【2022_2024年(江苏)中考英语真题分类汇编】专题06 词汇运用(译写单词、用恰当形式填空、选词填空)(原卷版+解析版)

专题6 词汇运用(译写单词、用恰当形式填空、选词填空)
31. Stop________(推)and just wait for your turn.
32. It’s important to learn from________(错误)and become stronger.
33. I have ________(邀请)the whole class of children, so no one feels unhappy.
34. The 2024 Paris Olympics will bring over 10, 000 athletes ________(在一起)this summer.
35. You need a good sense of b________ to ride a bicycle.
36. Tiger Hill c________ an area of about 14, 100 square metres and is 36 metres high.
37. There is hunger in many parts of the world, even in r________ countries.
38. As the host city, Suzhou will m________ to make the 2026 ISF Football World Cup a great success.
38. I won’t let you go _________(除非)you tell me the truth.
39. Be more careful! A ________(过失)is as good as a mile.
40. The work is very ________(累人的), but nobody complains about it.
41. The 2024 Wuxi Marathon was covered _________(现场直播)on TV.
51. New ________ have greatly changed our lives.(技术)
52. They didn’t go to their niece’s fifth birthday party last ________.(七月)
53. For further information on ________ weather conditions, call the hotline below.(明天)
54. Some of ________ are better at helping others than we are at looking after ourselves.(我们)
55. My father always ________ clothes shopping, for he doesn’t care about his clothing.(避免)
31.We must stay together ________(无论什么)happens.
32.We offered to look after our ________(邻居的)dog when she was away.
33.Our country has a ________(骄傲的)record of sporting achievement.
34.Some of my ________(英雄)are real people, and some are from stories.
35.The whole town is c________ the opening of the new bridge with a huge party.
36.Although I’ve met her only once or t________, I can tell that she has a strong personality.
37.To get everybody in the discussion, Miss Su has d________ our class into six groups.
38.We all look f________ to the day when scientists discover more secrets of outer space.
38.Are you sure the new method will ________(奏效)
39.Please send me a ________(答复)as soon as possible.
40.I won’t tell you my plan ________(除非)you tell me yours.
41.The singer was almost ________(不知名的)in this country until recently.
41.Don’t give up ________(尝试). I’m sure you will succeed.
42.Our class ________(赢)high praise in last year’s study tour.
43.My dream is to be an accountant and ________(她的)is to be an engineer.
44.Kate’s mother is not busy today. She has nothing ________(其它)to deal with.
45.Tan Dun is one of the greatest ________(音乐家)in the world. I like him very much.
46. After four years of college education, more and more young men return to Nantong to help with the ________(当地的)development.
47. My best friend May always exercises more to bring her weight under ________(控制).
48. If you ________(need)more information about Zhalong Nature Reserve, you may search the Internet after class.
49. We were ________(at last)in agreement yesterday. So, we’ll go to Xi’an for a study trip.
50. Our school library is open every day ________ Sundays. In this way, the librarians can have a day off per week.
51. All the students are looking forward to the talent show on ________(星期五).
52. Alice likes dancing and she dreams of being a ballet ________(舞蹈家)in the future.
53. Mr. Chen is humorous and he often tells funny jokes to make us l________.
54. A friend of ________(我的)will come to visit my family this weekend.
55. —What does UNICEF do for children in poor areas
—It provides basic ________(教育)for them.
56.Many people think that Hanfu is an art ________(形式)and one of the most important parts of Chinese national culture.
57.The film Born to Fly is well w________ watching. You can’t miss it.
58.June ________(标志)the beginning of the rainy season in some parts of China.
59.Hongze Lake wetland is a ________(the best)place for some wild birds.
60.More than 70 percent of the Earth’s ________(the outside or top part of something)is covered with water.
46. Last week Suzy ________(借)the four great classical Chinese novels from Henry.
47. It is ________(有意义的)to do a survey on how to go green in the community.
48. About 100 ________(百万)people used ChatGPT in the first two months.
49. In today’s DIY class, students made cards in different ________(形状).
50. The ________(努力)you practise, the greater progress you will make.
41.Each different part of China has its own ________(特別的)forms of traditional art.
42.Sky lanterns are seen as ________(明亮的)symbols of happiness and good wishes.
43.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they they look very ________(真的).
44.People think that Chinese knots can bring them pleasure or good ________(幸运).
45.The Beijing Opera brings to life many ancient stories and heroes that help ________(塑造)Chinese culture.
31.Suzhou is very attractive with different kinds of ancient _______(桥).
32.His parents hope he can follow his heart when he _______(选择)his job.
33.Asking questions is one of the _______(最容易的)ways to lead you to active learning.
34.The Tiangong space station is the _______(骄傲)of all Chinese.
35.It’s necessary for teenagers to learn how to spend their pocket money _______(明智地).
36.The doctor’s advice on keeping healthy is w_______ taking.
37.Kate has p_______ her bedroom blue because the colour brings peace to her mind and body.
38.You can’t make much progress in study without m_______ your time well.
38.Helen developed a _______(持久的)friendship with her teacher.
39.The situation won’t be out of _______(控制). The worst is behind us.
40.I hope the FIFA World Cup will be covered ________(现场直播)as usual.
41.It’s necessary for us to learn how to ________(处理)with the stress in our daily life.
41.Of all the _______(女演员), I admire Audrey Hepburn most.
42.In my family, dad is the strongest, mum is the _______(苗条的)and I am the cutest.
43.Hobo has just moved here and this is the third time he has _______(迷失)his way.
44.After a heated _______(讨论), the headmasters from different schools reached an agreement.
45.Sorry, hamburgers in our shop have been sold out. Do you mind _______(取消)your order
46.More and more people use cloth bags to reduce ________(污染)when shopping.
47.—Tom, can you ________(想象)the life of humans on the Mars in the future
—I think it must be amazing.
48.My parents work in the ________(a place where things are made by machines)which produces toys like Bing Dwen Dwen.
49.—Alice, who is the first man to walk on the Moon’s ________(the outside or top part of something)
—Sorry, I don’t know. Let’s ask Mr. Xu about it.
50.—Do you think he is telling the ________
—Of course. He is an honest boy.
51.In the twelve Chinese animal signs, the Tiger is the ________(第三)in order.
52.The children have learnt about the ________(事实)that light travels faster than sound.
53.—What are you going to be when you grow up
—A ________(飞行员).
54.Teamwork is based on ________(信任). We understand each other and work together for the same goal.
55.—Many students in our class like James because he never gets angry easily.
—I agree with you. He is very ________(有耐心的).
56.Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them ________(明智地).
57.Though Judy has a real g________ for Physics, she still works hard on it.
58.When I have difficulty in making a choice, Mr Wu will o________ me some suggestions.
59.The charity is trying to help those who can’t ________(have enough money to pay for something)medical treatment.
60.While Tan Dun was young, he once made music with ________(not special)objects like stones and paper.
56.The temperature begins to ________(上升)when spring comes.
57.Drive ________(径直地)on, and you’ll find Sunshine Park on your left.
58.Everyone in our class believes what Mary says because she is ________(诚实的).
59.Fishing in Snow, written by Liu Zongyuan, is one of my favourite ________(诗歌).
60.We like to play by quiet streams or ________(在……下面)the tall trees while camping.
51.—Whose ________(手套)are these They aren’t mine.
—They’re Lucy’s.
52.This nature reserve is home to more than eight ________(百)kinds of animals and plants.
53.With the help of the map, students found their way to the park ________(容易地).
54.Five minutes ago, Linda ________(锁)the door and left with her mum.
55.Check the answer on the Internet if you are ________(不确定)about it.
42. The AI technology is ________(rapid)changing all the time.
43. The traditional Chinese folk music has a ________(last)value.
44. The father is always a real ________(fight)in the little kid’s heart.
45. Jim has gone to bed This is very _________(usual). He always stays up late.
46. This stone bridge ________(build)over 800 years ago.
47. Don’t lose heart, son. There ________(be)always a way out.
48. _________(keep)calm and carry on. There’s still a long way to go.
49. Wuxi Metro Line S1 ________(start)to operate on January 31st, 2024.
50. The children did a lot of research in the lab _________(finish)the science project.
51. Do you mind turning down the music I _________(attend)an online meeting now.
52. Some people believe robots ________(take)most jobs away from humans in the future.
53. The Shenzhou-18 astronauts ________(work)in Tiangong space station since late April.
46. Planting some flowers in your garden is very ________ for attracting bees.(help)
47. Every year, Yangzhou offers a magical and special experience for its ________.(tour)
48. Though I failed a lot ________ times than I succeeded, I know how to fail well.(many)
49. Elena ________ the novel she was reading on the desk and looked out the window.(drop)
50. If salt is ________ onto the ice, the freezing temperature will be lower than 0℃.(spread)
42.The ________(win)of this year’s Spelling Bee is… Daniel!
43.The Changjiang Delta is a very ________(wealth)area in China.
