【2022~20024年(江苏)中考英语真题分类汇编】专题02_1 完形填空(10空)(原卷版+解析版)

专题02-1 完形填空(10空)
(2024·江苏苏州·中考统考真题)The first person in our family to do yoga (瑜伽) was my mum. Her best friend, Sissy, who lived next door to us, ___1___ yoga to her. She said if Mum was tired of the rush of modern life and wanted to feel less ___2___, then yoga could help. Sissy was a very peaceful person so Mum ___3___ accepted.
I watched Mum every day doing her breathing exercises and ___4___ her postures (动作). After a few months, she said she felt much ___5___. Dad was getting envious. He wasn’t going to be left out so he ___6___ yoga too. He goes to a class twice a week now.
Then Mum had the bright ___7___ that my sister and I should do yoga. She researched the kind of yoga that is ___8___ for children and learned as much as she could about it. Then she became our ___9___. To my surprise, it turned out really well.
At first, we mostly did breathing exercises but then we moved on to stretching (伸展) exercises. We had to lift our ribcage (胸廓), reach our arms to the side and circle our body with them. Mum told us to ___10___ we were enjoying ourselves in the sunshine. It was really fun!
Our whole family does yoga now. Even our dog, Bingo, likes to join in!
1. A. took B. recommended C. donated D. sent
2. A. surprised B. excited C. stressed D. amazed
3. A. easily B. hardly C. luckily D. strictly
4. A. testing B. raising C. practising D. protecting
5. A. healthier B. luckier C. heavier D. cleverer
6. A. set up B. made up C. put up D. took up
7. A. future B. idea C. smile D. start
8. A. noisy B. difficult C. secret D. helpful
9. A. friend B. student C. teacher D. partner
10. A. imagine B. show C. learn D. prove
【答案】1-5BCACA 6-10DBDCA
【解析】句意:她最好的朋友Sissy住在我们隔壁,她向她推荐了瑜伽。took拿;recommended推荐;donated捐赠;sent发送。根据“Her best friend, Sissy, who lived next door to us, …yoga to her.”可知,此处指妈妈的朋友将瑜伽推荐给了她,妈妈开始练瑜伽,故选B。
【解析】句意:她说,如果妈妈厌倦了现代生活的匆忙,想减轻压力,那么瑜伽会有所帮助。surprised惊讶的;excited兴奋的;stressed有压力的;amazed吃惊的。根据“and wanted to feel less…, then yoga could help”可知,如果想减轻压力,练瑜伽会有帮助,故选C。
【解析】句意:Sissy是一个非常平和的人,所以妈妈很容易接受了。easily容易地;hardly几乎不;luckily幸运地;strictly严格地。根据“Sissy was a very peaceful person”可知,Sissy是一个平和的人,所以她的推荐妈妈很容易就接受了,故选A。
【解析】句意:我每天都看着妈妈做呼吸练习和练习动作。testing测试;raising提升;practising练习;protecting保护。根据“her postures”可知,此处指练习瑜伽动作,故选C。
【解析】句意:几个月后,她说她感觉更健康了。healthier更健康的;luckier更幸运的;heavier更重的;cleverer更聪明的。根据“I watched Mum every day doing her breathing exercises and…her postures (动作). After a few months, she said she felt much…”可知,妈妈在练习了几个月瑜伽后,感觉更健康了,故选A。
【解析】句意:他不想被落下,所以他也开始练瑜伽。set up建立;made up编造;put up张贴;took up开始从事。根据“He wasn’t going to be left out so he…yoga too.”可知,爸爸不想被妈妈落下,于是也开始练习瑜伽,故选D。
【解析】句意:然后妈妈有了一个好主意,我和妹妹应该做瑜伽。future未来;idea主意;smile微笑;start开始。根据“Then Mum had the bright…that my sister and I should do yoga”可知,妈妈有了一个好主意,想让作者和妹妹也练习瑜伽,故选B。
【解析】句意:她研究了对孩子有帮助的瑜伽,并尽可能多地学习。noisy吵闹的;difficult困难的;secret秘密的;helpful有帮助的。根据“She researched the kind of yoga that is…for children”可知,妈妈想让孩子们也练习瑜伽,所以研究了对孩子有帮助的瑜伽,故选D。
【解析】句意:然后她成了我们的老师。friend朋友;student学生;teacher老师;partner伙伴。根据“and learned as much as she could about it. Then she became our…”可知,妈妈练习瑜伽,然后教给孩子们,成为了孩子们的老师,故选C。
【解析】句意:妈妈让我们想象我们正在享受阳光。imagine想象;show表演;learn学习;prove证明。根据“we were enjoying ourselves in the sunshine”可知,做瑜伽时,妈妈让作者想象正在沐浴阳光,故选A。
(2024·江苏无锡·中考统考真题)One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announced that the seventh grade field trip would be to a theme park. The classroom was filled with excitement as the girls discussed what they would wear and what they should bring with them. I sat back and listened, knowing that my parents did not have the money to send me. It made me ___15___ to feel so left out. But not Danny. He simply told everyone that he wouldn’t be going. When Mr. Sims asked him ___16___, Danny stood up and said, “It’s too much money for me. My dad hurt his back and has been out of ___17___ for a while. I’m not asking my parents for money.”
Sitting back down in his seat, Danny held his head up ___18___, even though whispering had already begun. I could only sit quietly in my seat, knowing those ___19___ could be about me when they found out I would not be going either.
“Dan, I’m very proud of you for ___20___ the situation that your parents are in,” Mr. Sims replied.
Seeing the students whispering in the back, Mr. Sims spoke again, only ___21___.
“This year, we’re going to do things differently. The trip is not until the end of the month, so there’s plenty of time for money ___22___. Each student must bring in at least one idea for that. If a student doesn’t want to help, then he or she will be staying here that day. Any ___23___ ”
Of course, Shelly, the most popular girl in the class, spoke up.
“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can ____24____ it. Do I still have to help ”
“Shelly, this is not a matter of being rich or poor. Money is not just something that is handed to you when you get older. This will be a great learning experience for everyone, whether you have the money or not.”
15. A. bored B. angry C. relaxed D. happy
16. A. how B. when C. why D. what
17. A. work B. town C. hope D. time
18. A. excitedly B. proudly C. worriedly D. politely
19. A. secrets B. changes C. praises D. whispers
20. A. understanding B. describing C. explaining D. announcing
21. A. faster B. slower C. louder D. quieter
22. A. lending B. making C. spending D. raising
23. A. ideas B. questions C. plans D. suggestions
24. A. afford B. cancel C. return D. share
【答案】15-19BCABD 20-24ACDBA
【解析】句意:感到如此被冷落让我很生气。bored无聊的;angry生气的;relaxed放松的;happy开心的。根据“knowing that my parents did not have the money to send me…to feel so left out.”可知,作者没有钱去旅行,感到被冷落,所以生气,故选B。
【解析】句意:当西姆斯先生问他为什么时,丹尼站起来说:“这对我来说太贵了。我爸爸伤了背,已经失业一段时间了。我不会向父母要钱。”how怎样;when什么时候;why为什么;what什么。根据“He simply told everyone that he wouldn’t be going.”及“It’s too much money for me…”可知,此处是老师询问丹尼为什么不能去旅行,故选C。
【解析】句意:当西姆斯先生问他为什么时,丹尼站起来说:“这对我来说太贵了。我爸爸伤了背,已经失业一段时间了。我不会向父母要钱。”work工作;town城镇;hope希望;time时间。根据“My dad hurt his back and has been out of …for a while. I’m not asking my parents for money.”可知,丹尼父亲的背受伤了,已经失业了,所以丹尼不会向父母要钱,故选A。
【解析】句意:丹尼在座位上坐了下来,骄傲地抬起头,尽管窃窃私语已经开始了。excitedly兴奋地;proudly骄傲地;worriedly担忧地;politely有礼貌地。根据“Danny held his head up”及上文可知,丹尼诚实地告诉大家自己的境况,骄傲地抬起头,故选B。
【解析】句意:我只能安静地坐在座位上,知道如果他们发现我也去不了,那些窃窃私语可能就是针对我的。secrets秘密;changes改变;praises称赞;whispers低语,私语。根据“even though whispering had already begun”可知,作者觉得如果同学们知道自己也没钱去旅行,那同学们也会窃窃私语,故选D。
【解析】句意:“丹,你能理解你父母的处境,我为你感到骄傲,”西姆斯回答说。understanding理解;describing描述;explaining解释;announcing宣布。根据“the situation that your parents are in”可知,丹尼理解父母的处境,所以放弃了旅行,故选A。
【解析】句意:看到学生们在后面窃窃私语,西姆斯先生又说话了,只是声音更大了。faster更快的;slower更慢的;louder更大声的;quieter更安静的。根据“Seeing the students whispering in the back, Mr. Sims spoke again”可知,同学们在窃窃私语,所以老师用更大声音说话,故选C。
【解析】句意:这次旅行要到月底才开始,所以有足够的时间来筹集资金。lending借出;making制作;spending花费;raising筹集。根据“The trip is not until the end of the month, so there’s plenty of time for money…”及下文“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can…it. Do I still have to help ”可知,这次旅行的费用不再是同学们向自己的父母要,而是自己筹集资金,故选D。
【解析】句意:有什么问题吗?ideas想法;questions问题;plans计划;suggestions建议。根据下文“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can…it. Do I still have to help ”可知,老师提出建议后,问同学们还有什么问题,故选B。
【解析】句意:嗯,西姆斯先生,我父母负担得起。afford负担得起;cancel取消;return返回;share分享。根据“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can…it. Do I still have to help ”可知,谢莉觉得父母承担得起这次旅行的费用,所以询问自己是否还要参与到这次筹钱的活动中,故选A。
(2023·江苏苏州·中考统考真题)When I was eleven years old, my life changed forever when I got a serious disease. My life was ___1___ with operations and treatments. I felt stressed because I was really uncertain ___2___ everything that was happening.
