Unit 7 Films Task & Self-assessment 同步练(含答案)牛津译林版英语九年级上册

Unit 7 Task & Self-assessment
1. The girl is c__________. as a talented dancer.
2. The man had been a __________ (特技替身演员) before he was an actor.
3. You can work in any of the groups. It depends on your p__________choice.
4. It’s a pity that the sports meeting has to be __________ (取消) because of the bad weather.
5. We had won one victory after another. And we are hopeful of our f __________ victory.
1. Which team ___________(win) the football match
2. She was often ___________ (mistake) for her twin sister.
3. You have to be a very good ___________ act) to play that part.
4. Jackie Chan ___________(consider) by many people as a superstar...
5. TI prefer the first ___________ (row) because I can’t see the blackboard clearly.
1. 他在慈善事业上花费了很多时间。
He spent much time ________ ________ .
2. 成龙的电影有什么特别的
What is ________ ________ Jackie Chan’s films
3. 那家公司何时创办的
When was that company _________ _________
4. 梅西被认为是一位有天赋的足球运动员。
Messi is ________ ________ a talented football player.
5. 李娜在全世界都很出名。
Li Na is famous ________ ________ ________ ________ .
1. Though the man didn’t have enough money, _____ he gave a thousand yuan to the deaf person.
A. / B. and C. but D. or
2. The 5G services are provided in 50 cities, _____ Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and some other cities.
A. besides B. beyond C. including D. except
3. Linda’s performance at the art festival was a(n) _____ and was loved by her teacher and classmates.
A. chance B. dream C. success D. idea
4. — _____ my daughter is only eight years old, she can manage to do many things by herself.
—You must be proud of her.
A. After B. Although C. So D. Before
5. —I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.
— Why not _____ visiting Anhui There are many places of interest.
A. regard B. consider C. wonder D. suggest
6. — _____ fine weather!
— Yes, the sunshine is _____ beautiful that I’d like to go swimming in the sea.
A. What a; so B. How; such C. What; so D. How a; such
7. Do you know when the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation _____
A. will be set up B. set up C. was set up D. sets up
8. A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates. So it _____ helps with students’ health, _____ improves their social skills.
A. either; or B. neither; nor C. not only; but also D. both; and
act win base peace consider
1.He dreamt of ___________ the Noble Prize.
2.She wants to be a(n) __________ when she grows up.
3.He's ____________ visiting Shangqiu next week.
4.Yesterday his grandfather passed away __________ in the hospital.
5.Alice will play the lead role in the play __________ upon a famous novel.
 The Oscars provided a fairy tale—the story of Jennifer Hudson. The 1.w_________of the Best Supporting 2.A_________ Award was born in 1981 and 3.g_________ up in Chicago. She began singing as a child in a church. She auditioned(试镜) for the talent 4.s_________ American Idol in 2003, and was selected to compete in the show’s third season (2004).
5.T_________ Hudson failed to enter the top seven of American Idol’s third season, she 6.b_________ the third season’s winner for the role in Dreamgirls.  
It was the first time for her to act in a 7.f_________. Hudson won people’s hearts with her excellent singing of the 8.s_________ And I Am Telling You I’ m Not Going. The Oscars rewarded her 9.w_________the Best Supporting Actress Award. In addition to her Oscar golden statuette (奥斯卡小金人), she also 10.w_________a Golden Globe (金球奖) for the role.
请你以“I’d like to share a good movie with you”为题写一篇短文。
I’d like to share a good movie with you
一、1.considered 2.stuntman 3.personal 4.cancelled 5.final
二、1.won 2.mistaken 3.actor 4.is considered 5.row
三、1.on charity 2.special about 3.set up 4.considered as 5.all over the world
四、1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6. C 7.C 8.C
五、1.winning 2.actress 3.considering 4.peacefully 5.based
六、1.winner 2.actress 3.grew 4.show 5.Though 6.beat 7.film 8.song 9.with 10.won
I’d like to share a good movie with you
Of all the movies I have seen, I like Amazing China best. I’d like to share it with you.
The film focuses on the main achievements our country has made. It helps people to know our country better. I am very proud of our country. How exciting and educational it is! It became popular as soon as it was first put on in 2018.
It touched my heart. Amazing China also focuses on common people. In the film, you can see a young Tibetan woman volunteering in rural areas to help people in poverty. The movie shows that their work is not easy, but their spirits make it possible to achieve their tasks.
As a student, it is necessary to have confidence and the courage of overcoming difficulties.
In my opinion, this movie is worth watching.



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