【2022_2024年(江苏)中考英语真题分类汇编】专题08 语法填空(含首字母提示填空)(原卷版+解析版)

专题08 语法填空(含首字母提示填空)
When cultures meet, not just their language or clothing may be different. Often their food will be ___44___(great)different too. People on both sides can discover new chances for trading. This text ___45___(tell)how some common food plants spread around the world.
As early as 5, 000 BC, ___46___(potato)were traded in South America as a valuable type of food. They were ___47___(take)to Europe in the 1500s and their use soon spread across it.
Tea drinking started in China. By the early 1600s, traders had begun to ship tea from China to Europe. Tea drinking soon ___48___(become)fashionable there but because ___49___ its high price, it remained a drink for the wealthy.
Sugar cane(甘蔗)was first used to produce ___50___ kind of sweet juice over 8, 000 years ago on the island of New Guinea. Its use soon spread across South East Asia and then to the ___51___(wide)world.
Cocoa was used to make a cold, spicy drink in Central America over 3, 000 years ago. The Europeans brought it back with ___52___(they)in the 1520s and added sugar to make the sweet, hot drink we know today. ___53___ it’s expensive, many people still love it.
Even though my grandfather was a farmer, my grandmother would iron his work clothes every day. Grandmother mixed up her own starch(淀粉浆)in a glass b___61___ with a metal cap that had several holes. She sprinkled Grandfather’s jeans with the starch, hung them over a chair for a few minutes, and then i___62___ them.
Because I watched her do this through my childhood, I thought every old woman did it. But as the years passed, I began to question this p___63___. Why did Grandfather need his work clothes ironed Most days, he never saw anyone b___64___ me and maybe a few other farmers. The clothes became dirty in just a short time. Why did Grandmother s___65___ devote time and effort to ironing Grandfather’s clothes that were rarely seen
One day when I was about 13, I asked Grandmother about it. She told me Grandfather was the most handsome man in the world. Later that day, I looked c___66___ at Grandfather. He sure didn’t look so handsome to me. He was short and fat with false teeth(假牙). Later I told her my thought.
She gave me a girlish smile and said, “You just aren’t looking in the right light, Cathy. I remember when he had r___67___ teeth. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They are e___68___ the same color as the sky just before the sun goes down. I want the world to see my h___69___ as the most beautiful man. I want him to feel beautiful. I iron his clothes every day because for all these years, he has made me feel beautiful.”
The years went on, and I watched Grandmother and Grandfather grow old together. I was probably 30 when I u___70___ what beauty really was. It was Grandmother ironing Grandfather’s jeans with starch from a glass bottle.
Community connects us with each other. A community is a p___46___ where people live, work and play together. It’s just like a school, where s___47___ help each other to learn. People in a community h___48___ one another, too.
People in a community have different skills. They often help neighbors s___49___ all kinds of problems. For example, sometimes people do not feel well. The d___50___ and nurses will make them feel better. There are also some engineers. They may help people f___51___ their broken bicycles or washing machines. When people don’t know what to wear to a party or how to design their homes, the artists will give them some a___52___.
Some college students work as volunteers in their s___53___ time. They often do some cleaning for the old people and help students with their h___54___.
Community is not a building or an organization. It is like a big f___55___. Members of a community have a sense of trust, safety and caring for each other.
Dancing with the Light
A few years ago, I visited the Classical Gardens of Suzhou. During the visit, my attention was drawn away from the plants, bridges and stones, towards ___44___ walls of the gardens. Mostly white, some parts of the walls are losing small ___45___(piece)of their covering. This creates space in which light and plants can be ___46___(see). The walls are not only the boundaries of the gardens, but they also form protected paths that guide you on a trip.
The memory of the white walls stayed with me. I kept ___47___(imagine)how many shadows(影)could be collected by them to dance with the light. This fantastic moment was so lively ___48___ I came back to explore it with my camera.
Working ___49___(free)with these walls and their marks, I began to feel like collecting all the stories that were painted there. Weather and time have turned these ___50___(amaze)white walls into Chinese landscape paintings.
I ___51___(take)the photos during the month of June, just after the rain. The air was full of small drops of water, showing the light and the color ___52___ the things around. As color was born out of a dance between light and a body, when photographing in color I found ___53___ienjoying a moment of this dance.
Dear Millie,
You asked me about the Dragon Boat Festival. Now let me tell you something about it.
The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival we Chinese ___41___(celebrate)for over 2, 000 years. It’s one of the three most important lunar festivals in China, along with the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival takes place on the ___42___(twenty-two)of June this year.
Throughout the years, many stories have been told about the ___43___(begin)of this festival. Among them, ___44___(famous)one is about Qu Yuan, a well-known scholar in ancient China. He not only ___45___(write)good poems but also gave suggestions to the king. ___46___ he devoted himself to his country, the king didn’t like him. This great person drowned(溺水)himself in the Miluo River on the 5th day of the 5th Chinese lunar month because his Chu State fell to Qin State. Local people tried to save him or find his body, but they didn’t ___47___(success). Qu Yuan was later considered as ___48___ national hero. To remember him, every fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people beat drums and go boat racing on the river as they once did ___49___(keep)fish away from his body.
Dragon boat racing is one of the most important customs Chinese people practice to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. This activity ___50___(hold)widely in China’s southern and southeastern areas where there are lots of rivers and lakes.
Lots of love,
At the dinner table, Westerners use knives and forks, while the Chinese use chopsticks. S___46___ at least 3,000 years ago, chopsticks have been the eating tool for the Chinese people. Ancient Chinese used pottery pots(陶罐)to cook food during the Pottery Age. And they used branches or bamboo sticks to p___47___ up the food. Later on, they developed the habit of using the chopsticks. In general, the material of chopsticks can be d___48___ into five groups: bamboo and wood, metal, jade, bone and chemical plastics. In Modern Chinese family life, people prefer to use the bamboo or wooden chopsticks b___49___ they are good for the environment and cost a little.
Using knives and forks or chopsticks brings about a difference not o___50___ in lifestyle. For example, the use of knives and forks makes it c___51___ for people to eat individually(分别地). And the use of chopsticks makes it possible for the family members to have meals t___52___. As the Westerners prefer to eat individually, they have the idea and habit of not d___53___ on others after they grow into adults. The w___54___ that Chinese people use chopsticks and eat with others around the table is connected with the lifestyle of the Chinese family. Nowadays, an increasing n___55___ of foreign students are coming to China. They are happy to learn to use chopsticks and enjoy the pleasure of eating with friends around the table.
Moving the strings(弦)of the nation’s heart
When talking about the history of the guqin, Wu Wenguang, a famous performer of the ancient zither(古筝), likes to tell a folk story about the sincere friendship between a musician and his biggest fan.
D___61___ the Spring and Autumn period, there was a musician named Yu Boya. He lived alone in a forest where he often played the guqin. One day, a passing woodcutter, Zhong Ziqi, was attracted by the sounds of the ancient zither and stopped to l___62___. It was the best that he once heard. Yu’s playing created different p___63___ in Zhong’s mind, such as clouds flowing and waterfalls falling. They became good friends. After many years, when Zhong Ziqi passed away, Yu decided never to play the guqin again because he knew that he wouldn’t have anyone e___64___ like Zhong to so truly understand his music.
“With the power to e___65___ the deepest feeling, the guqin becomes the connection between performing and listening,” says Wu. “Today when we talk about t___66___ Chinese culture, the ancient zither, which was played by many famous people on literature, is surely in the center of the ancient culture.”
Indeed, the guqin, a p___67___ musical instrument of ancient China’s educated group, was also the favorite instrument of Confucius(孔子). In 2008, it was a___68___ to the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
In April, when President Xi Jinping m___69___ with French President Emmanuel Macron, a classic guqin piece, High Mountain and Flowing Water, was played to celebrate the friendship between the two c___70___. The instrument not only shows the past greatness of Chinese civilization(文明), but also continues to shine today.
Peter Pan wishes Wendy, John and Michael, especially Wendy, would stay in Neverland forever, but finally the Darling children decide to fly back home and grow up.
“Quick, Tink,” Peter whispers. “S___61___ the window. Then when Wendy comes back, she will think her mother doesn’t love her anymore, and she will return to Neverland with me.”
Mrs. Darling is playing the piano. Peter didn’t know the tune, Home, Sweet Home, b___62___ he knows it’s saying, “Come back, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.” Peter looks through the door and sees two big tears in Mrs. Darling’s eyes.
“She loves Wendy,” he thinks. “But I love Wendy, too. We c___63___ both have her.”
He looks at Mrs. Darling again. The two tears are still sitting on her e___64___.
“Oh, all right,” he says at last, sadly. Then he opens the window.
When Wendy, John, and Michael arrive, they find the window o___65___ for them. They all get into bed to surprise their mother.
When Mrs. Darling goes back to the children’s room, they are all in their beds. They wait for her to say something, but she says n___66___. She thinks she is dreaming. She sits by the fire.
The children are so w___67___. Why isn’t their mother happy to see them again All three of them jump out of bed, run to her and shout, “Mother!” She realizes she is not d___68___ anymore. Mr. Darling and Nana come in. They are all so happy. Peter w___69___ them from the window but he is looking at something he will never have.
Many years pass. When Peter visits Wendy again, she has g ___70___ up and has a daughter of her own. Peter is still a boy who can’t grow up.
—Taken from Peter Pan
Students at a university in Anhui Province will probably not receive their diplomas(毕业文凭)if they fail a fitness test. The test has running, standing long jump and some other sports ___56___(activity). This rule has caused hot discussion. According to the plan, the new rule ___57___(come)into force soon. And if students fail to pass the fitness tests, they won’t get their diplomas.
However, it is not a one-time test like gaokao. Students who fail the tests ___58___ graduation will be given another chance. He can take the test for a ___59___(two)time. And if they fail again, they will have to take the test even after graduation.
Do you think it is ___60___ only university doing so No! If students want to enter Tsinghua University, they also have to be able to swim. Or they will prepare to learn swimming. And they must pass a swimming test after school begins.
