Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?单元评估卷(无答案)2023-2024人教版八年级英语下册

Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?
1. -Watch out! There are (落下的)trees in font of you.
-Thank you a lot!
2. I have to tell you the (实情)that this machine is beyond repair. I'm afraid you have to buy another one.
3. The minute I came to the library, I (突然)remembered I hadn't locked the door.
4. That early morning, we sat at the beach and watched the sun (升起)above the sea.
5. MH370 was missing with more than 200 people inside. The whole world were (震惊的)to hear of the bad news.
6. A boy was (敲打) a big drum in the yard when the rainstorm came.
7. -Can you help me I have trouble (报道;讲述)the story in English.
-Sure, with pleasure.
8. When we saw the winner with no arms, we were (完全地)surprised and moved.
1. -It is very difficult for us to hear what you are talking about because it is raining h outside.
-Well, I'll try to speak louder.
2. Why not try the m on the table Perhaps we can set a fire with them.
3. The teacher b to hand out the test papers at 8:00, and you have to hand in the papers when the test finishes at 10:00.
4. Our class is going to play soccer a Class One this afternoon and our players are all ready and confident!
5. Not until the father saved his little girl from the fire, did he r it was so dangerous.
6. The woman often felt tired r , so she decided to see the doctor soon.
7. The little boy fell a with a smile on his face soon after his mother finished a story.
8. -What's the d today
-It's April 1st. You should be careful, because it's April Fool's Day and people may play tricks on you.
1. -Could you help me to (倒垃圾)?Mum will be back any minute now.
-No problem.
1. The alarm didn't (发出响声)so that he was late for work.
2. Many tall buildings were (摧毀;往下拽)by the earthquake and unluckily, a lot of people lost their lives.
3. -Was the wind blowing hard when you went to school
-No, it was (逐渐减弱).
4. -Jane, I called you last night, but no one (接听) the phone. What happened
-Oh, I was listening to music at that time.
5. When the students saw their headteacher walk into the classroom, the noisy class suddenly fell (沉默;无声).
two, luck, happen, hot, alarm
Dear Jane,
You won't believe what 1 on my holiday. I'm OK, so don't worry, but ... there was a fire in our holiday apartment last night! We heard the fire 2 at two o'clock in the morning. I thought it was a bad dream at first, but then my father told us to get up. He knew just what to do! I was about to run into the hallway, but Dad told us to wait. He put his hand on the door to feel if it was 3 .It was! That meant that the fire was right outside our door! We were only on the 4 floor and there was a sandy beach below, so we jumped. The firemen soon came and put the fire out. 5 , everyone in the building was OK. I'll tell you more when I get back home.
( )1. Look at the in the sky. It's going to rain.
A. sun B. clouds C. moon D. stars
( )2. It's said that people often remember when something important happened to them.
A. what are they doing B. what they are doing
C. what were they doing D. what they were doing
( )3. -Oh, you're Mary. You've grown into a very graceful girl.
-Well.. I'm sorry I forgot you.. Have I met you somewhere before
A. to see B. seeing C. to look at D. looking for
( )4. -Why do you look so tired today
-I couldn't fall asleep last night because something beat the windows in my bedroom.
A. for B. over C. behind D. against
( )5. -Why are you in such a hurry It's only one o'clock and the train will come an hour later.
-You've no idea It always us at least forty minutes to go to the train station by taxi.
A. spends B. pays C. takes D. costs
( )6.-What do you the new movie the Amazing Spiderman II
-Mmm, I like it very much. To be honest, I'm a super fan of Spiderman.
A. like B. think about C. think over D.think
( )7. -What were the twin sisters doing when you ialled them?
-Helen was sleeping Millie was reading a magazine.
A. when B. while C. before D.after
( )8. -Grandpa, this morning you watched alarm again. Why
-Because it has meaning to me, my dear boy.
A. an; a B. the; a C. an; / D.the;/
( )9. -Tim, I called you at nine yesterday morning but no one picked up.
-Let me think, I was in the city library at that time.
A. having breakfast B. listening to a concert
C. buying clothes D. reading some magazines
( )10. -Peter is going to join the City Pony Show this afternoon. Let's cheer him on!
A. Never mind. B.You’re welcome. C. OK, let's! D. Me too.
1.-What you (do) when the phone (ring)
-I (study) for the exam at the desk.
