Module 1 Unit 1 How are you? 词汇+语法+句型讲义(含答案)

课程主题:牛津M1U1语法梳理 授课时间:
学习目标 1.掌握本单元的重点词汇及句型; 2.能在具体语境中灵活运用所学词汇及句型; 3.能熟练运用和掌握一些特殊疑问句; 4.家庭生活相关的主题阅读及词汇短语句型等拓展。
Ⅰ.选择填空 ( )1.Is this _______ book on the desk A. he B. him C. his D. you ( )2.Hello ,everyone.Welcome to _________ new school. A. I B. our C. us D. we ( )3.Nice to meet ______.Jack. A. you B. your C. him D. she ( )4.They ______ a new bike at home. A. has B. have C. had D. are ( )5.This ______ my friend.Her name is Sally. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )6.Who ______ the man in black A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )7.Good ______, Peter. Let's go to school together. A. evening B. night C. morning D. afternoon ( )8.She is my mother.She is________. A. Miss Zhang B. Mr. Zhang C. Mrs. Zhang D. Mr.Li ( )9.This is his book._____ book is on the desk. A. My B. I C. Me D. Mine ( )10.Who______the girl in the classroom A. are B. am C. be D. is ( )11.I have some good friends._____ are my classmates. A. I B. You C. They D. He ( )12.I _______ a good grandmother. A. has B. have C. is D. am 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. __________ (he) name is Danny. 2. Wendy is______________ (she) classmate. 3. I can______________ (play) football. I like______________ (play) football 4. Mary______________ (walk) to school every day. 几种常用的英语问候语以及相关的用法 1.Good morning! 这是一种普通的问候语,常用于早晨至午饭这段时间,被译作“早上好…”“上午好”。此话可用于几乎所有的场景,包括正式的和非正式的。 2.Morning! 这是一种不很正式的问候语,所以很少用于正式场合,大都用于关系较为密切的朋友和熟人之间。 3.Good afternoon! 这是一种近似于正式的问候语。常用于午饭至晚饭前,译为“下午好”。 4.Good evening! 这是一种较为正式的问候语,一般用于晚饭之后,被译为“晚上好”。 5.Hello! 这是一种极为常见的问候语,已经几乎被所有人接受,使用范围相当广泛,可以在任何时候、任何场合中使用。 6.Hi! 这是一种很随便的招呼语。它曾被认为是美国的英语,但目前英国年轻人和中小学生都十分喜欢用这一简单、热情的问候语。据说Hi是Hello的变体形式。 7.Good day! 在英美国家这是一种古老的问候语,目前很少有人在使用这句话。但在澳大利亚,仍有许多人说这句话。 8.How are you 此话侧重于询问对方的身体状况如何,译成:“你的身体怎么样?”常用的答语有Fine,thanks./OK,thank you. /Very well, thank you./Not too bad,thanks. And you 等等,这种表达方式很少用于陌生人之间或初次见面时。 9.How do you do 此句用于陌生人之间或初次见面的时候,意思是:“您好!” Good night! 不是一句见面时的问候语,而是一句告别语,译为:“晚安!”常在睡觉前告别时使用。 M1U1 How are you 【知识梳理1】Words 单词 1.Miss 名词 小姐 【例句】Miss Fang is our new English teacher. 方小姐是我们的新英语老师。 Miss Li is a beautiful nurse. 李小姐是一个漂亮的护士。 【友情提示】Miss Fang“方小姐”,在这里我们也可意为“方老师”,用于学生对老师的称呼,这样比较符合中国人的称呼习惯。 【同音词】miss 动词 错过 2.Mrs. 名词 夫人、太太 【例句】Mrs. Wang is a tall woman. 王太太是个高个子妇女。 Mrs. Green is a good person. 格林夫人是个好人。 3.Mr. 名词 先生 【例句】Mr. Zhang is our new teacher. 张先生是我们的新老师。 Mr. Li is a policeman.李先生是个警察。 【知识梳理2】Sentences 句子 1.Hello,Miss Fang! 你好,方老师! hello用于打招呼、引起注意或打电话。 【例如】Hello,John!你好,约翰! Hello,is there anybody there 喂,那里有人吗? 2.Hi,Dad.嗨,爸爸。 hi用于打招呼。 【例如】Hi,guys!嗨,伙计们! Hi, my lovely little dog. 嗨,我可爱的小狗。 3.This is Mr. Zhang. 这是张老师。 This is…用于介绍某人或向某人展示某物。其中this是指示代词,其后be动词用is。 【例句】-- Hello,Kate. This is Jack. 你好,凯特。这是杰克。 -- Hi,Jack. I’m Kate. 嗨,杰克。我是凯特。 4.-How are you 你们好吗? -Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 当我们想询问对方的身体状况时可以这样问: How are you “你好吗?”或“你身体好吗?”(通常为对熟悉的人的打招呼用语。) 当回答How are you 时,若表示自己的身体很好可以这样回答: Fine,thanks./I’m fine,thank you.“很好,谢谢。/我很好,谢谢你。” Fine,thanks.是I'm fine,thank you.的简略回答。 【知识链接】对How are you 的询问还有以下几种常用答句: Very well,thank you. 很好,谢谢。 I'm very well,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 I'm OK. Thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 I’m all right,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 Not bad,thank you. 还不错,谢谢。 Not good,thank you. 不是很好,谢谢。 当别人回答身体不好时,不要忘了说I'm sorry. 5.Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang. 下午好,张老师。 Good afternoon.意为“下午好”。(下午与人碰面的打招呼用语,比较正式,它的答语多为:Good afternoon!在非正式场合,如熟人或家人之间,可以省略good,只用afternoon互致问候。有时熟人之间问候也可以加上称呼语,这时称呼语须放在问候语之后,并用“,”隔开。这与中文有所不同,汉语中的称呼可放在前面,也可放在后面。 6.We have a new teacher,Mr. Zhang.我们来了一个新老师,张老师。 We have…表示“我们有……”。 【例如】We have a new teacher. 我们有一个新老师。 I have a good friend. 我有一个好朋友。 7.I'm Peter. 我是彼得。 I'm…的用法: I'm…意为“我是……,我叫……”,I'm是I am的缩写形式。 