Unit 6 TV programmes 单元卷(含答案)牛津译林版英语九年级上册

Unit 6 TV programmes
1. Mr. Bean is a very popular ______, and it is very funny and makes people laugh.
A. comedy  B. cartoon C. documentary D. drama
2. When you read a newspaper, you should skim ______ first.
A. headlines B. paragraphs C. articles D. sentences
3. —I will go swimming this afternoon, Daming.
—If you go, so ______ I.
A. will B. do C. am D. have
4. These photos ______ the doctors’ unusual working experiences.
A. record B. receive C. remember D. realize
5. After turning on the TV, I saw a reporter _______the earthquake which took place in Chile.
A. covering  B. showing C. telling  D. interviewing
6. We can leave two hours earlier if the work ______.
A. completes B. completed
C. is completed D. was completed
7. —Daniel, what ______ the number of students in your school
— About one thousand. And a number of them ______ from the countryside.
A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are, are
8. In the film, a doctor is found ______ in the house, so the film is ______ horror and mysteries.
A. dying; fill of B. dead; full of
C. dead; full with D. die; filled with
9. — There was a report ______ Huanghe Football Club on CCTV-5 yesterday.
— Yes. And it included an interview ______ their coach, Li Yi.
A. for; with B. about; by C. on; with D. by; on
10. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered ______ on Sunshine TV this Saturday.
A. lively B. alive C. living D. live
11. —Do you have any sales going on today
—Sure, we have the ______ smart phones on sale.
A. worst B. largest C. latest D. fewest
12. You need to practise speaking every day ______ you hope to improve your spoken English.
A. if B. although C. unless D. until
13. The local guide spoke ______ she could to make the visitors understand her.
A. as clear as B. as clearly as
C. so clear as D. so clearly as
14. He didn’t know ______ danger the man had to face at the sea.
A. how much B. how many C. how often D. how heavy
15. —Julia, I’m sorry for what I have done.
—______. I know that people get mad easily when they’re under pressure.
A. That’s for sure B. Never mind
C. With pleasure D. Of course not
For a long time, it's been discussed whether students should be allowed to watch TV during the week. I am here to say yes. Television is not the ___1___, but old ideas are!
After a little bit of careful thinking, parents will___2__that watching TV after school is a good way for students to relax. Our lives are busier than our parents' when they went to school. We not only have more___3___, but also have many other things to do after school. There is tutoring (课外辅导), sports clubs and so on. When we get home, we are___4___. All we really want to do is to give our brains a___5___.
Parents also remember what TV was like in the old days. They had few___6___. Most of the programmes were silly. Today we usually have over a hundred programmes to choose from. In one hour, we can learn about ancient Egypt and planets traveling around other stars. TV can be___7___. It shows us more things than a textbook can.
Lastly, today's students use TV watching as a prize for___8___their homework. Television does not keep us from our homework. Instead, it___9___ us to do it. This is totally different from the___10___ our parents used television.
So, students should be allowed to watch TV on school nights. Do you agree with me
1. A. difficulty  B. enemy C. winner  D. object
2. A. imagine  B. remind C. realize  D. require
3. A. homework  B. housework C. research  D. survey
4. A. happy  B. free C. asleep  D. tired
5. A. challenge  B. warmth C. break  D. envy
6. A. feelings  B. choices C. progress  D. marks
7. A. personal  B. valuable C. suitable  D. educational
8. A. showing  B. missing C. finishing  D. reminding
9. A. encourages  B. stops C. prevents  D. creates
10. A. road  B. path C. way   D. cause
Here are four students introducing their favourite cartoon characters.
My favourite cartoon character is Snoopy.When it comes to animated (动画的) dogs,nobody is more famous than Snoopy.Snoopy,Charlie Brown's pet dog,and his friends have been a part of children's lives since 1950.He speaks more than 20 languages and appears daily in 26,000 newspapers around the world.