Tsinghua University will ask the students ___61___(learn)swimming and will organize a swimming test for all new students in September. If students fail to swim as long as at least 50 metres, they will have to take the swimming course throughout their studies. And of course, students are also reminded to learn and practise swimming ___62___(safe). They will be able to swim by the time they graduate, ___63___ the university won’t give them diplomas.
University students ___64___(encourage)to do more exercise after class. But some just stay in the classroom all day long. Few students take exercise even if they are free. They need to do some exercise to keep ___65___(they)healthy. Swimming is also a survival skill. It does no harm to people at all and is the correct sport for students. Any student who wants to enter Tsinghua University, remember, swimming is your necessary skill.
Deng Qingming is one of the three Chinese astronauts carrying out China’s Shenzhou-15 spaceship mission. He ___61___(final)got the chance to go to space after nearly 25 years of preparation.
Deng was born in a village in Jiangxi Province in 1966. As his ___62___(parent)both worked in the fields, he had to look after his younger brothers and sisters. At that time, his dream was to go to college and find a job ___63___(support)his family.
Deng ___64___(be)a member of the PLA Air Force(空军)since 1984. When he left his village that year, his friends came to say goodbye to him. He was deeply touched and decided to work hard. Years of hard ___65___(train)made him an excellent pilot, and he was chosen as one of the ___66___(one)group of Chinese astronauts in 1998.
For a long time, Deng served as a backup(后备)astronaut. His road to space was ___67___(long)than that of his teammates. He spent almost all of his time preparing and waiting and he ___68___(give)the chance to travel to space in the end.
Besides that, Deng’s wife supported him a lot. She ___69___(take)care of the whole family and never complained. “You’ve set an example to ___70___(we)daughter and we are proud of you,” she told him.
After a long wait, he flew into space by Shenzhou-15 spaceship in November 2022 at last. Twenty-five years was quite a long time, but Deng never gave up. Whenever the nation needs him, he is always waiting there, ready to take on any challenge.
Frederic Chopin(1810-1849)was a great composer and an excellent pianist. He composed twenty-four short ___51___(piece)for the piano called preludes. The longest one, Prelude no.15, is better ___52___(know)by its nickname, the “Raindrop” Prelude. How did it get its nickname
One day in 1838, when Chopin’s lover George Sand went out in a rainstorm, Chopin became worried. While he ___53___(wait)for Sand, he wrote Prelude no.15.
When Sand came back, Chopin played ___54___(she)the music. Sand thought the notes sounded like raindrops. She let Chopin ___55___(listen)to the raindrops falling on the roof. This made Chopin ___56___(happy). He insisted that he never paid attention to those sounds or ___57___(copy)them.
However, like Sand, many people hear raindrops in this prelude. Some notes repeating throughout the piece sound like raindrops. The flow of the music is like rain, too. The piece starts ___58___(soft), but it gets louder, like rain getting ___59___(heavy). Then the music gets quiet and finally ___60___(end), like rain when it stops.
Ali has worked and lived in Shandong Province for almost six years. When his friends suggested g___61___ to Rizhao for a two-day trip, the first things that came into his mind were its beautiful beaches and nice seafood. Rizhao certainly goes b___62___ that! It is also “hometown of green tea” in northern China. Rizhao l___63___ in the southeast of Shandong Province near the Yellow Sea. It has pleasant weather, rich soil, and enough sunlight. All these make it s___64___ for growing high-quality green tea. Ali had the chance to pick tea leaves for the first time in his life. “This is the first time I’ve learned about Chinese tea culture. It’s a new and exciting experience for me. It’s fantastic!” Ali said with a smile on his f___65___.
Fu Ting lost her right arm in an accident when she was 3. At the a___51___ of 13, she went to a sports school in Xiangtan, Hunan Province. She began swimming t___52___ there. Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events d___53___ her years as an athlete, and won 18 gold medals.
After retiring in 2004, Fu Ting decided to e___54___ a university to study law. Through hard work, she graduated and worked as a lawyer. In 2017, Fu Ting set up a service group, p___55___ free legal(法律的)help for the disabled. At the s___56___ time, she also joined a volunteer group, sharing her life stories in primary and secondary schools, giving legal speeches in communities, in order to encourage more people to help those disabled people in n___57___.
“In the face of the disabled, we should first ‘respect’ and t___58___ ‘help’,” Fu Ting said. “I’m h___59___ to help them with my own experience and knowledge. And I hope they can help make o___60___ country better. I believe I will keep on doing that.”
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar has 24 solar terms(节气)in a year. Ancient Chinese people created this system to m___51___ the change of time based on the sun’s position. In ancient times, this system guided farming activities. It t___52___ farmers what to do according to the changes in temperature. Today, 24 solar terms still play an important role in Chinese people’s e___53___ life. They remind people of the changes in s___54___ and to eat suitable food. This ancient time system has gained new charm now. In Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the director used a new countdown(倒计时)method, showing 24 solar terms instead of numbers. This creative method was greatly p___55___ by people around the world. They are amazed by the wisdom of Chinese people.
The Edible Schoolyard program is part garden, part kitchen,and part classroom. It is all about the joy of l___66___. The large garden is right behind King, Jr. Middle School in Berkeley, California. Chef Alice Waters started the Edible Schoolyard. She likes to d___67___ lot of her time to it.
Inside the Edible Schoolyard
Every year, the school’s sixth-grade students plant, tend, and harvest the crops from the garden. They learn about the effects that c___68___ climate and weather have on the plants. During a drought, for example, they must water the garden more often. This keeps everything a___69___ and healthy.
The students grow many types of fruits,vegetables and herbs. Brilliant colors surround the kids a___70___ they work in the garden that stretches towards the horizon.
Time to Get Cooking
The students also learn h___71___ to cook healthy meals with the food they grow. The school houses many different students and c___72___. So, the meals are different from Indian curries to Mediterranean grape leaves. Some of the kids learn to overcome their fear of u___73___ foods. If there are conflicts in the kitchen or the garden, students must work to s___74___ them. The program fits with the vision of inclusion, equality, and peaceful growth without violence.
Tastes Great and Is Healthy Too
Everything grown in the garden is organic. All meals the kids p___75___ are good for them. The Edible Schoolyard program has received good publicity for teaching students about healthy food.
A hurricane(飓风)is a huge storm that forms over warm ocean water. Hurricanes have winds that move in ___44___ circle. Hurricane winds are very ___45___(power), and can move at speeds from 120 km/h to over 300 km/h.
The centre of hurricane winds is called the eye. Winds in the eye ___46___(be)not very strong. Around the eye is an area called the eye wall. The wall is where winds are the ___47___(strong)and rain is the heaviest.
Strong winds and heavy rain can do a lot of damage(破坏)when a hurricane moves over land.
Hurricane winds can be strong enough to break ___48___(window)into pieces. The winds can even knock over tall trees, which might fall on buildings or cars. Strong winds can pick up objects and send ___49___(they)into the air, causing damage.
Heavy rain from a hurricane can cause floods in areas that are not close ___50___ a coast. The floodwater can be very deep. It sometimes ___51___(reach)almost up to the top of houses. Water goes into the houses ___52___(quick)and does a lot of damage. Wooden structures(结构)might not be safe after a flood.
___53___ there is no way to prevent a hurricane, you can get prepared for it.
Museums play a big role in our society. They are also ___41___ important classroom for primary and secondary school students. During holidays, groups of young museum guides ___42___(see)everywhere in Changzhou Museum. Since 2011, Changzhou Museum ___43___(carry)out more than 100 public training activities for volunteer guides.
In July, 2021, I was chosen ___44___(be)a volunteer guide in Changzhou Museum. ___45___ it was my first time to serve there, I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, the teachers there gave many interesting training classes, including “Public Places and Manners”, “Red History and Red Culture” and so on. I was deeply touched by the stories of ___46___(pioneer)like Qu Qiubai and Zhang Tailei. I was impressed that they had risked ___47___(lose)their lives to create a new China.
In the following month,I guided hundreds of tourists and did my job ___48___(success). This experience had a great influence ___49___ me. I know more about my hometown and the meaning of life. I feel ___50___(pride)of being a volunteer guide to help more people learn about Changzhou.
To many young Chinese people, Premier Zhou Enlai is known as a key founder of the New China. But f___46___ people know he once wrote a martial arts novel called Jin Guo Ying Xiong.
Recently, a Sina Weibo user m___47___ this novel written by Zhou more than a century ago. Many young people showed a strong i___48___ in it and their admiration for the early pioneers of China. Another user posted the first page of the novel which Zhou wrote at the a___49___ of 16. It was published under Zhou’s pseudonym(笔名)“Fei Fei” in a magazine beginning in October, 1914. However, the novel was never completed, but it can be found a___50___. The Early Works of Zhou Enlai were published by the Central Party Literature Press in 1998.
A___51___ many young people expressed the regret that Zhou did not go on with the novel, they said he played a more important role in China’s history. One wrote “The novel was stopped but Premier Zhou went on to s___52___ the Chinese nation out of danger!” Another added, “He gave up a novel, but he wrote a history of m___53___ China.” A 29-year-old computer engineer said, “The pioneers of China are spiritual leaders for me. Remembering them helped me build up the r___54___ values. When I face problems in life, I am always reminded not to f___55___ the lives of those pioneers. The difficulties I face now are nothing compared with what they experienced.”
Eat Your Greens!
I have never been a fan of vegetables. But my best friend loves them. “Eat your greens!” he always says. So I decide to learn something more about them.
Plants are a very important part of our diet. Because of the c___66___ their leaves vegetables are often called “greens”. They p___67___ all kinds of nutrition(营养)that are very important for our bodies. For example, vitamin C gives us healthy skin, and calcium(钙)keeps our bones s___68___. Others help to keep our hearts, blood and muscles healthy Eating vegetables does not make us f___69___ because they are low in calories.
It’s said that there are over 80,000 different kinds of plants which can be eaten on Earth. However, 90 percent of the foods we eat c___70___ from just 30 plants. This is not because they are the most nutritious, but because they are the e___71___ to grow.