I'm…常用来做简单的自我介绍, 【知识梳理3】Grammar 语法 1.人称代词:I I的含义和用法 (1)I是人称代词表示“我”,是第一人称代词单数。 【例如】I am a teacher.我是一个老师。 (2)I后面相应的be动词要用am,这是固定用法。 【例如】I am a pupil.我是一名小学生。 【友情提示】 I表示“我”,在任何情况下都要大写。 2.人称代词:you you的含义和用法: (1)you表示“你”或“你们”,是第二人称的人称代词。 【例如】You are a teacher. 你是一个老师。 You are doctors. 你们是医生。 (2)you后面相应的be动词是are。 【例如】You are my uncle. 你是我的叔叔。 You are Lily. 你是莉莉。 3.be动词am am是be动词的一种形式。如果主语是第一人称I(我)时,be动词用am。 【例如】I am a student.我是一名学生。 I am Kate.我是凯特。 I am还可缩写成I’m。 【例如】I'm David.我是大卫。 I’m your friend.我是你的朋友。 4.be动词is is是be动词的一种形式。当主语为指示代词this(这)时,be动词应用is。 【例如】This is my car.这是我的小汽车。 This is my school.这是我的学校。 【友情提示】如果主语是单数名词、不可数名词或单数第三人称代词(he,she,it)时,be动词用is。 【例如】My mother is a teacher. 我的妈妈是一名老师。 He is a student.他是一名学生。 is也可与主语缩写,如:He is=He's,My mother is=My mother's等。但是This is不可缩写。而is与not可缩写成isn't。 【例如】This isn't a book.这不是一本书。 5.动词have have是动词.意为“有”,其主语可以为第一人称代词I,we,第二人称代词you,第三人称代词复数they或者是名词复数。 【例如】I have a car.我有一辆小汽车。 They have a new classroom.他们有一问新教室。 The girls have new bags. 那些女孩都有新书包。 【友情提示】当主语为第三人称单数he,she,it或单数名词时,have要变成第三人称单数has。 【例如】He has a new book.他有一本新书。 She has a new dress.她有一条新裙子。 6.日常表达: (1)当你想和别人打招呼时,你可以说:Hello!或者Hi! (2)当你想向别人介绍某人或者展示某物时,你可以说:This is... (3)当你想说早上好时,你可以说:Good morning. (4)当你想说下午好时,你可以说:Good afternoon. (5)当你想说晚上好时,你可以说:Good evening. (6)当你想说晚安时,你可以说:Good night. (7)当你想问别人他好吗,你可以说:How are you (8)当别人间你你好吗,你可以这样回答:Fine,thanks. (9)当你想说我也很好时,你可以说:I'm fine,too. 7.重点句子: Hello! 你好! How are you 你好吗? Fine,thanks. 很好,谢谢。 I'm fine,too. 我也很好。 I'm Dolly. 我是多利。 This is Mr Zhang. 这是张老师。、 We have a new teacher,Mr Zhang. 我们有一个新老师,张老师。 8.就划线部分提问(变特殊疑问句) (1)有am, is, are的句子 【例如】This is a book. 肯定句变特殊疑问句(就划线部分提问):分3步骤 第一步:变一般疑问句 Is this a book 第二步:找合适的特殊疑问词 Is this what 第三步:特殊疑问词提前放到句首,并大写,其余按顺序照抄,省略划线部分。 What is this 注意:1.一定先变一般疑问句。但是,如果问的是主语或主语的定语时,语序不变为"特殊疑问词(+主语)+ 陈述句 2.划线部分不能在特殊疑问句中岀现。 (2)没有am,is, are的句子 非三单时用do,三单时用does ① 非三单 肯定句:I like English. 非三单 一般疑问句: Do you like English 特殊疑问句:What subject do you like ② 三单: 肯定句:He likes English. —般疑问句:Does he like English 特殊疑问句:What subject does he like 9.阅读理解TF首先要把基本的一下3点步骤和次序牢记心中: (1)在考试中(做阅读时)解题需要三个步骤,分别是:读问题;读原文;挑选项 (2)重要性依次是:读问题→挑选项→读原文。 (3)考试时操作的顺序是:先读问题,再读原文,最后挑选项 ① 读问题 做阅读最重要的一个步骤。如果连问题都读不懂,肯定做不对题 ② 读原文 A.读原文的主要目的:划出解题所需要的内容信息,包括:刚才读问题时脑中记的原文信息(把问题中所问的东西在文中找出来);重点强调的词或是绝对化的 词.数字及序数词。读出整篇文章的大概方向及围绕着什么东西说的。 B.开始读文章 读文章总则:从头到尾读,读时脑中反映中文意思,但是按照英文单词出现顺序接受信息。读的重点放在文章的段首句,转折句和整篇文章的最后几句。 【巩固练习】 一、正确书写下列句子 I'm Dolly. Hello, hello. 二、正确默写单词 1. 你好 2. 健康的 3. 男孩 4. 女孩 5. 小姐 6. 先生 7. 太太 8. 谢谢 9. 这 三、按要求写单词 1.I’m(完整形式)_________________________ 2.girl(复数)_________________ 3.too(同音词)____________________________ 4.hello(同类词)______________ 5.cake(与划线部分发音相同词)_____________ 6.good (同义词)______________ 四、按要求写词组 1.张先生______________ 2.王太太______________ 3.在早上______________ 4.晚安 ______________ 5.很好 ______________ 6.一位新教师 _________ 7.放学后______________ 8.下午好______________ 9.做蛋糕______________ 10.在盘子上____________ 五、问答句连线 1.Good morning! Good afternoon, Mum. 2.How are you Hello, Mr. Zhang. 3.Good afternoon. Hello, boys and girls. 4.This is Mr. Zhang. Good morning, Miss Fang! 5.Hi, Mum. Fine, thanks. 六、用am, is, are 填空,注意大小写 1.Hello! I Dolly. 2.How you Fine, thanks. 3.This Mr. Wang. Hi! 4.Hello, Peter. you a new teacher 5. Mrs. Wang fine 七、为下列句子编号,形成制作puppet的过程 ( )Cut the cat. ( )Draw a cat. ( )Stick the cat on the pencil. ( )Color the cat in yellow. 八、根据情景,填入合适的单词 A: Good morning, ____________Fang. B: Good ____________, Peter. A: ____________are you today B: Very ____________, you. A: Who's B: This is Li, your new teacher. A: Hello, Li. Peter. C: Hello, Peter. Nice to ____________you. A: Nice to ____________you, ____________. I.正确默写单词 1.你好 ______________ 2.健康的______________ 3.男孩 ______________ 4.女孩 ______________ 5.小姐 ______________ 6. 谢谢 ______________ II.在下列划线部分发音与cake发音相同的单词后打“√” rabbit( ) ball( ) plate( ) cat( ) Jane( ) table( ) Ⅲ.问答句连线 1.Good morning! A .Good afternoon, Mum. 2.How are you B. Hello, Mr. Zhang. 