Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet检测题(含答案含音频及听力原文)人教版八年级下册(广西南宁专版)

八年级英语下册Unit 8检测题(广西南宁专版)
满分:120分 时间:120分钟
一、听力(共30小题, 每小题1分, 共30分)
(一)听句子, 选图片。
你将听到五个句子, 请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片, 有一幅图是多余的。每个句子读两遍。
1.  2.  3.  4.  5.
(二)听短对话, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 请根据对话内容, 选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
( )6.Why has Sarah gone to Nashville
To visit Dale. B.To see a singer. C.To take singing lessons.
( )7.Which book does the man think is exciting
A.Harry Potter. B.Tom Sawyer. C.Robinson Crusoe.
( )8.How many times has Dahai seen the movie Dearest
A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times.
( )9.What book has the boy read
A.Alice in Wonderland. B.Robinson Crusoe.C.Little Women.
( )10.What kind of books does the boy like
A.Science books.   B.Animals books. C.Storybooks.
(三)听长对话, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到三段对话, 请根据对话内容, 选出每个问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
请听第一段对话, 回答第11至13小题。
( ) 11.What do most of Eric's classmates think of Alice in Wonderland
A.Exciting.   B.Interesting. C.Scary.
( )12.When did Sally finish reading Alice in Wonderland
A.Two days ago.B.Three days ago.C.Four days ago.
( )13.Where does Sally want to go this afternoon
A.To the market.   B.To the library. C.To the bookstore.
请听第二段对话, 回答第14至16小题。
( )14.How many times has Marcus seen Garth Brooks sing live(现场)
A.Once.  B.Twice.  C.Three times.
( )15.When did Marcus see Garth Brooks sing live
A.When he was 11 years old. B.When he was 15 years old.
C.When he was 12 years old.
( )16.Which record would Linda like to listen to
A.Sevens.   B.Fresh Horses. C.In Pieces.
请听第三段对话, 回答第17至20小题。
( )17.Where is the concert
A.At the Music Room.B.At the Music Theater.C.At the Music Hall.
( )18.Which is the man's favorite music
A.Piano music.   B.Violin music. C.Rock music.
( )19.When will they meet
At 7:30 p.m.  B.At 7:00 p.m.C.At 6:30 p.m.
( )20.How will they go to the concert
A.By bus.   B.By car. C.On foot.
(四)听短文, 选择最佳答案。
你将听到一篇短文, 请根据短文内容, 选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。
( )21.Which movie has John watched recently
A.Forrest Gump. B.Touch of the light. C.Titanic.
( )22.What's Forrest Gump like in the movie
A.Hard-working.    B.Kind. C.Lazy.
( )23.When did John read the novel about it
A.An hour ago.    B.A week ago. C.A month ago.
( )24.What does John think of the movie
A.Terrible.    B.Touching. C.Scary.
( )25.What can we learn from Forrest Gump
A.Practice running like him.B.Run away from the difficulties in life.
C.Be happy to face whatever life may give us.
(五)听短文, 填信息。
你将听到一篇短文, 请根据短文内容, 将所缺信息填入横线上, 每空一词。短文读三遍。
Name Steven Hom
Job A famous 26. singer.
From Britain.
Mainexperiences When he was 12, he had his first band with 27. friends at school.
When he was eighteen, he went 28. to study music.
The band Magic Maker mainly plays modern 29. .
They have sold over fifty million 30. .
二、单项选择(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
( )31.—I'm sorry to trouble you, Mr.Smith.
A.I hope not   B.Don't say that C.That's all right
( )32.As everyone knows, there is no failure without ______.
A.promise B.Success C.development
( )33.Boyan Slat suggested a way to clean up______ tons of plastic polluting our oceans.
A.million B.million of C.millions of
( )34.—You haven't visited the Palace Museum, have you
—______ How I wish to visit it some day!
No, I haven't. B.Yes, I haven't. C.Yes, I have.
