Unit 1 The king's new clothes 单元测试 (含答案及听力音频听力原文)

2024-2025小学英语六年级(上册) 第一单元测试卷
班级:________ 姓名:________ 得________分
第一部分 听力(40分)
( )1. A. hard B. heard C. card
( )2. A. laughed B. loved C. looked
( )3. A. quack B. quick C. quiet
( )4. A. looked at B. visited C. pointed at
( )5. A. walked through B. walked by C. walked on
( )1. A. Yes, it was. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, there was.
( )2. A. Yes, he was. B. Yes, she was. C. No, we aren't.
( )3. A. I could draw. B. No, I can't. C. I can make clothes.
( )4. A. Yes,I can. B. Thank you. C. Yes,I do.
( )5. A. In the forest. B. At seven o’clock. C. Helen did.
Long long 1. ________, there 2. ________a mountain. There was a big 3. ________ near it. A boy and his parents 4. ________5. ________ the house. The boy was very 6. ________. He 7. ________ for his parents. He made 8. ________ for his parents, too. They 9. ________ very 10. ________.
第二部分 笔试(70分)
( )1. I got a card from my good friend Mark.
( )2. Mike had a party in the park.
( )3. His arm is warm.
( ) 4. The hard bed isn't popular.
( )5. The boy looked at the apple tree and picked the apples.
1. Cinderella t________ a story to the birds and mice about the prince(王子) yesterday.
2. My1________ sister is only two years old.
3. The little boy p________ at the monkey and laughed.
4. The students are working ________(努力地) at school.
5. The boy says the ________(下一个) sentence.
1. One monk(和尚)________(show) the empty(空的) bottle to the other two monks yesterday.
2. Long long ago, there ________(be) seven dwarfs(小矮人) in the forest. They lived with Snow White.
3. Gui Haichao ________(walk) in space in 2023.
4. There are a lot of ________(people) in the shop.
5. I don't have any new ________(dress).
( )1. The girl is looking after ________.
A. him B. his C. he
( )2. There ________ many famous inventions in ancient times, such as Sinan and paper.
A. is B. was C. were
( )3. The king of Chu State ________ Yan Zi.
A. laughing B. laughs C. laughed at
( )4. Look at this photo! Xu Mengtao is ________a party with her friends to celebrate her victory(胜利).
A. having B. has C. have
( )5. —Hey, Hanzel(汉泽尔)!Do you want ________ the forest
—No. There is a witch(女巫) in the forest.
A. visit B. visiting C. to visit
( ) 6. Each student ________ one picture.
A. draw B. draws C. drawing
( )7. She usually ________ new clothes ________ her doll.
A. makes; with B. make;for C. makes;for
( )8. The king walked ________ the city ________ his new clothes.
A. on; with B. through; with C. through;in
( )9. Tim is thinking hard. He wants to know ________ he was wrong.
A. who B. why C. what
( )10. ________ nice jeans!
A. How B. How a C. What
1. The children are working hard. (改为一般过去时)
The children ________ ________.
2. The birds are beautiful. (改为感叹句)
________ ________ birds!
3. There were some boys in the park last night. (改为否定句)
There ________ ________ boys in the park last night.
4. There was an old house on the mountain two years ago. (改为复数句)
There ________ some old ________ on the mountain two years ago.
5. There was some water on the floor. (改为一般疑问句)
________ there ________ water on the floor
1. 我从我的好朋友那里得到了一张卡片。
I________ a card ________ my good friend.
Long long ago, there ________ an old man. He ________ ________ two ________.
We ________ ________ start our lessons again yesterday.
Yesterday afternoon, he ________ ________ an old man.
Sam ________ a lunch box ________ me.
Long long ago, there 1 a king and a queen. They were very 2 . because they had a new baby daughter. The king loved his daughter very much, so he wanted to have a big 3 for the little princess(公主). He invited(邀请) 4 fairies to the party and made good 5 for the princess. The six fairies said the princess would be beautiful and clever. 6 an old fairy became angry because the king didn't invite her. She cursed(诅咒) the 7 . Day by day, the little princess grew up. One day, the princess hurt 8 finger, fell to the ground and 9 for one hundred (百) years. At the same time, all the people and animals slept. At last, a prince rode a horse by and saved the princess. The other people 10 up too!
( )1. A. is B. are C. was D. were
( )2. A. happy B. sad C. afraid D. beautiful
( )3. A. dinner B. party C. time D. show
( )4. A. five B. six C. seven D. eight
( )5. A. time B. children C. wishes D. signs
( )6. A. Also B. Too C. And D. But
( )7. A. king B. queen C. prince D. princess
( )8. A. her B. his C. their D. its
( )9. A. ate B. ran C. slept D. felt
( ) 10. A. put B. ate C. held D. woke
Once there lived a king named Midas in England. He was a greedy(贪婪的) man and he loved gold more than anything else in the world.
One day, he asked a fairy to give him more gold. The fairy decided to punish(惩罚) him and said,“Your wish has been granted (准予) already. Everything you touch will turn into gold.”
Midas was very happy when he heard this. The next morning, he got up early to test his skill. When he touched his bed, it turned into gold.“Gold!”cried Midas, laughing like a little boy.“It works!”
Not only stones, flowers and the furniture in his house, but also the food he ate and the water he drank turned into gold. He was unhappy now. Just then, his daughter ran up to him. Midas touched her hand. At once, she became a golden statue(雕像)! Midas cried sadly.
At last, he begged the fairy to free him from his wish.“Go to the river and bathe in it,”said the fairy. So Midas did, and the water took away his golden touch. Finally, everything came back.
1. What did the king love
2. Why did the king cry
参考词汇: there were / was..., be afraid of..., catch, say, run away, the king of the forest, walk要求:1.时态使用一般过去时。2.语句通顺,语法正确,不少于6句话。
Long long ago, there was a tiger. He was very hungry.
一、1. I work hard at school every day.
2. The girl laughed because the TV show was funny.
3. Be quick, Tom. It's late.
4. A boy pointed at the funny monkey.
5. The king walked through the city.
二、1. The king liked new clothes.
2. The two men showed the king his new clothes.
3. The king didn't wear any new clothes.
4. A girl pointed at the king and laughed.
5. There were no people in the street.
三、1. Was there an apple on the table just now
2. Was your brother at home yesterday
3. What can you do
4. What a nice dress!
5. Where were the boys
四、 Long long ago, there was a mountain. There was a big house near it. A boy and his parents lived in the house. The boy was very clever. He cooked for his parents. He made clothes for his parents too. They were very happy.
一、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A
二、1. √ 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. ×
三、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
四、1. ago 2. was 3. house 4. lived 5. in 6. clever7. cooked 8. clothes 9. were 10. happy
五、1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. × 5. √
六、1. told 2. little 3. pointed 4. hard 5. next
七、1. showed 2. were 3. walked 4. people5. dresses
八、1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C
九、1. worked hard 2. What beautiful
3. weren't any 4. were;houses 5. Was;any
十、1. got;from 2. was; lived behind; mountains3. had to 4. shouted at 5. gave;to
十一、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C
6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D
十二、(一)2 1 3 4
(二) 1. He loved gold more than anything else in the world.
2. Because his daughter became a golden statue.
Long long ago, there was a tiger. He was very hungry. He caught a little fox and wanted to eat him. The fox said,“I'm the king of the forest and all the animals are afraid of me.”The tiger didn't believe that. Then the little fox asked the tiger to walk after him. When the animals saw them, they ran away quickly.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 6 课时练习(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 单元测试 (含答案及听力音频听力原文)