Unit 6 Integrated skills 同步练(含答案)牛津译林版英语九年级上册

Unit 6 Integrated skills
1. —Watching ads on TV ________ just boring.
—You're right.
2. The twins are different ________ each other.
3. Many middle school students are interested ________ playing basketball.
4. Mount Tai is so famous that hundreds ________ people visit it every day.
5.If you can't share information with others,it is also ________ waste of resource.
1. Human beings are ________ (create) animals.
2. I ________ (most) wore black or navy trousers.
3. I ________ (like) programmes about sports. I think they are very boring.
4. It will be ________ (excite) to spend my summer holiday with my parents in Beijing.
5. It was a competition to see who could make the other one laugh more or ________ (silly).
1. 放松并不是浪费时间。毕竟生活不应该只有学习和工作。
Relaxing isn't _________ _________ _________ _________. Anyway, life shouldn't just be about study and work.
2. 有些电视广告很有创意,但大多数是愚蠢的。
Some TV ads _________ _________, but most of them_________ _________.
3. 整个国家的人是在收音机上听着她的诗长大的。
People around the country _________ _________ _________ _________her poems on the radio.
4. 苏珊·亨特在73岁时死于癌症。
Susan Hunter _________ _________ _________ when she was 73.
5. 这位女诗人在去世前写了数百首受欢迎的诗。
The woman poet wrote _________ _________popular poems before she_________ _________.
6. 我每天花一小时看电视,你呢?
I spend one hour _________ _________ every day. What about you
1. —I go running every day.
—Wow! That’s a good ______. It keeps you healthy.
A. task B. exercise C. habit D. skill
2. It’s a useless decision for you, so don’t ______ your time on it.
A. buy B. waste C. cost D. save
3. When I got to the cinema out of breath, I found it ______. I was late.
A. close B. open C. closed D. opened
4. ______ are you doing here, baby You must go to bed. It’s late.
A. What B. Who C. When D. Where
5. What ______ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with you!
A. waste B. wastes C. a waste of D. a waste for
6. It’s really _______ you not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can solve them on your own
A. smart of B. smart for C. silly of D. silly for
7. I am interested ______ sports. I often play soccer and I am _______ a soccer team.
A. in; off B. in; on C. at; in D. at; on
8. Treasure Island is the most ______ novel ______ I have read.
A. interesting; which B. interesting; that
C. interested; that D. interested; which
9. I’m sure that you will succeed in the end ______you give up halfway.
A. until B. although C. if D. unless
10. When Flight 3U8633 finally landed in Chengdu, ______of the women cried. Fortunately, ______ of the 119 passengers in the plane were hurt in the incident (事件).
A. some; none B. some; neither
C. any; none D. any; neither
read view silly bored dislike
1. Kitty spends two hours __________ books every day.
2. It's _______ of you to keep all the problems to yourself.
3. A good TV _________ habit may help prevent poor eyesight.
4. I find some TV programmes about stars very ________,so I seldom watch them.
5. —My mother is crazy about shopping online.
—But my mother __________ that.She would rather go shopping in the shopping mall.
Now we can often see many six -year -old children began to wear glasses. We adults read more than ten years ___1___ wearing glasses, but these children who only go to primary school have put on glasses. The television is one of the important reasons for children's myopia(近视眼). Children have no self -control. They watch TV for a long time, ___2___ watching TV for a long time will lead to eye fatigue(疲劳), which will easily affect ___3___ over time. Some parents may find that their children like watching advertisements when they are young. Usually, when the TV is ___4___, the baby may be indifferent(不感兴趣的). However, no matter what the baby is doing, when he hears the voice of the advertisement or sees the pictures of the advertisement, he will ___5___ turn his head to watch it. This is not because the baby particularly likes the advertisement, but when he hears the sound or sees the fresh pictures, he will pay more attention to the TV, which will interrupt his thinking and observation. If the TV is on all the time, it will distract children's attention. Therefore, for children, the ___6___ they are, the more cautious (小心的) they should be.
Of course, some TV programmes can also play a positive role in children. Watching in the company of ___7___ can not only improve the parent -child relationship, but also set a positive example for children.
However, compared with watching TV, parents have ___8___ choices. ___9___, hey can take their children to play games, read books, visit museums, and enjoy the beauty of nature. In this way, children's ___10___ will be increased, which is much better than watching TV.
1. A. without  B. with  C. within  D. in
2. A. but  B. because C. so  D. since
3. A. hearing B. eyesight C. mind  D. brain
4. A. off B. on C. in D. up
5. A. fast  B. quietly C. certainly  D. immediately
6. A. older  B. old C. younger D. young
7. A. parents  B. grandparents C. friends  D. classmates
8. A. best  B. better  C. good  D. well
9. A. For example  B. Such as C. In turn  D. As a result
10. A. language  B. Maths C. knowledge D. feelings
Are you a TV lover?Can you think of living without TV?Well,you can have a try this week.
A group of Americans from TV Turnoff Network,have an idea.They ask children all over the world to turn off the TV for a week,from April 19 to 25.They want children to watch less TV.TV Turnoff Network says watching too much TV can bring children big problems with schools,health and families.Some American scientists began a study of 1,200 children several years ago.It shows that if children watch too much TV,they don't do well in school.When children watch lots of TV,they eat more unhealthy food.Most of the children get overweight and become ill more easily.And watching too much TV is also bad for their eyes.
Many American families watch TV at dinner time.So they don't talk much when they eat.It's bad for their families.Also,there is lots of violence on TV.After watching these programmes,some children become violent in real life.
Today,lots of people already know watching too much TV is bad for them.If you turn off your TV for a week,maybe you can find something fun to do.Maybe you can read some books,learn to swim or draw a picture.
1.TV Turnoff Network is a group of Americans _______.
A. who watch TV too much
B. who work at a TV station
C. who teach children
D. who want children to watch less TV
2.The study shows that watching too much TV makes children _______.
A. unhealthy
B. eat more healthy food
C. read more books
D. learn better at school
3.Some children become violent in real life because they _______.
A. do some sports at school
B. are tired of school life
C. see too much violence on TV
D. see a colourful world on TV
4.TV is bad for a family mainly because _______.
A. it is bad for children's studies
B. it is bad for children's eyes
C. it makes children overweight
D. it makes the family talk less with each other
5.According to the passage,we know that _______.
A. children should never watch TV
B. children shouldn't watch TV too much
C. watching TV is good for children
D. watching TV makes children do well in school
一、1.is 2.from 3.in 4.of 5.a
二、1.creative 2.dislike 3.mostly 4.exciting 5.sillier
三、1. a waste of time 2. are creative; are silly 3. grew up listening to 4. died of cancer 5. hundreds of; passed away 6. watching TV
四、1-5CBCAC 6-10CBBDA
五、1.reading 2.silly 3.viewing 4.boring 5.dislikes
六、1-5 AABBD 6-10 CABAC



