
八年级 英语
第一部分 选择题(50分)
I am not like most kids because of my cerebral palsy (脑瘫). One of my 1 is shorter and smaller than the other, so I don't have much control over that foot. I have to wear a brace on my leg to keep it from curling (蜷缩) up, and that makes it hard for me to 2 .
Because I walk 3 and wear a brace, I am given unfriendly names by other kids. You don't know how cruel they can be unless you 4 it. Sometimes I just have to cry my feelings out. Sometimes I come home with my eyes red. It's not fun when others 5 me over something I can't control.
CP is not an illness. It will never go away. I will have it for my whole 6 . Over the years, I have learned to 7 my strong points, One of my strong points is singing. I try hard at it. That is something to keep me going every day.
If you also have some kind of 8 like me, start today to do something that makes you happy. Do whatever you believe you can. Talk to someone with the same problem.
I hope my story will 9 you to take a better look at life and know there are kids who also have a hard time. Don't let the hard times stop your 10 , and keep reaching for the stars.
1.A.arms B.hands C.legs D.ears
2.A.sit B.lie C.sleep D.balance
3.A.successfully B.differently C.happily D.peacefully
4.A.experience B.describe C.practise D.explain
5.A.take care of B.make fun of C.put up with D.catch up with C.week D.year
7.A.look up B.look for C.look over D.look through
8.A.pleasure B.surprise C.disability
9.A.order B.invite C.encourage D.train
10.A.memories B.secrets C.stories D.dreams
第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题1.5分)
Learn about the science of sleeping
Our bodies sleep in 90-minute cycles (周期), experiencing five to six each night. At first, you enter a light stage of sleep when your muscles (肌肉) relax. Then, the body temperature drops, and the heart rate (心率) slows. Next comes deep sleep. It's difficult to wake up during this stage. This is when your body repairs itself and builds up energy for the day ahead. Finally, you get into the REM (快速眼动) sleep stage. It is when most dreaming happens. After REM sleep, the cycle repeats.
Waking up in the morning in the "wrong" stage can make you feel especially tired. An app called Sleep Calculator can help you avoid this. It can work out the perfect bedtime for you based on your wake-up time.
Developed by the UK company Hillarys, this smart calculator considers the sleep cycles our bodies go through each night. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, simply input your wake-up time, and the calculator will work out the perfect bedtime to make sure that you rise and shine with a spring in your step.
It's also worth noting that you shouldn't just start your sleep cycle whenever you want. Many young people go to bed late and get up late, such as sleeping from 2 am to 10 am. They think as long as they have 8 hours' sleep, everything will be fine. But in fact, our bodies can tell the time, by using light and temperature. If we wake up too late, we may feel even more tired after oversleeping.
11.How many stages does each sleep cycle have
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
12.What happens to us during the stage of deep sleep
A.We get into dreams and stay still. B.Our temperature goes down quickly.
C.Our heart rate rises and muscles relax. D.We build up energy and repair our body.
13.What will happen if you wake up in a ''wrong" stage
A.Your eyes will move rapidly. B.You may feel very tired.
C.You may have bad dreams. D.You may lose energy quickly.
14.What can Sleep Calculator do for users
A.Suggest the perfect bedtime. B.Prevent you from dreaming a lot.
C.Wake you up when you oversleep. D.Make you fall asleep faster.
15.Where can we probably read the passage
A.In a history textbook. B.In a tour guide. C.In a science magazine. D.In a story book.
Over one hundred years ago, there lived a man named Phileas Fogg. For many years, he led a very quiet life. He spent every day at his club, which was where rich men went to meet their friends.
Every morning, he left his house at exactly 11:30 and walked 576 steps to his club. Then he ate lunch. After lunch, Fogg read three newspapers from cover to cover. Then he ate supper. After that, he played cards with friends. At midnight, he went home to bed... before doing exactly the same the next day.
But one Wednesday everything changed. Fogg read some amazing news in his paper.
"Listen to this," he announced (宣告) to his friends. "It says it's possible to travel around the world in only eighty days!"
Although his friends had a laugh over that, Fogg was sure he could do it.
When one friend bet (打赌) that it couldn't be done, Fogg replied, "I will bet twenty thousand pounds that I can go around the world in eighty days or less!"
Everyone thought he was crazy but Fogg had made up his mind. "I shall be back on December 21st," he said.