One day, I was receiving my thirteenth operation in the hospital. Being away from my friends and school was causing me almost as much ___3___ as the operation itself.
During that hospital stay, I received a card from a volunteer. That simple ___4___ meant much to me and gave me hope again during my time of need. I’ll never ___5___ the way I felt after that small act of kindness. I started creating an organization called Cards for Hospitalized (住院的) Kids.
The charity began with a simple dream of giving ___6___, joy and magic to those kids. It later ___7___ a national organization that sent cards to over 5000 sick kids at more than 50 hospitals across the country.
It is hard to believe that an act as simple as a card can do so much good, ___8___ it does. Seeing a picture of a child ___9___ one of our cards with a huge smile makes us keep this wonderful charity alive.
___10___ might provide medicine for these sick kids, but we provide that little bit of hope and magic that’ll go a long way.
1. A. lighted B. matched C. filled D. painted
2. A. about B. with C. over D. towards
3. A. fun B. pain C. value D. danger
4. A. act B. job C. game D. lesson
5. A. mind B. lead C. forget D. risk
6. A. hope B. fear C. shock D. pressure
7. A. looked up B. gave up C. broke into D. turned into
8. A. nor B. but C. for D. or
9. A. selling B. printing C. holding D. cleaning
10. A. Teachers B. Friends C. Patients D. Doctors
【答案】1-5CABAC 6-10 ADBCD
【解析】lighted照亮;matched匹配;filled填充;painted画画。根据“When I was eleven years old, my life changed forever when I got a serious disease.”可知因为作者得了一场重病,所以生活充满了手术和治疗,be filled with“充满”,故选C。句意:我的生活充满了手术和治疗。
【解析】about关于;with和;over在……上;towards朝着。be uncertain about sth“对某事不确定”,故选A。句意:我感到压力很大,因为我对正在发生的一切都不确定。
【解析】fun乐趣;pain痛苦;value价值;danger危险。根据“Being away from my friends and school ”可知离开了朋友和学校,作者是很痛苦的,故选B。句意:离开我的朋友和学校给我带来的痛苦几乎和手术本身一样多。
【解析】act行为;job工作;game游戏;lesson课程。根据“ I received a card from a volunteer.”可知是指一个志愿者给作者寄卡片这个行为对作者意义重大,故选A。句意:这个简单的举动对我意义重大,在我需要的时候给了我希望。
【解析】mind介意;lead引导;forget忘记;risk冒险。根据“I’ll never...the way I felt after that small act of kindness.”可知作者永远不会忘记这小小的善举给自己带来的感受,故选C。句意:我永远不会忘记那次小小的善举后我的感受。
【解析】hope希望;fear害怕;shock震惊;pressure压力。根据“The charity”可知慈善机构是给孩子带来希望的,故选A。句意:这个慈善机构始于一个简单的梦想,那就是给那些孩子带来希望、快乐和魔力。
【解析】looked up查阅;gave up放弃;broke into闯入;turned into变成。根据“a national organization ”可知是指这个慈善机构变成了全国性的组织,故选D。句意:后来它变成了一个全国性的组织,给全国50多家医院的5000多名生病的孩子送去了贺卡。
【解析】nor也没有;but但是;for为了;or或者。根据“It is hard to believe that an act as simple as a card can do so much good...it does”可知前后是转折关系,应用but连接,故选B。句意:很难相信像一张卡片这样简单的行为能带来这么多好处,但它确实如此。
【解析】selling卖;printing打印;holding持着;cleaning打扫。根据“Seeing a picture of a child...one of our cards with a huge smile”可知是指孩子拿着卡片,应用holding,故选C。句意:看到一个孩子带着灿烂的笑容拿着我们的卡片的照片,让我们把这个美好的慈善机构继续存在下去。
【解析】Teachers老师;Friends朋友;Patients病人;Doctors医生。根据“provide medicine for these sick kids,”可知给生病的孩子提供药物的是医生,故选D。句意:医生可能会为这些生病的孩子提供药物,但我们提供的是那一点点希望和魔力,这将会走很长的路。
(2023·江苏无锡·中考统考真题)I knew Marty’s magic was fake(假的), but I just couldn’t prove it. One day I caught a lucky break. At lunch, Marty was going on about how he could make things ___15___. He had a ring in one hand and a pencil in the other.
That’s when I ___16___ it: a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached(连接)to Marty’s shirt! Sure enough, he made it by sliding(滑动)the ring over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else ___17___ the line, and soon the whole dining hall was cheering. When the crowds were gone, I walked over. It was time to ___18___ the Magic Marty show.
“I know how you did it,” I said, looking him right in the eye. “___19___,” Marty replied. “But the first law of magic is that…”
“It was the fishing line.”
Marty became ___20___. He looked a bit worried. Without all his confidence, he seemed more normal(平常). I suddenly felt bad.
“So, are you going to tell other people ” he asked. I thought about it for a moment. If I did, I would ___21___ be able to prove that Marty’s magic was fake. But would that really make me feel happy What about Marty He might ___22___ his new friends. How would that make him feel
“Nah,” I said. “It will be a ___23___ between you and me.”
Marty let out a relieved sigh, and I turned to walk away.
“Wait!” Marty jumped in front of me. “You’ve got a pretty good eye for magic. If you’ re ___24___, I have an idea.”
That’s how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began.
15. A. disappear B. grow C. float D. change
16. A. saw B. heard C. felt D. smelt
17. A. confirmed B. noticed C. explained D. supported
18. A. watch B. praise C. create D. end
19. A. Indeed B. Maybe C. However D. Anyway
20. A. polite B. crazy C. silent D. curious
21. A. finally B. properly C. easily D. mainly
22. A. make B. leave C. greet D. lose
23. A. trick B. secret C. present D. reward
24. A. surprised B. impressed C. satisfied D. interested
【答案】15-19 CABDB 20-24CADBD
【解析】disappear消失;grow生长;float漂浮;change改变。根据“a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached (连接) to Marty’s shirt! Sure enough, he made it by sliding (滑动) the ring over the pencil and hanging it from the line.”可知,马蒂利用一根钓鱼线,让戒指穿在线上,造成漂浮在铅笔上的假象。故马蒂说他可以让东西漂浮起来,故选C。句意:午餐时,马蒂一直在说他如何东西漂浮起来。
【解析】saw看见;heard听见;felt感觉;smelt闻起来。根据“a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached (连接) to Marty’s shirt!”可知,作者看见铅笔末端有一根钓鱼线,故选A。句意:就在那时,我看到了它:铅笔末端有一根薄薄的钓鱼线,绑在马蒂的衬衫上!