( )35.—Becky, we're leaving in several minutes.Are you ready
—No, I ______ my clothes yet.
A.have packed B.haven't packed C.didn't pack
( )36.______, or you'll late for the school meeting.
A.Look out B.Right away C.Hurry up
( )37.It is a perfect chance to encourage others to take their first step ______ becoming a volunteer.
A.for    B.towards   C.along
( )38.In the 19th and 20th centuries, ______ technology allowed map makers to produce maps showing locations exactly.
A.modern B.proud C.beautiful
( )39.Now, I saw beautiful people ______ around and I sensed the seasons change.
A.walk B.walking C.to walk
( )40.—Is Lucy in the classroom
—Yeah.She is still there watching Mr.Li ______.
A.to draw B.drawing C.draws
三、补全对话(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)
根据对话内容, 从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话, 有一个选项是多余的。
A:Hi, Lin Tao! I heard your speech was successful yesterday. Congratulations(祝贺)!
A:It's a pity that I missed it.42.
B:It was about traditional Chinese medicine.
A:Traditional Chinese medicine?43.
B:By joining a club.
A:I'm interested in traditional Chinese medicine, too.44.
B:This Sunday morning.45.
A:Sure, I'd love to.
B:Let's meet at 8:00 a.m.at the school gate.
A:OK.See you!
A.Of course.B.Thank you.C.What was it about D.Would you like to go with me E.How do you know so much about it F.When will you go to the club next time
四、完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
I told my parents that I wanted to visit my grandparents alone.I didn't see them for a long time and I __46__ them a lot.Although my parents agreed, they were __47__ worried about my safety.So they told me something that would happen on the way __48__ my grandparents' and encouraged me to solve the problems by myself.
When the __49__ came, my parents came to the train station to see me off.While we were waiting for the train, my father gave me a letter.He told me I could read it if I felt afraid on the way.With the train moving slowly, I said __50__ to them.
I looked out of the window and saw green farms and beautiful villages along the way.And I was very __51__.At one station, a tall and heavy man got on the train and sat next to me.I got a little nervous.Suddenly, I __52__ what my father gave me and told me at the station.I opened the letter.It said, “Never be afraid.I'm together with you in this train.” Seeing this, I began to feel relaxed.I tried to speak with the man and he talked with me so __53__.We both felt quite happy all the way.
In our life, there are many times when we need to do something __54__.We needn't be afraid because our parents are always with us.Remember we should try__55__best to solve all the problems by ourselves.
( )46.A.missed  B.helped  C.thanked
( )47.A.hardly B.still C.seldom
( )48.A.at B.for C.to
( )49.A.day B.week C.month
( )50.A.sorry B.hello C.goodbye
( )51.A.sad B.happy C.bored
( )52.A.borrowed B.refused C.remembered
( )53.A.kindly B.angrily C.clearly
( )54.A.slowly B.carefully C.D.alone
( )55.A.my B.his C.our
五、阅读理解(共20小题, 第56-60小题, 每小题1分;第61-75小题, 每小题2分, 共35分)
Lulu, a Hungarian PhD(匈牙利哲学博士) student at Tsinghua University, first came to Beijing in 2017.She soon fell in love with the city.She also found her greatest hobby—Peking Opera.
Lulu watched Peking Opera for the first time in an opera museum.“I found it really fantastic, ” she said.“Both the outfits(装束) and the movements were so wonderful.The face painting was something I'd never seen before.It is so different from Western opera.”
With great interest, she joined the Peking Opera group of Tsinghua University.That made her see that Peking Opera is much more than just the looks.“There is really, really huge cultural and historical background in Peking Opera.”
The group members practice twice a week.Mostly, they practice singing and movements.The biggest problem for Lulu was learning the Asian way of singing.“To start with, my throat was in great pain, because I was using my voice in the wrong way, ” she said.But with the help of teachers, she has improved a lot.
