
第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(25分)
1. A. Reading a newspaper. B. Reading a novel. C. Reading a story.
2. A. Xi’an. B. Shanghai. C. Beijing.
3. A. A year ago. B. Half a year ago. C. Three months ago.
4. A. Go to the concert. B. Go to the cinema. C. Study for an exam.
5. A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
6. A. His father. B. His mother. C. His friend.
7. A. He loves it. B. He doesn’t mind it. C. He can’t stand it.
8. A. Jack. B. Nancy. C. Daniel.
9. A. Twice a year. B. Once a year. C. Twice a month.
10. A. She will throw it away.
B. She will give it away to someone in need.
C. She will sell it to get money.
11. Who gave the sweater to the girl
A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her friend.
12. How much is the sweater
A. 5 dollars. B.15 dollars. C. 10 dollars.
13. What did Tom’s grandfather do
A. A music teacher. B. A singer. C. A doctor.
14. Where did Tom’s grandfather start singing
A. In the restaurant. B. In the hospital. C. In his room.
15. What will Tom probably do next
A. Sing a song for Mary.
B. Teach Mary how to sing.
C. Show some pictures of his grandfather to Mary.
16. Jack was a clever and _______ in a small village.
17. They were happy to see green leaves and colorful flowers on their farms _______
18. They kept digging the well for _______ days.
19. Jack thought success _______ all the villagers.
20. Jack became _______ after he dug a well with other young villagers.
第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(95分)
21. China is _______ Asian country.
A. a B. the C./ D. an
22. Look at the two flowers over there. Neither of them _______ made of paper.
A. are B. is C. were D. was
23. Eric _______ many photos since he came to China.
A. is taking B. took C. will take D. has taken
24. The city Zibo is _______ popular _______ many people want to go there for a trip.
A. so, that B. such, that C. too, to D. very, that
25. Jim can carry the heavy box because he is much _______ than the others in his class.
A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest
26. Singapore is a good place _______ your English.
A. practice B. practicing C. to practice D. practices
27. Look at the husband and wife. How happy _____ are!
A. them B. their C. themselves D. they
28.---Where is your dad, Tom --- He _______ to Shanghai on business.(出差)
A. has been B. has gone C. went D. is
29.---Do you know which country has the largest _______ in the world
--- Of course it is India. There are more 1.4 billion people in India.
A. land B. water C. population D. gold
30. I _______ this computer for five years.
A. have bought B. bought C. have had D. had
The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel by the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway. He 31. _______ it in 1951 at the age of 52 and it is one of his best-known works. Three years later Hemingway 32. _______ the Nobel Prize in Literature(文学) for it.
The book tells a story of an old fisherman called Santago. After eighty days without catching a fish in the sea, he is hungry, poor and alone. The other villagers keep away from him because they think his bad luck might make them 33. _______ too. Finally, his luck changes and he hooks(钩) a huge 34. _______. With much difficulty, he 35. _______ it onto his boat. But his troubles are not over. Some sharks try to take away his fish. He succeeds in fighting off the sharks with the help of a boy named Manolin.
36. _______, he loses the fish. But he is 37. _______ hopeful about his life. And in the end, he 38. _______ friends with Manolin.
I like the character of Santiago 39. _______ it shows a lot of courage(勇气) and perseverance(毅力). The story makes me think a lot, and 40. _______ language is simple and beautiful. I will surely tell my friends about it. I think they will like it, too.
31. A. found. B. wrote C. read D. bought
32. A. sold B. missed C. won D. lost
33. A. worried B. unhappy C. unlucky D. sad
34. A. fish B. seabird C. crocodile D. dolphin
35. A. kills B. brings C. finds D. invites
36. A. Luckily B. Unluckily C. Lucky D. Unlucky
37. A. still B. even C. ever D. never
38. A. invents B. decides C. develops D. makes
39. A. because B. unless C. if D. when
40. A. its B. his C. their D. her
My name is Eric. I am interested in Chinese history and culture. Last month, my parents and I went to Xi’an to visit the famous Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑).
When we walked into the museum, we were surprised to see thousands of clay soldiers standing together. As a big fan of Terra Cotta Warriors, I had a strong feeling of excitement at that time.
Different from other museums, visitors can use cameras there I took a lot of photos and hopes to keep the unusual memories forever. Our tour guide introduced the history of the warriors to us. He also explained how farmers found them in 1974 and how these clay soldiers were made.