【解析】confirmed确认;noticed注意;explained解释;supported支持。根据“No one else…the line, and soon the whole dining hall was cheering.”可知,没有人注意到这根线,都以为马蒂真的可以让东西漂浮起来,故选B。句意:没有其他人注意到这根线,很快整个餐厅都在欢呼。
【解析】Indeed的确;Maybe也许;However然而;Anyway无论如何。根据“I know how you did it”及“But the first law of magic is that…”可知,作者告诉马蒂自己知道他的魔术是如何做到的,马蒂不以为然,觉得作者不可能知道,于是说“也许吧”,表示一种轻松的心态,故选B。句意:“也许吧,”马蒂回答。
【解析】polite有礼貌的;crazy疯狂的;silent沉默的;curious好奇的。根据“It was the fishing line.”及“He looked a bit worried. Without all his confidence, he seemed more normal”可知,作者拆穿了魔术的秘密,马蒂之前的自信消失了,变得沉默,故选C。句意:马蒂沉默了。
【解析】finally最终;properly正确地;easily容易地;mainly主要地。根据“”If I did, I would…be able to prove that Marty’s magic was fake.可知,如果作者把魔术的秘密告诉他人,最终就能证明马蒂的魔术是假的,故选A。句意:如果我告诉其他人,我就能证明马蒂的魔法是假的了。
【解析】make制作;leave离开;greet打招呼;lose失去。根据“He might…his new friends.”可知,如果魔术的秘密被揭穿,马蒂因为自己的魔术而结交的朋友就有可能会失去,故选D。句意:他可能会失去新朋友。
【解析】trick诡计;secret秘密;present礼物;reward奖励。根据“It will be a…between you and me.”可知,作者最后决定把知道马蒂魔术这件事当作两人之间的秘密,故选B。句意:这将是你我之间的秘密。
【解析】surprised惊讶的;impressed印象深刻的;satisfied满意的;interested感兴趣的。根据“You’ve got a pretty good eye for magic. If you’ re…, I have an idea.”及“That’s how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began.”可知,马蒂询问作者是否对魔术感兴趣,然后两人开始了魔术表演,故选D。句意:如果你感兴趣,我有个主意。
(2023·江苏常州·中考统考真题)Last year in early summer, I was walking up the hill to my house when I saw two birds, each about 60 centimetres tall, standing on the path. They didn’t seem to ___11___ me until I was right in front of them and then they at once moved quickly into the bushes.
I was quite excited by the idea of two birds making a nest (巢) in my front yard, although I didn’t really expect them to ___12___ wild birds don’t usually nest so close.
A few weeks later, the birds ___13___ again. I found them crouching beside a tree off to the side of the path. As I moved nearer to them, I ___14___ that they would run away like they did last time. But instead they stuck out their heads and made a threatening (威胁的) croaking (呱呱叫) sound. It seemed to warn me not to go any ___15___.
I didn’t know why they were croaking at me until a short time later I made an amazing ___16___: they had two small baby birds.
As I moved quietly towards the birds, ___17___ not to make any sudden movements, they started their croaking again. They straightened their necks forward so they seemed ___18___ and more threatening. The mother carefully crouched down over the chicks, and ___19___ her babies well in her feathers.
I was watching them with ___20___ when I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. The birds took this as a threat and the father raced towards me, ___21___ his wings to protect the mother and the chicks while making himself appear larger.
I was ___22___ to have surprised them and left quickly. I was amazed by their fearless actions. Their parental natural ability kicked in and made them so courageous. It is hard not to respect nature.
11. A. notice B. welcome C. follow D. believe
12. A. when B. until C. because D. while
13. A. fought B. flew C. screamed D. appeared
14. A. explained B. imagined C. confirmed D. remembered
15. A. nearer B. faster C. earlier D. deeper
16. A. discovery B. contribution C. achievement D. agreement
17. A. patient B. curious C. careful D. polite
18. A. wider B. longer C. weaker D. smaller
19. A. pulled B. shook C. touched D. hid
20. A. trust B. courage C. confidence D. respect
21. A. shutting B. spreading C. controlling D. breaking
22. A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. proud
【答案】11-15ACDBA 16-20ACBDD 21-22BC
【解析】notice注意;welcome欢迎;follow跟随;believe相信。根据“me until I was right in front of them”可知,直到到了它们面前,它们才注意到我,故选A。句意:它们似乎直到我就在它们面前才注意到我,然后它们立刻迅速进入灌木丛。
【解析】fought打架,打斗;flew飞;screamed尖叫;appeared出现。根据“A few weeks later, the birds...again”可知,鸟又出现了,故选D。句意:几周后,这些鸟又出现了。
【解析】explained解释;imagined想象;confirmed确认;remembered记得。根据“that they would run away like they did last time”可知,是想象着它们会逃跑,故选B。句意:当我走近他们时,我想象着它们会像上次一样逃跑。
【解析】nearer更近;faster更快;earlier更早;deeper更深。根据“But instead they stuck out their heads and made a threatening (威胁的) croaking (呱呱叫) sound. It seemed to warn me not to go any...”可知,它们发出了威胁性的沙哑声,不让作者再靠近,故选A。句意:它似乎在警告我不要再靠近了。
【解析】discovery发现;contribution贡献;achievement成就;agreement协定。根据“they had two small baby birds”可知,是发现有两只鸟宝宝,故选A。句意:我不知道它们为什么对我大喊大叫,直到不久后我有了一个惊人的发现:它们有两只鸟宝宝。
【解析】patient有耐心的;curious好奇的;careful小心的;polite有礼貌的。根据“not to make any sudden movements”可知,是小心地不做出突然的动作,故选C。句意:当我悄悄地向那些鸟走去,小心不要做出任何突然的动作时,它们又开始鸣叫了。
【解析】wider更宽的;longer更长的;weaker更弱的;smaller更小的。根据“They straightened their necks forward”可知,脖子向前伸,显得脖子更长,故选B。句意:它们把脖子向前伸直,看起来更长,更具威胁性。
【解析】pulled拉;shook摇;touched触摸;hid藏。根据“her babies well in her feathers”可知,是把宝宝藏在羽毛里,故选D。句意:鸟妈妈小心翼翼地蹲在小鸟身上,把小鸟藏在羽毛里。
【解析】shutting关闭;spreading展开;controlling控制;breaking损坏。根据“his wings to protect the mother and the chicks while making himself appear larger.”可知,是展开自己的翅膀,故选B。句意:展开翅膀保护鸟妈妈和小鸟,同时让自己看起来更大。
【解析】angry生气的;happy高兴的;sorry抱歉的;proud自豪的。根据“have surprised them and left quickly”可知惊动了小鸟,作者感到很抱歉,故选C。句意:我很抱歉让它们大吃一惊。
(2023·江苏镇江·中考统考真题)I remember the year when I was seven years old. I ___16___ a pretty hair clip from a girl in my dance class. My ___17___ found the shiny clip was not bought by them. So they sat me down on the floor of our study and explained ___18___ what I had done was wrong. What a bad end I would come to if I became a thief—people would not trust me any more.
More than thirty years on, the lesson has reminded me a lot. I’ve never taken ___19___ that was not mine away. Once, I left a store wearing a pair of sunglasses I’d tried on and then I ___20___ gave it back. But that gave me the feeling of shame for months.
Though my childhood memories are not ___21___, such moments when my parents told me good values are always in my mind. They provided a standard of good ___22___: to put myself in others’ shoes and to control my greed(贪欲).
The social environment in the coming age ___23___ each generation’s value, but families have the deeper effect on children. The right values from our parents can finally lead us to ___24___.
I believe in truth because my parents raise me to do so, even though sometimes my opinions are different from theirs. I believe in ___25___ because my parents set me good examples. They cure the sick and visit the lonely. I believe in working hard because my parents devote themselves to the society. Good values from my family have shaped me. And I will pass them on to my kids.
16. A. borrowed B. discovered C. stole D. pulled
17. A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. parents
18. A. why B. where C. how D. when
19. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything
20. A. quickly B. simply C. happily D. easily
21. A. wonderful B. clear C. funny D. different
22. A. abilities B. qualities C. scores D. services
23. A. confirms B. decides C. influences D. proves
24. A. look up B. grow up C. turn up D. hurry up
25. A. kindness B. fitness C. carefulness D. happiness
【答案】16-20CDADA 21-25BBCBA
【解析】borrowed借入;discovered发现;stole偷;pulled拉。根据“if I became a thief”可知是偷
【解析】friends朋友;classmates同学;teachers老师;parents父母。根据“found the shiny clip was not bought by them”可知是父母发现发夹不是他们买的,故选D。句意:我父母发现那个闪亮的夹子不是他们买的。
【解析】why为什么;where哪里;how如何;when什么时候。根据“explain...what I had done was wrong. What a bad end I would come to if I became a thief—people would not trust me any more.”可知是解释为什么我的所作所为是错误的,故选A。句意:于是他们让我坐在书房的地板上,解释为什么我的所作所为是错误的。
【解析】everything所有事;nothing没有事;something一些事;anything任何事。根据“I’ve never taken...that was not mine away”可知是不拿走不属于自己的东西,否定句中用anything,故选D。句意:我从来没有拿走过任何不属于我的东西。
【解析】quickly快速地;simply简单地;happily快速地;easily容易地。根据“I left a store wearing a pair of sunglasses I’d tried on and then I...gave it back”可知作者发现自己不小心拿走了太阳镜,就快速把它还回去了,故选A。句意:有一次,我带着一副试戴的太阳镜离开了一家商店,然后很快就把它还了回去。
【解析】wonderful极好的;clear清晰的;funny有趣的;different不同的。根据“such moments when my parents told me good values are always in my mind”可知是虽然童年记忆不是很清晰,但是父母告诉我良好价值观的时刻总是在我的脑海中,故选B。句意:虽然我的童年记忆并不清晰,但父母告诉我良好价值观的时刻总是在我的脑海中。
【解析】abilities能力;qualities质量;scores得分;services服务。根据“They provided a standard of good”可知是好品质的标准,故选B。句意:他们提供了一个良好品质的标准:设身处地为他人着想,控制自己的贪婪。
【解析】confirms确认;decides决定;influences影响;proves证明。根据“each generation’s value, but families have the deeper effect on children.”可知环境会影响人的价值观,故选C。句意:未来时代的社会环境影响着每一代人的价值观,但家庭对孩子的影响更大。
【解析】look up向上看;grow up长大;turn up开大声音;hurry up快点。根据“The right values from our parents can finally lead us to”可知父母正确的价值观会让人成长,故选B。句意:父母正确的价值观最终会引导我们成长。
【解析】kindness善良;fitness适合;carefulness认真;happiness幸福。根据“They cure the sick and visit the lonely”可知父母会治愈病人,拜访孤独的人,可见他们很善良,故选A。句意:我相信善良,因为我的父母给我树立了好榜样。
(2022·江苏南京·中考统考真题)Worms. Smell, round, slimy worms. These worms only eat leaves ___16___ they eat all the time. They eat so much that a silkworm ___17___ in weight 10, 000 times in about a month.These worms are a kind of caterpillar and each goes through a ___18___ where it makes a cocoon, lives inside it and then comes out as a moth(飞蛾). The cocoon of a silkworm is made of one thread of silk about 1,000 feet long!
