
1. A. pair B. hair C. chair D. air
2. fifteen B. fifty C. forty D. fourteen
3. A. go shopping B. go fishing C. go hiking D. go outing
4. A. half past six B. a quarter to six C. a quarter to seven D. half past seven
5. A. right away B. throw away C. on the way D. by the way
1. A. Easter is an important festival in the US.
B. Children usually eat chocolate eggs at Easter.
C. Easter is on a Sunday in April or March.
2. A. She can’t go back home because it’s dark.
She can’t go back home because it’s snowy.
C. She can’t go back home because she has to work tonight.
3. He is 176 centimetres tall and weighs 60 kilograms.
He is 18 years old and 50 kilograms.
C. He has a big nose and a round face.
4. I saw the cat near the gate 20 minutes ago.
I saw the dog near the tree half an hour ago.
C. I saw the dog by the lake 15 minutes ago.
5. A. In the future, students will study online at home.
B. In the future, students will have a picnic every month.
C. In the future, students will write without any paper.
1. A. Yes,she does. B. No, she can’t. C. Sorry, I won’t.
2. A. What are you going to do
B. What do you want to be in the future
What can people do during the holiday
3. A.Because he is a good boy.
B.Because he likes playing football.
C.Because he can’t find his way home.
4. A. When is her birthday
B. When do you go to bed
C.When is Mother’s Day
5. A. Go down this street, and you’ll find it on your right.
B.It’s on the third floor.
C.Let’s go to the supermarket.
B. c.
1. A. elephant B. rabbit C. dog
2. A.can B. rubbish bin C. pen holder
3. A. The ugly duckling B. Snow white C. The wind and the sun
4. A. scissors B. tape C. glue
5. A. Thanksgiving B. New Year’s Day C. Christmas
1. How tall was Judy last year
A. 160 cm B. 153 cm C. 157 cm
2. What does Bob like
A. Oil paintings B. Ink paintings C. Both A and B
3. What does Jimmy like in the PE lessons
A. Playing football B. Playing basketball C. Both A and B
4. What does Alice’s mother do
A. A nurse B. A housewife C. A driver
5. What does Joe want to make
A. A model plane B. A pencil holder C. A model ship
Chinese dragon is one of the (1)____ Chinese zodiac animal signs. 2024 is the year of Chinese dragon. Chinese dragon also called: Loong in Chinese, is a long, serpentine-like creature in Chinese mythology. In sharp contrast to(2)_____ ideas about dragons, Chinese dragons are a symbol of strength,(3)______ and power. The Dragon figurines(4)_____ everywhere in China: temples, architecture, stone statues, museums, books and movies, art galleries, and many (5)______.
1. fly B. May C. sky D.try
2. A. date B. grade C. stand D.late
3. A. library B. kite C. cinema D.tired
4. A. thin B. theatre C. thank D.this
5. book B. room C. food D.noon
1. _____ is the capital of the UK.
A. New York B. Tokyo C. London
2. —Can you ____ a film with me later —Sorry,I must ___ books.
A. watch; reading B. watch; read C. watching; read
3. —How ___ does Linda___ —She weighs 42 kilograms.
A. many;weight B. much; weight C. much; weigh
4.—Would you like to go to the new park with me
—_____, but I need to do my homework.
I’m sorry B. I’d like to C.I have no time
5. —What do you think ___ bees —I praise bees ___ their hard work.
A. of; for B. about; at C. of ; at
6. — How many ____ on the farm — Four ___.
A. sheeps; sheeps B. sheep; sheeps C. sheep; sheep
7. —Can you teach me ____ to play football —First, you should stretch _____.
A. how; you B. what; yourself C. how; yourself
8. Are there ____ special cultures in your country
A. any B. much C. some
9. When you see your friend is sad, you should say, “____”
A. What’s the matter B. How are you C. Don’t be sad.
10. ____ is a famous painting by Qi Baishi.
B. C.
There are many different festivals in China. My 1.____festival is the Water Festival.It is an 2.____festival to the Dai people in Yunnan. It is usually in mid-April. It lasts for four to seven 3.____At this festival, people will 4.____ water to each other. Everyone will get wet from head to feet,but everyone is very 5.______to be wet, 6._____water means good luck,happiness and health in this place.
People also do many other things on that day. They will 7.____the mountain.They will pick flowers to 8._____the houses. Some people also fly Kongming Sky lanterns. At this festival, there are dragon boat races too. People are happy to 9.____ the races.
The races are very 10.____ I like this festival,because it is so wonderful!