The more I learned about the warriors, the more I admired (钦佩) the ancient Chinese for their hard work. It’s difficult to imagine(想象) how they created(创造) so many clay soldiers with their hands. During the visit. we also found some other things like weapons(武器) and tools. It was a fantastic trip for us. We didn’t only enjoy the art of Terra Cotta Warriors, but also learned a lot about the rich history behind them.
41. What is Eric’s interested in
A. Art history. B. Chinese history and culture.
C. Museums in China. D. Ancient weapons.
42. What surprised Eric when he first walked into the museum
A. The number of visitors.
B. The size of the museum.
C. The large number of Terra Cotta Warriors.
D. The modern facilities(设备) in the museum.
43. Which of the following is NOT true about Eric’s visit to the Terra Cotta Warriors
A. He took many photos of the warriors.
B. He learned about the warriors’ history from a tour guide.
C. He couldn’t use a camera inside the museum.
D. He saw weapons and tools of the warriors.
Three years passed after King Zhuang of Chu became the king, but he had never dealt with any state affairs(国家事务). The officials(官员) didn’t understand what was wrong.
One day, an official asked the king, “Your majesty, I hear that in the south there is a big bird living in the hills. Three years has passed. It has neither flown nor cried. Could you please tell me why ”
King Zhuang of Chu smiled and answered, “It didn’t open its wings to fly in order to grow stronger. It didn’t cry in order to learn about the conditions of the people well. This bird once(一旦) flies, it will fly high into the sky. Once it cries, it will surprise the world.
Another half year passed, King Zhuang of Chu began to deal with the state affairs by himself. He put an end to the useless rules, started the new ones, sentenced(判处) several officials to death for the bad things they did, and promoted(提升) people with real talents. The state of Chu became stronger and stronger.
44. How long didn’t King Zhuang deal with state affairs
A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years. D. More than three years.
45. What did King Zhuang of Chu do after he began to deal with the state affair
A. He became stronger. B. He left the kingdom.
C. He started making changes. D. He became lazy.
46. What do you think of King Zhuang
A. He was lazy. B. He was clever. C. He was silent. D. He was kind.
On January 4th the China National Traditional Orchestra(中央民族乐团) played some well-known traditional music in their concert. Audience(观众) enjoyed the beautiful sounds of guzheng, suona, erhu and so on. Each traditional Chinese musical instrument(乐器) tells its own story.
“I have fallen in love with the songs of traditional instruments, especially pipa—four stringed(弦) instruments with a history of more than 2000 years. It can make different sounds, such as the sound of falling snow and raindrops. Every time I listen to pipa, I had a strong feeling of peace.” said Yang Tian, an audience of the concert.
However, a recent report shows the number of traditional music listeners is decreasing. To wake up people’s love for traditional music, something creative has been done.
In some traditional music concerts, VR technology is used to bring the starry (布满星星的) sky and the beautiful sandy(沙子的) view of Dunhuang to the music hall. It makes the experience like watching a 3D movie.
Li Xiaobing, a music teacher from Beijing, mixes traditional folk(民间) singing, operas with Chinese instruments through technology. People are surprised at his works and they love them.
Some musicians try to add something new to traditional music. When the East meets the west, the new form of the music wins the hearts of both the old and the young.
Traditional music shows the beauty of our culture and great things happen with some creativity(创造力).
47. Which traditional Chinese musical instrument has a history of more than 2000 years
A. Pipa B. Erhu C. Suona D. Guzheng
48. What does the underline word decreasing mean
A. becoming smaller B. becoming larger C. changing D. running
49. What does It in the fourth paragraph refer to
A. Music. B. The concert. C. VR technology D. The stars.
50. According to the passage, the writer believes _______.
A. traditional music should only be played in concerts
B. we must change the ways to play traditional music
C. we shouldn’t change traditional music all the time
D. traditional music with creativity will be more popular
Many things can put you in a bad mood(情绪) in your everyday life. Having bad moods too often is bad for your mental(心理) health. 51.________.
Accept your mood.
52._________. Your friends and parents can also have bad moods sometimes. Bad moods are normal.
Let your bad feelings out.
When you feel unhappy or angry, don’t hide your feelings. You can find a way to let them out. 53. ________. You can read some books. You can also do some interesting activities.
Set a new goal.(目标)
Making mistakes sometimes can put you in a bad mood, too. 54. ________. For example, if you didn’t do well in an exam, try to give five more points next time.
55. ________.
No matter what makes you feel bad, it will end at last. As the saying goes, “No matter how cold the winter is, the spring will come at last.” Remembering this will help you feel better.