The story of ___19___ silk began goes back to ancient China. There is a story that a princesses was in her garden having a cup of tea under a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon, felt into her teacup. When she took it out, the thread started to unwind(展开), and she ___20___ it was one long thread. Later she gathered many cocoons and wove a piece of cloth for the emperor. This beautiful ___21___, silk, was known as the “cloth of kings.”
In order to produce a high-quality silk, the ancient Chinese had ___22___ for raising silkworms. Baby silkworms had to rest on dry mats and ate, slept, and played together. The ones that were different from the others were fed to fish. In order to make baby silkworms grow more ___23___, they were touched with a feather. The person who ___24___ the silkworms was called the “silkworm mother”. She had to wear simple clothes so the air around the worms was disturbed. She was also not allowed to wear make-up or eat garlic. Some of these ancient ___25___ still survive today.
Today silk is not only used for beautiful clothes but also for parachutes and bicycle tires!
16. A. because B. unless C. but D. or
17. A. relaxes B. increases C. remains D. loses
18. A. feeling B. decision C. period D. competition
19. A. how B. why C. what D. which
20. A produced B. discovered C. expected D.designed
21. A. method B. invention C. technology D. material
22. A. signs B. marks C. rules D. clues
23. A. heavily B. clearly C. quickly D. widely
24. A. spread B. described C. counted D. watched
25. A. traditions B. organizations C. imaginations D. challenges
【答案】16-20CBCAB 21-25DCCDA
【解析】relaxes放松;increases增加;remains剩余;loses损失。上下文为因果关系,“They eat so much(它们吃得那么多)”的结果就是“体重的增加”,故选B。句意:它们吃得那么多,以至于一只蚕在一个月内体重增加了10,000倍。
【解析】feeling情感,感觉;decision决定;period阶段,时期;competition竞争。下文“it makes a cocoon, lives inside it and then comes out as a moth(飞蛾).”说的是“毛毛虫,经历一个制作茧、在里面生活然后变成蛾的阶段”,故选C。句意:这些虫子是某种毛毛虫,每个都经历一个制作茧、在里面生活然后变成蛾的阶段。
【解析】how如何;why为什么;what什么;which哪一个。空格后面的“silk began”是一个主谓结构的句子,句中不缺宾语,故what, which不可以选,句中缺的是状语,这里表示“方式”,故选A。句意:丝绸起源的故事可以追溯到古代中国。
【解析】produced产生;discovered发现;expected预期;designed设计。上文“When she took it out, the thread started to unwind(展开), (当她把它拿出来时,线开始展开)”下文应该是“展开后她发现……”故选B。句意:当她把它拿出来时,线开始展开,她发现它是一条长长的线。
【解析】signs标志,迹象;marks标记;rules规则;clues线索。根据上文“In order to produce a high-quality silk(为了生产高质量的丝绸)”可知,需要制定有关“规则”,故选C。句意:为了生产高质量的丝绸,古代中国人制定了饲养蚕的规则。
【解析】heavily沉重地;clearly显然;quickly迅速;widely广泛地,普遍地。根据下文“they were touched with a feather.(它们会被用羽毛地触碰)”可知上文讲的是目的“为了使幼蚕更快地长大”,故选C。为了使幼蚕更快地长大,它们会被用羽毛触碰。
【解析】spread传播,(使)蔓延,扩散;described描述;counted数数,计数;watched观看。根据下文“was called the “silkworm mother”.被称为‘蚕妈妈’”可知应该是“观察蚕的人”故选D。句意:观察蚕的人被称为“蚕妈妈”。
【解析】traditions传统;organizations组织;imaginations想象;challenges挑战。上文所讲“She had to wear simple clothes so the air around the worms was disturbed. She was also not allowed to wear make-up or eat garlic.(她必须穿着简单的衣服,以使蚕周围的空气不受干扰。她也不允许化妆或吃大蒜)”等等都是传统,故选A。句意:其中一些古老的传统至今仍然存在。
(2022·江苏苏州·中考统考真题)Like most children growing up in the countryside, Mike loved being outdoors and traveled around every inch of the area.
With a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish to ___1___ it. When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers, he got ___2___ . He knew he had to do something. While only in third grade, Mike started a group. Its purpose was to ___3___ the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers.
But Mike faced a challenge. As he was ___4___, he found it hard to speak out in public. However, with his mom’s help, Mike ___5___ dealt with his fear. He said, “I took responsibility(责任)and did what needed to be done. When your heart is into it, ___6___ will stop you.”
Mike worked hard to ___7___ his idea to the public. He handed out leaflets and even appeared on radio and TV. His efforts paid off. He won ___8___ from several thousand people. And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish.
Now as a college student, Mike’s ___9___ remains the same. He often says, “I want to create a ___10___ life for my kids and grandkids. It’s beautiful countryside, where I’m from, and I want my kids to see it like I see it.”
1. A. practise B. protect C. prepare D. provide
2. A. weak B. tired C. relaxed D. angry
3. A. clean up B. break into C. set up D. move into
4. A. shy B. sad C. proud D. polite
5. A. clearly B. carefully C. successfully D. traditionally
6. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything
7 A. accept B. change C. follow D. introduce
8. A. courage B. victory C. support D. reward
9. A. wish B. chance C. luck D. fear
10. A. busier B. harder C. better D. crazier
【答案】1-5BDAAC 6-10BDCAC
【解析】practise练习;protect保护;prepare准备;provide提供。根据“Its purpose was to…the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers”可知,产生了保护这片土地的愿望,故选B。句意:他深爱着这片土地,也有保护它的强烈愿望。
【解析】weak虚弱的;tired疲惫的;relaxed放松的;angry生气的。根据“When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers”及“He knew he had to do something”可知,看到河里飘着垃圾感到很生气,所以决定要做些什么事情,故选D。句意:当迈克看到河里漂着垃圾时,他很生气。
【解析】clean up清理;break into闯入;set up设立;move into搬进。根据下文“And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish”可知,目的是清理农村,让它变得干净,故选A。句意:它的目的是清理农村,并教育其他年轻人污染及其危险。
【解析】shy害羞的;sad难过的;proud骄傲的;polite礼貌的。根据“he found it hard to speak out in public”可知,很害羞,不敢在公众面前发言,故选A。句意:由于他很害羞,他发现很难在公众面前发言。
【解析】clearly清楚地;carefully仔细地;successfully成功地;traditionally传统地。根据“with his mom’s help, Mike … dealt with his fear”可知,在妈妈的帮助下,他成功地克服了恐惧,故选C。句意:然而,在妈妈的帮助下,迈克成功地解决了他的恐惧。
【解析】anything任何事;nothing没什么;something某事;everything一切。根据“When your heart is into it, … will stop you”可知,这是一句激励的话语,全身心投入时,没什么能阻挡你,故选B。句意:当你全身心投入的时候,没有什么能阻止你。
【解析】accept接受;change改变;follow跟随;introduce介绍。根据“his idea to the public”可知,把他保护环境的想法传播给大众,故选D。句意:迈克努力向公众介绍他的想法。
【解析】courage勇气;victory胜利;support支持;reward奖励。根据“He won… from several thousand people”可知,赢得了人们的支持,故选C。句意:他赢得了几千人的支持。
【解析】wish愿望;chance机会;luck幸运;fear害怕。根据前文“With a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish to… it”可知,保护环境的愿望从来没有改变,故选A。句意:现在,作为一名大学生,迈克的愿望并没有改变。
【解析】busier更忙的;harder更难的;better更好的;crazier更疯狂的。根据“I want to create a… life for my kids and grandkids”可知,为子孙后代创造更好的生活,故选C。句意:我想为我的孩子和子孙创造更好的生活。
(2022·江苏无锡·中考统考真题)On the first morning of a new term, Jared remembered the things he didn’t like about school: Jessica, maths and reading aloud.