There are other international students in the group.“I really love Peking Opera because it brings us together, ” she said.“I believe that art has no boundaries(界限) and music has no language barriers(障碍).I hope to share my love for Peking Opera with more people outside China.”
根据语篇内容, 判断下列句子正误, 正确的填“T”, 错误的填“F”。
( )56.Lulu first came to Beijing in 2017.
( )57.When Lulu first watched Peking Opera, she found the outfits and movements were ugly.
( )58.Lulu practices Peking Opera three times a week in the group.
( ) 59.Lulu had trouble with the way of singing at first because she didn't use her voice in the right way.
( )60.From this passage, we can infer(推断) that Lulu will introduce Peking Opera to more foreigners in the future.
Event Record
Name Opening ceremony(开幕式) of “2023 Taizhou Hu Yuan Reading Festival”
Purpose To encourage the national reading campaign(全民阅读)
Time On the morning of April 20, 2023, three days before the 28th World Reading Day Place In Taifuli Square, Taizhou
Activities Speeches, singing and dancing and story telling were performed.2.“2022 Yearly Most Beautiful Reading Spot Award in Taizhou” was presented.
Li Ming(a student):I enjoy reading.For me, reading is the best way to encourage myself.I spend as much time as I can reading, for about 1 hour every day.I love novels best.How the Steel was Tempered is one of my favorite.When I am facing difficulties, Pavel Korchagin's story will always remind me to be brave and never to give up.Zhang Hong(a teacher):After a hard day's work, a piece of music, a cup of coffee and a book may make me feel comfortable and relaxed.I recommend the four great classical Chinese novels to all my students, for we can enjoy the beauty of different language styles, as well as traditional Chinese culture.But it's a pity I have 2 hours at most to read every week.Wang Hua(an officer):Books are my assistant.When I am in trouble, a suitable book is always the best friend I go to.I keep the habit of reading for nearly 4 hours every week.Books tell me how to step forward.Shih Chi or Thirty six Stratagems can not only improve my working ability but also fill my life.Hu Shanshan(a volunteer):I seldom have time to read, but I learned quite a lot today, and I will start my reading from today on.
( )61.When was the 28th World Reading Day
A.On April 20, 2022.B.On April 23, 2022.C.On April 23, 2023.
( )62.According to the passage, why was “2023 Taizhou Hu Yuan Reading Festival” held
A.To celebrate Hu Yuan's birthday.
B.To encourage the national reading campaign.
C.To start World Reading Day.
( )63.Why does Li Ming like How the Steel was Tempered best
A.Because it may help him to improve his working ability.
B.Because it can encourage him to be brave and never to give up.
C.Because it may help him to experience life in a foreign country.
( )64.What is recommended to the students by Zhang Hong
A.Shih Chi.B.How the Steel was Tempered.
C.The four great classical Chinese novels.
( )65.Who spends the most time in reading books every week
A.Li Ming.     B.Zhang Hong. C.Wang Hua.
You must have read or heard of the sad love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.But can you imagine the two singing opera in English instead of speaking poetic Chinese
Jia and Lin are two characters from the classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions(《红楼梦》), written by Cao Xueqin (1715—1763).Now the book has been made into an English language opera.After being performed in San Francisco, the US, the performance came to Beijing, Changsha and Wuhan in 2017.
Many of the opera's creators have backgrounds in both Chinese and American cultures, including the director and playwrights(剧作家).Their understanding of both cultures helped them change a Chinese classic into a foreign language opera.
The book, which covers the rise and fall of the Jia family, has 120 chapters and hundreds of characters.But opera writer David Henry Hwang cut down the number of characters to just seven.Hwang, a Chinese American, focused on the love story between Jia and Lin and tried to write a tragedy(悲剧) that everyone would understand.
The art director Timmy Yip, from Hong Kong, tried to help foreign people understand the characters using costumes and stage decorations.He compared Lin to water and gave her a light green costume.When Lin showed up on stage, there was usually water around her on the stage.