44.Some people don’t like the fruit ________(simple)because of smell.
45.Our planet is becoming more and more ________(pollute). How can we start all over again
46.The firemen had no choice but ________(break)the window.
47.This T-shirt ________(make)of silk and it feels very smooth.
48.What ________ you ________(do)to my computer It’s dead!
49.If this ________(go)on, the wild animals will soon have nowhere to live.
50.Sorry, buddy. I ________(drive)at the moment. Can I call you back later
51.Go and have a good sleep, baby. Let me ________(worry)about these things.
52.There ________(be)at least six underground lines in Wuxi in five years’ time.
53.China’s Shenzhou-15 astronauts ________(take)a 7-hour-long spacewalk in February, 2023.
36.The moment C919 aircraft successfully made its first test flight really ________([t t t])me.
37.Of all the vegetables, I think tomato is the ________(tasty)and healthiest.
38.In the folk story, the amazing white snake is ________(lucky)saved by a young man.
39.With the help of a robot, Eddie has no ________(difficult)cleaning his house.
40.The weekly lunch menu for students is put on the school website at a ________(fix)time.
根据句子意思, 用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)
46.Follow these tips, and you can enjoy your summer ________.(safe)
47.Chinese Language Day ________ on April 20th of every year, the same day with Guyu.(fall)
48.It seems that families are ________ more and more time together.(spend)
49.We students now use ________ throwaway products than before.(few)
50.The artists are ________ to tell good Chinese stories in their favorite art forms.(encourage)
51.In these ________, each plant has its own story to tell.(花园)
52.My uncle lives in a town ________ kilometers from Yangzhou.(十五)
53.Since he had no musical ________, he made music with common objects.(乐器)
54.She’s not a ________ mother with rules for every little thing.(严格)
55.No matter how times change, the ________ of Lei Feng will always be relevant.(精神)
49.Mum, which is _______(big), the sun or the moon
50.There are only 5 people waiting in front of me. I’m the _______(six).
51.—Professor Wang will give us a talk on the history of Huai’an tomorrow.
—Really I look forward to _______(attend)it.
52.Jing Haipeng and his team are working in the space station. They’re our _______(hero).
53.Our government has taken action _______(make)life in the countryside better.
54.Tan Dun is a world-famous composer. People think _______(high)of his music.
55.New clothes and shoes _______(send)to children in poor areas by my classmates every year.
46.Nanjing, an ancient capital of China, is famous for ________(it)history and culture.
47.All the dialogue in Baiju ________(speak)in Nanjing dialect, easy to understand, and full of humor.
48.Nanjing Museum is the ________(one)modern museum and remains as one of the leading museum in China.
49. In Nanjing, it is common to see senior ________(citizen)playing chess in the sun or enjoying a radio show in the park.
50. Touring, studying and living in Nanjing, you may ________(find)it changing and growing every day.
42.Jerry studied many languages ________(simple)for pleasure.
43.For your own ________(safe), you shouldn’t climb mountains alone.
44.Jim is no ________(long)afraid of making new friends at school now.
45.My brother’s flight was _______(cancel)because of the bad weather.
46.In the coming summer vacation, I ________(attend)a DIY course.
47.—Lily, I have difficulty ________(read)comic strips in English.
—Don’t worry. Let’s read some together.
48.Eric is a sports fan and always _______(follow)the latest sports news.
49.Remember to wash hands often and be sure ________(wear)masks correctly.
50.Fan Jinshi ________(do)a lot to protect Dunhuang culture for many years.
51.—Why didn’t you reply to my Wechat
—Sorry. I ________(help)my neighbour look after her baby.
52.Su Yiming _______(achieve)his dream in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
53.You ________(expect)to be more organized in high school. So you can keep a diary.
36.Yesterday, Sandy gave an excellent show and the _______([h l])class were excited.
37.Millie is interested in Biology and she often records the _______(nature)beauty in the park.
38.Eddie, look at your _______(tidy)room. You’d better keep everything in order.
39.These UNICEF _______(office)wish is to improve the living conditions of the local children.
40.The machine was repaired last Saturday. Now it is running _______(smooth).
46.Let me repeat ________ what he just said.(exact)
47.Excuse me, what problems are we really ________ to solve (try)
48.A ________ competitive spirit can push people to try to be better.(health)
49.After a night’s rain, the mountains are much greener and the air is much ________.(fresh)
50.Working as a team means celebrating ________ and facing losses together.(victory)
51.Life is like a box of ________. You never know what you’re gonna get.(巧克力)
52.The Communist Party of China is now leading the nation toward building a great ________ socialist country.(现代的)
53.________ minutes after she left, it started to snow heavily.(三十)
54.If we drop litter in a public place, we’ll be ________ by the police.(罚款)
55.Mum joined our little group and introduced ________ to our new friends.(她自己)
59.Beijing, the capital of China, is world’s ________(one)city to host Olympic Games twice.
60.The film The Battle at Lake Changjin(《长津湖》)showed us many ________(hero)in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(抗美援朝战争).
61.With the ________(develop)of the society, more and more people devote their energy to charity.
62.Audiobooks(有声读物)are so welcome that the number of the listeners is increasing ________(rapid).
63.I spent one ________(night)time making a video Mei Lanfang and His Hometown to take part in “Tell China’s Stories” competition.
64.Jiangsu automatic(自动化)test of listening and speaking _______(hold)in April every year.
65.Our country has made laws ________(protect)biodiversity(生物多样性)of the Yangtze River.
66.Students have ________(little)homework than before because of the “double reduction” policy(“双减”政策).
67.Gu Ailing has a gift for ________(ski)and won high praise in Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
49.Lisa got the _______(two)place in the Chinese Kung fu competition.
50.Peter believes that helping others is helping _______(he).
51.Sweeping robots from those _______(factory)can help us clean houses.
52.Please _______(turn)off the lights before you leave the classroom.
53.Mr Brown felt happy that little Harry read all the words _______(correct).
54.The _______(France)writer Victor Hugo wrote some famous novels.
55.Miss Gao is preparing a talk on how _______(solve)teenager problems.
61.Students now have less homework and ________(much)spare time.
62.Grandpa is in his ________(ninety), but he is still willing to learn new things.
63.Everyone’s small acts of ________(kind)can make a big difference to the world.
64.The Milu deer live ________(comfortable)and freely in Dafeng Nature Reserve.
65.Cheer up! It doesn’t matter who wins because playing football ________(it)is great fun.
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Frogs are an environmental warning system. They have skin which takes in whatever is in the environment. This means that if the environment is ___39___, a frog’s skin takes in the pollution and the frog dies. For this reason, if there’s something wrong in the environment, frogs are the first to die. If there are ___40___ frogs, it’s a good sign that the environment is healthy.
Frog numbers around the world have been dropping at a faster ___41___ in recent years than ever before. Up to 200 kinds of frogs have died out ___42___ 1980. This is a disaster. Frogs are needed in the food chain as food for animals like snakes, birds and fish. Frogs are also needed in the food chain to eat insects ___43___ grasshoppers. The world needs frogs.
use; such as; fill…with; in front of; places of interest; blow; scientist; cheer…up; connect with; make a difference
56. Keeping exercise every day will ________ to our health.
57. Yuan Longping, one of the greatest ________, won respect all over the world.
58. He is confident enough to make a speech ________ the public.
59. —Sorry, I can’t hear you. The wind ________ hard. Can you speak louder
—That’s OK. I’ll ring you later.
60. Orange represents joy. It can ________ you ________ when you are feeling sad.
61. Vacations are a chance to ________ your free time ________ meaningful activities.
62. In the World Park, we can see models of more than a hundred ________ in a day.
63. The fast Wi-Fi on China’s space station helps astronauts ________ people on Earth easily.
64. The past can never be changed and it is ________ to worry about the future. Why not enjoy the present
65. Sports World provides up-to-date information about different sports, ________ swimming, basketball and football.
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The Shenzhou XV mission(飞行任务)crew(乘组)returned to Earth on June 4 after a six-month mission. The crew ___39___ are Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu.
After everything was ready, the astronauts were carried out of the capsule(返回舱)one by one and placed on chairs ___40___ the capsule. Then, the astronauts shared their feelings and thoughts with a reporter from CCTV in a live program. Fei said, “We have ___41___ our tasks before returning safely to Earth. We are all in good condition.” Deng said, “I expected the chance to fly into space for twenty-five years. It was the ___42___ moment of my life to know that I could be in the mission.” Zhang said, “We will go back to training as soon as possible. We will always be ready to return to space.”
After the interview, the astronauts were ___43___ away for health checks.
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51.David, an exchange student from England, is crazy about Chinese kung fu. He learns it all by ________ in his spare time.
52.Though the boy has failed twice, we’d better give him a ________ chance to show his skills.
53.Some students lose marks simply because they don’t read questions ________.
54.Tan Dun, a world-famous composer, is a(an)________ man with great musical talent.