It is suggested to eat at least five different vegetables every day. It’s a good h___72___ to make vegetables a main part of each meal. However, some people think that vegetables are not so popular compared with meat, so when vegetables are served together with meat, they often c___73___meat instead of vegetables. Others think vegetables are cooked in an unskillful way, making them not d___74___.
In order to help me have a healthy diet, my friend gives me good a___75___ on how to cook tasty vegetables. I am on my way to a healthier lifestyle.
The Grand Canal(大运河)is a man-made waterway that runs north and south in eastern China. Dating back 2,500 years and stretching 1,794 kilometers, it is among the world’s oldest and l___61___ canals. Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum is located on the bank of the ancient Grand Canal in Yangzhou, one of the eight c___62___ in Jiangsu province sitting along the Grand Canal.
The museum o___63___ its doors to the public on June 16,2021. It covers an area of some 80,000 square meters. It has two structures: a four-story building in the s___64___ of a giant ship waiting to set sail, and a 100-meter-tall Tang-Dynasty-style tower.
The museum has 11 themed exhibitions(展览). They are telling the h___65___ of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal built during the Sui and Tang Dynasties(581-907) the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the East Zhejiang Canal. These canals offer a wealth of historic and cultural attractions w___66___ they continue to be used for transport, irrigation(灌溉)and flood control. The 25.7-meter-long, 8-meter-high ancient Bian River section is c___67___ by many as the “treasure of the museum”.
So far, the museum has over 10,000 exhibits(展品), including 20 groups of large ones, making it the best collection to show the grandness of the canal and h___68___ people changed nature.
Passing t___69___ the exhibition hall and into the antiquated(老式的)streets, visitors can see restaurants and shops along the street, as if walking in the water village on the canal during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum is different from all the other m___70___ which are themed on the Grand Canal in China. Why not come and visit it yourself
It was a beautiful fall day. I was out riding my bicycle. I guessed I rode over a hole in the road. All of a sudden, WHAM(砰)! I fell off my bicycle. My right side really h___68___!
My head hit the ground h___69___. I lay there for a few minutes. I tried to get up, b___70___ I failed! “There must be s___71___ wrong with me,” I thought. I felt so t___72___ that I had to still lie there. Then I saw b___73___ on my shoe. My hand and knee were bleeding.
As I lay there, I took off my helmet. There was a sharp rock sticking out of it. I looked at it in f___74___. Thank goodness I wore my helmet!
I shouted for help. At that time, a truck went by. The driver s___75___ his truck and came to help me. He put my bicycle in the back of his truck and drove me to the hospital.
When my mother got to the hospital, she gave me a big hug(拥抱). “I’m so glad you were wearing your helmet. The helmet saved your life,” she said. She knew I was c___76___ before and did not always wear my helmet. “Mum, it was not the helmet i___77___ that saved my life, but safety awareness did. I’ll ride my bicycle with great care later on!”
Zhang Yugun is head of Heihumiao Primary School in Henan Province. He ___61___(be)a person full of love and responsibility(责任).
After graduation in 2001, Zhang chose to work in the poor countryside. Over the past 21 years, he ___62___(see)many teachers come and go because of the poor conditions in the village. However, he has stayed on and made every effort to help the children deal with their ___63___(problem).
One winter, travelling on the mountain road was much ___64___(difficult)than usual. The school was about to start, but those ___65___(student)books were still in a town outside the village. Then Zhang and another teacher left early in the morning with a shoulder pole(扁担). They carried back kilos of books. When they ___66___(get)to the school, they were both covered in mud(泥), but the books were protected ___67___(good). In 2006, a cement road(水泥路)___68___(build)in the village. So Zhang started to carry the books with a motorbike. Although four motorbikes broke down, he never ___69___(stop).
In order to provide better care for the students whose parents had left the village to find work in the city, Zhang asked his wife to give up her job to help ___70___(cook)and clean for the students. Thanks to the teachers like Zhang, the students in Heihumiao Primary School are able to learn at school and hope for a brighter future.
This time yesterday, Mr Zhang ___51___(celebrate)his ___52___(ninety)birthday at home. He said this to his family___53___(member): “Most people change houses during their lifetime, but I ___54___(live)in this house since I was born. I’ve got three children and all of them were born in this house too. Most of the time it has ___55___(be)a happy place. The street is very different from when I was young. At that time, there were no cars and all the children used to play in the road. Some children still do, but it’s not the same—you’ve got to be very careful nowadays with the traffic. None of the people who live in the street now are as ___56___(old)as I am—many of them have died; others have moved to another area. I ___57___(not go)out much now and I’m getting a bit deaf. But none of this is important. I’ve got my children and my grandchildren, and they are everything to ___58___i.”
At the end of the party, on the dinner table, Mr Zhang’s daughter laid two big bowls of noodles which ___59___(eat)up in a minute by the whole family.
“Happy birthday!” Everyone said ___60___(cheer)to Mr Zhang.
When people meet strangers, they often have small talks. These talks are a good way for people to s___61___ hello. The talks cover many topics, such as weather, films, sports, TV shows o___62___ the latest news. But we should always keep it in mind that p___63___ subjects about money, age, and weight should be avoided. Besides, it’s better to ask open-ended questions. If you ask, “Do you like our city ” They may say s___64___, “Yes”. If you ask, “What do you think of our city ” They will have more freedom in answering. This type of question also shows that you are interested in them. If you seem interested in w___65___ people are saying, they will feel more comfortable talking with you.
I grew up in the countryside. At around 10 years old, I began to learn cooking. The first skill I mastered was making dough(面团). Since my parents often came home l___66___, a prepared dough would help my family have supper sooner. I thought it would be e___67___ because I often saw my mum do it—just mix water and flour, right Not quite! It turned out to be a m___68___ for a while. First I made the dough too soft. Then I made it too hard. But as I kept trying, I learned the trick.
Later, I cooked fried dishes and things like dumplings and I f___69___ in love with cooking. It’s a good way to relax. More importantly, thanks to my cooking skill, I live better d___70___ the COVID-19 pandemic. Now working at home, I cook every meal instead of ordering takeout. It s___71___ money and I don’t have to wait for delivery drivers to feed me.
Besides cooking, I did a lot of f___72___ work in my childhood. I got to know how to plant vegetables. T___73___ it was hard work, the experience taught me things that many of my friends still don’t know. For example, the part of a potato that has sprouts(芽)can be planted as a seed. I once discussed this with my friends from the city. They thought it was a p___74___ that they didn’t have the chance to learn these things in their lives.
Some might say we can learn these things from textbooks. But it can’t compare to the j___75___ of learning firsthand, watching plants blossom and grow. It brings a new way to look at the world.
Erhu is one of the most important Chinese instruments. It has a history of o___56___ 1,000 years. It is said that Erhu did not get its name u___57___ the late Qing Dynasty. It has been improved gradually since it appeared. It is also c___58___ the Chinese violin because its tone is as soft and bright as the violin’s. There are many w___59___ pieces of music played by Erhu, such as The Moon Reflected on the Er-quan Spring. You can go and e___60___ the charm of them. I hope you’ll love them.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题08 语法填空(含首字母提示填空)
When cultures meet, not just their language or clothing may be different. Often their food will be ___44___(great)different too. People on both sides can discover new chances for trading. This text ___45___(tell)how some common food plants spread around the world.
As early as 5, 000 BC, ___46___(potato)were traded in South America as a valuable type of food. They were ___47___(take)to Europe in the 1500s and their use soon spread across it.
Tea drinking started in China. By the early 1600s, traders had begun to ship tea from China to Europe. Tea drinking soon ___48___(become)fashionable there but because ___49___ its high price, it remained a drink for the wealthy.
Sugar cane(甘蔗)was first used to produce ___50___ kind of sweet juice over 8, 000 years ago on the island of New Guinea. Its use soon spread across South East Asia and then to the ___51___(wide)world.
Cocoa was used to make a cold, spicy drink in Central America over 3, 000 years ago. The Europeans brought it back with ___52___(they)in the 1520s and added sugar to make the sweet, hot drink we know today. ___53___ it’s expensive, many people still love it.
44. greatly
45. tells
46. potatoes
47. taken
48. became
49. of
50. a
51. wider
52. them
53. Although/Though
46.句意:早在公元前5000年,土豆就作为一种有价值的食物在南美洲进行贸易。potato “土豆”,可数名词,由“were”可知,用其复数形式,故填potatoes。
49.句意:饮茶很快在那里成为一种时尚,但由于价格高昂,它仍然是富人的饮品。此处是短语because of “由于”,故填of。
50.句意:8000多年前,在新几内亚岛,甘蔗首次被用来生产一种甜果汁。此处是短语a kind of “一种”,故填a。
52.句意:15世纪20年代,欧洲人将其带回欧洲,并添加糖制成我们今天所知的甜味热饮。they “他们”,代词主格。此处应用其宾格形式them,作介词with的宾语,故填them。
Even though my grandfather was a farmer, my grandmother would iron his work clothes every day. Grandmother mixed up her own starch(淀粉浆)in a glass b___61___ with a metal cap that had several holes. She sprinkled Grandfather’s jeans with the starch, hung them over a chair for a few minutes, and then i___62___ them.
Because I watched her do this through my childhood, I thought every old woman did it. But as the years passed, I began to question this p___63___. Why did Grandfather need his work clothes ironed Most days, he never saw anyone b___64___ me and maybe a few other farmers. The clothes became dirty in just a short time. Why did Grandmother s___65___ devote time and effort to ironing Grandfather’s clothes that were rarely seen
One day when I was about 13, I asked Grandmother about it. She told me Grandfather was the most handsome man in the world. Later that day, I looked c___66___ at Grandfather. He sure didn’t look so handsome to me. He was short and fat with false teeth(假牙). Later I told her my thought.