Usually portrayed as Mickey Mouse's pet dog,Pluto represents the ideal of man's best friend that we all think of when looking for our own dogs.Pluto is the pinnacle (巅峰) of the animated man's best friend—even if that_man happens to be a mouse.
Lady and the Tramp,the first couple of animated dogs,tell us that even dogs need love from their own kind.When not pushing meatballs with their noses and eating spaghetti,Lady and the Tramp fell in love.
Odie is a yellow dog. Even though he is not the main star of the series Garfield,Odie has taken part in many of Garfield's hijinks (狂欢作乐).Garfield has usually gotten the better of Odie's good nature,but Odie has shown surprising wisdom.
1.Which of the following about Snoopy is NOT true
A. He was invented by Charlie Brown.   B. He is Charlie Brown's pet dog.
C. He first appeared in 1950. D. He speaks more than 20 languages.
2.The underlined words “that man” refer to _______.
A. Snoopy  B. Charlie Brown   C. Pluto   D. Mickey Mouse
3._______ tell(s) us that dogs also need love from their own kind.
A. Snoopy B. Lady and the Tramp
C. Odie D. Pluto
4.From the reading we can learn that Odie is very _______.
A. clever B. shy C. naughty D. lazy
5.How many characters in the passage are dogs
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
To welcome the return of TV’s most satisfying cooking competition, the UK network Channel 4 announced this news for the coming season of The Great British Baker Off. Just like the one in 2017, this new video shows the idea that the whole England is enjoying baking and watching this show.
The most popular TV program in the UK last year was a reality show called The Great British Baker Off. Each week, ordinary people compete to make the best cakes and bread within a time limit. The competition takes place in a very large tent in a big garden. There are two judges, and each week they choose a“Star Baker”(the best baker). They also choose one person who must leave the competition. At the end of ten weeks there is one winner.
The program started in 2010, and nobody expected it to be so popular. People really enjoyed watching the baking and the good atmosphere(气氛)on the show. The competitors were all very friendly to each other, and even helped their opponents(对手). This was very different from other reality TV shows. Some people think the show is typically British, with a good sense of humor and friendly people.
Since the show started, baking has become very popular in the UK, and many young people have started baking at home. Shops have sold lots of products for baking, like bowls and food mixers(搅拌机). More than 19 percent of British people bake at least once a week at home now.
Unfortunately for fans, the show is going to change next year and there will be new judges. Nobody knows if the new show will be as popular as the original program. But making cakes and eating them will definitely continue to be popular with British people.
6. Where is the competition of The Great British Baker Off usually held
A. In big tents. B. In the school.
C. In the living room. D. On the playground.
7. How may people feel while they are watching the competition
A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Sad. D. Hungry.
8. People hold this competition every week to choose a ______.
A. baker B. singer C. dancer D . writer
9. What does“They”in the second paragraph refer to
A. Cooks. B. Traders. C. Audiences. D. Judges.
10. What’s the influence of holding the competition of The Great British Baker Off
A. Few people like baking. B. More people like baking.
C. Few people like buying fast food. D. More people dislike cooking.
1. Please make up the __________ (对话) according to the model.
2. As an _________ (喜爱动物的人), Yuan Yuan often feels worried about animals.
3. The music __________ (视频)is just like a short movie.
4. He had two __________ (音乐会)tickets. So we went together.
5. The audience can enjoy young _________ (导演的)films from different countries.
1. Nearly all the ________(live) things need air and water.
2. The Wandering Earth is a Chinese sci-fi film ________ (direct) by Guo Fan.
3. No one could understand how he got to be so _______ (wealth).
4. One of these men may have been the _________ (murder).
5. Bob won’t go shopping with his mother unless she ________ (agree) to buy him a toy car.
A:Hello!1. _______Could I ask you a few questions
A:2. _______
B:Two hours.
A:Do you watch TV ads
B:Yes. Sometimes I watch them. You know, some of them are interesting and help us buy things easily but others are silly and helpless.