55.Zhangjian Museum by the side of Hao River attracts many ________ from all over the world every year.
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56. —How heavy the rain is!
—It started at about seven this morning. I ________ for the school bus then.
57. The children ________ to talk about the project after the teacher divided them into groups.
58. —I ________ a survey on how to go green later this afternoon. I need your help.
—With pleasure.
59. He likes staying in the room because he ________ the walls blue, a calm and peaceful colour.
60. —Hello, may I speak to Miss Zhang
—Sorry. She ________ a parents’ meeting in the school hall.
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46. It’s a tradition of this city to ______ its streets after great people.
47. The baby can say single words but not ______ sentences.
48. A true friend is someone who walks in when ______ of the world walks out.
49. Zhu Yangzhu, the pride of Xuzhou, has realized his ______ of being an astronaut through years of hard work.
50. Li Ming hopes to get the chance to raise the national flag ______.
tiring; as soon as; turn off; a number of; tools; repair; once a week; hand out; at the school gate
41.Our class has a labour practice(劳动实践)activity _______.
42.Usually, we take some _______ to different places to do some cleaning.
43.Last Friday, we met _______ and went to the park near our school.
44.Our teacher divided us into 3 groups _______ we got to the park.
45.Group 1 _______ leaflets and reminded people to keep the park clean.
46.Group 2 tried to _______ the broken things while Group 3 cleaned the benches carefully.
47.After a while, _______ visitors joined us and helped clean the park.
48.It was a _______ day but we all felt happy when we saw a cleaner park.
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Donna is a primary school student who loves playing with little animals. One day, on her way to school, she saw a homeless cat sitting in a box. ___41___ the cat saw Donna, it jumped out of the box and began to miaow. The cat was ___42___ cute that Donna couldn’t help but start playing with it.
The ___43___ Donna played with the cat, the more she liked it. The cat seemed to love Donna too and followed her along the way. Donna looked at the cute cat, thought ___44___ and decided to take the cat to school with her. She put the cat in her ___45___ and headed for school.
around catch even possible take out
After Donna arrived at school, she quietly walked into the classroom. She opened her bag to ___46___ her textbooks. However, the cat jumped out of the schoolbag and started running ___47___ the classroom. It climbed into a desk, hid under a chair, and ___48___ jumped on to the teacher’s desk.
Just at that moment, the teacher stepped into the classroom. She ___49___ the cat gently and told Donna that animals were not allowed to take to school. She advised her to take it home or to the animal centre if ___50___. Donna smiled sweetly and followed her teacher’s words.
What a nice day!
long; invent; depend on; at the end of; make a speech; put up; play chess; hand out; the pride of; pay attention to
56.Fresh water is important. Life on Earth ________ it.
57.The Yellow River is China’ s second ________ river after the Yangtze.
58.The exchange students from Australia will arrive ________ June.
59.Simon always stays up late. Doctor Ma advises him ________ his health.
60.These volunteers ________ the tent already. Let’ s say thanks to them.
61.—Sandy, where is Millie
—She ________ new books in the classroom.
62.Tomorrow I’ll visit my grandparents. I ________ with my grandpa.
63.How great these Chinese astronauts are! They are ________ our country.
64.Professor Wang ________ on teenage problems to us at 2 yesterday afternoon.
65.Paper-making is one of the four great ________ from ancient China.
so what about practise reading nobody
Kitty: Hi Lily, I’m Kitty. Do you think pronunciation is important
Lily: Yes, it’s very important. You can learn new words and phrases, but if you get pronunciation wrong, ___51___ will understand you.
Kitty: And ___52___ grammar Should we spend our time learning grammar
Lily: Grammar is important, but you should learn new words and phrases, too. You should also ___53___ speaking, listening, reading and writing in English.
Kitty: Do you suggest ___54___ graded texts or texts for English speakers
Lily: It’s important to read at the right level for you, ___55___ I suggest graded texts. And remember that you won’t understand every word. The more you read, the more you’ll understand.
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Mom often says, “Cooking is an important skill, and it can be fun!” But I had no interest in cooking at all ___39___ I met with a cooking app(应用软件). There are different kinds of recipes(菜谱)in the app. They offer detailed instructions ___40___ users can follow them step by step. Most of them even include photos or videos, which are quite useful for beginners. Last week, I picked up a popular recipe to cook fish. When I ___41___, it was exactly what I wanted and tasted delicious. Then I tried more recipes. Now I can cook a couple of ___42___. I find cooking is great fun and it seems that I ___43___ cooking. My plan is to invite my friends over next weekend and show them my new skills. I hope they will like my cooking.
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51.Don’t eat too much in the evening, or you will feel ________ when sleeping.
52.We should avoid topics like ________ or age when we communicate with women.
53.Whenever you meet your friends, you should greet them ________.
54.Jack, here are some sharp ________. Keep away from them, or you may get hurt.
55.—Mr. Fang, which boy is your son
—The ________ one in the line waiting for his turn.
search repair feed satisfy encourage
56.—Why didn’t you go jogging with us yesterday morning
—Because I ________ the broken bookshelf with my cousin in my study.
57.—Jenny, have you seen Anna I can’t find her anywhere.
—Yes. She ________ the bushes for her missing dog.
58.John, stop giving more food to my golden fish. I ________ them twice.
59.In our English class Mr. Wu often ________ us to discuss in groups actively.
60.I’m sure the development of smart robots ________ more people’s needs in the future.
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46.Follow these small ________, and you can make a big difference to the Earth!
47.Victory won’t come to me ________ I go to it.
48.Not many people realize that helping others is helping ________.
49.Let’s begin where we stopped yesterday so that we won’t ________ any point.
50.“Barking dogs seldom bite.” It means that some things may seem dangerous, but they often ________ not to be dangerous.
usually, success, no longer, plenty of, clever, in order to, cares about, by hand, interested
41.My English teacher is very kind and she ________ every student in our class.
42.We should exercise for at least an hour every day _______ keep healthy.
43.Many students from foreign countries are _______ in Huaiyang food now.
44.My sister’s birthday is coming and I will make a card for her ________.
45.At weekends, I have _______ time for my hobbies such as cooking.
46.The river is beautiful. People _______ take a walk along it after supper.
47.The TV series A Lifelong Journey was a great _______, which gained a large number of fans.
48.Jack _______ felt lonely after making some friends in the new school.
clean; sun; lead to; watch TV; instead of; get off; carry out ; take place; make a decision; row a boat
61.For a green life, we’d better ride bicycles ________ driving.
62.Look! The visitors ________ happily on the lake.
63.It is hot and ________ today. What about going for a swim
64.Planting more trees will make the environment much ________ and better.
65.Don’t always stay up late. An unhealthy lifestyle can ________ illnesses.
66.Great changes ________ in Lianyungang since I moved here.
67.If you have difficulty in ________, discuss it with your parents.
68.Timmy and Andy ________ the bus and walked towards the sports centre directly.
69.My grandpa ________ when I got home at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
70.A survey will ________ next week to know more about children’s daily habits.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题6 词汇运用(译写单词、用恰当形式填空、选词填空)
31. Stop________(推)and just wait for your turn.
【解析】句意:别推了,等着轮到你。push“推”,动词。stop to do sth.“停下来去做某事”,stop doing sth.“停止正在做的某事”。此处指不要再推了,应用动名词作宾语,故填pushing。
32. It’s important to learn from________(错误)and become stronger.
33. I have ________(邀请)the whole class of children, so no one feels unhappy.
34. The 2024 Paris Olympics will bring over 10, 000 athletes ________(在一起)this summer.
35. You need a good sense of b________ to ride a bicycle.
【解析】句意:你骑自行车需要有良好的平衡感。根据首字母及“to ride a bicycle”可知,骑自行车需要平衡感。a sense of balance“平衡感”,故填balance。
36. Tiger Hill c________ an area of about 14, 100 square metres and is 36 metres high.
【解析】句意:虎山占地约14100平方米,高36米。根据首字母及“an area of about 14, 100 square metres”可知,此处指虎丘山的占地面积。cover“覆盖”,动词,cover an area of“占地多少”。句子陈述事实,是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用其单三形式,故填covers。
37. There is hunger in many parts of the world, even in r________ countries.
【解析】句意:世界上许多地方都存在饥饿,即使在富裕国家也是如此。根据首字母及“There is hunger in many parts of the world, even…”可知,此处指即使在富裕的国家也存在饥饿。rich“富有的”,形容词,作定语修饰名词countries,故填rich。
38. As the host city, Suzhou will m________ to make the 2026 ISF Football World Cup a great success.
【解析】句意:作为主办城市,苏州将努力使2026年国际足球联合会世界杯取得圆满成功。根据“Suzhou will m... to make the 2026 ISF Football World Cup a great success.”可知,此处是指设法使2026年国际足球世界杯取得巨大成功,manage to do sth“设法做某事”,will后跟动词原形,故填manage。
38. I won’t let you go _________(除非)you tell me the truth.
39. Be more careful! A ________(过失)is as good as a mile.
40. The work is very ________(累人的), but nobody complains about it.
41. The 2024 Wuxi Marathon was covered _________(现场直播)on TV.
51. New ________ have greatly changed our lives.(技术)
52. They didn’t go to their niece’s fifth birthday party last ________.(七月)
53. For further information on ________ weather conditions, call the hotline below.(明天)
54. Some of ________ are better at helping others than we are at looking after ourselves.(我们)
【解析】句意:我们中有些人更善于帮助别人,而不是照顾自己。根据“Some of”及汉语提示可知,介词of后应跟宾格代词us“我们”,故填us。
55. My father always ________ clothes shopping, for he doesn’t care about his clothing.(避免)
31.We must stay together ________(无论什么)happens.
