Unit 4 Hobbies单元测试(含答案无音频含听力原文)

Unit4 Hobbies
(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)
姓名: 得分:
( ) 1. A. also B. too C. to
( )2. A. what B. let C. wet
( )3. A. ice B. idea C. dear
( )4. A. hole B. hello C. help
( )5. A. beside B. behind C. between
( )6. A. forest B. front C. fridge
( )7. A. soup B. show C. stop
( )8. A. second B. first C. third
( )9. A. Bobby B. body C. boy
( )10. A. there are B. they are C. there is
( )1. A. Yes, I like. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.
( )2. A. I can skate. B. I like skating. C. I'm skating.
( )3. A. I have some books. B. I like reading. C. No, I don't.
( )4. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. C. No, there isn't.
( )5. A. He likes football B. No, she doesn't. C. Yes, he does.
四、听录音,根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。 (每小题1分,共5分)
( )1. A. He likes playing basketball. B. He likes playing football.
C. He likes playing baseball.
( )2. A. She likes playing the piano. B. She likes playing the guitar.
C. She likes playing the violin.
( )3. A. Music. B. Hobbies. C. Films.
( ) 4. A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor.
( )5. A. Three. B. Four. C. No one.
五、听录音,补全表格。 (每小题1分,共5分)
Name Country Hobby Animal friend
Wang Bing 1. ________ 4. ______ a cat
Danny the UK playing basketball and 3. _______ films a dog
Lina Canada 2. ________ a 5. ______
( )1. Su Yang likes skating and dancing. But Su Hai likes making fruit salads.
( )2.The young teacher buys a butterfly for you.
( ) 3. Look at this room. It is very good.
( ) 4. I like that kite in the sky.
( )5. My hobbies are reading stories and singing songs.
1. My friend Helen l r books very much.
2. Nancy has a brother. She a has a little sister.
3. There are some s in the book. They're very interesting.
4. They like . They can well.
5. Yang Ling's hobby is the .
go skating play the piano have an idea talk about be good at
1. Yang Ling very well. She usually plays at home.
2. They usually their hobbies in the classroom.
3. Sam likes swimming. He swimming.
4. — What can they do I have no idea.
— Maybe Sam . Let's go and ask him.
5. Billy likes very much. Look. He's skating on the ice.
( ) 1. — What they like doing
—They like .
A. are; skate B. does; skating C. do; skating
( )2. I rabbits. Nancy rabbits too.
A. like; like B. like; likes C. likes; likes
( )3. Tina English. She has English lesson Friday morning.
A. is good at; a; in B. good at; an; on C. is good at; an; on
( )4. Sam likes music. Bobby likes music too. They music.
A. are like B. both like C. too like
( ) 5. Mike can . He likes .
A. dance; dancing B. dancing; dance C. dancing; dancing
( ) 6. — What Mr Brown like doing
— He skiing.
A. does; do B. do; likes C. does; likes
( ) 7. Nancy's hobby is table tennis.
A. playing B. play C. playing the
( ) 8. Su Hai and Su Yang are .
A. twin B. twins sister C. twin sisters
( )9. — you run and jump — Yes, I can.
A. Do B. Does C. Can
( ) 10. They like stories and .
A. read; running B. reading; running C. reading; run
1. Nancy likes singing.(改为否定句)
Nancy singing.
2. Yang Ling likes watching films.(改为一般疑问句)
Yang Ling watching films
3. Her hobby is growing flowers.(对画线部分提问)
her hobby
4. My mother likes skating.(对画线部分提问)
your mother
5. I'm good at playing basketball.(同义句转换)
I basketball .
A: What is your hobby
B: My hobby is playing the piano. 1.
A: Do you play the piano every day
B: 2. I play the piano three times a week.
A: 3. Do you think so
B: No, I don't think so. I have piano lessons every week. I like playing the piano. 4.
A: No, I don't. I like sports. 5.
B: Really I like swimming too. Let's swim together.
A. I am good at swimming.
B. I like music very much.
C. Do you also like playing the piano
D. It's difficult to play the piano.
E. Yes, I do.
F. No, I don't.
十二、看图,完成对话。 (每空0.5分,共5分)
A: Su Hai and Su Yang twins
B: Yes, they .
A: What Su Hai like
B: She likes .
