人教版八年级下册(安徽合肥)Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?单元检测题(含答案含听力原文及音频)

八年级英语下册Unit 7检测题
第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分20分)
( )1.What subject does Ms.Jones teach
A. B. C.
( )2.Where are the speakers
A. B. C.
( )3.What does Joe's uncle do
A.A zoo keeper. B.An actor. C.A doctor.
( )4.What are the speakers talking about
A.The first man to get to the top of Qomolangma.
B.How to get to the top of Qomolangma.
C.The first woman to get to the top of Qomolangma.
( )5.Which country is one of the youngest country in the world
A.China. B.India. C.The United States.
( )6.What are the speakers talking about
A.Whales. B.Pollution. C.The sea.
( )7.Why do we have fewer whales
People are catching them. B.There is too much water pollution.
C.Other animals killed them.
( )8.When did Dan go to Qingzhou
A.Last Tuesday. B.Last weekend. C.Last Thursday.
( )9.How high is Mount Linglong
A.About 408 meters. B.About 421 meters. C.About 567 meters.
( )10.Which is the lowest mountain
A.Mount Linglong. B.Mount Tuo. C.Mount Yunmen.
( )11.Where is the Fenghuang Mountain
A.In the south of Guilin. B.In the north of Guilin. C.In the middle of Guilin.
( )12.When is the best time to visit the Fenghuang Mountain
A.In August. B.In October. C.In December.
( )13.How long will it take you to get there by train from Guilin
A.Over eight hours. B.Over six hours. C.Over ten hours.
( )14.What can you enjoy while you are climbing the mountain
A.White clouds. B.Wild animals. C.Talk shows.
( )15.When will the sky there look beautiful
In the evening. B.In the afternoon. C.In the early morning.
Countries Information about these countries
Australia Here we can see kangaroos and walk along the 16.__ _.
England It's 17.__ __.The longest river—the Thames River is 18.__ __.
Canada It's one of the biggest countries in the world in 19.__ __.
China It has the largest population in the world and the longest 20._ __ in the world.
第二部分 语言知识运用(共三大题,满分35分)
( )21.This tree is about 500 years old.It's really
a(n)______ tree.
A.normal   B.lonely   C.ancient  D.broken
( )22.—We should be brave when we are ______ the face of difficulty.
—I agree with you.
A.with B.in C.from D.through
( )23.— Safety is very important to all of us.
—I agree.We students should learn ______ ourselves in the daily life.
where to hold B.what to visit
C.how to protect D.why to help
( )24.—When did you ______ the top of the mountain?  —At 10:30 a.m.
A.reach B.arrive C.get D.climb
( )25. Sam did ______ in his studies this year than last year.
A.well B.better C.best D.the best
( )26.—What happened to Mike
—He ______ and hurt himself while he was playing basketball.
A.fell over B.walked into C.looked up D.cheered up
( )27.—______ is Qomolangma
—It's 8,848.86 meters high.It's higher than ______ mountain.
A.How long;any other B.How tall;other
C.How high;any other D.How many meters;other
( )28.______ I didn't know anybody at the party,I had a wonderful time.
A.Unless B.When C.Until D.Even though
( )29.▲He broke two world records in one day,which was quite a(n) ______.
A.attention B.score C.achievement D.deal
( )30.—Can I ask you something about your trip?  
Of course not B.Don't worry
C.It's not a big deal D.Sure,feel free
Dear Liang Song,
Last weekend I read __31__ surprising in the library.A blind man __32__in climbing Qomolangma.Now let me tell you about it.
The blind man is Eric Weihenmeyer.When he was thirteen years old, he became blind.After that,he started climbing mountains.__33__ could Eric do it without his eyes' help Well,Eric climbed by feeling with his hands and listening to the sounds __34__ him.Sometimes Eric climbed with his friends.
After training hard for many years,Eric __35__ to climb Qomolangma.Mountain climbing experts were very __36__ when they heard this.They thought Qomolangma was the most __37__ mountain in the world.The experts said Eric couldn't do it, but he wasn't worried.His friends weren't worried about Eric, either.They wanted to challenge themselves in the face of __38__. They kept climbing,for 48 tiring days.On the last day of climbing,they didn't start until 9:00 p.m.Climbing in the dark was __39__ for Eric's friends,but it wasn't for Eric.He was used to climbing in that way.In the end,they reached the top of Qomolangma.__40__ they were tired, they were excited.