The creators considered the work of introducing a Chinese classic to Western audience was worth doing.Hwang told China Daily he was happy to “have made a contribution(贡献) to the land where my parents were born”.
( )66.Where was the English language opera first performed
A.In Beijing.    B.In Changsha. C.In San Francisco.
( ) 67.What do we know about A Dream of Red Mansions from Paragraph 4
A.It is mainly about the rise and greatness of the Qing Dynasty.
B.It tells the happy ending love story between Jia and Lin.
C.The book is long and rich in characters.
( )68.The art director compared Lin to water probably because of her ______.
A.dressing style     B.Character C.life habits
( )69.What can we infer from the passage
A.Timmy Yip knows a lot about Chinese culture as well as American culture.
B.Hwang's parents were born in America.
C.The English language opera was on tour in the US.
( )70.What do creators of the opera think of their job
A.Difficult and unbelievable.B.Stressful and tough.
C.Satisfying and meaningful.
In Pontevedra, Spain, people don't shout.Since cars are not allowed in the city, there are no horns(喇叭) or noises from car engines.People don't have to try hard to make themselves heard.What you hear in the street, instead, is the singing of birds.
“Listen, ” says Miguel Lores, the mayor(市长), opening the windows of his office.From the street below rises the sound of human voices.“More than 14, 000 cars used to pass along this street every day.There were more cars passing through the city in a day than people living here.”
Lores became mayor in 1999.He spent months walking around the city.“The historical city is dead, ” he said one day.“It is full of cars.It is heavily polluted.There are a lot of traffic accidents.The elderly and children aren't able to use the streets because of cars.People who had a chance to leave have done so.”
At first, Lores thought of improving traffic conditions.However, he couldn't come up with a good plan.After lots of discussions, the government finally decided to get rid of(清除)cars.
The change has brought Pontevedra many benefits.Traffic accidents are now rare(罕见的).CO2 emissions(排放物) are down by 70%.Many people are moving to the city, making it lively again.
Most local people like the change.Ramiro Armesto, a mother of two young children, said, “In the past, the first thing to see in the morning was traffic jams.Now, the city is cleaner, quieter and safer.” Raquel Garcia, another parent, said she had stayed in many cities around the world.However, she had never lived in a city as “easy to live in” as Pontevedra.“Even if it's raining, I walk everywhere.The feeling is wonderful, ” she added.
( )71.From Paragraph 1, we know Pontevedra is a(n) ______ city in Spain.
A.ancient B.quiet C.busy
( )72.For Lores, what was the city Pontevedra's main problem
A.The historical city was dead.
B.There were lots of traffic accidents.
C.There were too many cars in the city.
( )73.The underlined word “benefits” probably means “______” in English.
A.choices B.advantages   C.problems
( )74.What is the purpose of the last paragraph
A.To show how people like the change.
B.To let more cities follow the change.
C.To explain what people think of the city.
( )75.What is the best title of the passage
A.A City Without Cars B.The Path to a City's Progress C.A Good Plan for a City
六、选词填空(共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 共15分)
根据语篇内容, 从方框中选择恰当的单词, 并用其正确形式填空。每个单词只能用一次。
effort risk because danger happen pridecomplete anywhere experience protect
The movie Home Coming took the lead in the box office during the National Day holiday.
It tells a story that took place in North Africa.After a war breaks out there, two Chinese diplomats(外交官) are ordered to help evacuate(撤离) the overseas Chinese.After 76. the first task successfully, they learn that another group of Chinese citizens is still in great 77. .Realising that these people will die if they don't give a hand, the two men travel through the war area.They 78. their lives to help over 100 Chinese citizens go to a safe place.The movie not only shows how the two diplomats 79. the people with courage(勇气), but also shows their deep love for the country and people.