3.Good afternoon. C.Hello, boys and girls. 4.This is Mr. Zhang. D.Good morning, Miss Fang! 5.Hi, Mum. E.Fine, thanks. Ⅳ.句型转换 1. This is my sister.(改为一般疑问句) _________ this_________sister 2. I'm Sally’s classmate.(改为否定句) __________ __________Sally’s classmate. 3. Tracy can skip.(改为否定句) Tracy__________ ___________ . 4. 她的名字叫Kitty. (中译英) __________ __________ ________ Kitty. V.选择正确的单词填在横线上 1.This is my mother. She is _______ (Mr. Mrs.) Xu. 2.Good _______ ( morning night) and have a good dream ( 梦 ). 3.How are you _______ (Fine No), thank you! 4.I _______ (have has) a new kite. 5.We _______ (have has) new dolls. VI. 选择题 ( )1. She is my mother. She is _______. A. Mr. Zhang B. Mrs. Zhang C. Miss Zhang ( )2. Good _______, Peter. Let's go to school together. A. morning B. evening C. night ( )3. _______ are you Fine. A. Who B. how C. How ( )4. I _______ a good grandmother. A. have B. has C. can ( )5. — This is Helen. — _______, Helen. I' m Jack. A. Oh B. Hi C. No ( )6.I Miss Fang. C.are ( )7.Hello, . A.good evening B.I’m Ben C.thank you ( )8.I’m fine . A.two B.too ( )9.Do you like drawing A.Yes, I like. B.Yes, I do. C.No, I don’t like. ( )10.I’m hungry. I want some A.cola B.milk C.bread VII. 按例写句子 【例子】Jack --How is Jack --He is fine 1.Mary _____________________________________ 2.Tom _____________________________________ 【例子】Jack tall This is Jack. He is tall. 3.Mary thin _____________________________________ 4.Tom short _____________________________________ VIII. 连词成句 1. have new I a teacher _____________________________________ plates table the on are the _____________________________________ how you very you are thank well _____________________________________ night Dad. good and Mum _____________________________________ boys girls hello and _____________________________________ Ⅸ.阅读短文判断正误 There is a lovely dog Sam and a lovely cat Ginger. They are good friends. One day, they go outside with their toys. Sam’s toy is a skateboard. It’s yellow, pink and blue. Ginger’s toy is a robot. It is very super. It can do a lot of things. Then they play with their toys on the grass. Sam can ride his skateboard very well. He looks very cool on it. But Ginger doesn’t like the skateboard. She likes her robot. She plays with her robot. Look, the robot can walk on the grass. Sometimes it walks slowly. Sometimes it walks fast. It’s very fun. “Ouch!” shouts Sam. Oh, look! The robot knocks Sam over. They fall down on the grass. Ginger feels very sorry. Sam sits on the grass and says: “That’s all right.” But I don’t like the robot. ( )1. Sam and Ginger are lovely. ( )2. Sam and Ginger have toys. ( )3. Ginger’s robot can run fast. ( )4. Sam rides his skateboard on the grass. ( )5. Sam and Ginger like the robot. Ⅹ.阅读回答问题 Megan usually goes to the ice-skating rink at 6: 30 in the morning. She goes to school at 7: 45. After school, she does her homework. Megan sometimes watches TV after dinner. She always goes to bed at 8: 00 at night. Pablo goes to school at 8: 15. After school, Pablo doesn't go home. He always goes to the chess club and plays chess. He usually goes home at 6: 00 in the evening. After he does his homework, Pablo has dinner. He sometimes plays chess on his computer. Pablo usually goes to bed at 9: 00. 1. What does Megan usually do at 6: 30 in the morning _________________________________________________ 2. Who usually goes to bed at 9: 00 _________________________________________________ 3. What time does Pablo go to school _________________________________________________ 4. Does Megan usually ice-skate in the afternoon _________________________________________________ 5. Does Megan go to school at eight-forty _________________________________________________ 一、正确书写下列句子 Hi, I'm Mr. Dog. How are you 二、写出下列英文名字 1. 简 2. 爱丽丝 3. 彼得 4. 汤姆 5. 凯蒂 6. 丹尼 三、默写单词 1. 夜晚 2. 下午 3. 早上 4. 学校 5. 今天 6. 