32.We offered to look after our ________(邻居的)dog when she was away.
33.Our country has a ________(骄傲的)record of sporting achievement.
34.Some of my ________(英雄)are real people, and some are from stories.
【解析】句意:我心目中的英雄有些是真人,有些则来自故事。“英雄”hero,根据“are”及“Some of”可知此处用名词复数heroes,故填heroes。
35.The whole town is c________ the opening of the new bridge with a huge party.
【解析】句意:全镇的人举行盛大的晚会庆祝新桥通车。根据“the opening of the new bridge with a huge party.”结合首字母可知,是指举行盛大的晚会庆祝新桥通车,celebrate“庆祝”,动词,此处应用现在分词和is构成现在进行时,故填celebrating。
36.Although I’ve met her only once or t________, I can tell that she has a strong personality.
【解析】句意:虽然我只见过她一两次,但我能看出她很有个性。根据“once or”及首字母可知,此处指一两次,once or twice表示“一两次”,故填twice。
37.To get everybody in the discussion, Miss Su has d________ our class into six groups.
【解析】句意:为了让每个人都参与讨论,苏老师把我们班分成了六个小组。根据“has...our class into six groups.”及首字母可知,应是分成了六组,divide...into...“将……分成……”,has后应跟过去分词构成现在完成时结构,故填divided。
38.We all look f________ to the day when scientists discover more secrets of outer space.
【解析】句意:我们都盼望着科学家发现更多外太空秘密的那一天。根据题干和首字母可知此处是固定短语look forward to“期待”,故填forward。
38.Are you sure the new method will ________(奏效)
39.Please send me a ________(答复)as soon as possible.
40.I won’t tell you my plan ________(除非)you tell me yours.
41.The singer was almost ________(不知名的)in this country until recently.
41.Don’t give up ________(尝试). I’m sure you will succeed.
【解析】句意:不要放弃尝试。我相信你会成功的。try“尝试”,动词。give up doing sth.“放弃做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填trying。
42.Our class ________(赢)high praise in last year’s study tour.
【解析】句意:我们班在去年的巡回学习中赢得了高度赞扬。win“赢”,动词。根据“last year’s study tour”可知,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式,故填won。
43.My dream is to be an accountant and ________(她的)is to be an engineer.
44.Kate’s mother is not busy today. She has nothing ________(其它)to deal with.
45.Tan Dun is one of the greatest ________(音乐家)in the world. I like him very much.
【解析】句意:谭盾是世界上最伟大的音乐家之一。 我非常喜欢他。音乐家:musician,可数名词,one of后加名词复数,故填musicians。
46. After four years of college education, more and more young men return to Nantong to help with the ________(当地的)development.
47. My best friend May always exercises more to bring her weight under ________(控制).
【解析】句意:我最好的朋友梅总是多锻炼来控制她的体重。“控制”control,under control“处于控制之下;情况正常”,是固定搭配,故填control。
48. If you ________(need)more information about Zhalong Nature Reserve, you may search the Internet after class.
49. We were ________(at last)in agreement yesterday. So, we’ll go to Xi’an for a study trip.
【解析】句意:我们昨天终于达成了协议。所以,我们将去西安学习旅行。at last表示“终于,最后”,应用副词finally“最后”,故填finally。
50. Our school library is open every day ________ Sundays. In this way, the librarians can have a day off per week.
【解析】句意:除了星期天,我们学校的图书馆每天都开放。这样,图书馆员每周可以休息一天。根据“the librarians can have a day off per week”可知一周休息一天,所以除了周天,图书馆每天都开放,表示“除了(不包括在内)”用介词except,故填except。
51. All the students are looking forward to the talent show on ________(星期五).
52. Alice likes dancing and she dreams of being a ballet ________(舞蹈家)in the future.
53. Mr. Chen is humorous and he often tells funny jokes to make us l________.
【解析】句意:陈老师是幽默的,他总是讲有趣的笑话来使我们发笑。根据“Mr. Chen is humorous and he often tells funny jokes”可知幽默的人,讲了有趣的笑话会使人发笑,laugh“笑”,make后接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,故填laugh。
54. A friend of ________(我的)will come to visit my family this weekend.
55. —What does UNICEF do for children in poor areas
—It provides basic ________(教育)for them.
56.Many people think that Hanfu is an art ________(形式)and one of the most important parts of Chinese national culture.
57.The film Born to Fly is well w________ watching. You can’t miss it.
【解析】句意:电影《长空之王》非常值得一看。你不能错过。根据首字母可知,此处是be worth doing sth.“值得做某事”,故填(w)orth。
58.June ________(标志)the beginning of the rainy season in some parts of China.
59.Hongze Lake wetland is a ________(the best)place for some wild birds.
【解析】句意:洪泽湖湿地是一些野生鸟类的理想栖息地。the best意为“最好的”,可用形容词perfect替换,意为“完美的,最佳的”,作定语修饰名词place,故填perfect。
60.More than 70 percent of the Earth’s ________(the outside or top part of something)is covered with water.
【解析】句意:地球表面70%以上被水覆盖。“the outside or top part of something”表示“表面”,用名词surface,根据“is”可知用单数,故填surface。
46. Last week Suzy ________(借)the four great classical Chinese novels from Henry.
【解析】句意:上周,苏西向亨利借了中国的四大古典小说。“借”应用动词borrow表示,根据“Last week”可知句子应用一般过去时,动词borrow的过去式为borrowed,故填borrowed。
47. It is ________(有意义的)to do a survey on how to go green in the community.
48. About 100 ________(百万)people used ChatGPT in the first two months.
49. In today’s DIY class, students made cards in different ________(形状).
50. The ________(努力)you practise, the greater progress you will make.
41.Each different part of China has its own ________(特別的)forms of traditional art.
42.Sky lanterns are seen as ________(明亮的)symbols of happiness and good wishes.
43.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they they look very ________(真的).
44.People think that Chinese knots can bring them pleasure or good ________(幸运).
45.The Beijing Opera brings to life many ancient stories and heroes that help ________(塑造)Chinese culture.
【解析】句意:京剧使许多古代故事和英雄人物栩栩如生,帮助塑造了中国文化。help do sth.帮助做某事,故填shape。
31.Suzhou is very attractive with different kinds of ancient _______(桥).
【解析】句意:苏州有各种各样的古桥,非常吸引人。根据中文提示和“different kinds of”可知,需要名词复数,bridges“桥”符合句意,故填bridges。
32.His parents hope he can follow his heart when he _______(选择)his job.
33.Asking questions is one of the _______(最容易的)ways to lead you to active learning.
【解析】句意:问问题是引导你积极学习的最简单的方法之一。easiest“最容易的”,用于“one of+the+最高级+名词复数”结构中,故填easiest。
34.The Tiangong space station is the _______(骄傲)of all Chinese.
35.It’s necessary for teenagers to learn how to spend their pocket money _______(明智地).
36.The doctor’s advice on keeping healthy is w_______ taking.
【解析】句意:医生关于保持健康的建议值得采纳。根据“The doctor’s advice on keeping healthy is w...taking.”可知,医生的建议值得采纳,此处是be worth doing sth.“值得做某事”,故填worth。
37.Kate has p_______ her bedroom blue because the colour brings peace to her mind and body.
【解析】句意:凯特把卧室漆成蓝色,因为这种颜色能给她的身心带来平静。根据“Kate has …her bedroom blue”及首字母可知,把卧室漆成了蓝色,paint“上油漆”,has与过去分词构成现在完成时结构,故此空应填过去分词,故填painted。
38.You can’t make much progress in study without m_______ your time well.
【解析】句意:如果你不能很好地管理你的时间,你就不能在学习上取得很大的进步。 根据“You can’t make much progress in study without … your time well.”及首字母可知,不能很好地管理自己的时间,就不能取得进步,manage“管理”,without是介词,后接动名词,故填managing。
38.Helen developed a _______(持久的)friendship with her teacher.
39.The situation won’t be out of _______(控制). The worst is behind us.