( )31.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything
( )32.A.remained B.succeeded C.controlled D.imagined
( )33.A.How B.When C.Why D.Where
( )34.A.with B.from C.into D.around
( )35.A.refused B.decided C.hated D.disagreed
( )36.A.clever B.lonely C.angry D.surprised
( )37.A.dangerous B.interesting C.beautiful D.famous
( )38.A.research B.silence C.relations D.difficulties
( )39.A.simple B.hard C.clear D.easy
( )40.A.Because B.Unless C.Although D.If
Kevin is a special swimmer.He took risks to__41__ in very cold places because he wanted people to pay attention to environmental problems.
As a boy,Kevin visited national parks and he learned the Earth is in__42__ condition.He felt worried,and he wanted to __43__ the Earth.In 2009,he went to swim in water near North Pole(北极) to draw people's attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川).Kevin said that the swim was so painful(令人痛苦的) that it would be his __44__ time swimming in cold water.In 2016,he heard about a lake in the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉).It was formed by melting glaciers.He __45__ to swim in cold water again.It was difficult to swim in the lake.The air was so __46__ that it was hard to breathe.He told people about his experiences on TV.He wanted people to know that glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing(消失) __47__ global(全球的) warming and that there's less water for people in nearby __48__ like China,India,and Pakistan.
From Kevin's story,we learn two __49__.We learn that people can do a lot of harm to the Earth without realizing it.Also,we learn that if we __50__ the way we think,we can do something to protect our environment.With the new way of thinking in our minds,we can enjoy a bright future.
( )41.A.fly B.swim C.run D.skate
( )42.A.right B.safe C.poor D.natural
( )43.A.protect B.leave C.find D.share
( )44.A.last B.great C.free D.long
( )45.A.hated B.agreed C.learned D.decided
( )46.A.fresh B.thin C.clear D.cool
( )47.A.because of B.opposite to C.according to D.instead of
( )48.A.cities B.countries C.towns D.villages
( )49.A.choices B.reports C.reasons D.lessons
( )50.A.ask B.show C.change D.record
A:What's the matter,John
B:I'm thinking about going somewhere nice after the exam with my parents.51.
A:Why don't you go to Dunhuang?52.
B:We went there last summer.We also went to Mingsha Mountain,Crescent Spring and Yumen Pass.
A:53. The beach city is a perfect place for the summer holidays.
B:It's a lovely place,but it's a bit far away from here.
A:Well,you'd better find some advice for a short trip in a travel guide.
B:55. Thank you.
A:You're welcome.
A.You can go to the Mogao Caves(莫高窟).
B.Do you have any ideas
C.We want a short trip.
D.What about Qingdao
E.That's a good idea.
F.Why don't you go skating
G.What a pity!
第三部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Orangutans    Orangutans are nature lovers.They like hanging out in the tree.They spend 95% of their time up there in the tree.They sleep and eat in their nests(巢).The nests are big enough for even a 10 year old kid to play in.
Pigs    Pigs may not look so cute when they find mud(泥) holes.They like playing in the mud—it is like their natural playground.And when it is hot,they stay in the mud to cool themselves.They don't care how dirty they get.
Sea turtles    Sea turtle eggs are like ping pong balls.After baby turtles break out of the eggs,they get themselves out of the sand and hurry to leave the beach for the sea.They swim for 24 hours in the sea to stay away from danger.
( )56.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read the passages
A.Sports. B.Health. C.Nature. D.News.
( )57.Where do orangutans like hanging out
In the tree. B.On the beach. C.In the sea. D.In the mud.
( )58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passages
Sea turtles have eggs like soccer balls.
B.Baby sea turtles are good swimmers.
C.Sea turtles lay their eggs in the sea.
D.Baby sea turtles are safe on the beach.
Majuli Island of the Brahmaputra River is in Assam,India.The area is home to more than 170,000 people.However,because of the flood,Majuli has lost most of its land over the past century.To save the land,Jadav Payeng,a young boy then,decided to do something.He began to plant trees.He has been doing that for 41 years.
At that time,Payeng dug deep holes with a stick and then put seeds inside.Payeng was not an expert and his way of planting trees was very simple,but his hard work paid off years later.Today,the area has become a forest.It has an area of 1,360 acres(英亩),larger than Central Park in New York.And it also becomes home to many animals such as birds,monkeys,tigers and even elephants.