She gave me a girlish smile and said, “You just aren’t looking in the right light, Cathy. I remember when he had r___67___ teeth. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They are e___68___ the same color as the sky just before the sun goes down. I want the world to see my h___69___ as the most beautiful man. I want him to feel beautiful. I iron his clothes every day because for all these years, he has made me feel beautiful.”
The years went on, and I watched Grandmother and Grandfather grow old together. I was probably 30 when I u___70___ what beauty really was. It was Grandmother ironing Grandfather’s jeans with starch from a glass bottle.
61. bottle
62. ironed
63. practice
64. but
65. still
66. carefully
67. real
68. exactly
69. husband
70. understood
61.句意:祖母在一个有几个洞的金属盖的玻璃瓶里把自己的淀粉浆混合在一起。根据“It was Grandmother ironing Grandfather’s jeans with starch from a glass bottle.”可知是一个玻璃瓶,a后加可数名词单数bottle“瓶子”,故填bottle。
62.句意:她在爷爷的牛仔裤上撒上淀粉,把它们挂在椅子上几分钟,然后熨好。 根据“my grandmother would iron his work clothes”可知奶奶给爷爷熨烫衣服,iron“熨烫”,本文时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填ironed。
63.句意:但随着时间的推移,我开始质疑这种做法。根据“I thought every old woman did it. But as the years passed, I began to question this”可知作者开始怀疑熨烫衣服的通常的做法,this后加可数名词单数practice“常规”,故填practice。
64.句意:大多数时候,除了我和其他一些农民,他从来没有见过任何人。根据“he never saw anyone...me and maybe a few other farmers”可知是除了我和其他一些农民,他从来没有见过任何人,but“除了”,故填but。
65.句意:为什么祖母仍然花时间和精力为祖父熨很少见到的衣服?根据“devote time and effort to ironing Grandfather’s clothes that were rarely seen ”可知作者好奇为什么奶奶仍然花时间和精力为祖父熨很少见到的衣服,still“仍然”,故填still。
66.句意:那天晚些时候,我仔细地看着爷爷。根据“looked...at Grandfather”可知是仔细观察爷爷,修饰动词用副词carefully“认真地”,故填carefully。
67.句意:我记得他长着真牙的时候。根据“He was short and fat with false teeth”可知现在爷爷戴着假牙,但是奶奶记得爷爷长着真牙的时候,修饰名词用形容词real“真的”,故填real。
68.句意:它们与太阳下山前的天空颜色完全相同。根据“the same color as the sky just before the sun goes down.”可知爷爷眼睛的颜色和太阳下山前的天空颜色完全相同,故此处用副词exactly“确切地”,故填exactly。
69.句意:我想让全世界都把我的丈夫看作最美丽的男人。根据“as the most beautiful man”可知奶奶想让全世界都把她的丈夫当作最漂亮的男人,husband“丈夫”,故填husband。
70.句意:我大概30岁的时候才明白真正的美丽是什么。根据“what beauty really was”可知是理解真正的美丽是什么,understand“理解”,根据“was”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填understood。
Community connects us with each other. A community is a p___46___ where people live, work and play together. It’s just like a school, where s___47___ help each other to learn. People in a community h___48___ one another, too.
People in a community have different skills. They often help neighbors s___49___ all kinds of problems. For example, sometimes people do not feel well. The d___50___ and nurses will make them feel better. There are also some engineers. They may help people f___51___ their broken bicycles or washing machines. When people don’t know what to wear to a party or how to design their homes, the artists will give them some a___52___.
Some college students work as volunteers in their s___53___ time. They often do some cleaning for the old people and help students with their h___54___.
Community is not a building or an organization. It is like a big f___55___. Members of a community have a sense of trust, safety and caring for each other.
46. place
47. students
48. help
49. solve
50. doctors
51. fix
52. advice
53. spare
54. homework
55. family
46.句意:社区是人们一起生活、工作和娱乐的地方。根据首字母及“A community is a…where people live, work and play together.”可知,社区是人们生活、工作和娱乐的地方。place“地方”,名词,冠词a后用其单数形式,故填place。
47.句意:这就像一所学校,学生们互相帮助学习。根据首字母及“It’s just like a school”可知,社区像一所学校,学生们互相帮助学习。student“学生”,名词,help是动词原形,故名词应用复数形式,故填students。
48.句意:社区里的人也会互相帮助。根据首字母及“…help each other to learn. People in a community…one another, too.”可知,此处指社区中的人们互相帮助。help“帮助”,动词。时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语动词用其原形,故填help。
49.句意:他们经常帮助邻居解决各种各样的问题。根据首字母及“all kinds of problems”可知,此处指解决问题。solve“解决”,动词。help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,动词用其原形,故填solve。
50.句意:医生和护士会让他们感觉好些。根据首字母及“For example, sometimes people do not feel well”可知,人们感到不舒服时,医生和护士会让他们感觉好些。doctor“医生”,可数名词,此处应用其复数形式表泛指,故填doctors。
51.句意:他们可以帮助人们修理坏了的自行车或洗衣机。根据首字母及“their broken bicycles or washing machines”可知,此处指修理坏了的自行车或洗衣机。fix“修理”,动词。help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,动词用其原形,故填fix。
52.句意:当人们不知道穿什么去参加聚会或如何设计他们的家时,艺术家会给他们一些建议。根据首字母及“the artists will give them some…”可知,此处指艺术家会给出建议。advice“建议”,不可数名词,作动词宾语,故填advice。
53.句意:一些大学生在业余时间做志愿者。根据首字母及“Some college students work as volunteers in their…time.”可知,此处指大学生在业余时间做志愿者。spare“空闲的”,形容词,作定语修饰名词time,故填spare。
54.句意:他们经常为老人打扫卫生,帮助学生做作业。根据首字母及“and help students with their…”可知,此处指大学生会帮助学生们做作业。homework“作业”,不可数名词,故填homework。
55.句意:它就像一个大家庭。根据首字母及“It is like a big…”可知,此处指社区就像一个大家庭。family“家庭”,可数名词,被a修饰,用其单数形式,故填family。
Dancing with the Light
A few years ago, I visited the Classical Gardens of Suzhou. During the visit, my attention was drawn away from the plants, bridges and stones, towards ___44___ walls of the gardens. Mostly white, some parts of the walls are losing small ___45___(piece)of their covering. This creates space in which light and plants can be ___46___(see). The walls are not only the boundaries of the gardens, but they also form protected paths that guide you on a trip.
The memory of the white walls stayed with me. I kept ___47___(imagine)how many shadows(影)could be collected by them to dance with the light. This fantastic moment was so lively ___48___ I came back to explore it with my camera.
Working ___49___(free)with these walls and their marks, I began to feel like collecting all the stories that were painted there. Weather and time have turned these ___50___(amaze)white walls into Chinese landscape paintings.
I ___51___(take)the photos during the month of June, just after the rain. The air was full of small drops of water, showing the light and the color ___52___ the things around. As color was born out of a dance between light and a body, when photographing in color I found ___53___ienjoying a moment of this dance.
44. the
45. pieces
46. seen
47. imagining
48. that
49. freely
50. amazing
51. took
52. of
53. myself
44.句意:在参观期间,我的注意力从植物、桥梁和石头上转移到了花园的墙壁上。根据“walls of the
46.句意:这创造了可以看到光线和植物的空间。see是动词,根据“can be”可知是含有情态动词can
的被动语态can be done,故填seen。
47.句意:我一直在想象,它们能收集多少影子,与光共舞。keep doing sth“一直做某事”,为固定短
48.句意:这个奇妙的时刻是如此的生动,以至于我带着相机回来探索它。根据“so lively...I came back to
explore it with my camera.”可知此处是so...that“如此……以至于……”引导的结果状语从句,故填
52.句意:空气中充满了小水滴,显示出周围事物的光和颜色。根据“the color...the things around”可知
这种舞蹈的时刻。根据“I found...enjoying a moment of this dance.”可知主语是I,所以宾语应该用反
Dear Millie,
You asked me about the Dragon Boat Festival. Now let me tell you something about it.
The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival we Chinese ___41___(celebrate)for over 2, 000 years. It’s one of the three most important lunar festivals in China, along with the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival takes place on the ___42___(twenty-two)of June this year.
Throughout the years, many stories have been told about the ___43___(begin)of this festival. Among them, ___44___(famous)one is about Qu Yuan, a well-known scholar in ancient China. He not only ___45___(write)good poems but also gave suggestions to the king. ___46___ he devoted himself to his country, the king didn’t like him. This great person drowned(溺水)himself in the Miluo River on the 5th day of the 5th Chinese lunar month because his Chu State fell to Qin State. Local people tried to save him or find his body, but they didn’t ___47___(success). Qu Yuan was later considered as ___48___ national hero. To remember him, every fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people beat drums and go boat racing on the river as they once did ___49___(keep)fish away from his body.
Dragon boat racing is one of the most important customs Chinese people practice to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. This activity ___50___(hold)widely in China’s southern and southeastern areas where there are lots of rivers and lakes.
Lots of love,
41. have celebrated
42. twenty-second
43. beginning
44. the most famous
45. wrote
46. Though/Although
47. succeed
48. a
49. to keep
50. is held
41.句意:端午节是我们中国人庆祝了两千多年的传统节日。celebrate“庆祝”,根据“for over 2,000 years”可知句子用现在完成时,主语是we,助动词用have,故填have celebrated。
43.句意:多年来,关于这个节日的开始,人们讲述了许多故事。the beginning of“……的开始”,故填beginning。
44.句意:其中最著名的是关于中国古代著名学者屈原的故事。根据“Among them”可知此处用最高级形式most famous,最高级前加定冠词the,故填the most famous。
45.句意:他不仅写了好诗,还向国王提了建议。根据“but also gave”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式wrote“写”,故填wrote。
49.句意:为了纪念他,每年农历五月初五,人们都会打鼓,在河上划船,就像他们曾经做的那样,让鱼远离他的身体。“people beat drums and go boat racing on the river as they once did”的目的是“keep fish away from his body”,作目的状语,用动词不定式,故填to keep。
50.句意:这项活动广泛地在中国的南部和东南部地区举行,那里有许多河流和湖泊。主语This activity和谓语hold之间是被动关系,且描述现在的情况,用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词用is,故填is held。
At the dinner table, Westerners use knives and forks, while the Chinese use chopsticks. S___46___ at least 3,000 years ago, chopsticks have been the eating tool for the Chinese people. Ancient Chinese used pottery pots(陶罐)to cook food during the Pottery Age. And they used branches or bamboo sticks to p___47___ up the food. Later on, they developed the habit of using the chopsticks. In general, the material of chopsticks can be d___48___ into five groups: bamboo and wood, metal, jade, bone and chemical plastics. In Modern Chinese family life, people prefer to use the bamboo or wooden chopsticks b___49___ they are good for the environment and cost a little.