Jared ___15___ to stay at home, but his mom sent him anyway. He had to sit next to Jessica. At reading time, Mrs. Thomas asked Jared to read. Reading aloud always made Jared ___16___ . As he picked up the book, his hands shook. “He can’t read,” Jessica said. “I didn’t call on you, did I ” asked Mrs. Thomas. Jared made a ___17___ .
During the break time, Jessica whispered to him, “When Mom brings my cute kittens(小猫)to school for show-and-tell, don’t even think about ___18___ them.”
The four kittens arrived in a box covered with a piece of screen. Everyone except Jared held them. When Jared picked up his pen from the floor, he looked into the box, saying, “Stupid kittens.”
After show-and-tell, the children took out their maths books.
Then Philip said, “Hey, where are the kittens ” The box was ___19___.
“Oh no!” Jessica cried and told Mrs. Thomas. “Jared said they were stupid.”
“I didn’t ___20___ it.” Jared’s face turned red.
“Look at the radiator(散热器)!” Angela said. Tiny grey paws pushed out from under the radiator cover. Alex yelled, “Kitten!” But the kitten disappeared at once.
The bell rang, and the class went out for a break. When Jared passed the empty box, he saw kitten treats. He then had a(n)___21___ . He threw the treats on the floor. A kitten came out. Jared waited until it was eating. Then another... Soon the other kittens were eating. Jared gently put them in the box. Mrs. Thomas put a book on the screen so they couldn’t run ___22___ again.
“Class, Jared helped the kittens out,” Mrs. Thomas announced. Everyone ___23___.
“Thanks,” whispered Jessica. “You’re the greatest.”
Jared was so ___24___ that when he read, his hands didn’t shake. That day, Jared felt the new term might not be so bad.
15. A. agreed B. wanted C. managed D. happened
16. A. tired B. angry C. bored D. nervous
17. A. face B. joke C. mistake D. decision
18. A. taking B. touching C. catching D. carrying
19. A. stolen B. dirty C. broken D. empty
20. A. say B. make C. mean D. know
21. A. idea B. answer C. rest D. guess
22. A. away B. forward C. back D. upwards
23. A. doubted B. cheered C. regretted D. complained
24. A. brave B. stressed C. happy D. surprised
【答案】15-19BDABD 20-24CAABC
【解析】agreed同意;wanted想要;managed设法做;happened发生。根据空格后的“to stay at home”可知Jared想要待在家里,不想去上学,故选B。句意:Jared想要待在家里,但他的妈妈无论如何还是把他送去学校了。
【解析】tired疲劳的;angry生气的;bored无聊的;nervous紧张的。根据下一句“As he picked up the book, his hands shook.”可知当他把书拿起来的时候,他的手就开始抖,由此看出他很紧张,故选D。句意:大声朗读总是让Jared感觉很紧张。
【解析】face脸;joke笑话;mistake错误;decision决定。结合上文可知Jared紧张到手抖,由此可知此处他是觉得不好意思,因此做了个鬼脸,make a face,故选A。句意:Jared做了个鬼脸。
【解析】stolen被偷;dirty脏的;broken摔坏的;empty空的。根据上一句“where are the kittens ”可知这是找不到小猫,在问猫在哪,说明箱子是空的,故选D。句意:箱子是空的。
【解析】say说;make制造;mean意思是;know知道。根据上文“Jared said they were stupid.”可知Jared之前说小猫很笨,但在此Jared否认他说小猫很笨这个意思,故选C。句意:我不是那个意思。Jared的脸变红了。
【解析】idea主意;answer答案;rest休息;guess猜。根据“He threw the treats on the floor”可知他把猫粮撒在地板上,这是他想出来的主意,故选A。句意:然后他想到了一个主意。
【解析】away离开;forward朝前;back回;upwards向上。run away表示“逃跑”,故选A。句意:Thomas老师拿了一本书盖在屏幕上,防止小猫再逃跑。
【解析】doubted怀疑;cheered欢呼;regretted后悔;complained抱怨。根据上一句““Class, Jared helped the kittens out,” Mrs. Thomas announced.”可知老师宣布Jared帮助小猫们脱困,因此大家都非常开心,都欢呼起来,故选B。句意:每个人都欢呼起来。
(2022·江苏常州·中考统考真题)The three men were moving down a fast and rocky river. Thornton was in the boat, while Hans and Pete had to move along the river bank, holding the boat with a rope. Buck, the dog, followed them, keeping a(n) ___11___ eye on Thornton.
They came to a more ___12___ part of the river, and the boat started to go too quickly. Hans pulled on the rope to stop it, but pulled it too hard. The boat ___13___, and Thornton was thrown into the water.
Buck jumped in at once and swam three hundred meters until he ___14___ Thornton. Then Buck returned, with Thornton holding his tail. Buck swam towards the river bank. But they moved ___15___. Thornton knew they would not get to the bank quickly enough, so he let go of Buck, held on to a rock in the middle of the water, and ___16___, “Go, Buck, go!”
Buck swam as hard as he could to the bank, and Pete and Hans pulled him out.
It was hard for Thornton to hold on to his rock in that ___17___ water, and his friends knew they had only a few minutes to save him. They ___18___ their rope round Buck, who at once jumped into the river and tried to swim to Thornton. The first time, the water took him ___19___ the rock, and Pete and Hans had to pull him back. The second time, he swam higher up the river. ___20___, the water brought him down to Thornton. Thornton held on to Buck, and Hans and Pete pulled the rope as hard as they could. Man and dog disappeared under the water, ___21___ rocks, turning over and over, sometimes with Buck on top, sometimes Thornton. When Hans and Pete finally pulled them out, both seemed more dead than alive. But after a while their eyes opened and ___22___ returned. They all smiled.
11. A. worried B. satisfied C. surprised D. excited
12. A. important B. famous C. dangerous D. interesting
13. A. turned up B. turned over C. turned down D. turned off
14. A. lost B. saw C. saved D. reached
15. A. carelessly B. slowly C. wisely D. simply
16. A. shouted B. complained C. replied D. joked
17. A. secret B. clear C. dirty D. wild
18. A. tied B. limited C. relaxed D. mixed
19. A. under B. past C. inside D. through
20. A. Otherwise B. Moreover C. However D. Instead
21. A. lifting B. controlling C. hitting D. breaking
22. A. fear B. love C. trust D. life
【答案】11-15ACBDB 16-20ADABB 21-22CD
【解析】worried担心的;satisfied满意的;surprised惊讶的;excited激动的。根据“The three men were moving down a fast and rocky river.”可知,三个人正沿着一条湍急多石的河流往下流。所以巴克很担心,故选A。句意:巴克,那条狗,跟在他们后面,担心地盯着桑顿。
【解析】important重要的;famous著名的;dangerous危险的;interesting有趣的。根据“and the boat started to go too quickly”并结合前文可知,位置更加危险,故选C。句意:他们来到了河中一个更危险的地方,船开得太快了。
【解析】turned up出现;turned over翻转;turned down拒绝;turned off关闭。根据“The boat..., and
Thornton was thrown into the water.”可知,船翻了,桑顿掉进了水中,故选B。句意:船翻了,桑顿被扔进了水里。
【解析】lost丢失;saw看见;saved救,节约;reached到达。根据“Buck jumped in at once and swam three hundred meters until he...Thornton.”可知,巴克游了三百米,才到达桑顿身边,故选D。句意:巴克立刻跳入水中,游了三百米才游到桑顿身边。
【解析】carelessly粗心地;slowly缓慢地;wisely明智地;simply简单地。根据“Thornton knew they would not get to the bank quickly enough”可知,桑顿知道他们不会很快到达岸边,所以是缓慢,故选B。句意:但他们行动缓慢。
【解析】shouted大叫;complained抱怨;replied回复;joked开玩笑。根据“Go, Buck, go!”可知,是大叫,故选A。句意:桑顿知道他们不会很快到达岸边,于是他放开巴克,抓住水中央的一块石头,大叫道,“走,巴克,走!”