桌子 四、写出下列短语的缩写形式 1. I am_________________ 2. He is_________________ 3. That is_______________ 4. You are_______________ 五、按要求写单词 1.mother(口语)_________ 2.Dad(书面语) _________反义词)_______ 4.know(同音词)______ 5.cake(同类词)_________ 6.boys(复数词)_________ 六、根据课文内容填单词,注意单复数 Jane likes_________. Jane _________cakes. The cakes _________on the_________. The plates are on the_________. 七、根据情景,选择正确的答案 ( )1. 与别人初次见面时说: A. How are you B. Nice to meet you. ( )2. 晚上要睡觉了,你会对父母说: A. Good night, Mum and Dad. B. Goodbye, Mum and Dad. ( )3. 你的叔叔姓王,那么你的婶婶就是: A. She is Miss Wang. B. She is Mrs. Wang. ( )4. 你看见桌子上放着蛋糕,会说: A. The cakes are on the plate. B. The cakes are on the table. 八、根据情景,填入适当的单词 A: Hello, ____________Alice. Nice to see you. B: Hi, Alice. ____________Kitty. Nice to see you, too. A: How old ____________you, Kitty B: I am ____________years old. A: Wow! Me, ____________. What do you ____________doing B: I like ____________. A: Can you draw well B: Yes, I ____________. Look! This is a picture of my ____________. She is tall. A: How ____________! B: ____________you. 九、快速判断:(正确的写T,错误的写F) (A) Ben and Jim are twin brothers. They are nine. They are pupils. They study in Yuxin Primary School. They are in the same class.Everyday they go to school and come back together.Their teacher, Mrs. Green, says to the pupils,” please write a composition (作文) ‘My Mother.”Jim is a good boy. He writes the composition at home. But Ben plays football with his friends. The next day Mrs. Green says to the class,” I read your compositions today. But two of yours are just the same.” Ben stands up and says,” Jim and I are twins. We have the same mother.” ( )1.They are twins, so they have the same mother. ( )2.They are brothers so they have the same parents. ( )3.They are twins, so they are good pupils. ( )4.They have the same mother, so their compositions are the same. ( )5.Ben is a good student, he writes the composition. (B) This is a pet shop. I can see many pets here. They are white cats, black dogs, little chicks and ducks. Some birds are singing in the shop. They drink some water every day. Some fish are swimming in the fish tank. They are colorful and lovely. I like fish best. ( )1. I can see many pets in the shop. ( )2. I can only see fish, birds and dogs in the shop. ( )3. The chicks are little and the fish are lovely. ( )4. In the tank, there are some fish. ( )5. My favorite pet is fish. (C) We can see all kinds of animals in the zoo. They* re tigers, lions, bears and bells. Look, the monkeys can ride bicycles. They are clever. That elephant is strong. It can eat fruit with its nose. It is long. Some birds are singing in the cage. I like tigers. Because they are yellow and brown. What animal do you like ( )1. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo. ( )2. We can see some pandas. ( )3. The elephant has a long nose. ( )4 .I like lions. ( )5. The birds are dancing in the cage. 十、以 "My hobby" 为题,用至少 3 种句型 ,至少 6 句话写一篇作文。 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________英语学科教师辅导讲义
课程主题:牛津M1U1语法梳理 授课时间:
学习目标 1.掌握本单元的重点词汇及句型; 2.能在具体语境中灵活运用所学词汇及句型; 3.能熟练运用和掌握一些特殊疑问句; 4.家庭生活相关的主题阅读及词汇短语句型等拓展。
Ⅰ.选择填空 ( )1.Is this _______ book on the desk A. he B. him C. his D. you C ( )2.Hello ,everyone.Welcome to _________ new school. A. I B. our C. us D. we B ( )3.Nice to meet ______.Jack. A. you B. your C. him D. she A ( )4.They ______ a new bike at home. A. has B. have C. had D. are B ( )5.This ______ my friend.Her name is Sally. A. is B. are C. am D. be A ( )6.Who ______ the man in black A. is B. are C. am D. be A ( )7.Good ______, Peter. Let's go to school together. A. evening B. night C. morning D. afternoon C ( )8.She is my mother.She is________. A. Miss Zhang B. Mr. Zhang C. Mrs. Zhang D. Mr.Li C ( )9.This is his book._____ book is on the desk. A. My B. I C. Me D. Mine A ( )10.Who______the girl in the classroom A. are B. am C. be D. is D ( )11.I have some good friends._____ are my classmates. A. I B. You C. They D. He C ( )12.I _______ a good grandmother. A. has B. have C. is D. am B 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. __________ (he) name is Danny. 