1. A. favourite B. like C. love
2. A. lucky B. interesting C. nice
3. A. days B. day C. months
4. A. give B. pour C. throw
5. A. angry B. sad C.happy
6. A. because B. so C. but
7. A.go B.climb C.climbed
8. A.decorate B.make C.wash
9. A.look B.see C.watch
10. A.exciting B.excited C.interested
Mike is a little boy. He likes to listen to stories. Yesterday, his mother told him the story “The little duckling”. The writer of the story is Andersen. He was a famous person. The story was about an ugly duckling. The duckling was evicted(被驱逐)from its home. At last. It became a beautiful swan. Mike liked the story very much. He asked his mother to tell it again. So his mother was going to tell this story again. She was also going to the bookstore to buy some fairy tales by Andersen.
Mike listens to stories everyday.
The writer of “The little duckling” is Andersen.
At last, The ugly duckling didn’t become a beautiful swan.
Mike liked “The little duckling” very much but his mother didn’t tell the story again.
Mike’s mother will buy some fairy tales by Andersen on Sunday.
My sister and I like sport pretty. We like running, swimming, playing football and so on. Of all the sport we like playing football best. Playing football is interesting. If you run for the football, you look like a lovely bird. Pretty cool! You will be happy if you can play football with your friends. If you often play it, you will be healthy. Play football can bring you a lot of fun. Come and enjoy playing football with us in the two clubs.
1. My sister and I like _____ very much.
A. swimming B. playing football C. running
2. How is playing football according to the text
A. interesting B.Hard C. Dangerous
3. If you want to have football lesson, you can go to ____.
A. Healthy Club B. Star Club C. Both A and B
4. If you want to have volleyball lesson, you can go to ____.
A. Healthy Club B. Star Club C. Both A and B
5. How many ways can you contact Healthy Club
A. 2 B. 3 C.1
Cindy is a 12-year-old girl from China.She is tall and strong.She is 54 kilograms. Last summer vacation, Cindy took a trip to Japan with her parents.She visited Tokyo, Mount Fuji and she saw the beautiful cherry flowers. Japan is a good place for shopping. But Cindy didn’t buy many things during her trip. She found something interesting. In the past, there were a few Chinese goods. But now many things in the shops were made in China. Many Japanese people would like to buy a lot of things made in China because they think Chinese things are good. And now Chinese products are all over the world. They are good with a lower price. Cindy thinks China is stronger and greater now. She is very proud of this. She loves his country.
1. Where does Cindy come from
A. China B. Japan C. The US
2. How heavy is Cindy
A. Fifty-five kilograms B.Fifty-six kilograms C. Fifty-four kilograms
3. What did Cindy do in Japan
A. She bought many things B. She visited Tokyo C. Both A and B
4. What changes can Cindy see in Japan
More Japanese goods in the shops in Japan. B. More Chinese goods in the shops in Japan. C. It’s hard to find Chinese goods in Japan now.
5. Why Japanese people would like to buy Chinese goods
A. They are in a low price B. They are good C.Both A and B
1. How many percents of water in the world is fresh water
A. 70% B. 25% C. 2.5%
2. Which is not the cause of water pollution according to the text
A. Wind B.Discharges from factories C. Leaks from plants
3. What does the underline words “ecosystem damage” mean in Chinese
A. 生态系统损坏 B. 水循环系统损坏 C. 植物生态损坏
4. What can we do to prevent water pollution
Reuse, reduce and recycle the use of water. B. Use environmentally friendly products. C. Both A and B.
5. How many ways can we prevent water pollution according to the text
A. One. B. Three. C.Two.
1. What is this book about
A. Fairy tales. B. The adventure of Robinson. C. Technology.
2. Who is the writer of this book
A. Daniel Defoe. B.Robinson Crusoe. C. Jane.
3. If you want to know the first week on the island, you can look it up on page ___.
A. 18 B. 10 C. 79
4. What does “Friday” mean in Chapter 20 of this book
The name of a man. B. The fifth working day. C. The name of a bear.
5. If you want to learn what builds a house, you can learn it on page ___.
A. 3 B. 18 C.14
1. Kitty, ago, in, three, town, this, years, lived (.)
2. did, woke, exercises, and, he, morning, up (.)
3. after, will, breakfast, an, she, email, write (.)
5.need, a pair of, I, sunglasses, new (.)
Item Last year This year
Appearance 150 cm, 41 kg 156 cm, 47 kg
Favourite book Little Prince Harry Potter
Favourite festival Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival
Favourite activity Drawing Dancing
Dream job An artist A Teacher
一、看图,说出下列图标的含义。 (6分)
二、根据下列思维导图的提示,和小伙伴两人一组,简单介绍你喜欢的东西。 (7分)
三、在左侧方框里贴上你的相片,并且根据相片,和小伙伴两人一组,介绍一下你自己。 (7分)
I have a long hair.
Eddie is fifteen years old.
What a nice day! Let’s go hiking.
it’s half past seven now.
Please throw away the litter.
1.When is Easter Easter is on a Sunday in April or March.
2.The poor girl can’t go back home because of the heavy snow.
3.Sam is 18 years old, 166 centimetres tall and weighs 50 kilograms. He has a small nose and a round face.