A:Do you do anything else while watching TV
B:Yes,3. _______
A:4. _______
A:Eating lots of snacks may make you fat easily. Also, 5. _______
B:You are right. Thank you.
A:Thank you for answering my questions.
A. Do you like watching TV B. you don't want to eat food any more when it's time for dinner. C. How much time do you usually spend watching TV at the weekend D. What type of TV programmes do you like E. I usually eat lots of snacks at the same time. F. I'm doing a survey about TV viewing habits. G. But I don't think that's a good habit.
1. 许多学生喜欢玩电脑游戏。
________ number of students ________ playing computer games.
2. 才艺表演和游戏节目一样精彩。我都喜欢。
The talent show is _______ _______ _______ the game show. I like both.
3. 当我进来时,我看见她正在弹钢琴。
I saw her ________ the piano when I ________ ________ .
4. 他已经尽力把钻头推到木头里去。
He tried his best to _______ the drill _______ the wood.
5 人类应该努力保护动物,因为它们是我们的朋友。
Humans should _______ _______ _______animals because they are our friends.
There is a cat in the Shrek movies.The cat's name is Puss.He always wears a hat,a sword (剑) and a pair of boots.And he likes to help others.1._______ You can see the movie Puss in Boots (《穿靴子的猫》).
Before Puss meets Shrek,he arrives at a town.Puss has a childhood friend,Humpty.2._______ They want to find the magic beans (魔豆). But two bad persons,Jack and Jill, want to use the beans to rule the world.3._______ They put the magic beans in a box and a wild pig watches the beans day and night.4._______ What he has done makes him a brave hero among the people in the town.
The movie is very popular with American kids.Let's see what they said.
“Humpty is very funny.Jack and Jill are a little scary,” said Ryan.
“5._______ You can't miss it,” said Nicole.
A. Puss has to get the beans to save the town. B. This 3D cartoon movie is really cool! C. Do you want to know more about this cat in boots D. They have the same dream. E. They already take a few steps ahead.
Many people like to watch TV.Watching TV is one of the most 1.__________ things of the day.TV brings the outside world closer 2._________ people's homes.Some people say the world is 3._________ than before because of TV.
What's 4.___________ in other countries?How do people live in places far away?Is there a good sports game somewhere?What's living in the deepest part of the sea?5._________ you want to answer these and other 6.________ of questions,just turn on the TV and watch it.You can see a lot and learn a lot.Of course,people can also learn 7._________ reading or listening to the radio.But with TV,they can learn better and more 8.________,because they can both hear and see something.
TV helps to open our eyes and it helps to open our 9._________ too.TV often gives 10._________ new ideas.We learn newer and better ways of doing something from TV.Don't you think so
假设你是李华,是一名九年级的学生。请以“ My Favourite TV Programme”为题,写一篇 100 词左右的英语短文。内容必须包括以下提示中的三项要点:
1. 作为学生,你通常每天或每周什么时间看电视?看多长时间?
2. 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?其播出时间、内容及你喜欢的原因是什么?
3. 从节目中你能学到或领悟到什么?
My Favourite TV Programme
1-5 BCADC 6-10 BDCAC
1. dialogue 2. animal-lover 3. video 4. concert 5. directors’
1.living 2.directed 3.wealthy 4.murderer 5.agrees
1.A, like 2.as wonderful as 3.playing, came enter 4.push, into 5.try to protect
1.important 2.to 3.smaller 4.happening 5.If 6.kinds 7.through 8.easily 9.minds 10.us
My Favourite TV Programme
My name is Li Hua, a Grade Nine student. As a student, I can watch TV only at weekends. I watch TV for two hours a week. My favourite TV programme is Animal World. It is on from 2:10 p. m. to 3:15 p. m. on Saturday. It tells us the life of all kinds of animals in the world. I like this programme because I am an animal -lover. I want to know more about animals. From this programme I know that it is difficult for animals to survive in the wild. We should treat animals kindly. We are living on the same earth. Animals are our friends.



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