【解析】secret秘密的;clear清晰的;dirty脏的;wild汹涌的。根据“It was hard for Thornton to hold on to his rock in that...water, and his friends knew they had only a few minutes to save him.”和前文描述可知,河流很湍急,故选D。句意:桑顿很难在汹涌的水中抓住他的岩石,他的朋友们知道他们只有几分钟的时间来救他。
【解析】tied系;limited限制;relaxed放松;mixed混合。根据“They...their rope round Buck”可知,把绳子系到巴克身上,故选A。句意:他们把绳子系在巴克身上,他立刻跳进河里,试图游向桑顿。
【解析】under在……下;past经过;inside在……里面;through通过。根据“the water took him...the rock, and Pete and Hans had to pull him back.”可知,水把他冲过了岩石,故选B。句意:第一次,水把他冲过了岩石,皮特和汉斯不得不把他拉回来。
【解析】Otherwise否则;Moreover此外;However然而;Instead而不是。根据“The second time, he swam higher up the river. ..., the water brought him down to Thornton.”可知,此处描述巴克游得比水高,河水把他带到桑顿那里,前后动作连贯,故选B。句意:此外,河水把他带到桑顿那里。
【解析】lifting举起;controlling控制;hitting撞;breaking打破。根据“Man and dog disappeared under the water, ...rocks, turning over and over, sometimes with Buck on top, sometimes Thornton.”可知,水流湍急,所以撞来撞去,故选C。句意:人和狗消失在水中,撞在岩石上,翻来覆去,有时巴克在上面,有时桑顿在上面。
【解析】fear害怕;love爱;trust信任;life生活。根据“But after a while their eyes opened and...returned. They all smiled.”可知,拉出来时,两人都显得死气沉沉,但是一会身上恢复了生命力,故选D。句意:但过了一会儿,他们睁开了眼睛,身上恢复了生命力。
(2022·江苏镇江·中考统考真题)This summer, when I walked into my grandparents’ house with my little brother Frank, I tried not to look at Grandpa’s chair anyway. It still looked the same. His blue ___16___ was there, as if Grandpa was going to pull it over his legs. My cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if ___17___ had happened. “Let’s go to catch fish!” Jack ___18___ the fish net from the corner, Grandpa’s net.
Last summer, I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me ___19___ I could help him teach Frank how to play chess. I said no because I wanted to catch fish. Grandpa had been the one who’d taught us how to catch fish, but then the ___20___ made him stay behind.
I ___21___ saying no to Grandpa, and now I wouldn’t have chance to play chess with him.
When we reached the stream, we began to catch fish. Suddenly, Jack shouted, “Frank is shaking.” We hadn’t brought anything to keep ___22___ so I had to send him home.
Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and ___23___ put Grandpa’s blue blanket around him. As I went to the stream again to meet Jack, I looked back at Frank with that old blanket. Something seemed to ___24___ me at that moment. Everything was just like before, but Grandpa was gone.
I walked to Frank. “Did Grandpa teach you to play chess last summer ” I asked. “No, Grandpa was too sick then.” he said, “I miss him.”
“Me, too.” When I said it, I knew Grandpa was never gone. What ___25___ us was still there. It could be the fish net. It could be the chess. It could be the blue blanket.
16. A. sweater B. blanket C. scarf D. tie
17. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything
18. A. put out B. carried out C. pulled out D. handed out
19. A. whether B. when C. why D. how
20. A. schoolwork B. business C. housework D. illness
21. A. avoided B. imagined C. regretted D. considered
22 A. cool B. warm C. sleepy D. awake
23. A. peacefully B. politely C. quietly D. quickly
24. A. hit B. fit C. follow D. beat
25. A. stopped B. surprised C. controlled D. connected
【答案】16-20BACAD 21-25CBDAD
【解析】sweater毛衣;blanket毯子;scarf围巾;tie领带。根据“as if Grandpa was going to pull it over his legs”和后文“with that old blanket”可知,是毯子,故选B。句意:他的蓝毯子在那里,好像爷爷要把它套在他的腿上。
【解析】nothing无事;everything每件事;something某事;anything任何事。根据“My cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if...had happened.”可知,好像无事发生,故选A。句意:我的表弟杰克在院子里玩,好像什么都没发生过。
【解析】put out扑灭;carried out执行;pulled out拉出;handed out分发。根据“Jack...the fish net from the corner”可知,从墙角把渔网拉了出来,故选C。句意:杰克从墙角把渔网拉了出来,那是爷爷的渔网。
【解析】whether是否;when何时;why为什么;how如何。根据“I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me...I could help him teach Frank how to play chess”可知,此处是宾语从句,表示“是否能帮他教弗兰克下国际象棋”,用whether引导宾语从句,故选A。句意:去年夏天,我拿着网,爷爷问我能不能帮他教弗兰克下国际象棋。
【解析】schoolwork学校作业;business商业;housework家务;illness疾病。根据“Grandpa was too sick then”可知,爷爷生病了,故选D。句意:爷爷曾经是教我们捕鱼的人,但后来疾病让他留下来了。
【解析】avoided避免;imagined想象;regretted遗憾;considered考虑。根据“I...saying no to Grandpa, and now I wouldn’t have chance to play chess with him.”可知后悔拒绝了爷爷,现在没有机会了,故选C。句意:我后悔拒绝了爷爷,现在我没有机会和他下棋了。
【解析】cool凉爽的;warm温暖的;sleepy困倦的;awake醒着的。根据“Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank”可知,弗兰克湿了,所以要帮他保暖,故选B。句意:我们没有带任何保暖的东西,所以我不得不送他回家。
【解析】peacefully和平地;politely礼貌地;quietly安静地;quickly迅速地。根据“Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and...ut Grandpa’s blue blanket around him.”可知,是迅速用毯子裹住弗兰克,故选D。句意:奶奶看到弗兰克湿漉漉的样子很担心,赶紧用爷爷的蓝毯子把他裹起来。
【解析】hit撞;fit适合;follow跟随;beat打败。根据“I looked back at Frank with that old blanket. Something seemed to...me at that moment.”可知,看到旧物,好像被什么东西击中了,故选A。句意:在那一刻,我好像被什么东西击中了。
【解析】stopped停止;surprised使惊讶;controlled控制;connected连接。根据“I knew Grandpa was never gone. What...us was still there.”可知,二人的联系还在,故选D。句意:我们之间的联系还在。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题02-1 完形填空(10空)
(2024·江苏苏州·中考统考真题)The first person in our family to do yoga (瑜伽) was my mum. Her best friend, Sissy, who lived next door to us, ___1___ yoga to her. She said if Mum was tired of the rush of modern life and wanted to feel less ___2___, then yoga could help. Sissy was a very peaceful person so Mum ___3___ accepted.
I watched Mum every day doing her breathing exercises and ___4___ her postures (动作). After a few months, she said she felt much ___5___. Dad was getting envious. He wasn’t going to be left out so he ___6___ yoga too. He goes to a class twice a week now.
Then Mum had the bright ___7___ that my sister and I should do yoga. She researched the kind of yoga that is ___8___ for children and learned as much as she could about it. Then she became our ___9___. To my surprise, it turned out really well.
At first, we mostly did breathing exercises but then we moved on to stretching (伸展) exercises. We had to lift our ribcage (胸廓), reach our arms to the side and circle our body with them. Mum told us to ___10___ we were enjoying ourselves in the sunshine. It was really fun!
Our whole family does yoga now. Even our dog, Bingo, likes to join in!
1. A. took B. recommended C. donated D. sent
2. A. surprised B. excited C. stressed D. amazed
3. A. easily B. hardly C. luckily D. strictly
4. A. testing B. raising C. practising D. protecting
5. A. healthier B. luckier C. heavier D. cleverer
6. A. set up B. made up C. put up D. took up
7. A. future B. idea C. smile D. start
8. A. noisy B. difficult C. secret D. helpful
9. A. friend B. student C. teacher D. partner
10. A. imagine B. show C. learn D. prove
(2024·江苏无锡·中考统考真题)One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announced that the seventh grade field trip would be to a theme park. The classroom was filled with excitement as the girls discussed what they would wear and what they should bring with them. I sat back and listened, knowing that my parents did not have the money to send me. It made me ___15___ to feel so left out. But not Danny. He simply told everyone that he wouldn’t be going. When Mr. Sims asked him ___16___, Danny stood up and said, “It’s too much money for me. My dad hurt his back and has been out of ___17___ for a while. I’m not asking my parents for money.”
Sitting back down in his seat, Danny held his head up ___18___, even though whispering had already begun. I could only sit quietly in my seat, knowing those ___19___ could be about me when they found out I would not be going either.
