorro couldn’t hand in his homework.
C. The thing that John didn’t give lunch to Chorro.
D. The thing that Chorro handed in John’s homework.
29. How did the teacher feel when she heard the answer
A. Mad. B. Excited. C. Surprised. D. Scared.
30. What did the teacher want John to understand
A. He should make friends with kind people.
B. He should learn to say no.
C. He should help others when they need help.
D. He should do things on his own.
Have you ever heard of Yongchuan in Chongqing It’s in the eastern part of Chongqing. Many people didn’t know it well in the past. However, it’s getting popular these days.
Yongchuan has been the first to offer a fully driverless taxi service in China. There’re many pickup stations near schools, hospitals, communities (社区) and office buildings.
People can call a driverless taxi by placing an order on their smartphones and then wait at the nearest pickup station. In a few minutes, a white car will stop at the station. There’s a screen on the car window. People need to enter (输入) the last four numbers of their mobile phones on the screen to get into the car.
Yongchuan is famous for not only its driverless taxi but also its ancient town Songji. It’s in the south of Yongchuan. The government there has repaired the old buildings and roads. Also, it has worked hard to preserve the historical and cultural heritage (遗产) to make sure it’s in good condition.
Wang Peng, an old pingshu (storytelling) artist, has always tried to make Songji famous. He works as a pingshu artist in a teahouse and has lived in Songji for over 40 years. He always introduces Songji first before telling a story. He hopes tourists can get to know the town better.
31. What do we know about Yongchuan
A. It’s in the north of Chongqing.
B. It’s the most popular place in Chongqing.
C. People can enjoy a fully driverless taxi service there.
D. The government will build more pickup stations there.
32. What’s the third paragraph mainly about
A. How people take a driverless taxi.
B. What people think of the driverless taxi.
C. Why people choose to take the driverless taxi.
D. How a driverless taxi is different from other taxis.
33. What does the underlined word “preserve” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Accept. B. Record. C. Improve. D. Protect.
34. What can we learn from the text
A. There’s only driverless taxi service in Yongchuan.
B. Passengers can wait for a driverless taxi at their workplace.
C. Wang Peng mainly tells pingshu in the ancient town Songji.
D. Wang Peng always tells a story before introducing Songji.
35. What’s the best title for the text
A. A famous pingshu artist B. Yongchuan—a great place to visit
C. A wonderful tour in Songji D. Great changes in Yongchuan
In our life, we need to have dreams and goals (目标). Then how do we set life goals 36
What are life goals Life goals are what we want to get. 37 They are personal plans but they can be different in many ways.
38 Lots of us have dreams. We know what makes us happy and what we would love to try. Setting goals is useful in making our dreams come true. First, setting goals can tell us what to do next. Second, if we know what we want to be and want to do, we can have the right direction (方向) in our life. We won’t do useless things. 39
How can we set life goals Here’s an example. Ann a wants to be a teacher. She sets her goal as “being an English teacher two years later”, but not an easy goal like “helping my brother with his homework”. It’s difficult to make her goal come true in a short time, but she’ll try her best. 40
A. Here are some ideas.
B. Why should we set goals in life
C. And they make our life much more meaningful
D. Finally, setting goals can make us live more happily.
E. Remember the more difficult your goal is, the more you’ll get.
Once upon a time, there was a king named Edward. His minister (大臣), Dominic, helped him. Dominic was a clever and 41 man. He had the talent in solving the trouble. 42 , nobody was perfect in this world. He was very short.
One day, King Edward 43 Dominic to a neighboring country. The king of that country was an unkind person.
As soon as the king saw Dominic, he noticed his 44 . “Isn’t there a better person than you Your king has sent such a short person,” he said.
Hearing this, Dominic felt 45 . But knowing what situation he faced, he tried to 46 his anger (怒火). He looked at the king and said, “There are many 47 people in my country. When they 48 , their heads cover the sun. They can walk one kilometer when they take just one step.”