Using knives and forks or chopsticks brings about a difference not o___50___ in lifestyle. For example, the use of knives and forks makes it c___51___ for people to eat individually(分别地). And the use of chopsticks makes it possible for the family members to have meals t___52___. As the Westerners prefer to eat individually, they have the idea and habit of not d___53___ on others after they grow into adults. The w___54___ that Chinese people use chopsticks and eat with others around the table is connected with the lifestyle of the Chinese family. Nowadays, an increasing n___55___ of foreign students are coming to China. They are happy to learn to use chopsticks and enjoy the pleasure of eating with friends around the table.
46. Since
47. pick
48. divided
49. because
50. only
51. convenient
52. together
53. depending
54. way
55. number
46.句意:至少从3000年前开始,筷子就一直是中国人的饮食工具。根据“have been”可知,句子是现在完
成时, 结合首字母可知,应填since表示“自从”,故填Since。
47.句意:他们用树枝或竹竿夹起食物。根据“used branches or bamboo sticks to p...up the food.”可知古时候人们用树枝或竹竿夹起食物,此处应用动词短语pick up,动词不定式符号to后,应用动词原形,故填pick。
48.句意:一般来说,筷子的材料可以分为五类:竹木、金属、玉石、骨和化学塑料。be divided into“被分为……”,是固定搭配,故填divided。
49.句意:在现代中国家庭生活中,人们更喜欢使用竹筷或木筷,因为它们对环境有益,而且价格低廉。根据“people prefer to use the bamboo or wooden chopsticks b...they are good for the environment and cost a little.”可知人们现在喜欢使用竹筷或木筷是因为它们对环境有益,而且便宜。because“因为”符合语境,故填because。
50.句意:使用刀叉或筷子带来的不仅仅是生活方式的不同。根据“Using knives and forks or chopsticks brings about a difference not o...in lifestyle.”以及下文介绍可知,人们使用刀叉或筷子带来的不仅仅是生活方式的不同。not only“不仅仅”,故填only。
51.句意:例如,刀叉的使用方便了人们单独吃饭。根据“the use of knives and forks makes it c...for people to eat individually(分别地).”可知刀叉很方便人们单独吃饭,convenient“方便的”,形容词作宾语补足语,故填convenient。
52.句意:筷子的使用使家庭成员一起吃饭成为可能。根据“the family members to have meals...”结合首字母可知,是指一起吃饭。together“一起”符合语境,故填together。
53.句意:由于西方人喜欢单独吃饭,所以他们长大后有不依赖别人的观念和习惯。depend on“依赖”,是固定搭配,of是介词,后加动名词,故填depending。
54.句意:中国人使用筷子和与他人一起吃饭的方式与中国家庭的生活方式有关。根据“Chinese people use chopsticks and eat with others around the table is connected with the lifestyle of the Chinese family”结合首字母可知,中国人使用筷子和与他人一起吃饭的方式与中国家庭的生活方式有关。way“方式”,名词,故填way。
55.句意:如今,越来越多的外国学生来到中国。an increasing number of表示“越来越多的”,故填number。
Moving the strings(弦)of the nation’s heart
When talking about the history of the guqin, Wu Wenguang, a famous performer of the ancient zither(古筝), likes to tell a folk story about the sincere friendship between a musician and his biggest fan.
D___61___ the Spring and Autumn period, there was a musician named Yu Boya. He lived alone in a forest where he often played the guqin. One day, a passing woodcutter, Zhong Ziqi, was attracted by the sounds of the ancient zither and stopped to l___62___. It was the best that he once heard. Yu’s playing created different p___63___ in Zhong’s mind, such as clouds flowing and waterfalls falling. They became good friends. After many years, when Zhong Ziqi passed away, Yu decided never to play the guqin again because he knew that he wouldn’t have anyone e___64___ like Zhong to so truly understand his music.
“With the power to e___65___ the deepest feeling, the guqin becomes the connection between performing and listening,” says Wu. “Today when we talk about t___66___ Chinese culture, the ancient zither, which was played by many famous people on literature, is surely in the center of the ancient culture.”
Indeed, the guqin, a p___67___ musical instrument of ancient China’s educated group, was also the favorite instrument of Confucius(孔子). In 2008, it was a___68___ to the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
In April, when President Xi Jinping m___69___ with French President Emmanuel Macron, a classic guqin piece, High Mountain and Flowing Water, was played to celebrate the friendship between the two c___70___. The instrument not only shows the past greatness of Chinese civilization(文明), but also continues to shine today.
61. During
62. listen
63. pictures
64. else
65. express
66. traditional
67. popular
68. added
69. met
70. countries
61.句意:春秋时期,有一位音乐家,名叫俞伯牙。根据“the Spring and Autumn period”可知是在春秋时期,during“在……期间”,在句首首字母大写,故填During。
62.句意:一天,路过的樵夫钟子期被古琴声吸引,驻足聆听。根据“was attracted by the sounds of the ancient zither and stopped to”可知他停下来听俞伯牙的弹奏,listen“听”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形,故填listen。
63.句意:俞的演奏在钟的脑海中创造了不同的画面,如云流飞瀑。根据“in Zhong’s mind, such as clouds flowing and waterfalls falling”可知这些都是他头脑中形成的画面,用名词复数pictures“图画”,故填pictures。
64.句意:因为他知道他不会有像钟子期这样的人真正理解他的音乐。根据“anyone...like Zhong”以及所给词可知是其他人,else“其他的”,故填else。
65.句意:古琴具有表达最深切情感的力量。根据“the deepest feeling”可知是表达感情,express“表达”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形,故填express。
66.句意:今天,当我们谈论中国传统文化时,许多文学名人演奏的古琴无疑是古代文化的中心。根据“Chinese culture”可知是中国传统文化,traditional“传统的”,故填traditional。
67.句意:事实上,古琴是中国古代受教育群体的流行乐器,也是孔子最喜欢的乐器。根据“musical instrument of ancient China’s educated group”可知古琴是一种很受欢迎的乐器,popular“受欢迎的”,故填popular。
68.句意:2008年,它被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。根据“to the list of...”以及所给词可知是古琴被加入到人类非物质文化遗产名录,add“添加”,此处用过去分词和be动词构成被动语态,故填added。
69.句意:4月,习近平主席会见法国总统马克龙时,演奏了古琴经典曲目《高山流水》,庆祝两国友好。根据“President Xi Jinping...with French President Emmanuel Macron”可知是两国元首会面时,meet“会面”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填met。
70.句意:4月,习近平主席会见法国总统马克龙时,演奏了古琴经典曲目《高山流水》,庆祝两国友好。根据“between the two...”可知此处指中国和法国这两个国家,two后加名词复数countries“国家”,故填countries。
Peter Pan wishes Wendy, John and Michael, especially Wendy, would stay in Neverland forever, but finally the Darling children decide to fly back home and grow up.
“Quick, Tink,” Peter whispers. “S___61___ the window. Then when Wendy comes back, she will think her mother doesn’t love her anymore, and she will return to Neverland with me.”
Mrs. Darling is playing the piano. Peter didn’t know the tune, Home, Sweet Home, b___62___ he knows it’s saying, “Come back, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.” Peter looks through the door and sees two big tears in Mrs. Darling’s eyes.
“She loves Wendy,” he thinks. “But I love Wendy, too. We c___63___ both have her.”
He looks at Mrs. Darling again. The two tears are still sitting on her e___64___.
“Oh, all right,” he says at last, sadly. Then he opens the window.
When Wendy, John, and Michael arrive, they find the window o___65___ for them. They all get into bed to surprise their mother.
When Mrs. Darling goes back to the children’s room, they are all in their beds. They wait for her to say something, but she says n___66___. She thinks she is dreaming. She sits by the fire.
The children are so w___67___. Why isn’t their mother happy to see them again All three of them jump out of bed, run to her and shout, “Mother!” She realizes she is not d___68___ anymore. Mr. Darling and Nana come in. They are all so happy. Peter w___69___ them from the window but he is looking at something he will never have.
Many years pass. When Peter visits Wendy again, she has g ___70___ up and has a daughter of her own. Peter is still a boy who can’t grow up.