4.I saw the cat near the tree half an hour ago and the dog by the lake 15 minutes ago.
5.In the future, students will have a picnic every month.
Can Linda visit the museum with me this weekend
I am going to enjoy my holiday.
Why does the boy take part in the football club
It’s on the second Sunday of each May.
Excuse me, could you tell me how can I get to the hospital
What do you weigh I weigh 60 kilograms.
I like salad very much.
Ann is good at playing the piano.
Don’t drink or eat in the library.
I am going to plant trees with my father tomorrow.
1. Its nose is very long. It is tall.
2. We usually throw rubbish in it to keep clean.
3. It’s a famous story from The Grimms’s Fairy Tales.
4. I can use it to cut paper.
5. It is one of Chinese traditional festivals.
A: We are going to have a swimming lesson tomorrow, Mum.
B: Oh, Judy. Your swimsuit is too small.
A: Yes, I’m growing fast. I’m 160 cm tall now. I’m 7 cm taller than last year.
B:You need a bigger swimsuit. Let’s buy a new one.
A: Look at the pictures. Which one do you like, Bob
B:I like this ink painting. It’s super. What about you, Danny
A: I like oil paintings. It’s colourful.
3. A:What is your favourite activity in PE lessons, Peter
B:I like playing basketball best. How about you, Jimmy
A: I like playing basketball, too. And I also like playing football.
4. A:What does your mother do, Alice
B:She is a nurse. But in the past, she used to be a housewife.
5. A: What do you want to make, Jane
B:I want to make a model plane.What about you, Joe
A: I want to make a pencil holder.
Chinese dragon is one of the (1)12 Chinese zodiac animal signs. 2024 is the year of Chinese dragon. Chinese dragon also called: Loong in Chinese, is a long, serpentine-like creature in Chinese mythology. In sharp contrast to(2)Western ideas about dragons, Chinese dragons are a symbol of strength, (3)good luck, and power. The Dragon figurines (4)appear everywhere in China: temples, architecture, stone statues, museums, books and movies, art galleries, and many(5) artworks.
Robots come into our lives. They are becoming more and more helpful. In the hospital, robots play an important role there. Sophia and Betty are two robots. They work in the hospital.When some sick people cannot walk, Sophia and Betty can take food and drinks to them. They can help doctors, too. Mona is a family robot. She also plays an important role at people’s home, Mona is used as a housekeeper. She helps to look after litter babies. Some robots can study your needs. Then they know how to cook food for you. Maybe in the future, robots will know how to do all kinds of housework and they may show their great abilities in different kinds of areas.
参 考 答 案
BACDB 每小题1分
CBBCB 每小题1分
BABCA 每小题1分
BDCAE 每小题1分
ABBAB 每小题1分
ABBCB 每小题1分
(1) 12/ twelve (2)Western (3)good luck (4)appear (5)artworks
(1) helpful (2)hospital (3)food and drinks (4)housekeeper
(5)all kinds of
BCCDA 每小题1分
BABBB 每小题1分
A: 1-5:BACBA 每小题1分
B: 1-5:ACBBC 每小题1分
C: 1-5:CCACB 每小题1分
D: 1-5:BABAC 每小题1分
1. Kitty lived in this town three years ago.
2. He woke up and did morning exercises.
3. She will write an email after breakfast.
4. My parents were very busy yesterday.
5. I need a pair of new sunglasses.
Last year, Alice stood at 150 cm and weighed 41 kg. Her favourite book was Little Prince and she loved celebrating Spring Festival. Her favourite activity was drawing and her dream job was to become an artist. However, this year, Alice has grown taller, reaching 157 cm, and gained a bit more weight, now at 48 kg. Her taste in books has also changed, as she now enjoys reading Harry Potter. Her favourite festival is Dragon Boat Festival, and she now finds joy in dancing. Surprisingly, her dream job is becoming an English teacher.
一、看图,说出下列图标的含义。 (6分)
1.Look out for children
2.No smoking
3.No swimming
4.Look out for animals
5.Keep quiet
6.Don’t walk on the grass
二、根据下列思维导图的提示,和小伙伴两人一组,简单介绍你喜欢的东西。 (7分)
My favourite food is hamburger. It’s yummy. I like Spring Festival best because we will have a family reunion dinner together. I enjoy watching the fireworks very much. My favourite activity is swimming. It can help me keep healthy. I like dolls very much.Because I can decorate dolls.It’s super.
三、在左侧方框里贴上你的相片,并且根据相片,和小伙伴两人一组,介绍一下你自己。 (7分)
Hello. Nice to see you. I’m Linda. My hair is long. My nose is big. I have two big eyes and a round face. I’m 160 cm and 50 kg. I can dance and sing very well. My favourite book is Harry Potter. Because this book is very interesting. In the future, I want to be an English teacher because I love English and I’m good at English.



