Unit 2 Last weekend同步练习(无答案)

PEP六下Unit 2 Last weekend 练习题
姓名:_________ 班级:___________
1.clean __________ 2.stay __________ 3. watch__________ 4.wash __________
5.am/is __________ 6.are __________ 7.do __________ 8.have __________
9.dance __________ 10.read __________ 11.sleep__________ 12.drink __________
1.last __________ 2.yesterday__________ 3.the day before yesterday__________
4.had a cold __________ 5.drank tea ___________ 6.children’s shows ________________
7.last weekend __________ 8.last night___________ 9.last Monday_________________
10.magazine__________ 11.before___________ 12.better_________________
1. What _________(do/did)you do last weekend?
2. I __________ (stay/stayed) at home with my mother yesterday.
3. How _______ (is/was) your weekend
4. Did you do _____________ (anything/any) else
5. We __________ (drink/drank) tea last Sunday.
(  ) 1. — What did Tom do last night
— He     his homework.
A. do   B. does  C. did
(  ) 2. She     TV now.
A. watched     B. watches  C. is watching
(  ) 3. — How was your last weekend
— ____________l.
A. It was fine.   B. It is fine.      C.I did my homework.
(  ) 4. Did you do anything else
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. No, I don’t.
(  ) 5. — What did you do last weekend — I _______ my room.
A. cleaned B. clean C. cleaning
(  ) 6. He _______ at home last Friday.
A. stay B. staying C. stayed
(  ) 7. I watched _______ children’s shows on TV yesterday.
A. any B. some C. the
(  ) 8. What _____ you _____ yesterday
A. do; do B. did; do C. did; did
(  ) 9. Did you _____ TV last weekend
A. watch B. watches C. watched
(  ) 10. — Did you read a book yesterday — Yes, I _____.
A. do B. didn’t C. did
(  ) 11._____ did he do last weekend
How B. What C. When
A. It was bad. Everything was old.
B. I stayed at home all day.
C. Yes, it was.
D. No, I didn’t.
E. He visited his uncle.
( ) 1. Was the magazine interesting
( ) 2. What did Mark do yesterday
( ) 3. How was your stay at the Holiday Hotel
( ) 4. Where did you go yesterday
( ) 5. Did you play basketball last weekend
Sarah was busy but very happy last Sunday. She washed her clothes and cooked noodles in the morning. She did her homework and played the piano in the afternoon. She cleaned her room and listened to music in the evening. Next Sunday, she is going to the park with her parents.
( )1. Sarah cooked noodles last Sunday.
( )2. Sarah watched TV last Sunday.
( )3. Sarah did her homework last Sunday.
( )4. Sarah is going to visit her grandparents next Sunday.