—Taken from Peter Pan
61. Shut
62. but
63. can’t
64. eyes
65. open
66. nothing
67. worried
68. dreaming
69. watches
70. grown
61.句意:关上窗户。根据“S... the window”可知,彼得想关上窗户,shut“关闭”符合语境,祈使句用动词原形开头,故填Shut。
62.句意:彼得不知道《家,甜蜜的家》这首曲子,但他知道它在说:“回来吧,温蒂,温蒂。”。根据“Peter didn’t know”和“he knows”可知,前后是转折关系,用but连接,故填but。
63.句意:我们不可能都拥有她。根据“She loves Wendy”和“But I love Wendy, too.”可知,他们都爱温蒂,但不能同时拥有她,can’t“不能”符合语境,故填can’t。
64.句意:那两滴眼泪仍然留在她的眼睛上。根据“two tears”可知,眼泪仍然留在她的眼睛上,eye“眼睛”,用复数,故填eyes。
65.句意:当温蒂、约翰和迈克尔到达时,他们发现窗户为他们打开了。根据“Then he opens the window.”可知,窗户是开着的,open“打开的”,形容词作宾补,故填open。
66.句意:他们等她说什么,但她什么也没说。根据“They wait for her to say something, but…”可知,她什么也没说,不定代词nothing“什么都没有”符合语境,故填nothing。
67.句意:孩子们很担心。根据“Why isn’t their mother happy to see them again ”可知,孩子们是担心的,worried“担心的”,形容词作表语,故填worried。
68.句意:她意识到自己不是在做梦了。根据“All three of them jump out of bed, run to her and shout, ‘Mother!’ ”可知,孩子们去喊妈妈,让她知道自己没有在做梦,孩子们真的回来了,dream“做梦”,用现在分词形式与is构成现在进行时,故填dreaming。
69.句意:彼得从窗户看着他们,但他看到的是他永远不会拥有的东西。根据“but he is looking at something he will never have.”可知,彼得在看着他们,watch“看,注视”符合语境,时态为一般现在时,主语是“Peter”,动词用三单,故填watches。
70.句意:当彼得再次拜访温蒂时,她已经长大了,有了自己的女儿。根据“Many years pass.”可知,温蒂长大了,grow up“长大”,固定短语,grow用过去分词形式与has构成现在完成时,故填grown。
Students at a university in Anhui Province will probably not receive their diplomas(毕业文凭)if they fail a fitness test. The test has running, standing long jump and some other sports ___56___(activity). This rule has caused hot discussion. According to the plan, the new rule ___57___(come)into force soon. And if students fail to pass the fitness tests, they won’t get their diplomas.
However, it is not a one-time test like gaokao. Students who fail the tests ___58___ graduation will be given another chance. He can take the test for a ___59___(two)time. And if they fail again, they will have to take the test even after graduation.
Do you think it is ___60___ only university doing so No! If students want to enter Tsinghua University, they also have to be able to swim. Or they will prepare to learn swimming. And they must pass a swimming test after school begins.
Tsinghua University will ask the students ___61___(learn)swimming and will organize a swimming test for all new students in September. If students fail to swim as long as at least 50 metres, they will have to take the swimming course throughout their studies. And of course, students are also reminded to learn and practise swimming ___62___(safe). They will be able to swim by the time they graduate, ___63___ the university won’t give them diplomas.
University students ___64___(encourage)to do more exercise after class. But some just stay in the classroom all day long. Few students take exercise even if they are free. They need to do some exercise to keep ___65___(they)healthy. Swimming is also a survival skill. It does no harm to people at all and is the correct sport for students. Any student who wants to enter Tsinghua University, remember, swimming is your necessary skill.
56. activities
57. will come
58. of
59. second
60. the
61. to learn
62. safely
63. or
64. are encouraged
65. themselves
56.句意:考试有跑步、立定跳远等体育活动。some other修饰可数名词复数,故填activities。
57.句意:按照计划,新规定将很快生效。根据“soon”可知,此处使用一般将来时,故填will come。
58.句意:没有通过毕业考试的学生将会得到另一次机会。根据“Students who fail the tests...graduation will be given another chance.”可知,此处表示毕业测试,所属关系用of,故填of。
60.句意:你认为这是唯一一所这样做的大学吗?the only“唯一的”,故填the。
61.句意:清华大学将要求学生学习游泳,并将于9月份为所有新生组织一次游泳测试。ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,故填to learn。
63.句意:他们毕业的时候会游泳,否则大学不会给他们颁发文凭。根据“They will be able to swim by the time they graduate, ...the university won’t give them diplomas.”可知,必须学会游泳,否则学校不给毕业证,or“否则”符合语境,故填or。
64.句意:鼓励大学生在课后多做运动。本句主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are encouraged。
Deng Qingming is one of the three Chinese astronauts carrying out China’s Shenzhou-15 spaceship mission. He ___61___(final)got the chance to go to space after nearly 25 years of preparation.
Deng was born in a village in Jiangxi Province in 1966. As his ___62___(parent)both worked in the fields, he had to look after his younger brothers and sisters. At that time, his dream was to go to college and find a job ___63___(support)his family.
Deng ___64___(be)a member of the PLA Air Force(空军)since 1984. When he left his village that year, his friends came to say goodbye to him. He was deeply touched and decided to work hard. Years of hard ___65___(train)made him an excellent pilot, and he was chosen as one of the ___66___(one)group of Chinese astronauts in 1998.
For a long time, Deng served as a backup(后备)astronaut. His road to space was ___67___(long)than that of his teammates. He spent almost all of his time preparing and waiting and he ___68___(give)the chance to travel to space in the end.
Besides that, Deng’s wife supported him a lot. She ___69___(take)care of the whole family and never complained. “You’ve set an example to ___70___(we)daughter and we are proud of you,” she told him.
After a long wait, he flew into space by Shenzhou-15 spaceship in November 2022 at last. Twenty-five years was quite a long time, but Deng never gave up. Whenever the nation needs him, he is always waiting there, ready to take on any challenge.
61. finally
62. parents
63. to support
64. has been
65. training
66. first
67. longer
68. was given
69. took
70. our
63.句意:那时,他的梦想是上大学,找份工作养家。养家是找工作的目的,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to support。
64.句意:邓自1984年以来一直是中国人民解放军空军的一员。根据“since 1984”可知用现在完成时,区域“Deng”后接助动词has,be的过去分词形式been,故填has been。
68.句意:他几乎把所有的时间都花在准备和等待上,最终他得到了去太空旅行的机会。主语“he”与动词give之间是动宾关系,结合“spent”可知用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为was/were done,主语he后用be动词was,give的过去分词given,故填was given。
Frederic Chopin(1810-1849)was a great composer and an excellent pianist. He composed twenty-four short ___51___(piece)for the piano called preludes. The longest one, Prelude no.15, is better ___52___(know)by its nickname, the “Raindrop” Prelude. How did it get its nickname
One day in 1838, when Chopin’s lover George Sand went out in a rainstorm, Chopin became worried. While he ___53___(wait)for Sand, he wrote Prelude no.15.
When Sand came back, Chopin played ___54___(she)the music. Sand thought the notes sounded like raindrops. She let Chopin ___55___(listen)to the raindrops falling on the roof. This made Chopin ___56___(happy). He insisted that he never paid attention to those sounds or ___57___(copy)them.
However, like Sand, many people hear raindrops in this prelude. Some notes repeating throughout the piece sound like raindrops. The flow of the music is like rain, too. The piece starts ___58___(soft), but it gets louder, like rain getting ___59___(heavy). Then the music gets quiet and finally ___60___(end), like rain when it stops.
51. pieces
52. known
53. was waiting
54. her
55. listen
56. unhappy
57. copied
58. softly
59. heavier
60. ends
52.句意:最长的一首,《第15号前奏曲》,更为人所知的是它的昵称,《“雨滴”前奏曲》。know“知道”,动词,此处指它的昵称被人们所知道,应为被动语态,结构是be done,know用其过去分词,故填known。
53.句意:在等待Sand的时候,他写了《第十五号前奏曲》。wait“等待”,动词。此处是含while引导的时间状语从句的复合句,主句动作发生时,从句动作正在进行,且事情发生在过去,故从句应为过去进行时,主语是第三人称单数,应用be动词was,故填was waiting。
55.句意:她让肖邦倾听雨点落在屋顶上的声音。listen“听”,动词。let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,空格处应为动词原形,故填listen。
56.句意:这让肖邦很不高兴。happy“开心的”,形容词。根据“He insisted that he never paid attention to those sounds…”可知,肖邦的钢琴曲与雨滴声极为相似,肖邦以为Sand认为自己的曲子模仿了雨滴声,所以很不高兴。unhappy“不高兴的”,作宾补,故填unhappy。
57.句意:他坚持说他从来没有注意过这些声音,也没有模仿过它们。copy“模仿”,动词。根据“He insisted that he never paid attention to…”可知,主句是过去时,从句也应为过去时,故copy用其过去式,故填copied。
59.句意:乐曲开始时很轻柔,但声音越来越大,就像雨越来越大。heavy“重的”,形容词,作表语。根据“but it gets louder, like rain getting…”可知,钢琴曲的声音变大,就像雨声越来越大一样,故应用比较级,故填heavier。
Ali has worked and lived in Shandong Province for almost six years. When his friends suggested g___61___ to Rizhao for a two-day trip, the first things that came into his mind were its beautiful beaches and nice seafood. Rizhao certainly goes b___62___ that! It is also “hometown of green tea” in northern China. Rizhao l___63___ in the southeast of Shandong Province near the Yellow Sea. It has pleasant weather, rich soil, and enough sunlight. All these make it s___64___ for growing high-quality green tea. Ali had the chance to pick tea leaves for the first time in his life. “This is the first time I’ve learned about Chinese tea culture. It’s a new and exciting experience for me. It’s fantastic!” Ali said with a smile on his f___65___.
61. going
62. beyond
63. lies
64. special
65. face
61.句意:当他的朋友建议去日照进行两天的旅行时,他首先想到的是日照美丽的海滩和美味的海鲜。根据首字母及“When his friends suggested…to Rizhao for a two-day trip”可知,此处指去日照。go“去”,动词。suggest doing sth.“建议做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填going。
62.句意:日照当然不止于此!根据首字母及“its beautiful beaches and nice seafood”及“It is also ‘hometown of green tea’ in northern China.”可知,日照不仅有美丽的海滩、美味的海鲜,还被称为“绿茶之乡”,此处应为短语go beyond“超越”,故填beyond。
63.句意:日照位于山东省东南部,濒临黄海。根据首字母及“Rizhao…in the southeast of Shandong Province”可知,此处介绍日照的地理位置。lie in“位于”。本句陈述事实,故为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用其单三形式,故填lies。
64.句意:所有这些都使它特别适合种植高品质的绿茶。根据首字母及“It has pleasant weather, rich soil, and
enough sunlight. All these make it…for growing high-quality green tea.”可知,日照的气候和地质使其特别适合种植高品质绿茶。special“特别的”,形容词,作宾补,故填special。
65.句意:“这是我第一次了解中国茶文化。这对我来说是一次新的、激动人心的经历。太棒了!”阿里笑着说。根据首字母及“Ali said with a smile on his…”可知,阿里的脸上带着笑容。face“脸”,名词,由“his”可知,用其单数形式,故填face。
Fu Ting lost her right arm in an accident when she was 3. At the a___51___ of 13, she went to a sports school in Xiangtan, Hunan Province. She began swimming t___52___ there. Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events d___53___ her years as an athlete, and won 18 gold medals.