A. But you can just try harder next time. B. No one can be happy all the time. C. It can also hurt your feelings easily. D. Remember that bad things will end. E. For example, you can talk to your parents. F. Many of you have had moods during hard times. G. Here are some useful ways to help you deal with them.
56. He has already been -to some cities in south China. (否定句)
He _______ been to _______ cities in south China _______.
57. They got married 15 years ago.(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ they get married
58. The Yellow River is 5464 kilometers long. The Yangzi River is 6300 kilometers long.
The Nile is 6670 kilometers long.(根据这三句话句意可得出结论)
The Nile is _______ _______ river of the three.
59. He has collected cards for 5 years.(对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ _______ he _______ cards
60. It usually takes her 20 minutes to walk home.(变为同义句)
She _______ 20 minutes _______ home.
61. Teachers and parents often tell us the importance of ______ (keep) healthy.
62. Xi'an is one of the most popular ______ (place) for travelers.
63. We can’t wait ______ (visit) our new school.
64. There are ______ (thousand) of stars in the clear night sky.
65. Have you ever ______ (hear) of Shaanxi History Museum
__________________, my parents taught me how to love.
The room is ____________ laughter.
To protect wild animals, we mustn’t ______ trees.
Taiwan ______ is in the southeast of our country.
You can see ______ at night in the countryside.
memory, work, happy, others, he, lonely, get; laugh, smile, angry
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are,” Jimmy was singing 71.______ with his friends when I passed his room. I saw him laughing and telling many sweet 72. ______ of his last vacation to his friends. However, this was all that I imagined(想象). It would never happen in real life. My 8-year- old brother Jimmy is an autistic(自闭症) child. He doesn’t know how to talk with others and can’t even do many things by 73. ______. It is hard for him to follow his teachers in class. These things make him feel 74. ______at school.
To take better care of him, my mom gave up 75. ______. She took Jimmy here and there to get more treatment(治疗). However, it hasn’t 76. ______ better yet. My mom is always worried, but when she talks about Jimmy, she still smiles.
As Jimmy’s sister, I’m also worried about him. I heard that some students encouraged him to do terrible things and then 77. ______ at him. The boys even stole 78. ______ pencils and hid them in Jimmy’s bag. Then they told the teacher that Jimmy stole them. Hearing about these things, I got even 79. ______ than my mom, but she asks me not to. She says that Jimmy doesn’t care about it at all. He is always 80. ______ even though life is hard for him. I love him and I hope things will get better soon.
The first forest library in Shanghai recently opened to the public. Readers can relax and read books in the forest library. Pudong new area and Shanghai Library built it. It is known as Read & Joy Forest. The forest library is not far from Shanghai Library East. It covers an area of 20,546 square meters.
Readers can relax themselves in the quiet and comfortable environment. There are many different kinds of trees in the library.
The library is in the open air. There are many things such as chairs and an information desk. Most of the visitors to the forest library are young people and parents with their children.
Having a library in the forest is such a wonderful idea. People enjoy themselves reading in the forest. “I love the fresh air and trees here.” said Wang Tong, a reader of the library. “The library makes it possible to enjoy reading in the natural environment. I feel very relaxed here. I will come back for sure.”
81. What can readers do in the forest library
They can ______________ and read books there.
82. Where is the forest library
It is near ____________________________.
83. What’s the forest library like
It’s quiet and ____________________________.
84. Why is the forest library different from others
Because there is ______________ and trees there.
85. What title can you make for this passage in no more than 8 words using “different, wonderful”
It can be “__________________________________________”.
A: Hi, Jack! 86. ___________________________________
B: Yes, I have. I went to the Space Museum last weekend.
A: 87. ________________________________________________________
B: It was very interesting.
A: 88. ___________________________________________________________
B: I saw lots of models of spaceship. They looked cool.
A: 89._ ______________________________________________________
B: I went with my father. He is a scientist. He introduced a lot about space to me.
A: Your father is great. Can I go with you next time
B: 90. ____________________________________. We can have fun learning space together.
为了培养学生的阅读兴趣,你校开展了“书香进校园,阅读伴成长”的活动。请你结合下面的提示,以The best book I have ever read 为题,介绍你读过的最喜欢的一本书。
What’s the name of the book
Who wrote it
When and who bought it for you
Why do you like it
How many times have you read it
The best book I have ever read
The best book I have ever read is ____________________________________________________________



