
一、阅读理解(满分30分)阅读下面语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
1.(6分) Scientists say that hobbies can make kids smarter,healthier and even more successful when they grow up.Now,let's see what they can help.
Help You Learn When you have a hobby,you learn new things.You have to read instructions.You look at websites,magazines and books to get more information about your hobby.More reading makes you a better reader and a better learner.
Help You Be Creative For many hobbies,such as building model cars and making pottery,you have to use your brain as well as your hands.We lear n by doing things and by touching things.These kinds of activities make people more creative.
Help You Be Relaxed Having a hobby makes you feel good.Scientists say," When you make something,the' feel﹣ good' part of your brain gets a message.It' makes you feel happy." When we feel happy
Help You Build Skills People with hobbies learn how to set goals and solve problems.Learning these skills when you are young can help you grow up.For some kids,having a hobby can be the first step to find a satisfying job in the future.
(1)Which hobby can use your brain and hands?    
A.Watching cartoons.
B.Reading novels.
C.Building model cars.
D.Listening to music.
(2)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?    
A.Hobbies can stop people being sick.
B.You can solve all your problems by hobbies.
C.Developing a hobby needs more instructions.
D.Hobbies can make you get more success in the future.
(3)What is the passage mainly about?    
A.The meaning of life.
B.The ways of developing hobbies.
C.The importance of learning.
D.The advantages of hobbies for kids.
2.(8分) As one of China's brightest young table tennis stars,Wang Chuqin is now the men's singles world No.1 spot (位置),the International Table Tennis Federation ( ITTF )
The 23﹣year﹣old is known for his left﹣handed playing style.Less common in the sport,left﹣handed players often leave their opponents(对手)surprised "by the different angles(角度)," wrote the online table tennis platform PingSunday.
He sometimes lost his temper on the court.During the ITTF World Tour Austrian Open in 2019,he threw his racquet(球拍) in anger after losing a match.Because of this,but he still stays optimistic,and trained harder.Now,Wang has turned himself into a calmer player. "I just want to keep improving," Wang told China Daily.He added that his strong will to win and go after his goals helps him to grow and become better.
Away from the table,with his cool clothes and hairstyle,many people take Wang as an outgoing person.However(相对地) quiet," Wang told the Olympics website. "I don't speak very much.I prefer the feeling of spending time alone."
While many people see Wang as a favorite to win at the 2024 Paris Olympics,he feels a bit nervous because he has never competed at one before. "You may only have the experience of the Olympics once in your life,so I want to do my best and go all out to play well
(1)What often surprises Wang's opponents in games?    
A.His anger after losing the game.
B.His unusual left﹣handed angles.
C.His bright and cheerful personality.
D.The angles he faces to his opponents.
(2)What difficulty did Wang once meet?    
A.He lost a game because of anger.
B.He was badly hurt by his racquet.
C.He kept losing important games.
D.He couldn't play games for three months.
(3)What does the underlined word "optimistic" mean in the passage?    
(4)What does Wang think of his own character?    
A.He is outgoing.
B.He easily feels lonely.
C.He is usually quiet.
D.He likes getting along with others.
3.(8分) What will life in the future be like?Will it be much better than it is now?And what will we be able to do in 10,20 or 30 years?
Genetic engineering(基因工程) may help us make the perfect human.Babies may grow up to play basketball like Yao Ming or look like Cecilia Cheung.Also,we may be able to bring the dead back to life.Maybe people will be able to meet and talk with their dead family members.
Over the next 20 to 50 years,it will become harder to tell the difference between humans and machines.Perhaps we will be able to make copies of ourselves,so we will appear to be alive long after we are dead.People may be able to find ways of putting the life of a person into a new body.
Nanobots(纳米机器人) will be important.We will use them when we are sick.For example,when we have a stomachache(吞下) a nanobot and it will travel through our stomach,taking a video of what's happening there.The video will help the doctor heal (治愈)
In the future,computers may have feelings.They may be able to think better than us.We may be more and more interested in computers and the internet,spending all our time in front of computers.Perhaps we will forget our real needs.Perhaps we will become super couch potatoes weighing 250 kg!
(1)What is the main idea of the second paragraph?    
A.What genetic engineering is.
B.Why genetic engineering may be helpful.
C.How genetic engineering can help humans.
D.How genetic engineering brings the dead back to life.
(2)It may be harder to tell if a person is dead because    .