Many people didn't know what Payeng did for years.In 2009,a photographer(摄影师)found that and wrote an article about the great man.After that,the story of the“Forest Man of India”took on a life of its own.People even made a short film about him.
Now,Payeng is still living on Majuli Island.Sometimes he can meet a few tourists.“I'll continue to protect the forest.This is my home,”he said.
( )59.Why did Payeng begin to plant trees
A.To stop the flood. B.To save the land.
C.To save the animals. D.To stop the sandstorm.
( )60.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.Majuli Island. B.The stick. C.The farmer. D.The forest.
( )61.According to the passage,what may Payeng do in the future
Teach others to plant trees. B.Write a book about the environment.
C.Make a movie about himself. D.Continue to protect the forest.
( )62.What can we learn from the passage
A.The Brahmaputra River is home to more than 170,000 people.
B.Payeng's way of planting trees is simple but successful.
C.There are monkeys,lions and elephants in Payeng's forest.
D.Some tourists introduced Payeng to the rest of the world.
Zhi Nong was born in a small town in Yunnan Province.When he was young, he moved to Kunming with his mother.Feeling like a caged(笼中的) bird in big city, he was bored with the busy and noisy city life and looked forward to nature.
His chance soon came.In 1983, he helped shoot(拍摄) a documentary about birds.That experience led him to learn photography and take photos of flying birds.
In the 1980s, the Internet was not that popular in China and cameras were expensive.He managed to borrow a camera and threw himself into studying how to use it.During that time, the library became his favorite place where he first read some magazines about nature.It opened a door for him to connect with nature.
In 1992, a research program was organized to protect a type of unusual monkeys which only live in China.Usually the home of these monkeys has half a year long winters.It created great challenges for Zhi Nong's work, but he never drew_back.“I didn't see the monkeys in the wild until I went into the mountains the third time,” said Zhi Nong.He went into the snow mountains six times just to get valuable photographs of the monkeys.
Three years later, his works won international prizes.People around the world began to pay attention to the protection of wild animals in China.And he is the first Chinese winner of the world Wildlife Photographer of the Year.
In order to call up tons of people to protect wildlife with cameras, he started “China Wildlife Photography Training Camp”.He hopes that more young people will join in for the nature protection.
( )63.What do the underlined words “drew back” mean in Paragraph 4
A.Gave up. B.Grew up. C.Set out. D.Put on.
( )64.What is the best title of the passage
A Photographer's Way of Protecting Nature
B.A Door between Magazines and Nature
C.Difficulties of Taking Wildlife Photos
D.World Attention to Animal Protection
( )65.Where is the passage probably taken from
A diary. B.A survey.
C.A magazine. D.A guidebook.
Antarctica(南极洲) is one of the coldest places in the world.There is a penguin called Henry.The only thing he does all day is to swim in the cold water.He doesn't like his life because it is boring for him.He wants to go out and see the world outside Antarctica.He tells it to his mother.However,his mother doesn't allow him to go out.
But Henry leaves Antarctica.At first,he is so happy because the water is still cold and everything outside of Antarctica is different and beautiful.But he doesn't know his mother is following him.As he swims far away,he finds that the water is warmer and warmer.And he feels exhausted(疲惫不堪的),so he has to stop his trip.He is afraid and doesn't know what to do.
At that time,he sees his mother,“I should listen to you,Mom.” His mother says,“It's OK.I am sure you won't leave Antarctica any more.”At last,Henry swims back to Antarctica with his mother.
( )66.Where does Henry live
A.In Africa. B.In Asia. C.In Antarctica. D.In America.
( )67.What does Henry do all day
A.He talks with his mom. B.He swims in the cold water.
C.He sings in the water. D.He goes outside to see the world.
( )68.How does Henry think of his life
A.Surprising. B.Interesting. C.Exciting. D.Boring.
( )69.Where is this passage probably from
A.A newspaper. B.A storybook. C.A report. D.A guidebook.
Wetlands are any land that is flooded with shallow water all or most of the time.They are a natural water holding system.
There are many types of wetlands.Among them,bogs,marshes and swamps are the three main types.The different types of wetlands have different kinds of plants.Only mosses(苔藓) and a few other kinds of plants can grow in bogs.Grassy plants like cattails(香蒲) and reeds(芦苇) are the most common plants in a marsh.A swamp is a forest whose ground is underwater all or most of the time.Unlike bogs or marshes,a swamp is full of trees and bushes.It's not a good idea to go exploring a swamp without a guide.There are hidden pools of water,thick mud,and sometimes big crocodiles(鳄鱼) looking for their next meal.