Home Coming reminds many people of a similar real event which truly 80. in Libya in 2011.Chinese Embassy helped the evacuation of more than 30, 000 Chinese citizens.Behind this event were many 81. of Chinese diplomats.After watching the film, a man recalled his personal 82. 11 years ago.“We are the lucky ones
83. we have a strong country and are well protected, ” he said.
Home Coming is a hit partly because of the growing national 84. and confidence(自信) Chinese people have in our country.A review reads, “Chinese passport might not get you 85. you want, but it can always bring you back home.”
86.今年五一, 广西凭借丰富的旅游资源和优质的服务, 吸引了各地的游客前来“打卡”。在校园英语文化周, 你将代表班级做关于“旅行”的英语演讲。请根据以下要点提示, 结合你的旅游或出行经历, 写一篇英语演讲稿。
3.根据你的旅行感受, 为广西的旅游发展提出一条合理的建议或希望。
1.80词左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
Dear schoolmates,
Good morning!I'm glad to make a speech here.
That's all.Thank you!答案:
1. D  2. A  3. B  4. C  5. E
( C )6.Why has Sarah gone to Nashville
( A )7.Which book does the man think is exciting
( B )8.How many times has Dahai seen the movie Dearest
( B )9.What book has the boy read
( C )10.What kind of books does the boy like
( B ) 11.What do most of Eric's classmates think of Alice in Wonderland
( A )12.When did Sally finish reading Alice in Wonderland
( C )13.Where does Sally want to go this afternoon
( A )14.How many times has Marcus seen Garth Brooks sing live(现场)
( A )15.When did Marcus see Garth Brooks sing live
( B )16.Which record would Linda like to listen to
( C )17.Where is the concert
( A )18.Which is the man's favorite music
( C )19.When will they meet
( B )20.How will they go to the concert
( A )21.Which movie has John watched recently
( A )22.What's Forrest Gump like in the movie
( B )23.When did John read the novel about it
( B )24.What does John think of the movie
( C )25.What can we learn from Forrest Gump
Name Steven Hom
Job A famous 26. pop singer.
From Britain.
Mainexperiences When he was 12, he had his first band with 27. 3/three friends at school.
When he was eighteen, he went 28. abroad to study music.
The band Magic Maker mainly plays modern 29. music .
They have sold over fifty million 30. records .
( C )31.
( B )32.
( C )33.
( A )34.
( B )35
( C )36.
( B )37.
( A )38.
( B )39.
( B )40.
41. B
42. C
43. E
44. F
45. D
( A )46.A.missed  B.helped  C.thanked
( B )47.A.hardly B.still C.seldom
( C )48.A.at B.for C.to
( A )49.A.day B.week C.month
( C )50.A.sorry B.hello C.goodbye
( B )51.A.sad B.happy C.bored
( C )52.A.borrowed B.refused C.remembered
( A )53.A.kindly B.angrily C.clearly
( C )54.A.slowly B.carefully C.D.alone
( C )55.A.my B.his C.our
( T )56.Lulu first came to Beijing in 2017.
( F )57.When Lulu first watched Peking Opera, she found the outfits and movements were ugly.
( F )58.Lulu practices Peking Opera three times a week in the group.
( T ) 59.Lulu had trouble with the way of singing at first because she didn't use her voice in the right way.
( T )60.From this passage, we can infer(推断) that Lulu will introduce Peking Opera to more foreigners in the future.
( C )61.When was the 28th World Reading Day
( B )62.According to the passage, why was “2023 Taizhou Hu Yuan Reading Festival” held
( B )63.Why does Li Ming like How the Steel was Tempered best
( C )64.What is recommended to the students by Zhang Hong
( A )65.Who spends the most time in reading books every week
( C )66.Where was the English language opera first performed
( C ) 67.What do we know about A Dream of Red Mansions from Paragraph 4
( B )68.The art director compared Lin to water probably because of her ______.
( A )69.What can we infer from the passage
( C )70.What do creators of the opera think of their job
( B )71.From Paragraph 1, we know Pontevedra is a(n) ______ city in Spain.
