新概念英语第二册 Lesson23同步练习(含答案)

Lesson 23
1. have a letter from sb 收到某人的来信
receive a letter from sb
2. next year 明年
3. get a surprise 惊讶
have a surprise
4. in the country 在乡下
5. It looks strange. 它看起来古怪。(look 为系动词)
1. My mother often tells me (not read) in bed.
2. Why have you kept me (wait) here for so long a time
3. She (be) to the Great Wall several times.
4. In his letter, he said that he (miss) us very much.
5. The film (be) on for nearly fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema.
6. Great changes (take place) in our country since 1987.
7. We (play) games when it began to rain.
8. A new theatre (build) now.
9. Mother often tells me (not come) home too late.
10. You had better (go) by bus, or you'll be late.
1. She always something whenever she .
A. was studying; plays
B. studies; played
C. studied; plays
D. studied; played
2. Some in the river and some games.
A. are swimming; played
B. swim; were playing
C. are swimming; are playing
D. swim; played
3. Mary on shoes when she them.
A. tries; buys
B. tries; bought
C. trys; buys
D. trys; bought
4. of the toys sell well in the market.
A. Everyone
B. Not all
C. No one
D. Each
5. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have .
A. it
B. those
C. them
D. one
6. Kate is not quite today.
A. herself
B. her
C. hers
D. she
7. India produces more films than in the world.
A. the other country
B. another country
C. any other country
D. any country
8. Work on it had begun before my brother left. My brother left it had begun.
A. after
B. without
C. behind
D. soon
9. He has some very habits. He always has a bath with his clothes on.
A. strange
B. uneven
C. rare
D. foreign
10. The orange tree is attacked by many insects and is sensitive to frost.
A. rather
B. always
C. softly
D. gentle
1. The woman is a nurse.(改为复数句)
The .
2. There are some old cars behind the house. (改为单数句)
There old behind the house.
3. Mrs. Hu taught her maths last year.(改为一般疑问句)
Mrs. Hu her maths last year
4. That dictionary cost him twenty yuan.(改为一般疑问句)
that dictionary him twenty yuan
5. Did you do your homework at school yesterday?(改为陈述句)
5. Did you do your homework at school yesterday?(改为陈述句)
I homework at school yesterday.
6. He has already finished his homework.(改为否定句)
He finished his homework .
7. All of us want him to rest.(改为完全否定句)
of us him to rest.
You should read after me.(改为祈使句)
9. Tom is sitting on the desk.(改为否定祈使句)
on the desk, Tom!
10. Two boys are in our house.(改为there be 句型)
two boys in our house.
not to read
has been
had been
have taken place
were playing
is being built
not to change
women are nurses
in an; car
Did; teach
Did; cost
did my
hasn’t; yet
None; want(s)
Please read after me
Don’t sit
There are



上一篇:新概念英语第二册 Lesson27同步练习(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 7 Films Task & Self-assessment 同步练(含答案)牛津译林版英语九年级上册