【解析】句意:局势不会失控。最坏的情况已经过去了。根据“out of”和汉语提示可知,out of control“失控”,此处control为不可数名词,故填control。
40.I hope the FIFA World Cup will be covered ________(现场直播)as usual.
41.It’s necessary for us to learn how to ________(处理)with the stress in our daily life.
【解析】句意:对我们而言,学会如何处理我们日常生活中的压力是非常必要的。空格处单词与how to搭配构成“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”,空格处应为动词原形;deal with“处理”,故填deal。
41.Of all the _______(女演员), I admire Audrey Hepburn most.
42.In my family, dad is the strongest, mum is the _______(苗条的)and I am the cutest.
【解析】句意:在我的家里,爸爸是最强壮的,妈妈是最苗条的,我是最可爱的。slim“苗条的”,根据“dad is the strongest, mum is the...and I am the cutest”可知,此处应使用形容词最高级,故填slimmest。
43.Hobo has just moved here and this is the third time he has _______(迷失)his way.
44.After a heated _______(讨论), the headmasters from different schools reached an agreement.
45.Sorry, hamburgers in our shop have been sold out. Do you mind _______(取消)your order
【解析】句意:对不起,我们店里的汉堡包已经卖完了。你介意取消订单吗?cancel“取消”,是动词,固定短语mind doing sth“介意做某事”,故填cancelling/canceling。
46.More and more people use cloth bags to reduce ________(污染)when shopping.
47.—Tom, can you ________(想象)the life of humans on the Mars in the future
—I think it must be amazing.
48.My parents work in the ________(a place where things are made by machines)which produces toys like Bing Dwen Dwen.
【解析】句意:我的父母在生产像冰墩墩的玩具的工厂工作。“a place where things are made by machines”表示“机器制造的地方”,factory“工厂”,结合“produces”可知,此处应使用名词单数形式,故填factory。
49.—Alice, who is the first man to walk on the Moon’s ________(the outside or top part of something)
—Sorry, I don’t know. Let’s ask Mr. Xu about it.
【解析】句意:“艾丽斯,谁是第一个在月球表面行走的人?”“对不起,我不知道。我们问问徐先生吧。”根据英文解释“the outside or top part of something”可知是指月球的表面,surface“表面”,名词,故填surface。
50.—Do you think he is telling the ________
—Of course. He is an honest boy.
【解析】句意:“你认为他说的是实话吗?”“当然。他是个诚实的男孩。”根据“He is an honest boy.”可知他是个诚实的孩子,所以说的是实话,tell the truth“说实话”,故填truth。
51.In the twelve Chinese animal signs, the Tiger is the ________(第三)in order.
52.The children have learnt about the ________(事实)that light travels faster than sound.
53.—What are you going to be when you grow up
—A ________(飞行员).
54.Teamwork is based on ________(信任). We understand each other and work together for the same goal.
55.—Many students in our class like James because he never gets angry easily.
—I agree with you. He is very ________(有耐心的).
【解析】句意:“我们班许多学生喜欢詹姆斯,因为他从不轻易生气。” “我同意你的观点。他非常有耐心。”根据中文提示可知,此空应填形容词patient“有耐心的”作表语,故填patient。
56.Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them ________(明智地).
57.Though Judy has a real g________ for Physics, she still works hard on it.
【解析】句意:虽然朱迪在物理方面有天赋,但她仍在努力学习。根据“...for Physics, she still works hard on it.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是gift“天赋”,空前有a修饰,名词用单数形式,故填(g)ift。
58.When I have difficulty in making a choice, Mr Wu will o________ me some suggestions.
【解析】句意:当我难以做出选择时,吴先生会给我一些建议。根据“When I have difficulty in making a choice...me some suggestions”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是offer“提供,给予”,will后接动词原形,故填offer。
59.The charity is trying to help those who can’t ________(have enough money to pay for something)medical treatment.
【解析】句意:该慈善机构正在努力帮助那些负担不起医疗费用的人。根据英文提示“have enough money to pay for something”可知,此处是afford“支付得起”,can’t后接动词原形,故填afford。
60.While Tan Dun was young, he once made music with ________(not special)objects like stones and paper.
【解析】句意:谭盾年轻时曾用石头、纸等普通物品创作音乐。此空缺少形容词修饰名词objects,结合提示词以及“like stones and paper.”可知,这些都是普通的物品,common/ordinary“普通的”,故填common/ordinary。
56.The temperature begins to ________(上升)when spring comes.
【解析】句意:春天来了,气温开始上升。根据“begins to”可知,空格处应用动词原形,结合“The temperature”可知,表示温度“上升”,应用动词rise,故填rise。
57.Drive ________(径直地)on, and you’ll find Sunshine Park on your left.
58.Everyone in our class believes what Mary says because she is ________(诚实的).
59.Fishing in Snow, written by Liu Zongyuan, is one of my favourite ________(诗歌).
【解析】句意:柳宗元的《江雪》是我最喜欢的诗歌之一。poem“诗歌”,one of后加名词复数形式,故填poems。
60.We like to play by quiet streams or ________(在……下面)the tall trees while camping.
【解析】句意:露营时,我们喜欢在安静的小溪边或高大的树下玩耍。结合句意和“the tall trees”可知,空格处应用一个介词,“在……下”的英文表达为under,故填under。
51.—Whose ________(手套)are these They aren’t mine.
—They’re Lucy’s.
【解析】句意:“这些是谁的手套?它们不是我的。”“它们是露西的。”glove“手套”,根据“are these”可知,此处应使用名词复数形式,故填gloves。
52.This nature reserve is home to more than eight ________(百)kinds of animals and plants.
【解析】句意:这个自然保护区是八百多种动植物的家园。 hundred“百”,基数词eight后面接数词的单数形式,表示确切的数量,故填hundred。
53.With the help of the map, students found their way to the park ________(容易地).
54.Five minutes ago, Linda ________(锁)the door and left with her mum.
【解析】句意:五分钟前,琳达锁上门和她妈妈一起离开了。lock“锁”,根据“Five minutes ago”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填locked。
55.Check the answer on the Internet if you are ________(不确定)about it.
42. The AI technology is ________(rapid)changing all the time.
【解析】句意:人工智能技术一直在快速变化。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式rapidly “快速地”,故填rapidly。
43. The traditional Chinese folk music has a ________(last)value.
【解析】句意:中国传统民族音乐具有持久的价值。此处作定语修饰value,用形容词lasting “持久的”,故填lasting。
44. The father is always a real ________(fight)in the little kid’s heart.
【解析】句意:在小孩子的心中,父亲永远是一个真正的斗士。根据“The father is always a real...in the little kid’s heart.”可知,父亲是一个斗士,fighter“斗士”,a修饰可数名词单数,故填fighter。
45. Jim has gone to bed This is very _________(usual). He always stays up late.
【解析】句意:吉姆上床睡觉了吗?这很不寻常。他总是熬夜。usual“通常的”,形容词。根据“He always stays up late.”可知,吉姆总是熬夜,所以他上床睡觉很不寻常。故用形容词unusual“不寻常的”作表语,故填unusual。
46. This stone bridge ________(build)over 800 years ago.
【答案】was built
【解析】句意:这座石桥建于800多年前。本句主语是动作的承受者,结合时间状语“over 800 years ago”可知,是一般过去时的被动语态,故填was built。
47. Don’t lose heart, son. There ________(be)always a way out.
【解析】句意:别灰心,孩子。总会有出路的。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“a way”,故填is。
48. _________(keep)calm and carry on. There’s still a long way to go.
【解析】句意:保持冷静,继续前进。还有很长的路要走。keep “保持”,动词。此处表祈使语气,应用动词原形,句首首字母大写,故填Keep。
49. Wuxi Metro Line S1 ________(start)to operate on January 31st, 2024.
【解析】句意:无锡地铁S1线于2024年1月31日开始运营。根据“on January 31st, 2024”可知,是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填started。
50. The children did a lot of research in the lab _________(finish)the science project.
【答案】to finish
【解析】句意:为了完成这个科学项目,孩子们在实验室里做了很多研究。finish“完成”,动词。此处指孩子们做很多研究的目的是为了完成科学项目,应用动词不定式表目的,故填to finish。
51. Do you mind turning down the music I _________(attend)an online meeting now.
【答案】am attending
【解析】句意:你介意把音乐关小一点吗?我现在正在参加一个在线会议。attend“参加”,动词。根据“Do you mind turning down the music ”及“now”可知,正在参加会议,应为现在进行时,结构是be doing,主语是第一人称I,be动词用am,故填am attending。
52. Some people believe robots ________(take)most jobs away from humans in the future.
【答案】will take
【解析】句意:有些人认为机器人将来会抢走人类的大部分工作。根据“in the future”可知,是一般将来时,故填will take。
53. The Shenzhou-18 astronauts ________(work)in Tiangong space station since late April.
【答案】have worked
【解析】句意:神舟18号的宇航员自4月下旬以来一直在天宫空间站工作。根据“since late April”可知,此处应使用现在完成时,主语是复数,助动词用have,故填have worked。
46. Planting some flowers in your garden is very ________ for attracting bees.(help)
47. Every year, Yangzhou offers a magical and special experience for its ________.(tour)
48. Though I failed a lot ________ times than I succeeded, I know how to fail well.(many)
49. Elena ________ the novel she was reading on the desk and looked out the window.(drop)
【解析】句意:埃琳娜把正在读的小说扔在桌子上,望向窗外。drop“使落下”,动词。根据“and looked”可知,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式,故填dropped。
50. If salt is ________ onto the ice, the freezing temperature will be lower than 0℃.(spread)
42.The ________(win)of this year’s Spelling Bee is… Daniel!