As soon as he arrived home, Fogg asked Passepartout, his butler (男管家), to pack a small bag, Luckily, Passepartout moved very quickly.
In less than ten minutes, they were on their way to the station... and at 8:45 exactly, the train pulled out, Fogg and Passepartout were off on their great adventure.
They were heading for the coast, where they could catch a boat to France. But they were also beading straight for trouble.
Adapted from Around the World in Eighty Days.
16.How did the author start the story
A.By introducing the main character. B.By setting a good example.
C.By describing a peaceful scene. D.By expressing his opinion.
17.What was Fogg's life like according to Paragraph l and 2
A.Happy and exciting. B.Quiet and boring.
C.Boring and dangerous. D.Busy and peaceful.
18.What does the underlined word "it" refer to
A.To travel around the world in 80 days. B.To have a twenty-thousand-pound bet.
C.To tum a deaf ear to his friends' laughter, D.To read some amazing news to his friends.
19.How long did it take Passepartout to pack a bag
A.In half an hour. B.In nearly an hour. C.Within ten minutes. D.In over 10 minute.
20.According to the last paragraph, what might happen after they got on the boat
A.They might have a safe and pleasant trip.
B.They might get into trouble during the trip.
C.They might visit their friend named trouble.
D.They might take a carriage for the whole trip.
"On the very first day of 2024, I saw the snows of Kilimanjaro," said Xu Zhuoyuan, a 17-year-old mountaineer from Hunan.
Xu climbed the tallest peak (山峰) in Africa on Jan 1st. She even stood on top of Mount Qomolangma last May, making her the youngest Chinese girl to climb to the world's highest peak from the southern slope (南坡).
Xu's mountaineering journey began on a family trip to Sichuan four years ago. Passing by Mount Siguniang, she felt drawn to its beauty and decided to try scaling (攀登) it. She fell in love with mountaineering right then and there.
For the next few years, Xu did hard training. She went to the mountains in Yunnan and Sichuan every month, climbing peaks over 5,000 meters and doing daily physical exercises. All that hard work got her ready for the challenges she would face on Kilimanjaro.
Above 4,000 meters on Mount Kilimanjaro, the climate is similar to a desert, with big temperature differences. The whole climb took seven days, during which Xu faced unpredictable weather such as rain and strong winds. Staying warm and avoiding heat loss were the main challenges. Xu had to keep an eye on the temperature and change her clothes when the temperature changed.
This climb was also a learning experience for Xu. She was climbing with Xia Boyu, the first Chinese climber to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma with a prosthetic (假肢的) leg. who was almost 74 years old. "Every time I felt like giving up, just seeing Xia was enough to encourage me." Xu said.
Looking ahead, Xu has set great goals for herself. She plans to climb the highest peak on each of the seven continents (大陆) and visit the North and South Poles (南极) by the time she's 18. That's her "7+2 program".
21.When did Xu climb to the world's highest peak from the southern slope
A.In January, 2024. B.In May, 2023. C.In January, 2022. D.In May, 2020.
22.What encouraged Xu to start her mountaineering journey
A.Her parents' love for climbing. B.Her love for different exercises.
C.A visit to Mount Siguniang in Sichuan. D.Her curiosity about Mount Qomolangma.
23.What does the underlined word "unpredictable" probably mean in the passage
A.Changeable. B.Comfortable. C.Acceptable. D.Enjoyable.
24.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about
A.How awful the climate was and what she did with her clothes.
B.How tall the mountain is and how quickly the temperature drops.
C.The main challenge during Xu's climb and how she dealt with it.
D.How long it took Xu to scale the peak and how she stayed warm.
25.What may be the best title for the passage
A.An unforgettable learning experience. B.The life of a brave Chinese mountaineer.
C.A young Chinese mountaineer's "7+2 program". D.A young Chinese mountaineer scaled new heights.
第二节 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。(共5小题,每小题2分)
A.Penelope told her mum that she wanted a summer job. B.So she also set up a reading club for them to share ideas. C.Penelope, on the other hand, chose to do something different. D.Though she was busy at the library, Penelope was satisfied every day. E.During the opening hours, the library was always crowded but quiet. F.And they were glad to provide the family's garage as her library.
For many kids, summer vacation is the time to play. They can finally leave books and lessons behind after a term of busy school life.
