
吉林油田第十二中学 2023-2024 17. When did the volunteers go to Grandma Liu’s home 学年度第二学期期末质量检测 A. Last Sunday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Friday.
18. Did the volunteers do the dishes
初二英语试卷 A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didn’t. C. We don’t know.
(试卷满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟) 19. The volunteers bought some for Grandma Liu.
一、听力部分(20分) A. food B. clothes C. everyday things
I. 听句子 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。 (5分) 20. When will the volunteers go to see Grandma Liu again
1. A. I did my homework. B. I want some coffee. C. I have a sore throat. A. Next weekend. B. Next month. C. Next year.
2. A. Not much. B. Quite good. C. A little late. 二、基础知识(15分)
3. A. Sure, I could. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. No, I don’t. V. 选择填空
4. A. I was sleeping. B. I slept. C. I am sleeping. 21. Treasure Island is classic. It’s about a boy who comes to island
5. A. Five months ago. B. In five months. C. For five months. to find treasures.
II. 对话问答 根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案 (5分) A. an, a B. an, the C. a,an
6. A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy. 22. — Could you introduce a good book me
7. A. Make his bed. B. Do his homework. C. Clean his room. — Little Women is a good choice.
8. A. He has few friends. B. He is popular. C. He is happy. A. for B. to C. with
9. A. Tom Sawyer. B. Oliver Twist. C. Harry Potter. 23. As we all know, the population of China about 1.4 billion.
10. A. An elephant. B. A panda. C. A koala. A. are B. has been C. is
III. 图片理解 看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符的选项(有一幅图与描 24. Why not consider the history museum
述内容无关)(5分) A. visit B. visiting C. to visit
25. -- What’s the biggest city in China
-- Shanghai. It’s bigger than city in China.
A. the other B. another C. any other
26. So far, I a letter from my friend in Moscow.
A. don’t get B. didn’t get C. haven’t got
A. B. C. 27. Don’t worry about me, mom. I’m a child.
A. no longer B. no long C. not longer
28. Lisa has to Beijing. She will be back in two weeks. But I have never
to Beijing before.
A. gone; gone B. gone; been C. been; gone
29. Tian’anmen Square is about 440,000 square meters . It’s the biggest city
square in the world.
D. E. F. A. in width B. in length C. in size
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 30. My parents for 20 years. Today is their wedding anniversary(结婚纪念日).
IV.听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择最佳答案 (5分) A. have been married B. have married C. married
16. There’s something wrong with Grandma Liu’s . 31. He says he us as soon as he arrives in the US.
A. arms and legs B. head and eyes. C. eyes and legs. A. calls B. has called C. will call
英语试卷 第 1页 (共 10页) 英语试卷 第 2页 (共 10页)
32. Robinson Crusoe felt very on the small island at he beginning because he A: 42.____________________
lived without anyone with him. B: It’s about Xuanzang and his disciples’(弟子) experiences to the west.
A. lone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonely A: Which character 43.___________________
33. Our teacher tells us that a panda can 20 to 30 years. B: I like the main character-- the Monkey King. He can make 72 changes to his shape
A. stand up to B. live up to C. add up to and size. By the way, would you like to read the book
34. -- I don’t like action movies. What about you A: Yes, I’d like to. 44.____________________
-- . I like comedies. B: Of course! I’ll finish reading in ten minutes.
A. So do I B. Neither have I C. Neither do I A: Thank you! 45.____________________ can I keep it
35. There are no other man-made objects as as Chinese Great Wall. B: What about a week
A. big B. bigger C. biggest A: OK. I’ll finish reading it in a week.
三、交际运用(共 15分) 四、阅读部分(共 55分)
VI. 完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。其 Ⅷ.完型填空 (5分)
中有一个多余选项。(5分) My favorite thing from childhood is a doll. I 46 it from my aunt on my 5
birthday. 47 then it has been always on my bed and I can’t go to sleep 48 kissing
A. You’ve been to more places than I have. it at night. When I went to a boarding school, I took it with me. My roommates(室友) used
B. Well, you’ll have a lot of chances if you like. to 49 at me about it, but I still kept it beside my pillow(枕头).
C. I’ve never seen such places in China. I love it so 50 because it gives me comfort(安慰) whenever I feel bad.
D. Where is it 46. A. bought B. got C. made
E. What places have you been to in China 47. A. But B. After C. Since
F. Have you ever been there before 48. A. with B. without C. after
A Hi, Kate. 36. 49. A. laugh B. smile C. shout:
B:Oh, I’ve been to many places, such as Xi’an, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Tibet. 50. A. long B. many C. much
A Ⅸ.短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。其中有两个选项是多余的。(10分):37.