43.The Changjiang Delta is a very ________(wealth)area in China.
44.Some people don’t like the fruit ________(simple)because of smell.
45.Our planet is becoming more and more ________(pollute). How can we start all over again
46.The firemen had no choice but ________(break)the window.
【答案】to break
【解析】句意:消防队员别无选择,只能打碎窗户。break“打破”,动词。have no choice but to do sth.“除了做某事别无选择”,故用动词不定式,故填to break。
47.This T-shirt ________(make)of silk and it feels very smooth.
【答案】is made
【解析】句意:这件T恤是丝绸做的,摸起来很光滑。make“制作”,动词。be made of“由……制成”,固定短语。本句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,故用be动词is,故填is made。
48.What ________ you ________(do)to my computer It’s dead!
【答案】have, done
【解析】句意:你对我的电脑做了什么?它死机了!分析句子可知,电脑现在死机了,过去对电脑做的事情,对现在产生了影响,应为现在完成时,结构是has/have done,主语是第二人称you,助动词用have,故填have;done。
49.If this ________(go)on, the wild animals will soon have nowhere to live.
50.Sorry, buddy. I ________(drive)at the moment. Can I call you back later
【答案】am driving
【解析】句意:对不起,伙计。我现在正在开车。我可以稍后再给你打电话吗?drive“驾驶”,动词。根据“at the moment”可知,时态是现在进行时,主语是第一人称单数I,be动词用am,故填am driving。
51.Go and have a good sleep, baby. Let me ________(worry)about these things.
【答案】not worry
【解析】句意:去睡个好觉吧,宝贝。让我不要担心这些事。let sb(not)do sth“让某人(不)要做某事”,省略to的动词不定式作宾补,根据“Go and have a good sleep, baby”可知,此处指不要担心,故填not worry。
52.There ________(be)at least six underground lines in Wuxi in five years’ time.
【答案】will be
【解析】句意:未来5年,无锡将至少有6条地铁线路。根据“in five years’ time”可知,时态是一般将来时,故填will be。
53.China’s Shenzhou-15 astronauts ________(take)a 7-hour-long spacewalk in February, 2023.
【解析】句意:2023年2月,中国神舟十五号宇航员进行了为期7小时的太空行走。根据“in February, 2023”可知,事情发生在过去,应为一般过去时,谓语动词take用其过去式,故填took。
36.The moment C919 aircraft successfully made its first test flight really ________([t t t])me.
37.Of all the vegetables, I think tomato is the ________(tasty)and healthiest.
38.In the folk story, the amazing white snake is ________(lucky)saved by a young man.
【解析】句意:在民间故事中,这条神奇的白蛇被一个年轻人幸运地救了下来。lucky“幸运的”,是形容词, 此处修饰动词,应用副词,故填luckily。
39.With the help of a robot, Eddie has no ________(difficult)cleaning his house.
【解析】句意:在机器人的帮助下,埃迪毫不费力地打扫了他的房子。have no difficulty(in)doing sth“做某事没有困难”,故填difficulty。
40.The weekly lunch menu for students is put on the school website at a ________(fix)time.
根据句子意思, 用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)
46.Follow these tips, and you can enjoy your summer ________.(safe)
47.Chinese Language Day ________ on April 20th of every year, the same day with Guyu.(fall)
【解析】句意:每年的4月20日是中文日,与谷雨同日。由“every year”可知,时态为一般现在时;主语是“Chinese Language Day”,动词用三单,故填falls。
48.It seems that families are ________ more and more time together.(spend)
49.We students now use ________ throwaway products than before.(few)
【解析】句意:我们学生现在使用的一次性产品比以前少了。few“少的”,修饰名词“throwaway products”,根据“than before”可知,用比较级形式,故填fewer。
50.The artists are ________ to tell good Chinese stories in their favorite art forms.(encourage)
51.In these ________, each plant has its own story to tell.(花园)
52.My uncle lives in a town ________ kilometers from Yangzhou.(十五)
53.Since he had no musical ________, he made music with common objects.(乐器)
54.She’s not a ________ mother with rules for every little thing.(严格)
55.No matter how times change, the ________ of Lei Feng will always be relevant.(精神)
49.Mum, which is _______(big), the sun or the moon
【解析】句意:妈妈,太阳和月亮哪个更大?根据“the sun or the moon”可知此处是在两个之间进行比较,用比较级bigger,故填bigger。
50.There are only 5 people waiting in front of me. I’m the _______(six).
【解析】句意:只有五个人在我前面等着。我是第六个。根据“There are only 5 people waiting in front of me”可知前面有五个人,自己是第六个,表示顺序用序数词sixth,故填sixth。
51.—Professor Wang will give us a talk on the history of Huai’an tomorrow.
—Really I look forward to _______(attend)it.
【解析】句意:“王教授明天将给我们讲淮安的历史。”“真的吗?我期待着参加。”attend“参加”,look forward to doing sth.“期待做某事”,故填attending。
52.Jing Haipeng and his team are working in the space station. They’re our _______(hero).
53.Our government has taken action _______(make)life in the countryside better.
【答案】to make
【解析】句意:我们的政府已采取行动改善农村生活。“take action”的目的是“make life in the countryside better”,作目的状语用动词不定式,故填to make。
54.Tan Dun is a world-famous composer. People think _______(high)of his music.
【解析】句意:谭盾是世界著名的作曲家。人们对他的音乐评价很高。think highly of“高度评价”,故填highly。
55.New clothes and shoes _______(send)to children in poor areas by my classmates every year.
【答案】are sent
【解析】句意:我的同学每年都会给贫困地区的孩子们送新衣服和新鞋子。主语New clothes and shoes和谓语send之间是被动关系,根据“every year”可知句子用一般现在时,主语是复数,be动词用are,故填are sent。
46.Nanjing, an ancient capital of China, is famous for ________(it)history and culture.
47.All the dialogue in Baiju ________(speak)in Nanjing dialect, easy to understand, and full of humor.
48.Nanjing Museum is the ________(one)modern museum and remains as one of the leading museum in China.
【解析】句意:南京博物馆是中国第一座现代博物馆,也是中国领先的博物馆之一。the first第一,故填first。
49. In Nanjing, it is common to see senior ________(citizen)playing chess in the sun or enjoying a radio show in the park.
50. Touring, studying and living in Nanjing, you may ________(find)it changing and growing every day.
42.Jerry studied many languages ________(simple)for pleasure.
【解析】句意:杰里学习许多语言只是为了娱乐。根据“Jerry studied many languages...(simple)for pleasure.”可知,本句句子成分完整,需要用副词作状语,故填simply。
43.For your own ________(safe), you shouldn’t climb mountains alone.
44.Jim is no ________(long)afraid of making new friends at school now.
【解析】句意:吉姆现在不再害怕在学校结交新朋友了。副词短语no longer,意为“不再”,在句中作状语,表示某个动作或状态不再延续下去,符合语境,故填longer。
45.My brother’s flight was _______(cancel)because of the bad weather.
46.In the coming summer vacation, I ________(attend)a DIY course.
【答案】will attend
【解析】句意:在即将到来的暑假里,我将参加一个DIY课程。根据“In the coming summer vacation”可知,此处为一般将来时,使用will do结构,故填will attend。
47.—Lily, I have difficulty ________(read)comic strips in English.
—Don’t worry. Let’s read some together.
【解析】句意:“Lily,我在看英语连环画上遇到困难了。”“别担心。我们一起来看。”have difficulty(in)doing sth.意为“在做某事方面有困难”,因此应用动词read的动名词reading,故填reading。
48.Eric is a sports fan and always _______(follow)the latest sports news.
49.Remember to wash hands often and be sure ________(wear)masks correctly.
【答案】to wear
【解析】句意:记得勤洗手,并确保正确佩戴口罩。be sure to do sth.“确保做某事”,需要动词不定式;故填to wear。
50.Fan Jinshi ________(do)a lot to protect Dunhuang culture for many years.
【答案】has done
【解析】句意:樊锦诗多年来为保护敦煌文化做了很多。根据“for many years”可知,此处使用现在完成时,主语为人名,单数形式,结构为has done,故填has done。
51.—Why didn’t you reply to my Wechat
—Sorry. I ________(help)my neighbour look after her baby.
