Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 6 课时练习(含答案)

Unit 1 This is my new friend. (含解析)
Lesson 6
A. America B. farmer C. China D. teacher E. Canada F. driver G. postman H. England I. reporter J. nurse
1. Singapore _____________________________________________________________
2. doctor ________________________________________________________________
( )1. I am from Qiqihar, ________.
A. England B. China C. America
( )2.—________ does your uncle do
—He's a great policeman.
A. Who B. What C. Where
( )3.—Who's the girl
—Oh, she is my ________.
A. uncle B. brother C. sister
( )4.—________ he a TV reporter
—No, he's an English teacher.
A. Are B. Does C. Is
( )1. —Is she a teacher
—Yes, she is.
( )2.—What does the man do
—He's a doctor.
( )3.—Hello, Miss Wang. Nice to see you.
—Nice to see you, too.
( )4.—Where is your friend from
—He's from Tianjin, China.
( )5.—Look! This is my father.
—Oh, he's a farmer.
Name: Ma Xiaotiao Age: 10 Class: 5 Grade: 4 Country: China Family members: grandfather, grandmother, mother and father Mother's job: Father's job:
Good morning! I'm Ma Xiaotiao. I'm 1. ________ years old. I'm in Class 5, Grade 4. I'm from 2. ________. There are 3. ________ people in my family. My grandparents have no jobs. My mother is short and thin. She is a 4. ________. My father is tall. He is a 5. ________. I love my family.
Lesson 6
一、1. A C E H 2. B D F G I J
二、1.B 解析:本题考查介绍自己来自哪个国家中的哪个城市,齐齐哈尔是中国的城市,故选B。
2.B 解析:从答语可知是对人物职业的提问,用特殊疑问词 What 开头,故选 B。
3. C 解析:由“girl”可知答语要选择表示女生的家庭成员sister,故选C。
4. C 解析:主语“he”为第三人称单数, be动词要用单数形式is,故选C。
三、1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. A
四、1. ten 解析:从信息卡可知马小跳10岁,故填ten。
2. China 解析:由信息卡可知马小跳来自中国,故填China。
3. five 解析:从“Family members”可知,马小跳家有爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈,再加上马小跳,共5 口人,故填five。
4. doctor 解析:由信息卡中妈妈职业后面呈现的是听诊器的图片,可以推断出妈妈的职业是医生,故填 doctor。
5. postman 解析:由信息卡中爸爸职业后面呈现的是信封的图片,可以推断出爸爸的职业是邮递员,故填 postman。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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