A.humans will live longer
B.humans will live among dead people
C.humans may be able to make copies of themselves
D.humans can change their body parts into machine parts
(3)We can know from the story that nanobots may use    to help doctors.
A.a computer
B.a camera
(4)According to the last paragraph,computers may be able to    .
A.talk like human beings
B.heal sick people
C.talk with dead people
D.think like human beings
4.(8分) Traveling to a farm and spending several hours getting your hands dirty,it might sound like an unusual way to spend a vacation.
Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms(WWOOF) is an organization(组织)that helps travelers enjoy "volunteer vacations" on farms.The idea is simple. (1)   In return,they can get free rooms and meals.The vacation can be a few days or a few weeks long.Volunteers do different work like cutting wood,feeding animals
(2)   It lets travelers and farmers take part in a cultural and educational exchange (交流) when they spend time in nature.
At least,that's what Sue Coppard had in mind when she started the organization. (3)   However,she wanted to spend more time in the countryside.So she thought it might be a good idea to stay and work on a farm.Since she worried that she would be lonely,she asked others to join her.After a successful trial(试验),with 15 volunteers,more people started showing an interest in working on farms.Today(4)   You don't need any farming experience﹣﹣just your willingness(意愿) to learn!
A.But WWOOF is about more than that. B.Travelers volunteer on a farm for about four to six hours a day. C.It's possible to join WWOOF in more than 130 countries. D.Would you be more interested in learning to make cheese? E.In 1971,Coppard worked as a secretary in London.
二、完形填空 (满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
5.(10分) Some people have no interest in sports.They think that sports make them(1)   and smell bad.They say, "Why waste time playing sports?" To these people,I politely say(2)   of sports!"
Let me share a basketball game I played two weeks ago with you.Our parents and friends were there to(3)   us on.A lot of people were watching.We all wanted to(4)   the game in front of so many people.
The game was(5)   over and we were one point behind.Our coach called us together and said, "Okay,this is it!Either we score now or the game is over.Let's work hard to score.Even if we don't score,(6)   we know that we have tried our best.So,boys,don't think too much.It doesn't matter if we lose.Just do it."
Well,in the last(7)   of the game,we truly scored and two teams tie(打成平局)!We went into overtime (加时赛),the coach hugged all of us.He told us that he was(8)   because he had never seen a team try harder than us.
To be honest,I(9)   a lot of pleasure in playing sports.It makes me happy and comfortable.That's why I play sports whenever I get the chance.So my(10)   is to choose a sport and keep doing it.Your body will thank you and your mind will be ready to work well.
(1) A.lazy B.tired C.ugly D.stupid
(2) A.price B.time C.fun D.level
(3) A.call B.praise C.help D.cheer
(4) A.win B.watch C.join D.play
(5) A.suddenly B.nearly C.finally D.recently
(6) A.at first B.at once C.at times D.at least
(7) A.quarter B.time C.hour D.minute
(8) A.brave B.active C.proud D.honest
(9) A.feel B.face C.guess D.give
(10) A.advice B.order C.action D.interest
6.(1分) It seemed that we    (speak) to you face to face.
7.(1分) There was no one    (shout) nor were any dogs barking.
8.(1分)My brother    ( be) on a long plane journey when summer vacation comes.
9.(1分) I can tell you there is a lot    (remember) about Chinese life.
10.(1分) I hope David will become a    (success) person in the future.
11.(1分) We can point out the    (sight) of Beijing from the top of the hill.
12.(1分)We    ( not agree) on where to go about our family trip yet.
13.(1分) Remember to check the    (weigh) of your bag before traveling by air.
14.(1分) You can stay in a hotel or a family.That    (depend) on your personal choice.
15.(1分) When my grandmother died,Many dark days    (follow) and I missed her so much.
16.(15分) Poor Alice!She had to lie down on her side to look through the key hole into the garden.But to get through now was even(1)   (hopeless) than ever.She sat up and began to cry.
"You ought to be ashamed of yourself." Alice said(2)    (angry). "Stop crying this moment," she ordered(3)   (she).But her tears couldn't help(4)   (fall) down until a large pool was around her.The pool was four inches deep and reached halfway down the hall.
After a time,she heard something strange(5)   (happen) in the distance.She quickly dried her eyes so she could see what(6)   (come).Suddenly,the White Rabbit appeared again,well﹣dressed.He had a pair of white kid(7)    (glove) in one hand and a fan in the other.He came running along in a hurried pace.