After retiring in 2004, Fu Ting decided to e___54___ a university to study law. Through hard work, she graduated and worked as a lawyer. In 2017, Fu Ting set up a service group, p___55___ free legal(法律的)help for the disabled. At the s___56___ time, she also joined a volunteer group, sharing her life stories in primary and secondary schools, giving legal speeches in communities, in order to encourage more people to help those disabled people in n___57___.
“In the face of the disabled, we should first ‘respect’ and t___58___ ‘help’,” Fu Ting said. “I’m h___59___ to help them with my own experience and knowledge. And I hope they can help make o___60___ country better. I believe I will keep on doing that.”
51. age
52. training
53. during
54. enter
55. providing
56. same
57. need
58. then
59. happy
60. our
51.句意:13岁时,她去了湖南省湘潭市的一所体校。at the age of+年龄“……岁”,故填age。
52.句意:她开始在那里接受游泳训练。根据“Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events...her years as an athlete, and won 18 gold medals”并结合所给首字母可知,符婷是接受了游泳训练,“游泳训练”swimming training,故填training。
53.句意:作为运动员,符婷参加了2004年雅典残奥会和其他比赛,获得了18枚金牌。根据“Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events...her years as an athlete”并结合所给首字母可知,在她作为运动员的这些年间,她参加了很多比赛,“在……期间”during,故填during。
54.句意:2004年退役后,符婷决定进入大学学习法律。根据“After retiring in 2004, Fu Ting decided to...a university to study law”可知,符婷是退役之后决定进入大学学习法律,“进入”enter,根据decide to do sth.“决定做某事”可知,空格处应用动词原形,故填enter。
55.句意:2017年,符婷成立了一个服务团,为残疾人提供免费的法律帮助。根据“In 2017, Fu Ting set up a service group, ...free legal(法律的)help for the disabled”并结合所给首字母可知,服务团是为残疾人提供免费法律援助的,provide sth. for sb.“为某人提供某物”,由于句子已有谓语动词,故空格处应用非谓语,此处为主动提供,故应用providing,故填providing。
56.句意:与此同时,她还加入了一个志愿者小组,在中小学分享自己的生活故事,在社区做法律演讲,以鼓励更多的人帮助那些有需要的残疾人。at the same time“同时”,故填same。
57.句意:与此同时,她还加入了一个志愿者小组,在中小学分享自己的生活故事,在社区做法律演讲,以鼓励更多的人帮助那些有需要的残疾人。根据“in order to encourage more people to help those disabled people in”可知,是帮助有需要的残疾人,in need“需要”,故填need。
58.句意:“面对残疾人,我们应该先‘尊重’,再‘帮助’”符婷说。根据“we should first ‘respect’ and...‘help’”可知,是先尊重,再帮助,and then“然后”,故填then。
59.句意:我很开心用自己的经验和知识来帮助他们。根据“to help them with my own experience and knowledge”并结合所给首字母可知,能用自己的经验和知识帮助残疾人,应该是很开心的,“开心的”happy,故填happy。
60.句意:我希望他们能帮助我们的国家变得更好。根据“And I hope they can help make...country better”可知,是让我们的国家变得更好,空格处应用形容词性物主代词,“我们的”our,故填our。
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar has 24 solar terms(节气)in a year. Ancient Chinese people created this system to m___51___ the change of time based on the sun’s position. In ancient times, this system guided farming activities. It t___52___ farmers what to do according to the changes in temperature. Today, 24 solar terms still play an important role in Chinese people’s e___53___ life. They remind people of the changes in s___54___ and to eat suitable food. This ancient time system has gained new charm now. In Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the director used a new countdown(倒计时)method, showing 24 solar terms instead of numbers. This creative method was greatly p___55___ by people around the world. They are amazed by the wisdom of Chinese people.
51. mark
52. told
53. everyday
54. seasons
55. praised
51.句意:中国古人创造这个系统是为了根据太阳的位置来标记时间的变化。根据“Ancient Chinese people created this system to m...the change of time based on the sun’s position.”可知24节气是为了根据太阳的位置来标记时间的变化,mark“标记”,动词,空前有不定式符号to,动词用原形,故填mark。
52.句意:它告诉农民根据温度的变化做什么。根据“farmers what to do according to the changes in temperature”可知24个节气可以告诉农民根据温度的变化来做事情,tell“告诉”,此处是说在古代的时候,应用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填told。
53.句意:今天,24节气在中国人的日常生活中仍然扮演着重要的角色。根据“play an important role in Chinese people’s e...life. ”可知是指日常生活,应用everyday life,故填everyday。
54.句意:他们提醒人们季节的变化和吃合适的食物。根据“They remind people of the changes in s...”可知是指季节的变化,season“季节”,可数名词,此处应用复数,故填seasons。
55.句意:这种创造性的方法受到了全世界人民的极大赞扬。根据“They are amazed by the wisdom of Chinese
The Edible Schoolyard program is part garden, part kitchen,and part classroom. It is all about the joy of l___66___. The large garden is right behind King, Jr. Middle School in Berkeley, California. Chef Alice Waters started the Edible Schoolyard. She likes to d___67___ lot of her time to it.
Inside the Edible Schoolyard
Every year, the school’s sixth-grade students plant, tend, and harvest the crops from the garden. They learn about the effects that c___68___ climate and weather have on the plants. During a drought, for example, they must water the garden more often. This keeps everything a___69___ and healthy.
The students grow many types of fruits,vegetables and herbs. Brilliant colors surround the kids a___70___ they work in the garden that stretches towards the horizon.
Time to Get Cooking
The students also learn h___71___ to cook healthy meals with the food they grow. The school houses many different students and c___72___. So, the meals are different from Indian curries to Mediterranean grape leaves. Some of the kids learn to overcome their fear of u___73___ foods. If there are conflicts in the kitchen or the garden, students must work to s___74___ them. The program fits with the vision of inclusion, equality, and peaceful growth without violence.
Tastes Great and Is Healthy Too
Everything grown in the garden is organic. All meals the kids p___75___ are good for them. The Edible Schoolyard program has received good publicity for teaching students about healthy food.
66. learning
67. devote
68. changing
69. alive
70. as
71. how
72. characters
73. unknown
74. solve
75. prepare
【语篇导读】本篇为说明文。短文介绍了位于加州伯克利市King, Jr. Middle School的可食用校园项目。这个项目是由花园、厨房和教室三部分组成,旨在让学生通过种植、照料和收获作物、学习烹饪等活动,获得学习的乐趣。学生们种植多种水果、蔬菜和草药,学习气候和天气对植物的影响,学习健康饮食,解决厨房和花园中的冲突,实现包容、平等和和平成长的愿景。这个项目因其教授学生健康饮食而受到好评。
67.句意:她花了很多时间致力于此(可食用校园项目)。devote ... to ...致力于,前面的to为动词不定式符号,结合首字母提示可知填devote。
75.句意:孩子们准备的所有饭菜都对他们有益。All meals the kids p___75___,all meals是先行词,其后是定语从句。从句中缺谓语,这个谓语要跟先行词all meals构成动宾关系,prepare meals准备饭菜。定语从句的主语是the kids,后面的are是一般现在时,结合首字母提示可知填prepare。
A hurricane(飓风)is a huge storm that forms over warm ocean water. Hurricanes have winds that move in ___44___ circle. Hurricane winds are very ___45___(power), and can move at speeds from 120 km/h to over 300 km/h.
The centre of hurricane winds is called the eye. Winds in the eye ___46___(be)not very strong. Around the eye is an area called the eye wall. The wall is where winds are the ___47___(strong)and rain is the heaviest.
Strong winds and heavy rain can do a lot of damage(破坏)when a hurricane moves over land.
Hurricane winds can be strong enough to break ___48___(window)into pieces. The winds can even knock over tall trees, which might fall on buildings or cars. Strong winds can pick up objects and send ___49___(they)into the air, causing damage.
Heavy rain from a hurricane can cause floods in areas that are not close ___50___ a coast. The floodwater can be very deep. It sometimes ___51___(reach)almost up to the top of houses. Water goes into the houses ___52___(quick)and does a lot of damage. Wooden structures(结构)might not be safe after a flood.
___53___ there is no way to prevent a hurricane, you can get prepared for it.
44. a
45. powerful
46. are
47. strongest
48. windows
49. them
50. to
51. reaches
52. quickly
53. Although/Though
47.句意:这堵墙是风最强、雨最大的地方。根据并列句“rain is the heaviest”可知,此处应使用最高级
50.句意:飓风带来的暴雨会在不靠近海岸的地区引发洪水。be close to“靠近”,故填to。
Museums play a big role in our society. They are also ___41___ important classroom for primary and secondary school students. During holidays, groups of young museum guides ___42___(see)everywhere in Changzhou Museum. Since 2011, Changzhou Museum ___43___(carry)out more than 100 public training activities for volunteer guides.
In July, 2021, I was chosen ___44___(be)a volunteer guide in Changzhou Museum. ___45___ it was my first time to serve there, I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, the teachers there gave many interesting training classes, including “Public Places and Manners”, “Red History and Red Culture” and so on. I was deeply touched by the stories of ___46___(pioneer)like Qu Qiubai and Zhang Tailei. I was impressed that they had risked ___47___(lose)their lives to create a new China.
In the following month,I guided hundreds of tourists and did my job ___48___(success). This experience had a great influence ___49___ me. I know more about my hometown and the meaning of life. I feel ___50___(pride)of being a volunteer guide to help more people learn about Changzhou.