2. Carol (break) her arm last week. It (happen) when she (paint) her room. She (fall) off the ladder.
3. The train (arrive) at the station and Paula (get) off. Two friends of hers, John and Jenny, (wait) to meet her.
4. Yesterday Aron (walk) along the road when he (meet) Helen. She (go) to the station to catch a train and she (carry) a bag. They (stop) to talk for a few minutes.
Mark was walking home from school one day when he saw the boy in front of him 1 (fall) over and drop all of the books. The boy was crying. Mark stopped and helped the boy 2 up the books. Since they were going the 3 way, Mark helped to carry some of the books. As they walked, Mark knew that the boy's name was Bill, that he loved computer games, basketball and history, and that he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects.
They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some TV. The afternoon passed 4 (happy) with a few laughs, and then Mark went home. They often saw each other in the school, had lunch together once or 5 (two), and then they both finished middle school. They ended up in the same high school where they sometimes saw and talked with each other over the years.
Bill asked Mark 6 he still remembered the day years ago when they had first met. "I cleared out my locker because I didn't want to leave 7 for anyone else. I had kept secretly some of my mother's sleeping 8 (pill) and I was going home to killed myself, to we pent some toe 9 (laugh), I began to understand that if I killed myself, I would have missed talking a so many others that might follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those books lat day, you did a lot more. You saved my 10 .”
The bell rang loudly. Everybody packed their 1 and got ready to go home. When the 2 dismissed (解散) the children, they lined up in two rows and walked orderly to the school gate.
Usually David's 3 would come and take him from school but today she was not there. David waited for 15 minutes 4 he walked home.
When he reached home, he knocked on the door as he did not 5 his key. To his surprise,no one answered the door. David 6 his mother was in the toilet so he waited patiently for her. After a few minutes there was 7 no response. Just as he was about to go to the nearby coffee shop where his father worked to 8 the key, he heard the 9 voice of his neighbor, John.
David told him that no one was at home. John's mother suggested that he 10 in their house until his mother came back. David and John played 11 until the evening when David's mother finally came back. She 12 that she had a stomachache and she had to see a doctor. David 13 John and his family before he went back to his house.
14 this experience, David learned an important lesson: " 15 are people who help each other."
( )1. A. schoolbags B. keys C. computers D. clothes
( )2. A. nurses B. farmers C. teachers D. parents
( )3. A. father B. mother C. neighbor D. doctor
( )4. A. before B. after C. when D. while
( )5. A. pick B. bring C. beat D. catch
( )6. A. hoped B. thought C. said D. realized
( )7. A. almost B. already C. still D. always
( )8. A. buy B. make C. find D. get
( )9. A. friendly B. angry C. unhappy D. icy
( )10. A. sit B. drop C. come D. take
( )11. A. carefully B. quickly C. happily D. strongly
( )12. A. called B. explained C. argued D. disagreed
( )13. A. visited B. loved C. cried D. thanked
( )14. A. From B. To C. Of D. About
( )15. A. Classmates B. Teenagers C. Neighbors D.Grown-ups
The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island in the middle of New York Harbour. It is a figure of a woman that holds up a torch and is almost 46 meters tall this makes it one of the biggest statues in the world.
Do you know how it came into being In the late eighties of the 19th century, the French decided to give something to the United States for its 100th birthday. And they thought of the idea of the statue.They found someone to design it first. Then they made a small model, and the big statue itself. The Statue of Liberty was sent in 200 large boxes by sea and arrived at New York Harbour on June 7,1885. There the workmen finished putting all the parts together on October 28, 1886. Since then, Liberty Island has become a place of interest.
Every year, visitors from all around the world come to visit the Statue of Liberty. They like the statue not only because it is one of the greatest works of art in the world, but also because of its meaning freedom and peace.
( )1. Where is the Statue of Liberty
A. In China. B. In the US. C. In England. D. In France.
( )2. Who built the statue
A. Chinese. B. Americans. C. Englishmen. D. Frenchmen.
( )3. How was the statue sent to Liberty Island?
A. By ship. B. By plane. C. By train. D. By car.
( )4. Which of the following statements about the statue is NOT true
A. The statue is a figure of a man that holds up a torch.
B. It is almost 46 meters tall.
C. It is about 128 years old by the year of 2014.
D. Liberty Island became famous because of the statue.
( )5. What's the meaning of the statue
A. Freedom and beauty. B. Beauty and peace.
C. Freedom and peace. D. Love and friendship.
Alive to Tell His Tale
In 2004, a powerful tsunami (海啸) killed many people in South East Asia. On the morning of December 26, 21-year-old Ari Afrizal was at work, building a beach house in western Sumatra in Indonesia (印度尼西亚). Suddenly, there was a loud sound. Afrizal and his workmates turned and saw a huge wave coming towards them.