【答案】was helping
【解析】句意:“你为什么不回复我的微信?”“对不起。我正在帮助我的邻居照看她的孩子。”根据“Why didn’t you reply to my Wechat ”可知,回答那时正在做什么,需要过去进行时,主语是I,be动词用was;故填was helping。
52.Su Yiming _______(achieve)his dream in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
【解析】句意:苏翊鸣在2022年北京冬奥会上实现了他的梦想。根据“in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics”可知,是阐述过去的事情,用一般过去时态,动词填过去式achieved,故填achieved。
53.You ________(expect)to be more organized in high school. So you can keep a diary.
【答案】are expected
【解析】句意:你在高中时应该更有条理。所以你可以写日记。根据“You …(expect)to be more organized in high school.”可知,be expected to do“被期待做”,本句使用一般现在时,主语为You,使用be动词are,故填are expected。
36.Yesterday, Sandy gave an excellent show and the _______([h l])class were excited.
37.Millie is interested in Biology and she often records the _______(nature)beauty in the park.
38.Eddie, look at your _______(tidy)room. You’d better keep everything in order.
【解析】句意:埃迪,看看你那凌乱的房间。你最好保持一切井然有序。根据“You’d better keep everything in order.”可知,房间是凌乱的,untidy“不整洁的,凌乱的”,是形容词修饰其后的名词,故填untidy。
39.These UNICEF _______(office)wish is to improve the living conditions of the local children.
40.The machine was repaired last Saturday. Now it is running _______(smooth).
【解析】句意:这台机器是上周六修理的。现在运行顺利。smooth“顺畅的”,是形容词, 此处应用副词修饰动词,故填smoothly。
46.Let me repeat ________ what he just said.(exact)
47.Excuse me, what problems are we really ________ to solve (try)
【解析】句意:对不起,我们真的在设法解决什么问题?try“试图,设法”,根据“what problems are we really...to solve”可知此处表示正设法解决什么问题,用现在进行时be doing,故此处用现在分词,故填trying。
48.A ________ competitive spirit can push people to try to be better.(health)
【解析】句意:健康的竞争精神可以促使人们努力变得更好。根据“competitive spirit”,此处用形容词healthy“健康的”作定语,表示“健康的竞争精神”,故填healthy。
49.After a night’s rain, the mountains are much greener and the air is much ________.(fresh)
【解析】句意:下了一夜的雨,山更绿了,空气也更清新了。fresh“清新的”,根据“the mountains are much greener”以及“much”可知此处用形容词的比较级作表语,故填fresher。
50.Working as a team means celebrating ________ and facing losses together.(victory)
【解析】句意:作为团队一起工作意味着一起庆祝胜利和面对失败。动词“celebrating”后缺宾语,根据“and facing losses”可知表达庆祝胜利,是复数概念,用复数名词“victories”,故填victories。
51.Life is like a box of ________. You never know what you’re gonna get.(巧克力)
【解析】句意:生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你将会拿到哪块。介词“of”后缺宾语,表达“一盒巧克力”用“a box of chocolates”,故填chocolates。
52.The Communist Party of China is now leading the nation toward building a great ________ socialist country.(现代的)
【解析】句意:中国共产党正在带领民族建设社会主义现代化强国。此处修饰名词“socialist country”应用形容词modern“现代的”,故填modern。
53.________ minutes after she left, it started to snow heavily.(三十)
54.If we drop litter in a public place, we’ll be ________ by the police.(罚款)
55.Mum joined our little group and introduced ________ to our new friends.(她自己)
59.Beijing, the capital of China, is world’s ________(one)city to host Olympic Games twice.
【解析】句意:中国首都北京是世界上第一个两次举办奥运会的城市。根据“city to host Olympic Games twice”可知,此处是指第一个两次举办奥运会的城市,表示顺序用序数词first“第一”,故填first。
60.The film The Battle at Lake Changjin(《长津湖》)showed us many ________(hero)in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(抗美援朝战争).
61.With the ________(develop)of the society, more and more people devote their energy to charity.
【解析】句意:随着社会的发展,越来越多的人将精力投入到慈善事业中。空格位于“the”和“of”之间,用名词形式development“发展”,固定短语with the development of“随着……的发展”,故填development。
62.Audiobooks(有声读物)are so welcome that the number of the listeners is increasing ________(rapid).
63.I spent one ________(night)time making a video Mei Lanfang and His Hometown to take part in “Tell China’s Stories” competition.
64.Jiangsu automatic(自动化)test of listening and speaking _______(hold)in April every year.
【答案】is held
【解析】句意:听说江苏省自动化考试在每年的4月举行。主语是动作的承受者,结合“every year”可知,是一般现在时的被动语态,故填is held。
65.Our country has made laws ________(protect)biodiversity(生物多样性)of the Yangtze River.
【答案】to protect
【解析】句意:我国已制定法律保护长江生物多样性。根据“Our country has made laws ________(protect)
biodiversity(生物多样性)of the Yangtze River.”可知,“制定法律”的目的是“保护生物多样性”,protect“保护”,是动词,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to protect。
66.Students have ________(little)homework than before because of the “double reduction” policy(“双减”政策).
67.Gu Ailing has a gift for ________(ski)and won high praise in Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
49.Lisa got the _______(two)place in the Chinese Kung fu competition.
50.Peter believes that helping others is helping _______(he).
【解析】句意:彼得认为帮助别人就是帮助自己。根据“Peter believes that helping others is helping...”可知,帮助别人就是帮助自己,主语是Peter,故填himself。
51.Sweeping robots from those _______(factory)can help us clean houses.
52.Please _______(turn)off the lights before you leave the classroom.
53.Mr Brown felt happy that little Harry read all the words _______(correct).
【解析】句意:布朗先生很高兴小哈里能正确地读出所有的单词。根据“read all the words ”可知,副词修饰动词,correct的副词是correctly“正确地”,故填correctly。
54.The _______(France)writer Victor Hugo wrote some famous novels.
55.Miss Gao is preparing a talk on how _______(solve)teenager problems.
【答案】to solve
【解析】句意:高老师正在准备一个关于如何解决青少年问题的报告。此处用“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语,故填to solve。
61.Students now have less homework and ________(much)spare time.
62.Grandpa is in his ________(ninety), but he is still willing to learn new things.
【解析】句意:虽然爷爷已经九十几岁了,但他仍然愿意学习新东西。ninety“九十”,基数词。根据“in his”可知,in one’s+基数词复数“在某人……岁时”,故此处应用ninety的复数形式,由于其是以辅音字母+y结尾,故变复数时,是变y为i加es,故填nineties。
63.Everyone’s small acts of ________(kind)can make a big difference to the world.
【解析】句意:每个人的小小善举都能给世界带来巨大的改变。根据“small acts of ”可知,此处指小小善举,kindness“善良”,不可数名词,故填kindness。
64.The Milu deer live ________(comfortable)and freely in Dafeng Nature Reserve.
65.Cheer up! It doesn’t matter who wins because playing football ________(it)is great fun.
speed since plenty of pollute such as
Frogs are an environmental warning system. They have skin which takes in whatever is in the environment. This means that if the environment is ___39___, a frog’s skin takes in the pollution and the frog dies. For this reason, if there’s something wrong in the environment, frogs are the first to die. If there are ___40___ frogs, it’s a good sign that the environment is healthy.
Frog numbers around the world have been dropping at a faster ___41___ in recent years than ever before. Up to 200 kinds of frogs have died out ___42___ 1980. This is a disaster. Frogs are needed in the food chain as food for animals like snakes, birds and fish. Frogs are also needed in the food chain to eat insects ___43___ grasshoppers. The world needs frogs.
39. polluted
40. plenty of
41. speed
42. since
43. such as
39.句意:这意味着,如果环境被污染,青蛙的皮肤吸收了污染,青蛙就会死亡。根据“if the environment is…, a frog’s skin takes in the pollution and the frog dies”及备选词汇可知,此处指如果环境被污染,那么青蛙皮肤也会受到污染。pollute“污染”,动词。此处指环境被污染,是被动语态,动词用其过去分词形式,故填polluted。
40.句意:如果有很多青蛙,这是环境健康的一个好迹象。根据“If there are…frogs, it’s a good sign that the environment is healthy.”及备选词汇可知,如果存在很多青蛙,说明环境很健康。plenty of“很多的”符合语境,故填plenty of。
41.句意:近年来,世界各地的青蛙数量以前所未有的速度下降。根据“Frog numbers around the world have been dropping at a faster…”及备选词汇可知,此处指青蛙的数量以更快的速度下降。speed“速度”符合语境,故填speed。
42.句意:自1980年以来,多达200种青蛙已经灭绝。根据“Up to 200 kinds of frogs have died out…1980.”及备选词汇可知,此处缺少介词,指自1980年以来,很多种青蛙已灭绝。since“自从”符合语境,故填since。
43.句意:食物链中也需要青蛙来吃蝗虫等昆虫。根据“Frogs are also needed in the food chain to eat insects…grasshoppers”及备选词汇可知,此处是举例青蛙可以吃的昆虫,故such as“例如”符合语境,故填such as。
use; such as; fill…with; in front of; places of interest; blow; scientist; cheer…up; connect with; make a difference
56. Keeping exercise every day will ________ to our health.
57. Yuan Longping, one of the greatest ________, won respect all over the world.
58. He is confident enough to make a speech ________ the public.
59. —Sorry, I can’t hear you. The wind ________ hard. Can you speak louder
—That’s OK. I’ll ring you later.