41. an
42. are seen
43. has carried
44. to be
45. Because/As
46. pioneers
47. losing
48. successfully
49. on
50. proud
一般现在时,故填are seen。
43.句意:自2011年以来,常州博物馆开展了100余次志愿者导游公共培训活动。根据“Since 2011”
可知,时态应使用现在完成时,主语是第三人称单数,故填has carried。
44.句意:2021年7月,我被选为常州博物馆的志愿者导游。be chosen to be“被选为……”,故填to
45.句意:因为这是我第一次在那里服务,我不知道做些什么。“it was my first time to serve there”是“I
didn’t know what to do”的原因,用because/as引导原因状语从句,句首需大写首字母,故填
46.句意:我被瞿秋白、张太雷等先驱者的故事深深打动了。根据“like Qu Qiubai and Zhang Tailei”可知,
47.句意:我对他们冒着失去生命的危险创建新中国印象深刻。risk doing“冒险做某事”,故填losing。
49.句意:这段经历对我影响很大。have a/an+adj+influence on“对……有……的影响”,故填on。
50.句意:我很自豪能成为一名志愿者导游,帮助更多的人了解常州。feel proud of“感到骄傲”,故
To many young Chinese people, Premier Zhou Enlai is known as a key founder of the New China. But f___46___ people know he once wrote a martial arts novel called Jin Guo Ying Xiong.
Recently, a Sina Weibo user m___47___ this novel written by Zhou more than a century ago. Many young people showed a strong i___48___ in it and their admiration for the early pioneers of China. Another user posted the first page of the novel which Zhou wrote at the a___49___ of 16. It was published under Zhou’s pseudonym(笔名)“Fei Fei” in a magazine beginning in October, 1914. However, the novel was never completed, but it can be found a___50___. The Early Works of Zhou Enlai were published by the Central Party Literature Press in 1998.
A___51___ many young people expressed the regret that Zhou did not go on with the novel, they said he played a more important role in China’s history. One wrote “The novel was stopped but Premier Zhou went on to s___52___ the Chinese nation out of danger!” Another added, “He gave up a novel, but he wrote a history of m___53___ China.” A 29-year-old computer engineer said, “The pioneers of China are spiritual leaders for me. Remembering them helped me build up the r___54___ values. When I face problems in life, I am always reminded not to f___55___ the lives of those pioneers. The difficulties I face now are nothing compared with what they experienced.”
46. few
47. mentioned
48. interest
49. age
50. among
51. although
52. save
53. modern
54. right/real
55. forget
46.句意:但很少有人知道他曾经写过一部武侠小说《金国英雄》。根据“To many young Chinese people,
Premier Zhou Enlai is known as a key founder of the New China”以及“but”对比可知,此处指的是few“几
47.句意:最近,一位新浪微博用户提到了周恩来一个多世纪前写的这部小说。根据“a Sina Weibo user...this
48.句意:许多年轻人对它表现出浓厚的兴趣,对中国早期的先驱者表示钦佩。根据“Many young people
showed a strong...in it and their admiration for the early pioneers of China.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是
49.句意:另一位用户发布了周恩来16岁时写的小说的第一页。根据“at the...of 16”及首字母提示可知,此
处是at the age of“在……岁时”,故填age。
50.句意:然而,小说从未完成,但却能在其中找到它。根据“ It was published under Zhou’s pseudonym(笔
名)“Fei Fei” in a magazine beginning in October, 1914...the novel was never completed, but it can be
found...The Early Works of Zhou Enlai published by the Central Party Literature Press in 1998.”及首字母提
扮演着更重要的角色。根据“many young people expressed the regret that Zhou did not go on with the novel,
they said he played a more important role in China’s history.”及首字母提示可知,此处应用although“虽然
52.句意:有人写道:“小说被叫停了,但周总理继续把中华民族从危险中拯救出来!”根据“The novel was
stopped but”及首字母提示可知,此处在说“周总理继续拯救中华民族”,故填save。
53.句意:另一个补充道:“他放弃了一部小说,但他写了一部中国近代史。”根据“wrote a history of...China.”
54.句意:记住它们帮助我建立正确的价值观。根据首字母提示及“When I face problems in life, I am always
reminded not to...the lives of those pioneers.”可知,此处指的是right/real“正确的/真的”价值观,故填
55.句意:当我面对生活中的问题时,我总是被提醒不要忘记那些开拓者的生活。根据“I am always reminded
not to...the lives of those pioneers.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“不会忘记……”,forget“忘记”,
Eat Your Greens!
I have never been a fan of vegetables. But my best friend loves them. “Eat your greens!” he always says. So I decide to learn something more about them.
Plants are a very important part of our diet. Because of the c___66___ their leaves vegetables are often called “greens”. They p___67___ all kinds of nutrition(营养)that are very important for our bodies. For example, vitamin C gives us healthy skin, and calcium(钙)keeps our bones s___68___. Others help to keep our hearts, blood and muscles healthy Eating vegetables does not make us f___69___ because they are low in calories.
It’s said that there are over 80,000 different kinds of plants which can be eaten on Earth. However, 90 percent of the foods we eat c___70___ from just 30 plants. This is not because they are the most nutritious, but because they are the e___71___ to grow.
It is suggested to eat at least five different vegetables every day. It’s a good h___72___ to make vegetables a main part of each meal. However, some people think that vegetables are not so popular compared with meat, so when vegetables are served together with meat, they often c___73___meat instead of vegetables. Others think vegetables are cooked in an unskillful way, making them not d___74___.
In order to help me have a healthy diet, my friend gives me good a___75___ on how to cook tasty vegetables. I am on my way to a healthier lifestyle.
66. color/colour
67. provide
68. strong
69. fat
71. easiest
72. habit
73. choose
74. delicious
75. advice
66.句意:由于其叶子的颜色,蔬菜常被称为“绿色蔬菜”。根据“Because of the c...leaves vegetables are often
called “greens”.”可知,被称为绿色蔬菜是因为叶子的颜色,color/colour“颜色”符合语境,故填color/
67.句意:它们提供各种对我们的身体非常重要的营养。根据“They p...all kinds of nutrition(营养)that are very
important for our bodies.”可知,蔬菜提供各种营养,provide“提供”,时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,
68.句意:例如,维生素C使我们的皮肤健康,钙使我们的骨骼强壮。根据“calcium(钙)keeps our bones
69.句意:吃蔬菜不会使我们发胖,因为它们热量低。根据“Eating vegetables does not make us f...because they
are low in calories.”可知,蔬菜热量低,不会让人发胖,fat“胖的”,作宾语补足语,故填fat。
70.句意:然而,我们吃的90%的食物只来自30种植物。根据“90 percent of the foods we eat c...from just 30
plants”可知,很多食物只来自30种植物,come from“来自”,时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,动词
71.句意:这并不是因为它们最有营养,而是因为它们最容易生长。根据“This is not because they are the most
nutritious, but because they are the e...to grow.”可知,这些蔬菜最容易生长,easy“容易的”,此前有the
72.句意:把蔬菜作为每顿饭的主要部分是一个好习惯。根据“It’s a good h...to make vegetables a main part of
each meal.”可知,把蔬菜作为每顿饭的主要部分是一个好习惯,habit“习惯”,此前有a修饰,使用名
肉类而不是蔬菜。根据“However, some people think that vegetables are not so popular compared with meat,
so when vegetables are served together with meat, they often c...meat instead of vegetables.”可知,肉比蔬菜
74.句意:另一些人认为蔬菜的烹饪方法不熟练,使它们不好吃。根据“Others think vegetables are cooked in
an unskillful way, making them not d...”可知,蔬菜有的时候做出来不好吃,delicious“美味的”,作宾语
friend gives me good a... on how to cook tasty vegetables”可知,给如何烹饪美味的蔬菜建议,advice“建
The Grand Canal(大运河)is a man-made waterway that runs north and south in eastern China. Dating back 2,500 years and stretching 1,794 kilometers, it is among the world’s oldest and l___61___ canals. Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum is located on the bank of the ancient Grand Canal in Yangzhou, one of the eight c___62___ in Jiangsu province sitting along the Grand Canal.
The museum o___63___ its doors to the public on June 16,2021. It covers an area of some 80,000 square meters. It has two structures: a four-story building in the s___64___ of a giant ship waiting to set sail, and a 100-meter-tall Tang-Dynasty-style tower.
The museum has 11 themed exhibitions(展览). They are telling the h___65___ of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal built during the Sui and Tang Dynasties(581-907) the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the East Zhejiang Canal. These canals offer a wealth of historic and cultural attractions w___66___ they continue to be used for transport, irrigation(灌溉)and flood control. The 25.7-meter-long, 8-meter-high ancient Bian River section is c___67___ by many as the “treasure of the museum”.
So far, the museum has over 10,000 exhibits(展品), including 20 groups of large ones, making it the best collection to show the grandness of the canal and h___68___ people changed nature.
Passing t___69___ the exhibition hall and into the antiquated(老式的)streets, visitors can see restaurants and shops along the street, as if walking in the water village on the canal during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum is different from all the other m___70___ which are themed on the Grand Canal in China. Why not come and visit it yourself
61. longest
62. cities
63. opened
64. shape
65. history
66. while
67. considered
68. how
69. through
70. museums
61.句意:2500年之前建造,延伸1794千米的大运河跻身世界最古老和最长的运河。根据“oldest and”可
句子用“one of 复数名词”的结构,表达“最……之一”。根据“Yangzhou”,“in Jiangsu province”及首字
63.句意:博物馆在2021年6月16日向大众开放。句子缺谓语动词,根据“June 16, 2021”可知是一般过去
时,动词用过去式。根据“its doors to the public”及首字母提示,可知,句子表达打开大门,用过去式
a giant ship waiting to set sail”及首字母提示,可知,句子表达建筑的形状,用“in the shape of”,故填shape。
词“the”后用名词。根据“These canals offer a wealth of historic and cultural attractions”可知,句子表达讲述



上一篇:【2022_2024年(江苏)中考英语真题分类汇编】专题06 词汇运用(译写单词、用恰当形式填空、选词填空)(原卷版+解析版)