The king asked, “If such people are in your country, 49 did your king send you here ”
Domini c said, “In fact, my country has a custom (风俗). My king has sent 50 here according to it.”
“What’s the custom ” asked the king.
Dominic replied, “My king usually sends people according to the 51 of each country. For example, he sends a smart person to a clever king’s country, and a 52 person to a silly king’s country. I’m the most stupid person in my country, 53 he has sent me here.”
After hearing the words, the king dropped his head in 54 and said sorry to Dominic. He 55 that he shouldn’t have laughed at Dominic. And he decided to talk with others kindly from then on.
41. A. brave B. lazy C. lonely D. handsome
42. A. Also B. However C. Still D. Again
43. A. invited B. agreed C. offered D. sent
44. A. habit B. work C. height D. deal
45. A. angry B. excited C. tired D. weak
46. A. show B. hide C. push D. beat
47. A. short B. fair C. huge D. kind
48. A. stand up B. sit down C. fix up D. put down
49. A. how B. when C. where D. why
50. A. him B.me C. you D. them
51. A. situation B. population C. environment D. technology
52. A. common B. great C. stupid D. clever
53. A. so B. but C. since D. while
54. A. fear B. surprise C. shame D. danger
55. A. decided B. realized C. hoped D. promised
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
one angry but he toy check soft among with while
Hunter is my little brother. A small, blue truck is his favorite 56 his toys. It’s as small as his hand. The doors and wheels on the little truck can move. Hunter spends hours every day playing with 57 truck. He goes to bed 58 it at night and sits next to it at the table while eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Yesterday, our little cousin Carrie came over to play. Anytime Carrie gets a toy, she breaks it. Hunter didn’t want his truck to get broken, but Mom always made him share his 59 . When Carrie arrived, she shouted, “Where is Hunter’s blue truck I want to play with it.” Hunter handed her the truck and told her to play with it for a short 60 .
The 61 thing Carrie did was to hold the truck up over her head and then drop it on the floor. “Boom!” She laughed loudly. “Stop!” Hunter shouted. He picked up his truck and 62 it. Oh! The truck was broken! “You broke it!” Hunter was 63 with Carrie. Carrie looked at him quietly and then said sorry 64 .
Hunter had to forgive (原谅) her, 65 he decided to hide his truck the next time Carrie came over.
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
Not all penguins (企鹅) live in cold places. African penguins live in the south of Africa. Like other penguins, African penguins spend most of the day feeding in the ocean, and this helps them stay cool.
Most other penguins lay (产) their eggs in the open. However, African penguins do it in 66 different way. They dig holes 67 protect their eggs from the hot sun. They also stay in some cool places when they can. After that, they start going out and return to the hole to stay cool and stay away from dangerous animals. On land, some animals such as dogs 68 cats can eat them. In the water, they have to keep away from other big sea life.
The African penguins are 69 danger now. There 70 only about 52,000 wild. African penguins left. People pick penguin eggs for sale. The sea is polluted, so they are losing their homes.
A: Good afternoon, Eric! I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where did you go last month
B: 71. ________________________.
A: Where is Zhengzhou
B: It’s in the middle of Henan.
A: 72. ________________________
B: It’s famous for the Shaolin Temple and the Yellow River.
A: Are there any people enjoying their holidays in Zhengzhou
B: 73. ________________________. Lots of visitors go to the city to spend holidays every year.
A: How long did you stay there
B: For three days.
A: 74. ________________________
B: Certainly. We took many photos there. 75. ________________________.
A: What an exciting trip! I hope I can visit Zhengzhou one day.
为了鼓励同学们放飞青春梦想,努力成为德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,你校英语俱乐部打算举办题为“How to improve yourself”的征文活动。请你根据以下提示写一篇英语短文投稿。
How to improve yourself
Everyone wants to get better and better, and so do I. In order to improve myself, I’ll do as follows. ________
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. M: Are you helping out with the work in the hospital, Jane
W: Yes. I’ve worked here as a volunteer since last month.