( C )72.For Lores, what was the city Pontevedra's main problem
( B )73.The underlined word “benefits” probably means “______” in English.
( A )74.What is the purpose of the last paragraph
( A )75.What is the best title of the passage
pleting 77.danger. 78.risk 79.protect 80.happened 81.efforts 82.experience 83.because 84.pride 85.anywhere
Dear schoolmates,
Good morning!I'm glad to make a speech here.
Now more and more people are interested in travelling.I think trip is an opportunity for us to experience life and increase knowledge.At the same time, it can also broaden our horizon.
Last Wednesday, we went on a trip to Nanning.Nanning is a modern and tidy city, where there are many places of interest.It was a fine warm day.In the morning, we climbed the Daming Mountain.On the way, we met an Australian.He was kind and patient.We had fun practising speaking English.In the afternoon, we rowed boats in the Yongjiang River. It was a great day.
I think if we want to attract more tourists, we should provide better service for tourists.
That's all.Thank you!听力材料:
1.The girl is listening to country music.
2.We can use the computer to send e mails.
3.Anna likes story books.
4.He has sold more than 120 million records.
5.The old man put his treasures in a safe place.
6.W:Hey,Dale.I haven't seen Sarah for a long time.
M:Oh,she has gone to Nashville to take singing classes.
7.W:Have you read Tom Sawyer and Harry Potter yet
M:Yes.I think Harry Potter is exciting,but Tom Sawyer is a bit boring.
8.W:Dahai,last night did you see the movie Dearest
M:Right.And that is my second time seeing that movie.
9.M:I have finished reading Robinson Crusoe.Have you read a book for the coming book report
W:No,don't hurry up.There are still three weeks left.
10.M:Excuse me,Miss White!Are there any books on science
W:Yes,there are.Do you like science
M:No,I don't.I like storybooks.But I must give a talk about space science.
W:Eric, have you read a book called Alice in Wonderland
M:No, never.But most of my classmates say it's very interesting.
W:I have one, and I finished reading it two days ago.I can lend it to you.
M:Thank you, Sally.
W:You're welcome.By the way, do you have any plans this afternoon
M:No, I don't.What about you
W:Can you go to the bookstore with me I want to buy some books.
W:Hey,Marcus.Have you heard of Garth Brooks
M:Sure,Linda.He is my favorite country music singer.And I have seen him sing live once.
W:Really?When did you see him sing live
M:Five years ago.At that time I was 11 years old.
W:Have you ever bought any of his records
M:Of course.Here are three of his old records—In Pieces,Fresh Horses and Sevens.Would you like to listen to one,Linda
W:Um…I'd like to listen to the one named Fresh Horses.
M:OK.Here you are.
M:Hi,Linda.Are you free tonight
W:Yes.What's up
M:I have two concert tickets.Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight
W:With the greatest pleasure!Where is the concert
M:At the Music Hall.
W:What is it about
M:It's about piano music.I love piano music best,you know.
W:Yeah.I like it,too.We are sure to enjoy ourselves tonight.By the way,where and when shall we meet
M:The concert will begin at 7∶00.Let's meet at 6∶30 at my house.Then I will drive you there.
W:OK.See you then.
M:See you.
John has seen the movie Forrest Gump recently.He enjoys it very much.It's a story about a hard-working man called Forrest Gump.He has gone through many difficulties but never gives up.And each time he keeps on living his life,he gets many things in return.Although John read the novel about it a week ago,he still thinks the movie is very touching.We all should learn from him and be happy to face whatever life may give us.
Today,we will introduce a famous pop singer to you.He is Steven Hom,a British young man.When he was 12,he had his first band with three friends at school.They soon had many fans.Most of them were middle school students.When Steven was 18,he went abroad to study music.After Steven finished his study in the university,he set up his second band Magic Maker.This band mainly plays modern music.They have sold over 50 million records.Magic Maker is a big success and they have concerts all over the world every year.




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