Unit 2 We're Family! 知识点总结&基础知识练习(含答案)2024-2025人教版(2024)七年级英语上册

Unit2 We’re Family
Part1 基础知识梳理
词汇 1.mean意思是;打算 2.husband丈夫 3.bat n.球棒;球拍4.together 在一起;共同5.spend 花(时间、钱等) 6.really非常;确实;真正地 7.activity n.活动 8.chess国际象棋 9.funny好笑的:奇怪的 10.laugh v.笑;发笑 n.笑声 11.different 不同的 12.violin 小提琴 13.pink粉红色(的) 14.hat帽子 15.handsome 英俊的 16.knee 膝;膝盖 17.grandchild (复数: grandchildren)(外)孙子;(外)孙女 18.son 儿子 19.hike 远足;徒步旅行 20.Ireland 爱尔兰
短语 1.ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍 2.play ping-pong打乒乓球 3.every day 每天 4.fishing rod 钓竿 5.a lot of/lots of大量;许多 6.Chinese chess 中国象棋 7.have fun 玩得高兴 8.at night 在夜晚 9.in the middle 中间;中部 10.next to紧邻;在……近旁 11.go hiking远足;徒步旅行 12.come in 进来 13.every week 每周 14. play the piano 弹钢琴 15.read a lot 读很多书16.play the erhu well 二胡弹得好17.like gardening 喜欢园艺 18. a photo of ...的照片 19.on the left 在左边 20.on the right 在右边 21.each other 彼此
句子 1.Whose fishing rods are those 那些鱼竿是谁的? 2.This is my ping-pong bat, and the black one is my grandpa's. 这是我的乒乓球拍,黑色的是我爷爷的。(one 代词,指代上文提到的可数名词单数。复数形式为ones,指代上文提到的可数名词复数形式。) 【拓展】it, one, that 作代词的区别 ①it指上文提到过的事物。(单数,同名同物) ②one泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一个。(单数,同名不同物) ③that常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的不可数名词. He spends a lot of / lots of time fishing.他花了很多时间钓鱼。(spend +时间/钱 on sth. /doing sth. 花费时间/钱做某事。) 4.She can play it really / very well! 她弹得很好!(副词修饰动词) 5.He often makes us laugh. 他经常逗我们笑。(make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事) 6.She has long brown hair.她长着一头棕色的长发。 (多个形容词修饰名词排序口诀:美小圆旧黄;法国木书房) 7.She is a quiet girl.她是个安静的女孩。(对比:quiet 安静的,寂静的→ quite 非常;很) 8.I'm not tall or short.I don’t talk or read much. 我不高也不矮。我不怎么说话,也不怎么读书。 (否定句中的and 用or 替换) 9.We are all different, but we have a lot of fun together. 我们都不一样,但我们在一起很开心。 (all <三者或三者以上> 全;都 ,be动词/助动词/情态动词后,实义动词前) She always reads me a story at night.她总是在晚上给我读故事。 (read sb.sth.=read sth. to sb. 给某人读... ) I'm the one with the pink hat.我就是那个戴粉红色帽子的人。 【拓展】wear/put on/with/in/dress 区分 ①wear v.穿着;戴着 强调状态。宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是饰物、奖章等 ②put on 穿上 强调“穿”“戴”的动作,后接衣服、鞋帽等。 ③with 介词,只和眼镜、手套等连用,不能接衣服。也可以表示留着…(头发)或某种生理特征。 ④in+颜色 表示穿某种颜色的衣服 ⑤dress v.给...穿衣服 dress oneself 表示给自己穿衣服 get dressed 穿衣服 They often say I'm their favourite grandchild, but l think they say the same thing to all of us!他们经常说我是他们最喜欢的孙子,但我想他们对我们所有人都说了同样的话! ( ①say...to... 和...说.... ②all of us 我们所有人)
Part2 语法精讲