"Oh,the Duchess!" he said in a low voice." "I've kept her(8)   (wait).She must be angry with me!Oh dear!" Alice had no choice but(9)    (ask) for help." Sir,if you please."
But Alice's voice frightened the White Rabbit.He dropped his things and ran away into the(10)    (dark).
﹣ Taken from Alice in Wonderland
C.阅读下列短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或词组,并用其适当形式填空。(共1小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
member invite either write other one day so interest be good at receive
Many people make friends by(1)   letters.One way to find a pen friend is on a special website,where you can "meet" people from all over the world. (2)   can be any age,and they can write to each other(3)   online or via snail mail.Some people write to find out about life in another country. (4)   want to practise their foreign languages or share their hobbies.Stamp collectors,for example,write to people in different countries so that they can collect the stamps on the letters they(5)   .Most people just enjoy making friends,and they(6)   their pen friends to visit them.
I have a pen friend.His name is Da Ming.He's from Shanghai,China.We often write letters to each other, (7)   I know him very much.He has a lot of hobbies.For example,he is(8)   in music,and he is also a basketball player in the school basketball team.He(9)   swimming,too.He will come to see me(10)   .
四、阅读表达 (满分10分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。
18.(10分) Last year,Brody changed schools because he was bullied(受欺负).Sadly,each student had some classmates sign their yearbook._____no one in Brody's class wanted to sign his yearbook.He felt very sad and wrote in the book himself, "Hope you make some more friends.﹣ Brody Ridder."
Brody's mum was also sad when she read it and learned about her son's experience at school. She took a picture of Brody's words in his yearbook and shared it with other parents of students at Brody's school.
Knowing that,many parents asked their children to help the boy.Simone was a 9th grade student in Brody's school.He understood how Brody felt.So he told his classmates Brody's story.
The next day,a big group of teenagers walked into Brody's classroom.They filled Brody's yearbook with phone numbers and best wishes.Soon there were more than100 signatures(签名) in Brody's yearbook.He got a big surprise.
When Brody's classmates saw this,they wanted to sign it too!Brody didn't think this meant they would make friends with him,but he was sure that they accepted him and saw him as a member of their class. "It just made me feel happy," Brody said.
So if you are bullied or meet some problems at school,do ask your teachers or parents for help.In this way,the problems will be solved quickly.
(1)Fill in the blank with a correct word or phrase.(在第一段的空白处填一个词或短语)
(2)What did Brody's mum share with other parents?(根据短文内容回答问题)
(3)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(把划线句子译成汉语)
(4)What does "this" refer to?(文中this代指什么?)
(5)How should classmates get on with each other?(根据短文内容回答问题)
19.(20分)你校人生规划课程组将要组织一次征文比赛活动,主题是"My dream job",请写一篇征文稿,包括你的理想职业,你选择此职业的原因及如何实现你的职业理想等。
(2)不少于80 词。
My dream job
一、阅读理解(满分30分)阅读下面语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
二、完形填空 (满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
6.【答案】 had spoken
8.【答案】will be
12.【答案】haven't agreed
16.【答案】(1)more hopeless (2)angrily (3)herself (4)falling (5)happening (6)was coming (7)gloves (8)waiting (9)to ask (10)darkness
C.阅读下列短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或词组,并用其适当形式填空。(共1小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
17.【答案】(1)writing(2)Members(3)either(4)Others(5)receive(6)invite(7)so(8)interested(9)is good at(10)one day
四、阅读表达 (满分10分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。
(2)She shared Brody's words in his yearbook with other parents.
(4)Soon there were more than100 signatures(签名) in Brody's yearbook.
(5)Classmates should help and learn from each other.
My dream job
It is my great honor to give a speech(演讲) here.I am Liming.Today my speech is about my dream job.
Everyone has a dream,so do I.I want to be a teacher.I'm going to work in Beijing and teach math in a middle school.Do you know why I want to be a teacher?Because we can learn all kinds of knowledge with the help of the teachers.When we are in trouble,teachers always take good care of us.They do many things for us as our parents do.We all like them very much.My teachers are also very kind and care about me.So it's my dream to be a teacher.How can I make my dream come true?First,I must try my best to study hard at all subjects.Second,I will read more books,such as math,English,history,science and so on.Finally,I'm going to enter a good university to study math.
I must work hard to realize my dream.I believe my dream can come true if I put my heart into it.Let's fight for our dreams!



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