26 She hated to waste time on meaningless things. Since Penelope not only liked reading, but also wished to share her love for reading with other kids, she came up with a plan to run her own library in the neighborhood.
Penelope's parents completely agreed with her. 27 Penelope brought all her books to her new library. After everything was ready, Penelope started opening the garage (车库) door for a few hours from Monday to Friday.
And it wasn't long before children began lining up outside the garage. 28 Weeks later, Penelope found most children liked to communicate with others after reading something interesting. 29 It became really popular among the readers. More and more children joined the club. They thanked Penelope for her meaningful action. 30
Her garage library enables more people to continue reading and learning. It is really a fantastic way to develop life-long learners.
第三节 信息匹配
A.How's Moving Castle is set in a fictional kingdom (虚构王国) where both magic and early 21st century technologies are used to fight against each other at a war with another kingdom.
B.The Boy and the Heron (鹭) is about a boy who moves to the country after his mother's death and then discovers an old tower near his new home, and enters a fantastic unknown world with a talking heron.
C.Coco is totally a treat for music-lovers. It is about family, life and death, along with many beautiful songs to remind us of our love for people who we care about and who are close to us.
D.Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child is based on the Chinese mythological (神话的) character Nezha. In the film, he fights for his own future and forms a strong friendship with Ao Bing, a dragon prince from the East Sea.
E.30,000 Miles from Chang'an follows the story of the long friendship of Li Bai and Gao Shi. After watching the movie, you will better understand the history during the Tang Dynasty (朝).
F.Kung Fu Panda 4 came as the fourth film of its series. This time, a new dragon warrior must be found to continue the title, Still, Kung Fu fighting scenes and Chinese elements can be seen.
( )31.Nelson likes music. He thinks it's nice to watch a cartoon while enjoying music.
( )32.Gary dreams to go on an adventure to explore the unknown world.
( )33.Helen's dream is to be a historian and study Chinese history of thousands of years.
( )34.Wendy's hobby is reading Chinese mythologies. She thinks they are amazing.
( )35.Alice loves all kinds of magic, especially when they're fighting against technologies.
第二部分 非选择题(25分)
Tao Yuanming, also known as Tao Qian, was a famous poet during the Six Dynasties period. He named 36 (him) "Five Willows (五柳先生)" after the five willow trees beside his house.
He often wrote poems 37 (show) his opinions. Each time he came to understand something, he was so happy that he 38 (forget) about his meals.
His poems 39 (refect) described a life of faring and drinking, so he 40 (call) "Poet of the Fields". In his poems, the readers were advised to drop out of official (官员) life 41 move to the country. Tao's simple and plain style of writing became 42 (famous) than many poets then because his works reached a larger number of people at the time.
The 43 (express) of his love for the country life attracted many poets, too. Su Shi, one of 44 most important poets of the Song Dynasty, said that even Li Bai, or Du Fu didn't succeed in matching Tao's achievement, Different 45 many poets, his poems show harmony and simplicity both in his life and his writing style.
假设你是阳光中学学生李华,你校将上周五举办了社团文化节,校报英语专栏Happy time向同学们征集报导该活动的稿件,请根据提示写一篇英文报道向专栏投稿。内容包括:
活动目的 丰富校园生活和校园文化
活动内容 ①Traditional Art Club 做剪纸、中国结
②Cartoon club 动漫人物绘画展
参考词汇:丰富 enrich v. 中国结 Chinese knot n. 展览 exhibition n.
Last Friday, a club festival was held in our school __________________________________________________
1-5 CDBAB 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 BDBAC 16-20 ABACB 21-25 BCACD
26-30 CFEBD 31-35 CBEDA
36.himself show 38.forgot 39.perfectly 40.was called
41.and 42.more famous 43.expression/expressions 44.the 46.from
Last Friday, a club festival was held in our school, aiming to enrich campus culture and our school life. The event included a variety of club activities.
Members of the traditional art club made paper-cuttings and Chinese knots. They also taught interested students how to do it. Besides, the Cartoon Club brought us fun with their cartoon character drawing exhibition. Their works attracted many students. (Moreover, the Volunteer Club organized a money raising activity for children in poor areas. What a helpful club!) In addition, the robot club organized a robot competition, inviting competitors to show their skills and creativity in designing robots that could perform specific tasks.
Overall, the club festival was a great success. It not only provided a stage for students to show their talents but also allowed them to make friends with those who shared the same interest.