B:Really What places have you been to A.When B. make sure C. job D. play with E. liked F. Chinese
A:Very few. I’ve only been to Pingyao. G.Though H.stay with I. tiring J. as K. her L. said
A In Shanxi. It’s a small place, but it has a long history. It’s one of the oldest towns Pandas are one of China’s treasures. They are so lovely that many foreign tourists:
in China. There you can see a well-kept city e to China to see them every year.
B: 39. I’ve just seen a lot of natural scenery, but not much Some of the foreigners even choose to 51 pandas. Abe Nobuko from Japan, is
old Chinese culture yet. one of them. She came to Sichuan many years ago and worked 52 a panda keeper.
A: 40. When Abe Nobuko was three years old, her grandmother bought 53 a toy
. panda.The little girl 54 it very much. She went everywhere with it. 55 AbeⅦ补全对话 根据对话内容,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。(每空词数不限)
10 grew up, she learned a lot about pandas.( 分)
A: Hi, Tony. What are you doing One day, her mother 56 to her, “You like pandas so much, Why don’t you
B: I’m reading a book called Journey to the West. find a 57 that has something to do with pandas ” Abe thought it was a great idea.
A: Journey to the West 41.____________________ In order to work in the panda zoo, Abe learned 58 in college. After graduation,
B: There are 755 pages in all. I have read 730 pages. she came to China to study about the animal protection. Three years later, she started
英语试卷 第 3页 (共 10页) 英语试卷 第 4页 (共 10页)
working at a panda base in Sichuan. C. cook dinner; walk the dog D. make her bed; clean the bathroom
Abe does her best to 59 the pandas at the base are healthy and happy. The job 65. What can we learn about Lisa
is 60 , but Abe never complains(抱怨 ). “I love pandas and I love this job,” she A. She makes her bed every day.
Do you like pandas If you do, then try to learn as much about pandas as you can! B. Her parents never give her any pocket money.
Ⅹ. 阅读理解 (40分) C. She needs to walk the dog twice a week.
(A) D. She doesn’t need to do any housework on Saturday.
Lisa’s weekly housework (B)
Lisa’s parent want her to do some housework every day. They don’t want Lisa to Wang Hua is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, he finished high school
depend on them too much. Lisa can learn some life skills (技能 )and get some pocket and found a job in a shop. Usually he works until 9 o’clock at night. He is very tired when
money at the same time. Let’s see what housework Lisa does in a week. he gets home. After a quick supper, he always goes to bed quietly. His grandma who lives
downstairs(楼下) is happy with this.
Paid housework One day, on his way home, he happened to meet Zhou Weilun. They were both happy
Monday Do the dishes $1 because they hadn’t seen each other since graduation(毕业 ). They talked about their
Tuesday Sweep the floor $1 school, teachers, classmates and their future. They couldn’t stop and went to Wang Hua’s
Wednesday Take out the rubbish $1 house together with some fruit and drinks. They went on talking there.
Thursday Help cook dinner $3 “Have a look at your watch, Wang Hua. I left mine at home,” Zhou Weilun said.
Friday Wash clothes $2 “What time is it Maybe I should go home.”
Saturday Clean the bathroom $5 “Sorry, but there is something wrong with my watch,” said Wang Hua.
Sunday Wash the car $6 Wang Hua thought for a while and began to stamp(跺脚) his foot on the floor. “Bang!
Bang! Bang!”
Unpaid housework (Every day) The sound woke up his grandma. The old woman shouted, “It is twelve o’clock at
make her bed night, Wang Hua. Why are you still jumping upstairs ”
walk the dog 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(5分)
set the table 66.How old was Wang Hua when he finished high school
put away her own things (toys,books,clothes...) A. Sixteen. B.Seventeen.
根据短文和图表内容,选择最佳答案。(5分) C. Twenty. D.Eighteen.