“Dan, I’m very proud of you for ___20___ the situation that your parents are in,” Mr. Sims replied.
Seeing the students whispering in the back, Mr. Sims spoke again, only ___21___.
“This year, we’re going to do things differently. The trip is not until the end of the month, so there’s plenty of time for money ___22___. Each student must bring in at least one idea for that. If a student doesn’t want to help, then he or she will be staying here that day. Any ___23___ ”
Of course, Shelly, the most popular girl in the class, spoke up.
“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can ____24____ it. Do I still have to help ”
“Shelly, this is not a matter of being rich or poor. Money is not just something that is handed to you when you get older. This will be a great learning experience for everyone, whether you have the money or not.”
15. A. bored B. angry C. relaxed D. happy
16. A. how B. when C. why D. what
17. A. work B. town C. hope D. time
18. A. excitedly B. proudly C. worriedly D. politely
19. A. secrets B. changes C. praises D. whispers
20. A. understanding B. describing C. explaining D. announcing
21. A. faster B. slower C. louder D. quieter
22. A. lending B. making C. spending D. raising
23. A. ideas B. questions C. plans D. suggestions
24. A. afford B. cancel C. return D. share
(2023·江苏苏州·中考统考真题)When I was eleven years old, my life changed forever when I got a serious disease. My life was ___1___ with operations and treatments. I felt stressed because I was really uncertain ___2___ everything that was happening.
One day, I was receiving my thirteenth operation in the hospital. Being away from my friends and school was causing me almost as much ___3___ as the operation itself.
During that hospital stay, I received a card from a volunteer. That simple ___4___ meant much to me and gave me hope again during my time of need. I’ll never ___5___ the way I felt after that small act of kindness. I started creating an organization called Cards for Hospitalized (住院的) Kids.
The charity began with a simple dream of giving ___6___, joy and magic to those kids. It later ___7___ a national organization that sent cards to over 5000 sick kids at more than 50 hospitals across the country.
It is hard to believe that an act as simple as a card can do so much good, ___8___ it does. Seeing a picture of a child ___9___ one of our cards with a huge smile makes us keep this wonderful charity alive.
___10___ might provide medicine for these sick kids, but we provide that little bit of hope and magic that’ll go a long way.
1. A. lighted B. matched C. filled D. painted
2. A. about B. with C. over D. towards
3. A. fun B. pain C. value D. danger
4. A. act B. job C. game D. lesson
5. A. mind B. lead C. forget D. risk
6. A. hope B. fear C. shock D. pressure
7. A. looked up B. gave up C. broke into D. turned into
8. A. nor B. but C. for D. or
9. A. selling B. printing C. holding D. cleaning
10. A. Teachers B. Friends C. Patients D. Doctors
(2023·江苏无锡·中考统考真题)I knew Marty’s magic was fake(假的), but I just couldn’t prove it. One day I caught a lucky break. At lunch, Marty was going on about how he could make things ___15___. He had a ring in one hand and a pencil in the other.
That’s when I ___16___ it: a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached(连接)to Marty’s shirt! Sure enough, he made it by sliding(滑动)the ring over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else ___17___ the line, and soon the whole dining hall was cheering. When the crowds were gone, I walked over. It was time to ___18___ the Magic Marty show.
“I know how you did it,” I said, looking him right in the eye. “___19___,” Marty replied. “But the first law of magic is that…”
“It was the fishing line.”
Marty became ___20___. He looked a bit worried. Without all his confidence, he seemed more normal(平常). I suddenly felt bad.
“So, are you going to tell other people ” he asked. I thought about it for a moment. If I did, I would ___21___ be able to prove that Marty’s magic was fake. But would that really make me feel happy What about Marty He might ___22___ his new friends. How would that make him feel
“Nah,” I said. “It will be a ___23___ between you and me.”
Marty let out a relieved sigh, and I turned to walk away.
“Wait!” Marty jumped in front of me. “You’ve got a pretty good eye for magic. If you’ re ___24___, I have an idea.”
That’s how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began.
15. A. disappear B. grow C. float D. change
16. A. saw B. heard C. felt D. smelt
17. A. confirmed B. noticed C. explained D. supported
18. A. watch B. praise C. create D. end
19. A. Indeed B. Maybe C. However D. Anyway
20. A. polite B. crazy C. silent D. curious
21. A. finally B. properly C. easily D. mainly
22. A. make B. leave C. greet D. lose
23. A. trick B. secret C. present D. reward
24. A. surprised B. impressed C. satisfied D. interested
(2023·江苏常州·中考统考真题)Last year in early summer, I was walking up the hill to my house when I saw two birds, each about 60 centimetres tall, standing on the path. They didn’t seem to ___11___ me until I was right in front of them and then they at once moved quickly into the bushes.
I was quite excited by the idea of two birds making a nest (巢) in my front yard, although I didn’t really expect them to ___12___ wild birds don’t usually nest so close.
A few weeks later, the birds ___13___ again. I found them crouching beside a tree off to the side of the path. As I moved nearer to them, I ___14___ that they would run away like they did last time. But instead they stuck out their heads and made a threatening (威胁的) croaking (呱呱叫) sound. It seemed to warn me not to go any ___15___.
I didn’t know why they were croaking at me until a short time later I made an amazing ___16___: they had two small baby birds.
As I moved quietly towards the birds, ___17___ not to make any sudden movements, they started their croaking again. They straightened their necks forward so they seemed ___18___ and more threatening. The mother carefully crouched down over the chicks, and ___19___ her babies well in her feathers.
I was watching them with ___20___ when I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. The birds took this as a threat and the father raced towards me, ___21___ his wings to protect the mother and the chicks while making himself appear larger.
I was ___22___ to have surprised them and left quickly. I was amazed by their fearless actions. Their parental natural ability kicked in and made them so courageous. It is hard not to respect nature.
11. A. notice B. welcome C. follow D. believe
12. A. when B. until C. because D. while
13. A. fought B. flew C. screamed D. appeared
14. A. explained B. imagined C. confirmed D. remembered
15. A. nearer B. faster C. earlier D. deeper
16. A. discovery B. contribution C. achievement D. agreement
17. A. patient B. curious C. careful D. polite
18. A. wider B. longer C. weaker D. smaller
19. A. pulled B. shook C. touched D. hid
20. A. trust B. courage C. confidence D. respect
21. A. shutting B. spreading C. controlling D. breaking
22. A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. proud
(2023·江苏镇江·中考统考真题)I remember the year when I was seven years old. I ___16___ a pretty hair clip from a girl in my dance class. My ___17___ found the shiny clip was not bought by them. So they sat me down on the floor of our study and explained ___18___ what I had done was wrong. What a bad end I would come to if I became a thief—people would not trust me any more.
More than thirty years on, the lesson has reminded me a lot. I’ve never taken ___19___ that was not mine away. Once, I left a store wearing a pair of sunglasses I’d tried on and then I ___20___ gave it back. But that gave me the feeling of shame for months.
Though my childhood memories are not ___21___, such moments when my parents told me good values are always in my mind. They provided a standard of good ___22___: to put myself in others’ shoes and to control my greed(贪欲).
The social environment in the coming age ___23___ each generation’s value, but families have the deeper effect on children. The right values from our parents can finally lead us to ___24___.
I believe in truth because my parents raise me to do so, even though sometimes my opinions are different from theirs. I believe in ___25___ because my parents set me good examples. They cure the sick and visit the lonely. I believe in working hard because my parents devote themselves to the society. Good values from my family have shaped me. And I will pass them on to my kids.
16. A. borrowed B. discovered C. stole D. pulled
17. A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. parents
18. A. why B. where C. how D. when
19. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything
20. A. quickly B. simply C. happily D. easily
21. A. wonderful B. clear C. funny D. different
22. A. abilities B. qualities C. scores D. services
23. A. confirms B. decides C. influences D. proves
24. A. look up B. grow up C. turn up D. hurry up
25. A. kindness B. fitness C. carefulness D. happiness
(2022·江苏南京·中考统考真题)Worms. Smell, round, slimy worms. These worms only eat leaves ___16___ they eat all the time. They eat so much that a silkworm ___17___ in weight 10, 000 times in about a month.These worms are a kind of caterpillar and each goes through a ___18___ where it makes a cocoon, lives inside it and then comes out as a moth(飞蛾). The cocoon of a silkworm is made of one thread of silk about 1,000 feet long!
The story of ___19___ silk began goes back to ancient China. There is a story that a princesses was in her garden having a cup of tea under a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon, felt into her teacup. When she took it out, the thread started to unwind(展开), and she ___20___ it was one long thread. Later she gathered many cocoons and wove a piece of cloth for the emperor. This beautiful ___21___, silk, was known as the “cloth of kings.”