60. Orange represents joy. It can ________ you ________ when you are feeling sad.
61. Vacations are a chance to ________ your free time ________ meaningful activities.
62. In the World Park, we can see models of more than a hundred ________ in a day.
63. The fast Wi-Fi on China’s space station helps astronauts ________ people on Earth easily.
64. The past can never be changed and it is ________ to worry about the future. Why not enjoy the present
65. Sports World provides up-to-date information about different sports, ________ swimming, basketball and football.
56. make a difference
57. scientists
58. in front of
59. is blowing
60. cheer, up
61. fill, with
62. places of interest
63. connect with
64. useless
65. such as
56.句意:每天坚持锻炼会对我们的健康产生影响。根据“Keeping exercise every day will...to our health”可知每天坚持锻炼会对我们的健康产生影响,make a difference“产生影响”,will后加动词原形,故填make a difference。
57.句意:袁隆平,最伟大的科学家之一,赢得了全世界的尊敬。根据“Yuan Longping”可知他是科学家,one of后加可数名词复数scientists“科学家”,故填scientists。
58.句意:他有足够的信心在公众面前发表演讲。根据“make a speech...the public”可知是在公众面前发表演讲,in front of“在……前面”,故填in front of。
59.句意:“对不起,我听不见你说话。风刮得很大。你能大声点吗?”“没关系。我稍后给你打电话。”根据“The wind...hard”可知是风刮得很大,blow“刮”,此处表示现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时,主语是The wind,be动词用is,故填is blowing。
60.句意:橙色代表喜悦。当你感到悲伤时,它可以让你振作起来。根据“Orange represents joy”可知橙色可以让你振奋起来,cheer sb up“使某人振奋起来”,情态动词后加动词原形,故填cheer;up。
61.句意:假期是一个让你的空闲时间充满有意义的活动的机会。根据“your free time...meaningful activities.”可知是让你的空闲时间充满有意义的活动,fill...with...“用……充满……”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形,故填fill;with。
62.句意:在世界公园里,我们一天可以看到一百多个名胜古迹的模型。根据“In the World Park, we can see models of more than a hundred”可知世界公园里有一百多个名胜古迹的模型,place of interest“名胜古迹”,此处用名词复数,故填places of interest。
63.句意:中国空间站上的快速Wi-Fi可以帮助宇航员轻松地与地球上的人联系。根据“The fast Wi-Fi on China’s space station helps astronauts...people on Earth”可知Wi-Fi可以帮助宇航员轻松地与地球上的人联系,connect with“和……联系”,help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,故填connect with。
64.句意:过去是永远无法改变的,担心未来也是没有用的。为什么不享受现在呢?根据“it is...to worry about the future”可知担心未来是无用的,作表语用形容词useless“无用的”,故填useless。
65.句意:《体育世界》提供有关游泳、篮球和足球等不同运动的最新信息。根据“about different sports...swimming, basketball and footall”可知此处举例说明一些运动,such as“例如”,故填such as。
in front of move member happy complete
The Shenzhou XV mission(飞行任务)crew(乘组)returned to Earth on June 4 after a six-month mission. The crew ___39___ are Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu.
After everything was ready, the astronauts were carried out of the capsule(返回舱)one by one and placed on chairs ___40___ the capsule. Then, the astronauts shared their feelings and thoughts with a reporter from CCTV in a live program. Fei said, “We have ___41___ our tasks before returning safely to Earth. We are all in good condition.” Deng said, “I expected the chance to fly into space for twenty-five years. It was the ___42___ moment of my life to know that I could be in the mission.” Zhang said, “We will go back to training as soon as possible. We will always be ready to return to space.”
After the interview, the astronauts were ___43___ away for health checks.
39. members
40. in front of
41. completed
42. happiest
43. moved
39.句意:机组人员是费俊龙、邓清明和张陆。根据“The crew...are Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu.”可知是指神州15号的机组人员,应用member“成员”,可数名词,结合are可知名词用复数,故填members。
40.句意:一切准备就绪后,宇航员被一个接一个地抬出太空舱,坐在太空舱前面的椅子上。根据“placed on chairs...the capsule.”可知前后是位置关系,结合选词可知in front of“在……前面”符合语境,故填in front of。
41.句意:在安全返回地球之前,我们已经完成了任务。根据“our tasks”可知是指完成任务,应用complete“完成”,结合“have”可知本句是现在完成时,动词用过去分词,故填completed。
43.句意:采访结束后,宇航员们被转移到其他地方进行健康检查。根据“After the interview, the astronauts were...away for health checks.”可知宇航员们被转移到其他地方进行健康检查,move“移动”,是动词,此处动词和主语之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,动词用过去分词,故填moved。
usual he visit three proper
51.David, an exchange student from England, is crazy about Chinese kung fu. He learns it all by ________ in his spare time.
52.Though the boy has failed twice, we’d better give him a ________ chance to show his skills.
53.Some students lose marks simply because they don’t read questions ________.
54.Tan Dun, a world-famous composer, is a(an)________ man with great musical talent.
55.Zhangjian Museum by the side of Hao River attracts many ________ from all over the world every year.
51. himself
52. third
53. properly
54. unusual
55. visitors
51.句意:大卫是一名来自英国的交换生,他对中国功夫非常着迷。他在业余时间自学的。根据“He learns it all by...in his spare time.”可知是指自学,by oneself“独自”,此处应用himself,故填himself。
52.句意:虽然这男孩已经失败了两次,但我们最好给他第三次机会来展示他的技能。根据“Though the boy has failed twice”可知此处是指给他第三次机会,应用序数词third“第三”,故填third。
55.句意:郝江畔的张謇博物馆每年都吸引着来自世界各地的游客。根据“Zhangjian Museum by the side of Hao River attracts”可知吸引的是游客。visitor“游客”,可数名词,被many修饰,应用复数,故填visitors。
hold wait paint begin do
56. —How heavy the rain is!
—It started at about seven this morning. I ________ for the school bus then.
57. The children ________ to talk about the project after the teacher divided them into groups.
58. —I ________ a survey on how to go green later this afternoon. I need your help.
—With pleasure.
59. He likes staying in the room because he ________ the walls blue, a calm and peaceful colour.
60. —Hello, may I speak to Miss Zhang
—Sorry. She ________ a parents’ meeting in the school hall.
56. was waiting
57. began
58. will do/am going to do
59. paints
60. is holding
56.句意:“雨下得真大啊!”“今天早上七点开始的。那时我正在等校车。”根据“It started at about seven
this morning. I...for the school bus then.”结合选词可知,此处是指下雨的时候正在等校车,应用过去进
行时,主语是I,be动词用was,故填was waiting。
57.句意:老师把孩子们分成小组后,他们开始谈论这个项目。此空应填谓语动词,结合“to talk about the
project after the teacher divided them into groups.”和选词可知,此处是指老师和学生开始谈论这个项目。
根据“I...a survey on how to go green later this afternoon. I need your help.”可知是指做调查,do a survey
“做调查”,且动作未发生,应用一般将来时:will do/be going to do,主语是I,be动词用am,故填
will do/am going to do。
59.句意:他喜欢待在房间里,因为他把墙漆成蓝色,一种平静祥和的颜色。根据“he...the walls blue, a calm
and peaceful colour.”可知是指把墙漆成蓝色。paint“给……油漆”,动词。句子是一般现在时,主语
60.句意:“你好,我可以和张小姐讲话吗?”“对不起。她正在学校大厅里召开家长会。”根据“a parents’
meeting in the school hall.”结合选词可知,张小姐正在学校大厅里召开家长会。由“Hello, may I speak to
Miss Zhang ”可知动作正在发生,应用现在进行时,主语是she,be动词用is,故填is holding。
dream name whole the rest height on the playground
46. It’s a tradition of this city to ______ its streets after great people.
47. The baby can say single words but not ______ sentences.
48. A true friend is someone who walks in when ______ of the world walks out.
49. Zhu Yangzhu, the pride of Xuzhou, has realized his ______ of being an astronaut through years of hard work.
50. Li Ming hopes to get the chance to raise the national flag ______.




下一篇:【2022_2024年(江苏)中考英语真题分类汇编】专题08 语法填空(含首字母提示填空)(原卷版+解析版)