s book





) (

tomorrow’s weather
two hours’ walk

the price of the house
a friend of mine
a friend of my mother’s

) (
①以s结尾的单数名词,通常仍加’s:  the boss’s plan 老板的计划
②以s结尾的复数名词,加’ five minutes’ walk 五分钟的路程
(1) 用and连接并列结构,表示各自的所有关系时,要分别变所有格结构,表示共同的所有关系时,只需把最后一个名词变成所有格结构
Tom’s and Jim’s rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间
Tom and Jim’s room 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间
(2)’s 所有格表示节日/地点
Mother's Day 母亲节 Father's Day 父亲节
Children's Day 儿童节 Teachers' Day 教师节
at the tailor’s 在裁缝铺 at the hairdresser’s 在理发店
at the doctor’s 在诊所 at my sister’s 在我姐姐家
1.—Are you sure this is a photo ________, the famous comedy actress (喜剧演员)
—Yes. But she was once (曾经) really thin.
Jia Ling B.Jia Ling’s C.of Jia Ling D.of Jia Ling’s
2.This is a friend of ________. He likes movies very much.
her B.our C.they D.Mine
3.The dresses in the bedroom are ________.
twins B.the twin’s C.the twins’ D.the twins
4.They are having supper at _______ now.
the Black’s B.the Blacks’ C.Blacks D.the Blacks
5.—Is the schoolbag under the desk yours
—No, it’s my _________. He left it there just now.
brother B.brother’s C.brothers’ D.brothers’s
6.This is ________ room. It looks very clean.
A.Kitty’s and Mary’s B.Kitty and Mary’s
C.Kitty’s and Mary D.Kitty and Mary
7.—________ is your home from the school
—Only ________ walk.
How far; 5 minutes’ B.How far; 5 minute’s
C.How long; 5 minutes’ D.How long; 5 minutes
8.—Is this ________ book
—No, it isn’t. It’s ________ book.
you; her B.your; my C.my; Jenny D.your; Lucy’s
9.—Tom, are these books ________
—No, they are ________. Mine are on that sofa.
mine; Jenny B.yours; Jenny’s C.mine; Jenny’s D.yours; Jenny
10.A friend of _______ came to visit me. He is a top student and I should learn from ______.
me; he B.me; him C.mine; he D.mine; him
I am a student and I often get up at six. 我是一名学生,我经常6点起床。
Mr. Brown sometimes takes the subway to his office.布朗先生有时乘地铁去他的办公室。
The earth is smaller than the sun. 地球比太阳小。
The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。
Beijing is the capital of China. 北京市中国的首都。 
Days are long in summer. 在夏天,白天很长。
Winter comes after autumn. 秋去,冬来。
5.部分动词如be, begin, leave, come, go等的一般现在时可以表示按规定、计划或安排预计将要发生的动作或状态。
Tomorrow is Saturday. 明天是周六。
The train leaves for Beijing at seven.火车在7点离开北京。
1.频度副词: always (总是)、 usually (通常)、 often (经常)、 sometimes(有时)、seldom(很少) never(从不)
I always go to school at 8 o’clock. 我经常在8点去上学。
I am seldom late for school. 我上学很少迟到。
every year 每年 every month 每个月 every week 每周 every day 每天
once a week 一周一次 twice a week 一周两次 three times a week 一周三次
on Sundays 在每周日
1.一般情况下,直接加-s 如:like-likes, come-comes
2. 以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es如:do-does, watch-watches,go-goes
3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es 如:fly-flies
4. 不规则变化:have---has
) 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句
be 型 主语+be(am/is/are)+其他 主语+be(am/is/are)+not+其他 Be+主语+其他
实义 动词型 单三主语 主语+单三+其他 主语+doesn’t+动原+其他 Does+主语+动原+其他?
非单三主语 主语+动原+其他 主语+don't+动原+其他 Do+主语+动原+其他?
1.Who ___________ us Maths (teach)
2.—What is your school __________
—Modern and big. Everyone _________ it very much. (like)
3.Prince Henry looks so cool and he ________ (come) from the UK.
4.Tom usually ________ (brush) his teeth at 6:30 in the morning.
5.The woman often goes shopping and ________ (try) on new clothes.
6.________ she ________ (have) a volleyball
7.Everyone ______ (study) English hard in our class.
8.How ________ your mother ________ (go) to work every day
9.Linda usually ________ (cook) dinner for her family.