2. Wendy is______________ (she) classmate. 3. I can______________ (play) football. I like______________ (play) football 4. Mary______________ (walk) to school every day. His | her | play | playing | walks 几种常用的英语问候语以及相关的用法 1.Good morning! 这是一种普通的问候语,常用于早晨至午饭这段时间,被译作“早上好…”“上午好”。此话可用于几乎所有的场景,包括正式的和非正式的。 2.Morning! 这是一种不很正式的问候语,所以很少用于正式场合,大都用于关系较为密切的朋友和熟人之间。 3.Good afternoon! 这是一种近似于正式的问候语。常用于午饭至晚饭前,译为“下午好”。 4.Good evening! 这是一种较为正式的问候语,一般用于晚饭之后,被译为“晚上好”。 5.Hello! 这是一种极为常见的问候语,已经几乎被所有人接受,使用范围相当广泛,可以在任何时候、任何场合中使用。 6.Hi! 这是一种很随便的招呼语。它曾被认为是美国的英语,但目前英国年轻人和中小学生都十分喜欢用这一简单、热情的问候语。据说Hi是Hello的变体形式。 7.Good day! 在英美国家这是一种古老的问候语,目前很少有人在使用这句话。但在澳大利亚,仍有许多人说这句话。 8.How are you 此话侧重于询问对方的身体状况如何,译成:“你的身体怎么样?”常用的答语有Fine,thanks./OK,thank you. /Very well, thank you./Not too bad,thanks. And you 等等,这种表达方式很少用于陌生人之间或初次见面时。 9.How do you do 此句用于陌生人之间或初次见面的时候,意思是:“您好!” Good night! 不是一句见面时的问候语,而是一句告别语,译为:“晚安!”常在睡觉前告别时使用。 M1U1 How are you 【知识梳理1】Words 单词 1.Miss 名词 小姐 【例句】Miss Fang is our new English teacher. 方小姐是我们的新英语老师。 Miss Li is a beautiful nurse. 李小姐是一个漂亮的护士。 【友情提示】Miss Fang“方小姐”,在这里我们也可意为“方老师”,用于学生对老师的称呼,这样比较符合中国人的称呼习惯。 【同音词】miss 动词 错过 2.Mrs. 名词 夫人、太太 【例句】Mrs. Wang is a tall woman. 王太太是个高个子妇女。 Mrs. Green is a good person. 格林夫人是个好人。 3.Mr. 名词 先生 【例句】Mr. Zhang is our new teacher. 张先生是我们的新老师。 Mr. Li is a policeman.李先生是个警察。 【知识梳理2】Sentences 句子 1.Hello,Miss Fang! 你好,方老师! hello用于打招呼、引起注意或打电话。 【例如】Hello,John!你好,约翰! Hello,is there anybody there 喂,那里有人吗? 2.Hi,Dad.嗨,爸爸。 hi用于打招呼。 【例如】Hi,guys!嗨,伙计们! Hi, my lovely little dog. 嗨,我可爱的小狗。 3.This is Mr. Zhang. 这是张老师。 This is…用于介绍某人或向某人展示某物。其中this是指示代词,其后be动词用is。 【例句】-- Hello,Kate. This is Jack. 你好,凯特。这是杰克。 -- Hi,Jack. I’m Kate. 嗨,杰克。我是凯特。 4.-How are you 你们好吗? -Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 当我们想询问对方的身体状况时可以这样问: How are you “你好吗?”或“你身体好吗?”(通常为对熟悉的人的打招呼用语。) 当回答How are you 时,若表示自己的身体很好可以这样回答: Fine,thanks./I’m fine,thank you.“很好,谢谢。/我很好,谢谢你。” Fine,thanks.是I'm fine,thank you.的简略回答。 【知识链接】对How are you 的询问还有以下几种常用答句: Very well,thank you. 很好,谢谢。 I'm very well,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 I'm OK. Thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 I’m all right,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 Not bad,thank you. 还不错,谢谢。 Not good,thank you. 不是很好,谢谢。 当别人回答身体不好时,不要忘了说I'm sorry. 5.Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang. 下午好,张老师。 Good afternoon.意为“下午好”。(下午与人碰面的打招呼用语,比较正式,它的答语多为:Good afternoon!在非正式场合,如熟人或家人之间,可以省略good,只用afternoon互致问候。有时熟人之间问候也可以加上称呼语,这时称呼语须放在问候语之后,并用“,”隔开。这与中文有所不同,汉语中的称呼可放在前面,也可放在后面。 例如: 6.We have a new teacher,Mr. Zhang.我们来了一个新老师,张老师。 We have…表示“我们有……”。 【例如】We have a new teacher. 我们有一个新老师。 I have a good friend. 我有一个好朋友。 7.I'm Peter. 我是彼得。 I'm…的用法: I'm…意为“我是……,我叫……”,I'm是I am的缩写形式。 I'm…常用来做简单的自我介绍, 【知识梳理3】Grammar 语法 1.人称代词:I I的含义和用法 (1)I是人称代词表示“我”,是第一人称代词单数。 【例如】I am a teacher.我是一个老师。 (2)I后面相应的be动词要用am,这是固定用法。 【例如】I am a pupil.我是一名小学生。 【友情提示】 I表示“我”,在任何情况下都要大写。 2.人称代词:you you的含义和用法: (1)you表示“你”或“你们”,是第二人称的人称代词。 【例如】You are a teacher. 你是一个老师。 You are doctors. 你们是医生。 (2)you后面相应的be动词是are。 【例如】You are my uncle. 你是我的叔叔。 You are Lily. 你是莉莉。 3.be动词am am是be动词的一种形式。如果主语是第一人称I(我)时,be动词用am。 【例如】I am a student.我是一名学生。 I am Kate.我是凯特。 I am还可缩写成I’m。 【例如】I'm David.我是大卫。 I’m your friend.我是你的朋友。 4.be动词is is是be动词的一种形式。当主语为指示代词this(这)时,be动词应用is。 【例如】This is my car.这是我的小汽车。 This is my school.这是我的学校。 【友情提示】如果主语是单数名词、不可数名词或单数第三人称代词(he,she,it)时,be动词用is。 【例如】My mother is a teacher. 我的妈妈是一名老师。 He is a student.他是一名学生。 is也可与主语缩写,如:He is=He's,My mother is=My mother's等。但是This is不可缩写。而is与not可缩写成isn't。 【例如】This isn't a book.这不是一本书。 5.动词have have是动词.意为“有”,其主语可以为第一人称代词I,we,第二人称代词you,第三人称代词复数they或者是名词复数。 