A: Su Yang like too
B: No. She likes films.
A: they have the same hobby
B: Yes. They like swimming.
十三、完形填空。 (每小题1分,共10分)
Peter has many 1 . He 2 English very much. He 3 hard. Every morning, he gets up early to read 4 , so he is good at 5 English. He also likes music. He often listens to music 6 his friends. He sings 7 but he 8 dance. 9 he like watching TV Yes, but he watches TV only on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sometimes his parents watch TV with him. And all the teachers like 10 .
( )1. A. friends B. hobbies C. habits
( )2. A. like B. doesn't like C. likes
( )3. A. works B. study C. work
( )4. A. Chinese B. stories C. English
( )5. A. speak B. speaking C. write
( )6. A. to B. with C. and
( )7. A. well B. good C. nice
( )8. A. can B. can't C. not
( )9. A. Do B. Does C. Can
( )10. A. he B. his C. him
十四、阅读理解。 (共15分)
Linda and Lily are friends. They're 13 years old. They have different hobbies. Linda likes collecting stamps(收集邮票). She has many beautiful stamps. They're from different cities and countries. But Lily likes watching films. Linda and Lily both like reading books. Linda likes reading storybooks. But Lily likes reading history books. On Sunday, they usually go to the park by bus.They play very happily there.
阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 (每小题1分,共5分)
( ) 1. Linda is Lily's friend.
( ) 2. Linda and Lily are twelve years old.
( ) 3. Linda likes watching films.
( ) 4. Lily likes reading storybooks.
( )5. Linda and Lily usually take a bus to the park on Sunday.
A mother horse and a little horse live on a farm. One day, the mother horse asks the little horse to carry a bag of wheat to the mill.
The little horse is happy to do it. He carries the bag and leaves home quickly.
After a while, he comes to a river. The mill is on the other side of the river. But there is no bridge over the river. The little horse doesn't know if he can cross it.
The little horse looks around and sees a cow. He asks,“Uncle Cow, is the river deep Can I cross it ”The cow answers,“The river is very shallow. You can cross it easily.”
The little horse is ready to cross the river. Just at that time, a squirrel jumps down from a tree and shouts,“Little horse, stop! You'll drown!”So the little horse draws back his legs quickly.
The squirrel cries sadly,“The water is too deep! One of my friends just drowned yesterday in the river. ”
The little horse doesn't know what to do. He goes home and asks his mother. When his mother hears his words, she laughs and says,“My child, don't always listen to others. You'd better go and try it out for yourself. Then you'll know what to do.”
The little horse comes back to the river. When he puts his legs in the water, the squirrel stops him again,“Little horse, it's too dangerous!”
“I want to try it by myself,”says the little horse. Then he crosses the river carefully, The water is not too deep or too shallow. It is just right for him.
( )1. The little horse is asked to carry the wheat to the .
A. river B. mill C. cow
( )2. After hearing the little horse's words, the mother horse asks him to .
A. listen to the squirrel B. listen to the cow
C. try it by himself
( ) 3. The little horse meets on his way to the mill.
A. a cow and a rabbit B. a cow and a squirrel
C. a squirrel and the mother horse
( )4. The little horse finds the river is for him at last.
A. too deep B. too shallow
C. just right
( ) 5. What do you learn from the story
A. Do not listen to others. B. No pain, no gain.
C. Real knowledge comes from practice.
1. The little horse carries a bag of and leaves home quickly.
2. The tells the little horse the river is very and that he can cross it easily.
3. The little horse tries to cross the river by and he finds the river is just for him.
十五、书面表达。 (共5分)
请根据以下图片提示,以“My friends’ hobbies”为题,写一篇短文,介绍你朋友们的业余爱好。不少于5句话。
My friends' hobbies
Unit4 Hobbies
一、 1. It's time to go home. 2. It's cold and wet.
3. I have a good idea. 4. There's a hole in the ice.5. Your football is beside the door. 6. Goldilocks is in the forest. 7. This soup is too hot. 8. Our classroom is on the third floor. 9. Its body is too hard. 10. There are some birds in the tree.
二、 1. Yang Ling is good at playing the violin.