In order to produce a high-quality silk, the ancient Chinese had ___22___ for raising silkworms. Baby silkworms had to rest on dry mats and ate, slept, and played together. The ones that were different from the others were fed to fish. In order to make baby silkworms grow more ___23___, they were touched with a feather. The person who ___24___ the silkworms was called the “silkworm mother”. She had to wear simple clothes so the air around the worms was disturbed. She was also not allowed to wear make-up or eat garlic. Some of these ancient ___25___ still survive today.
Today silk is not only used for beautiful clothes but also for parachutes and bicycle tires!
16. A. because B. unless C. but D. or
17. A. relaxes B. increases C. remains D. loses
18. A. feeling B. decision C. period D. competition
19. A. how B. why C. what D. which
20. A produced B. discovered C. expected D.designed
21. A. method B. invention C. technology D. material
22. A. signs B. marks C. rules D. clues
23. A. heavily B. clearly C. quickly D. widely
24. A. spread B. described C. counted D. watched
25. A. traditions B. organizations C. imaginations D. challenges
(2022·江苏苏州·中考统考真题)Like most children growing up in the countryside, Mike loved being outdoors and traveled around every inch of the area.
With a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish to ___1___ it. When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers, he got ___2___ . He knew he had to do something. While only in third grade, Mike started a group. Its purpose was to ___3___ the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers.
But Mike faced a challenge. As he was ___4___, he found it hard to speak out in public. However, with his mom’s help, Mike ___5___ dealt with his fear. He said, “I took responsibility(责任)and did what needed to be done. When your heart is into it, ___6___ will stop you.”
Mike worked hard to ___7___ his idea to the public. He handed out leaflets and even appeared on radio and TV. His efforts paid off. He won ___8___ from several thousand people. And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish.
Now as a college student, Mike’s ___9___ remains the same. He often says, “I want to create a ___10___ life for my kids and grandkids. It’s beautiful countryside, where I’m from, and I want my kids to see it like I see it.”
1. A. practise B. protect C. prepare D. provide
2. A. weak B. tired C. relaxed D. angry
3. A. clean up B. break into C. set up D. move into
4. A. shy B. sad C. proud D. polite
5. A. clearly B. carefully C. successfully D. traditionally
6. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything
7 A. accept B. change C. follow D. introduce
8. A. courage B. victory C. support D. reward
9. A. wish B. chance C. luck D. fear
10. A. busier B. harder C. better D. crazier
(2022·江苏无锡·中考统考真题)On the first morning of a new term, Jared remembered the things he didn’t like about school: Jessica, maths and reading aloud.
Jared ___15___ to stay at home, but his mom sent him anyway. He had to sit next to Jessica. At reading time, Mrs. Thomas asked Jared to read. Reading aloud always made Jared ___16___ . As he picked up the book, his hands shook. “He can’t read,” Jessica said. “I didn’t call on you, did I ” asked Mrs. Thomas. Jared made a ___17___ .
During the break time, Jessica whispered to him, “When Mom brings my cute kittens(小猫)to school for show-and-tell, don’t even think about ___18___ them.”
The four kittens arrived in a box covered with a piece of screen. Everyone except Jared held them. When Jared picked up his pen from the floor, he looked into the box, saying, “Stupid kittens.”
After show-and-tell, the children took out their maths books.
Then Philip said, “Hey, where are the kittens ” The box was ___19___.
“Oh no!” Jessica cried and told Mrs. Thomas. “Jared said they were stupid.”
“I didn’t ___20___ it.” Jared’s face turned red.
“Look at the radiator(散热器)!” Angela said. Tiny grey paws pushed out from under the radiator cover. Alex yelled, “Kitten!” But the kitten disappeared at once.
The bell rang, and the class went out for a break. When Jared passed the empty box, he saw kitten treats. He then had a(n)___21___ . He threw the treats on the floor. A kitten came out. Jared waited until it was eating. Then another... Soon the other kittens were eating. Jared gently put them in the box. Mrs. Thomas put a book on the screen so they couldn’t run ___22___ again.
“Class, Jared helped the kittens out,” Mrs. Thomas announced. Everyone ___23___.
“Thanks,” whispered Jessica. “You’re the greatest.”
Jared was so ___24___ that when he read, his hands didn’t shake. That day, Jared felt the new term might not be so bad.
15. A. agreed B. wanted C. managed D. happened
16. A. tired B. angry C. bored D. nervous
17. A. face B. joke C. mistake D. decision
18. A. taking B. touching C. catching D. carrying
19. A. stolen B. dirty C. broken D. empty
20. A. say B. make C. mean D. know
21. A. idea B. answer C. rest D. guess
22. A. away B. forward C. back D. upwards
23. A. doubted B. cheered C. regretted D. complained
24. A. brave B. stressed C. happy D. surprised
(2022·江苏常州·中考统考真题)The three men were moving down a fast and rocky river. Thornton was in the boat, while Hans and Pete had to move along the river bank, holding the boat with a rope. Buck, the dog, followed them, keeping a(n) ___11___ eye on Thornton.
They came to a more ___12___ part of the river, and the boat started to go too quickly. Hans pulled on the rope to stop it, but pulled it too hard. The boat ___13___, and Thornton was thrown into the water.
Buck jumped in at once and swam three hundred meters until he ___14___ Thornton. Then Buck returned, with Thornton holding his tail. Buck swam towards the river bank. But they moved ___15___. Thornton knew they would not get to the bank quickly enough, so he let go of Buck, held on to a rock in the middle of the water, and ___16___, “Go, Buck, go!”
Buck swam as hard as he could to the bank, and Pete and Hans pulled him out.
It was hard for Thornton to hold on to his rock in that ___17___ water, and his friends knew they had only a few minutes to save him. They ___18___ their rope round Buck, who at once jumped into the river and tried to swim to Thornton. The first time, the water took him ___19___ the rock, and Pete and Hans had to pull him back. The second time, he swam higher up the river. ___20___, the water brought him down to Thornton. Thornton held on to Buck, and Hans and Pete pulled the rope as hard as they could. Man and dog disappeared under the water, ___21___ rocks, turning over and over, sometimes with Buck on top, sometimes Thornton. When Hans and Pete finally pulled them out, both seemed more dead than alive. But after a while their eyes opened and ___22___ returned. They all smiled.
11. A. worried B. satisfied C. surprised D. excited
12. A. important B. famous C. dangerous D. interesting
13. A. turned up B. turned over C. turned down D. turned off
14. A. lost B. saw C. saved D. reached
15. A. carelessly B. slowly C. wisely D. simply
16. A. shouted B. complained C. replied D. joked
17. A. secret B. clear C. dirty D. wild
18. A. tied B. limited C. relaxed D. mixed
19. A. under B. past C. inside D. through
20. A. Otherwise B. Moreover C. However D. Instead
21. A. lifting B. controlling C. hitting D. breaking
22. A. fear B. love C. trust D. life
(2022·江苏镇江·中考统考真题)This summer, when I walked into my grandparents’ house with my little brother Frank, I tried not to look at Grandpa’s chair anyway. It still looked the same. His blue ___16___ was there, as if Grandpa was going to pull it over his legs. My cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if ___17___ had happened. “Let’s go to catch fish!” Jack ___18___ the fish net from the corner, Grandpa’s net.
Last summer, I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me ___19___ I could help him teach Frank how to play chess. I said no because I wanted to catch fish. Grandpa had been the one who’d taught us how to catch fish, but then the ___20___ made him stay behind.
I ___21___ saying no to Grandpa, and now I wouldn’t have chance to play chess with him.
When we reached the stream, we began to catch fish. Suddenly, Jack shouted, “Frank is shaking.” We hadn’t brought anything to keep ___22___ so I had to send him home.
Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and ___23___ put Grandpa’s blue blanket around him. As I went to the stream again to meet Jack, I looked back at Frank with that old blanket. Something seemed to ___24___ me at that moment. Everything was just like before, but Grandpa was gone.
I walked to Frank. “Did Grandpa teach you to play chess last summer ” I asked. “No, Grandpa was too sick then.” he said, “I miss him.”
“Me, too.” When I said it, I knew Grandpa was never gone. What ___25___ us was still there. It could be the fish net. It could be the chess. It could be the blue blanket.
16. A. sweater B. blanket C. scarf D. tie
17. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything
18. A. put out B. carried out C. pulled out D. handed out
19. A. whether B. when C. why D. how
20. A. schoolwork B. business C. housework D. illness
21. A. avoided B. imagined C. regretted D. considered
22 A. cool B. warm C. sleepy D. awake
23. A. peacefully B. politely C. quietly D. quickly
24. A. hit B. fit C. follow D. beat
25. A. stopped B. surprised C. controlled D. connected
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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