【例如】I have a car.我有一辆小汽车。 They have a new classroom.他们有一问新教室。 The girls have new bags. 那些女孩都有新书包。 【友情提示】当主语为第三人称单数he,she,it或单数名词时,have要变成第三人称单数has。 【例如】He has a new book.他有一本新书。 She has a new dress.她有一条新裙子。 6.日常表达: (1)当你想和别人打招呼时,你可以说:Hello!或者Hi! (2)当你想向别人介绍某人或者展示某物时,你可以说:This is... (3)当你想说早上好时,你可以说:Good morning. (4)当你想说下午好时,你可以说:Good afternoon. (5)当你想说晚上好时,你可以说:Good evening. (6)当你想说晚安时,你可以说:Good night. (7)当你想问别人他好吗,你可以说:How are you (8)当别人间你你好吗,你可以这样回答:Fine,thanks. (9)当你想说我也很好时,你可以说:I'm fine,too. 7.重点句子: Hello! 你好! How are you 你好吗? Fine,thanks. 很好,谢谢。 I'm fine,too. 我也很好。 I'm Dolly. 我是多利。 This is Mr Zhang. 这是张老师。、 We have a new teacher,Mr Zhang. 我们有一个新老师,张老师。 8.就划线部分提问(变特殊疑问句) (1)有am, is, are的句子 【例如】This is a book. 肯定句变特殊疑问句(就划线部分提问):分3步骤 第一步:变一般疑问句 Is this a book 第二步:找合适的特殊疑问词 Is this what 第三步:特殊疑问词提前放到句首,并大写,其余按顺序照抄,省略划线部分。 What is this 注意:1.一定先变一般疑问句。但是,如果问的是主语或主语的定语时,语序不变为"特殊疑问词(+主语)+ 陈述句 2.划线部分不能在特殊疑问句中岀现。 (2)没有am,is, are的句子 非三单时用do,三单时用does ① 非三单 肯定句:I like English. 非三单 一般疑问句: Do you like English 特殊疑问句:What subject do you like ② 三单: 肯定句:He likes English. —般疑问句:Does he like English 特殊疑问句:What subject does he like 9.阅读理解TF首先要把基本的一下3点步骤和次序牢记心中: (1)在考试中(做阅读时)解题需要三个步骤,分别是:读问题;读原文;挑选项 (2)重要性依次是:读问题→挑选项→读原文。 (3)考试时操作的顺序是:先读问题,再读原文,最后挑选项 ① 读问题 做阅读最重要的一个步骤。如果连问题都读不懂,肯定做不对题 ② 读原文 A.读原文的主要目的:划出解题所需要的内容信息,包括:刚才读问题时脑中记的原文信息(把问题中所问的东西在文中找出来);重点强调的词或是绝对化的 词.数字及序数词。读出整篇文章的大概方向及围绕着什么东西说的。 B.开始读文章 读文章总则:从头到尾读,读时脑中反映中文意思,但是按照英文单词出现顺序接受信息。读的重点放在文章的段首句,转折句和整篇文章的最后几句。 【巩固练习】 一、正确书写下列句子 I'm Dolly. Hello, hello. 二、正确默写单词 1. 你好 2. 健康的 3. 男孩 4. 女孩 5. 小姐 6. 先生 7. 太太 8. 谢谢 9. 这 三、按要求写单词 1.I’m(完整形式)_________________________ 2.girl(复数)_________________ 3.too(同音词)____________________________ 4.hello(同类词)______________ 5.cake(与划线部分发音相同词)_____________ 6.good (同义词)______________ 四、按要求写词组 1.张先生______________ 2.王太太______________ 3.在早上______________ 4.晚安 ______________ 5.很好 ______________ 6.一位新教师 _________ 7.放学后______________ 8.下午好______________ 9.做蛋糕______________ 10.在盘子上____________ 五、问答句连线 1.Good morning! Good afternoon, Mum. 2.How are you Hello, Mr. Zhang. 3.Good afternoon. Hello, boys and girls. 4.This is Mr. Zhang. Good morning, Miss Fang! 5.Hi, Mum. Fine, thanks. 六、用am, is, are 填空,注意大小写 1.Hello! I Dolly. 2.How you Fine, thanks. 3.This Mr. Wang. Hi! 4.Hello, Peter. you a new teacher 5. Mrs. Wang fine 七、为下列句子编号,形成制作puppet的过程 ( )Cut the cat. ( )Draw a cat. ( )Stick the cat on the pencil. ( )Color the cat in yellow. 八、根据情景,填入合适的单词 A: Good morning, ____________Fang. B: Good ____________, Peter. A: ____________are you today B: Very ____________, you. A: Who's B: This is Li, your new teacher. A: Hello, Li. Peter. C: Hello, Peter. Nice to ____________you. A: Nice to ____________you, ____________. 一、略 二、略 三、1. I am 2. Girls 3. two 4. hi 5. name 6. well 四、1. Mr. Zhang 2. Mrs. Wang 3. in the morning 4. good night 5. very well 6. a new teacher 7. after school 8. good afternoon 9. make cakes 10. on the plate 五、 1. Good morning! Good morning, Miss Fang! 2. How are you Fine, thanks. 3. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, Mum. 4. This is Mr. Zhang. Hello, Mr. Zhang. 5. Hi, Mum. Hello, boys and girls. 六、1. am 2. are 3. is 4. Are 5. Is 七、3 1 4 2 八、Miss, morning, How, well, Thank, he, Mr., Mr., I'm, meet, meet, too (此部分测试时间为20分钟左右,讲评时间为15分钟左右。队本次所学内容进行检测) I.正确默写单词 1.你好 ______________ 2.健康的______________ 3.男孩 ______________ 4.女孩 ______________ 5.小姐 ______________ 6. 谢谢 ______________ 1.Hello 2.healthy 3.boy 4.girl 5.Miss 6.Thanks II.在下列划线部分发音与cake发音相同的单词后打“√” rabbit( ) ball( ) plate( ) cat( ) Jane( ) table( ) plate√ Jane √ table √ Ⅲ.问答句连线 1.Good morning! A .Good afternoon, Mum. 2.How are you B. Hello, Mr. Zhang. 3.Good afternoon. C.Hello, boys and girls. 4.This is Mr. Zhang. D.Good morning, Miss Fang! 5.Hi, Mum. E.Fine, thanks. 1. D 2.E 3,A 4.B 5.C Ⅳ.句型转换 1. This is my sister.(改为一般疑问句) ______________ this______________sister 2. I'm Sally’s classmate.