Hungry crocodiles aren't the only animals that make the wetlands their home.Otters,turtles,frogs,snakes and many other animals do too.The water is home to many kinds of fish and crabs.Birds,including ducks,geese and cranes,use wetlands seasonally during their long migrations(迁徙).
Wetlands are important because they provide habitats(栖息地) for plants and animals.A wetland system can also protect shorelines(海岸线),make polluted waters clean,prevent floods,and restore underground water supplies.
According to WWF,more than half of the world's wetlands have disappeared since the beginning of the 20th century.If this continues,countless plant and animal species will surely die out.Without wetlands,cities have to spend more money to treat water.Don't feel helpless.Try to do your part to protect them right now.Here are some ideas.
( )70.According to Paragraph 2,what can you see in a swamp
A.Mosses. B.Cattails. C.Reeds. D.Trees.
( )71.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE
A.Wetlands are a man made water holding system.
B.There are three types of wetlands in the world.
C.People can not meet with big crocodiles in wetlands.
D.Wetlands can protect shorelines and prevent floods.
( )72.What is the writer probably going to talk about after Paragraph 5
A.What are the different types of wetlands
B.What will happen if wetlands disappear
C.What actions can people take to protect wetlands
D.What other kinds of plants and animals live in wetlands
第二节 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。
China has many rivers.A total of 45,203 rivers run across the country.Each river runs an area of more than 50 square kilometers.
The most famous ones are the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.They are the“mother rivers” of the Chinese civilization(文明).Chinese rivers can be peaceful yet wild,too.They can make many areas become “a land of fish and rice”.
Chinese people have been trying to keep rivers healthy for thousands of years.In 2017,China started a new way to protect rivers.Local government leaders have become river chiefs(河长),responsible for dealing with river pollution.This will help some polluted rivers become clean again.
Through these actions,our rivers have seen many good changes in recent years—birds flying above the wetlands and fishes happily swimming in the rivers.We're on our way to living more peacefully with rivers.
73.What are the“mother rivers”of the Chinese civilization?(不超过10 个词)
74.What can Chinese rivers make many areas become?(不超过10个词)
75.What are river chiefs responsible for?(不超过5个词)
第四部分 写(共两大题,满分25分)
76.Although she met many c (挑战),she finally succeeded in achieving her dream of being a famous writer.
77. The baby pandas often w (重量是) about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos at birth.
78.It's raining outside.You need warm clothes to p (保护) you against the cold.
79. In 2022,India had more than 1.412 billion people,and the l (大的) population can be both good and bad for India.
80.An education program should teach people to save e (濒危的) animals.
81.假定你是李辉。你校英语报“Protect the Environment”专栏面向全校学生征集主题海报及宣传稿,需要用英语向大家宣讲环保的意义及作为中学生怎样保护环境。请你根据右边海报提示,以“Save the Earth:Let's Do Our Part!”为题,用英语给专栏写一篇稿件。
Save the Earth: Let's Do Our Part!
The earth is the only home for everyone on it.It's crying for our help now.答案:
( B )1.
( B )2.
( A )3.
( C )4.
( C )5.
( A )6.
( A )8.
( C )9.
( B )10.
( B )11.
( A )12.
( C )13.
( A )14.
( C )15.
Countries Information about these countries
Australia Here we can see kangaroos and walk along the 16.__beaches__.
England It's 17.__wonderful__.The longest river—the Thames River is 18.__amazing__.
Canada It's one of the biggest countries in the world in 19.__size__.
China It has the largest population in the world and the longest 20.__wall__ in the world.
( C )21.
( B )22.
( C )23.
( A )24.
( B )25.
( A )26.
( C )27.
( D )28.
( C )29.
( D )30.
