2023-2024 冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册期末综合能力测试题(含答案)

小学英语 五年级下册
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分
一、看图,读句子,根据句意选择合适的单词并抄写在横线上 (18分)
1. Look at the photo. The is crying.
2. You buy the in a shop. You send it to your friends or your family. It has a picture on it.
3. This is my English teacher. She is very .
4. I am not hungry, and I am not thirsty, but I'd like some .
5. Look at the . They are flying kites in the park. They are happy.
6. We send an email on a .
( )1. We arrive Beijing 3:00 in the afternoon.
A. at, at B. in, at C. at, on
( )2. Look! Some are playing in the park.
A. children B. childs C. child
( )3.— is the Great Wall
—It's about 6,000 kilometres.
A. How many B. How old C. How long
( )4. Danny's tail hurts, but he loves .
A. shop B. shops C. shopping
( )5. This postcard a picture of the Great Wall.
A. have B. has C. had
1. What a h face!
2. Look! The boy is w a letter.
3. Please turn l .
4. Look at these ph .
四、下面是 David 和 Lily的一段对话,请你从方框中选句子,完成他们的对话。(16分)
David:Look! 1. . What are the children doing
Lily:They are playing football.
David:And can you see some old men. What are they doing over there
David:Doing exercise is good for our health. Let's fly a kite,OK
Lily:That sounds wonderful,3
Lily:OK! Thank you.
五、阅读理解 (27分)
Yesterday was Saturday. It was sunny. Lingling, Tom, Amy and Jenny had great time this weekend. Lingling visited her grandparents. Yesterday was her grandpa's birthday. She bought a pet dog for him. Tom helped his parents do lots of housew-ork. He had a busy day. Amy went to the zoo with Tina.They saw many animals.They had great fun. Jenny hurt her leg and she went to see a doctor.
1. Lingling A. went to the zoo
2. Tom B. did some housework
3. Amy C. went to see a doctor
4. Jenny D. visited Grandparents
Dear John,
How are you I am fine in Beijing. Beijing is great! People here are very kind.
I went to Tian'anmen Square. It is very big. The Palace Museum is red and yellow. It's about six hundred years old. It's very beautiful. I also climbed theGreat
Wall. It is about 6000 kilometres. I went shopping on WangfujingStreet! I bought a cap for you.
I am having fun in Beijing. I will go back to America this Sunday.
See you soon.
Your friend,
( )1. This is an email to .
A. John B. Mike C. Lily
( )2. What colour is the Palace Museum
A. It's red. B. It's yellow. C. It's red and yellow.
( )3. Ilow long is the Great Wall
A. It's about 2000 kilometres. B. It's about 5000 kilometres.
C. It's about 6000 kilometres.
( )4. Did Mike go shopping in Beijing
A. Ycs, he did. B. No, he didn't.
C. Sorry, we don't know.
( )5. When will Mike go back to America
A. This Saturday. B. This Sunday. C. Next Sunday.
六、读完阅读 B.假如你是John,请给Mike回复,告诉他上个周末你度过了怎样的快乐时光 是做作业、读书、玩电脑,还是和小伙伴们一起玩耍 快来让他分享你的快乐吧!(12分)
3.不少于 5 句话。
Dear ,
How are you Last Sunday,I
Your friend
一、1. baby 2. postcard 3. kind 4. candy5. children 6. computer
二、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B
三、1. happy 2. writing 3. left 4. photos
四、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C
A 1. Lingling——D. visited grand parents
2. Tom——B. did some housework
3. Amy ——A. went to the zoo
4. Jenny—— C. went to see a doctor
B.1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B



上一篇:2023-2024 冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册期末试题(含答案)
