Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.Section B (1a~1e) 练习题 2024-2025人教版八年级英语上册

Unit 3 Section B (1a~1e)
1.My sister Zhou Hongxia is good at ________ (dance).
2.I think my best friend should be a good ________ (listen).
3.Mrs. Green always says it's important for her students ________ (follow) these rules.
4.I'm ______ (true) sorry for being late for school again.
5.We will try    (finish) the work in time though we are short of hands.
listen, care, true, talented, laugh
1.Do you think it is a beautiful park
2.Helen is .She can always finish hard work very well.
3.I don't that my friend has the same clothes as me.
4.The story was so interesting that we all .
5.You need to be a good first if you want to ask questions.
1.Tom is smarter than me. (对画线部分提问)
_____ ____ smarter, you or Tom
2.Both Lucy and Lily do well in drawing.(改为同义句)
Both Lucy and Lily are______ ___ drawing.
I like ____ _______ colors ___ my mother.
Jack doesn't ______ _______ money at all.
When Mike was five, his parents found he was ________ ___ art.
A: I want to eat egg fried rice(蛋炒饭), Sally. 1.    .
B: Of course. At first, you need to pour some oil(油) into the pot(锅).
A: What’s next
B: 2.    After a minute, you need to put the rice into it.
A: Oh, I see. 3.    .
B: It’s up to you. If you want to be healthier, you can use two or three eggs.
A: 4.    .
B: It usually takes about three to five minutes.
A: OK. 5.    Many thanks.
B:You’re welcome.
A. Put some sugar. B. I know how to cook it now. C. How many eggs do I need D. How much oil should I put E. Could you teach me how to cook it F. How long do I need to cook the rice G. Break the eggs and put them into the pot.
1. dancing
2. listener
3. to follow
4. truly
5. to finish
1. truly
2. talented
3. care
4. laughed
5. listener
1. Who is
2. good at
3. the same as
4. care about
5. talented in



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