2. W: Qinghai Lake is the largest lake in China. Have you ever visited it
M: Yes. I visited it last August. And I plan to go there again this October.
3. W: I enjoy listening to this band’s songs. The band members are all talented.
M: I think so, too. I once went to their concert. Then I became a big fan of rock music.
4. W: Is this your new camera, Bob
M: Yes.
W: Did your father buy it for you
M: Yes, he bought it for my birthday two weeks ago.
5. M: Do you play the guitar in your band, Tina
W: No. I play the violin.
M: Did you learn playing the violin from your father
W: No. I learned it from my classmate last year.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
W: Hey, Rob. How was your weekend
M: Great! I volunteered at the old people’s home. I read newspapers to the old people in the morning and played cards with them in the afternoon.
W: How long did you work there yesterday
M: Well, I went there at 9 in the morning. And when I came home, it was already 7 in the evening.
W: Wow, you spent almost a whole day there. Next time I can help you with the volunteer job.
W: This bike looks old, Tony.
M: My father bought it for me five years ago. I usually ride it to school.
W: So why do you sell it
M: My new home is near my school. I plan to walk to school.
W: It’s nice.
The Little Prince is one of the most famous books around the world. The writer is a French pilot. Now it has sold about 80 million copies.
The book told the experience of a little prince. The little prince lived on a small planet alone. But he was not lonely with his favorite rose. One day, he was hurt by what the rose said. So, he left his planet to find what is love. On the first planet, there was a king who had no people. On the fourth planet, he met a trade r who only cared about money. Finally, he arrived in the earth and made friends with the writer.
When you read this moving story of the little prince, you can’t help smiling and you can feel the beauty of life and love in your heart.
W: Hi, Bob. Are you looking for a book
M: Yeah. I’m looking for a book called Three Days to See.
W: I’ve kept the book. It’s one of my favorite books and I’ve read it five times.
M: Really Is it interesting to read
W: It’s not an interesting book, but it’s educational. I can lend you mine.
M: Thank you very much. By the way, what book do you want to buy
W: I’d like to take a book about wild animals here.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
Hello! My name is Sam. I have lived in my hometown for at least 12 years. It’s a city at the foot of a mountain and it’s full of interesting places to see and things to do. Let me tell you three places. The first one is History Museum. It’s in the south of the city and it has been there for five years. It’s just about 350 meters away from a bus stop. Its tickets are cheap. The second place is a restaurant called Wang Shifu. It has been there for ten years. It’s famous for its fish noodles. I go there several times a month. The third one is Joy Sports. It’s a modern and beautiful sports center. You can run or play ball games there.
1—5 CBABC 6—10 ACBCA 11—15 BCCAA 16—20 DEBAC
21—25 ABDDC 26—30 ADACB 31—35 CADCB 36—40 ACBDE
41—45 ABDCA 46—50 BCADB 51—55 ACACB
56. among 57. his 58. with 59. toys
60. while 61. first 62. checked 63. Angry
64. softly 65. but 66. a 67. To
68. and 69. in 70. are
71. I went to Zhengzhou (with my friends /parents)
72. What is it famous for
73. Yes, there are
74. Did you take any photos
75. And we had a good time / We enjoyed ourselves there
One possible version:
How to improve yourself
Everyone wants to get better and better, and so do I. In order to improve myself, I’ll do as follows.
Firstly, I’ll try to break my bad habits. For example, I used to be poor at managing my time. I’ll make a to-do list so that I can make full use of my time. Secondly, I’ll read widely to increase my knowledge in my spare time. I believe that the more I read, the wiser I will be. Thirdly, I’ll take up new hobbies like drawing and gardening. Last but not least, I’ll try to do something meaningful, such as volunteering in the old people’s home and giving away books to people in need. By doing these, I’m sure that I can improve myself.



上一篇:牛津译林版(2024)七年级上册Unit 1 This is me单元加强练习(含答案)