( C )31.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything
( B )32.A.remained B.succeeded
C.controlled D.imagined
( A )33.A.How B.When C.Why D.Where
( D )34.A.with B.from C.into D.around
( B )35.A.refused B.decided C.hated D.disagreed
( D )36.A.clever B.lonely C.angry D.surprised
( A )37.A.dangerous B.interesting C.beautiful D.famous
( D )38.A.research B.silence
C.relations D.difficulties
( B )39.A.simple B.hard C.clear D.easy
( C )40.A.Because B.Unless C.Although D.If
( B )41.A.fly B.swim C.run D.skate
( C )42.A.right B.safe C.poor D.natural
( A )43.A.protect B.leave C.find D.share
( A )44.A.last B.great C.free D.long
( D )45.A.hated B.agreed C.learned D.decided
( B )46.A.fresh B.thin C.clear D.cool
( A )47.A.because of B.opposite to
C.according to D.instead of
( B )48.A.cities B.countries C.towns D.villages
( D )49.A.choices B.reports C.reasons D.lessons
( C )50.A.ask B.show C.change D.record
.51. B
52. A
53. D
54. C
55. E Thank you.
( C )56
( A )57.
( B )58.
( B )59.Why did Payeng begin to plant trees
( D )60.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to
( D )61.According to the passage,what may Payeng do in the future
( B )62.What can we learn from the passage
( A )63.What do the underlined words “drew back” mean in Paragraph 4
( A )64.What is the best title of the passage
( C )65.Where is the passage probably taken from
( C )66.Where does Henry live
( B )67.What does Henry do all day
( D )68.How does Henry think of his life
( B )69.Where is this passage probably from
( D )70.According to Paragraph 2,what can you see in a swamp
( D )71.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE
( C )72.What is the writer probably going to talk about after Paragraph 5
The Yangtze River and the Yellow River.
A land of fish and rice.
Dealing with river pollution.
76. challenges(挑战),
77. weigh(重量是)
78. protect(保护)
79. large(大的)
Save the Earth: Let's Do Our Part!
The earth is the only home for everyone on it.It's crying for our help now.
As middle school students, we have the power to make a difference and help save the earth!
To protect the earth, we can start by saving water, planting more trees, and reducing pollution.We can also save animals and recycle whenever possible.
We can also choose to ride a bike/cycle instead of driving a car to help stop pollution, and make sure to always throw trash/rubbish in the proper bins.By doing our part, we can make a positive impact on the environment and create a better future for ourselves and generations to come.八年级英语下册Unit 7质量评价
1.W:Oh,Mike,do you know Ms.Jones
M:Yes,she’s very kind.In her geography classes,she often asks us to protect the earth.
2.M:Where are we standing,Ms.White
W:We are standing in the middle of London.Across us is a museum with lots of famous pictures.
3.W:Did you meet Joe’s uncle at Joe’s seventh birthday party
M:Yes.He’s a funny man.He’s a zoo keeper.
4.W:Paul,do you know this woman in this photo
M:Yeah! She is Junko Tabei from Japan,the first woman to get to the top of Qomolangma.
5.M:Did you know which country is the youngest one in the world
W:The United States.It’s not even 300 years old.
W:What’s in your hand,Peter
M:It’s a book about whales.
W:So,what do you know about whales
M:They live in the sea and they are huge.As for food,they eat small fishes and other sea life.They can jump high out of water.
W:Are there many whales on the earth now
M:No.We have fewer whales because there is too much water pollution.
W:What beautiful photos!Dan,when did you take these photos
M:I took them last Tuesday in Qingzhou.
W:You went to Qingzhou last Tuesday
M:Yes,I visited Mount Yunmen,Mount Tuo and Mount Linglong.
W:Which mountain is the highest
M:Mount Linglong.It’s about 567 meters.And it’s the farthest from Qingzhou City.It’s about 16 kilometers from Qingzhou City.The lowest mountain is Mount Tuo.It’s only 408 meters high.
你将听到一篇短文。短文后有五个小题,请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
The Fenghuang Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in Guangxi.It lies in the north of Guilin.The best time to visit the mountain is from July to August.Every year thousands of travelers go there.It’s not far from Guilin.It takes over ten hours to get there by train.While you are climbing the mountain,you can enjoy the white clouds and wonderful stones around you.In the early morning,the sky looks very beautiful.It’s really a nice place to visit.
你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。 短文读两遍。
Do you like traveling?Would you like to travel during the coming summer holiday?Please come and join us.First,we’ll go to Australia.There we’ll see kangaroos and walk along the beaches.Then,we’ll visit England.The place is wonderful.The Thames River,the longest river in England is amazing.Are you interested in Canada?In a few days,we’ll go there.It’s one of the biggest countries in the world in size.I believe you’ll have fun there.Finally,we’ll visit the hometown of pandas,China.China has the largest population in the world.And the Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.