(改为否定句) ______________ ______________Sally’s classmate. 3. Tracy can skip.(改为否定句) Tracy_____________ _______________ . 4. 她的名字叫Kitty. (中译英) __________ __________ ________ Kitty. Is your | I'm not | can't skip | Her name is V.选择正确的单词填在横线上 1.This is my mother. She is _______ (Mr. Mrs.) Xu. 2.Good _______ ( morning night) and have a good dream ( 梦 ). 3.How are you _______ (Fine No), thank you! 4.I _______ (have has) a new kite. 5.We _______ (have has) new dolls. 1. Mrs. 2. night 3. Fine 4. have 5. have VI. 选择题 ( )1. She is my mother. She is _______. A. Mr. Zhang B. Mrs. Zhang C. Miss Zhang ( )2. Good _______, Peter. Let's go to school together. A. morning B. evening C. night ( )3. _______ are you Fine. A. Who B. how C. How ( )4. I _______ a good grandmother. A. have B. has C. can ( )5. — This is Helen. — _______, Helen. I' m Jack. A. Oh B. Hi C. No l. B 2. A 3.C 4. A 5.B ( )6.I Miss Fang. C.are ( )7.Hello, . A.good evening B.I’m Ben C.thank you ( )8.I’m fine . A.two B.too ( )9.Do you like drawing A.Yes, I like. B.Yes, I do. C.No, I don’t like. ( )10.I’m hungry. I want some A.cola B.milk C.bread A| A| B|B| C VII. 按例写句子 【例子】Jack --How is Jack --He is fine 1.Mary _____________________________________ 2.Tom _____________________________________ 【例子】Jack tall This is Jack. He is tall. 3.Mary thin _____________________________________ 4.Tom short _____________________________________ 1.How is Mary She is fine. 2.How is Tom He is fine. 3.This is Mary. She is thin. 4.This is Tom. He is short. VIII. 连词成句 1. have new I a teacher _____________________________________ plates table the on are the _____________________________________ how you very you are thank well _____________________________________ night Dad. good and Mum _____________________________________ boys girls hello and _____________________________________ 1. I have a new teacher. 2. The plates are on the table. 3. How are you Very well, thank you. 4. Good night, Dad and Mum. 5. Hello, boys and girls. Ⅸ.阅读短文判断正误 There is a lovely dog Sam and a lovely cat Ginger. They are good friends. One day, they go outside with their toys. Sam’s toy is a skateboard. It’s yellow, pink and blue. Ginger’s toy is a robot. It is very super. It can do a lot of things. Then they play with their toys on the grass. Sam can ride his skateboard very well. He looks very cool on it. But Ginger doesn’t like the skateboard. She likes her robot. She plays with her robot. Look, the robot can walk on the grass. Sometimes it walks slowly. Sometimes it walks fast. It’s very fun. “Ouch!” shouts Sam. Oh, look! The robot knocks Sam over. They fall down on the grass. Ginger feels very sorry. Sam sits on the grass and says: “That’s all right.” But I don’t like the robot. ( )1. Sam and Ginger are lovely. ( )2. Sam and Ginger have toys. ( )3. Ginger’s robot can run fast. ( )4. Sam rides his skateboard on the grass. ( )5. Sam and Ginger like the robot. T T F T F Ⅹ.阅读回答问题 Megan usually goes to the ice-skating rink at 6: 30 in the morning. She goes to school at 7: 45. After school, she does her homework. Megan sometimes watches TV after dinner. She always goes to bed at 8: 00 at night. Pablo goes to school at 8: 15. After school, Pablo doesn't go home. He always goes to the chess club and plays chess. He usually goes home at 6: 00 in the evening. After he does his homework, Pablo has dinner. He sometimes plays chess on his computer. Pablo usually goes to bed at 9: 00. 1. What does Megan usually do at 6: 30 in the morning _________________________________________________ 2. Who usually goes to bed at 9: 00 _________________________________________________ 3. What time does Pablo go to school _________________________________________________ 4. Does Megan usually ice-skate in the afternoon _________________________________________________ 5. Does Megan go to school at eight-forty _________________________________________________ 1. She usually goes to the ice-skating rink at 6: 30 in the morning 2. Pablo usually goes to bed at 9: 00. 