Unit 7 Will people have robots? 课文改编语法填空(含答案)2024-2025人教版英语八年级上册

Unit 7 Will people have robots
Section A
Some students are talking about some1.__________ (predict) about the future. One girl thinks there will be 2.__________ (many) people, so the cities will be big and 3._________ (crowd). One boy predicts there will be 4.__________(little) free time because there will be more things 5.__________(do). Another girl believes there will be 6. ________(few) cars because she thinks people will use the 7.__________(subway) more. Another boy thinks there will be less 8.__________(pollute), which will be really good 9.__________the earth. Everyone should play a part in 10._________(save) the earth.
Jill is reading a book 1.__________the future. In the book, it tells 2.________ the future will be like. Cities will be 3._______________ (crowded) and polluted. There will be 4.________ (few) trees and the environment 5.__________ (be) in great danger. If humans don’t do 6.__________(something), they will not be able to live 7._____ the earth anymore. They will have to move to other 8._________ (planet). So everyone should play 9.__________ part in saving the earth, such as 10.__________(use) less water and planting more trees.
Section B
Joe is a computer programmer.He lives 1.__________ an apartment in Techville. He 2._________(work) at an IT company. He thinks his job is kind of 3.__________(bore). because he does 4.__________ same thing every day. Ten years ago, he lived with 5.__________(he) parents in a house in Greenville. But he 6.__________(go) to school in Techville. He usually took the train to school 7.__________ it’s pretty far from Greenville to Techville. In ten years, Joe 8.__________(be) an astronaut, he will fly the rockets to the moon 9.__________ to other planets. And he will live 10. __________ a space station.
In movies, robots are usually 1.________ human servants. They can help 2._______the housework. And they can do simple jobs but never get 3.__________ (boring). Scientists try to make robots 4.__________ (look) like humans and do 5.__________ same things 6.__________ we do. Some scientists think that robots can think like us. But others 7.__________ (agree).
Robots can have many different 8.__________ (shape). Some will look like animals and others might look like animals. Snake robots can help look 9.__________ people under buildings.This was 10.____________(possible) 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future.
Unit 7
predictions more crowded less to do
fewer subways pollution for saving
about what more crowded fewer will be
anything on planets a using
in works boring the his
went because will be or on
like with bored look the
as disagree shapes for impossible




下一篇:Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.Section B (1a~1e) 练习题 2024-2025人教版八年级英语上册