67. The old woman was happy because Wang Hua ________ .
61. Lisa’s parents want her to be ________. A.is her grandson B.is clever
A. smart B. happy C. independent D. successful C.Can always keep quiet at night D.gets home on time at night
62. Lisa ________ every Thursday. 68. From the story, we can know that Zhou Weilun is Wang Hua’s _________.
A. washes clothes B. helps cook dinner C.does the dishes D. washes the car A.teacher B.classmate C.grandpa D.cousin
63. Lisa can get _______ in a week. 69. Wang Hua DIDN’T know the time because _________.
A.$20 B.$19 C.$11 D.$6 A.he left his watch at home
64. Lisa helps _______ and _______ on Tuesday. B.he had no watch
C.his watch was lost
A. sweep the floor; set the table B. set the table; wash clothes D.his watch didn’t work
英语试卷 第 5页 (共 10页) 英语试卷 第 6页 (共 10页)
70. Wang Hua stamped his foot on the floor in order to _________
A. ask his grandma to buy them some more fruit and drinks A. So most people choose to sell the things they don’t use anymore.
B. make his grandma happy B. A bargain is something that you get for lower than its usual price.
C. know the time from his grandma C. They might buy an object simply because it costs so little.
D. get a watch from his grandma D. They put them outside their houses.
E. Then they sit all day waiting for someone to take them home.
Greenland is the largest island in the world. It’s in the northeast of North America. (E)
Near Greenland is another island. It’s small. Its name is Iceland. Do you think that 81 Can you imagine a sea of sand three times bigger than India This is the Sahara
Greenland is green and warm Do you think that Iceland is white with ice If you do, Desert, the largest desert in the world. It covers 11 countries in North Africa and is over 9
you’re wrong. That is because most of Greenland is covered with lots of ice. The ice is million square kilometers.
higher than the world’s tallest building. There are more people in your hometown than 82 In the Sahara, temperatures are very different during the day and night. It is
those in Greenland. What about Iceland Iceland has ice, but not so much ice as Greenland. much hotter during the day than at night. Because of the extreme(极端的) temperature in
Iceland has lots of hot spring(温泉). They give out hot water and steam. The climate(气候) the desert, it is a very difficult place to survive(幸存). Marco Rivera, our survival expert,
is less cold than that in Greenland. And there are a lot more people living in Iceland. has some tips.
根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(5分) 83 Take warm clothes and a blanket. You will need a hat, long trousers and a thick
71. Greenland is in the northeast of North America. sweater to keep you warm at night. During the day, cover your body, head and face.
72. Greenland is green and warm. Clothes protect you from the sun and keep water in your body. You will also need a warm
73. It is colder in Iceland than that in Greenland. blanket at night. It can get cold rapidly(迅速地). When the temperature drops, it can make
74. Iceland is the largest island in the world. you feel even colder.
75. There are much more people living in Iceland than in Greenland. 84 Try to drink some water at least once an hour. You need your water to last as
long as possible. Drink only when you need. If you eat, you will get thirsty and your water
(D) will run out soon. You can eat a little to stop you from feeling very hungry. Eat small
“Everybody loves bargain(减价品).” is a famous saying. 76 In our daily life, amount of food slowly.
one person’s useless or broken object may be another person’s bargain. That is why 85 It’s important to stay out of the sun during the day. Make a hole under your car
Americans don’t throw things away. 77 And they put up a “For Sale” sign to and lie there. This will keep you cool and help you sleep. Find a warm place to sleep at
have a yard sale. night. A small place near a tree or a rock will be the warmest. But be careful before you
Over the years, many people’s houses have been filled useless objects. It seems decide where to sleep. Dangerous animals like snakes also like to sleep in these places.
wasteful to throw them away. 78 The sellers put an ad(广告) in a newspaper first. Look carefully for animals before you lie down.
It tells others when and where the yard sale will take place. Early in the morning, people (a) 根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。(5分)
take their things out of the house. 79 A. Temperature.
Anything can be sold at a yard sale, such as old toys, tools, books, tables and chairs. B. The place to sleep.
Some people go to yard sales to find a special thing. However,some people don’t sell their C. The largest desert in the world.
old things. 80 Later, they may hold their own yard sales to sell all the things D. The things to take.
they have bought. E. Some advice about water.