3. He goes to school at 8: 15 4. No, she doesn’t. 5. No, she doesn’t. (此部分内容包含本次课所学内容相关的练习题及综合练习题。建议题量保持在30分钟左右可以完成的范围内) 一、正确书写下列句子 Hi, I'm Mr. Dog. How are you 二、写出下列英文名字 1. 简 2. 爱丽丝 3. 彼得 4. 汤姆 5. 凯蒂 6. 丹尼 三、默写单词 1. 夜晚 2. 下午 3. 早上 4. 学校 5. 今天 6. 桌子 四、写出下列短语的缩写形式 1. I am_________________ 2. He is_________________ 3. That is_______________ 4. You are_______________ 五、按要求写单词 1.mother(口语)_________ 2.Dad(书面语) _________反义词)_______ 4.know(同音词)______ 5.cake(同类词)_________ 6.boys(复数词)_________ 六、根据课文内容填单词,注意单复数 Jane likes_________. Jane _________cakes. The cakes _________on the_________. The plates are on the_________. 七、根据情景,选择正确的答案 ( )1. 与别人初次见面时说: A. How are you B. Nice to meet you. ( )2. 晚上要睡觉了,你会对父母说: A. Good night, Mum and Dad. B. Goodbye, Mum and Dad. ( )3. 你的叔叔姓王,那么你的婶婶就是: A. She is Miss Wang. B. She is Mrs. Wang. ( )4. 你看见桌子上放着蛋糕,会说: A. The cakes are on the plate. B. The cakes are on the table. 八、根据情景,填入适当的单词 A: Hello, ____________Alice. Nice to see you. B: Hi, Alice. ____________Kitty. Nice to see you, too. A: How old ____________you, Kitty B: I am ____________years old. A: Wow! Me, ____________. What do you ____________doing B: I like ____________. A: Can you draw well B: Yes, I ____________. Look! This is a picture of my ____________. She is tall. A: How ____________! B: ____________you. 一、略 二、略 三、略 四、1. I'm 2. He's 3. That's 4. You're 五、1. mum 2. father 3. old 4. no 六、cakes, makes, are, plate, table 七、BABB 八、I'm, Hi, are, nine, too, like, singing, can, sister, nice, Thank 九、快速判断:(正确的写T,错误的写F) (A) Ben and Jim are twin brothers. They are nine. They are pupils. They study in Yuxin Primary School. They are in the same class.Everyday they go to school and come back together.Their teacher, Mrs. Green, says to the pupils,” please write a composition (作文) ‘My Mother.”Jim is a good boy. He writes the composition at home. But Ben plays football with his friends. The next day Mrs. Green says to the class,” I read your compositions today. But two of yours are just the same.” Ben stands up and says,” Jim and I are twins. We have the same mother.” ( )1.They are twins, so they have the same mother. ( )2.They are brothers so they have the same parents. ( )3.They are twins, so they are good pupils. ( )4.They have the same mother, so their compositions are the same. ( )5.Ben is a good student, he writes the composition. TTFTF (B) This is a pet shop. I can see many pets here. They are white cats, black dogs, little chicks and ducks. Some birds are singing in the shop. They drink some water every day. Some fish are swimming in the fish tank. They are colorful and lovely. I like fish best. ( )1. I can see many pets in the shop. ( )2. I can only see fish, birds and dogs in the shop. ( )3. The chicks are little and the fish are lovely. ( )4. In the tank, there are some fish. ( )5. My favorite pet is fish. TFTTT (C) We can see all kinds of animals in the zoo. They* re tigers, lions, bears and bells. Look, the monkeys can ride bicycles. They are clever. That elephant is strong. It can eat fruit with its nose. It is long. Some birds are singing in the cage. I like tigers. Because they are yellow and brown. What animal do you like ( )1. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo. ( )2. We can see some pandas. ( )3. The elephant has a long nose. ( )4 .I like lions. ( )5. The birds are dancing in the cage. l. T 2. F 3.T 4.F 5. F 十、以 "My hobby" 为题,用至少 3 种句型 ,至少 6 句话写一篇作文。 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ My hobby is swimming. I like swimming very much. It can make me strong. And I practice swimming three times a week. Sometimes, I swim with my brother together. We have great fun.



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