2. The students like reading very much.
3. He likes drawing pictures.
4. The boys can play basketball well.
5. The girl isn't good at skating.
三、1. Do you like skating
What can you do
What do you have
Are there many books in your bedroom
5. Does your sister like watching TV
四、1. A: What do you like doing, Peter
B: I like playing basketball. What about you, Tim
A: I like playing football.
Q: What's Tim's hobby
A: What does Nancy like doing
B: She likes playing the piano.
A: What does Nancy's sister like doing
B: She likes playing the guitar.
Q: What does Nancy like doing
A: I like listening to music. How about you
B: I like watching films.
Q: What are the children talking about
A: This is my school.
B: How nice! Is there a music room on the first floor
A: No. The music room is on the second floor.
B: What's on the third floor
A: There are two computer rooms.
Q: Where's the music room
A: In our group, three students like playing basketball. How about your group, Jenny
B: In our group, four students like playing basketball.But they are not good at basketball.
Q: How many students like playing basketball in Jenny's group
五、My name is Wang Bing. I'm Chinese. I'm twelve years old. I like swimming, and I can swim very fast. I have an animal friend. It's a cat. I have two good friends. One is Danny and the other is Lina. Danny is from the UK. He likes playing basketball and watching films. He has a lovely dog. He likes it very much.Lina is Canadian. Dancing is her hobby. She usually
plays with her rabbit after school.
一、 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A8. C 9. B 10. A
二、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F
三、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B
四、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B
五、1. China 2. swimming 3. watching 4. dancing5. rabbit
六、1. B 解析:字母 a 在 skating 和 making 中发/e /音,在 dancing 中发/ɑ /音。2. B 解析:字母 y 在young 和 you 中发/j/音,在 butterfly 中发/a /音。
3. B 解析:字母组合oo在look和good中发/ /音,在room 中发/u /音。4. C 解析:字母i在 like 和 kite中发/a /音,在in中发/ /音。5. B 解析:字母o在hobbies和 songs 中发/ /音,在 stories 中发/ /音。
七、1. likes reading 2. also 3. stories 4. singing;sing 5. playing; piano
八、1. plays the piano 2. talk about 3. is good at4. has an idea 5. going skating
九、1. C 2. B 3. C 解析: be good at 意为“擅长于”; English 以 元 音 音 素 开 头, 故 用 an; Friday morning表示具体的时间,故用介词 on。 4. B解析:both意为“两个都”,一般用于肯定句中。
5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 解析:根据答句“Yes,I can.”可知,问句是can引导的一般疑问句。
10. B 解析: like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”; and前后连接两个相同的成分。
十、 1. doesn't like 2. Does; like 3. What's
4. What does; like doing 5. can play; well
十一、 1. B 2. F 3. D 4. C 5. A
十二、Are; are; does; doing; dancing; Does; dancing;watching; Do; both
十三、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A8. B 10. C
十四、 (一) 1. T 解析:根据“Linda and Lily are friends.”可知,她们是朋友。2. F 解析:根据“They're 13 years old.”可知,她们都是 13 岁。
3. F 解析:根据“Linda likes collecting stamps.”可知,琳达喜欢收集邮票,而不是看电影。4. F解析:根据“But Lily likes reading history books.”可知,莉莉喜欢看历史书,而不是故事书。 5.T
(二) (A) 1. B 解析:根据“One day, the mother horse asks the little horse to carry a bag of wheat to the mill.”可知,小马的妈妈要求小马搬运一袋小麦到磨坊。2. C 解析: 根据“You’d better go and try it out for yourself. Then you'll know what to do.”可知,小马的妈妈让他最好自己去试试。 3.B 解析:通读全文可知,小马去磨坊的路上遇到了一头奶牛和一只松鼠。4. C 解析:根据“It is just right for him.”可知,河水的深度正好适合小马。 5.C 解析:小马过河的故事告诉我们:遇事不能光靠别人的意见来做决定,一定要亲自去实践,才能找到最适合自己的解决办法。
(B) 1. wheat 2. cow; shallow 3. himself; right
十五、One possible version:
My friends’ hobbies
I have many friends. They have a lot of hobbies. Yang Ling likes reading stories. She has many books. Liu Tao likes playing football and he is good at it. Mike likes playing basketball. He can play it well. Su Hai likes dancing. She dances beautifully.



上一篇:Unit 1-Unit 4单元知识必备2023-2024冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册