10.His parents often ________ (read) newspapers after dinner.
1._______ his sister, he also ________ running.
A.Like; like B.Likes; likes C.Like; likes D.Likes; like
2.It’s 8:30 a.m. I’m ________ breakfast. But I often ________ breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
A.eat; eat B.eating; eat C.eat; eating
3.Mr. Smith _________ swimming every weekend. But he _________ do it last week.
A.goes; didn’t B.goes; doesn’t C.went; didn’t
4.The boy never ________ his teeth before bedtime. His parents are very angry.
A.brush B.brushes C.brushed D.Brushing
5.—What’s Li Hua doing
—He ________ the guitar now. And he ________ the guitar every evening.
is playing; playing B.plays; plays C.plays; is playing D.is playing; plays
6.Tommy always ________ to keep healthy. Look! He ________ in the pool now.
A.swims; swims B.swims; is swimming
C.is swimming; is swimming D.is swimming; swims
7.Annie and her friends ________ films at weekends.
A.are watching B.will watch C.watches D.Watch
8.—We can play basketball this weekend!
—That ________ great!
sound B.is sound C.are sound D.Sounds
9.—When does the Yaohan Centre ________ on Saturday
—At 10:30 p.m. The shopping center ________ for about twelve hours. Let’s go shopping.
opens; is open B.open; is open C.opens; open D.open; opens
10.—Does your brother ________ a soccer ball
—Yes, he does. He ________ four.
A.have; have B.has; have C.have; has D.has; has
词汇 1.意思是;打算________ 2.丈夫 _________ 3.球棒;球拍_______________ 4.在一起;共同_______________ 5.花(时间、钱等) _______________ 6.非常;确实;真正地 _______________ 7.n.活动 _______________ 8.国际象棋_______________ 9.好笑的:奇怪的 _______________ 10. v.笑;发笑 n.笑声_______________ 11.不同的_______________ 12.小提琴 ________ 13.粉红色(的) _________ 14.帽子_______________ 15.英俊的 _______________ 16.膝;膝盖_______________ 17.(外)孙子;(外)孙女_______________ (复数:_______________ ) 18.儿子____________ 19.远足;徒步旅行____________ 20.爱尔兰_______________
短语 1.乒乓球拍 ______________________ 2.打乒乓球 _____________________ 3.每天_____________________ 4.钓竿 _____________________ 5.大量;许多 _____________________ 6.中国象棋_____________________ 7.玩得高兴 __________________ 8.在夜晚_____________________ 9.中间;中部_____________________ 10.紧邻;在……近旁 __________________ 11.远足;徒步旅行 ___________________12.进来_____________________ 13.每周 _____________________ 14.弹钢琴 _____________________ 15.读很多书_____________________ 16.二胡弹得好_____________________ 17.喜欢园艺_____________________ 18. ...的照片_____________________ 19.在左边 _____________________ 20.在右边 _____________________ 21.彼此_____________________
句子 1.那些鱼竿是谁的? ____________ fishing rods _______________those 2.这是我的乒乓球拍,黑色的是我爷爷的。 This is my ping-pong bat, and the black __________ is my _______________. 3.他花了很多时间钓鱼。_____________________________________ 4.她弹得很好!___________________________ 5.他经常逗我们笑。____________________________________________ 6.她长着一头棕色的长发。_______________________________ 7.她是个安静的女孩。She is a __________________ girl. 8.我不高也不矮。我不怎么说话,也不怎么读书。 I'm not tall _____________short.I don’t talk _____________read much. 9.我们都不一样,但我们在一起很开心。 We are __________ _________, but we____________________________together. 她总是在晚上给我读故事。She always __________ ________ a story________ ______. 我就是那个戴粉红色帽子的人。I'm the one __________ the pink hat. 他们经常说我是他们最喜欢的孙子,但我想他们对我们所有人都说了同样的话! They often __________I'm their favourite grandchild, but l think they ______ the same thing ___________________________________________!
1-5 CDCBB 6-10 BBDBD
1.teaches 2.like;likes 3.comes 4.brushes 5.tries
6.Does/have 7.studies 8.does;go 9.cooks 10. read
1-5 CBABD 6-10 BDDBC



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