The men ran. The wave pulled Afrizal under water. This happened many times. An hour later, Afrizal was still in the water. He couldn't see land anywhere. The waves were pulling him into the Indian Ocean!
Finally, the water was calm. Afrizal looked around and found a large piece of wood. He held on to it. Night came, but he didn't sleep.
Not until the next morning did he see a small boat. He swam to it and climbed inside. Near the boat, there were coconuts in the water. What good luck! Afrizal opened them with his teeth and a piece of wood. He drank the water inside the coconuts and ate the fruit.
Days passed. Afrizal was alone on the ocean. The sun was very hot. Sharks circled the boat. To calm himself, Afrizal thought about his family and girlfriend. He remembered stories from his favorite movies.
On the morning of the fifteenth day, a ship saved him. After two terrifying weeks, he was finally going home.
( )6. This passage is about a man who .
A. reported a tsunami B. survived in a tsunami
C. died in a tsunami D. tells stories about tsunamis
( )7. How long was Afrizal alone on the ocean
A. Two hours. B. Two days. C. Two weeks. D. We don't know.
( )8. Afrizal lived alone in the boat by .
A. eating wood and drinking seawater
B. eating fruit and drinking seawater
D. eating coconuts and drinking the water inside
C. eating sharks around the boat
( )9. When Afrizal felt afraid, he .
A. slept B. sang songs C. talked to himself D. thought about happy things
( )10. Put the following events of Afrizal in the right order.
①He found a piece of wood and held on to it.
②A ship saved him.
③The wave pulled him into the ocean.
④Afrizal saw a boat and climbed inside.
⑤Afrizal was at work.
⑥He heard a loud sound and saw a wave coming.
A. ⑤⑥③①④② B. ⑤①④⑥③② C. ⑤③①⑥④② D. ⑤⑥①③④②
Kunming Remembers
It's a time of shock and sorrow(悲伤) for the Chinese people.
On March 1, eight people attacked a railway station in Kunming, Yunnan, killing 29 people and hurting more than 140 others.
It was a terrorist attack. Police believe that a terrorist group from Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region (新疆维吾尔自治区)is to blame. Police shot dead four of the attackers and caught the other four.
The attackers will be brought to justice(法律制裁).The government has also taken action to make public places safer. For example, policemen now stand at the gates of some schools in Kunming. There are also more security (安全) checks at bus stations, railway stations and airports.
What should we do if we are in danger The Ministry of Public Security gave some tips on its official micro blog on March 2.
If there is an explosion(爆炸),lie on the floor and avoid breathing in the smoke. Let go of your bag and find a nearby place to hide. Try to stay calm.
If you see a dangerous-looking person, don't look into his or her eyes. Don't make them angry. Hide your mobile phone and text (发信息) the police when possible.
( )11. Where did the terrorist attack happen in Kunming
A. At a railway station. B. At a bus station.
C. At an airport. D. At a school.
( )12. How many common people were killed in the attack
A. Four. B. Eight. C. Twenty-nine. D. More than 140.
( )13. According to the passage, the terrorists are believed to belong to .
A. a group of policemen
B. a group of dangerous-looking people
C. a group from the Ministry of Public Security
D. a group from Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region
( )14. What did the government NOT do during and after the attack
A. Police shot dead four of the attackers and caught the other four.
B. Action has been taken to make public places safer.
C. There are more security checks at the gates of some schools.
D. The Ministry of Public Security gave some tips on its blog.
( )15. What should we do if we are in danger Which of the following is WRONG
A. Lie on the floor and avoid the smoke if there is an explosion.
B. Don't let go of your bag and try to text the police if there is an explosion.
C. If you see a dangerous-looking person, don't look into him or her eyes.
D. Don't make them angry if you see some dangerous-looking people.
A. In the sultry summer day B. Then you show your little light C. Round the rocks, and down the hill D. Sing to every child like me E. Run, and fill the deep clear pool F. And the wild flowers fringe the brink
The Little Rill(小溪)
Run, run, thou tiny rill;
Run, and turn the village mill;
In the woodland's shade so cool,
Where the sheep love best to stray
2 ;
Where the wild birds bathe and drink,
3 ;
Run, run, thou tiny rill,
4. ;
5. ;
The birds will join you, full of glee,
And we will listen to the song You sing,
your rippling course along.




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