英语试卷 第 7页 (共 10页) 英语试卷 第 8页 (共 10页)
(b) 根据短文内容,补全下面的表格。每空一词。(5分) 五、书面表达(15分)
The size of the Sahara Desert It is over 86 million square kilometers. Ⅺ.假设你是 Linda,请以“Changes in My Hometown”为题,介绍一下你家乡的变
Why is the Sahara Desert a very 化。
difficult place to survive Because of the extreme 87 in the desert. 内容包括:
What things to take Warm 88 and a blanket. 1. 这些年来,我的家乡发生了很大变化;
2. 我的家乡过去是一个安静的小城。道路又窄又脏,到处是垃圾。人们住在又小又
How to drink water Try to drink some water at least 89 an hour andtry to make your water last as long as possible. 旧的房子里。人们只能靠步行或骑自行车出行;
Where to sleep at night A small place 90 a tree or a rock. 3. 后来,政府采取措施改善了这种情况。现在街道宽阔干净,两边绿树成荫。人们
(F) 4. 我认为...(此处请用 1-2 句话适当发挥)
It was a cold night. The taxi driver didn’t take even one passenger all day. When he 提示词:narrow 窄的;take action 采取行动;improve 改善
went by the train station, he saw a young man coming out with two bags in his hands. So 要求:1.内容必须包括所有要点; 2.不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.语句通顺,字
he drove to him and asked, “Where are you going, sir ” 迹工整,时态正确 ;4. 词数在 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
“To the MP Hotel,” the young man answered. When the taxi driver heard this, he
didn’t feel happy any more. The young man would give him only three dollars because the Changes in My Hometown
hotel was near the train station. But suddenly, he had an idea. He took the young man
through many streets of the big city. After a long time, they arrived at the hotel. “Here we There have been great changes in my hometown over the years.
are! You should pay me seventeen dollars, please,” the taxi driver said to the young man.
“What Seventeen dollars! Do you think I’m a fool Only last week, I took a taxi from the
train station to this hotel and only gave the driver fifteen dollars. I know how much I have
to pay for the trip!”
91.What was the weather like that night
92. Where was the young man want to go
93. What did the taxi driver do before be drove the young man to the destination(目的
94. How much did the young man think he should pay for the trip
95. Did the taxi driver cheat(欺骗) the young man
英语试卷 第 9页 (共 10页) 英语试卷 第 10页 (共 10页)
初二英语期末质量检测 试卷答案及评分细则
Ⅰ.1--5 C B B A C
Ⅱ.6--10 B C A C B
Ⅲ.11--15 E B F D C
Ⅳ.16-20 C B B C A
一、 基础知识
21--25 C B C B C
26--30 C A B C A
31--35 C B B C A
二、 交际运用
Ⅵ.完成对话 36--40 EAD C B
Ⅶ.补全对话 41. How many pages are there (in all)
42. What’s it about /What’s the book about /What’s the
main content of the book
43.do you like/do you like best/ do you prefer
44.Could/Can you lend it/the book to me
Could/Can you lend me the book
45.How long
注:首字母不大写扣 0.5 分;意思相近但不完全正确扣 1 分;语法错误不给分;
拼写错误每处扣 0.5 分。41 小题答“How many pages does the book have ”
三、 阅读理解
Ⅷ.完型填空 46-50 B C BAC
Ⅸ.完成短文 51-55 H J K EA 56-60 L C F B I
Ⅹ. 阅读理解
(A)61--65 C B B A A
(B)66--70 D C B D C
(C)71--75 T F F F T
(D)76--80 B DA E C
(E)(a)81--85 CAD E B
(b) 86. 9/nine 87. temperature 88. clothes
89. once 90. near
(F)91.It was cold./Cold.注:第 91题答“It was a cold night”扣 1分。
92.The MP Hotel./ The young man wanted to go to the the MP Hotel.
93. He took the young man through many streets of the big city.
94. Fifteen dollars./ $15./ He thought he should only pay fifteen dollars./15
dollars./ 15.
95.Yes, he did./ Yes.
Ⅺ. 书面表达
1. 作文分数档按中考评分标准;
2. 单词拼写错误:四处-1′,三处按-1′处理;
3. 句型及语法错误:一处-1′;
4. 时态错误:通篇-2′
5. 单复数错误:一处-0.5′;
6. 缺少一项内容-1′ ;
7. 抄写前面阅读:0 分处理;
8. 错的地方务必标记;特殊试卷标记“典型试卷”,供大家备课研讨。




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